Islamic Dream Interpretation: Meaning of Dreams in Islam – I

Islamic Dream Dictionary: Meaning of Dreams in Islam
By Shaad Ahmed

Islamic dream dictionary with dream interpretation related to Islam and the Prophet: Includes the meaning of dreams about: Call to prayer, Bathing, Birds, Blowing, Clothing, Cover, Cows: Fat cows, Lean Cows, Fresh Dates, Ripe Dates, Door or Gate, Opening a Door, Egg, Elevation, Flowing Spring, Furnishing, Garden, Receiving a Gift, Gold, Hajj, Hand-hold, Keys, Laughing, Leg irons, Makkah, Marriage, Milk, Mountains, Pearls, Reconciliation, Right Side, Room, Rope, Ruler, Sexual Intercourse , Ship, Shirt, Silk Cloth, Sword.

See also: Meaning of Dreams

“True dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from satan” [Sahih of Bukhari, Vol 9 p 95, no 113]


Most books on dream interpretation are either attributed to Muhammad ibn Seereen (653-729 CE): english publication of Muhammad Al Akili’s 508 page work entitled ‘Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams: According to Islamic Innertraditions’ in 1992, followed shortly thereafter by ‘Dreams and Interpretations’ by Ibn Seereen.

However, Ibn Seereen, without a shaddow of a doubt, did not write any book on dream interpretation. He did, however, write a compilation of Abu Huraira’s narrations from the Prophet (pbuh) along with the opinions of Abu Huraira. This text was kept by his brother, Yahyaa ibn Seereen, because Muhammed ibn Seereen, in his later days, did not like to keep books. [Tareekh, vol 2 p 14b by Yaqoob al Fasawee and quoted in Studies in Early hadith literature p 38]

NOTE: In the below narrations there was mention of the Prophets, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all; mentioning of the companions (male and female), may Allah be pleased with them; and of course mentioning of dreams. We should be careful to realise that in many of the explanations above the reference is to ‘may’, that is, seeing such a thing in a dream ‘MAY’ indicate that ‘such and such’ was seen. Thus as none of us have the fortune of being a Prophet, nor do we have the fortune of being in the company of Prophet Joseph – who excelled in dream interpretation – we should consider the matters above with caution.

General Dreams

Call to prayer

ATHAAN (call to prayer): Seeing oneself giving the call to prayer may indicate one’s plans for Hajj will succeed. [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 224]

Based on: “Proclaim the Hajj to mankind” [Surah al Hajj (22): 27]


BATHING: Dreaming of oneself bathing in cool water may refer to Allah’s acceptance of one’s repentance, a cure from sickness and/or the lifting of a calamity. [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 220]

Based on: Verses referring to Prophet Job (Ayoob) “This is a cool water to bathe in and a refreshing drink. And I returned his family to him, and along with them a similar number of additional offspring” [Surah Saad (38): 42-43]


BIRDS: Seeing birds flying or circling over one’s head in a dream may indicate the attainment of an administrative post. [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 221]

Based on: Verses referring to Prophet David (Daoud) “The birds assembled, and all (with David) turned to (Allah in praise and repentance) and I strengthened his dominion” [Surah Saad (38_: 19-20]


BLOWING: Blowing away something or someone disliked in a dream indicates that the problem will soon be eliminated. [Sahih of Muslim, Sharh an Nawawee vol 8 p 39]

Based on: Abu Huraira (ra) quoted Prophet Muhammad saying “While sleeping, I saw two gold bangles on my hands. This disturbed me, but I was inspired to blow on them, so I blew on them and they flew away. I interpreted the two bangles as the two great liars who would appear after me, and one of them is al Ansee from Sanaa, and the other, Musaylimah, from Yamaamah” [Sahih of Muslim, vol 4 pp 1228-9 no 5650]

Clothing, Cover

CLOTHING/COVER: Seeing clothing or a cover in a dream may refer to a husband or wife according to the metaphor ‘libaas’ (meaning: clothing/cover). [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 221]

Based on: “They (wives) are a cover for you and you are a cover for them” [Surah al Baqara (2): 187]

Cows: Fat cows, Lean Cows

COWS: Fat cows indicate a good yield of harvest while lean cows indicate a poor yield.

Based on: Prophet Joseph’s (Yusuf’s) dream “O Joseph!” (he said) “O man of truth! expound to us (the dream) of seven fat kind whom seven lean ones devour and of seven green ears of corn and (seven) others withered: that I may return to the people and that they may understand.” (Joseph) said: “For seven years shall ye diligently sow as is your wont: and the harvests that ye reap ye shall leave them in the ear except a little of which ye shall eat. “Then will come after that (period) seven dreadful (years) which will devour what ye shall have laid by in advance for them (all) except a little which ye shall have (specially) guarded. “Then will come after that (period) a year in which the people will have abundant water and in which they will press (wine and oil).” [Surah Yusuf (12): 46-49]

Fresh Dates

DATES: If one sees fresh Ibn Taab dates in a dream, it indicates that one’s practise of the religion will become better.

Based on: Anas ibn Malik (ra) quoted Prophet Muhammad saying “Last night I dreamt that we were in the house of Uqbah ibn Raafi and were brought some Ibn Taab fresh dates. I interpreted it as meaning that eminence in this world will be granted to us, a blessed hereafter, and that our religion has become good” [Sahih of Muslim, vol 4 p 1228 no 5647; Sunan of Abu Dawood, vol 3 p 1397 no 5007]

NB The Prophet derived the concept of a blessed hereafter (aaqibah) from the name Uqbah, he derived the eminence (rifah) from the name Raafi, and he derived becoming good i.e. complete (taaba) from the name Taab.

Ripe Dates

Dreaming of oneself eating ripe dates, acquiring them, etc. may signify Allah’s granting of provision, or a reminder to pay charity, or a reminder to avoid extravagance.

Based on: “It is He who produces gardens with trellises and without and dates and tilth with produce of all kinds and olives and pomegranates similar (in kind) and different (in variety): eat of their fruit in their season but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess: for Allah loveth not the wasters” [Surah al Anaam (6): 141]

Door or Gate

DOOR: Seeing oneself enter a door or a gate in a dream, may refer to the successful completion of a project, or the winning of an argument. [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 221]

Based on: Enter upon them though the gate. For when you enter victory will be yours” [Surah al Maidah (5): 23]

Opening a Door

Opening a door in a dream may refer to the acceptance of a supplication or the need to make one, according to the derivation of the word ‘istiftaah’, [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 220]

Based on: “If you ask for a judgement, the judgement has come” (In tastaftihu faqad ja akumul fathu) [Surah al Anfaal (8): 19]


EGG: Seeing an egg in a dream may refer to a woman, according to the metaphor used in Quran referring to the maidens of paradise. [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 220]

Based on: “And they will have with them chaste females with lowered, large, beautiful eyes; delicate and pure, like well preserved hidden eggs” [Surah as Saaffaat (37): 48-9]


ELEVATION: Seeing onself in a dream either elevated, ascending or in the sky may refer to an elevation in status or rank (rifah). [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 220]

Based on Prophet Idrees, where the word ‘rafanaa’ is used “And I raised him to a high station” (Wa rafanahu makanan aliy ya) [Surah Maryam (19): 57]

Flowing Spring

FLOWING SPRINGS: A flowing spring in a dream indicates continued reward for one’s good deeds.

Based on: Kharijah ibn Zaid ibn Thabit (ra) narrated that, Um Al-‘Ala an Ansari woman who had given the Pledge of allegiance to Allah’s Apostle said, (Uthman bin Maz’un came in our share when the Ansars drew lots to distribute the emigrants (to dwell) among themselves. He became sick and we looked after (nursed) him till he died. Then we shrouded him in his clothes. Allah’s Apostle came to us. I (addressing the dead body) said, ‘May Allah’s Mercy be on you, O Aba As-Sa’ib! I testify that Allah has honored you.’ The Prophet said, ‘How do you know that?’ I replied, ‘I do not know, by Allah.’ He said, ‘As for him, death has come to him and I wish him all good from Allah. By Allah, though I am Allah’s Apostle, I neither know what will happen to me, nor to you.( Um Al-‘Ala said, “By Allah, I will never attest the righteousness of anybody after that.” She added, “Later I saw in a dream, a flowing spring for ‘Uthman. So I went to Allah’s Apostle and mentioned that to him. He said, ‘That is (the symbol of) his good deeds (the reward for) which is going on for him.’ [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 pp119-20 no 145]


FURNISHING: Seeing furniture and rugs in a dream may indicate the coming of a time of rest or a break from a period of difficulty or it may imply the attainment of an administrative office which was sought. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 221]

Based on: “Reclining on couches lined with brocade and the fruits from the two gardens will be nearby” [Surah ar Rahman (55): 54]

Furnishing in a dream may also symbolise women and children.

Based on: “They will be on elevated couches. And I have specifically created them virgins who will love husbands of equal age” [Surah al Waaqiah (56): 34-37]


GARDEN: Seeing a garden in a dream indicates the richness of Islam.

Based on: Abdullah ibn Salaam said: (In a dream) I saw myself in a garden, and there was a pillar in the middle of the garden, and there was a handhold at the top of the pillar. I was asked to climb it. I said, “I cannot.” Then a servant came and lifted up my clothes and I climbed (the pillar), and then got hold of the handhold, and I woke up while still holding it. I narrated that to the Prophet who said, “The garden symbolizes the garden of Islam, and the handhold is the firm Islamic handhold which indicates that you will be adhering firmly to Islam until you die.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 117 no 142]

Receiving a Gift

GIFT: Recieving a gift in a dream may indicate a blessing of happiness. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 221]

Based on: “Indeed you are happy with your gift” [Surah an Naml (27): 36]


GOLD: Being given gold or finding gold may indicate finding a suitable wife or a successful marriage. The symbolism is derived when the Prophet restricted ornaments of gold to women.

Based on: Abdullab ibn Zurrayr related that he heard Ali ibn Abi Talib say that the Prophet took some silk in his right hand and some gold in his left hand. Then he said, “These two are forbidden to the males of my nation” [Sunan of Abu Dawood, vol 3 p 1133 no 4046; an Nasaee and Ahmad]


HAJJ: Hearing oneself congratulated on doing Hajj or Umrah indicates that it went well.

Based on: Abu Jamra Nasr bin ‘Imran Ad-Duba’i said, “I intended to perform Hajj-at-Tamattu’ and the people advised me not to do so. I asked Ibn Abbas regarding it and he ordered me to perform Hajj-at-Tammatu’. Later I saw in a dream someone saying to me, ‘Hajj-Mabrur (Hajj performed in accordance with the Prophet’s tradition without committing sins and accepted by Allah) and an accepted ‘Umra.’ So I told that dream to Ibn Abbas. He said, ‘This is the tradition of Abul-Qasim.’ Then he said to me, ‘Stay with me and I shall give you a portion of my property.’ ” I (Shu’ba) asked, “Why (did he invite you)?” He (Abu Jamra) said, “Because of the dream which I had seen.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 2 p 373 no 638]

Hajj-at-Tammatu: this is Umrah combined with Hajj in which the pilgrim is allowed to leave his state of consecration (ihraam) after the completion of the Umrah

Hajj-Mabrur: which means ‘may your Hajj be righteous’

Abdul-Qasim: this was Prophet Muhammad’s nickname, derived from the name of his son, al Qaasim


HAND-HOLD: Grasping a hand-hold in a dream indicates that one will continue to hold firmly to Islam.

Based on: Abdullah bin Salaam said: (In a dream) I saw myself in a garden, and there was a pillar in the middle of the garden, and there was a handhold at the top of the pillar. I was asked to climb it. I said, “I cannot.” Then a servant came and lifted up my clothes and I climbed (the pillar), and then got hold of the handhold, and I woke up while still holding it. I narrated that to the Prophet who said, “The garden symbolizes the garden of Islam, and the handhold is the firm Islamic handhold which indicates that you will be adhering firmly to Islam until you die.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 117 no 142]


KEYS: Seeing keys in one s hand, or receiving keys in a dream, indicates the receipt of administrative authority. [Saheeh Muslim: Sharh an Nawawee, vol 8 p 39]

Based on: Abu Huraira said: The Prophet said, “I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with awe (cast into the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping last night, the keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me till they were put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle left (this world) and now you people are carrying those treasures from place to place. [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 106 no 127; Sahih of Muslim, vol 1 p 266 no 1063]


LAUGHING: Dreaming of oneself laughing in a dream may refer to the arrival of good news, good times. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 221]

Based on: “Some faces on that day will be bright, laughing and rejoicing at the good news” [Surah Abasa (8): 38-9]

Leg irons

LEG IRONS: Seeing oneself bound in leg-irons indicates stability in the religion.

Based on: Muhammad ibn Seereen said: “Abu Huraira hated to see neck irons (metallic neck collars) in a dream, and people generally liked to see leg-irons. Leg-irons were said to symbolise one’s constant and form adherence to religion” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 118-9 no 144]

Imam an Nawawee noted that the reason shakles (qayd) on the feet were liked was because they indicate avoiding sin and evil (i.e. the feet are prevented from taking the body to corruption). On the other hand, shackles (ghull) on theneck is one of the characteristics of those in Hell (Quran 13:5, 34:33, 36:8 and 40:71). [Sharh an Nawawee, vol 8 p 28]


MAKKAH: Seeing oneself entering Makkah in a dream may refer to a state of security and peace. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 221]

Based on: “Whoever enters Makkah will be secure” [Surah al Imran (3): 97]


MARRIAGE: Dreaming of oneself getting married may indicate an impeding marriage. If there are no marriage plans at the time of the dream, one may propose to the women shown in the dream.

Based on: Aisha said: Allah’s Apostle said to me, “You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, ‘Uncover (her),’ and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), ‘If this is from Allah, then it must happen.’Later I dreamt of the angel carrying someone in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), ‘Uncover (her),’ and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), ‘If this is from Allah, then it must happen.’ ” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 115-6 no 140]


MILK: Receiving milk in a dream means that religious knowledge has been granted.

Based on: Abdullah ibn Umar said: Allah’s Apostle said, “While I was sleeping, I was given a bowl full of milk (in the dream) and I drank from it (to my fill) till I noticed its wetness coming out of my limbs. Then I gave the rest of it to ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab.” The persons sitting around him, asked, “What have you interpreted (about the dream) O Allah’s Apostle?” He said, “It is (religious) knowledge.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 112 no 135]


MOUNTAINS: Seeing mountains in a dream means that you are going to Canada. LOL just joking to see if anyone has made it this far.

Seeing mountains in a dream may indicate the attainment of an administrative post.

Based on: Verses to Prophet David “Indeed, I made the mountains glorify our praises along with David in the evening andin the morning…and I strengthened his dominion” [Surah Saad (38): 18 & 20]


PEARLS: Dreaming of pearls may indicate Allah’s granting of a mater, male or female, which refer to the young men and women of paradise granted to the believers.

Based on: “And their will be large eyed maidens like hidden pearls” [Surah al Waqiah (56): 22-3]

“And there will be young men of perpetual youth serving them; if you saw the youths, you would think that they were scattered pearls” [Surah al Insaan (76): 19]


RECONCILIATION: Seeing a reconciliation in a dream may refer to a good settlement of one’s affairs. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 221]

Based on: “There is nothing wrong in making peace between themselves, for reconciliation is better” [Surah an Nisa (4): 128]

Right Side

RIGHT SIDE: If one dreams of being led to the right side of a location, it indicates achieving a state of security or an escape from harm.

Based on: Ibn Umar said: Men from the companions of Allah’s Apostle used to see dreams during the lifetime of Allah’s Apostle and they used to narrate those dreams to Allah’s Apostle. Allah’s Apostle would interpret them as Allah wished. I was a young man and used to stay in the mosque before my wedlock. I said to myself, “If there were any good in myself, I too would see what these people see.” So when I went to bed one night, I said, “O Allah! If you see any good in me, show me a good dream.” So while I was in that state, there came to me (in a dream) two angels. In the hand of each of them, there was a mace of iron, and both of them were taking me to Hell, and I was between them, invoking Allah, “O Allah! I seek refuge with You from Hell.” Then I saw myself being confronted by another angel holding a mace of iron in his hand. He said to me, “Do not be afraid, you will be an excellent man if you only pray more often.” So they took me till they stopped me at the edge of Hell, and behold, it was built inside like a well and it had side posts like those of a well, and beside each post there was an angel carrying an iron mace. I saw therein many people hanging upside down with iron chains, and I recognized therein some men from the Quraish. Then (the angels) took me to the right side. I narrated this dream to (my sister) Hafsa and she told it to Allah’s Apostle. Allah’s Apostle said, “No doubt, ‘Abdullah is a good man.” (Nafi’ said, “Since then ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar used to pray much.)” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 127-8 no 155]

Hafsah was his sister and she was also one of the Prophet’s wives

Nafi was the freed slave of Ibn Umar, who became his student and one of the most outstanding scholars of his time


ROOM: Dreaming of oneself in a room or in different rooms, may refer to being safefrom what one fears.

Based on: “They will reside in rooms in peace and security” [Surah Saba (34): 37]


ROPE: Seeing a rope in a dream and grabbing hold of it, may indicate one’s adherance to the covenant with God and Islam. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 220]

Based on: “Hold on firmly to the rope of Allah and do not become divided” [Surah al Imran (3): 103]


RULER: Being addressed by a ruler in a dream may refer to the attainment of a high post or rank. [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 220]

“When he (the ruler) spoke to him, he said, ‘Indeed, today you are considered an established, trustworthy person'” [Surah Yusuf (12): 54]

Sexual Intercourse

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE: Dreams of sexual intercourse are fundamentally satanic and therefore not interpretable. However, they may only be classified as good dreams if the people involved are married.

If a person has an orgasm while dreaming, taking a complete ritual bath (ghusl) is obligatory on that individual to attain the state of purity (taharaah) necessary to make formal prayers.

Anas ibn Malik reported that Umm Sulaym came to the Prophet while he was with Aisha and asked him, “O Messenger of Allah, when a woman sees and experiences in a dream what a ma does, what should she do?”. Aisha remarked, “O Umm Sulaym, you have humiliated women, May your right hand be covered in dust”. The Prophet said to Aisha, “May your right hand be covered in dust”. He then said to Umm Sulaym, “O Umm Sulaym, she should take ghusl if she sees any discharge” [Sahih of Muslim, vol 1 p 178 no 607]

Right hand be covered in dust: this is an Arabic statement of disapproval


SHIP: Seeing a ship in a dream may mean success or escape. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 220]

Based on: Prophet Noah “Then I saved him and those with him in the shop, and made it a lesson for all of the worlds” [Surah al Ankaboot (29): 15]


SHIRT: Wearing a shirt in a dream indicates adherences to the religion. The longer the shirt, the greater commitment to Islam.

Abu Said ul Khudri said: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “While I was sleeping, I saw (in a dream) the people being displayed before me, wearing shirts, some of which (were so short that it) reached as far as their breasts and some reached below that. Then ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab was shown to me and he was wearing a shirt which he was dragging (behind him).” They asked. What have you interpreted (about the dream), O Allah’s Apostle?” He said, “The religion.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 113-4 no 137]

Silk Cloth

SILK CLOTH: Receiving or giving silk cloth in a dream may indicate impending marriage. Since silk garments are restricted to women, dreaming about silk may be symbolic of a woman.

Based on: Aisha said “Allah’s Apostle said to me, “You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, ‘Uncover (her),’ and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), ‘If this is from Allah, then it must happen.’ Then you were shown to me, the angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), ‘Uncover (her),’ and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), ‘If this is from Allah, then it must happen.’ ” [Sahih of Bukhari vol 9 p 115-6 no 140]

Dreaming of oneself flying in paradise holding a piece of silk cloth indicates righteousness in the individual.

Based on: Ibn Umar said: I saw in a dream a piece of silken cloth in my hand, and in whatever direction in Paradise I waved it, it flew, carrying me there. I narrated this (dream) to (my sister) Hafsa and she told it to the Prophet who said, (to Hafsa), “Indeed, your brother is a righteous man,” or, “Indeed, ‘Abdullah is a righteous man.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 118 no 143]


SWORD: Seeing a sword in a dream refers to one’s companions and supporters coming to their aid. [Saheeh Muslim: Sharh an Nawawee, vol 8 p 38]

Based on: Abu Musa said: The Prophet said, “I saw in a dream that I waved a sword and it broke in the middle, and behold, that symbolized the casualties the believers suffered on the Day (of the battle) of Uhud. Then I waved the sword again, and it became better than it had ever been before, and behold, that symbolized the Conquest (of Mecca) which Allah brought about and the gathering of the believers.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 133-4 no 164]

2,392 comments on “Islamic Dream Interpretation: Meaning of Dreams in Islam – I

  1. It’s great.I’ve wanted to find out the meaning of my dreams all year long. Can you please interpret the meaning of seeing prophet handing a thermometer with his companions. And in another dream of mine I saw him praying in a garden with his companions.Can you please interpret them for me.

    • assalamu alaikum.. hello i want to know how u guessed prophet in your dream it might be someone else know how u think like that pls tell me… some say they saw ALLAH in dream i cant understand pls help me…

      • Asalaamalaikum,i even ahd a dream where i saw prophet Muhammad{SAW},i dont remember much his face,but he was pretty young….maybe during 25-35 age…..before seeing i heard a voice,”you wanted to see your prophet,you shall see now”…then his face flashed for a second and it just went…..i was pretty confused after i saw that dream

          • You can’t tell anyone that they are going to go to heaven because of a dream. No one has the right to do that. The dream, however is a very good sign and as the other comment mentioned- you really have sen the prophet. Its a good sign because not many people get to.

          • you cant say any one if he is jannati or jahanami
            Hazrat Mohamaad (S.L.A.W.W) said , ” I am prophet of Allah and I dont know what going to happen to me “

          • i have had a dream where i am playing soccer in a pitch black field. it was not in earth but somewhere in space. i could not see earth. a man told me to come to him and i said no. then some kind of force pulled me to him. he said to me look up. i looked up and everything was normal.he said to me look up. i looked up and everything was normal.he said to me look up. i looked up and everything was normal. he said look and i looked up and i see the moon shaped really weird. he said look up again and i see Allah name on the moon in Arabic. the person said look up and i look up again and i see kalima tayyab. i could not read it but in my heart i knew it kalima tayyab. so it passed me in colorful colors and then i woke up. i think the reason why i was not in earth is because it might mean i will be close to Allah.
            plz tell me what this dream means


          • I wanted to see the prophet too in my dreams but it never happens, the prophet said in a hadith those people who sees me in a dreams he truly sees me because iblis cannot copy the body of a prophet

        • Aswk…….i also had a dream of Prophet(SAW)…..i did not see him .i just saw dat i was standing wid many people in a kind of big hall and all were very hyper to c sum1.den an announcement was made dat “sab log apni aankhein band kar len, huzoor SAW aa rahe hain”and wen i was closing my eyes…the speaker said to me k aap kyon apni aankh band kar rahi hain,i don’t rmmbr d whole thing but den after dat i felt a cool breeze across my face….it was himSAW only……it was a great dream.can’t express it.

        • I am really confused since I have seen prophet Mohammed (s.a.w ) …. and I was watching one series on TV and it was one preist (he was ghost) he appeard only in front of one girl.In my dream that preist was the prophet (s.a.w) I was in an old arabic house and he came to me ,he sit beside me and he told me that he was my father and I started crying and feeling unusually happy ,sad but in the same time grateful to him,he was consoling me and he had calmed look on his face…. (the most beautiful dream I have ever had, and I thank God I am moselem,this dream I had 10 years ago when I was 3rd grade of elementary and I feel dissappointed into myself since my beliefe today is not so seeable (but it is always in the heart))

          • assalaamu aleikum. Dear Sister. There is an Aya in the Quran where Allah says about Nabi Muhammed. He is not a father of your sons he is a Rasul for Allah and a Seal of the Prophets.

      • it is what you feel in a dream that is more true then seeing,if in a dream you felt and knew it was ALLAH or the prophet,then is truly is,dreams are a different spiritual world,lies are unspoken in that world,feeling are true,nothing is a lie in ALLAHS world,who are you to see we must see?!

    • Hello

      i am a muslim girl. i had dream that some body said to me don’t warry there is a silk cotton from our prophet Mohammad (peace upon to him) for you. i saw this peices of cotton contain three color. the top was green color the middle was yellow color and the bottom was the cotton or cloth was red color. i know green color is very good but what is yellow color.

      i will be grateful if you translate this dream for me

      many thank in advance

      • Salam,
        yellow color refers to as anew beginning ,whilst the red one indicates activeness and the dream is a very good omen for you that Allah would like you to take HIS religeon more seriously and if you do then you can gain a lot respect .
        Almighty Allah will give you Hidayat to understand the religious and hence help the people.

        • Hi! İ have seen a dream today and would really appreciate if you could help me with interpretation as İ’m clueless.. İ’m a muslim woman.
          İ saw two girls that İ know holding me tight saying to me that İ am a satan. Then they wrote a word in arabic (which İ forgot since İ dont speak arabic) on my hand. My body began to tremble and there was i light coming from that symbol on my hand. İ began to cry, saying that İ’m not a satan, İ’m an angel. Then i saw a tunnel and a man dressed hero-like in black, with a mask. Someone was saying to me that he was not a satan, but a dark angel and that he was actually helping people, so he was a good one. And that was it..
          Could you please tell me what it could mean?
          Thank you so much in advance!

          Best regards,


      • The dream that you saw had a very clear message. The silk cotton is Almasih Aisa, the three colors are his deity, God the father , God the Son and God the Holly Spirit three in one God. The top was green, green color is everlasting sign of living , yellow is sign for sickness, as it reads in the bible by His stripes we are healed. The color red his his blood that was shed to cleanse you from your sins. The message is that you have to be born again! God bless you!

        • Please keep your pagan god like comments on your somewhere else. God is one. God has no partner. the biggest lie spoken is that God has a son. God was not born. Jesus was born. anything that is born has a beginning and end. its an incident. God is beginningless and endless. God was not created, Jesus was. God is the creator. Everything else is creation. So Lady, please confirm youth faith in the Oness of God i.e. Say: I bear witness that there is no diety of worship but Only God alone and that Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him is the final messenger of God. Also bear witness that Jesus peace be upon him is also a messenger of God. You will then be reborn.

    • slm, if u saw the Prophet (saw) in u dream then u saw him, this is a blessing for u from Allah (swt), u seeing him in the garden praying, this is also blessing u be close to them in the gardens of paradise.

      as for such dreams u should keep them to ur self, if u see good people will be jealous of u & could harm u by their words or intentions, also they will look down upon u what is special about u to have a such a dream so only tell those who can explain to u what is meaning to this other wise keep it to your self.

    • The prophet you saw in your dream is our healer, who then you saw him praying in the garden. He is the one that prayed for our eyes and ears to open.

  2. Assalamu alaikum, i wanted to know the interpretation of a dream in which my father who is alive at the moment is passing away . Also can you tell me the meaning of seeing a marriage to my own cousin. Jazakallah.

      • I knew people that saw someone dying and the person they saw actually died, and I also know people that saw someone dying that person lived along life.

    I dreamed about very religious people then I dream about giving the PrOPHETE MOHAMED (peace be upon him)food, after he finish eating after I asked him if it was good he raise his tumb and I felt very happy.
    Then lately I dreamed about an angel who was watching over me and when I turn my head he start flying up it is like my room did not have any roof, I felt that it was an ANGEL but he did not say anything I felt that something enter in my heart and lately I start being scared because it is so real.
    I thing it is an ANGEL.

    • brother, if you have seen prophet muhammad in your dream – then this is a sign that on the day you pass away you will 100% be a muslim – which god willing, means you are going to heaven brother. make duaa for me to see the prophet in my dreams also … maashaa2allah 🙂

      • As salaam alaikum.
        I also saw the Prophet (sws) in a dream and I make dua for you that you may be granted Janna Fardous and a beautiful life full of people who love you and the best of everything halal.

    • ma sha allah my dear brother/sister who seen this dream be greatful and in sha allah contineu with what you’re doing and increase in sha allah if you can…MAKE US DU’A TOO JAZAKHALLAHU KHEYRAN

    • Alhamdulillah !!
      you r such a pious person….Allah will surely bless u…and plz do pray 4 me…i m such a sinful girl…just pray 4 my hidayth…i want 2 be a good muslim…as i used 2 be once…every brother sister out there…plz pray dat i be shown da right path..and also be granted courage 2 stay on it…God bless u all!!

      • Salam Mahrukh. May Allah show you the right path and gives you success in this life and hereafter. Ameen. I would like to share some Islamic movies with you if you get my message you can email me at
        or anyone else also who want to know more about islam and want to be close to Allah send me an email. I will share with you. inshaAllah.



      • aoa,i dreamed that i alongeith my cousins have gone somewhere wearing long shirts and pyjamas and i find out that my trousers are very tight.what does tight clothes mean in a dream.thanks


    • Masyallah.. I almost have a similar dream like yours. Often, a female child would come up to me, hold my hands and I would take care of her. It is as if she was my child! I would dream of this young child every now and then, atleast 2-3 times a year!

  5. Assalam o Alaikam, I dreamt all my teeth are falling out. I know the interpretation is not good, what can I do to stop anything bad to happen? I have experienced this dream before and something really bad had happened then. Please, I’m really worried. Thankyou

    • AsalaamuAlaikum,
      We are muslims and we have to believe in Qadr ( the devine Decree), Allah has sent us here in this world for a test, and we have to accept everything Allah does and be patient, as far as your dream is concerned, the meaning depends if you exactly tell me did all your teeth fall or only the molars ? or upper teeth or lower teeth. The teeth symbolise relatives and it can symolise the death of a relative depending upon the teeth you saw falling.

        • Salam ,
          i would like to know the interpretations of the following dreams i had which by the way are getting me worried.
          1- i dreamed of all teeth falling out
          2- i had some kind of sexual intercourse with all my 3 bros
          3- and i dreamed of oxes which are being stolen

          Plz help me out. Jazakallah

        • hey ..i just had a question..i start having these nightmares in which i a getting harmed by someone or mostly there are bad spirits out to get me and i start repeating verses from the qur’ an and i wake up and there have been times that i tried waking up, but i couldnt and when i woke up i was breathless..and the most bazare dream was when my dream kepti on repeating ..the same night like without me waking ..there was no spirit involved, but it was me laying on my bed trying to get out of my room..and it just kept on repeating again and again until i woke up…if anyone knows let e know thanks

        • Salaam Mir Danial i have had a dream that one tooth from the top row (front teeth) and one tooth from the bottom row (also front teeth) have fallen out. What does this mean?

      • AsalaamuAlaikum

        I recently dreamt that my left upper pre-molar tooth had fallen out. I am a little worried and ask you what would it mean
        Thank You

    • I’ve had the same dream a few times before 1 resently and im thinking it means your will have a verbal fall out with someone close to you.

  6. A.A.W.W.
    Nephew dreamed of dead fishes laded on the farm. He wish to know What’s the Tafsir or the meaning of this Manam?

    Jasakum Allah


  7. i feel my self in qaba n near the grave of holy prophet (inside the roza rasool) n if i see any other worldlyy event it happens after some time in which i nerly escape or by fraction of seconds im saved from that even ( blast , earthquake etc ) ples help me out i am crazy in love of prophet n want to seek his guidence in dream ples help me out

  8. “MOUNTAINS: Seeing mountains in a dream means that you are going to Canada. LOL just joking to see if anyone has made it this far.”

    lol, i guess i did.

  9. please, what is it when you a petting a baby elephant in front of your home, this elephant is covered in some sort of slime or goo but i still pat him, it doesnt bother me,

  10. its a nice site which can help people in understanding meaning of dreams.keep it up .if possible ther can be ss an important site.earch engine can be included from where giving the subject people gets the knowledge.For examle i have an dream bathing in flood water ,i didnt find the meaning.However its an important site.

    • i had a dream about bathing too. the strange thing was that , while i was bathing, i was being watched by random people. and this was not a big issue in my dream…… i had this kind of dream twice, after 1 day.

  11. plz tell me that i have seen that when i brush my teeth &
    they started falling as they r attached with glue

    second i have seen the death of my aunt whose marriage is held

    • AsalaamuAlaikum,
      We are muslims and we have to believe in Qadr ( the devine Decree), Allah has sent us here in this world for a test, and we have to accept everything Allah does and be patient, as far as your dream is concerned, the meaning depends if you exactly tell me did all your teeth fall or only the molars ? or upper teeth or lower teeth. The teeth symbolise relatives and it can symolise the death of a relative depending upon the teeth you saw falling.
      2) Death : Death in the dream symbolises corruption of a person’s Deen while there will be glory, rank and honour for him in the world if such death is not accompanied by mourning, weeping, the carrying of a bier or corpse or the act of burying.

      If the corpse is seen as buried, it means there is no more hope for the improvement of his Deeni matters: the devil will take charge of his life and he will be overwhelmed by the quest of material wealth. Also the same number of people will be influence by the dreamer who number he had seen following his bier. He will dominated and subjugates them.

      On the contrary, if death is not accompanied by anything that suggest burial, mourning, weeping, giving of ghusl, takfeen, the carrying of the bier or corpse, it may mean that a portion of his house will be destroyed, or its wall or its timber will fall down. Some interpreters have said that perhaps he will weaken in the matter of his Deen and he will lose his insight and prudence

      You can contact me on


  12. on the same nite i had 3 visions of dream.. firstly i saw nose bleeding continuously but it wasnt spilling anywhere .. then i saw that im pregnant .. and 3rdly i saw some guest to our house , my father introduces him as a very pious person and he knows him , i take time to serve him but i serve the guests milk.


    • Asalaamualiakum,
      The dreams are not that the interpretation of dreams will be true to what it is interpreted as,
      I thnk that your dream means:
      3) Meeting someone with salaam : Marriage of you or any or your near relatve with him. and proposal will be accepted if he replies with salaam.
      4) Milk: Its a good sign. Maybe till now you are married and having a good life with abundance.
      Kindly reply to me at , if anything like what i have said happened or what else has happened. as you have seen the dream last october. awaiting your reply. wasalaam.

  13. I’ve always been curious to know what my dreams meant. I dreamt of my uncle’s tombstone and 3 hours later he passed away. I dreamt a friend shrink and news of her death reached me.I dreamt my grandma’s ascent in a bridal gown and she passed away a week later. I also dreamt of my led being injured and later I discovered I had weak knees. I frequently dream of mosques and beautiful places. I would like to know if dreams generally mean what’s in them or the opposite.Marriage is supposed to be death,correct me if Im wrong. Thanks!!

      • i keep having dreams of this guy i realy like hes muslim as well as i am and i see him alot and i know for a fact thaty he likes me.. like heres an example i had a dream that my family was at his house (his house in palestine which is ver close to ours) and we slept over at his house… i also had a dream that he gave me a stuffed animal with a necklace around the stuffed animals neck.. what can this possibly mean??
        is there a chance that me and him are going to end up together???

    • When you have a dream, please don’t discuss it with people you don’t know. Dreams are not easy to interpret. One has to have full knowledge of Quran and Sunnah in order to give you the exact interpretation. Good dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from Satan. Good dreams can be shared only with people you trust and bad dreams shouldn’t be discussed with anyone at all, period.
      Seeing Mosques and beautiful places in your dream is good. If you see someone getting married, means that person is going to die. It is important to know the entire dream though.

      • please if you had a dream that you front lower teeth (3) removed and one from upper removed also and you are standing in front of a mirror looking at the teeth, also you try to talk to some in the dream about you dream but he is praying. please what is the meaning of this dream can you please reply me on my email:

  14. salaam
    i had a dream where i saw myself on a swing which was being elevated upwards and as i was rising i was passing quran which i was kissing on my way up and then i reached the top and i saw a massive quran whiched i couldnt beleive my eyes as it was saw big and then i woke up
    if u could plz tell me wat this means

  15. I had a dream about stealing tons and tons of pearls all in diferent colors. different sizes. my sister and I were stuffing them in huge bags.we almost got away with it. and all theses pearls we tried to take from some bad poeple. ot almost felt in the dream that we weren’t stealing them. it felt like we were trying to get them back from thoses bad the end we did get most of them and we were showing them to some poeple. and then I woke up. it could tell me what this dream means. it woud be nice . thank you

    • It is related that in Baghdad some persons were seated together, relating their dreams to each other. One amongst them said : “Friends I wish to relate to you a strange dream I had seen. I saw a barber shaving off my beard and moustche. One awakening I proceeded to Imaam Ja’far Saadiq (RA) and related to him the dream. He said: You are to become embroiled in some difficulty owing to which you will lose your honour and respectability amongst the people. This will cause you much grief and sorrow. I was shocked by this interpretation. I returned home with difficulty and remained indoors for four days. One the fifth day I decided to go out for a walk When I reached the door of the masjid. I saw an old acquaintance of mine being led out of the jail.The jailers then began taking off his clothes in order to lash him. Suddenly his gaze fell on me and he began crying out: Hey So-and-so! I responded: I am present He said: It is through you that I have landed in this misery. Hey so-and-so! Whatever I have given you which you had carried to your house return it to its owner and free me from this misery! I said to him. I seek Allah’s protection from the accursed devil! For Allah’s sake! You have given me nothing at all and what you are accusing me of, is all a lie! He again said; For Allah’s sake, don’t become difficult! I have given you such and such clothing belonging to so-and-so and you have hidden it is your house!

      “Hearing all this the police arrested me straight away and put me behind bars. They began interrogating me about something that I had never done. After some days I was brought before the Qaadhi to face the charges brought against me. I was found guilty and awarded the penalty for theft.

      “I became popular in the whole of Baghdaad as an accomplice of thieves. But Allah’s bounties know no bounds. A few days before my hand was to be amputated, a son was born to the Khaleefah. In jubilation, he decided to released all prisoners amongst whom I was one. I thanked Allah a thousand times for favouring me with His special bounty. This is how my dream became a reality. I have never seen a dream come out so true as this one”.

  16. asalamulaikom
    I had a few dreams…some that had been bothering me for a while and then i had one last night and i would love to know what it means i searched a lot and could not get to a site that would help.
    well last night i had a beautiful dream well at least I thought i did, I saw Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) it was like we were in a war and then it kind of turned into his story of Hijrah from Makkah. We were trying to loose the enemies and kind of walking on this thin wall which had trees around it, I do not remember the prophet’s face but i do remember his beard and his turban. He was the leader and i was kind of walking by him but i guess i had bad manners or something but i started walking in front of him and he seem to not mind it he kind of let me take the lead. and i don’t remember the rest….btw I was on my menstrual period. so i wasn’t praying. i don’t know if that would make a difference but please let me know if anyone know the meaning to this. thanks a million

  17. Oh yeah and the other dreams i have had kind of freaked me out
    this is kinda sick but here i go….
    past summer i visited Afghanistan and had some bad experiences there but i kind of forgot as i went along i am not sure if there dreams have anything to do with that or not…
    Once i was back I started dreaming of people getting rapped or saw myself as the victim….in few dreams i found someone who would help in others i would help the victim or sometimes there was no help but i had the dreams for weeks different kind but still the same. I wanted to know wat that means.. Alhamdulillah I don’t have them anymore but what could it mean ..thanks

    • you lead the prophet instead of hom leading you. please in yo real life do not take the sunnas of the prophet for granted. follow his foot steps

  18. malika,are you really sure he is our prophet (pbuh).he could be osama bin afraid if this would not a good joking.well,my sister said any dreamt of prophet(pbuh) is true.Because Syaitan cannot appear as Him.

  19. Eyma,
    I am sure he was because there is a Hadith where the prophet Muhammd (pbuh) said Shytan could not apear as him so if we see him it means it is him. Ur sister was right. and y would u compare the Prophet to Osama Bin Laden that’s very stupid u know.

    • 1 – The one who sees the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a dream has to see him in his true form, at any stage of his life. So if a person claims to have seen light or a man with a completely white beard or a man wearing pants for example, these are not attributes of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), so this is not the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Shaytaan cannot appear in the true image of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but he can appear in other forms.

      It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, “Whoever sees me in a dream will see me when he is awake, and the Shaytaan cannot take my shape.” Al-Bukhaari said: Ibn Sireen said: If he sees him in his true image.

      Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6592; Muslim, 2266

      If a man told Ibn Sireen that he had seen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) [in a dream], he would say, “Describe to me the one whom you saw.” If he gave a description that he did not recognize, he would say, “You did not see him.” Its isnaad is saheeh.

      Al-Haakim narrated via ‘Aasim ibn Kulayb (who said), my father told me: I said to Ibn ‘Abbaas, “I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a dream.” He said, “Describe him to me.” He said, “I mentioned al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali and said that he looked like him.” He said, “You did indeed see him.” Its isnaad is jayyid.

      See Fath al-Baari, 12/383, 384.

      • My sister saw in a Dream that the grandmother of my other sister’s now exhusband (they were married at the time) called mé and my sister (Who saw this dream) up to her and blessed us both. While my sister’s exhusband was really furious about this in the dream. In real the grandmother actually had passed away a few days before my sister saw this dream..
        What does this dream mean?? Plz tell me.

        Jazakh Allah

  20. Salams, I saw myself in a dream serving tea to two women sitting n my right and three men infront of me sitting on a couch. The first time i poured the tea in the cups, the cups were not clean and I had to rinse them and pour them again. When i served it there were not enough cups for two of the men so I had to go back and get 2 more cups. So the first to get served were the 2 women and 1 man. what does this mean?
    thank you!

  21. salam,i saw a dream that i was flying with my husband over the ocean the water was very clear and looks very beautiful he was eating some thing and drop in ocean water the water was so clear that he found the food he was eating and put in his mouth and start eating again. what does this mean ?

  22. Salaam Alaykum,

    For years I have been dreaming of my ex-girlfriend before I converted to Islam. The dream re occurs frequently, with her all the time but the contents of the dream are always different. She left me 20 years ago and effected me, she also had a baby from me the she denied me seeing. I am still dreaming about her and I have a new life and a new family. I cannot understand why she keeps haunting me in my dreams. Could you please try and interpret?

  23. asallamu alaikum,

    i had a dream that me and a close friend of childhood were in a house. the house was clean and it was a bright day but we were both cleaning the carpet with brushes on the top floor / staircase of the house. the carpet looked clean but as we brushed it lots of flees and dust fell on our faces. in the dream i was worried and felt we had to get the carpet clean.

    i am close to the friend i saw in my dream and have often confided in her we have been friends since the age of 5 we are now 28!

  24. salam,
    may i pls ask for the following interpretation if any:

    i dreamt of my family members namely, my father, mother, elder sister, younger brother and myself.

    In the dream, i only saw d back of my father and he was sitted in front and away from the rest of us. d rest of us are seated on this very small and low seating, very close together. And then 4 snakes suddenly appear very near to our seat; 2 adults and 2 baby snakes.

    My mother then got up and she was in high boots (very unreal because she would not wear boots in real-life) and she stepped on one of the baby snakes.

    And then clearly in d dream she held up the dead snake, which is black in colour. And then i woke up, just 15 minutes before solat subuh.

    • Hi,

      Snakes I think mean female enemies attacking. I had such a dream to that a snake was attacking my dad and some time later a female enemy of our family did black magic on him.

      • my mom said that the snake in general meant black magic or according to an islamic site I checked an enemy who hides his hostality
        and if u see a female snake according to an islamic site i checked it means a female enemy or a relative

    • According to ‘Ibn Seerin’s dictionary of dreams’ – compiled by Muhhammad M. Ali-Akili. p. 398. qoute ‘A small snake represents a little child.’ ‘A black snake represents a strong enemy.’ ‘Killing a snake in a dream means marriage’ and ‘black snakes and pythons also can represent army generals.’

      Obviously all these meaning can’t all be the meaning of your particular dream, interpretations are according to individual situations/circumstances etc, I’m just quoting the necessary bits of info and you can take the probable meaning from the quotes inshAllah.

    • Mashallah, what a good dream. The shaytan and his children were trying to prevent you from praying subh. Your mother’s prayers or intentions helped you to wake up for subh.

  25. i dont really remember the details, but what i remember is that under some trees there is a cobbler sitting with his shop, and i went to him to get my shoes, i find a big brown high boot (riding or safety shoe type) in my hand. only one shoe not the pair. Those werent mine I think and i dont possess any pair of that sort. it came to me that my shoes are stolen and i start to look around.

    i did not see the cobbler, and i dont remember what were my shoes supposed to be doing there.

    The thing that was in my mind wen i woke up was, my shoes got stolen !!

    Can you please help me with that ?

  26. Hello,

    I had a confusing dream few weeks ago. I was in a train : the train was brand new, automatic without any conductor , I was in the first carriage. I was planning to visit my best Friend Halima. In the train, I decided to take off my shoes to be more comfortable. The train arrives at the station where I was supposed to get off. The doors openened, I put down my suitcase, and get into the train again to pick up my shoes. But the doors, closed and I told the train inspectors to let the door opened. They told me : “You have to choose either you get off without your shoes and you have your suitcase or you stay in the train”. In my mind, it was impossible to get off without my shoes and walk with only socks. Moreover, it was a fake choice given to me because the train started up again. What does that dream mean?

    • It means that…sometimes in our lives we have to make a very crucial decision and that decision will determine how we wanted to be like, and that is:
      1. to choose the things that you love but it will make a mar in your reputation,
      2. to choose the things that you think it’s best for the love of your loveones/family.
      Sometimes we do things not because we want it, but we need to do this because it’s the right thing to do. And this decision will depends on how important your reputation and your happiness to you. For reputation and happiness always go in diffrent ways.

  27. i have two dreams the first one is i dreamed about talking to allah about help me for my furtue and guild me to my life and help others and than the next thing i look up in the sky there nothing and than a dust that turned in to a white bird came to me. and the second dream was today was i was crying about when i woke up their was no tears please explain this to me.

    • Teeth are members of the family, with every tooth representing a specific member of the family. It is mentioned that whichever tooth you loose or that falls, represents the death OR going away (for good) of that family member.

      I am not a dream interpreter, but I have a book by ibn sireen (do some research on him) that explains these in detail.Some argue that his work isn’t authentic anymore, but you should research on that and decide if this information is accurate.

  28. Hello,

    I was in my house in london and 3 large snakes were running around the house. I tried to tell my father but he didnt see any of them, even if they were 2 feet away. I tried to plead with anyone to see them, but no such thing occurred. I had great fear for my life and my family’s life. Finally, one came to me and I didnt fight back or try to run away. I just stood there in shock. It slithered over the ground for a short while. Then it bit me on my leg. It didnt hurt as bad, more like a numb feeling. But I felt like I knew worse was coming. What does this mean?

    • SNAKE IS A PHALLIC SYMBOL…meaning a male organ. You are unconsciously or consciously that you have a different feelings towards the same sex, but it so happen that you suppress the feelings that readily outburst any moment but ur so scared that your family would not accept you for that. In other way, you gradually accept your self who you are and engaged in a homosexual relationship. Just be yourself!

      • Hi Heaven,

        This interpretation about homosexuality is the most absurd I have ever heard.

        I am not sure about the woman enemies, however in general, this means surely enemies.

        In general, it is best not to relate dreams to others. Usually, if someone has a bad dream, he/she should ask God to protect oneself from it. If it is a good dream, then thre is no harm to relate it to his/her loved ones.

        Thank you.

      • To heaven,
        ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!! Snakes have nothing to do with homosexuality or the male organ. Thats right be yourself and DONT be a homosexual because homosexuality is unnatural and Allah destroyed a whole nation at the time of Prophet Loot (Lot). Whole of Sodom perished because of their acts of indecency and homosexual activities. Heaven, get your facts straight or just shut up.

      • Absurd doesn’t even begin to cover it. Please don’t come to a site of Islamic thought and teachings to try to get the guy out of the closet. At least be a little more creative. Snakes= enemies. The end. May be cotton candy or rainbows interpret homosexuality? (being sarcastic of course)

      • hi, do u know what it means to dream about a lot of snakes? they are hissing at you but never bite but am frightened in the dream. as soon as they come close to the face they hiss louder and they open their mouth very very big, as if when they get close to the face the snakes head and mouth get bigger and they hiss without biting but instill a great fear. and there are lots of snakes in the dream.

    • Prophet (pbuh) said, “A good dream is from Allah, so if anyone of you saw a dream which he liked, he should not tell it to anybody except to the one whom he loves, and if he saw a dream which he disliked, then he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil and from the evil of Satan, and spit three times (on his left) and should not tell it to anybody, for it will not harm him.”

      Hadith – Bukhari 9:168

    • According to ‘Ibn Seerin’s dictionary of dreams’ – compiled by Muhhammad M. Ali-Akili. p.412 QUOTE

      ‘The sting of a scorpion or the bite of a snake in a dream means falling into sin or committing a wrong action.’

      May Allah forgive us all and guide us all. Ameen

  29. Hello Mohammed,

    I just read about your dream of 3 snakes. May Allah protect you and your family. Snake means enemy only and we had some similar dreams as well in the past. The most important thing to do is to read Surah Al Bakara once a day in the house. Our mom is doing it every day and now we have started as well and pray to Allah for your protection. and with time Allah will guide you.


    • Asalaamu calaykum sis if you are qualified to interpret dreams, do you perhaps have an email address I can address a question to please?

  30. Dear Siti,

    Just read about your dream. The snakes in the dream indicates enemy whereas the boats, slippers, sandals etc. indicates spouse, partner or if you are single then the person you are going to marry and Allah knows best.
    You certainly have a good dream, your mom is wearing high shoes that she uses to kill snake which means she has your father support and your father is sitting high indicates authority and power. Do tell your mom the dream and let her know that she is killed only one and three are still there. Follow your mom’s footsteps and pray and practice islam as she does and more than her since you are young and can do more.
    And yes, the best time to speak to Allah is 30 minutes before fajar pray so….good luck!


  31. I had a dream where i was sitting with someone, they asked me to close my eyes and think of the thing i most desire and then there was an outbreak of the azhaan(adhaan). can you please translate this to me.

    Thank you

  32. salam,

    i just wanted to ask about my dream.i had a dream of prophet muhammed (pbuh). basically i was walking with him and alot of people hated him and they wanted to kill him. The people that hated him knew he was goin to the mount Hira and they planned to kill him their. I was trying to help him and tell him but he wouldent listen to me. He walked to the mountain Hira and stood their in my dream he was talking to allah on top of the mountain. and the haters held him trying to take him away. i was trying to help but the haters held me back to.The haters were all men by the way.

  33. Dear Zara,

    There are many parts to your dream.

    1st, the satan cannot make copy of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) therefore when you see RasolAllah in the dream you have actually see him (pbuh).

    2nd, You are with Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in the dream and not among the haters which is a very good sign.

    3rd, you have made it to mount hira as well which is a sign of elevation, authority etc.

    4th, the haters are trying to pull you or in other words trying to deviate you from the right path.

    This much I can understand and Allah knows best. My advice would be to stay steadfast in your religious practice and perform more than before. Read Surah Al Kahaf (The Cave) every friday and not only read it but try to understand it. I have been doing this for a long time and every time I read there is some thing new. And inshallah Allah will guide you with time.


    • 1 – The one who sees the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a dream has to see him in his true form, at any stage of his life. So if a person claims to have seen light or a man with a completely white beard or a man wearing pants for example, these are not attributes of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), so this is not the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Shaytaan cannot appear in the true image of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but he can appear in other forms.

      It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, “Whoever sees me in a dream will see me when he is awake, and the Shaytaan cannot take my shape.” Al-Bukhaari said: Ibn Sireen said: If he sees him in his true image.

      Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6592; Muslim, 2266

      If a man told Ibn Sireen that he had seen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) [in a dream], he would say, “Describe to me the one whom you saw.” If he gave a description that he did not recognize, he would say, “You did not see him.” Its isnaad is saheeh.

      Al-Haakim narrated via ‘Aasim ibn Kulayb (who said), my father told me: I said to Ibn ‘Abbaas, “I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a dream.” He said, “Describe him to me.” He said, “I mentioned al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali and said that he looked like him.” He said, “You did indeed see him.” Its isnaad is jayyid.

  34. Hi,

    This is my dream. I dreamt that there were alot of people visiting a funeral. And im one of them. In that dream, there were alot of dead people (mayat). In the dream, all the bodies were not fully kafan ( head n legs sticking out) and they are draped with the batik cloth. Suddenly , i start to see if im wearing the same batik cloth as them(dead). But im not, im wearing a white top (all of us in the dream is wearing white) and a brightly coloured batik cloth. What does this imply .Its juz weird……

  35. Aslamu alykum!
    i had a dream that i was going on holiday with my family, we were suppossed to be in turkey or tunisia, however me and my little brother went to look over some high bricks, and underneath the bricks it was mecca , i saw people praying and people where wearing white and different colours. i was really happy and then i went to get a friend i couldn’t find her and then i went down some stairs to do withua and pray, i then prayed with some sisters and brothers which i didn’t know!i was crying and i was very happy , there’s more to the dream, could you please let me know what this could mean with evidence….jazakum Allah kaire

  36. I had a dream that my mom paraliezed her legs and i was helping her walk.

    I also had another dream that we were in a truck and people were chasing us and cars were crashing behind us.

    i also had another dream that a jinn went inside me. and i was screaming and my sister ran to me and held me and so did my mom, oh and the jinn got out.

    Sorry for all these dreams and stuff. but i want to know the meaning, can you please please please tell me.

  37. Asalam alaykom,

    Dear Shukaria,

    Mostly dreams are indication of some thing going on in your life and your home, therefore it is difficult to interpret dreams without knowing other details. The interpretation that I will give will be general one and it might have other meaning/s and Allah knows best.

    Your 1st dream indicates that your mom had or was going to get sick and helped her in recovery. (May Allah give her good health always)

    In your 2nd dream, any sort of car, truck, train etc. indicates course of life for the people who are in the car. It is good dream, you have strong car as compared to the one behind you. People who are chasing you indicates that people who knows your family want to be like you and the one who are crashing behind you indicates that they are unable to make it.

    3rd dream is pretty clear I think, whatever troubled you or whatever problem you had is gone because of your sister and mother. (You have nice family, should thank them if I were you!).

    Shukria, dreams always come for a reason and it is pretty clear from your dreams that you and your family members run in to problem every now and then are saved by the wil of Allah. I would strongly recommend for you to recite Surah Al Nas, Al Falaq, Al Kafiroon and Al Ahud in the morning prayer and in the evening, plus someone, most probably your mom should recite Surah Al Bakarah every day in the house so it a protection for the whole family. And the Azkar of morning and evening are very important as well. With all of this Allah will protect your family always. Please start today and Allah will be with you.


  38. Asalam alaykom.

    This message is for Gudiance_nshAllah.

    Your have a very good dream mashallah. Pilgrimage is a sign of religious vertue, uprightness, retribution, security in front of enemy, debt payment. Mecca is a sign of good religious behaviour whereas performing prayer is a sign of reward and richness and Allah knows best.

    Overall a good dream where you have seen you are happy and people wearing white clothes. both good signs.

    Depending on your family situation, it might mean that you and/or others in your family will be promoted to a better position inshallah and it could also mean that you might go for an umrah inshallah.


    • Eating the shell or white of the eggs but not the yolk means he will usurp wealth belonging to the deceased or a slain person. It could also mean that he will dig up graves for the purpose of stealing the shroud (kafn) of the dead people.

  39. Asalam alaykom,

    Dear Sana,

    The egg in general always refers to a woman but I was unable to find any material which indicates the yolk refers to a male and Allah knows best.

    At this time it will best for you to recite Ayah # 100 of Surah As-Saffat (surah # 37) and Ayah # 38 of Surah Al-Imran (Surah # 3 ) in the Quran. Recite this after farad prayer once with 5 prayers per day until the baby is born. Secondly recite the three names of Allah Ya-Khaliqu, Ya-Bariyu and Ya-Musawwiru. Which means the One who creates (Khaliqu) and the One who blows life in to the being (Bariu), and the One who fashioned it (Musawwiru). Recite these names as much as you can. By reading these names not only you will have a healthy child but the baby will be safe from satan whispers, it will be free of any disease and will be blessed inshallah.

    May Allah grant you a righteous child.


  40. i have two dreams the first one is i dreamed about talking to allah about help me for my furtue and guild me to my life and help others and than the next thing i look up in the sky there nothing and than a dust that turned in to a white bird came to me. and the second dream was today was i was crying about when i woke up their was no tears please explain this to me.

    • asalaamualaikum,
      i dreamt last night that,some monkeys are attacking on me,ant to defend my self i killed one of them….this is the dream i have seen twice…i’ll be obliged if u kindly interprete…may allah bless you….

      • wa as salaam can i have your email id because i cant tell the meaning of your dream here give your id i wil explain you may Allah show mercy upon u

  41. i had a dream of my fiancee who passed away two months ago..may Allah bless his the dream i was asking him to read Quran for me if anything happened to me( i meant if i die)…he asked will it reach you?..i told him yes it will…
    please explain this dream for me..

  42. j’ai revé que je volé je m’elevé dans le ciel et je n’arreté pas de monter je suis monté jusque dans l’espace et j’avais peur .
    pouvez vous traduire svp merci

  43. Assalam Alaikum

    I keep getting dreams of some that was in my life in the past sometimes i see him smile other times cry
    yesterday was the most disturbing i was at his funeral and standing next to his coffin please advise what these events in my dreams might mean -Thank you

    Allah Hafiz

  44. i had a dream of my fiancee who passed away two months ago..may Allah bless his the dream i was asking him to read Quran for me if anything happened to me( i meant if i die)…he asked will it reach you?..i told him yes it will…
    please explain this dream for me..

    • Asalam-Alaikum
      Most of the times dreams are the opposite, laugh is bad in real life, crying is a good thing in dream. But ur fiance is indirectly asking u to pray the quraan for him, so he can get light in his grave,
      May Allah provide peace upon him.

  45. Assalam Alaikum

    (1) I often see moon in dream. And three times(at different times) I have seen that there is a moon in the sky and I am praying from Allah to grant me the companionship(nikkah) of man I love. Please interprete.
    (2) What could be the general meaning of dream if someone put the snake on fire in kitchen stove and snake burst.

    Kindlt interprete.

    • A moon can mean either a minister to the king or person with a position of authority. It can also represent a husband, a boy, a beautiful woman or someone who is knowledgeable and guides people. Brightness in the moon is a good indication. Allahu ‘alam.

      I am not a dream interpreter, but I have a book by ibn sireen (do some research on him) that explains these in detail.Some argue that his work isn’t authentic anymore, but you should research on that and decide if this information is accurate.

    • Walaikum Assalam
      Seeing a snake in your dream – Snake represents an enemy. If the snake harms you in anyway that implies that you will be hurt by the enemy in someway. If you saw the snake being put into the fire and it burst – then this would impy that your enemy would suffer from something similar or he/she would not be able to do any harm to you.

  46. Can you tell me what that symbolise if you see a drop of water on floor turning into pearl(nort exactly a pearl but just somehting like normal “moti”).

    • Asallam Alkuim.
      From what I know, Water is knowledge, and pearls symbolize the Quran. it may be a small amount of knowledge will lead you to some Quran.
      and Allah knows best.

  47. Salam,

    Last night I dream that Imam Mahdi born and he was reading Sura Fatiha at his one day old life, and when i woke up i don’t know what to do, but that was the Fazar time so i prayed my Fazar Namaz and went back to sleep.

    It will be kind enough that what is the meaning of this dream and what should?


    • Walaikum Assalam Mehreen
      Alhamdolillah – your dream means a lot. I can take a whole day or more to explain it to you. But I request you to please look in Ahmadiyyat or at the very least see the picture of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. Compare the picture with the personality you saw in your dream.
      I can answer any more questions you may have regarding this.

  48. i had a dream of a boy that i know came to my house and told me that he is exrace and he is half french i really want to what it means because that guy really likes me?

  49. assalaamualakum,
    i had a dream that i wasl in a huge beautiful mosque that had many rooms. i was with 2 or 3 small children i needed to take ghusl i asked a man in his 30s or 40 where the restroom was when i went i made poop i didnt see the poop but i saw a small amount on the tissue and i was having a hard time getting clean there was a lady cleaning the stall i was in she was sweeping the floor around me and she was listening to me talk i think she may have said yes in a moaning way she was between 30 and 40 i dint know the children the man or the woman. please help insha’Allah wassalaam

  50. asalam alaykom Nora,

    MashaAllah you have a very nice dream. Speaking to Allah refers to your suplication and in return you got a white bird made of dust. Dust is a sign of important gain, white is sign of purity and the bird announces a good news and is also a sign of purity and innocence. It simply means that your suplications are accepted by Allah (inshallah).

    In your second dream crying means reaching one’s objectives. This is another sign that your suplications are accepted by Allah. And Allah knows best.

    Whereas the dream your friend had regarding you leaving the country, I am unable to explain it since a lot of details are missing. May Allah always protect us.


  51. Asalam alaykom Boshra,

    My heart goes out to you in this difficult time, may Allah bless your fiance soul and give you the patience to go on.

    In your dream where you saw your fiance and request for reading Quran indicates that with his loss you are lacking the strength to go on, he was the power that kept you both going, and Allah knows best. Again this is a very difficult time for you and you need to hold on inside.

    Please read the name of Allah YA SABURU (The Patient one) 3,000 time in one go once. Inshallah Allah will rescue you from this diffculty and sorrow.


    • Please help. My fiance had a dream that involved him being in a struggle/battle and it ended with him escaping to a beautiful place on a white horse. please tell me what this means

      I am afraid of this white horse.

      thank you

    • “Please read the name of Allah YA SABURU (The Patient one) 3,000 time in one go once. Inshallah Allah will rescue you from this diffculty and sorrow.”

      – This is a clear cut Bid’ah (innovation) in the great religion of Islam. I ask you to bring evidence what you claimed from the book of Allah or sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (peace & blessing of Allah be upon on him.
      – Why don’t you mention the du’a prescribed by the rasulullah. If you don’t know then learn, but never invite people to innovaion.

      – “Hisnul Muslim” memorize the name of an authentic book on dua.
      Go to the chapter called “Supplication for one who afflicted by calamity.”

      Download link –

  52. Asalam alaykom Ayeshe,

    Seeing funeral and coffin etc. in a dream are signs of distress. It indicates that although this person is no more in your life, somehow your mind is not letting go of its thoughts and Allah knows best. It will be best for you to pray and suplicate to Allah as much as possible to help you get rid of these thought and save you from satan whispers.

    One thing very important you must do is to read Surah Al Nas 3 times or atleast once with every prayer and do not stop. Read Ayat Al Kursi 3 times before you sleep and satan will NEVER disturb you in your sleep. and if you can please read the name of Allah YA-QAHHARU 100 times every friday and inshallah Allah will guide you and will relieve you of this distress and sorrowful dreams. This name will free you from being wrong and you will be able to gain inner peace.


  53. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    Pink or red roses are good signs. They might have different meaning depending on the life of the dreamer.


  54. Asalam alaykom Pak Girl,

    In your first dream, the Moon indicates the spouse and for married couple it indicates the unborn child. The dreams means that you are suplicating to Allah for a spouse, and Allah knows best. Many people we know read the name of Allah YA-LATIFU many times during the day for their children marriages, so please do recite this name and may Allah bless you with a righteous man.

    In your second dream snake indicates an enemy (male or female) who hides its hostility. Your dream indicates that the enemy is unsucessful in its endeavour.

    Your 3rd dream about water and pearl indicates the dreamer’s loyalty and reliability and Allah knows best.


  55. Asalam alaykom Mehreen Alam,

    As you know that satan is unable to make copy of the Mosque, the Holy Quran and the Prophets so if you see them in a dream they are for real and the dream is from Allah. Surah Fatiha is in the begining of the Quran therefore it is mostly recited at the begining of every act. You got the dream at the begining of the day and you did the right by praying fajr prayer.

    I am unable to interpret the part about Iman Mahdi and may Allah guide us both.


    • Walaikum Assalam Mehreen
      Alhamdolillah – your dream means a lot. I can take a whole day or more to explain it to you. But I request you to please look in Ahmadiyyat or at the very least see the picture of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. Compare the picture with the personality you saw in your dream.
      I can answer any more questions you may have regarding this.

      Assalamo Alaikum
      The interpretation about Imam Mehdi – if you believe the dream to be from Allah is also true. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community believes that Imam Mahdi (as) came to this world a 100 years ago and fulfilled the prophecies of the Holy Quran from Surah AL Jumuah. As well as others from a few more Surahs of the Holy Quran. I cannot write in detail here but if you wish to find out more – my request is to seek more answers from the Ahmadiyya books or from an Ahmadi. Inshallah if your heart is pure you will find the right course for your life, Ameen.

      • Walaikum Assalam Mehreen
        Alhamdolillah – your dream means a lot. I can take a whole day or more to explain it to you. But I request you to please look in Ahmadiyyat or at the very least see the picture of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. Compare the picture with the personality you saw in your dream.
        I can answer any more questions you may have regarding this.

        Assalamo Alaikum
        The interpretation about Imam Mehdi – if you believe the dream to be from Allah is also true. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community believes that Imam Mahdi (as) came to this world a 100 years ago and fulfilled the prophecies of the Holy Quran from Surah AL Jumuah. As well as others from a few more Surahs of the Holy Quran. I cannot write in detail here but if you wish to find out more – my request is to seek more answers from the Ahmadiyya books or from an Ahmadi. Inshallah if your heart is pure you will find the right course for your life, Ameen.

        PS: My email is

  56. Asalam alaykom knadia,

    In your first dream seeing the mosque, the children and wanting to take a ghusl are all good signs. The dream indicates that you are repenting and you are steadfast in your repentance although it is not easy for you. The children indicates the rahma (mercy) of Allah. May Allah accept your repentance and have mercy on you indeed he is GHAFUR-UR-RAHIM.

    Your second dream indicates that your husband will have a benefit from you and Allah knows best.


    • asalamwalaikum
      how are you? i have a question to ask you. my husband saw a dream that his grandmother (who has passed away) came to him and is taking him somewhere with her on a train. i live in newyork and the train in his dream was from pakistan. my husband told his grandmother that this trains not from here and his grandmother said i know i brought it from pakistan. in the dream i am telling my husband to come back soon and his grand mother said let him go first and my husband left with her. what is this supposed to mean? i think there is more in the dream but he didnt tell me because upon hearinmg this i was getting worried. please tell me as soon as possible. i am waiting for your reply. jazakallah.

  57. assalaamualakum,
    i would first like to thank Allah (swta) and then you for making yourself available to help us out , i pray that Allah (swta) will keep you, your family and your friends safe and on the straight path. i also pray that Allah (swta) will continue to guide in your interpretation of dreams. i will make duaa for you as often as i remember peace and blessings of Allah (swta) be on you and us. thanks to Allah (swta) and you for your time and help for us

    • MY DREAM
      I Get two shield which is like coins And I and group of people (3 or 4) went to 1 mountain like place there we saw 1 house there is one lady I give that shields to her. beside house there is one thin stem There is sum leaf in the middle of the stem inside that leaf there is sum eggs that eggs collapsed with leaf but none of them are broken. I told her that “ put that two shields inside the egg but not into eggs..’’suddenly she took one egg and she told that egg is expired and she trow’’ and I told her “it(shields) will be fired in the mid night by itself ‘’ me and people went to sleep inside the house .Suddenly it is fired .we went and see. it is not fired by itself but it is fired by that lady .she had power of fire-ing. I din’t told her to fire it .she do it by herself without asking me .i asked her ‘’why are you fire-ing it .i never told you to fire it ‘’ And she told sumthing I forget it. And fire is off. I asked her’’ which way we have to go’’ she told with doubt’’you may go this way’’ . and we went but that way is wrong way which is full of saitan why I told like this because The way we went there is a door There is a questioner if we answer the question he asked we will enter .The question he asked is about saitan not about saitan but something bad and also suddenly There is saw one saitan (one singer)in my group also .

  58. I have seen this dream at Fajaz azan time. The initial scenes are like scenes of an english movie where a girl is fighting with people and running. Someone throws long blade/knife sort of thing to her but she very tactfully rescued from that thing and that long blade/sword hit some other person or thing. Later the scene is changed little bit and I am at a place the floor of which seems like a wooden floor. Once that wooden sheet is removed, a big pool is visible down there. First of all I see very extreme big and healthy fishes in it(dont remmber how many but atleast remember one of them a fat black fish). Next, the big and fat frogs are seen coming out of that pool. The frogs were moving here and there and at least one big turtle was also seen. The frogs and turtles were not harming anyone but I was little bit scared and confused about their getting out of the pool and trying to move myself away from them and worried that how they will be moved backed to pool. But there was some one perhaps my elder sister who was saying theres nothing to worry, these frogs and turtles are on hunger strike due to a female monkey and would automatically come back to pool. A blurred image of female monkey is also coming in my mind as it was seen. This is very strange dream for me, infact I m in trouble these days due to enemies and their attempt to harm me through magic even. Please advise if this dream shows any sign from Allah about my situation and future of the conflict.

  59. Jazzaki Allaho khayran sister in Islam..thanks for your help and doaa..may Allah grant you happiness and peace of mind..Amen

  60. salaam,

    i had a dream last night where it was a normal day but my friend decides to wear a jilbaab (which she doesn’t wear normaly) which was all black with long flowy arms just like the clothes that the grim reaper wears with long flowy black cloth. she visits me three times during the day. once in the mornig to show me the cloths. once again in the afternoon when it is lunch time and she has a break from her university classes. this second time she doens’t scare me coz i kno its her. but she visits me once again towards the end of the day this time she has a sythe and a more ominous approach. the dream ended when i screamed as at this point the other people i was with appeared not to see her. however it turned out that they had got together to prank me. could anyone tell me if there is any meaning of any sort behind this dream. thank you

  61. salam
    i had a dream last night that my teeth all started to fall out at the same time with no blood and my father was with me when it happen. what does it mean because this dream happens quite offen i guess it is the most commen dream to have.

  62. salam i seem to be have alot of dream lately
    i had another one last night which i was upset after when i woke up…
    i dreamt my husband was having an affair with a white women with blond hair women he met her in his work and than they were texting each other and i found out about the affair while they we texing each other i was sreaming at him and crying too what dose all mean because the night before i had a dream that all my teeth fell out and my father was with me when it happened what going on in my life this scares me.

    • Salam ,Not sure if you will ever see the reply.Its been ages.The falling of teeth reflects a mental situation in reality . It means that you are losing hope or things are not working out the way you wanted them to be.i have dreamt the same too and found out its interpretation.

  63. Assalaamu alaikum…
    i dreamt that i was walking through a jungle to a darbar (its a place u worship) then suddenly i saw snakes all around
    please can you let me know as soon as possiable
    thank you

  64. Salam,

    If a woman is pregnant and estranged from her husband and she sees a pink rose or red roses, what does it mean?

  65. Assalamu alaikom!!
    plz i need an interpretation for my dream… i dreamt i was collecting dark figs… (tin)
    what does this mean? and there were also apples…
    im married by the way if this may help…
    thank u very much!

  66. ASAK,

    Please I will appreicate if someone can help me interperate my dream. I have seen few dreams so far …
    1 – I saw there is a big ground full of lizards and I’m tyring to cross the ground and I’m running in the ground. while running every where I step there is a lizard biting me until i cross the big ground. At the end I see my husband standing there for me.

    2- I saw flying insectes coming out of my feet and I am screaming. then I see my husband killing those bugs that coming out of my left feet.

    3-I see a big black snake by the lake and I’m standing there with my mom.

    4-I see in my house 4 black worms by my bed so I started picking them up to throw them out on the paper, As i started picking them up they crawled over my hand and I started screaming.

    Please I would definetly appreciate if someone will help me and tell me if I should read some surahs and what I’m supposed to do.

    it has been few months since I have seen my first dream and I have been sick. I have been diagonosed with an autoimmune disease and still I am not feeling well.

  67. Assalam u alaikum Fathima,

    I hope you get well soon. May ALLAH bless you with health. Ameen.

    I am not a dream interpretor but I know many people who saw a lizard biting them in thier dream and after that they were diagnosed with an illness.

    I suggest that you should recite Surah Rehman every day,as it as has worked wonders for so many people including me.


  68. assalaamualakum dear sister,
    please can you tell me the meaning of the following dream. i married an unknown man then i never saw him again then i was supposed to/ or did marry another man whom i left i am not sure if i realized when i was asleep or when i woke up that the marriages were not valid cause neither gave me dowry or marital gift and i was alone again thanks sister and i would like to pay something for your service can you send me mailing address insha’Allah thank you sis, assalaamualakum

  69. Thank you so much, Sister Sana. I will definetly recite surah Rahman everyday. I really thank you so much for suggesting me this. May Allah Bless you Immenselly with Happiness, Health and Properity!

  70. I saw a dream that some one gave poison to me and my husband.We dont know who but I saw a book in which there are pictures of all people who were given the same poison and noone stayed alive.All are dead.I am really scared in my dream,go to my husband,show him the pictures and we dicide to go to doctor.Just before leaving the house,I said to my husband ,I will bring the picture of dead people with poson from upstairs.I run upstairs and on my way back,I got breathless and call my husband that I am dieing and loudly pray,Inalillah e wa inna ilahe rajiyon,2nd kalma and darood shareef two tomes,and I raise my indx finger that Allaho akbar,Alah is one and great and I smile that my pain vanishes and I am expecint to go in heaven and I hear a evil voice laughing back who I suspect gave me poison and with the feeling that my soul is leaving my body,I got up in fear…….please reply

  71. I saw another dream that someone is cutting a dog;s throat and I recite Allahoakabar assuming that he is doing a qurbani type thing and I am glad that dog is dead.I am newly married,away from my parents and really worried about my dreamsrecently I got kidney problem which doctor said was may be 10 years back but i was unaware

  72. boleh tak sapa2 tolong saya tafsirkan mimpi saya? saya mimpi yang sorang kawan saya mati dalam 5 bulan lagi..yg pliknya dlm mimpi saya 2..saya pegang handphone kwn saya dan dpt msj yg dia akan mati dlm 5 bulan lagi..risau saya…tolong ea????

  73. Assalamualaikum,

    i would like to know the meaning of my dream. yesterday i did solat hajat and after went to sleep and dreamt about the person i love saying he really begins to hate me. he kept saying he hates me. what does it mean. hope to get your reply.
    thank you

  74. as salaamualakum,
    can you please translate the following dream, i dreamed i was blowing my nose and blood came out then i spit and it was bloody too, then my nose and my mouth both bled a lot. i woke up horrified. thanks sister
    as salaamualakum

  75. salaam
    i am not sure if i blew my nose i just remember blood on the tissue and then bleeding from nose and mouth
    thanks again

    • Sister if you bled from nose its good, but then you bled from both nose and mouth and this part you remember very well.. I would suggest you earn the living in a halal manner and see if the job or business you are doing is Halal, and satay away fromj haraam wealth.

  76. Assalamo alaikom sister in islam,
    thank u for explaining the last dream for me about my fiance who passed away …may Allah bless his soul

    please sister can u explain this one too…it’s not fiance’s relative had this dream for him..
    in the dream he looked fine she said..she asked him about the reality of death…he smiled and told her it is like dreaming..when she asked him do u see us..
    he said yes he sees us like in dreams..
    she asked him whom do u see alot?he said my name…please sister explain this dream for us..i trust his relative in what she says..
    thank u

  77. Assalamu alaikum.. my mother recently told me of a dream she had.. she was performing prayer the whole time in her dream. She would perform 2 raka then move to another part of the house or room and perform 2 more. But no matter how much she prayed she wasn’t finished. Before she went to pray she would look down at her arms, her sleeves were short and her arms showed so she wore my jacket to cover her arms and continued to pray…. Can you please tell me what this dream means or what it symbolises

  78. As salamu alaikum

    i had two dreams

    1) i saw a bride, in my dream i felt that im going to get marry her, but could not see her face clearly as the environment were dark.

    2) i saw my teeth were big and white.

    thank you

  79. Assalamu alaikum i saw in my dream i am with some family members and then i heard some noice and saw the streets getting dark and i look up to see the sky getting dark also and then a star shoots thru the sky and i hear in my heart that gates of forgiveness are now closed and i get desperate and sad and start praying for forgiveness and get very anxious. can u please tell me the interpretation

  80. Assalamu alaikum! i saw a dream where the started going upward and one by one many people came out of it. They were evil and started eating all the animal and people on earth where at last only those were left out and all people before that were destroyed. All the people on earth initially tried living with them peasefully but the new people ate them. those people who came out of sea were normal looking even some were covering their heads like muslims! one was a devil looking. wat is the meaning of this dream? thank you

  81. salaam

    a couple of months ago i got a proposal, but although i knew i was going to say yes in the end i said no because at the time it was not right for me. so i said no. a week later i found he was gettinh married else were recenlty i keep seeing him in my dreams nothing specific. on one occasion it was the day of his wedding (not to me )and i would not let go of his hand. when i first got the proposal i kept seeing him in my dreams but then i stopped and now its started again. i feel i have made a mistake, but its to late to go back on my desecion. but i dnt know why i keep seeing him. please can you offer me some guidence. thankyou

  82. Asalam alaykom Knadia,

    Thank you for your prayers and appreciation, may Allah protect and safeguard you and your family as well, Ameen. It is very nice of you to offer to pay for this, really I accept your gratitude but will not accept any reward for it. I am so glad and I thank Allah for providing me with such an opportunity where I can share the little knowledge I have with others. I only pray to Allah that I have the time to do this and indeed He is the Great, the Magnificent.

    As for your dream regarding the marriage, seeing yourself getting married in a dream is a sign of nobility, honor and power and divorce is a sign of enrichment. I really cannot follow your dream so I will leave it up to you to figure it out. Knadia please do understand one thing that some time during our dreams we will panic thus either waking up in the middle or forcing our mind to change the dream. When you wake up in the middle of the dream try to remember only the part where you are sure you were in deep sleep.

    In your second dream regarding bleeding from the nose etc., nose bleeding is a sign of good health and honor. In some literature spitting blood is a good sign and in some it means saying hurtful words. And Allah knows best.

    You have mentioned in this dream again that you woke up horrified. Your dreams are good but you seem troubled somehow. Please read Ayat-ul-Kursi 3 times every night before going to sleep (very very important!) and recite the name of Allah YA-MUNTAQIMU (The Avenger) few time every day atleast 3 times after each prayer and Inshallah Allah will protect you.


  83. Asalam alaykom Pak Girl,

    You have a very nice dream mashaAllah. In general it indicates that you and your family are protected by Allah.

    A big fish is a sign of benefit, black is a sign of honor. Number of frogs is a good signs some times they represent divine army and turtle indicates a virtuous person. Monkey represents a defeated and worthless enemy and Allah knows best.

    After seeing such a dream where Allah has shown you signs that you are protected by Him, it is always good to thank Allah as much as possible, recite the name of Allah YA-MUHAYMINU (The Protector) to safeguard yourself.


  84. Asalam alaykom Amira,

    I am sorry I was not able to interpret your dream or find any thing in the literature. All that I can say that this dream may be nafsani indicating some fear in your heart towards your friend? Or may be not? May Allah guide you.


  85. Asalam alaykom Nora,

    Teeth in your dream indicate family, it could be your father, mother, sister, brother, husband or child and Allah knows best. But I do not want you to panic because Allah shows you the dream for a reason so you may do something about it and I am sure by now you must be doing something. What is really important this very moment is to pray and make supplication as much as possible to protect you and your family. Recite Surah Al Baqara for sometime until Allah shows you that you and your family are under His protection. Recite the 99 names of Allah once and then make your supplication either every morning or every evening. In your supplication first repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness, then thank Allah and in the last ask him for all the goodness in this world and the hereafter.

    In your second dream screaming and crying means reaching one’s objectives and Allah knows best.


  86. Asalam alaykom Shaheen,

    In your dream please elaborate the word “darbar”, is it a mosque, or a place where some wali is buried or a place where Islamic teaching takes place?


  87. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    Pink and red roses are sign of intimation of your husband towards you and Allah knows best. I can understand what a woman has to go through during the time of her pregnancy and feelings of estrangement are no surprise. When a woman is pregnant, all eyes are set on her and she not only have to protect herself but her child as well from the whispers of the satan. I will strongly advice you to not to miss any prayer and read Surah Al-Nas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Uhud as much as you can. As for the feelings of estrangement, please recite the following three ayat as much as possible and blow it on yourself and your husband until such feeling goes away:

    Surah Al Araf (aya 117 till 122), Surah Yonis (aya 79 till 82) and Surah Al Taha (aya 65 till 70).


  88. Asalam alaykom Iman,

    I was unable to follow your dream completely. Apple indicates gaining religious and spiritual knowledge whereas dark figs indicate misguidance and Allah knows best. What is confusing for me is that you are doing both things at the same time. Some times a person may be reading a book a visiting a place to gain knowledge where some of the info you read or hear is correct and some is in-correct.


  89. assalaamualakum sister in islam,
    thank Allah and thank you for giving of your time. i will continue to do dua for you and will heed your advice. may Allah bless you and reward you for each dream you have interpreted insha’Allah amen

  90. as salaamualakum sister sana,
    i am also pregnant and estranged and i will also read those verses insha”Allah amen. If you ever need support you can email me at i know i need support sometimes so maybe you would be helping meinsha’Allah. Allah Knows Best

  91. Asalamu Alaikum

    I would like to know what it means when you dream of someone who is not very practising praying namaz in your dreams

  92. Assalamu alaikum
    Sister this is my second comment here will u please tell me the interpretation of this dream. i am sending you this again because i could not get the interpretation the last time.
    i saw in my dream i am with some family members and then i heard some noice and saw the streets getting dark and i look up to see the sky getting dark also and then a star shoots thru the sky and i hear in my heart that gates of forgiveness are now closed and i get desperate and sad and start praying for forgiveness and get very anxious. can u please tell me the interpretation

  93. As salamu alaikum

    as i did not get the reply from you b4 im posting it again

    i had two dreams

    1) i saw a bride, in my dream i felt that im going to get marry her, but could not see her face clearly as the environment were dark. but saw that she is prety and tall but not that much fair

    2) i saw my teeth were big and white.

    thank you

  94. i saw a dream that my mother and i were about to buy a gold set for me.
    am un married and recently my engagement has broken 2 months a ago.
    can u kindly tell me what it could. buying a gold is a good symbol or doubtful?

  95. Assalamo alaikom sister
    I didn’t get an interpretation for this dream..kindly please explain this for me..
    please sister it’s about my fiance who passed away may Allah bless his soul…
    it’s not fiance’s relative had this dream for him..
    in the dream he looked fine she said..she asked him about the reality of death…he smiled and told her it is like dreaming..when she asked him do u see us..
    he said yes he sees us like in dreams..
    she asked him whom do u see alot?he said my name…please sister explain this dream for us..i trust his relative in what she says..
    thank u

  96. can you please interpret the dreams and leave a reply at my email id that is
    the drems are

    saw a dream that i am reciting DAROOD-E-TANJEENA from a panjsoora

    and my friend(abu bakar) saw dream on the night of 12 rabi ul awal that i ve made somthing and given to all my frndz its a sweet dish jo maine chotay chotay packits main sab ko dal kar di hai sab apne bags main rakh letay hain and mera frnd(jisne dream dekha)usi time unglion k sath khana shru kar deta hai main usay kehte hon aram say ghar ja k khana to he says nahi ye bohat mazay ka hai and usay or chahiye.

  97. Asalam alaykom Fathima,

    The insects, lizard and snake in your dream indicates all those people who are jealous of you or think badly of you, basically they are your enemies. You have mentioned that you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease as well since the first dream, may Allah grant you health, ameen.

    First I would like to tell you that I had such dreams long time ago where I have seen poll full of insects or bed full of worms & insects so I will not only tell you what you should do as it is mentioned in the books but from my own experience as well.

    5 prayers (very necessary, try not to miss any), Surah Nas, Khalaq and Al Uhud 5 time after each faraz prayer, and morning and evening azkar. The name of Allah YA-MUZILLU (The Dishonorer) 500 times after asr prayer every day. Doing all of this will protect you and you will not fall victim to such people who are jealous of you.

    Now the most important part is to cure you of the ailment you have been inflicted with. Allah has sent a cure for every disease in this world. You will have to take 7 leaves of Sidr tree, grind them in a half glass of water, read the ayats 3 times on it and take 3 sips and take bath with the rest of the water. Continue this for 7 days and take a rest for a day if you really want to or keep on doing this until you are cured. This has done miracles and honestly it is not easy to do this for 7 consecutive days, there is always something interrupting that will make you lose a day in between the week. I cannot write all of duas so if you can send me an email address; I will send you a scanned copy of the ayats.

    May Allah grant you health, and protect you and accept your repentance.


  98. Asalam alaykom Kiran Muzaffar,

    In your first dream the poison indicates coming of a disease and Allah knows best. And you have mentioned in your second dream that you have been diagnosed with a kidney problem. There is one thing you should not stop doing is to recite what Allah has shown you in your dream, i.e. Inalillah e wa inna ilahe rajiyon, 2nd kalma and darood shareef two times.

    In your second dream the dog indicates an enemy without any bravery or strength and it is good that you saw him dead. As I have mentioned in a note to Fathima above how to cure a disease, please follow the same instructions with prayer (please refer to her note) and send me your email address so I may email you the scanned copy of the duas. Allah has sent cure for every disease in this world and if you repent, then thank Allah and then ask him to grant you goodness in this world and hereafter all of your supplications will be answered Inshallah. Stay steadfast in your ibadah and believe and be patient, Inshallah Allah will grant you health and happiness.


  99. Asalam alaykom Nana,

    I cannot find any thing in the literature that explains your dream. The person you love in your dream, are you engaged to him? Or has he proposed to you? If he had then I would strongly suggest that you perform Salat-ul-Istikhara for this person and seek Allah guidance and supplicate to Allah a lot. If he has not proposed to you yet then supplicate to Allah for a righteous partner and Inshallah Allah will guide you. It will be good to recite Surah Yasin once every morning prayer for a good proposal.


  100. Asalam alaykom Boshra,

    I will not go in to detail but would kindly ask you to request the relatives of your fiancé to read the name of Allah YA-MUJIB (The Responsive) much and supplicate to Allah for their son’s forgiveness (may Allah bless his soul). I want you to read the name of Allah YA-HAYYU YA-QAYYUMU much.


  101. Asalam alaykom Maria,

    Mashallah your mother has a very nice dream. Performing the prayer in dream as well as calling upon god announces richness, high situation and fame. Your jacket indicates the honor she has gained because of you whereas your home in the dream indicates additional benefits and Allah knows best.


  102. Aslam alaykom Ziaul Hoque,

    Your first dream indicates that there is something that is stopping your progress either in career or education or family life and that you are misguided and you do not know about it.

    Your second dream indicates that you have a good and honorable family and Allah knows best.

    I would request you to supplicate to Allah much and seek guidance and protection from Him.


  103. Asalam alaykom Nauroze,

    Mostly dreams are linked to our surrounding and happening of our day-to-day and no one can understand them better than the dreamer itself. In general your dream indicates that you are performing certain acts or dealing with people in a way that is not liked by Allah. Shooting star announces punishment from Allah. The dream also shows that you are pretty much aware of what is going on and your soul is pressing you to turn to Allah and ask for forgiveness and Allah knows best. Please pray Salat-ul-Tahajud and pray for forgiveness during sajada. Recite the name of Allah YA-GHAFFURUR-RAHIM much and in your heart keep on asking Allah for forgiveness all the time. If you are aware of what you did wrong, try hard to undo it if you can. May Allah forgive you and bless you and guide you to the right path.


  104. Thank you so very much sister for interpreting the dream for me. My family is going through a hard time right now so it is good to know that my moms dream was a good one. Also my father had a dream where he found a piece of cloth that had 5 gold coins on it. 3 big coins and 2 small ones. Can you please interpret this for me.. Thank you sister

  105. Aoa sister in islam
    I dont have words to express my thanks to you for replying my dream.May Allah bless yo with hapiness and may all your wishes come true.My email id is;
    I pray to Allah for His mercy .May He forgive us and give us strength.Please pray for me as well.
    Thanks sister,once again
    Kiran Muzaffar

  106. Thanks sister for your help….may Allah grant you happiness…i’ll do as you advised me.. .but does that dream really has any bad indications?..thanks again

  107. Asalam alaykom Boshra,

    The dream does not have any bad indications at all. It is just that the people who have left this world all they need from us are prayers.


  108. Asalam alaykom Alesha,

    Mind is a very strange thing and no doubt you have let go of the feelings you had for this man, your mind is not letting it go. Please I want you to read the name of Allah YA-SABURU few times every day and repent to Allah much and ask him to forgive you making a decision which may have not been liked by Him. Secondly, if you had prayed Salat-ul-Istikhara prior to making the decision earlier then whatever had happened is by the will of Allah and you are guilty conscious and Allah knows best.


  109. Asalam alaykom Shareen,

    Please provide more details of your dream for me to interpret as this much is not sufficient.


  110. Salamu Alaikum Sister

    Thank you for getting back to me,

    Basically my mother saw a dream of me praying namaz i wanted to know what this means. Good or Bad do let me know.

    This is as much information i can give to you. I hope it helps.

    Zazak Allahair

  111. Asalam alaykom Maleeha,

    The dream represents that your mother is trying to build your confidence and Allah knows best.

    Maleeha, please keep faith and stay hopeful, remember when one door is shut several others are open.


  112. Asalam alaykom Maria,

    The dream indicates that your father is an upright man and his vision in a dream announces a happy event or a good deal since the coins are made of gold and Allah knows best.


  113. Asalam alaykom Shareen,

    Performing the prayer in dream as well as calling upon god announces richness, high situation and fame and Allah knows best.


  114. Asalam alaykom Manhoor,

    I can only follow english language therefore kindly resend your dream in english.


  115. Asalam alaykom sister… thank you once again sister this means alot to me to have these dreams interpretated. I recently had a dream myself that i would like you to interpret if you dont mind…. I was sitting at a table and my father and one of my brother was sitting across from me and next to me was one of my fathers relatives. He is an older man about my fathers age but he also a very noble, upright and religious man as well and in respect I call him my uncle. In the dream it seemed like we were sitting at the table eating dinner.. like we had invited my uncle for dinner. I looked down at my plate and saw some tomatoes on my plate. Then my uncle asked me for some tomatoes so I went to serve him some from a big dish on the table but he said no and said that he wanted the tomatoes from my plate. So I happily gave him my plate bacause I highly respect this man and really look up to him… but i offered him again to serve him some tomatoes and he said no that he will only eat the tomatoes off of my plate that they were the only ones he wanted to taste…. Sister can you please help explain this dream to me

  116. Kindly the interprete following dreams:
    (1) The dead bodies of two very well known politians of my country are placed on the sand of beach. Infact their were 3 dead

    bodies but I could not recognise the face of third person becasue it was injured badly. The face of 1(out of 2 whom I know)

    was initially burried under the sand but later was moved out, either with the help of stick of a police man standing there or

    by flow of sea water. Some one was saying that oh they have gone to help them but they have killed them.
    (2) I have seen myself with my office people and there is a bucket of water which consists of lots of sweets(i.e mithai, gulab jamun). I was having 2 gulab jamun with me I perhaos finished one and was having second in my hand. There was my boss with other colleagues who was saying you cant eat even one gulab jamun whereas I replied oh I have already finshed one.
    (3) I have seen huge and tall beautiful buildings of Dubai in my dream.

    I will be grateful for your help. May Allah bless you for this support.

  117. Sister,

    ASAK, Sorry i didn’t know your name so I’m referring you as a sister. Thank you so much for offering to send me few ayats for me to receite. my email address is I’ll definetly appreicate ur help. Please at your earliest convenience email me those ayats so that I can start receiting is ASAP.
    Thanks a lot!

  118. Sister,

    ASAK, Sorry i didn’t know your name so I’m referring you as a sister. Thank you so much for offering to send me few ayats for me to receite. my email address is I’ll definetly appreicate ur help. Please at your earliest convenience email me.
    Thanks a lot!

  119. Asalam alaykom every one,

    I will be on a short leave for a week and will not have any access to the internet. I will be glad to interpret your dreams (inshallah) upon my return.


  120. I had another dream last night but this is the second time i had a dream like this.. The first dream i had i had some bread with me and I kept hearing my older brother telling me to hide this bread for later and I didn’t understand why he wanted me to hide the bread but he just kept telling me hide it and keep it safe because I’m going to need it later. So i found this beautiful tree that was very green and I layed the bread under the tree ( the grass was very green too)… Then last night I had anthor dream.. This time I had the bread and I was trying to cut it with a knife but when I went to cut the bread the knife broke. Then the same brother handed me a long shiny sword with a gold handle and said that this will cut the bread. I said but this is a sword and he said that its the only thing that will cut this bread for you and it did. Sister can you please tell me what these dreams mean. And what it meant to see the same brother in both dreams. I want to give you a little backround info that might help you. My brother is older then me and recently I went through alot of troubles and problems that were serious and he helped me through it and I had these dreams and the one I posted earlier after I had my problems. Thank you sister and also if you can interpret the other dream i posted (the one about the tomatoes)

  121. Salam Alaykum Sister,

    Sister InshAllah this message reaches you in the best of health. I have some dreams concerning a matter. I dislike it to be posted on this site, if you could email me InshAllah, I would give you all the details.


  122. Salam Alaykum ,

    My friend had a dream of me in which I get engaged to a christian guy and before the marriage I have a baby boy who speaks although he is a baby. In the dream she raises the baby as if he was her own son . The boy opposes the wedding and hates both me and the father

    Jazak – Allah

  123. Salam sister,

    JazakALLAH for the kind and encouraging words. I have started reciting the ayats you have given me. ALLAH bless you in this world and hereafter. Can you plz interpret the following dreams. I have seen them after estrangement from husband.

    1. I went to visit my husband in his home. He comes from behind my back and hugs me. I turn around and I notice that he is shorter than me. The wall of his room have seepage(dampness). I look at the walls and say this is so dirty. He tells me he is very sick. then he lays on a mattress and covers himself with bedsheet. I notice his bed is gone so I think maybe he has put the bed in another room to make for room for guests to sleep on the floor and i think to myself that i want to leave this house.

    2. I see that my husband’s sisters are over at my parents home…they want to get me married to my husband and i tell them i can’t wear the wedding suit right now cause i am pregnant…so my sister in law puts my wedding tikka on my forehead.

    3. I am dressed in white and my husband is putting henna on my hand. i am happy and amused.

    4. my mom saw me cooking a big pot of kheer and there is a big tray of big ladoos(mithai).


  124. salamwalakom
    i had a dream that my cousin and my friend where both pregnant and showed me there pregnancy tests, i am currently pregnant but at the very early stages,
    what does this dream mean… pls if anyone knows the islamic interpretation can they email me

  125. asalaamwahalaykum, i wanted to have an interpretation on a dream my mother had of me.i was wearing white from head to toe however my face was distorted!! a man also dressed in whiteplease get back to me asap brothers and sisters.

  126. saya bermimpi, saya mengandung..
    tetapi, tidak tau berapa bulan..
    sekarang, saya berumur 15 tahun..

    waktu saya berumur 14 tahun,
    saya pernah bermimpi, saya telah melahirkan..

    pelik juga mimpi ni..

    apa maksudnya..
    adakah ia mainan syaitan?

  127. As salaam alaikum
    I get series of dreams everynight… But last night’s dream was something that never appeared in my dreams..I don’t exactly remember how it started… where i can recall is the part when i step into some washroom to take shower… and i see shit …i feel disgusted and try to wash it away…i realize that someone left the tap running and there water filling up to a high level… and ther is water coming from everywhere and splashing on me …i am trying not to let the water get on me…then..there is silence and i see that the shit it no longer there and the place is all clean…i start to shower…and the shit appears again on the floor…i think i wash it away…and it reappears again…this time is kind of looks like a snake(black with yellow spots)… i dont remember what happened after that … but towards the end..i see myself crying while describing the incident to my mother..i am so disturbed after having this dream..

  128. as salaamualakum Sister in islam,
    can you please tell me what this dream means? I swa my former pets a 2 cats one of which i love and miss very much. i dreamed i lived in a shelter for the homeless as i do in real life but this was a diffrent place with one familar person i dreampt i held my ars out to hug the cat and the cat held it’s arms out to hug me too then i embraced the cat and it embrased me backi open the window and one of the cats went out and the one who i miss and love very much stayed inside with me when i pet the cat she seemed to be shedding a winter coat and was dusty . (to my knowledge the cat is not dead i had to leave it at an animal shelter because i became homeless) but in the dream he was there a homeless shelter with me????? thanks in advance. thank you for the advice on reading ayat kursi i slept many nights without dream and woke upwith a great since of peace. i hope you had a great trip and everything is great insha’Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you and us insha’Allah ameen as salaamualakum

  129. my friend has seen myself falling of a mountian and getting hurt
    at the top of the mountain there is 2 other of my friends
    what does this mean?

  130. I understand that there are three types of dreams , however I had a dream last night that I am unsure of how to take or what to make of it. There were certain things I felt physically before the lead up to the dream.I was wondering if you could help interpret the dream for me.

    The heating was not in my room last night, it was rather cold, but all of a sudden I felt so much heat, it became very very hot, I began sweating which lead me to take my jumper off and also my duvet,I have never done this in cold weather, I then saw myself praying towards makkah but @ the same time I could hear the adhan going off.

    I asked my sister, and my family If it was hot yesterday In the house, everyone responded and said it was freezing, and heating was not on …. What may this dream mean …. and me feeling extreme heat seconds before the dream what may this mean …

  131. SALAM & PEACE,

    I saw my self in a tight place like we were waiting for a university class to start “with knowledge that I alreary finished my university study” sitting with people that seems to me way less educated and I got passed by my old friends in the university who will attened the same class with me, but they are on the other side of where I am sitting. and when they talk to us I talk to them in thier own language while the people that Im sitting with Can Not!!

    then it followed by me passing them in a corridor of a huge building late night, but the building was lit in neon light. I went to the elevator asking for a certain floor, the elevator man was in a hurry he asked me to move in quick, and so I did!!

    ELEVATOR DOOR opened up just to find my self in a totaly wrong floor of the building… this floor was under construction, and there were alot of workers building & digging in this floor, and I was trippin on my walk in this place. BUT strangly i said to my self that it is a step fwd to the floor Im going to & I started looking for my way through the mess.

    what does this mean??

  132. as salaamualakum ddear sister,
    for the record i am pregnant, with divorce pending after the birth and you aready know i am homeless, last night i dreampt that i was in an apartment when there was a knock on the door about 4 or five little boys arround the age of ten years old came to my door and asked for my son who is also 10 i let them in and they begain to attack my son when i cam after them the all ran except one i had by the arm i begain to question him and asked him where his parents were and he said that they had left him, he looked he said he was sick and his parents took him to the hospital a lot before they left him so i took him into my home and we where traveling by foot and climbing construction sites next to a freeway where we came upon an auto accident two cars were between to high freeway beams hanging in mid air stuck between the two freeways inside i saw a baby which was black like it had been burnt its head was stuck in between the spaces in the stearing wheel and it was dying i watched as its eyes begain to almost pop out of there socketsand then the baby died i said to the lady i will pray for y ou and then the biy and i left to continue our travels a man watched me as i was jumping coming down two poles and was arroused by me then later thru the dream one other man came on tome sexually and i refused him he is a famous person here in america (you know i had to be dreaming!!!) and later in the dream 2 more men expressed sexual interest i denied all of the men. can you please tell me dear sister what information Allah gives you from all of this insha’Allah thanks in advance as salaam

    • Dear bro Salam I just had a dream about my friend wat I see that we r at school and a man is sitting under the tree and my teacher came she said to my friend go and make that man happy and she went with him and suddenly wen I turn my face I saw a man he just hold my hand and I woke up if u could kindly tell me wat does it mean salam

  133. Asalam alaykom Maria,

    In your dream, the Bread is a sign of comfortable life, a green tree either indicates great prosperity or a man depending on the dream. Therefore in your dream it is pretty obvious that your elder brother is trying to advise you how to go about acheiving a comfortable life and Allah knows best.

    In your second dream, Sword is a sign of strength and some times a stronger member of one’s family. This dream also indicates that your brother is trying to provide you or guide you to a better solution (to your life perhaps).

    At this point I would strongly suggest that you sit down and talk to your elder brother. LISTEN to him, if you have doubts regarding his suggestions then ask him how? when? where? and why? until you are sure you are on the right track. May Allah guide you and your elder brother inshallah…Ameen.


    P.S. I will interpret your dream about tomatoes after some time as I need to read some material regarding it.

  134. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    In your first dream, your husband huging you either shows his affection for you and it also means end to any hostilities between you and your husband. The Wall in a dream symbolises the condition of a man depending on its state whereas a Bed represents the spouse, a marriageble young woman or an unborn girl.(I pray your husband is in good health inshallah).

    In your second dream, marriage is a sign of nobility, honor and power and Allah knows best. I will leave it up to you to interpret this dream.

    In your third dream, seeing oneself wearing white clothes is a sign of improvement and purity. As regards to being “happy” mostly it has been interpreted as sad news but I know from my own experience that is not always the case. I really pray it is a good news for you inshallah.

    In your last dream any thing cooked with milk is a good sign and may indicates benefit/s to come in future.


  135. Asalam alaykom Fay,

    Your dream indicates that your cousin or friend or you will have increase in wealth and Allah knows best.


  136. Asalam alaykom Muslimah,

    White clothes in dreams indicates purity and improvement whereas distorted face announces humiliation or pain and Allah knows best.


  137. Asalam alaykom Insaf,

    Drinking alcohol is usually a sign of disagreement. Were you drinking with someone in the dream? or are there other details? If you are drinking with someone then it means you do not agree with this person on a certain matter, if you are having an argument then it is a sign of misdeed and Allah knows best.


  138. Asalam alaykom Mememe,

    Very nice dream mashaAllah. To make wudu in the dream means being delivered of all concerns or, if one is sick, the cure. Performing the prayer in dream as well as calling upon god announces richness, high situation and fame. and Allah knows best.


  139. Asalam alaykom Sfm,

    Dreaming of taking a bath indicates purifying oneself from physical and or moral dirtyness. It is establishing one’s innocence, good faitha and piety etc. Seeing excrement (Shit) in a dream means either money or ilicit money or some times sins.

    Your dream indicates that you are trying to wash away your sins and trying not to go back on the same path as before. You crying in the end means you have reached your objective. and Allah knows best.

    Please read the name of Allah YA-RAHMAN-UR-RAHIM 100 times every day after the morning fajr prayer and inshallah Allah will make your way easy for you and you will be free from heavy heart.


  140. Asalam alaykom Fahima,

    In your dream you mentioned that you were praying towards makka, were you in the Haram? or you were praying at your home facing makka? Praying in general is a good sign and announces richness, high situation and fame. Some times seeing Makka in the dream means may means a disease for a healthy person. and Allah knows best.

    Now I do not want you to panic. Extreme temperature that you mentioned could be your body detoxing, etc. and may lead to sweating. I would suggest that you see a doctor and get yourself tested first. I pray the doctors give you a good news inshallah. One of our friend had gone through similar experience and when he was tested for a certain disease (that I do not wish to mention here), the anti bodies of the virus were found in his blood and he was in the recovery stage already. Allah can do miracles.

    I want you to recite the name of Allah “ALLAH-HU” 1000 times in one go and inshallah you will be free from heavy heart and doubts and suspicions.


  141. w.asalaam thanks very much sister.
    im very appreciative.
    my Allah grant you and every muslim to step in the garden of paradise.

  142. Al salamu Alaykum,
    I had a few dreams of someone I know. In one of the dreams this person goes blind and in a recent dream I saw that this person had bought a new house in the shops and the house had many mirrors in it. I have a feeling that these dreams are not good. I had more dreams about this person but I didnt like them.

    Can you please let me know what you think


  143. Asalam alaykom Knadia,

    First I want to express my deepest sympathy for you for being caught in this situation of upcoming divorce and being homeless. Secondly I thank Allah and I really thank Allah for guiding you with the dreams in this difficult time and keeping you steadfast in you ibadah because many people when stuck with clamities leave the path of Allah and they increase in sins and thus they stop even having dreams as you know dreams are 56 part of prophethood.

    The dream you had is I believe a Nafsani dream which has come out of fear in your heart and pretty much reflect what is going on in your life. Starts with fear of what might happen to your son, then one boy who is left is a reflection of your own son who said his parents have left him. Then you came upon a construction site which means building or uniting men and women (in other words leading a life together with your husband), then you came upon an accident which is an indication of divorce and the burnt baby in the car indicates that you fear for your health and of the baby since you are stressful during this pregnancy. As for the last part of your dream, sexual intercourse are fundamentally satanic and therefore not interpretable.

    Knadia, please know that Allah will not burden any one more than they can bear, plz know this. Now I want you to do something, being in the condition that you are I am not sure if it is possible but I really want you to try. I want you to dedicate one day of your life for Allah. If you are working take a day off, if you are not working leave your son with your family or friends for a day and this is what I want you to do whole day.

    Start with Tahajud prayer 1 hour before the fajr prayer, pray for half hour pray and the remaining half hour suplicate to Allah for forgiveness. Recite the name of Allah YA-RAHMAN-UR-RAHIM and YA-GHAFFUR-UR-RAHIM much. After praying fajr prayer, read the morning azkar. Similarly pray all 5 prayers on time and read the evening azkar as well. After each farad prayer suplicate to Allah for atleast 15 minutes, pray for your self, your children, and releif from all calamities including the divorce. I know you are pregnant and it will be difficult to do all this but know that Allah will answer your prayer 70% more than other persons. I will also want you to read Surah Al Bakara, since you are pregnant you can lie down on your right side and read Quran rather than sitting. If you can during this day read Surah Al Bakara 3 times with 1-2 hour intervals in between. You do not have to read the complete surah in one go. suplicate to Allah every time you read Quran. Read the last ayah of surah Al Bakara as much as you can during the day. Plus the Surah Kafirun, Surah Al Uhud, Al Falaq and Surah An-Nas five times with every prayer. Please know that Allah can do miracles, He can do miracles that are hard for a human to believe. Please believe and dedicate a day for Him and ask him to bestow his mercy on you and help you in this difficult time and guide you and inshallah if you keep faith you will see the difference very soon. In the end of the day when you have finished you Isha prayer I want you to read Surah Al Fatah and then leave every thing in the hands of Allah.

    I pray may Allah help you in this difficult time indeed he is AL-WAHAB.


  144. as salaamualakum my dear sister in islam,
    I love you. You can believe that you are not wasting your time, i will follow your advice insha’Allah. thanks to Allah and thank you for your sympathy and for helping me with my dreams. i will not forget to pray for you and your family and friends that day as well. may Allah keep you guided on the straight path and all of us as well amen. Alhamdulilah for you.
    as salaam

  145. Dear sister

    Kindly interprete my following dreams
    (1) I have seen extremely tall beautiful sophisticated buildings like in dubai, infact it was perhaps the view of dubai.
    (2) These days I see sweets and eat sweets often in my dreams. Sometimes it is mithai, sometimes icecream and often chocholate biscuits. I also often see cooked food these days in my dream
    (3) I have seen myself wearing red banarsi sort of dress.
    (4) I have seen a beautiful very thin crescent and then so many egg yolk sort of thing which were present in large number. (In dream I was not considering them as egg yolks but they were actually lookin like an egg yolk). Out of them a groupf of 3 or 4 was seperated and perhaps fallen. But then was picked and I was saying of thank God they are safe and nothing(bad) happened to them. After that I had a vision of flour/plain flour which was some sort of piled up in a “thaal” sort of utensil and flour was extremely white and pure.
    (5) I have seen rather just heard myself reading Sorah Kahaf(perhaps first and second ayat)
    (6) I have seen so many extremly beautiful and stylish shoes some with long heels and stones on them.
    (7) Yesterday, I have seen calm sea, it was such that soemone was playing on it, perhaps cricket so that ball was rolling on sea level as it does on normal ground.
    (8) And yes the most exciting thing for me. I saw a beautiful bird in my dream. It was some noon sort of time when sky was so bright and clear. This bird ws flying in the sky and I(perhaps some more peple were also watching) was getting crazy like wowww what is this?how beautiful and strange bird. The bird was so big I mean nothing to do with normal bird size, shape, posture and it was flying so smoothly. Perhaps a different bird was seen prior to this one as well which one was very beautiful light green coloured(but dont remember that part of dream much). Anyways, I had a camera with me and I was trying to take photograph of this big bird. I am so eager to know the meaning of this dream, because I have read that seeing birds of unknown species refer to seeing angels.

    May Allah bless you for all your help and give all of us blessed Rehmani dreams and make them true. Ameen

  146. i am single , i ahve seen 2 bright moons ,in my dream i am thinking that the sun is shinning like moon. welll i have seen 2 moons at the same sky .
    please let me know what does it mean.
    i have heard that moon is related to spouse , i have seen to moons what does that mean plzz reply . or mail me plz

    • A moon can mean either a minister to the king or person with a position of authority. It can also represent a husband, a boy, a beautiful woman or someone who is knowledgeable and guides people. Brightness in the moon is a good indication. Allahu ‘alam.

      I am not a dream interpreter, but I have a book by ibn sireen (do some research on him) that explains these in detail.Some argue that his work isn’t authentic anymore, but you should research on that and decide if this information is accurate.

    • i also had a drem of 2 moons which were shining so brightly that i cant tell the intensity…i told this dream to smeone who always tells v.accurate istikhara to our family…he said u will have a beautiful wife nd a beautiful kid..that was all he said,later i chked it my self in a book my quari sahab gave me..nd it said the same thng too..

    • Oh my God
      I am really surprised, I have a dream exactly like yours one.
      I was walking in the street, then I have seen a shiny rounded whorl (or planet) when I had elevated my head to look at the sky, there was a great whorl exactly above my head, it was larger than the moon, may be in size of the sun, but its colours were mostly white, and little mauve (blue-red). It was not a sun, because it was night, the sky was black.
      I had felt awe, as I thought that it was large because the sky may become nearer from me, then I went to home, and in my room window, I looked and pointed to my mother to see the great shiny whorl, and indeed she saw it.
      Then I found that the whorl was placed over the complete shiny moon, the whorl above and was larger with white and mauve colours, the moon was below the whorl, and was white rounded and in its normal size.

  147. salam, i had a dream of a set of beautiful blue bangles which i was holding in my hand and starring at them. I really want to know what this dream means. please relpy to my answer quickly, thankyou.

  148. As salaam alaikum,
    Thank you sister in islam for interpreting my dream…now i know what it had meant …. i try to recite the names of Allah every day even when i am at work.

  149. Asalam alaykom Sidra,

    There is no definite meaning of bangles in Islam but usually any jewelry like earings, necklace, and bracelets etc. indicates the condition of the person and are therefore considered a good sign. The blue color of the bangles is that of the sky and the sea and is a good sign as well and Allah knows best.

    You holding and starring at them may mean wanting to be in a good condition.


  150. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    Moon represents either a spouse or a unborn child. Seeing two may mean two good proposals for you and for a expecting woman it may mean birth of twins and Allah knows best.


  151. Asalam alaykom Muslim,

    The blind person in your dream indicates that this person is ignorant and irresponsible person. Shop means nevending discussions, mirror sometimes represents heart state and human soul and sometimes represents the spouse. If the person seen in the dream is married already then it means that this person will marry a second time and Allah knows best.

    There are names of Allah that you can receite depending on the situation you are in. Please browse google to find the meanings of these names and read the one you feel is right for you. The names of Allah are:

    Ya Mumeet
    Ya Muntaqim
    Ya Jabbaar
    Ya Khaafid
    Ya Muzilu

    Please read 100 times daily with one of the prayer but the condition is you have to read at the same time every day so select your time wisely.


  152. Asalam alaykom Pak Girl,

    Plz give a day or two to interpret your dreams, I realized just now that I have missed one earlier note from you as well so that’s two for me to do. Inshallah within a day or two.


  153. Salam,
    I was in a relationship 2 my very close and best friend, and i broke up with him as this wasn’t allowed in Islam. and like we agreed on that when he’s ready to marry me, he can ask for me. I sometimes write poems..but the night we split up, hoping that our end might bring a better change in us, i dreamt that he wrote poetry about me..and it was of hatred for me. I don’t know what this means? ..weird enough tht i rarely remembr my dreams..this one freaked me out and i was very upset and worried. hope u can help me, thnxs

  154. Dear sister, thanks a lot for your concern I am sorry for bothering you with a long list of dreams but this has been the case with me since last few months(due to situation I am in i.e. the magic). I have dreams almost daily, some can be dreams from my mind and mental disturbance but still I believe that Allah guides me and helps me a lot through these dreams. Like as I often see moons, sea, buildings, sweets and some bad things which I believe should not be told. I am determined to fail them not just because of getting back my lost fiance but mainly because its against the dignity of muslim to get defeated by these evil powers. You know ‘dua’ and ‘failth’ are the greatest weapons of a muslim. So I am stuck to them, please pray from Allah for my success.
    Thanks again for your time and concern.

  155. Salam,

    Could you please send me or tell me where to find the meaning of the various symbols of dreams in islamic tradition. I see alot of dreams by Allmighty Allah’s grace. I have also seen my self standing before Allah which appeared to be a source of light. I have also seen myself flying on a four legged black animal in a very beautiful place which I think is paradise. I see mosques, saying prayer, Kalima etc in my dreams.



  156. salam sister in islam…i’m happy u r back again…u were away for a while…i ‘ve sent u an email..please sister read it and kindly explain that dream for me…Jazaki Allah khayran

  157. Assalamuaikum!!!! I have a friend who is a male. He just lost his mum on 6th Mar 2009. He loves her alot & he change himself to be a religious man after she passed away. Easy to say, he bertaubat & prays 5 times a day. He used to be a very not good person. I am also very close to him. The problem is his father dreamt of her being very sad & worried about something so his father asked her in the dream, what was wrong with her. All she mentioned was, my friend’s name & thats it. For me, I dreamt of his mum too. She was in my room with my friend. She was crying & hugging my friend, saying something to me but I cant hear a word she said. IN the dream, my friend was standing upright & looking down. Please please help me to interprete these dreams. It has been disturbing both me & my friend. We want his mum to rest in peace. Please help.

    • Assalamuaikum,sister… well i there used to be a website about seeing dead people but its not there anymore, but i’ve read that if you see a dead persone laughing it means the dead person is happy.but if you see a dead person crying or giving you something its not good also if you see a dead perso giving you information or telling you something it is true. ALLAH knows best… what you could do is pray for this person INSHALLAH everything will be ok…

  158. Salam Sister in Islam. I used to be in a relationship with a man. He is a very sweet person who cares for me & my children. We were together for almost 2 years. His mother passed away recently. She was a very nice lady with a good heart. I am actually 8yrs older than my ex and I am a single mum of 2. My ex is a very good hearted man too. He provides for my kids & me and my kids adores him like crazy. We r both totally inseparable and all who knows us can see how in love we both are.He broke up with me coz he heard frm his family that his mum dun agree him to be with me. She wants him to be happy. I was heartbroken coz he didnt hear it from her directly but through others. I am fine abt it. I still love & miss him so much but I need to accept fate. If he is mine then he will come back 1 day. All I do now is pray to Allah swt to give me strength to overcome this obstacle i m facing coz its so empty without him in my kids’ and my life. I also pray to Allah swt to show me the right path of Islam and search for answers from him. Without fail, in my prayers, I always donates Al-Fateha to his late mum coz I haf never had any problems with her whatsoever. I dun haf mum’s love since young so i guess i took her as my mum. It came to me as a shock when i heard she didnt approve of my relationship with her son but we both respected her last few wishes. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep & even cry while doing my doa…. Anyway…last nite, I dream of her in my room. She was with my ex. She was crying & saying something I cant seem to hear. My ex was standing right beside her with his face looking down. I am not sure wats the dream about & if theres a meaning to it. I love his mum very much and I really really want her to rest in peace. Do u think I have done something wrong or is she trying to tell me something??? Pls help me

  159. tasalam u alikum sister
    thank u soo muchr for your concern. recently i got engaged . i did istekhara before acepting proposal.

    in my dream i saw my self telling my mohter that they imam how had done isthekara for me , had a very good dream , in which he saw that my fiance had conquered 2 caravan of camels.after that i saw my relatives preparing for my wedding

  160. tasalam u alikum sister
    thank u soo muchr for your concern. recently i got engaged . i did istekhara before acepting proposal.

    in my dream i saw my self telling my mohter that the imam (cleric) how had done isthekara for me , had a very good dream , in which he saw that my fiance had conquered 2 caravan of camels.after that i saw my relatives preparing for my wedding

  161. asalam u alikum sister
    thank u soo muchr for your concern. recently i got engaged . i did istekhara before acepting proposal.

    in my dream i saw my self telling my mohter that the imam (cleric) how had done isthekara for me , had a very good dream , in which he saw that my fiance had conquered 2 caravan of camels.after that i saw my relatives preparing for my wedding

  162. Asalaam mualaikum respected person. I had a dream last night around Thauhajjud time, it was short. I entered the Haram in Makkah and proceeded to the Holy Kaabah, as i aproached the Kaabah a group of security personal appeared suddenly and started to move the crowd back, they formed a barrier of which i was asked to walk through alone, straight to Hajre Aswad. I arrived at Hajre Aswad and kissed it once with only feeling Allah in my heart, then i stepped back and kissed it again, on the second time i noticed a crack in Hajre Aswad, when i looked through i could see inside the Kaabah. At first i was afraid, after that it was mind blowing. I removed my head and walked away. After that the rest of the people were allowed to continue their Tawaaf etc and the security disappeared.
    Please interpret for me.

  163. Salam sister,

    Wow thank you for interpretating the dream about the bread for me… After reading it I talked to my brother and ironically he had also been having dreams about me and him which he wanted to talk about but wasnt sure how to approach me with it. So thank you once again…

    But I had another dream about my sister… currently my family and my sister do not talk because there are problems between us and her husband. But in my dream she came over to our house to visit. And she approached my father and said that her and her husband and their 2 kids are now very poor and that they needed help. She was asking my father for help and he gave her $99. And when he gave her the money he said that it was all he could help her with was $99. And she took the money and left the house but she seemed happy when she left.

    I also had another dream last night… This one was about another one of my brothers I assume. Currently he wants to get married. He has found this girl that he wishes to ask for her hand in marriage but he is hesitant because he isn’t sure if he could afford to get married right now. But in my dream I had seen the girls father and my father and brothers all together they had just went into a partnership in a huge grocery store and very big gas station. Every body in the dream was very happy. My brother who is looking to get married walked in the house and came up to me he was very excited and kept telling me how great the store and station were. Then the girls dad called our house in the dream to say congratulations to all of house. He talked the longest to my mom and just kept saying how happy he was and even mentioned his daughter and how he was worried and her future but not anymore and my mom was reassureing him that she is going to be okay..

    Sister I know this is alot but i would be very greatful of you if you could interpret these dreams for me.. Thank you for your time and effort. May Allah bless you

  164. salam sister,
    i had a dream of my mum passing away, i didnt acctually see her pass away in my dreams just the news that came to my hears and the sadness that filled the family. I was wondering if you could kindly tell em the meang of death with in a dream including a member of familys’ death. If it is a good or bad thing.


  165. as salaam dear sister,
    i can see how busy you are so i want you to know i will insha’Allah only be bring you the dreams which i feel may have some importance. no more cat dreams. this one two, nights ago..husband (soon to be ex husband following the birth) was a driver of a public transportation bus i got on with my sister some how i started to pester him, i found out his new lady’s name was evelynna, the bus stoppedafter some more pestering, at a park… the police were there but for something else and he did not alert them to my constant pestering as i was leaving he said that she was a better wife than me… i noticed he was smoking a cigar which he does not in real life…after those words he blew out a lot of smoke????? waddaya think? thanks in advance dear sister

  166. Salaam
    I was wondering if someone could interprate a dream for me..” in my dream i went to my local mosque i was lining up to pray in the 2nd row look to my left and there was about 8-10 people dressed in all orange and they were bold praying next to me when i went down for sajdah and had a quran in my hand i placed it in front of me then i seen a one of the people dressed in orange reach over touch the quran and it vanished in front of me when i finished salah i turned to the person next to me and said did u see him make the quran dissapear and he said so what…” it was the strangest dream i’ve ever had it didnt feel like a bad dream just really confusing

  167. Salam sister,

    JazakALLAH for interpreting my dreams.

    I had a dream there was a tall tree outside my parents house by the wall. I tell my mom that I should take down that tree before it falls on our house but in my dream I didn’t take it down I am only suggesting it. The tree is right by the wall but outside of our house.
    (I am presently at my parents house due to disagreement with my husband and i am pregnant).

    I am looking out of the window and i see a big green bush it has large red and orange roses on the same bush….

    I also saw thay my husband has ironed my bedsheet. and I am ironing my shirt..
    What does this mean?

    JazakALLAH in advance.

  168. Assalamualaikum,
    Sblm tidur sy berada dalam keadaan bersih & tenang. Cara tidur saya pun mengikut sunnah.Kemuadian sy telah brmimpi dirancangkan perkahwinan dgn seorang lelaki yg disebut nama serta gmbarannya oleh ibu saya. Sewaktu melihat wajahnya,sy berasa sedikit sebak & gembira. Sy tertanya2 apakah mksd mimpi trsebut. Mungkin anda boleh mmbantu?

  169. I want to know more meanings of dreams and how much a person should bother about it. I think everything is up to ALLAH so leave it up to him and don’t do anything about the dreams.

  170. Allah Knows Best. I believe it is she has helped me and told me what surah to recite before bed to calm/reduce night terrors Allah guided me to this site just before He allowed me to become closer to Him and stronger in faith and islam may Allah continue to guided us all and keep us on the straight path insha’Allah Ameem

  171. Dear sister in islam..i sent u the details via the email…waiting for your reply…Jazaki Allah Khayran for your time and effort…

  172. Asalam alaykom Pak Girl,

    Apologies for the late reply, I will do yours first and will try to keep up with time in future inshallah. Here it goes:

    Your first dream about big buildings in unknown place indicates numerous good deeds that you are performing and they are accepted by Allah inshallah.

    Your second dream about food indicates abundance and prosperity, sweet is even better, seeing fish and greener foods are very good as well.

    Mashallah, in your 3rd dream about the dress is a sign of honor for you (inshallah!).

    In your 4th dream, since you are single the egg yolks are sign of unborn children or your generations to come (inshallah). You have saved them which is very good sign. In the end the flour in a dish again is a sign of purity and abundance.

    In your 5th dream, seeing any ayah or sorah of Quran indicates religious knowledge and wisdom.

    In your 6th dream, since you are single, they are sign of proposals for you inshallah. Depending on dream sometime they indicate brother as well and Allah knows best.

    In your 7th dream about the calm sea indicates spiritual elevation.

    In your last dream, seeing a bird is a good sign but I could not find any material that would support that seeing birds means seeing angels. Whereas seeing something that is beautiful and does not belong to this world means that one will get or have useful knowledge and that he will be respected in this world and the hereafter. In the last part of this dream taking photo may mean getting interested in worldly vanities and Allah knows best.

    In your earlier note, I am unable to interpret the first dream about politicians.

    Pak Girl, your dreams are very good mashallah, and in no way they indicate that you are under the spell of magic. On the contrary, one who is bewitched cannot have such dream this often. So I would really want you to let go of the thought that you are under any kind of spell. Such dreams are from Allah alone, whatever good or bad happens in this world is qadr and it happens for a reason. You have mentioned in your note that your engagement is broken; it is always good to receite Surah Yasin in Fajr prayer during farad. And I am sure you are already doing this. Secondly there are some ayahs I want you to read, it will safe guard you from every sort of evil in future and will get rid of any magic if you had any. Please send me an email at and I will send you the attachment. In addition I want you to read the name of Allah YA-ALIMU as much as you can, indeed only Allah knows the secrets of this world and the hereafter and only he can guide a person.


  173. Asalam alaykom Ruhel,

    Seeing falling from a mountain indicates life troubles and Allah knows best. Ruhel your friend is not the only one having such dreams; many people are having such dreams due to the economic crises everywhere. I want you and your friends to supplicate to Allah to always provide you with sustenance in this world and hereafter. It will be good to recite this dua from the Quran after each farad prayer (Surah # 18, Al Kahf, ayah number 10 “Remember when the young men fled for refuge to the Cave. They said ‘Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!””. You can also read the name of Allah YA-BARRU 100 times after fajr prayer. Al Barr means The Source of All Goodness, and by reciting this name you and your friends will be free of all misfortune Inshallah.


  174. Asalam alaykom Hind,

    Your dream is a bit confusing for me; I really cannot understand all the elements. In the beginning the university is a good sign but you being in a tight place indicates difficulty in reaching your objective. Huge building is a sign of benefit and neon light is a sign of guidance and uprightness. In the end going up through the elevator is a sign of elevation but you are facing some difficulties on the way and are determined to overcome them.

    Honestly Hind, this could be related to some thing either at your university or some other matter in your life. My best advice for you is to thank Allah as much as you can for all that he has given you in this world, then repent to Allah for any and every thing and in the end pray Salat-ul-Tahajud at least every Thursday and Friday or 3 days in a row or 7 days in a row or as frequently as you can and supplicate much to Allah to relieve you from these difficulties and indeed Allah is most nearer to a person during Salat-ul-Tahajud.


  175. Asalam alaykom Safa,

    Giving advice in such matters is not easy but here it goes. Your dream indicates that you breaking this relationship with him overnight is not easy for him. Here is what I want you to do, I want you to perform salat-ul-istikhara for this boy and supplicate to Allah many many times to guide you since you have taken this step of leaving him for Allah alone. Supplicate for many days (at least 7 days). If you stick to your commitment for Allah then Allah will surely guide you and will reward you for this. Secondly and most important, please talk to your mom about this and the dream that you have. Supplicate to Allah to make your Mom more courteous towards you in this matter and be patient. Being patient is not an easy thing and Allah is always with the patient ones (Sabareen). Mom’s are daughters best friend and they always give a better advise than any one else. Please recite Subhan-Allah-Wabayhamdihi-Subhan-Allah-AlAzeem 100 times every morning (Very Important!).

    May Allah help you in this situation Ameen.


  176. Asalam alaykom everyone,

    I came across this khutba that I would like to share with you all. It is lengthy but worth reading.


    A police officer in a Muslim country wrote the following letter to a shaykh describing the events that led to his return to Allah. He recalls:

    Seeing accidents and crash victims was a normal part of my day, but one incident was different.

    My partner and I had parked on the shoulder of the highway and began to chat. In a random second, the scene shattered to the hideous sound of metal bodies becoming one. We threw our heads back to see what had happened. It was a head-on collision, the result of a vehicle slipping into the lane of the oncoming traffic.

    We couldn’t describe the carnage. Two young men sprawled in the first car, both in critical condition. We carried them gently away from the car and rested them on the ground.

    Quickly we returned to assist the owner of the second car. He was dead. Back we went to the two young men lying side by side on the pavement.

    My partner began dictating the Shahaadah to them. “Say la ilaaha illAllah (There is no god but Allah), la ilaaha illAllah…”

    Their tongues wouldn’t acknowledge it. They started humming the hypnotic lyrics of some song. I was terrified. My partner had experience however, and he kept repeating his instruction.

    I stood up watching, no movement, eyes locked. Never in my life had I seen anything similar to what was going on before me. In fact, I’ve never actually seen someone die, and never, in such a satanic way.

    My partner continued to instruct them to say the Shahaadah but there was no use. The hum of their song came to a slow silence, slowly. The first one stopped and then the other. Not a stir. Dead.

    We carried them to our patrol car; my partner made no effort to speak. Not a whisper between us two as we carried the corpses to the nearest hospital.


    Dear brothers and sisters, Ubayy Ibn Khalaf confronted RasulAllah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam one day with a rotted bone in his hand. He crushed it in his hands, let the wind blow it away and asked, “Muhammad, do you claim that Allah will bring these ashes to life?”

    Allah replied to Ubayy and everyone else who dares ask the same question:

    Has not man considered how We created him from a drop of semen? Yet he is an open adversary! He makes something up to be compared with Us and forgets how he was created. He says, “Who will revive [our] bones after they have rotted away? / Say: The one Who raised them up in the first place will revive them. He is aware of all creation (Ya-Seen 36/77-79).

    Reflecting over the topic of this khutbah, I came across a website where readers submit stories of their biggest regrets. For some, it was a lost love, for others it was a job they passed up, and for still others, it was a flip of fate that ended in a horrific way.

    But in all, the regrets were worldly candies that had been lost – short-lived pleasures of life. This is the world in which Allah decreed that summers always come to an end.

    Those stories were of living beings recalling their regrets. However, what I would like to see is a website where the dead would recall their regrets! They would not regret the lost love, or the silly job or the twist of fate; they would regret every second that they did not spend worshiping Allah.

    We are all here today because we claim that la ilaaha illAllah Muhammad ur RasulAllah is what we believe in. Nevertheless, the problem is that for many it is a belief that dropped its bags, sat down on the tongue, and did not move on to penetrate the heart.

    There are many men and women of our deen for whom this was not the case.

    Muhammad Ibn Abi Imran narrates that he heard someone ask Shaykh Hatim al-Asum how he reached to his level of reliance upon Allah. Shaykh Hatim al-Asum replied, “I became convinced in four things (i.e. that these four things penetrated my heart). One, I am convinced that no one else will eat the provision Allah has decreed for me, so I am content. Two, I am convinced that no one else is going to do good works except me, so I am busy doing them myself. Three, I am certain death shall come unexpectedly, so I am busying myself in expectation of it. And four, I am certain I shall never escape the sight of Allah, so I am shy to disobey Him while He is watching.”

    Even though we all claim to believe what Hatim al-Asum is convinced of, how many of us have carried it past their tongue and allowed it a space in their hearts?

    We all know what the media does to distort facts on the nightly news. They take a long speech, cut and paste, and take words out of context. Well, the media is not the only one that takes things out of context. Consider the following verse:

    Say: My servants who have acted extravagantly against themselves still do not despair of Allah’s mercy. Allah forgives all offenses; He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (Az-Zumar 39/53).

    So many of us have heard this verse out of context. It may seem like a human can do all the bad that they want, and when they die, they will go to Heaven. But read on.

    And turn in repentance towards your Lord and commit yourselves peacefully to Him before torment comes to you; then you will not be supported. / Follow the finest part of whatever has been sent down to you from your Lord before torment comes upon you suddenly while you do not notice it / Lest some soul should say: Alas my grief that I was undutiful to Allah and I was indeed among those who scoffed [at the truth] (Az-Zumar 39/54-56).

    This last verse is the proof that the Qur’an cannot be translated. How do you explain the grief of ya hasrataa? Imam At-Taahir Ibn Aashoor tries explaining hasrah as an extreme violent intoxicated regret. It is like a servant boy whose master charged him with the care of a flock. Thinking that the master was not watching, he slept and played, leaving the flock unattended. The flock went further and further away until a pack of wolves came and devoured every one. The regret is the regret that boy had to his master.

    Yahya Ibn Mu’aadh rahimahullah said, “The most naive thing in my eyes is to linger in sin – with no regrets – hoping for a far off pardon and to come closer to Allah without doing anything and to wait for the harvest of Jannah with the seeds of Hell – waiting for reward without any deeds.”


    The police officer that we mentioned earlier fell back into routine, as he narrates, and started to drift away from Allah. But another event happened to him that sealed the return. He continues:

    What an odd world. After some time, about six months, a strange accident took place. A young man was moving along the highway normally, but within one of the tunnels leading to the city, he got a flat tire.

    To the side of the tunnel he parked, and stepped to the back to remove the spare tire. The whistle of a speeding car could be heard from behind. In a second, it collided with the crippled car, with the young man in-between. He fell to the ground with critical injuries.

    I rushed to the scene, myself and another partner other than the first. Together we carried the young man’s body into our patrol car and phoned the hospital to prepare for his arrival.

    He was a young adult in his blossom years. Religious, as you could tell from his appearance. He was mumbling when we carried him, but in our rush, we had not paid attention to what he was saying.

    However, when we placed him on his back in the patrol car, we could make it out. Through the pain, his heart was reciting Qur’an! He was so immersed in the recitation. Subhan Allah, you would have never said that this person was in intense pain.

    Blood had soaked his clothes crimson red, his bones had clearly snapped in several places. To tell the truth, he looked like he was staring into the eyes of death.

    He continued to read in his unique, tender voice, reciting each verse in proper rhythm. In my entire life, I had never heard any recitations like it. I said to myself, “I’m going to instruct him to say the Shahaadah just like I saw my friend doing,” especially since I had previous experience.”

    My partner and I listened intently to that soft voice. I felt a shiver shock my back and up my arm the hair stood.

    Suddenly, the hymn ceased. I watched silently as his hand rose softly. He had his index finger pointed upward to the Heaven, saying the Shahaadah (La ilaaha illAllah – There is no God but Allah). Then, his head slumped.

    I jumped to the back seat, felt his hand, his heart, his breathing. He was dead!

    I couldn’t stop staring at him. A tear fell but I hid it in shame. I turned back to my partner and told him that the boy’s life had ceased. He burst out loud crying. Seeing a man cry like that, I could not control myself, and my partner faded away behind the fall of my own tears. The patrol car fogged from the emotions.

    We arrived at the hospital. As we rushed through the corridors, we told all the doctors, nurses, and onlookers what had happened. So many people were affected by what we said, some stood there speechless and tearful.

    No one wanted to lose sight of the boy, until they had been assured of the time and place he would be buried.

    One of the hospital staffs phoned the boy’s home. His brother picked it up and was told of the accident. His brother told us about him:

    “He used to go out every Monday to visit his only grandmother outside of town. Whenever he visited her, he made sure to spend time with the poor children idling on the streets, and the orphans. The town knew him; he was the one that would bring them the Islamic books and tapes. His dusty Mazda would be filled with rice and sugar and even candies – couldn’t forget the candies – for those families who were in need.

    he would not stand for anyone to discourage him from the long journey to that town. He would always politely reply that the long drive gave him time to review his Qur’an and to listen to Islamic lectures on his cassette deck and that with every step to the town, he hoped for the reward he would find with Allah.”


    It is true brothers and sisters that Allah is Merciful and forgives and forgives, as He says:

    Yet I am quite forgiving…

    But to whom?

    … towards anyone who turns [in repentance] and believes and acts honorable; then he will be guided (Taha 20/82).

    Just like we reply someone’s call when they phone us, this is Allah and His Messenger calling us:

    O our people! Respond to Allah’s caller (Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and believe in him. Allah will forgive you of your sins and will save your from a painful torment (Al-Ahqaf 46/31).

    Let us answer!

    There is a verse in the Qur’an that when Shaytaan read it, he cried and felt regret. Read this verse, as it is the door to our happiness in this life and the next:

    And those who, if they commit an immorality or wrong themselves, remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins – and who can forgive sins except Allah? – and who do not persist in what they have done while they know. For those, their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens beneath which rivers flow [in Jannah], wherein they shall abide eternally. Excellent is the reward of the [righteous] workers (A’le-Imran 3/135-136).

    Allah sent the Prophets and the Books; He sent the warnings and glad tidings; and He sent the reminders. And a top all that, Allah comes down to Samaa’ ad-Dunya – in a way befitting of His Majesty – in the third portion of the night of every night, calling to every one of His servants, “Is there anyone who shall make du’a so that I shall accept His du’a? Is there anyone who shall ask for pardon so that I may pardon him?”

    Dear brothers and sisters, let us make a pledge tonight to set our alarm clocks for 2 am in the morning. We all know that if there were some special sports event on TV or someone had to catch a plane at that time, they would be capable of waking up.

    Let’s set the alarm to pray only 2 rakaat to Allah. And in sajdah, recall just one sin – just one – between us and Allah and ask Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala to forgive us for that sin, pledging that we shall never return to it.

    RasulAllah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam gave the example of a man who loses his camel in the desert and in that wasteland loses hope of life. In that state, he sits down awaiting death to come. Then, he opens his eyes and finds his camel standing beside him with all the provisions to take him home. In his extreme happiness he cries out, “O Allah, You are my servant and I am your Lord!” He says it wrong from the bliss of happiness.

    RasulAllah sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said that verily Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than this man is upon finding his camel!

    Tonight, at 2 am, let’s all try to make Allah happy with us. Believe me, we won’t regret it.

    by Muhammad Alshareef
    taken from

    • sister, i had this dream a few months ago and i still havent found a meaning could you please help.

      I was walking along my long road towards my busstop and whilst walking along the long road i noticed my neighbour come from one side and my little cousin come from the other .. i waited for them both to greet them and walk with them and we carried on walking do thewn road… we were all busy talking untill my neighbour noticed something on the ground and she started screaming and jumping i looked down and i saw the word Allah in arabic on the floor made by wet leafs it was done soo beautifully and there was a tree like 2 feet next to this..

      and so i started screaming and jumping ..but my cousin didnt understand what it said because she doesnt know arabic and was about to walk on it but i stopped her and told her what it said.
      .. if you know what this means can you email me please

    • salaam,i had a dream that i was wearing a silver watch a nd my auntie that has just passed away asked for my watch and i gave it to her, my auntie passed away 7 days ago and i had this dream 2 days ago. could you please kindly tell me the meaning of this dream. wasalaam

  177. JazakALLAH sister in islam for sharing this heart shaking khutba with us. ALLAH be pleased with you and reward you for your efforts.

    • i had a dream in fajr in which i saw khwaja garibannawaz dargah and also color grean( for if u dont know about khwaja garibannawaz he was a great chisti and haz a vaery sacred mazhar whose ppl visit in large proportions)just want to know wat does this mean? does it mean i hav to visit that mazhar?

  178. Dear Sister

    Thanks a lot for your kind concern and suggestions. I will inshAllah in some later suitable time share with you all details and some of my previous dreams as well. Right now kindly interprete this dream which I have seen day before yesterday.
    I have seen my ex-colleague(who presently lives in dubai) who have come to visit his homeland i.e. our country. I visit his house upon knowing that he is here nowadays. But his house seems to depict a house of extremely poor person. Overall it was clean but even one of the walls was unplastered. I thought in my mind oh I never knew that he is such a poor man. The significant thing in dream was that in once section of the house there were many black horses. Kindly interpret.

    Once again thanks for your support.

  179. assalamualikum
    I had a dream which always come together with 3 things.
    1st dream:I was at a small hut with my mother sitting and there is a plate of food on small table where we are sitting next to a graveyard.I went to the near grave and there were 3 children graves.
    2nd dream:I saw 3 shelves coated of gold with beautiful engravement of al-quran it seems to me I am supposed to open it but I am too afraid to touch it .
    3rd dream:I was a place outside the mosque where surrounded by males wearing white and i was asked them where is the direction to go to the mosque and this guy told me with a smile but i still could’nt find it cos i woken up.
    please kindly assist me to interpret my dreams dat to me is totally strange.

  180. As salamualkum,
    I had a beautiful dream of a beautiful baby girl she looked about 6 months light skin beautiful light eyes. True dream or desire dream? Allah Knows best thanks sister

  181. Salam sister,

    JazakALLAH for interpreting my dreams.

    I had a dream there was a tall tree outside my parents house by the wall. I tell my mom that I should take down that tree before it falls on our house but in my dream I didn’t take it down I am only suggesting it. The tree is right by the wall but outside of our house.
    (I am presently at my parents house due to disagreement with my husband and i am pregnant).

    I am looking out of the window and i see a big green bush it has large red and orange roses on the same bush….

    I also saw thay my husband has ironed my bedsheet. and I am ironing my shirt..
    What does this mean?

    JazakALLAH in advance.

  182. Salam Sister…

    I had a dream recently where i was walking home from the friday prayer at a mosque that was up the street from my house (in real life there is no mosque near my home)… on my way home it was pouring rain and i was soaking wet. There wasn’t any thunder or lightening just rain, but i didnt mind the rain. As i was walking home in the rain i looked down at my feet and noticed i was wearing these white shoes. And in the dream i remember thinking to myself where did these shoes come from.. and i just kept walking in the rain. I also remember feeling very content in the dream like i was in a good mood. Can you please interpret this for me

  183. Sister in islam…Jazaki Allaho khayran for that khutba..i liked the two stories..they are very touching…and thank u for your help and reply…may Allah grant you happiness and peace of mind…

  184. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    MashaAllah you have a good dream after your istekhara. It really does not need explaining as you are already saying it in the dream that the cleric ‘had a very good dream’. Although you do need to know that camel is a very good sign which indicates benefits or travel or some times property, land or a house.

    Do not cease to read Surah Al Uhud, Surah Al Falaq, Surah Al Nas and Surah Al Kaferoon until your marriage.


  185. Asalam alaykom Mohamed,

    MashaAllah you have a good dream as well. Dreaming of Kaaba is a sign of piety. Performing Omrah or Hajj is a sign of religious vertue, uprightness, retribution, secruity in front of enemy and/or debt payment. The part of the dream about Hajr-e-aswad indicates you wanting to take on a hard task and the security making the way indicates that Allah has made the way easy for you and have or will protect you inshallah. Although a crack or a broken thing is considered a bad omen but in your dream since you saw the inside of the Kaaba from the crack, you can easily rule this out as a good sign (since satan can not copy the Kaaba, Mosque, the Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in a dream) and Allah knows best. I have usually observed that the people who dream of Kaaba often had a chance to visit the House of Allah again. It is good to recite the name of Allah YA-JALILU which means the Sublime One.


  186. Asalam alaykom Maria,

    My apologies for the late reply, I know how one feels when it has such a dream regarding its mother. Seeing your mother passing away in the dream is a good sign and means recovery from an illness and Allah knows best. Sadness in any dream announces good news (inshallah!).

    You second dream is very good as well. Rain in a dream is a symbol of mercy of Allah and providence. Seeing a mosque near your home is a sign of ones repentance. Shoes represent a proposal for a woman if she is not married and sometimes they represent a brother as well and Allah knows best. White is a sign of purity.

    Therefore the dream indicates that you have been repenting and Allah has accepted your repentance (inshallah!) and has bestowed mercy on you and will inshallah give you a righteous partner.

    In Surah Nuh (Ayah # 10,11 & 12) “And I said, ‘beg forgiveness of your Lord, He is Most Forgiving. He will send down upon you rain in torrents. And He will help you with wealth and children and will make for you gardens and will make for you streams.”

    You had this in your dream. Please keep steadfast in you ibadah and thank Allah much. Please read the name of Allah YA-GHAFOOR-UR-RAHIM and YA-WARITHU every morning as well.


  187. my aunt ( mother’s sister) how did isthkara for my marrige with yousuf ( my finace0
    she saw that she is distributing something ( DATES most probably ) to people in masjid haram ( KABBA) .
    let me know how good this relationship is according to istekhara .

  188. asalamualikum
    my aunt ( mother’s sister) who did isthkara for my marrige with yousuf ( my finace0
    she saw that she is distributing something ( DATES most probably ) to people in masjid haram ( KABBA) .
    let me know how good this relationship is according to istekhara

  189. Salam sister.

    I had a confusing dream that i need help with. In the dream I was at this house and there was a huge stair case outside made out of this fancy marble/cermic tile. Next to the staircase was like a stream that was lined with gold colored marble/cermic tile. I climbed the staircase and when i got to the top i layed inside the stream and slided down to the bottom. The water in the stream was very cold. When i got the the bottom the dream kinda switched scenes and i was sitting next to my ex-fiance (we had to stop the engagement bc of other people, not bc me and him wanted to). I was sitting next to him but we were still outside and thats when i realized that the house was his house. While we were sitting a beige cat came up to us by our feet. The cat walked around our feet then it urinated on both our feet. So he and i got up to wash ourselfs because of what the cat did so we walked into this huge bathroom that was also made of marble/cermic tile but it was blue and gold tile. The bathroom didn’t have a toilet or anything just a fountain of water in the middle. We started to wash our hands and feet with this water.

    Sister can you please explain this to me.. sorry for it being to long. Thank you

  190. Assalamo alaikom sister..
    i had a dream that someone (i don’t remember who) was telling me that my fiance (may Allah bless his soul) has two daughters now..Noor and Malak..(their names)
    in the dream i really wanted to call him and congratulate him but i woke up suddenly realizing it’s just a dream…
    sister does this dream have any meaning?
    Jazaki Allah khayran

    i saw this dream almost 15 years ago but i always wanted to know what does it mean.

    a lady wearing white dress material was holding my hand and she told me that this in BAB UL WIDA( DATE OF DEPARTURE) when people die they came here, in my dream i m memorising the name babul wida as i was thinking that when i woke up i will tell my mother about this gate after death.
    then me and the lady went underground by staircase, i saw a room of mud ( as i was under the earth in my dream) i saw many people with smiling face all dresses in white were sitting relax and happy. the room was decorated with lights. atfer that same one came in the room and gave me a plate of rice with a sweet(confectionary item) on it. all of us ate it it was very sweet even i felt its taste when i wokeup. someone told me thi (plate of rice n sweet) is from MOHAMMAD ( S.A.W.W) after eating the lady took me towards anohter door that was going inside , i woke up.

    please interprate my dream very clearly as i am looking for it interpretation since i was merely 10, 11 years old

  192. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    There are couple of good signs in your dream. The white dress which means purity, the mud room which means birth and creation, light/s is a symbol of guidance and uprightness and the rice sweet announces great happiness.

    I did not understand the part regarding bab-ul-wida and the rest of the dream but it appears like a good dream and as you know that satan can not copy Prophet Mohamed (p.b.u.h.) so that part is true as well. Sometimes it is hard to interpret the dreams of your childhood as they do not relate to every day life. I can still remember my first dream, it was like 2 hrs long and honestly I dont know what it means.


  193. Asalam alaykom Boshra,

    Dreaming that your fiance (may Allah bless his soul) has two daughters is a very good omen. It might mean that Allah had mercy on him (inshallah!).


  194. Asalam alaykom Yousef,

    Garden in a dream indicates richness of islam. In other places garden could mean world’s favours depending on its condition. Green water melons are a sign of benefit to come and Allah knows best.


  195. Asalam alaykom Muna,

    A house in a dream is a good sign if the house is in a good state and a bad sign if it is in a ruined state. Going up a staircase signifies preaching islam or performing the right acts. Stream is a sign of long and sweet life and might also mean continued reward for one’s good deeds. Feeling the water being very cold refer’s to Allah’s acceptance of one’s repentance, a cure from sickness and/or the lifting of a calamity. Cat is a symbol of a woman. Urinating is not a good sign and could mean loss or a calamity and Allah knows best. Feet are generally considered a good sign in a dream, the cat urinating on your feet could mean trying to stop you and your fiance from doing the right thing. You and your fiance washing your hands and feet is a good sign and means repentance.

    Muna, it is a good dream overall. You have mentioned that you had to stop the engagement, I am not sure if that was the right decision to make. Why don’t you perform Salat-ul-istekhara and receite the and the name of Allah YA-BASIRU much and wait for Allah guidance.

    May Allah guide you soon!


  196. Asalam alaykom Sana,

    Your aunt distributing dates in the dream could mean a reminder to pay charity and Allah knows best. My advise would be for her to give some charity and perform Salat-ul-istekhara again.

    May Allah guide us all!


  197. Asalam alaykom Sana Javed,

    In a dream the tree represents a man, bedsheet represents the wife and you pressing your own shirt is a sign of joy for you and Allah knows best. Roses are usually considered a good sign in a dream.

    The dream is bit confusing for me so I will let you interpret it. Please recite the name of Allah YA-BASITU 10 times after fajr prayer and inshallah Allah will make your matters easy for you.


  198. Asalam alaykom Knadia,

    It is a good dream. I cannot tell if it is a true dream or a desire dream, I believe you will know better since you had the dream. Some times dreaming of a baby girl announces the birth of a boy and in some cases a girl. Although the beautiful light eyes announces the birth of a righteous child who will be inclined toward the religion and Allah knows best.


  199. as salaam sister, thanks Allah and thanks to you can you kindly interpret my first dream with the smoke may Allah bless you and continue to give you time and desire to continue ameen salaam

  200. Salam Sister,

    Thank you for the interpretation. I also had another dream if you could so kindly interpret.

    I was walking up the street with two girls. One of the girls is a friend of mine and the other girl was my ex-fiance’s sister (we had to break off the engagement because of other people not because me and him wanted to). The sidewalk we were walking on was filled with dry grass. The grass was piled very high on the sidewalk but the grass was also still very green. All three of us were walking on this grass at the same time. We kept walking until we got to a house and my ex-fiance’s sister invited us in she said it was their house. We walked in and sat in the kitchen which was small and although the house looked nothing like what their house actually looks like it was a nice home. I was sitting in front of a staircase by the kitchen when my ex-fiance kept walking back and forth looking at us. He wouldn’t say a word to me he just kept walking by and looking at me. Then he came by the staircase and walked up and still kept looking at me. He didn’t say a word just kept staring and he was wearing gray pants and a gray shirt with white shoes which isn’t how he normally dresses. Also none of the girls or myself are married or engaged and my friend in the dream was wearing hijab which she doesn’t wear in real life.

    Thank you

  201. ASALAM U ALIKUM sister
    my aunt told me that she is very satisfied with istekhara as she was in majid haram near KAABA distributing sweets or dates.
    she told me that this is the sign of goodness in this proposal.
    ALLAH knows better .
    thank u so much for ur kindness

  202. dear sister

    i recently had a dream that i hit my brother and his back teeth fell out.
    In a second dream i dreamt my funeral was taking place and my grave was dug. A person whom i did not recognise tells my father that my grave is ready and to bring me to the grave. At this point i am stood in the corner and my father asks for me to perform wudu so that i can be buried. I think in my mind that how are they going to bury me when i have not died. Another person then comes in and tells my father that another wiomen who we know has died but her janazah is quite small but there are many people waiting to pray namaaz janazah for your daughter outside so please hurry. Please sister can you interpret this dream as this is the second dream this month in which i have seen my self as being dead or buried.

  203. Dear sister i forget to trell you also that my sister goes to see my grave and comes back and tells me that she thinks the grave may be too small for me to which i do not respond.

    Thankyou dear sister

  204. Salaamu’alaik.

    I would sincerely like some brothers and sisters in islam to address their interpretations or express their thoughts, if possible, upon the following dreams I made from 2000 to 2006.

    1.) I once dreamt of hundreds of flying creatures entering my room by the door in a frightening whirlpool one night. Two of them lifted me from my bed, grabbed me by the shoulders and we passed through the wall of my apartment. The next second, we were directly over Mecca where they flew me round the Qiblah 7 times.

    2.) I dreamt of a baby sitting and talking Arabic over my grandfather’s bed 3 days before he died. The morning he passed away, I dreamt of my grandfather standing up and walking away from me with the shade of an enormous black hand on his back supporting him.

    3.) I dreamt of myself another night walking my way back home, I saw a very pale girl (approximately 15 years of age) sitting in the middle on the street. She was shouting bitterly and pushing her father. I approached her, I knelt down, gripped her hair and began reciting Al-Falaq, An-naas and Auzu billahi mink. She finally became calm, she stopped gazing at me in horror and silently put her head down. Some kind of successful exorcism.

    4.) While sleeping, I began hearing a pulse inside my head. Then I opened my eyes, see myself as usual inside my body with the exception that I could not move at all. Another time, it was the same thing but I was outside of my body lying aside of it on the bed. There was a gigantic white pillar in my room stretching up to infinity. On both occasions, I read Surah Al-Iklaas and prayed God so that I entered back my body. I woke up in shock with my left hand numb each time.

    Yours truly

  205. Asalam alaykom Riffat,

    Your dream is a sign of worries and sadness. I want you to pray Salat-ul-Tahajjud (VERY IMPORTANT) every day 45 min before the fajr prayer. After praying 8 nawafil, supplicate to Allah much to save you from any distress that is to come. In the last 15 min before fajr prayer I want you to receite the name of Allah YA-GHAFOOR-UR-RAHIM and ask Allah to forgive you. Please keep on doing this until Allah shows you a good sign.

    May Allah protect you and make the ibadah easy for you. Ameen.


  206. Salam Sister,

    Thank you for the interpretation. I also had another dream if you could so kindly interpret.

    I was walking up the street with two girls. One of the girls is a friend of mine and the other girl was my ex-fiance’s sister (we had to break off the engagement because of other people not because me and him wanted to). The sidewalk we were walking on was filled with dry grass. The grass was piled very high on the sidewalk but the grass was also still very green. All three of us were walking on this grass at the same time. We kept walking until we got to a house and my ex-fiance’s sister invited us in she said it was their house. We walked in and sat in the kitchen which was small and although the house looked nothing like what their house actually looks like it was a nice home. I was sitting in front of a staircase by the kitchen when my ex-fiance kept walking back and forth looking at us. He wouldn’t say a word to me he just kept walking by and looking at me. Then he came by the staircase and walked up and still kept looking at me. He didn’t say a word just kept staring and he was wearing gray pants and a gray shirt with white shoes which isn’t how he normally dresses. Also none of the girls or myself are married or engaged and my friend in the dream was wearing hijab which she doesn’t wear in real life.

    Thank you

  207. i see frequently waves,tidal waves . but everytime i feel it comes n goes yet am still there… the tidal wave comes n goes off… and last time i saw i was pulling out my younger sister and my mother out of the water..i saving them n takin them both to safe area where i mean like they wont be drownin anymore..
    i cant re call all the parts of my dreams. but one thing i see is i see it coming and it comes n goes off and am still there..!!
    and once i saw lightening strike just very close to me…was very loud n bright!!
    in a nother dream i saw me my family all land an island in a ship,a boat.. and we all get down…
    i see that the people of that island was busy with come celebration or fun there was like some gathering.. like as if there was a parade on the road and hear everyone in joy.. just as then i just happen to tunr back at the ship n i see this huge tidal wave sooooo high… n i look at that n i look again at the people who r having fun in that island n again i look at the wave like in shock.. i looked at my mother in shock who was with me there like as in a suprise look dont these people of this island know about this huge tide wich is almost to hit them all ?like in a loook that these people of the island is too lost in that fun!
    and then in while i see me my family all r safe.. it seems the wave had hit n gone.. n we all are still there…
    basically my dreams are most of these tidal waves.. i see them sumtimes very often..and yes in all dreams i dont see my self running.. i see my self give in for that huge wave i cant run anywer i know that… n i just hold to my loved ones!! and inshallah in my dreams i see them safe even after the wave had hit n gone..!!!
    what are these tidal waves??



  208. what does a ship full of pearls indicate!!
    i saw this huge huge ship full of pearls.. over flowin it.. n i was sooo full of joy to see it… beautiful huge huge ship full of pearl next to me!!

  209. Dear Sister

    I have seen so many shining bright stars in the sky. What does this mean? Also, kindly interprete my dream I posted on April 21st, 2009 at 11:57 am regarding black horses

    Thaks a lot for your help

  210. Dear Sister

    I will begin this prayeras soon as i have recieved guidence on how to perform this correctly. I am meeting with a very good freind of mine at the end of the week who will be able to guide me and ensure that i am performing this correctly. Thankyou for your advice dear sister.


  211. Salam Sister

    I was walking up the street with two girls. One of the girls is a friend of mine and the other girl was my ex-fiance’s sister (we had to break off the engagement because of other people not because me and him wanted to). The sidewalk we were walking on was filled with dry grass. The grass was piled very high on the sidewalk but the grass was also still very green. All three of us were walking on this grass at the same time. We kept walking until we got to a house and my ex-fiance’s sister invited us in she said it was their house. We walked in and sat in the kitchen which was small and although the house looked nothing like what their house actually looks like it was a nice home. I was sitting in front of a staircase by the kitchen when my ex-fiance kept walking back and forth looking at us. He wouldn’t say a word to me he just kept walking by and looking at me. Then he came by the staircase and walked up and still kept looking at me. He didn’t say a word just kept staring and he was wearing gray pants and a gray shirt with white shoes which isn’t how he normally dresses. Also none of the girls or myself are married or engaged and my friend in the dream was wearing hijab which she doesn’t wear in real life.

    Thank you

  212. Assalamualaikum wr wb sister

    Sister in Islam, I appreciate your efforts in setting up this very informative site. Thank u and Jazakallahkahirun.

    I have a question about my fiance’s dream. In the dream, she is wearing a black sleeveless dress, and a translucent top over this. She does not wear revealing clothes in real life. Later on in the dream, I approach her and tell her this is not the right way to dress. She then proceeds on to wear something more traditional and concealing. What does this dream mean?

    Thank You.

  213. Me and my husband were with all my relatives. My husband took me to a restaurant. He said he needed to go to the toilet, and he took very long. I went to see why he took long. I opened the door, whcich had no signs. I saw three beds. He was in the middle bed, and his friends were on the other beds. Each one of them had two naked girls – but my husband had one Turkish one. She was wearing a scarf, but no clothing.

    My auntie and grandma tried to calm me down by suggesting that I go home. I went into our car, but then I ran out back to the room and started to yell at my husband. He then told me that I had the right to do so. I then replied to him, bu you saying that, it is as if you’re saying that you have the right to do what you’re doing. I felt like he was insulting me.

    I also begin to yell at the Turkish girl for wearing a scarf and being naked.

  214. assalamualaikum sister,
    could u please interpret this dream..

    1st i had a dream,i dream my ex boyfriend called my dad says that he wants to get married.i was sitting in front of my dad during the conversation time,my dad is laughing@smilling (im not sure,but he he was happy when he received that call).but i was crying when i heard not sure with whom he marry tooo…but i feel so sad when received that msg. then another part is,i was with my ex boyfriend in a shop, to buy something (im not sure what kind of things i bought).

    2nd,the next night i had the same dream, i saw my ex boyfriend’s friend (male and female) in a was like having a gathering a party (im not sure)..then i saw boy n girls is are in drunk conditions (they are not muslim actually)..i saw a vomited marks everywhere in that house. then i talk to one of my ex boyfriend’s friend,i ask him is my ex coming ( in that gathering)? then he said my ex is coming and told to all his friends that he is engaged with someone already…on that time i feel so sad…then i was crying again (in that dream)…suddenly, i wake up (i feel so sad),i heard azan…it was friday morning on that time…

    sis,can u interpret what it means…?

  215. Asalam alaikom dear sister…
    I had a dream of someone who was standing on a wall and someone was telling me he is from al-aaraf..
    but i really trying to remember who was that..but i can’t..i don’t think he’s my fiance..may Allah bless his soul..though his figure looks like him..i’m not sure…
    does this mean anything?

  216. What does the meaning of someone you know drinking alcohol in a dream? and you tell them.. why are you praying and why you telling me to pray when you drink yourself??

    Does this mean anything?

  217. Dear Sister

    I am doing as you advised and have read tahhujud namaaz in the morning. Last night i dreamt i was in masjid al haram with my father an husband. I have perfromed umrah last summer so i know what it looks like. In my dream we have gone to perform the hajj. My father and my husband and my self are looking over the balcony at kaba sharif and my dad is asking if i will take some photographs of the mosque so we can put them in our house. Is this a good sign????
    thak you dear sister

  218. salaam sister Masha Allah may Allah (swt)bless you and your family.and may all your duas be accepted,sister can i please email you as a private message at,can i please ask also that which eye is good or bad when it twithcez as they say left is always good for a women,and what if both twitch,thanks you sister jazaal allah

    • aslamoalikum wr wb,sister left eye is bad and right eye is good… bcoz my left eye was twitching for 2 days and after that i broke my ankel and straight after i broke my ankle my left eye completley stopped twitching.. i hope this helped… 🙂

  219. ASAK,
    What does an injured bird mean? I found ( blue jay )on the floor in my office at home. I held it, it had a cut in its abdomen, pLease explain.I held it to fly, he flew little bit, then came landed on the garage floor, I put him in a box so he can heal

  220. ASAK

    I have had a dream that is really bugging me to know the meaning…if anyone would be so kind to help me.
    i’ve seen several moons in the sky first at night with thousands of stars and then in d day, two huge moons with several small moons around it, in my dream i’m saying it is a sign of qiyamah and i’m making du’a to Allah pleading for Qiyamah not to come so soon. now alot of ppl say moons are signs of spouses & unborn child, but how does that link to the day of Qiyamah… i would really appreciate it if someone could help me.

    • A moon can mean either a minister to the king or person with a position of authority. The stars around the moon represent the soldiers.
      A moon can also represent a husband, a boy, a beautiful woman or someone who is knowledgeable and guides people. Brightness in the moon is a good indication. Allahu ‘alam.

      I am not a dream interpreter, but I have a book by ibn sireen (do some research on him) that explains these in detail.Some argue that his work isn’t authentic anymore, but you should research on that and decide if this information is accurate.

  221. i have also read in the Qura’an that the moon shall break apart as a sign of qiyamah, but my dream shows me full moons…

  222. Salaam Aleykum,i would like to know inshAllah what my dreams mean…I saw once not long ago like as at night the moon but covered in a circle and later the circle was getting big and the sky and moon was bigger and clearer and the clouds were white and beautiful,than the clouds were coming to me and hitting me with huge wind,and while this i was on a bed outside at the night i closed my eyes and prayed to Allah swt to guide me and give me health,i felt actually peaceful…and also i was flying on the night upon the clouds and mountains…than i woke up

    Also i have another dream which bothers me,i saw my ex fiancee she was on a park which next to the park was a lake,it was summer i was walking on a path with trees in which there were lots of other people to,and she was ringing to my cell phone and as soon as i pick up she hang up,and also i called her but she hang up,i think maybe we had a small conversation to,than i saw her on a place and i hugged her soo much we were smiling,and i told her i think “finally we have met”….i woke up

    I had another dream,i saw my actual inshAllah fiancee talking to a guy,which later i was fighting with,i wanted to kill him i took the scissors but he stopped me and gave me a big sword and said this is for u,than he went outside of the apartment openned the door and i said from now on u watch my back and protect me and he said sure i will that’s what i will do…i woke up than

    All these dreams i saw not long ago maybe a week been since i saw this….



  223. Assalamualakum dear sister in islam… can you please tell me the meaning of the following two dreams insha’Allah…I dreampt my son slept in someone elses bed and woke up with a rash on his body or sores in various places on his body above his ears on the very top of his head was one of the sores and his head was shaved ear to ear all the way across the top of his head please insha’Allah explain it to me? in my second dream I dreampt I had 2 pictues of the same guy hanging on the wall of my room I remember spraying colonge/purfume on the photo and I could smell the colonge/purfume vividly in my dream the most important part of the dream or the part that stood out was his face and his well groomed beard and the vivid scent of the perfume??? Thanks sister in islam may Allah continue to give you time and patience to keep coming and helping us insha’Allah may He also bless you and your family and your friends and us too ameen may He grant you many good deeds for each dream interpreted and advice given insha’Allah ameen assalaamualakum

  224. Asalam alaikom dear sister…
    I had a dream of someone who was standing on a wall and someone was telling me he is from al-aaraf..
    but i really trying to remember who was that..but i can’t..i don’t think he’s my fiance..may Allah bless his soul..though his figure looks like him..i’m not sure…
    does this mean anything?

  225. Wa alakum as salaam,
    The times she comes varies I have wated up to almost 2 weeks and Allah Knows better than me. But her time is limited I would advise you to subscribe to this post and be REALLY patient. Also some duaa for her to have time and health to come back would be good. When she does come she usually answers in order and maybe one or two at a time or more if she can insha’Allah she will be here soon

  226. asalaam alakum
    i have had lots of dreams and i would like to know the meanings of them and wanted to ask is it possible if i can ask you by email.

  227. Assalammualaikum

    I have a dream where a man wanted to show me the longest snake in the world. So the man brought the snake and I saw was a very big white snake and it was not long like what I was told by the name. Suddenly the big white snake kisses (“cium) my right hand when it passes by me.

  228. Assalamualaikum,

    I had a dream recently. In the dream, my husband had married a second wife but eventually, he caught her in bed with another man. I was just an onlooker and was at the hotel where she did the sin.
    My husband came to the hotel and when he caught her, he just left the room with me. As the two of us walk together, I asked my husband what would he do?
    He told me that he had talak her.
    Please let me know by email the meaning of my dream. I am quite disturbed by it.

    Thank you

  229. Salaams,

    I had a dream last night where I was shopping for food – huge amounts of food and none seemed enough. And now, this morning, Ive eaten so many times but I dont seem to fill up, even though ive read Bismillah etc. Im constantly hungry and I cant concentrate on my studies. Is my dream and current state connected?

  230. Assalam mu alaikum

    In my dream i saw myself driving my car and suddenly while turning , i lost control and my car rolled over completely.

    what does this dream indicate.


    Dr Qadeer

  231. Alsalaam alaikum
    I had a dream where i was in a circle with women whom I do not know. We were sitting on the floor and it seemed to be a marriage ceremony. (i saw a woman putting henna on a young woman). So they were having idle talk when I started mixing peaches and plums in a big container. It gave a purple color juice. Then an old lady came to me and started telling me how I will have many children. And started tying something on big was a string with a fig on it. I looked at her stunned then my mother appeared from the women and started asking a man (who is actually an acquaintance in the real world) who was just walking past the room, when he would be marrying me. And I responded to my mother in a sort of rude manner never to ask such a question again and i looked down shamefully.
    i would greatly appreciate some help trying to understand what such a dream means.
    thank you.
    Allah hafiz

  232. As Salaamu alaikum..

    I had a dream that i was giving someone who i no longer speak to, a glass of water to drink.Please interpret

  233. Assalamualaikum,

    I had a dream about my mum her face was covered in blood it seemed like she was on a desert, i saw her crying with pain lying on the floor but what’s got me worried is that i saw my self with another persona that just walked passed my mum without feeling or saying anything. Please could you email me the meaning of this.

    Allah hafiz

  234. Dear Sister in Islam….
    I hope u r doing well and everything is fine with’s been long since u last wrote here…inshAllah hope to c u here again as usual..

  235. Before wake up to fajar I saw a dream that I am driving a car or suv and I saw one car behind me I speed up and wake up.
    After Fajar namaz I go back to sleep .I saw i driving car all of a sudden a car come behind and stop me. I saw the person in a police dressed I walked to the car by the time I checked violet which I forget some how they won’t let me go I am asking please let me call to work and I call the call does not go through finally I call to worked I wont able to come some body moving my car, I stop looking two or three people preparing or getting ready to do something. Then I wake up

  236. Assalamualaikum,

    How are you, hope you are well. I would be very grateful if you could tell me the meaning of two dreams I had recently-

    1. I was back in my sixth form college and everyone was being chased by vicious dogs and bitten and attacked – they were chasing me as well, but I read durood sharif and that stopped them from attacking me?

    2. I had a vague dream that me and my parents were in a new place/home, i think on holiday and came across a baby girl who was an orphan-we all decided to adot her into our family-the baby was always smiling and laughing

    …do you know what these mean….thanking you in advance

  237. salam 3alaikum,

    i just woke up about 20 minutes ago and i had a confusing and almost disturbing dream.

    i dont know why, but in my dream, i would suddenly geet snake skin as part of MY skin on MY face. and it was red and white snake skin. and it would go from my through, and to my nose. like a beart would. so (no, i realise) instead of a beard it was snake skin.

    later on, it went away in the dream, and then i got it again…. at this point i started to worry that maybe its because my heart has turned un-pure, so i consult my mom, and she gets nervous about it and tells me to go pray if i didnt pray. and as to make ‘wuthou’ i look at my face, and the snake skin is gone, and my skin is a little white in colour (because i guess the snake skin had just gone away), i move my face around, trying to asses whats going on, and my skin goes back to its normal skin colour. and then i notice something else, i have a five o’clock shadow. anyone who knows me in real life knows my cheeks are as hairless as a baby’s bottom. but in the dream i have facial hair. thick, facial hair.

    i apologize if i’ve writtin too much, but because i just woke up the dream is still fresh.

    also, in my dream, while i had the snake skin on my face, it felt like, if i let it keep comming and going, eventually, it would take over my skin. also, my eyes looked different almost while i had the skin…

    someone please interpret this dream for me!

  238. sorry for spelling, i just woke up, i would getting snake skin and it would go from my throat and to my nose, almost like a beard would*

  239. salaam
    ive sent you an email on 17th may and still have not heard from yourself. i just wanted to know what was happening and if you could tell me the meaning or not

  240. i have tons of dreams and when i do i guess it has meaning. One time i had a dream that i was weraing a scarf around my head i normally dont cuz im like 12 yrs old any way i was studying or something and then my dad was supposed 2 b allah k get tht n ur head so a tsunami came and i was scared it was scary k so then it stoped and god told me 2 pray and i will b forgivin and b safe n judgement or go to heaven i was like really i will and allah said yes so i prayed and then the tsunami came again but not as harsh as the last one and i was under the water breathing and yeahh theres more but i like forget and i always have dreams about tsunamis is that good or what??!!???!!!

  241. hey i had a realli scary dream last night.. ive converted to islam in may and im farely new at everything. but i had a dream while i was at home in bed i was kinda awake and kinda sleeping at this same time but i was still aware of wats going on around me. i was standing in my dream and there was an evil presence next to me and i was asking every one around me if they could feel it too but they couldnt it felt like a dark shadow but when it was always next to me in the dream i felt it on me while i was sleeping like pain on mah body, when i had gone to bed that night in my dream i felt it pinning me down and i couldnt breath and i actualli couldnt move and i was actually strugglinig to breath.. i was asking for help then i asked allah to help me and 2 min later i snapped outta it and i felt like my body went through a rush mah blood was flowing again and mah heart was beating properly.. now this morning when i woke up and still now my left arm feels really realli weak can sumone help me out on what this means

  242. assalamalaykum,
    can u please interperete my 2 dreams that i had.
    1st- i dreamt that my ex husband was telling me that he wanted to be a better man and things would get better between us. which made me feel that there could be a chance of reconcilliation together.

    2nd- i dreamt that i was kneeling down with my hands up infront of me and my left hand was shaking more than my right and then i was told to get up and turn around and when i did i saw a man wearing white he then hugged me and then took me outside to where my family was waiting and all i heard was my mun calling out for my ex husband to come in a very loud voice then i woke up.

  243. asalaamualaikum

    just wanted to say ur thread is very informative masha’allah
    i feel u maybe overwhelmed with requests of interpreting dream but allah hu alam.
    Just wanted 2 say may allah swt bless u with khayr and giv u barakah in ur efforts to help brothers and sisters with their dream interpretations!
    takecre + fiamanillah
    ur sis in the deen
    masalaam 🙂

  244. Assalam,

    Just wanted to know the meaning of the dream whihc i saw last night.

    I dreamt of fresh flowers and i am being made to wear these flowers. Wha does this mean?


  245. my friend is dreaning of toilet since a few days and this is bothering him too much thinking that it is a bad dream and something bad will happen to him. Please if anyone can interprete this dream for him as soon as possible.

  246. I’ve dreamed within two months 4 time close to the same
    dream all about gold either I like someones gold or I’m buying
    gold or receiving gold or I like someones gold and my gold is hidden in a chest is that to mean something .Im having marriage problem we are separated might it have to do with my marriage. Inshallah you will be able to help me with my dreams.

    • Gold is a “SYMBOL OF STRENGHT. ”


  247. Assaalmu’ Alaikum,
    Motaram Mofti Sahad,main aik shaks ko pasand karit ho us ka naam BADAR UL ZAMAN ,us ki walda ka naam ZABAIDA ha aur meri naam NAHEED NAZAR mother’s name ZAIWA JAAN ha.
    main nay Istahara keya k kya un ka haan say mere kie rishta aaye ga k nhi
    Istahara k 1rst din main nay dream may daykha k main apne pet dog ko chain k sath lay kar ja rahe ho aur aik saaf road say main gozarti ho jo k aik way ha aur wo aik barhe say Govt bailding k gate ki taraf turn kar raha ha aur aaage aik aur wasa hi gate aur rasta ha aur ye dono rastay beautiful and greenry ha(actual mai mere ghar k samnay army complex ka aik gate ha aur us shaks ki street k samnay complex ka dosra gate ha)
    2ND day main nay daikha ka paani ka pipe sahi tarikat se connect ho gaya ha aur paani tazi say flow kar raha ha.(Hakikat may b main dream walay din water k liye pipe laga rahi thi jo abhi mokammal nahi hoa tha aur raat ko main ne dream daikha
    3rd day main ne daikha kmain aur meri mother dono aik Hospital type jagha hain aur waha aik adami mujhe aik blue colour taransparant band lafafa dayta ha jis k andar kuch document uar aik khaki lafafa nazar aa raha ha zur wo mujhe kehta ha aik aap shayad 11 baje ya 10 mint kam 11 bage aa kar aik lakhrhi ki aalmari k samnay ye file karna aur waha aik key chabi lay layna.main walda se kehti ho k abhi 11 honay may time ha ghar chaltay hain aut hum aik anjaan rastay per chaltay hai aur thak k ghar pohachtay ha k main waqt daikhti ho to khahti ho ye to time honay laga ha acha tha k hum hohi wait kar laytay aur hum jaldi wapis wotay ha aur wapis pohanch k may file aagay kar k aalmari kholti ho to key nahi hoti .pher main counter pe ja k kehti ho k may 11 am pe aaye ho aur waha key nhi to waha batha hoya shaks k face say u zahar hota ha k may hi late ho aur wo wall clock ki taraf daikhta ha waha 11 baj k 5 mint ha aur hans k mujh say file lay k key data ha.(meri walda ko lakwa hoa ha aur main 2 month kah un ka saath hospital phisio tharapi ka liye jaati thi)
    IS dreams ki tabeer bata k shukria ka moka day

  248. Assaalmu’ Alaikum

    A friend of mine had a dream about a grave that has really nice flowers on it…Would you please know the meaning about this dream?

  249. Assalamu Alaikum
    Yesterday I had a dream that I was engaged to someone and he gave me two gold engagement rings. I wore both in the same finger. can you please tell me the meaning of this. I am already married and I don’t have any children.

  250. Salam
    I dreamt that the time was 35 years ago. I was about 21 years old. The person I love came with a red bicycle. He could not speak to me because there were some men about his age who wanted to see him too. I did not manage to talk to him. He tried to speak to me but I turned away pretending not to hear him. At the varendah I saw his sad and solemn face but i could see that he wanted to see me again.

    ( Now…After 35 years he wanted to marry me again but objection from his family. Now he doesn want to marry me nor does he want to contact me. I do not know why he changed his mind when he was the one who made plans)

  251. asalam
    i saw a dream last night that my hair was falling out at first it was coming out in patches and then my husband started to comb my hair and more started to come out please advice





  252. Salam,

    Last night I dreamt that I was on my way to a fancy party and my teeth started to fall out, one by one. There was no blood, but I was terrified. When I arrived at the party, they had a security check, and out of all the people in line, they pulled me over to check me… A penny dropped from my purse and the security guard began telling me about how he used to have so much money, but he took advantage of it… I showed him that my teeth fell out and he told me to be careful. As I headed into the party, a group of hansom men stopped me and asked me to sit with them for the night. I didn’t stay at the party, fearing more teeth would fall out… When I got home my house began to rotate and more teeth fell out.

    What does this mean? I am very confused.
    If anyone has the slightest clue, please fill me in, I am worried…

  253. Al salam alaikom,

    I dreamed that I am walking on the street and a man I already know is following me in the same path but he was far from me by a short distance and we were both smiling. There was a light layer (mild) of snow on the street’s hills beside us. Please reply me with it’s interpretation as soon as you can.

  254. maya.
    ive read that when you see a dream with your teeth falling out, and no blood. every teeth is a member of your family. like for example the first front teeth are your parents, and then ur uncles and unties, brothers and sisters and so on.
    ive heard that if they fall out either some one close to you will die or get sick.
    sorry if its bad.

  255. i had a dream that i had a beautiful baby girl.
    im not pregnant or married.
    i mean i think about having children one day.
    but the baby was beautiful, and i was breat feeding her, now my right breast didnt hurt, but my left one was so painful.
    i also saw milk from them and yeah.
    anyone have any idea what it might mean.
    because i cant get the baby out of my mind.




      From Ibn Siren….

      • I have a question, yesterday I dreamt several dreams. it was very weird. In the dream I felt like it was going on for several weeks. As though I woke up, and went back to sleep, all in the dream. Anyway I dreamt I was pregnant, and it didnt make sense, because I didnt do anything to get pregnant. And I kept going back to several doctors and they all confirmed I was pregnant, it was so weird that when I really woke up, I felt my stomach to see if I was really pregnant, what could that mean? I dont think what you said applies, because I’m not scared of a severe person, and im only 15, so increase of wealth doesnt really apply to me. Are there any other meanings?

  256. Alsalamualaikum,

    I have been having a recurring dream for a while now, and I am really curious as to what it means. I tried so many sources in Arabic, but I did not find an interpretation for it. I really really need to know this, I can tell its very important.

    I keep dreaming that I look up at the sky, and I see stars exploding into a supernova. Its the most beautiful sight you can imagine, and it leaves me feeling very good emotionally. In one of these dreams, I saw all the planets descend from the sky and line up in front of me. In the same dream, I saw 8 or 11 red stars shooting up into the sky.

    May Allah reward you for your time. I am praying to Allah that he makes the meaning clear to me. I hope the duaa is answered through you, inshallah.

    Waiting to hear from you,

    Your brother Ahmed



  257. salam ahmed L.
    i just read in an islamic dream book. that seeing planets fall from the sky it means that a good political person will get sick or something bad will happen to them.
    now thats what it said in the book.
    hope that helps abit.

  258. i saw in my dream that my friend had chappati in his hands and he gave me them chappatis to eat and i ate it
    please ionterpret this dream for me

  259. Salam

    In the past month i have had three dreams which i am curious to know about, they are as follows”

    i have constantly dreamt about eating halwa and woken up to smell halwa even though there has none been made at home. As soon as i wake up i can still smell the halwa :S

    In my other dream, me and my mother are in a white house with white furnishings and a doorless entry, in my dream their are curtains swaying in the wind yet the house is filled with sunlight. A women enters wearing what appears to be a burqa and says to my mother that she has decided to come to our house even though she is unwelcom by my family because of me. my mother tries to hide me, but the women finds me and thereafter places a green scarf on my head and kisses my face…my mother watches disapprovingly. As she leaves two young handsome children (both male) appear and walk away with her hand in hand. everything in the house is white, except for the green scarf, the womens brown burqa and red rose bushes that are at the entry of the house.

    More recently i have had a dream that there is a white pigeon, or what appears to be a white pigeon flying around a mall, it sweeps around everywhere ncluding a crowd of people which i am part of and then lands on top of my head. naturally i yell. It then circles around me and flyes around over everyone else who watch the bird in awe at the mall, yet it comes back and sits on my head. I then woke up.




    • Your dream may relates to an event or an incident (disagreement) that took place a long time ago in you family, The placing of a scarf on your forehead and the kissing of your face is a sign of forgiveness and purification of the heart and mind. It indicates forgiveness of oneself and others.

  260. melihat tubuh badan dua orang wanita yang berbogel tanpa seurat benang, dapat melihat dengan jelas kemaluan kedua-dua wanita tersebut dan wanita tersebut memang dekenali.

    • Ws Maryem…

      Sister, I have heard that animals such as snakes, scorpians and insects such as spiders are representative of enemies…

      If it bites you, then you become victim to your enemy, however if you avoid being bitten or if you kill it then it means that they will not be successful.

      so i guess it ,means be careful….

      if i am wrong, correct me please

      khuda hafiz


      • I wont say that the snake is other than an enemy, as dreams will have different interpretations to everyone’s situations, circumstances, and behaviors, and can only be interpreted by a qualified, deeply knowledgable person, well versed in the science of man through the teachings of our Nabi (saw.). The sleep state is the reality of our awakened state, and in our awakened state we create entities by our deeds. Good deeds cause beautiful pictures in our sleep state, while bad deeds create the opposite. Snakes generally mean Shaitaanic influence, and if one is seeing snakes in their dreams, it will likely mean that they are somehow interacting with him in their awakened state. Please refer to The Gilani Methodology and The Interpretations of Sleep and Awakened Events, by El Sheikh Sayeed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani. Other works of his can be found at Of course, Allah knows best.

  261. asalam alakhan,
    can anyone tell me what it means to dream about hearing someone in ur dream calling the addan, also i dreamt that i look up into the sky to ask allah(swt) for something which then i saw someone with his raised and smilling down at me it made me feel great to see, could it mean that what i asked for will happen, please someone interpret this for me.



  262. salaam Imran, are you taking over? do you know where is sister in islam? is she okay? are you authorized to interpret dreams?
    Allah Hafiz

    • Walakum Assalam,

      No I am not taking over. These were excerpts from Ibn Sina’s intrepetation. He was among the tabayeen. I am only quoting from that. I myself don’t have the knowledge of intrepreting dreams, but I am quoting our learned ones who do.

      Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) used to ask his companions if they had seen any dream after fajr prayer. He knew how to interpret dreams as did messengers before him.

      Dreams are not associated with only those who are foremost in religion. The king of Egypt had the dream about the cows which Prophet Yusef Interpreted. The king and his people were not believers in Allah and the last day.

  263. salaam waalaikum dear borthers and sisters, pls can anyone tell me the meaning of a dream about reading the qur’an and taler someone else was teaching me how to read one the ayat in the qur’an…..and other dream is..that my carpet my neighbur burnd it so i just didnt say anything about it and cleand the part that was burnd because erlier i did the same to his accidently….i hope its good, thanks

    • Reading “IS A GOOD SIGN DEPENDING ON THE READ BOOK.” In this case Quran so it is a very good sign.


      Burn is caused by fire and fire is a “SIGN OF DESTRUCTION OR DISEASE.

  264. Assaalmu’ Alaikum

    A friend of mine had a dream about a grave that has really nice flowers on it…
    Imran would you please know the meaning about this dream?

    Allah Hafiz

    • From Muhammad Ibn Sirin’s interpretation:



  265. Pls, i just saw in my dream where i was passing by a lot of people saying prayers like when remembering a dead one and prayer is being said for him/her. after this i saw in my dream a few people saying their usual solat with just 1 light skinned lady in the midst of men saying their solat. after this i saw a few students in a Quranic learning place with 1 reciting the Qoran. pls interpret for me.

  266. as salaam mualakum all,
    i have 2 other websites i go to for quick look up may this will help you guys too this one is okay and this one is my new fav since my sister has not come back i hope she is ok insha’Allah ameen
    click on the chapters a thru z and i can never pull up z may Allah (SWTA) guide us ameen

  267. Asalamu Alaikum

    Hope you all are in good health inshallah.

    If possible i would like the following dreams to be intepreted, which i have been dreeming of recently quite often.

    Dream 1:
    I had a dream where my family have decided that we are going to move houses and we were on the verge of moving houses. and then again i dreamed that we had moved into a house with my family and it was beautiful and really big and consisted of many rooms in the house almost as if you can get lost.

    Hope this is enough for you to interpret.

    I keep having this dream quite often on 3 occasions where i am having a dispute or fallout with a very very close mate. im am close to this friend we live on the same street, we work together and we also socialise together on our days off and have known each other for many years now. but i keep having a dream where we have had an argument and we are not talking to each other and avoid each other, also in my dream this has been causing promblems with our other friends, but they seem to choose her over me.

    Can you please interpret these two dreams for me as it has been playing in my mind for a while now.

    Zazak Allahair

  268. Asalaamu Alaikum,

    I have just woken up after having a series of unexpected dreams. The first one I am in the vacinity of our parents house, in this dream I am younger maybe in my teens, and outside there is water accumulating maybe from rain or a drain of some sort, I go to step in it thinking it is clear but once I have stepped in it I realise it is dirty water and it has reached up to my ankles. At this point I wake up, it is some time in the middle of the night.

    I fall asleep again, this time I am in some type of a supermarket, looking for fruit – bananas, I walk passed an aisle and I see where the bananas are, there are some flies hovering above, I go closer to see that there is a Camel their, very big, either this camel is sick or is still young, and the people are feeding it these banana’s. I pick a few up but do not take them with me. I turn away and walk back the way I came and I see a goat, I am chased by this for quite some time, whilst running I see dirty water, mussy this time and then turn away and keep running, and then as it is about to headbutt me a lady takes it away, but I do feel some impact.

    I usually see clear water, rain, ocean etc etc but never this, nor a camel or a goat.

    Insha Allah I pray you can interpret this, as I am very concerned.


  269. salaam
    ive emailed few dreams to sister in islam in may still not heard anythink. ive had a dream recently and want to know what it means if someone can help me and tell me the meaning to the dream.
    ive had a dream
    i was at my house, few gals were with me but i dont know who they were mayb ma sisters or gal mates cnt rememeba n den al of a sudden i see 2 black snakes, looking at me, i get scared and i go in the kitchen one of the snake followed me in the kitchen and then started coming near me, i told the snake to stop there and to not come near me and the snake stopped. felt like the snake dont want to harm me and is friendly. and then al of a sudden the snake came near me and bit me on ma hand i fnk it was my right hand. and i fnk it goes away. but then my dad here al ov a sudden n he goes 2 me da snake bite u but nothing happened to u , u alryt means the snake didnt wana harm u.
    dats was all that happened in the dream.

  270. in the past month i.e. june i went for Umrah but since i came bak i have had a dream twice abt tha Ka’aba Sharif both from different veiws but im reealy worried about them… both are as follows..
    in the 1st dream i saw that my family n i went to perform Umrah and aftr v had performed Umrah i saw that the Ka’aba Sharifs walls are geting weak and then it colapsed. i ges then the remains were cleared out but m not sure but the Ka’aba sharif waz gone!
    in the 2nd one i saw that my family n i went for Umrah, performed it n then wen we came bak to our hotel there was a news on the tv that an aeroplane crashed in the Ka’aba Sharif and it broke and the remains were again cleared out and nothing was left there everything was gone…
    who ever knows the meaning of these dreams plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzz let me know i will really really really apreciate it… thank you

    • SOURCE:
      Muhammad Ibn Sirin





  271. salam, please help interpret my dream, as i am looking to get married i performed an istakhara to ask allah who is writtern in my future. & i dreampt that i was doing thawarf of the haana kaaba, with someone i know, the weather is really hot and humid and i nearly fall down, but this man helps me up. In reality i love this man and have loved him for 5 yrs, but never ever told him as he is married!!

    please help what does this mean?

  272. I dreamed of dead bodies (women & children) hanging from trees in a jungle, very dark, with lots of greyish clouds. I am scared. What does it mean

  273. salam,
    i had few dreams about death lately. first it was my own death. i was actually asked to go inside a coffin and when i was in, i saw a bright light and just when they were about to close the coffin, i woke up.

    and on few occasion i dreamt the death of my parents and brother. but somehow after their death they would be alive again after that.

    in another dream someone was trying to kill me but i managed to hide myself but i ended up killing few people. i was like in a warzone.
    all this dream happened in the past 1 month.

    what could it mean?

  274. my daughter is 7 months.i saw dream that my daughter is reading la ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasulullahi.and the other day i too saw myself reading it in real i woke up reading it what does this dream means.please let me know

  275. Salaam,
    I had a dream in which i ran a hand through my head and a chunk of my hair came out. everytime i ran my hand through my hair that would happen. in the end of the dream i was showing my brother and sister that a lot of hair had fallen out, and it was black silky hair in my hand all in a straight row in my hand. please let me know what this means.
    JazakAllah Khair,

  276. alalam’mualaikum, my name is maria and im am 15 yrs of age. i keep having this wierd dream of me going up this staircase which is a twirl pattern. as i go up this staircase, i have to go thriough chalenges ( such as leaping or jumping) to go higher and higher the stairs. i have had this dream many times, and i started having this dreams since i was around 12 yrs old. although what i have realised is that each time i have this dream, the challenges get easier for me to go up the stairs. but yet i have not reached the top.
    also i keep dreaming that i am going to be moving schools, really weird but the dream is really realistic.

    plz plz plz help me out, because i cant get it off my mind, until someone tells me what my dreams meant.
    thank you,
    allah hafiz.

  277. Salaams

    I had a dream in which a old hazrath (moulana) like person looks at a book and says my daddy is called from above (gives me a feeling in the dream -from Allah) ….i suddenly woke up and from that day onwards i am very much worried for my daddy…can you pls clearly mention what it means??

  278. hi there,i had two dreams and i want to know what it means,the 1st dream was a figure wearing a hijab with no face and sitting on my bed and called my name 2 times and it sounded like near my ears that how loud it was but it was like a whisper and the 2nd dream was when i was eating my husbands heart when it cooked,and i told my sis in law to eat her fathers heart,and my neice to eat her fathers heart and her father is my husband brother,and the hearts are all cooked.what does 2 of these dreams mean,thank u

  279. hi,i have two dreams that i want anyone to tell whats the meaning that i dreamt.the 1st one is that i dream about a figure sitting on my bed,no face but wearing hijab and it whispered my name two times,the 2nd dream , is that i ate my husbands heart when it cooked and i told my sis in law to eat her fathers heart,[her father is my husbands father] and i told my neice to eat her fathers heart[which is my husbands brother heart what does this mean

  280. hi,i have two dreams that i want anyone to tell whats the meaning that i dreamt.the 1st one is that i dream about a figure sitting on my bed,no face but wearing hijab and it whispered my name two times,the 2nd dream , is that i ate my husbands heart when it cooked and i told my sis in law to eat her fathers heart,[her father is my husbands father] and i told my neice to eat her fathers heart[which is my husbands brother heart what does this mean

  281. i had a dream. I dont even hav a job for real but i dreamed of a boss holding my hands and with attraction and giving me and i gave a kiss to him and he gave me his phone number… it looked very real.. I am an unmarried woman.. i have no idea how to interpretate this dream.. i need help.

  282. Salaam.
    I keep having this recurring dream about my teeth falling out. Sometimes it’s the molars and other times it’s the front teeth. there’s no blood and no pain. Just feeling my teeth loosen and i pull them out. And I wake up. Can you please tell me what this could possibily mean? It has been the same dream for the past year. I thought it was some inner fear or some change that would ocme about. It just doesn’t make sense. It is normally before fajr that these dream come about.

  283. Aoa sister in islam

    I saw a dream that my hair are long extending upto my lower back, I am getting surprised to see them

    Pls interpret for me what does that means

    In another dream I saw that Alah has granted me 2 sons

    In my third dream, I saw that my brother is getting married, we are sitting in car with bride who is my cousin named saira, who in real life is already married with y one cousin and has kids, and I am saying to saira, See, finally we got you as a bride ad my brother is so happy to marry you.

    Pls interpret them for me
    May God bless ya
    Allah hafiz

    Pls interpret them for me, thanks

  284. Source:
    Ibn Sireen

    “Hair (symbolizes) certain human properties such as strength, virility, power and virtue. Generous hair is a good sign: it announces wealth and happiness. But ravaged or ruffled hair announces misfortune and humiliation”

    “A vehicle (car) represents the course of lifedepending on its state. Depending on its condition, it symbolizes good and bad aspects..”

    “Marriage (in a dream) represents a sign of nobility, honor and power.”

  285. Sallam. i always have recurring dreams of reciting surah naas, surah falak and most rcentley Ayat ul Kursi. the dreams always have a fear element to them and thats when i start reciting the surahs. Can you please tell me the meaning of reciting the above mentioned in a dream. jazakullah

  286. salams,

    i have had a dream in which my mother jumps into water. first night it was not so deep water and the place she jumped from wasnt very high, but in another she jumped into deep water from a very high place. in the third she was dead and i was holding my dads leg and crying for her.

    i have had another dream in which i was taking a shower and washing my hair. when i was washing them, a very large amount of hair came in my hand and i let water flow over it to let it go down the drain, then sometime after washing my hair , i again had a huge amount that i let go down the drain. i was worried about so much hair loss but it came to my mind that if i apply mint to my hair everything will be fine and i shouldnt worry about it.

    please can you explain the above to me. thanks.

  287. Dear Brother,

    once I had quarrel with my wife and before sleeping i told thalak in my heart then in my dream I saw SAL and Allah standing with surrounded people and they called me from my one room, I came out and Prop SAL ask me to give divorce (thalak) to my wife and i have give thalak (suddenly Prop SAL got angry and let the place and I woke up)

    Can some one please give me wht does it means (do i need to divorce my wife or not -confusing)

  288. salaam,

    my cousin, whom i am very close to, she is like my elder sister..had a dream about me..she was driving her car and i asked her, can i please have a go..she kept on saying,no,dont,please,but i didnt listen, i wanted to drive the car and next thing you know…we crashed into a truck……
    can somebody please tell me what exactky this means…..because inside,i feel as if though it’s a sign….but i dont know what the sign is

  289. salam
    i had a dream of somebody a classmat that i don’t know. she was jalous and would like to be with my fiance . and she send the police to my house and they catch me and beat me in front of all the student but only the teacher was trying to help me .

  290. salaam please can sum1 tell me the interpretation of my dream : i had a dream after my fajr salat this morning that my son and husband are being chased by a lion..i try to protect my son by grabbing the lion and face it towards the people who were shooting it but by accident they shot my son in the neck and he died in my arms. please can sum1 interpretate. jazakallah.

  291. I SAW A DREAM IN WHICH MY GRAND SON WAS TIE UP ON THE FLOWING WATER AND I HOLD HIM n save him from flowing water what does it mean

  292. Salam,

    I had a dream that my mom woke me up from my sleep to tell me there is lice in my head. I woke up and she was eying a big one and only that one. She took the lice ( it was siz eof a finger nail) and took it in her arm and killed it. I was sad that she killed it but she forced me to shower to get all lice out. But it felt liek the big one beign dead i was sad…and shocked at same time.

    Please brother tell me what that means!

    Salam alukum

  293. salam
    i had a dream that i was in the operation theatre giving birth. A lot of bleeding. At first there was no sign of the child coming out. But then after the doctor put his hand down the head came out. And he pulled it out straight away with non to little pain. There was a man next to me (assuming my husband) was crying.

    Please could you tell me what this could me, I walk up with a smile on my face thinking that I was going to lose something that would mean so much to me but I didn’t.

    Salam alukum

  294. Asalam-ualakam Sister
    I really need to know the meaning of this dream, because its been bugging me for some time

    Okay so i can just remember walking up black metal stairs i think i see a man (i know who he is but i have never met him in my life) wearing a black shirt. Then later i was sitting beind him and he grabbed my hand tightly and physically i could feel it, as i woke up it was around Fajr and i saw my my right hand like it was still holding his hand. The man comes ALOT in my dreams but that dream was the clearest i have ever had in my life iam not married or anything and the man is some years older than me. PLEASE can you tell me what this mean i would appreciate it so much

    • Walaikum Salam

      Jaabir reported that a bedouin came to Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) and said, “Messenger of Allah, while sleeping, I saw my head cut off and I saw myself running after it.” Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said to him, “Don’t tell people about the games Satan plays with you in your sleep.”

      Start praying regularly. When you go to bed read ayat ul kursi. Then read surah ikhlas, falak and naas. Blow into your hands and rub your hands all over your body. Repeat this three times.

      InshALLAH you will stop seeing him.

  295. salam everyone.
    i would greatly appreciate you if you interprete a dream i had.
    in my dream i saw i was breatfeeding my sister’s daughter. and my breast was in a lot of pain=/
    now i am not married or engaged and would love to know what it means.
    thank you=] salam.

    • Nabeela whenever you see this dream again, pray 2 nafl and ask ALLAH to protect you from the effects of this dream. Give sadqa. The best sadqa is to feed the poor.

  296. assala ma lekoum
    I really need help with this dream, I’m in love with this man and I really want to get married with him so last night I had a dream that he was braiding my hair and was talking to me for a while and then he said that he should married witha laught and I really wanna know what that mean.
    May Allah be with you

  297. salam sister in islam…

    last few days i dreamt tht my youngest sister who is only 16 was pregnant.. later in the dream she gave birth with no pain at all. the strange part was, i could feel it so much as though i was in her place (not d pain, but d tense)
    because of d confusion i was feeling, i woke up a little before fajr..
    please do let me know if it holds any meaning or just another game from satan..
    thanks sister…
    would appreciate if you can help..

  298. My friend who i recently had an argument with and he said he know longer wanted to speak with me advised me that he had a dream i was bitten by a spider and past away. He said he was upset because he didnt have the chance to say hello to me.. I was engaged to this man 3 years ago, and yet still have a connection between us.

    i dreamt that he gave me a book as a gift that was so thick and heavy with pages and words that i couldnt hold it.

    please give me some insight on these dreams

  299. Assalam walaikum,

    I get weard dreams everynight, I get to see and meet with people whome I never ever seen them before. They come and talk to me, I go out with them as my old freinds. almost every other day I get a new person in my dream. other then new people I get snakes, many snakes around, I scream in my dreams snakes running behind me. coming to bite me.. I get my family members in my dream.

    Can you please tell me who are those new people whom I never see them out but in my dreams. what are they. please help me. I get scared sometimes in nights. some people try to scare me, some people are friends. please lemme know what it is..

    Thank you in advance.

    Allaha hafiz!


  300. salam
    colud u hlp me wid dis
    i had a dream last night about my grandmother who died 6 mnths ago. she was saying “i miss you come to me”
    pls could u tell me what dis means as im quite disturbed by this

  301. salam
    i also had another dream before
    i was heavilly pregnant and fighting with my cousin (he was my husband in the dream) in my sisters flat which was ours in the dream. and i was crying and then he left me. pls note that i am not married to him but parents on both sides are talking about marriage
    pls help me on this

  302. Asalam-ualakam

    I recently had a dream of standing by a grave ,I cant recall whose grave it is .can you please shed light on the meaning of seeing a grave in your dream .


  303. Salam
    I saw a dream dat my husband gave me 2 ludoos(sweets) n i ate 1 of em…almost ate it and i realized i don’t like dat sweet ..i wnat another sweet(gulab jaamn)…so i take dat nn eat it…………..

    i have eaten sweetes many times in my dreams….but in this dream…da sweets were different n taste n da way they looked

    so plz help

  304. ASA

    I was told in a dream about a verse or chapter in the quran that starts with(or has) the words “a well in water”. Please help me interpret this dream.

  305. asalamulaykum, this morning i dreamt that i seen a leopard in my dreams. it was hanging out of a windown from my great grandmothers house. all my realtives were in the garden including me and it was scaring ever1. i aslo saw a little boy in my dream. he is also a realtive of mine.this dream startled me. it probably doesnt have a meaning but i would like it if some1 could tell me what it means.

    • Assalamu Alaykum sister, I happened to stubble upon this post. Subhanallah I had a similar dream. I was in the garden walking towards the house I grew up in, a leopard coming toward me and I also saw a boy. I felt scared but continued walking toward the house whilst reciting surahs and then the leopard didnt harm me and I woke up. Subhanallah how strange how similar our dreams were. I would also like to know the meaning.

  306. salam.
    i saw in my dream that i was scribbiling on a piece of paper and i lost control of my hands..
    now when the pen stoped i read out an arabic word. now as i read it out loud i saw someone that i noe walking past me to the toilet. i got up and walked to the toilet. now as i was walking i went through the toilet to a veranda and saw a man there.
    he told me congratulations you figured out my 100th name. and i told him that it was a wierd name and he said. now what ever you want you’ve got.
    that was my dream.
    when i woke up i figured it was the 100th name of allah and that i must have figured it out.
    does any one noe what it might mean.

  307. salam
    i had a dream of somebody a classmat that i don’t know. she was jalous and would like to be with my fiance . and she send the police to my house and they catch me and beat me in front of all the student but only the teacher was trying to help me .

  308. i had a dream whith my dead grandma she was telling to somebody how she love me and me to at this same person please tell me what it is

  309. Its was a long time ago, but here goes. I was sitting on a couch with my mother to my side, I can’t remember which but she was there. I was mildly aware of other people in the house and also that some sort of war was going on outside. An inate sense of insecurity outsite because of this war. I was holding a baby, its gender was not clear and my mother was continually advcicing me on what to do with the baby, I don’t know whether I listened or not, but I knew what to do. We moved to this place, which was vast and very white, but it seemed like a mall or purchasing place of some sort. There was long quues of people and a chasier. We were, that is me and the baby and now joining my mother her firned, behind this wall with two slits on each side to rejoin the big room. The talked and I minded the baby. It began to grow and I noted ‘how quick they grow up’ and the baby began to walk and I was quite happy with the baby walking about until it ventured past the slit on the wall and I could no longer see it. I walked out quite hurridly and found the baby to be picked up by a woman and taken into her pocket. I immediately grew furious and in panic began to search the woman’s pocket. I was convinced she had stolen the baby and searched and searched. My findings were only a plastic tiny baby doll.

  310. can you please interpret for me what it means to recite ayat ul kursi in a dream. and also in another dream i saw my sister’s face enlightned and luminous along with her hair. InshAllah please let me know

  311. Sallam Mir Danial

    can you please interpret for me what it means to recite ayat ul kursi in a dream. and also in another dream i saw my sister’s face enlightned and luminous along with her hair. InshAllah please let me know

    • The things to know before you read the translation is that 1) every dream cant be translated, 2) interpretations cant always be true.
      As far as reciting aytal kursi in the dream is that you will do deeds of piety and will attain a good age inshaAllah, Allah knows the best.

      The second dream of your sister’s face being enlightned is that she will find happiness and bliss in her life inshaAllah. Allah Knows the best..

  312. as salamualakm Mir Danial,
    maybe i missed your introduction. do you know anything about the whereabouts of Sister in islam? i miss her soo and am very worried about her. it seems that you are answering the questions of other dreamers concerning the meanings of their dreams. i would like to know how long you have been doing this? Will you be taking over this web site? Are you a Muslim?

    • Alhamdulilah yes im a Muslim… I dont know anything about Sister in Islam, i would like to get intouch with her as i was reading her interpretation…. I am learning to translate the dreams since maybe more than 2 years now.. I wont be taking over this website as im no authority in dream translations but i will keep on translating the dreams which i will be able to do… InshaAllah… May Allah guide us all ameen.

  313. Assalam walaikum,
    I had a dream that a small black mouse is trying to enter my balcony and I am trying to chase it away. Then I pushed it hard and it got killed. I was to look of the dead black mouse that I have killed so I could clean my blanket, I could not find it. While doing this I was talking to someone. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT IS THE MEANING, I THINK IT IS TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING. PLEASE.
    Thanks and regards.

  314. Asalamu alaikum

    Last night i dream that am watering the old garden where i was living when i was very young. And in the same dream later on i was walk on the road in front of my old house then start running like a kind on jumping on same time the suddenly i start to open my arms like bird and i started to fly. I was going up and up on top of roof. Some time i came down then went up again trying to control myself. If your came tell me the mean brother or sister that would be very kind.
    Thank you
    Allah hafiz

  315. Sallam Mr Danial

    i had a dream last night just before i woke for sehri. i dreamt i was in my house and i was reading a book, it was about our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w. i was reading and my sister said look its the footprint of Muhammad s.a.w. i said no it cant be. i started to see a vision of what the text was saying. I saw a small stream with beautiful clear water , in the water were beautiful grey large rounded stones. the water was flowing gentley over the stones and it was serene. i then looked at one of the stones and it had a footprint on it. My sister said look its the prophet’s s.a.w. footprint. in the stream i am pretty sure that i could see a man’s feet. i could not see his face. i could just see a white cloth above his feet like he was wearing an ihram. i am pretty sure that it was the prophet Muhammad s.a.w.and that he had left an imprint on the stone. (i dont remember the dream very clearly in respect of what the person looked like or he was so i dont want to add or substract anything from the dream becuase it is a major sin)it was like the stream was by a cave but i couldn’t see all of it but i remember saying the name Hira. the scene with Muhmmad s.a.w just lasted five seconds but when i awoke i was amzed. then afterwards then dream came back to the house where all my fmaily in the dream had awoken for sehri. i dreamt that the kitchen had water and that i slipped and fell but without hurting myself, and was able to quickly get up. i then started to mop up the water and found a gold coin. my brother in law started to read the same book but he whizzed through it quickly, i noticed when he read it that the page was ripped and only half of it was there.

    please interpret this dream for me. Jazakullah

    After i wnet to sleep from Sehri i had another dream, it was pretty intense, i cant remember all of it but it made me feel very anxious and was a bad dream. it made me forget the joy i had experanced with my good dream. i kept thinking that i must be a bad person asi had a good dream and then a very intense bad dream that it made me forget my joy

  316. adsalam alaaikum……. in my dream i saw my father who have passed away 2 years back. i saw he coming back to the world. in the dream also i was so scared. what does this mean.? plx help me.

  317. hey i had a wierd dream….it was about me looking for gold and i tried hard to find it but i couldnt find it, but as i gave up and thought i will find it if i dont make a big deal out of it….and then i found it but it was 10 times more then i expecteed…i was really happy, but i just dont know what it means but i know it has a meaning…

  318. AsSalamualikum ,

    My relatives had a bad dream about my cuzin … and they all said it was bad.. any my he was father had a dream that he was driving really fast and he fell in the sea … wat does this mean ?? plz help nd response fast …

  319. what does it mean if one is chasing someone who owes him/money all night ina dream……… i was chassing someone who owes me money all over my city even geting in to a fight with him.. i just wouldnt give up.. please if anyone knows what that means i would really like o know

  320. Assalaamualaiakum Mufti Sab

    I was engaged to a guy but due to some family problem the proposal got cancelled but i m not able to look into other proposals. So i did isteqara to know if i should look into the previous proposal again and make someone from my side speak to the guy once to know his intensions. In my dream i saw an eagle/ eagle sort of a big bird hovering over the surface of a water body (pond/river) which was covered wit snow/fog.The flapping of the bird’s wings was so strong that the fog was getting seperated and the water below it was seen. I was little scared by this and got awake.I also heard the Guy’s name in the dream.The place in the dream was almost dark with some light either moonlight or breaking of dawn.

    Kindly interpret my dream as i have great trust in you. May allah bless you in your noble endeavour.

    Jazakaallah Khair

  321. salam alaykom, i have seen my teeth are about to fall…they are like not tight and shaky, but i press them back into their place, i have seen this so many times…
    can you plz interpret this for me.
    thank you

  322. assalm o alikum.i want to confirm my istikhara for a proposal.i saw the following dreams.1..i saw that ,that person is standing in a door.& i have a girl babay,changing her cloths.2..i heard a voice that its a better decision.3..i saw that there is a roof well decorated,but i chek it again & again ,then thinks it break,stones are strong.4..i told cousin to do istikhara she saw dream that she is on jaye nimaz wearing green cloths,and givind the following ayat to 2 girls 1..subhanallah he wa behmadi subhanallahel azem and lala illah illa anta subhanka ini kuntu minazzwaleemen..plz answer me on my id i dont know what to do?i want to be married there where ALLAH wants..thanx

  323. Sallam Mir Danial

    i had a vague dream. i dreamt that i was sitting on a bed, im pretty sure i had rosary beads in my hand, there was a fear element like being scared of being possessed and i was reciting some words from the quran which i do not remember now. i also remember looking into a mirror. i know that i was scared in the dream and that i was reciting something from the quran so that the fear would go. please let me know what it means. thank you

  324. dream 1 I dreamt that I was in a building and thier soldiers coming to attack me from the window and there was a uknown man next to me and I started running away from the soldiers till I got to the door

    note: soldiers were screaming

    dream 2 I dreamt that I was in an unkown garden and a man came to me with a hazelnut and started pouring some type of milk into my eyes coming from the hazelnut

    Note my family was with me

    dream 3 I dreamt I slept in the same room as someone but not in the same bed

  325. hey,i had this dream of my dad that was killed in the war about 16 years ago and ive never jhad a dream about him until now,i wanted to dream about him for a while but never happend until now the in my dream he was married to some beautiful women and came to see us and when my sister saw him she boiled into tears but my mum was sad that he had married such a beauty by the way my mum remarried in real life if thats any help also i couldnt really see his face i just want to know what my dream means please

  326. Sallam Mir Danial

    In reply to your questions the answers are i am married, i dont have children, i am non pregnant, and i used to have a job but not anymore. What does it mean?

    • Im sorry for a late reply, Sister mirror has many interpretations in dreams, First of all i must tell you that dreams are not like foretelling , interpretation can sometimes come true and sometimes it can not even happen. Allah Knows the best. Fear is a sign or repentance and looking in the mirror by a woman who is married means that her husband will marry for a second time. Allah knows the best. I dont know how much strongly you have seen the mirrior..


    you never reply to my dreams but i hope this time will be the good incha ALLAH

    I had a scary dream with a big woman who told me that she is my ante and told me that my father died and she would like to put him in the same place that his brother and she needs my autorisation to do that.
    So i ask her to show me that place and i found the humains bones under the sand and i get my sister call who told me that my father is still alive. i was there with my brother and i try to run.but it was difficult for me to run she was after me wih her daugter. I found a room with a balcony when i hide and her daugter try to catch i beat her and i push her out of this room just when her mother arrive and i would like to jump at the balcony when i wake up could you please help me

  328. assalamualaikum mr danial

    last few weeks i had a dream about being chased by many dogs & its bother me a bit & o wanna know what does this dreams means to me

  329. Al’salamu Alaykum

    I had a very weird dream, one that I couldn’t sleep after. I don’t remember much from it but only two events in the dream stand out. The first one was that I was in a bar with a friend and I asked the waiter for a small bottle of champagne. which I drank whilst my mother, aunt and cousin were sitting in a booth at the bar. Then they left and I continued drinking the small bottle.
    Another event in the dream is that me and my family were at my grandfathers house (who already he and my grandmother have passed away many years ago) and we broke into a “secret hidden” room, that we were trying to open so that we can clean it out. As we entered the room me and my father found only the heads of my grandmother and grandfathers dead corpses.

    Could you please help me understand what they mean? I’m very disturbed by it..

  330. islam 3leikum..
    I always wanted to know what my dreams meant.. when i was in 9th grade i dreamt about the Virgin of Meriam .. and i was waking in the middle of the night on a road where i used to live.. she was floating in the sky with a cross in her hands and she lit the sky when she was floating across the night sky, she was beautiful i really dont remember her face but i knew it was her and she didn’t look down but i stood there and looked at her. can u pleez let me know whaat this means? thankyou!

  331. Asalam-o-alikum,
    I am 20years of age, I keep seeing a furious snake in my dreams, I have phobia of reptiles, it disturbs me every time, please let me know what this could mean ?

    jazak Allah

  332. Assalam-o-alaikum
    Pls interpret this dream for me

    I saw that I have got two gold rings in fingers and I say to myself in my dream that these rings were lost how I found them suddenly in my own fingers

    In reality, I have lost my two gold rings and I am unable to find them.
    I dont know does that dream mean something or its just my brain that has this lost rings at its back and they came up

    Pls interpret my dream

    May Allah bless you all

  333. Asallam waalakum,
    Please can you tell me if dreaming and seeing one self praying in the Mosque is good, 2nd i saw in my dream that after i finished my prayers in my house suddenly i see my self holding idols and asking my self where did this come from and what am i doing with them, one was broken the second no, so i took them to the balcony and buried them.
    As for praying in the Mosque i do see my self praying many times or standing waiting for the prayer or reading the qur’an.
    By the way thank you for you earlier reply
    Jazzak allah khair

  334. Sallam Mir Danial

    jazakullah mir danial for the interpretation. is there any relevance that i was sitting on a bed? i am not happily married so maybe the dream intepretation that my husband may marry again may have some significance.

    • Asalaamualaikum,
      Kindly send me your dream again on , i would like to know more about your marraige. Like what are the problems you are facing. InshaAllah I will again try to interpret the dream. one thing i would like to ask you again that are you sure you are not pregnant.?

  335. u had a dream that someone wanted to harm my parents, we were in a town, and there was something wrong, i cant exactly remember what but people were in desperate need of health medication. i remmeber i helped someone so they gave me first priority of medication. however, i myself did not take it, i gave it to my father instead for he is supprting the whole family and so he needs it more then me.
    But then these people started to hurt people and they went to hurt my parents, but i protected them. inshallah this shall never happen but it truely shook me up..

    theres also another one, i cant remember what happended but i remember a stern warning from Allah swt to start reading the Quran and praying namaz asap… but i do pray 5 times a day as i have no college …

  336. Askm,
    I always dream that I am flying, or I see gardens, lakes ,forts and sometimes find myself in rainfall. Most of the time I see these things in my dreams. Is there any meaning for these things or its just a state of mind ?

  337. Dear Shiekh,

    Alsalamo alikom wa rahamato ALLAH,
    Happy Holy days of Ramadan & FETR Feast ,
    May AllA bring happiness to all of us muslims around the world,

    Now i wish to ask you about my very strange dreams that has been repeated several times during those holy nights of ramadan,
    recently every time i go to sleep I read quran & say the profits azkar,
    though I happen to have this strange dream repeated which “I see my self setting with one of my family then i feel like i want to go to the bathroom to pie,
    but when I start to be all I can see in the dream is the monthly period’s blood soo abvious on the hankerchef”

    please sister tell me what does the blood means in the dreams specialy if it was unpure blood like the monthly period blood!
    am I unpure??
    Is there anything consern jenni?

    what does blood means in a dream??

    thank you


  339. Asalam Aleikum,

    I had a dream of my dead grandmother, whom I loved very much, she was next to me cooking and I gave her to try from the food that I was cooking. Then I woke up.She has been dead for 4 years now and I never dremt of her before.

    Please give me explanation to that dream.
    Thank you.

  340. Please, can someone interpet this dream for me: a few months ago, I dreamt I walked into my kitchen and found a small pig in the sink and I was sooo disgusted and I called my mom and said “get it out of this hosue before it makes everything dirty” but we couldn’t catch it and I woke up. Please, please someone tell me what this would indicate? thank you!

  341. Please, can someone interpet this dream for me: a few months ago, I dreamt I walked into my kitchen and found a small pig in the sink and I was sooo disgusted and I called my mom and said “get it out of this house before it makes everything dirty” but we couldn’t catch it and I woke up. Please, please someone tell me what this would indicate? thank you!

  342. Salam,

    What does this dream mean : Petrol is leaking from someone’s car and somebody says if the petrol keeps leaking like this the car will catch fire.

    Please interpret


  343. Sallam Mir Danial

    i had a dream that i had a fish in a small drinking glass, it was a medium sized greyish fish, there was no water in the glass so the fish was writhing as it was dying. i was frantically trying to find water for it to save it. i then found a large well type thing with water in it to the rim, i then put the fish in there to save it. can you please inshAllah tel me if the dream holds any significance. jazakullah

    In the second part of the dream (not sure if in same dream)i am at a house with my family and i have an argument with my sister over a ring that i was supposed to give to my mum and she had given it to her instead, i then in the dream go to the kitchen and sit on the floor crying, i also start to clean a large cooking pot, is there any significance. inshAllah let me know

  344. Sallam Mir Danial

    I had a dream last night that i was in my mother’s house, and she looked really upset and worried. All of my family was in the house. i remember coming down the stairs and my dad beng in his room with his light on brightly. As my mum being upset i told my mum that don’t worry inshAllah Allah will bring happiness and this will pass. She then looked and seemed to feel better. i also remember there being some flour spilt on the stairs and i telling my mum that i am going to clean it and remember taking the dustpan and brush. There was also an unknown small boy and girl upstairs in the dream with my brothers and sisters. please interpret it for me.

  345. Salam, every1! Sorry to keep re-posting but I’d really appreciate on a dream. A few months ago, I dreamt I walked into my kitchen and found a small pig in the sink and I was sooo disgusted and I called my mom and said “get it out of this house before it makes everything dirty” but we couldn’t catch it and I woke up. Please, please someone tell me what this would indicate? thank you!

  346. why do i keep dreaming about my school friend
    i dream that we have meet, we are kissing
    and are very happy together. my friend also has the same dream as me. ND HE ALSO DREAM BEAUTIFUL DREAM ABOUT US EVEN THROUGH I AM MARRIED

    i used to dream about him a lot before my marriage now i got married but still i keep thinking and dreaming about him

    what does that mean?
    please help me.

  347. i dream that i was coming to my house at night
    as i was coming it was very dark everywhere
    just infront i could see sky and in it i saw a woman dress in black clothes. she was looking at me
    i got frightened when i see this

    what does that means?

  348. i always have this dream that i am having a sexual intercourse with a boy that i know,hu likes me.We are not married.we are just friends.could you plzz transalate this dream for me.thankyou

  349. As-Salam,
    I keep on having dreams where I am standing on a really high dock looking down into the sea. The area around me is very tropical loing but the most prittiest thing that always pleases me in these dreams is how clear and blue the water is. Sometimes in the dream I will be standing on the dock looking down at the water and other times I will be almost in the water by the shore. Can you please tell me the meaning of this dream that has been reaccuring to me throughout the whole year. Thank you. I am looking forward to your reply!

  350. Assalamualaikum,
    I have recently had a dream where I was standing in the front yard of my home and it was filled, i mean completely filled with white animals. There was a white rabbit that could fly, white doves, and another white animal that looked like some strange looking chicken/bird/cat, it was quite strange. I remember walking into my front yard in the dream, seeing all these beautiful strange animals, and feeling overwhelmed, yet it was beautiful outside, not day not night, it was so strange….I wish i knew what this dream meant. Two nights previous to me having this dream, I came home late one night, right before the Fajr prayer, and there was this beautiful healthy fat white cat standing in front of me just staring at me. When the cat ran off I went to follow it into my backyard and it was gone. Strange, I know. Can someone please translate this dream to me? What about the real white cat i saw in my yard a few days before that?….. JazakAllah Khayrun

  351. Al Salaam 3alaykon Wa Ra7mat Allah;
    Blessings of Allah upon you brothers and sisters, does anyone know what eating cooked meat in a dream mean?? Please reply ASAP if you do,

    Jazakum Allah 5air
    Al Salaam 3alaykom

  352. My dream is very personel as I cannot share but please like to know how can i know what is the meaning of intimate dreams according to islam intrepretation

  353. my friend is a female & she have seen blood flowing from her legs after Sexual Intercourse please tell me what does that mean
    As she is very upset about it
    it would help to solve her problem

    please send the answer
    thanking you
    jazak Allah

  354. Assalaamou ‘alaikoum. I truly want to understand many of my mother’s dream, but could you kindly try to interpret the latest she had.
    I must go to the university. My mother tells my older brother to go somewhere(to the shop i think). He departs and my mother searches for me, in the search she found me in a masjid, in which there are torn carpets and the place is messy. My brother is literally praying on the floor, that is, in sleeping position on ones front(his body facing the floor) and a little farther away i am praying normally but i do the swalaat too quick,really really quick. Here my mother notices my black t-shirt the most. My brother says its(the quick swalaat) nothing,don’t worry, have you taken your money(for transport fee). I do not answer and just proceed to the bus stop, then my mother notices that an unknown child is at her side,but can’t see him. She starts worrying if i forgot my buspass(i am a forgetful person), her head scarf is not with her she searches for one and discovers that the masjid had one additional room, there she finds a very very white somewhat shiny head scarf which she puts. Then she looks on the road, i’m not there, so she starts walking to reach the bus stop. Pavements are present on both sides of the road, she then notices that women with or without children on the other side of the road are falling in a crack(hole) due to water coming out(not gushing, but coming out calmly). The water level keeps on increasing till my mother suddenly finds herself on a ship, when she looks around a calm sea has surged and very light rain is falling from the clouds.

    I have three brothers, the oldest was not involved in this dream. My other brother was making supplications in the position he was. The water was calm and was coming out of the pavement and was clean.

  355. Assalaamou’alaikoum again,
    i forgot to mention that the swalaat being accomplished was the one done when entering a masjid and not a farz one.

  356. I’ve had 3 different dreams about lions running after me each time I was not injured and escaped safely, but I wake up feeling that fear and out of breath from running. I also had a dream where a black leopard was in our house, again it did not injure any of us but there was that fear.
    Could you please tell me what it means, I feel it is important to have dreamed the same thing 3 or 4 different times. JAK

  357. Asalam-o-Alikum

    I’m in love with girl and wanted to marry her. I sent my parents to meet her parents, After my parents visited them, Her mother offered istekhara. They way her mother offered istekhara was

    2 rakt nafal. In 1st rakt after reaching ” eeyya Kana Buudu Waaeyya Kanastaaeen” she recited this again and again according to them if head falls(durig namaz) on right side during this recitation its means Yes if on left side its mean NO. I have read many books and web article about istekhara no where such way of performing istekhara is referenced. The result is that her mother offered istekhara and results in NO according to them. Please help me in this regard.
    I offered istekhara and in dream i have seen grass but also seen some guy walking in front of me fall down in mud while im standing watching him and help him out. same day i seen im taking glass of milk but something in that glass. Please help im too much tense these days.

    waiting for reply


    • salam brother,
      after offering istekhara ,people see dreams and in dreams if they see anything or form of green or white color then the answer is yes and if they see the color red or black then the answer is no.
      rest ALLAH knows better.

  358. assalaam alikum brothers and sisters… i hav seen a dream in which i saw the day of judgement. and i was scared to death…
    i saw the time of forgiveness and doing good deeds is closed… and now only i was answerable for my bad deeds as well as good deeds which i had done..please can someone help me by interpreting this dream….

  359. assalamu alaikum,
    i had seen one dream of seeing prayer at kaaba with good hearing of holly quraan and prayer with jamat at kaabe pls eply it

  360. i had a dream that i had a banana i don’t want to eat but some how or forcefully i had to eat that.what is its meaning plz do tell me . thanx

  361. I’m dreamed i had lend my future sister in law my jewelery(gold) because she and my future family in law were going for vacation. In the same time someone (a stranger man) watching me at one corner of my house.

    really need help to interpret my dream. may Allah bless you.

  362. This is not a dream but a miracle, when i woke up in the morning i had henna on my hand, is there any meaning to this?

  363. Salaam,

    First Jazak Allah for your help in this matter.

    I know a girl she works in my office and we don’t have any proper conversations as such apart from hello hey etcand I dreamed that I am getting marry to her I was wearing a black suit with white shirt and she was wearing a Long white skirt but sleeve less (typical English marriage dressings). And I think it was day time I was lying down on a bed and she was sitting on my lap. She had red lipstick and I don’t know either she’s laughing or what but I saw her mouth from inside everything looks fine but I had an impression that her teeth are slightly grey.
    But I was in serious mood or you can say I was not smiling and I asked her few questions like about my Mother’s discretion about this marriage and she laughed and agreed to them and will be ok this what I got as impression. Then I woke up all sudden and pray Allah for help and it was like 3 O’Clock in night when I wake up from dream.
    Lastly but very important I’m from Sunni family and she is from Shia family. And I dreamed about this girl before few month back and she was wearing a long black burqaa and it was night time and she said I have only one problem that I am (she is Shia) Shia or she is from Shia family.
    My personal feelings are mixed I feel like this is a good dream but due this Sunni and Shia thing I am confused.

    Please do let me know if you have any more questions.

    Jazak Allah

    M Hassan

  364. salam
    first of all jazak allah for the help and this useful site.

    i have been haveing dreams everynight for the last week in which i see various things but in every dream i see my ex girlfreind. i see things such as i am trying to talk to her but she ignores me, many times saw that she is argueing with me, and once saw that she has rang me and spoke to me properly. we do not have any contact between us so i am really quereus to why i see these dreams and what are they ment to mean. thank you for your help.

  365. i always have dreams about tsunamis and one time i had an awsome dream that i was in the middle of nowhere and thr were mountains then a tsunami came and i as like o no i didnt even pray before i die then all of sudden it stopped and my dad was supposed to be god and said okay savannah u can pray so i prayed and i had my scarf on then the tsunami came again and i was under it breathing it was a cool dream wat did it mean and a couple of times i had dreams about judgement day sooo yeah if u can tell me wat my dreams mean thatll be cool

  366. salam i always have dreams everynight about a man.he is from modern and rich family and muslim,but he dosen’t pray five times but he likes me and marry to me and he and his family came to my house about taking our marriage,my family likes him and we are getting marry,after saw this dream i woke up and see everythink is golden,green and red colour a few minutes .after four month one family coming to see me and rejected me than i saw thats are same family i saw in my dreams everynight. why i see this dreams and what are that mean plz help, thanks

  367. with my mom i go ,do hajj and meet other people, there are my
    relative. I saw 2 kaba sharif .and i ask a people why 2 kaba sharif?i fill good, and i am crying then woke up.

  368. I dreamed of giving birth to a baby boy was painless the roomwas ver dark, and the baby was realy prety and I did tell every one in dream I have told you he is Jamal eddine.

    please could you tell me what’s the meaning of it as i am very wooried?
    thank you for your time.

  369. Dear,
    Can I get the interpretition of dream!

    Time before 3 30am
    Day: Monday

    I saw in the dream that I was back in Pakistan and was meeting my family members, they were greeting me and then I went to the cousin house and their mom/bros/uncle greeted me.
    It came into me that I have to marry this girl she is good enough but I have rejected her previously and then while back I show her picture to mom and I say mom she has a long nose
    and i woke up at 3 30am
    again when I slept I had the same dream, I was happy in the dream

    Please, If I can get an answer ; I am Single and that Cousin (Girl) was proposed for me but I denied due to few reasons!!

  370. I frequently dream of high tides, the waves comin very high like that of tusnami , but they never harmed us and we always stay protected , kindly interpret it.


  372. when i was pregnant with my second child i dream that i was standing infront and reading some ayat qor3niah which where written one after the other like tv on my belly (the child was a boy BILAL 17 YEARS OLD NOW ) i dreamed also that I WAS DRINKING water FROM the prophit MOHAMMAD SALLA LAH 3LIHY W SALLAM thumb
    my husband saw when i was prignant in bilal also five moons in the sky can you answer me please what is that dream about

  373. Assalam-0-alaikum

    Thanks for interpreting our dreams and taking your time out for that

    I saw a dream last night, very clear, I am a best friend of a lady who is looking very cunning from her heart but I am very sincer to her, she takes me to a place where she plans and succeeds that I am biten by a very horrible snake on my leg, ambulance takes me to hospital where my wound is stitched my one of my senior professor of surgery and I was so afraid but he said nothing to worry and stitched my wound without causing even any pain, I was so satisfied and looked at the wound and fel relieed that I survived.

    Pls interpret my dream , I will be thankful to you

    Allah hafiz

  374. I dreamt that q woman wearing a hijab drew henna on the palm of my right hand to protect me from the flew. she drew a rectangle with some words in it and when I gave her my left hand she just drew a faint rectangle with words in it and when I said this is too faint she told me the right hand was more inportant. …………….thank you

  375. first night idreamt that my aunt who has passed away suggests that i place her daughter in a bin with ablack bin liner inthe back yard

    a couple of days later i dreamt that my granddaughter who is nearly two yers of age her hair is falling out neatly
    please help as both these dreams have left my upset

  376. salam, i saw a dream where my whole school is in fire and my friend is in that fire but he is not been harm and i am trying to help my friend than i woke up at 5:00 am in the morning.

  377. Salam,
    I am getting a recurrence of a dream very often. Someone enters my bedroom while I am sleeping and sits beside (sometimes upon my chest) me. I find him to be unknown and try to get up to protect myself or run away. Unfortunately, I can never get up and start crying. At this point, my dream is over and I get up in reality or my wife pulls me up. Even my wife had this dream last night. Can somebody please interpret this for me.

    Jazak Allah Khair

  378. i had a weird dream. it seems that i completed that dream. i dreamt that i won in some contest, got married to a man, he became a useless bum, lost him, found myself covered in mud and living in the slums. sud it rained and washed away the mud, ran to some house met an old friend who gave me a job and money to pick myself up. which comes as a bit of a shock cos we have kind of drifted. and than that was it. from something happy to something sad and finally something that gives me a glimmer of hope. what does this mean?

  379. Al salam alaikom,

    I dreamed that I am walking on the street and a man I already know is following me in the same path but he was far from me by a short distance and we were both smiling. There was a light layer (mild) of snow on the street’s hills beside us. Please reply me with it’s interpretation as soon as you can.

    • Va alaikkum salaam,
      First of need to know whether this man generally keeps following you in real life when you are out in streets. If it is so, this is a general flashback of disturbing activities that stay in your mind. If not like this in real life, then the meaning is
      “some of your ways of behaving, living in life are being of interest to that man and he has followed some of your activities in life for himself. There are some little mind disturbing happenings among your good praiseable good deeds.

      • Thank you very much for replying to me Shaffiq,

        Well I dreamed that I put henna on my head for my hair then the henna on my head melt down to my eyebrows, then it when been washed off I looked at myself in the mirror and I found myself became very very beautiful and my features are a bit different from who I am and my skin colour became like a white skin girl, my cheeks became more fuller, my eyebrows colour is changed and my hair’s colour became red, styled with two short ponytails then I found myself infront of a lecture room at my present university. A note: I am a university student.

  380. salam
    if anyone had a dream about cuting a finger what doeas that mean? i had a dream near Sahoor that my husband’s finger is all ready cut it and his hand is became really small….could you explain it too me

    • Vaallaikum salaam,
      Please give alms to poor to get this dream from being realized. It refers to a not good meaning. as you have seen it in sahoor, it should have probably occured by this time or with the grace of god, with your good deeds and praying, it could have been stopped. Do not forget, bad dreams are for you to get warned of things to come and you are at your own will to do something to stop it from being realized to its full capacity.

  381. assalamu aleykum

    i recently found out i was pregnant with my second child. today i woke up from a strange dream, i had a dream that i gave birth toa baby boy and i was not happy as i already have one. the thing is i keep thinking about this dream.
    does anyone what it means
    jazakullah khairan

    • Vaallaikum salaam,
      Forget this dream, it is from your daily mind thinkings and likngs in life that has shown in your dream. Dont worry much about this dream. Wait for your times around 7 months up and watch out for signs in it which can be interpreted to your having what gender of baby.

  382. Assalam alaikum brother and sisters in Islam!

    can anyone tell me the meaning of my dream?

    I dreamed that a guy offers me a piece of Watermelon and at the same night I dreamed of a gray mouse was sitting on my shoulders n either he was bitting me or kissing.

    can anyone tell me the meaning of it?


  383. salaam, i had a dream a few weeks ago my front tooth had fallen out and i was in distress, then last night i had a dream my side tooth fell out but i was a lot calm in this dream and didnt seem bothered it had fallen. there was no loss of blood or pain in the dream

  384. Assalamoe alaikum,
    Ik droom vaak over schoenen. Bijvoorbeeld soms droom ik dat ik mijn schoen niet kan vinden. Of een ander keer droomde ik dat ik een schoen voor een man zocht in zijn huis. ik ken hem niet maar in die droom wel. Een andere keer droomde ik dat ik een aantal schoentjes voor mijn dochtertje van 1 jaar vond in een kast. een paar waren al klein en sommige wat groter. ze waren wel nieuw.Aub uitleg hier voor. Moge Allah je zegenen. Ameen

  385. Salaam,

    My dream consisted of me being in a large green field with people who were urinating. (They were not urinating on me).

    I am going through very difficult times and would like to know the significance of this dream, if any.


    • Vaallaikum salaam,
      You are warned that there are other people’s haram doings getting entangled with your normal religious good halal activities. It could also refer to haram earned money mixed with your daily activities.

  386. Salaam,

    I had a dream a few days ago and i saw a bearded man who was wearing salwar kameez with a woolly topi on. I was talking to people and my back was faced towards him. I then see he comes to stab me on my left shoulder but a woolly jacket i was wearing was protecting me. The strange is i can see the knife its sharp but when he comes to stab me it folds into the handle( like a toy knife). I have no idea who this man is and im not even married. So now wondering what this dream means.
    Jazakallah khair

    • SALAM
      can someone please help me as when ever i ask Allah swt for guidance before sleeping..the next day when i wake i only remeber seeing this 1 person i know him as he is a relative but i saw this 5 times on different days..what does it mean..also when i did istikhara regarding someon else for me i saw myself going to collect my own red wedding cards and then i saw him again in black shalwar kameez in the same dream..

      • Vaallaikum salaam,
        Please put your dream alone clearly, like, what did you see him doing/ actions/ seen things in dream alone. and Insha Allah, I shall get back to you on its meaning.

        With what I can gather from your message text, you will be receiving good benefits and authority soon.

    • Vallaikum salaam,
      Please state whether that bearded man had white beard or black? Is he young or old?

      I shall insha Allah, get back on this to you.

  387. aoa..i am 17 years old nd got admsn n mbbs this year..i had dream nd i chked it n many books but couldnt find any meaning..i dreamed it frm 11pm to 1pm next day..i cant get my mind off it.. my dream was
    i am with an extrmly beautiful girl…i m showning her a house as if she was inside it for the first time..i really feel that im n love with her nd she too… she wears red dress(not wedng type,normal red dress)she is also extrmly beautiful…i show her the house,nd then i look at her,she looks back and i kiss her too(french)..we didnt feel embarised at all as if i had done that before too but had never done before..i then show her rest of the house nd keep lovng her nd kissing her..she responds well and this had no bad thnkng about bad stuff…it was like pure love.i mean when two people r n love they dont mean any nude or porn stuff thats satan…i dreamed pure love for 1st time n my life..i woke really happy but realised it was just a dream………. i have dreamed about moons etc. before too….i want to know wht this is all about becoz i dont hve any female frnd nor i hve talked to any…my mum hve decided to get me married to my 12 years old cuzn who lives in usa but she never told me i just heard her telling my uncle,nor does my czn know.. PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ reply SOON or i will bcome mad thnkng who she was bcoz i couldnt remember any face,i just remember that she was beautiful to extreme.. (i hope my info. is complete)

    • “You mind will feel enjoyment and extreme happiness”.

      based on the timings of your dream, you will feel it very soon within a month. You are a teenager, hence this dream has linked you with a girl to depict its meaning. It does not mean that you are going to get married soon, within a few weeks.

    • Assalmau Alaikum Fahad,
      normally, dreams will be classified and to younger people it will continue long with such kind of girls and fun activities. Based on your enjoyment in dream, the meaning is the same. I am not sure whether it refers to the enjoyment you had recently at your college. May be. It needs experience to know when a dream is happening. When dreams come into realization, it will be only for a few minutes and then it will get over for cases like this kind. You will have such kind of dreams further more until a certain age.

  388. Hi
    i had a dream that a lion used to chase me all the time from my back garden i used to run inside and the lion used to wait for me by the door. but recently when th lion had got to me he let me free for some reason and he didnt harm me but saved me. what does that mean.

  389. Salam!
    I had a dream that i was up in the sky, thats where allah was .. “PLEASE ALLAH FORGIVE ME IF ITS WRONG TO SAY” and it was like haven .. all clear and white .. i was talkin to him and he got mad at me i dont remember what we said .. but he told me to go and turn the hose on so it could rain down on earth. and i woke up from it .. IF this means something Please tell me the reason ASAP Thank you! Email me at (( )) Thank you Agian!!

    • Vaalaikkum salaam,
      please let me know each and every bit of this dream as it is, to give you a proper reply.
      As of what you stated as above.
      Meaning within quotes
      “your heart is not comfortable within yourself that something you are continuing to do or have done already, may be sinful.
      You will be provided clarity to guide to the right path. You are seriously requested to ask for forgiveness. You are directed to give alms (money) to poor and needy. This giving of money will guide your way to clear your sins.”

      Do give alms to poor and needy anywhere in the world. Do it and do it properly and whole heartedly. God gave you money and you are now requested to do this….

  390. Hi. I have dreams on recurring themes that I’d really like Islamic interpretations for if they are available. 1. Of falling. I wake up before hitting the ground.
    2. This one’s the one that really disturbs me. I get out of my house to go somewhere and when I’m on the street, in the car..I realize I’m not wearing shoes. I forgot to wear them. And I often have to continue without my shows. I have various dreams like these all the time. What could these indicate?

    • As for your dream item no.2, meaning
      “During your normal activities in daily life, you will miss the company (not divorce, means lonely) from your wife/husband (if you are married) or miss company of your closest friend.”

  391. salam
    i really wanted to know about a dream i had.The dream i had was on my daughter leaving with her bags and suit case and i was asking her where she was going and she just replied il’ll be back and a young male was wating besides her . I was really intrested to know if this dream had a meaning to it.?

    • Vaallaikum salaam,
      Do you realize that you are in real life suspicious and worrying about your daughter’s activities.
      Is this young man you saw in dream known to you…(Not yet translated for your dream meaning, need to have above answers and also whether you are praying normally and keep doing good holy deeds in your regular life)

      • Salaam ,i am sometimes suspicious on what she is doing as she is the only child left in the house.Her sister and brother are married, so most of the times my attensions on her.However the male was not known to me and i am a person who read my namaz and quran regularly.

      • Assalamu Alaikkum Sara,
        There is a possibility of this dream being from your daily concern on this child. It is difficult to point out for this dream to be as original or from memories/worries.
        It only shows that you are suspicious on her activities. One thing for original dream is, it will have some other characters/signs based in the dream to make it original.
        There are a few people in this world, only for such persons, some dreams are shown to them as it is like it is going to happen to them in future.
        In order not to take any chances on this, please pray to God and as you are normally praying, please pray what you want for your daughter’s good and safety.


  392. Assalamualaikum,

    Last night i dreamt of tsunami.. The wave are very big and scary. Me and my grandma were walking along the beach and suddenly tsunami came and hit us. But it seemed like we were not impacted by the tsunami and we were ok. No unjury..

    Can u help to interpret this dream?

    Thanks a lot!

    • “You will be subjected to a sudden big confusion. This confusion will do little damage to affect your mind even though you get impacted from the confusion”

    • assalamu alaikum pls can u tell me i saw this dream that i had stones coming out of my mouth then vomiting bile green yellow colour follow by more bigger stones coming out i had take out with my fingers pls tell me thx

  393. my sister had dream ..that me, her and my older sister are swinging on a swing and pick up roses …her husdand that’s no longer here he pass awayand in the dream he’s smell me and said i smell like a man my older sister smell like a woman and my sister that had the dream smell like a man and he said are you cheating on me WHAT DOSE THAT DREAM MEAN

    • This refers to yours, sister’s and your older sister’s mind and heart will find joyness and your minds will think of how to do next good deed.
      For the other portion, there is something which is going on in your family that seems to be against the wishes of that seen expired husband. If he had stated as ‘you are cheating me’ to only one of you, then that person is doing something not appropriate to his wishes. (God knows best)

  394. i dreamt of me putting faeces on a paper and wrapping it,the stuff is mine and am keeping pliz tell me what it means coz i saw this many times.thanks for the good work.jazakaAllah

  395. i have seen blood coming from my right ear, my mom is cleaning it with tissue paper, i dont know if my ear is cutted or coming blood from inside, but it feel in dream as my mohter cutted it, it was bleeding too much, i feel i am losing so much blood, and saying to my mother, where are more tissues, and than somebody (i dont know who) tell me that your this dream means you have very few days of life. you will die very soon.

    later i seen giving some money 4500 rupees to a poor girl, to whom i have given little white pearl earrings of silver too. and i say to my brother, we have already given her earrings, now we should not give money to her.

    • There is some information required. Are you married and have any children. There are both good and not good meanings inside.
      There are sometimes dreams which show directly on things requested to do. That somebody who told you was wearing which colour dress. That is required to translate their saying accordingly. If it is some young guy, not beautiful, it could refer to saitan.
      If based on that its a direct information guiding, you better try to give some money to poor. But best of all pray as bad meanings should not occur.

  396. Assalamu alaikum,
    Very nice to have stumbled upon this web page and to know people through their dreams. By the way, which country language is this web page title?
    Going through many of the above dreams narrated, many of you seem to be young people and some dreams have been translated while some is unknown. I am seeing for some of the dreams since start of this page, to mean as
    (1) There are some which is shown to them as a reward of their good faith. Their characters if seen by dream, they will be remebering god when they sit, travel or idle.
    (2) There are some which shows they are among the true believers of islam. They are praying thahajjath at night and are most frequent in keeping up it. They are silenting feeling sad within themselves that the world is getting worser for islam and people are getting worser in activities
    (3) There are some for whom it is that they will find that most of their requests to Allah will be granted for this and next world. They are shown as they will like to always think ways of how to do good deeds to people
    (4) For some it is meaning as they will do either hajj or umra during theit lifetime. Their status in life will increase to a good one slowly
    (5) For some it is referring as they will either attain a very solid good authority in future life or good wealth
    (6) For some, it is as they will in their later part of life travel to another country and settle there for a long period
    (7) For some, they have indeed seen Prophet (saw) even though the face is not clear
    (8) For some, Prophet (saw) has indicated to them to give alms to poor to get benefits and prevent bad fate
    (9) For some, it is indicating as their disease will get severe and may lead to death and to get prepared for it
    (10) For some, it is indicating as some dead peoples spirit will get into their activities and cause troubles in their life
    (11) For some, it is indicating as someone is doing black magic to them and you are to be destroyed from peace
    (12) Some are showing them ways to prevent from their coming bad danger
    and so on…..
    Overall, I can see many good believers of islam faith and they are deserved to be credited in this world and next.

    • Could you interperate these two dreams for me?……The first one was about me looking into a mirror while I was fixing my hair which is straight and shoulder length, then I was asked what kind of car I would like to ride in which were brand new black limos. And in my second dream on another night, I had a dream that I said Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him when someone said Mohammad. And then I was trying to get my Quran back from someone at a long table and they didn’t want to give it back to me, and they were writing verses from the Quran down on peices of paper and puting them in the Quran. Finally, I was able to get the Quran after I said it is mine so please let me have it, and I went to open a door to a big room and there I sat at a long table then I woke up.

  397. Assalaamoualaikoum wa rahmat ullAHiwabarakaatouh

    My mother told me that she dreamed of me today.She saw me younger, fairer,lesser in size and height and more beautiful. There was present a new robust black bicycle(Very old model) which i was riding to go to masjid. She also saw an old unused damaged bicycle of mine as new. I awkwardly went to a wall (between my home and that of my neighbours) and took the bicycle on the other side, then i also went to the other side. Their some friends were waiting for me, She cries out where are you going, won’t you go to masjid several times even if every time i replied her. Very unexpectedly she sees me smoking cigarette which i never do. She very very very angry and waited for me to return. In the midst of it she saws her father(long died) come into the kitchen, give a slight smile and then sit down, or remain standing, but she does not really care about him. I return then she asks me why have you deviated from truth. She took a long, thick stick or she already had that in hand to beat me, but i remain silent and fixed like a rock. Then she asks me once more why did i deviate from the truth, then i say something about some sin which i had done which i am really having regrets and that through it i found myself totally alone, apart from everyone.
    If any one could give an interpretation it would be much appreciated, and if you could please interpret my other dream which is up on this page it would help me very much.
    Jazak Allah.

    • vaalaikkum salaam Irshaad,
      in quotes stand for meaning.
      “You will start to get more good benefits and your mom who dreamed will feel that you have become more powerful than before in dealing with daily activities and you will become more prosperous than before”.
      In normal life your mom seems to use islamic faith/knowledge to advise and grow you up.
      “per your mom view, you are bypassing islamic restrictions”.
      One clear indication over here in dream is “your mom is doing less for your deceased father in terms of adding good benefits to his name”. such as like giving a qurbani to his name, giving alms/food to the poor with the aim that this benefit of giving to needy goes to your father’s name. As your father has been seen, please try to do some deeds as above to go to his name. Person who gives it will also get the benefit from it and nothing will be lessed from the benefit of their own. As per islamic calender, your father’s death day may be coming soon.

      • Irshaad, your other dream as found dated 27sep. It should have been realized in actual life by now.

        That dream is “”I truly want to understand many of my mother’s dream, but could you kindly try to interpret the latest she had.
        I must go to the university. My mother tells my older brother to go somewhere(to the shop i think). He departs and my mother searches for me, in the search she found me in a masjid, in which there are torn carpets and the place is messy. My brother is literally praying on the floor, that is, in sleeping position on ones front(his body facing the floor) and a little farther away i am praying normally but i do the swalaat too quick,really really quick. Here my mother notices my black t-shirt the most. My brother says its(the quick swalaat) nothing,don’t worry, have you taken your money(for transport fee). I do not answer and just proceed to the bus stop, then my mother notices that an unknown child is at her side,but can’t see him. She starts worrying if i forgot my buspass(i am a forgetful person), her head scarf is not with her she searches for one and discovers that the masjid had one additional room, there she finds a very very white somewhat shiny head scarf which she puts. Then she looks on the road, i’m not there, so she starts walking to reach the bus stop. Pavements are present on both sides of the road, she then notices that women with or without children on the other side of the road are falling in a crack(hole) due to water coming out(not gushing, but coming out calmly). The water level keeps on increasing till my mother suddenly finds herself on a ship, when she looks around a calm sea has surged and very light rain is falling from the clouds.
        I have three brothers, the oldest was not involved in this dream. My other brother was making supplications in the position he was. The water was calm and was coming out of the pavement and was clean.

        Meaning: “Your mom will be subjected to mind stress and some troubles”. There is a similarity in both dreams about you. “You are getting more good benefits from your activities. And your mom, in real life, is more concerned about you and worries about you. During the period of facing those troubles, your mom will get a prosperous position and command over it. Your mom gets clarity and direction to solve this. Situation turns out to give a new minor problem and your mom gets support from someone in resolving and getting herself out of this mess. Her mind is set on how to settle this and she does not get confused in her new decision. She enters into holy activities and god bestows her with some relief”.
        The portion regarding your brother may not be necessary to translate now.

  398. i dreampt i was looking in a huge mirror and i had very very long black hair like past my back i was wearing a blue ribbon in my hair and i think i had on a white dress then i dreamed i was dancing with a tall man in another dream i dreampt that my daughter was cussing at my mother (i think) and my mother started yelling and all of the sudden my mother kicked with both feet and fell when she landed on the ground she was naked and having a seizure her eyes were fixed on me and they were very dark and scary in another dream that night i dreampt that my 2 month old baby was in the car with me he was down by my shin by the gas pedal and my other son was in the front seat we got in to a car wreak and everyone was okay i was driving the same car i drive in real life what does Allah give you of these dreams?

    and today i dreampt that i was on a huge charter bus and my body stank i got undressed wearing only my shirt in anticipation of taking a shower although there was no shower in sight people begain to complain so i stood to open the window and when i reached up to open the window a portion of my but cheeks were exposed next the bus came to a detour but the traffic director know the bus driver so he let him continue on the on the same road when we got to the working site there were a lot of men working and the were using sticks to move dirt/earth around i noticed that there was arabic writen on the earth/dirt and i don’t know if it was quran(surahs) because i can’t read arabic but if felt like it was quran( surahs) i had seen what if does Allah swta give you from all of his?

    • Meaning in quotes. For different dreams, accordingly quoted.
      “You will get more power to control your subordinates, using your newly felt talent. You yourself will feel when you look in the mirror that you have become little attractive than before. With this authoritative talent, you will feel that you can achieve some of those that you wanted. You will get a feeling that you are becoming more famous than before”.”You will share your enjoyment with another person more respectable than you”.”Your mom’s status, fame will go down and her mistakes and disadvantages will get known by others. Especially she hates that her disadvantages, mistakes have got known by you”.”You will be subjected to havoc although you will be able to get relieved from it”.
      Today’s dream: “Your fame will get reduced. Your faults and disadvantages will start to get known by people. People will start to dislike you, knowing your faults. But, with all this, the personnel who is incharge of directing, guiding and regulating will proceed without causing any disturbances to his required task. At a certain place/location, you will feel that there are clear cut regulations and duties to be followed and these are more known to a common person also”.
      Your different dreams are at different stages. Based on the date when you have seen it, all these should most probably have happened within a few weeks time. But for the one that you saw today, its time to get yourself prepared for it and please do not forget that common dreams as you have narrated, are meant for happening in reality over a short period of time, the next future dream will overtake this. Only certain dreams are meant to happen over a long period and some meant to happen even after 15-20 years of time. But, this dream of yours will be for a short period. Now, please try to pray if you know how to read arabic in your own mother tongue langauge translated book. Or give alms or food to poor with the aim of reducing the impact of bad dream from happening. Based on your willingness, you may give food for 3 to 7 poor persons. When this today’s dream happens, just keep calm, do not get upset much. It should soon get over, if you follow giving poor food. Then insha Allah wait for good dream to show that you have increased in status again. Please ask forgiveness to God for not following His wishes and this bad dreams can be prevented from happening, based on your heart, true faith and request to God. Dont forget, fate can be changed from bad to good…….Its in your own hands….

  399. Assalamu Alaikum Iman on behalf of me and other muslims.
    Saw your dream as below you had stated sometime back. I dont know whether you are still reading this web page. If yes, please include me+other muslims in your daily prayers ‘for good life in this world and next’ for me and other muslims. It seems like you have seen this dream quite a few years back. So, by now, you should be able to realize what I am saying. You have sensed your mind isn’t it, all these years, your knowledge,…..Seed breaks the land and comes up slowly, its very weak, its head is down, then it springs its head further up, then again its head goes further up, then finally its stands tall and straight with a strong root. Dont forget us………..

    “iman, on October 6th, 2009 at 6:50 pm Said:
    when i was pregnant with my second child i dream that i was standing infront and reading some ayat qor3niah which where written one after the other like tv on my belly (the child was a boy BILAL 17 YEARS OLD NOW ) i dreamed also that I WAS DRINKING water FROM the prophit MOHAMMAD SALLA LAH 3LIHY W SALLAM thumb
    my husband saw when i was prignant in bilal also five moons in the sky can you answer me please what is that dream about”

  400. Assalamu Alaikkum Aliyah,
    Saw your dream stated quite some time back. Are you still reading this web page. How are you? I dont think you have realized as yet that unseen external agent(s) planning destruction. Time to go ahead against it. Keep in touch. Dont delay before it goes ahead smoothly with its(their) job. If your mind is already cloudy, you can understand by now, this word ‘cloudy’, please remember this during those times “Everything is not natural and not all problems created are for testing your patience. It is made, created”. Take care, careful, dont fall into steep slope. it may take a very very long time to get back in place. If you are not praying type and holy, you may not even have strength to get up and stand. I can understand your happenings that which your own close people will not be able to understand. Insha Allah. Your life well being is in your hands and your dream is your life. Insha Allah, can be solved. Take care!!!

    “Aliyah, on August 15th, 2009 at 10:33 am Said:
    Sallam. i always have recurring dreams of reciting surah naas, surah falak and most rcentley Ayat ul Kursi. the dreams always have a fear element to them and thats when i start reciting the surahs. Can you please tell me the meaning of reciting the above mentioned in a dream. jazakullah”

  401. Assalamu Alaikum Kristy,
    Saw your below stated dream, quite sometime already. If you are still reading this web page, please get in touch. Its for your own good and future life. Your dream is no joke. You have seen in June, by now I myself can let you know what all puzzled state you are in right now without seeing you. Take care, patience and patience, be very careful. How are you now and your wife. Are you both getting along well? If you see this, get to become holy praying as soon as possible. Its for you and your wife well being. Wondering how many in this earth are without knowing what is happening to them. As visitors to this web don’t know me, I hope they dont think I am trying to collect money by this and think I am joking in all these mail…….

    “kristy, on June 8th, 2009 at 2:46 am Said:
    hey i had a realli scary dream last night.. ive converted to islam in may and im farely new at everything. but i had a dream while i was at home in bed i was kinda awake and kinda sleeping at this same time but i was still aware of wats going on around me. i was standing in my dream and there was an evil presence next to me and i was asking every one around me if they could feel it too but they couldnt it felt like a dark shadow but when it was always next to me in the dream i felt it on me while i was sleeping like pain on mah body, when i had gone to bed that night in my dream i felt it pinning me down and i couldnt breath and i actualli couldnt move and i was actually strugglinig to breath.. i was asking for help then i asked allah to help me and 2 min later i snapped outta it and i felt like my body went through a rush mah blood was flowing again and mah heart was beating properly.. now this morning when i woke up and still now my left arm feels really realli weak can sumone help me out on what this means”

  402. Assalamu Alaikum ‘Anonymos’,
    Got to see your old dream. It has its significance. How are you now and your health? Drop a message on your health. Is your weight same as was in June? Cureable.

    “anonymos, on June 7th, 2009 at 7:44 am Said:
    salam 3alaikum,

    i just woke up about 20 minutes ago and i had a confusing and almost disturbing dream.

    i dont know why, but in my dream, i would suddenly geet snake skin as part of MY skin on MY face. and it was red and white snake skin. and it would go from my through, and to my nose. like a beart would. so (no, i realise) instead of a beard it was snake skin.

    later on, it went away in the dream, and then i got it again…. at this point i started to worry that maybe its because my heart has turned un-pure, so i consult my mom, and she gets nervous about it and tells me to go pray if i didnt pray. and as to make ‘wuthou’ i look at my face, and the snake skin is gone, and my skin is a little white in colour (because i guess the snake skin had just gone away), i move my face around, trying to asses whats going on, and my skin goes back to its normal skin colour. and then i notice something else, i have a five o’clock shadow. anyone who knows me in real life knows my cheeks are as hairless as a baby’s bottom. but in the dream i have facial hair. thick, facial hair.

    i apologize if i’ve writtin too much, but because i just woke up the dream is still fresh.

    also, in my dream, while i had the snake skin on my face, it felt like, if i let it keep comming and going, eventually, it would take over my skin. also, my eyes looked different almost while i had the skin…

    someone please interpret this dream for me!”

  403. Assalamu Alaikum Zuver,
    Insha Allah, incase one day your eyes see this, translation of your dreams within quotes below, for what you have been patiently waiting to know all these years.

    Zuver, on April 26th, 2009 at 6:23 am Said:

    I would sincerely like some brothers and sisters in islam to address their interpretations or express their thoughts, if possible, upon the following dreams I made from 2000 to 2006.

    1.) I once dreamt of hundreds of flying creatures entering my room by the door in a frightening whirlpool one night. Two of them lifted me from my bed, grabbed me by the shoulders and we passed through the wall of my apartment. The next second, we were directly over Mecca where they flew me round the Qiblah 7 times.

    Meaning: “You will make haj/umra and you will leave your home country for this trip during a stressful mind period with confusion but with some knowledge of islam rituals”

    2.) I dreamt of a baby sitting and talking Arabic over my grandfather’s bed 3 days before he died. The morning he passed away, I dreamt of my grandfather standing up and walking away from me with the shade of an enormous black hand on his back supporting him.

    Meaning: “Your grandfather had during his life time supported himself with lots of good deeds to his name and his soul was taken away from his body along with the accepted good deeds”

    3.) I dreamt of myself another night walking my way back home, I saw a very pale girl (approximately 15 years of age) sitting in the middle on the street. She was shouting bitterly and pushing her father. I approached her, I knelt down, gripped her hair and began reciting Al-Falaq, An-naas and Auzu billahi mink. She finally became calm, she stopped gazing at me in horror and silently put her head down. Some kind of successful exorcism.

    Meaning: “You will get into control a dead person’s spirit that had intended to cause troubles in your life, using your own holy good deeds. But that spirit is still there controlled all together”

    4.) While sleeping, I began hearing a pulse inside my head. Then I opened my eyes, see myself as usual inside my body with the exception that I could not move at all. Another time, it was the same thing but I was outside of my body lying aside of it on the bed. There was a gigantic white pillar in my room stretching up to infinity. On both occasions, I read Surah Al-Iklaas and prayed God so that I entered back my body. I woke up in shock with my left hand numb each time

    Meaning: “Your soul’s belief in islam faith and Allah’s purity is very strong and unchangeable by anyone. Your belief in these and appraisal of Islam and Allah are to such a great extent that Islam and Allah can never ever be said as compareable to anything and you believe only in Allah as your complete protector”. There is one bad meaning however in this, which I would not state as that bad meaning will serve as a test of your patience in this world during your life time. Keep patient and calm during that time, if you remember this, as this world is nothing much more than a test arena. As Quran states ‘did you think Heaven is so easy to earn without you being subjected to difficulties in this world’

  404. Assalamu Alaikum Sana,
    For you, of what you have been waiting to know since childhood. May your eyes get this.

    Meaning: Do you know that this dream of yours belongs to those that requires no translation. It is as it is, indicating of what you are going to get as a reward for your deeds in this world life. Your activities in life will be appreciatable and during your life time, you will find yourself reaching certain heights of islamic belief. You will automatically be guided directly in your life time. The day when your mind is mature enough above normal level of people’s thinking and realize life and sense this world, you will think this, ‘what is guiding me through all these. I can feel some super power providing answers to what I want and showing me right path’. You will be able to make nature do certain kinds of things that you yourself will realize in disbelief how it had happened. You will not get what I state now. You will understand slowly. It takes time, you are still a young girl now. Wait and watch…..

    sana, on April 24th, 2009 at 9:55 am Said:
    i saw this dream almost 15 years ago but i always wanted to know what does it mean.

    a lady wearing white dress material was holding my hand and she told me that this in BAB UL WIDA( DATE OF DEPARTURE) when people die they came here, in my dream i m memorising the name babul wida as i was thinking that when i woke up i will tell my mother about this gate after death.
    then me and the lady went underground by staircase, i saw a room of mud ( as i was under the earth in my dream) i saw many people with smiling face all dresses in white were sitting relax and happy. the room was decorated with lights. atfer that same one came in the room and gave me a plate of rice with a sweet(confectionary item) on it. all of us ate it it was very sweet even i felt its taste when i wokeup. someone told me thi (plate of rice n sweet) is from MOHAMMAD ( S.A.W.W) after eating the lady took me towards anohter door that was going inside , i woke up.

    please interprate my dream very clearly as i am looking for it interpretation since i was merely 10, 11 years old”

  405. Dear Shafiq, im sorry but i do not agree with the things that you have stated about the dead people’s spirits and catching them and anyhting about the dead people’s souls and controlling them. Once a person dies, their soul cannot come back to this life nor can they be contacted and believing it things like this are similar to commiting shirk so i think its particulalry dangerous that you are posting statements like this.

    • Assalamu Alaikkum Sister,
      Its allright. I am sorry if these cannot be understood. Its not exactly dead people’s spirit. Its to be put up in a different manner for normal people to get it.
      As per Quran, those dead cannot return to make a new life on earth again, like it states in Quran, as there is a wall. But, you may read Prophet (saw) hajiths that state on what he has dealt with those after dead and buried.
      Anyway, its allright. I shall leave it to you all to handle. I shall not disturb in this website.
      For those who feel that you are getting troubled in life after dreams that have surathul falak, naas in them. Only for them, please give as much alms/food as possible to poor, as frequent as possible. Recite ayathul kursi very often every day while walking, standing, free times. Blow it on your hands 3 times and swipe it over whole body after each prayers and before sleep.You are specifically being targetted. I may not review this site again. So, please do it, its for your own good.
      If too many people oppose, then its better to leave it to you all. I expect no money or benefits from you all. I only wanted to prevent from what some may get into trouble soon. Solutions are there. Most of you are young without knowing actual secret life that is hidden behind your outside what you see.
      Only for those special dream persons they will get to know it slowly as life’s secrets are made known to them slowly.


  406. Dear Shafiq, yes i am still viewing this website and i read that intepretation that you did for my dream, can you please tell me what you mean and can you elaborate on the matter, i am very interested to know. thank you

    • Assalamu Alaikum Aliyah,
      Sorry now. Its looks like I have too many objections. If I am going to tell you any further for your own life good, it will spark anger from others, not exactly realizing what it means.
      Just follow for now as I have stated above in reply to sister message.
      May God bestow peace upon you and those concerned in your dreams.
      None of you know me to judge me as to accept or not. If I am going to put out all those special dreams I’ve had all these years, only those who have deep thinking behind normal life, can understand its meaning. I can only authenticate myself with these kind of dreams to you all.
      For your good only, people, its for you only. Truth always has objections and takes time to fight and win, while lies are accepted very fast. No more review of this web page.

      Vas Salaam,

    • Assalamu Alaikum Aaliyah,
      I did have a deep confrontation within myself yesterday. Should I inform a person who is unaware of her hidden problems or should I leave this person to suffer?
      I did a serious prayer for you and those affected, yesterday to ask Allah to guide you to safety and show you the way for protection. Actually, Allah is kind enough to have pinpointed the danger to you through your own dream.
      Basically I got caught with this web by chance while I was looking for some details on islam. Orelse I would have never entered it.
      It is the difference of looking into things. When it rains, people see water but forget to see Allah’s mercy in it. During rain, people see trees with water but forget to notice that the leaves are bowing down in the form of a sadjah to thank god.
      Please do me a favour. Is there a possibility for you to give your mail id. I shall contact through that. I would suggest that these are to be dealt with your mom or dad who are god fearing to be in the know-how. Your own holy activites and good deeds will be the one to solve it. Do good deed and good deed and continue giving alms. Ayathul kursi is one sura which specifically has its own power.
      Insha Allah, all will be well if your islamic god fearing belief is strong.

      Vas salaam,

  407. Sallam, shafiq, my email add is i also had a dream just last night and i was reciting ayat ul kursi, surah naas, ikhlaq and i think falak, in it my sister seemed possessed and i was saying these surahs to relieve it. i have also had similar dreams like this before. please let me know through my email. jazakallah

    • Salaam Aaliyah,
      You shall be guided by your own dreams. Dreams that show how things are going around secretly behind you and dont worry anymore about what it means. And rest shall be dealt with from my test mail to you today.
      Prayers do not go unanswered with Allah even nearer than the start of spinal nerve.


  408. Assalamu Alaikkum
    I am very curious about this dream because it is a very important time of my life at the moment and i want to know what it means. I had a dream that i was with both my parents and younger sister at my ‘aunty’s house’ and as we entered the house, which didn’t look like her house at all, we each yelled assalamu alaikkum. i was pushing a baby pram which was very shocking as i am not married, and i had no idea as to whose child it was. The house was covered in tiger rugs and tiger dolls, and as i went to salem to my aunty, her eyes were of a tiger print- she began to cry tears of joy.. what does this mean, please help!

    • Vaallaikum salaam Annonymous,
      You may wait and see for reply. If nothing is turning up and if you would like me to do it, I can be of help.

      May Allah bless you,

    • Vaalaikkum salaam Annonymous,
      I guess you will get tensed up waiting for its meaning. You say, ‘a very important time in your life’, meaning what ‘marriage’ fixing arrangements are going on for you? Looking for an alliance. Best wishes to you anyway.
      “So, your family members are trying to get in touch with another family to get link for an alliance (marriage) and that family is quite comfortable in terms of wealth and authority”.
      May Allah bless you and please pray that you get whom you want as your life partner.

  409. Assalam u alaikum Shaffiq,

    For the first time I was shocked when I read your interpretations. Finally someone with the right knowledge of dreams has come to help these muslims. JazakALLAH.

    I know how it feels when you want to give correct information to people but due to their lack of knowledge on the subject, they tend to make irrelevant objections.

    Keep up the good work because the true reward is only with ALLAH.

    (I was going through some dreams and realized that some people are also having problems with evil spirits (jinn) and they dont know it .)

    ALLAH bless you!

  410. Salaam.
    I have had questions about a few dreams but i do not think it would be appropriate to post on this page.
    Shaffiq, i see you have helped a lot of people so i ask you if you can give me your e-mail so you can help me in a mroe private manner. This is not spam or anything. But i would greatly appreciate it, Thank you.

    • Salaam Anom,
      Insha Allah, can be of help. I am ready to do so. Please see if you can post your mail id, as I am concerned about posting mine in public. If you are willing to do so, I will reply to your mail id and further you may put out your dreams to my mail-id. I understand sometimes, dreams have its privacy and cannot be stated freely.


  411. Assalam u alaikum
    I have beard last about 9-10 years and last night i can’t remember the time, i saw that i am preparing myself for a party and i shave my beard but after shave i feel shame and i did not like that look.

    ALLAH Bless us.

    • Vaallaikum Salaam Arif,
      I think it is better that you pray to God to prevent yourself from losing your authoritative post and please do not take any fast decision urgently without thinking twice, you may regret it later.
      This is in your hands.

  412. hello,
    i had once dream that i gad given birth to a very healthy, fair complexion and very beautiful girl.
    as i was not married that time…..
    can you tell me what does that means??

    Thnx a lot

    • Hello Zam,
      Its sort of been too long and you still remember that dream before your marriage. If at pregnancy stage you have seen this, it can be related to your delivery. But, when you last saw this dream, within a short time from that dream, you would have already “experienced enjoyment and good happiness from some incident” at that time itself.
      Wait for another dream to turn up…Enjoying your time,…..dont forget to pray also…..

      • hello i was not married at that time but i was engaged
        i was not pregnant also
        but the baby was sooooooo beautiful i feel like looking at her even more
        that the only dream that i am remembering for so long
        i cant even forget the face as she was soooooo beautifu.
        but i didnt feel that much happier because i wanted my first baby to be a boy…….
        but at last when i saw her face i forget all that and was extremely happy
        can you tell me what its means/?

  413. Assalamu alaikum,

    I had a dream about being under a huge tree and lots of heaps of garbage leaves etc. Somehow I must have left a pen under the heap and later wanted to retrieve it but was terrified that there were black snakes underneath it. As I reached there were no snakes and out of my black pen came a fly that just flew away and I see myself trying to kill it . I just knew that it was some kind of a satani stuff and not a fly. I ran after it to kill it but kept missing it. Then I see myself near a house with lots of people in it , I think it was my mums house or something . my mum was standing outside and as I ran to kill the fly my mum grabbed it inside her hand and tried to kill it however as she tried to she got only half which turned to fire and the other half flew away. Then all of a sudden I looked up towards the sky as it was night time . The house was fully lit up with lights and was very bright. As I looked up towards the sky I saw two crescent moons entertwined together . It was really beautiful. The crescent must have been 2 to 3 days old. Then all of a sudden instead of the moon I see two of the most beautiful silver shiny swords surrounded by the noor of the moon even though the moon wasnt in sight anymore. The sword looked like the prophets swords some that are shown on you tube. Then all of a sudden instead of two swords there were four of the same magnificence all seemed to be pure shiny silver. Then I see myself point the sword out to people and then I see people walking like everybody going in the same direction and I am saying the fight of islam will begin now. Then my eyes opened.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Naz,
      Based on your dream type, my advises to you. If you control your feelings and continue your holy deed, you can attain good respectful position and dignity and enjoy the inside warmth of having god fearing activities. But, please try not to be very hard or harsh while commanding inorder to bring system in place.
      “You have some speciality within yourself and you already seem to be praying god fearing kind and could have recently felt some reduction in those holy activities. You want to bring your profitable holy activities back to normal. But, some kind of fear regarding some back lashes from those who don’t prefer you perform those activities were trigerring in your mind. You are trying by your own to offset disturbances being caused to your holy activities. Your mom seems to be of support in activating you against those disturbances. (Are there any kids in your house). Your mind will get direction and also proper direction. Confusions and mind disturbing incidents would reduce itself. You may Insha Allah, have two beautiful kids. You will be gaining authority and directing people in a known system of direction to follow”.

  414. Assalamu Alaikum to All,
    See, I dont feel comfortable in suddenly coming in and by myself starting to give feedbacks to these dreams. I could be hurting someone (may be many) who have already been doing this help for quite some time to you all.
    Sorry to those whom I may have hurt in this regard. If you can continue your old help to them, I would most welcome it. I can peacefully watch, what kind people are, based on their dreams. If anything serious is found from their dreams, I may, if you grant me with your permission, can step in to inform. Other than that, it does not sound good character to step in like this and intrude in other’s activities.
    Any suggestions from anyone.


  415. Assalam u alaikum Shaffiq,

    This forum is public. Anyone can ask and anyone can answer! As you might have noticed, there are many people on this forum who really need help.

    When the sun gives light, it does not ask permission. It just gives light and those who do not want the light restrain themselves to a dark place. So just give light, if we don’t want it, we’ll leave this website ourself. But those who want the light should not be deprived.

    ALLAH bless you!

  416. Salam Shafiq,

    May GOD bless you for your efforts. I need help with a dream.

    I saw that I am in my mother’s house. I go into the kitchen. I see that a black dog in the kitchen cupboard is dead. I decide to go out the kitchen door. I sit outside the kitchen with quran in my hand. I feel the need to recite surah baqarah. I am about to start but to my left I see a big cage. There is a very big black dog. Its back is towards me. Half of its body is in the cage, half of it is out. It is stretching itself. While it is stretching one of its legs barely touches my leg but there is no scar. It does not know that I was sitting there. I put the quran near my chest and run inside the kitchen and tell my mom that the dog in the kitchen is dead but dont go outside there is a big dog there.

    (I am at my parents’ house and separated from husband, I am about to file for divorce).

    JazakAllah in advance.

    • Salaam Sana,
      Your life’s happening are not normal. So, you are also being subjected to a powerful enemy. Now to classify the enemy. Try as far as possible to recollect any dreams that had interested you.
      “You are trying to get yourself relieved from one enemy and get out of the stress. But, there is one more, much more powerful awaiting to tackle you next. Its present status is not active. But, may get active. You are using your holy belief and presently relaying on it”.
      From your dream, it seems like this new one can be brought into control if you have additional good deeds.
      Now, need to tackle this next enemy with your own holy activities. Let’s see, I dont want you to get caught with that enemy. But, need to classify that enemy is referred to what or whom. Try to recollect some other dreams. I need to get you out of this forthcoming tension using your activities. It definitely can be accomplished.

  417. Brother shafiq,

    I had a dream today which is rather personal and would appreciate a private interpertation. I had asked Allah to help me solve a problem that I am deeply faced with at the moment and needed help in trying to protect myself. The dream that I had I just can’t understand what it means. Would you be able to help me through e-mail.

    Jazak Allah Khairan

  418. Assalamu Alaikum,
    Wishes to all to spend the id festival in peace.

    There are some who are comfortable and happily awaiting this event.

    There are many who are in troubled state, engulfed in worries and lost peace. Let’s pray for their troubles to get over soon and see smile return to their face.

    Quran starts with the word, ‘Alhamdulillah’. Why? Think!

    Try to sense God, you will feel unusually powerful in soul.

    Try to sense saitan, you will make him get failures.


  419. Salam Shaffiq,

    Jazakallah. ALLAH bless you . You are right. I am under alot of stress. Everyday a new enemy is revealed. I feel I am surrounded by enemies that will play an important role in divorce process. My husband has shown his very dark side when he found out that I want a divorce. This other enemy can be my husband, our servant, my uncle.

    1. I saw in a dream that I am in my parent’s house in my room. There are two dead snakes at the door of my room. They are not in the room. One is very big and yellow and the other is thin and black. Both are dead. My servant is picking one of them up to throw outside the house.

    2. I saw in a dream that I am sitting in my room. My mom and dad are with me. Even in the dark I see two sets of white shining teeth. When I see closely they are two black squirrels that are flying in my room . I have a paper in my hand and I am trying to hit them. My mother says dont hit them they are angels. I say mom you have no idea, they are not angels.

    3. I am passing by my husband’s house in my dad’s car. I see there are two very big yellow and green owls peeping in my husband’s house and one of them turns and looks at me with a cunning smiling face. I pray to GOD that GOD i am safe in my dad’s car.

    4. I dream that I am sitting in my dad’s car and he is driving. Far away I see two black dogs. One is very large and is talking to a young girl and the other dog is just acting as a partner to the big dog. I see all of this from my dad’s car and i say “okay so this girl has been talking to this dog ( i dont know the girl). The large black dog looks at me with anger. His eyes are green and popping out with anger. I point at the dog as if I am reading something on him. He gets more angry. i tell my dad to drive the car as fast as possible, I will not let these dogs enter our car. My dad drives fast and I say to my dad from now on I will never ever tell anyone whats on my mind.

    There are more dreams with which I need desperate help. Thankyou so much for your help. I pray ALLAH helps you in all your problems as you are helping us.


    • Salaam Sana,
      Meaning in quotes as per dream items
      (1) “Problems from two of your hidden enemies, who are related to you, are no more possible to be caused by them”. Identification of one enemy. He/she has some disease which is known to others. “Either this diseased enemy or the second one, has shifted to some other place far away”.

      (2) As per your opinion about them, “There are two persons, mostly ladies, who are always fooling your mom that they are caring and well wishing about you all and they will seem to have likeable kind of characters. But, they are not so in reality”.

      (3) “Two persons who are of good status in society and possess dignity, one of them has better knowledge of islam, are looking into your husband’s personal matters. To one of them, he is planning something against you that he expects can tackle you with. While you feel safe under direction of your Dad”.

      (4) “While being under direction of your Dad, there are two enemies. One main enemy has plans that are of pretty good interest to him, while the other is just providing support to him. You get to suspect their motives, which they get to realize, with hatred against you. You have certain plans which you would like to expose to none”.

      Overall, most of the dreams there is a similarity. Showing that most of your enemies are quite comfortable in wealth/money. Some of them have lesser while some have them with additional authoritative status supporting them. My my, you have to deal with so many enemies. Better recite sura nooh (sura no. 71) and sura feel (no.105) almost everyday once.

  420. Assalam u alaikum brothers and sisters,

    I have seen many muslims facing problems in Istikhara. I want to clear this confusion once and for all.There is no evidence of dreams regarding istikhara in Islam.

    There are many people who do not see dreams or dont remember their dreams. Does this mean that ALLAH did not want them to perform Istikhara. NO! Istikhara is for everyone.

    Here are some examples of my very dear ones!

    1. My friend had a non muslim friend. Both were very religious. They had many discussions about their religion. One day the non muslim friend suggested that my friend perform Istikhara and see which religion is right. My friend performed the istikhara. That night she saw in a dream that a man dressed in white says to her you are not on the right boat. Change boats. After this dream she became a non muslim.

    When satan finds out you are in a dilemma regarding anything he will try his best to stear you towards the wrong path. So that when you make a wrong decision, you will always blame ALLAH and lose faith in Istikhara.

    I will share a personal example to set things right. When I got engaged I started performing Istikhara because during the engagement I became very religious. I already knew that dreams and Istikhara are not related, but even then I saw a very nice dream about the engagement, which pointed that I have been engaged to a very pious and honest person. Well I kept performing the istikhara. One day my parents decided that they want to perform the nikah. I kept performing istikhara and decided that I will keep doing istikhara till the day of marriage. Guess what! We found out that the guy was a non muslim and they all had been hiding this so they could marry into a well reputed and powerful family. Instantly the engagement was broken off.

    This is the miracle of istikhara and only istikhara! Just read the translation of Istikhara and pounder on these lines

    Oh Allah! If in Your knowledge, (this matter*) is good for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs, immediate and in the future,THEN ORDAIN IT FOR ME, MAKE IT EASY FOR ME, AND BLESS IT FOR ME. And if in Your knowledge, (this matter*) is bad for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs, immediate and in the future, THEN TURN IT AWAY FROM ME and turn me away from it. And ordain for me the good wherever it may be, and make me content with it.

    So if something is not good for you ALLAH will automatically create hurdles or an environment where it becomes impossible to achieve the desire.

    If there are any confusions, feel free to ask.

    Wassalam u alaikum

  421. Jazakullah Rehma for sharing that information about istikhara. i have been praying istikhara for a while but have had no clear answer, my matter is personal, so if you have an email add i can tell you about it only if you dont mind that is. thanks

  422. Sallam Shafiq bro,

    what does it mean to see a dead mouse, the mouse was brown and white, and as it was dead it had flies around it. i had this dream yesterday. in the dream i was in my cousin’s house by the window near the garden and the mouse was lodged in the window sill. InshAllah please let me know as soon as you can.

    • Vaallaikum Salaam Jasmine,
      Means “Troubles being caused to you from a lady with bad character is over. She has some link with kids”.
      So, Jasmine, you can smile now.

  423. Salam Shaffiq,

    JazakALLAH for the interpretations. I am indeed surrounded by enemies. I need help with this phenomenon.

    I saw in a dream that I am in a house. A man, maybe our servant is standing next to me. Someone is knocking hard on the door. I tell this man not to open this door, but to my amazement he opens the other door. A huge crowd of men dressed in black enter the door. They have a huge black cloth and they start wrapping me in it. During this I get awake. I am paralysed, I cannot move. I can feel a cloth up to my neck and someone’s hands near my neck. I can’t breathe. I can’t scream. I start to recite ALLAH u akbar and after a few seconds, this phenomenon is finished.

    While I was in my husband’s house I saw these dreams.

    1. I am in bed with my daughter. There is a woman in my daughter’s cot giving birth to a child. A midwife is helping her give birth. After the child is born the midwife places the child next to my daughter. The child is scary and abnormal and I am yelling at the midwife why did u place this child on my bed.

    2. I saw that there are a few wooden pieces on dark water. I am running on these wooden pieces to escape from a green alligator that keeps poking its head out of the water to attack me but does not survive. Now I am in my bed with my daughter. When I look down at the floor there is a green alligator right by my bed. I grab my daughter by the legs and run out of the room. I am about to run out of the house when suddenly I stop at the door because I see that my husband’s shoes outside the door. They are inside the main gate but outside the house. I am confused to see this.

    3. I see that I am in my bed with my husband. My daughter is in her cot. A girl with long teeth with blood dripping from her teeth like a vampire or female jinn is standing by the cot looking at my daughter. She says to me “why don’t u leave my father?”. I am thinking how can she be my husband’s daughter. I also see a big scorpion with two little scorpions moving towards the cot.

    4. My friend mariam visits me and has a gift for me. I ask her how did you find my house. Then I see my husband coming out of his mother’s room. He has long black hair and his face is pale white. He is looking like a female vampire or a female jinn.

    Please reply at

    Jazakallah in advance.

  424. as salaamualakum,
    PLEZZZZ HELP!!! i had a dream that i was in the car with my husband and 2 of my children he was driving i dreampt i got out of the car in anger and started walking then i saw myself driving a truck and i came to a road block that was put there by a hair dresseras her business was on the other side of the street behind the road block i cussed her out and gave her the middle finger then i saw myself
    at someones home gathering my clean laundry only it was mixed with their laundythen i saw a man who tried to give me business card for some service and we spent taime talking as i was leaving i saw very beautiful girl in her 20’s get out of a car in front of the house and i saw a guy with her she came to me and said that she was upset that her
    guy had seen someother girl he really liked and had ignored her cause he was with her she and i smoked some drugs and i left and i saw the children that were with my husband earlier?

    • This does not sound to be an original dream. This kind sounds like those seen from memory of events and when mentally or physically tired, such kind of events turn up as dream.


  425. i’m confused. does that mean dreams you see when you do istekhara mean nothing? i’ve never seen dreams my whole life when doing istekhara but then when i did this for one personfor marriage and others did too, everyone saw us getting married. there was lots of dreams, can shaafiq you please email me at And Rehma can u offer advice as well. it didn’t work out, but everyone saw good things.

  426. Hi please i need help it really startled me,

    Last night i dreamt about sitting with a bunch of friends in the campus of my university where suddenly a bird landed next to me and dug up a hole in the ground and pulled up a worm and flew away and when i looked into the hole there was like a river of milk flowing and something swimming in it. When i came to look at it closer a snake jumped out of it followed by another 2 snakes and they started pursuing me and my friends. Eventually, 1 snake remained following me and 2 of my friends where one of my friends was yielding to me to lean on me and i wouldn’t let him and was telling him not to lean on me at last i reached a place alone where there was fire but i felt safe.

    please help.

    • Salaam Mohammad,
      In quotes is your meaning. “You are given choice to choose halal and follow islamic practice. You have hidden enemies whom you may not be able to identify earlier. These enemies may push you away from halal and islamic practices. You may switch from halal and islamic practice to haram. And sort of feel comfortable in that haram”.
      You know what to do now. Take care. This should realize very soon, may be in 3 weeks time or towards end of this month.

  427. Hello,
    can you please help me with this dream
    i dream that i am wearing my husband suit infront of the mirror
    it is his mariage suit which is very beautiful
    i was very happy
    but as the suit was too long for me i thought it would not be appropriate for the occasion
    and i should buy one that fit me well
    plz can you tell me what does that means
    as in the dream i only see me geting dress
    but i dont know for which ocassion??
    plz help me
    thnx u very much

    • Hello Zamia,
      You will go by the wishes of your husband and you will feel enjoyment in doing so. However, you will feel certain wishes of his, cannot be followed as it doesn’t fit your personality.

  428. Salam Shafiq bro

    i had a dream that i was holding a beautfiul baby girl with the most beautiful gree eyes, she looked newborn. i am not pregnant in real life and have no children. can you please let me know what it means. thank you

    • Salaam Salma,
      It is always good to see a beautiful girl baby and as how much beautiful you saw that girl baby was and to how much extent you felt its beauty in your dream, that much happiness you will get in real life. This happiness will start at one instance and may insha Allah, be felt in you for some days.

  429. hello could you please help me with ths dream
    i always dream of destruction, war, fires…
    they are killing everyone and there blood everywhere
    during the fight a bullet a bullet had pierce my back there blood everywhere on me
    but i am not dead i am fighting for my life
    i am still breathing i lay down in the floor so that they through am dead as they will not bother me if am dead……..

    i always dream that i am hurt badly but i am not dead there million of dead bodies next to me but me i am the only survival………why despite being badly hurt i am not dead in any of my dream…what does that means??
    plz help me……

    • Hello Nad,
      Please, if any such dreams are seen again, see if you can try to put out fully all the incidents seen. When interpreting dreams, there needs to be a chain of signs to create linkage and to track what was being depicted to you.
      It is better to see a dream as you are dead rather than wounded. You seem to be the target of people’s gossip.

  430. i dreamed i see mother in law put taweez around my neck before i enter her house please tell me what this means,blacl colour and was a big taweez.
    Also another dream i see mice running around my house jazakallah

    • Salaam Shabana,
      Your mother-in-law seems to have a wish of doing something good for you.
      You may need to face a person with bad character.

  431. I had a dream. When i woke up i couldnt remember anything except one thing which i can remember well. I was eating a green apple but it kind of didnt have the shape of an apple and I remember that in my dream it tasted very good and I finished it. Im just very curious if this has any meaning.
    Inshaa’alah I can be helped

    • Assalamu Alaikum Mohammed,
      So, this dream, like what you have stated, cannot remember anything except one or two bits, are examples of false dreams.
      When you are able to remember major portion of it clearly, like it has happened for real and you can feel its effect even after you have woken up, requires translation.

  432. aslam o alaikum!
    plz tell me the meaning of this dream, today at almost 04:30 of morning i have dream, that my husband (in reality living in pakistan and i am living in europe, and i want he to come here and we are trying to get visa for him, he is a pious man and hafiz e quran mashalllah) i have seen that he is here with me and we are walking in a street, i have seen three vegetables shop and i say him. i wanted to open one here, but there are already three, when i look on his face, i has very short beard and big mustache (in reality he have good dari and not too big mustache). and i say him what you did, why you cutted your dari (beard), it should be as long as your hand (as it is sunnah). and i say him you have to cut your mustache, as i dont like it. but you should not cut your beard, i become angry with him. but he does not care of it. later he say me to enter a house. he remains out, when i enter there there is very dark, and i think two buffalo there and i get scared, that they may harm me, and i am crying, than a girl of dark colour say me not to worry and she helps me to cross the way and enter in a room,
    the dream ends here aur muje jag aa gai it was almost 05:00, i spit on my left side, and slept again.
    and i got another dream that i am offering my asar prayer in my house of pakistan, i am performing it very good, when i finish it, and go to kyari where we planted some plants to spit and there i see a plant (of motia)with a white flower very beautiful. plz tell the meaning, i have given sadqa too. thanks

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      There are different kinds of believers in this world, classified under an effort shown and strength of belief that they show towards Allah. Each kind are granted with their own speciality. You can see difference in their facial set-up, walk and talk. After a long gap for one kind, I am now seeing it.
      For your dream meaning in quotes, it symbolizes, “your husband’s authority/position may reduce but not all authority is lost. You may be subjected to confusion while your husband will not be. You may face trouble in terms of mind stress however, you will be provided ways to overcome it”.
      You have already done what is required to be done for seeing a saitan’s dream. If you have spit 3 times on the left side each time saying, ‘aowudubillahiminus saitannirrajeem’, and if you have changed your direction of sleep from left to right, then its done. You have also given sadqah, which is more complete. That’s why translation for your dream I have as ‘may’ and not ‘will’ for bad portions. There is a good hidden secret in this dream and if you often feel that at one area of sleep, you frequently get disturbed by saitanic dreams, change over to a new area. You may not be able to sense by mind, what is not visible to you.
      For second dream, “you will correct your activities and gain dignity and speciality by it”.


  433. aslam o alaikum!
    plz tell me the meaning of this dream, today at almost 04:30 of morning i have dream, that my husband (in reality living in pakistan and i am living in europe, and i want he to come here and we are trying to get visa for him, he is a pious man and hafiz e quran mashalllah) i have seen that he is here with me and we are walking in a street, i have seen three vegetables shop and i say him. i wanted to open one here, but there are already three, when i look on his face, he has very short beard and big mustache (in reality he have good dari and not too big mustache). and i say him what you did, why you cutted your dari (beard), it should be as long as your hand (as it is sunnah). and i say him you have to cut your mustache, as i dont like it. but you should not cut your beard, i become angry with him. but he does not care of it. later he say me to enter a house. he remains out, when i enter there there is very dark, and i see two buffalo and other animal there and i get scared, that they may harm me, and i am crying, than a girl of dark colour say me not to worry and she helps me to cross the way and enter in a room,
    the dream ends here aur muje jag aa gai it was almost 05:00, i spit on my left side, and slept again.
    and i got another dream continuously that i am offering my asar prayer in my house of pakistan, i am performing it very good, when i finish it, and go to kyari where we planted some plants to spit and there i see a plant (of motia)with a white flower very beautiful. plz tell the meaning, i have given sadqa too. thanks

    plz answer

  434. Brother Shaffiq, please don’t be upset with me. Please I was not judging you, please accept my apologies and check your email. May Allah bless you for your efforts.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Ana,
      No hard feelings. Dont worry. Take care.

      I was involved in other activities and time was tight for the past few days to reply this web page.

      For interpreting have to think deeply and consumes time. Insha Allah, will reply the new dreams of many, eagerly waiting to know, in this weekend.


  435. Shafiq brother i had a dream that i was in my back garden and the gate door to the garden was broken from the door frame and it had nails in the frame and i remember getting the frame and trying to fix the door and make it whole again so as to close it, i then remember my cousin coming out to the garden with a sick cat in his arms, holding him as it was sick. inshAllah please interpret for me. JazakAllah

    • Assalamu Alaikum Salma,
      Please see that you dont get your holy activities become lesser and dont let other activities/causes taken control over you and prevent you from performing holy activities. There are some who will make use of your holy acitivities for their purpose. But, it is not bad anyway. Looks like some disease which was/is trying to capture you is not that strong enough now.

  436. I had a dream were i was looking in the mirror and i was looking in the mirror my face was changing before my eyes i am 18 but my face was changing and looking more and more beautiful and older and when it stopped changing i looked close to 30 but i was much more beautiful.

    • Good then, so you are starting to become more mature in mind when compared to other normal personnel same as of your age. At one stage, you will start to sense by yourself that you have become more powerful and confident compared to before.

  437. Salaam. I woke up violently from a dream. I was in front of my house and there were 2 black dogs chasing me and when they caught me they would bite me and i could feel the pain. And then after it seemed as if i died id reappear to were it all began and it happened again.

    • Assalamu Alaikum,
      “You have some enemies who will bring down your fame and status and this could happen infront of others. You will find it very disheartening, sad and too much upset from this first event. But, they will continue with defaming you.”
      For this dream, you have to start to recite sura nooh (sura no.71) and continue everyday for a while. Try to give sadqa/food to poor, to completely stop or reduce the dreams from realization.

  438. aslam o alikum,
    thanks alot shaffiq bhai, you answered my dream, Allah bless you, one thing. whenever i have seen my husband in dream, always without beard, this time with a little, you are absolutely right which you wrote. before my marriage i always asked Allah a person for me to whom He loves,a poius man, nothing more. after marry, my husband told me he just married me to come abroad, and that now he loves me. but still i feel some greedy in him and his family, although they are very religious. some time this make me worry too much that if he come here, he may change etc.
    can you help me to overcome this worry, with some act of me or some wazeefa………. thanks

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      I can realize your fear on husband’s mind changing track. Based on your previous dream which hinted on your character, Insha Allah, you will be able to use your own reciting of sura Yaseen, with the aim to stop husband’s change from good to bad. That is recite yaseen sura with the aim that husband should be so and so, Along with your daily dua. Duas can be made anytime and not necessarily only after 5 times prayer. Allah is much closer and He always wants his created people to ask Him, regardless of whether it is being repeatedly asked. You may not be able to realize Allah but if you can realize Him, then victory is yours. No block can stop you from getting it and What you need, you will see it, even if you want water in a desert, you will find it. It will be surprising. Tell me the day when you find atleast once in your prayer, you can only sense Allah above you and you feel like you are floating in the air from concentrating only on His Kursi above you. Then, you have captured your mind and concentration. That’s the beginning…

    • Salaam,
      It showed that you have several good deeds at your benefit and those good deeds are prepared to stop you from getting affected by saitanic actions. But, careful, this indication is at this period of your life time and what’s in for your future is in your hands, your deeds that you are going to do further. Everybody will see what they had brought along with them on the day of judgement. Then, creations will know where they stand.

  439. why do i keep dreaming about my school friend
    i dream that we have meet, we are kissing
    and are very happy together. my friend also has the same dream as me. ND HE ALSO DREAM BEAUTIFUL DREAM ABOUT US EVEN THROUGH I AM MARRIED

    i used to dream about him a lot before my marriage now i got married but still i keep thinking and dreaming about him

    what does that mean?
    please help me.

    • Kind of indicating that you will get little additional wealth/money. If in your dream, you felt that this 7 fingers are not beautiful, then accordingly that additional wealth/money will not be likeable by you. If you felt nothing from seeing this 7 fingers, then its normal.

  440. Assalamalaikum

    last night i had dream where i was climbing the steps along with my cousin’s wife there were many steps going on comeing.and then i dont remember what happend then i saw we were comeing down(only few steps down) and then we were in street asking the cost of bangles and then my mom with as pls tell me what is the meaning of this dream

    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      “You were increasing your alms giving activities or helping those in need. Then, you have reduced it slightly for gain in worldly pleasures.”
      When Allah created earth, angels saw the huge mountains and asked whether there are anything more powerful than this. Allah replied, Iron. Angels again asked, is there anything more powerful than iron. Reply was, Fire. Angels asked again, anything more powerful than fire. Allah replied, Water. Angels asked again, is there anything more powerful than water. Allah replied, Wind. Angels asked again, is there anything more powerful than wind. Allah replied, Alms.

  441. Assalamualaikum

    shaffiq bhai few days back i had dream that i was standing with the person i like we thought of going out then he asked me did i kept my hand on the main door of my house and told bismillah then i realised i did not do i went upstairs to do so,i was reciting ayat ul kursi.there two men were standing in front of my house i dont remember exactly about othere man but one of them were smooking i recited ayat ul kursi and kept my hand on my main door and then that man who was smooking was coming near to me wih bad intention i was afraid and was shouting the name of the person i like who was standing down but i was unable to shout loudly then i was thinking to jump down and i woked up my mom said i woked up saying ammaah……….please tell me the meaning of this dream please.thank you

    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      I will tell you some of the details in your saitanic dream that you have not indicated. Those two men will be aged around 20-35 years. They will never look like they are religious persons. They will act like they want to cause trouble to you. This is not the first time you are dreaming of such kind. These two have already come in your other dreams in several other forms, like mad bull, like angry elephant, like another man but with different face. And some dreams you may remember now while others you would have forgotten by now.
      So, you are also under attack by jinns. If you believe this, then you have some holy activities to do. But, if you don’t believe in all this, then life is in your hands. If you are religious and know what what is to be recited, even if you dont believe, you may be protected from them. But based on the dream, you are not that powerful to tackle them.

  442. Assalamualaikum

    shaffiq bhai few days back i had dream that i was standing with the person i like we thought of going out then he asked me did i kept my hand on the main door of my house and told bismillah then i realised i did not do i went upstairs to do so,i was reciting ayat ul kursi.there two men were standing in front of my house i dont remember exactly about othere man but one of them were smooking i recited ayat ul kursi and kept my hand on my main door and then that man who was smooking was coming near to me wih bad intention i was afraid and was shouting the name of the person i like who was standing down but i was unable to shout loudly then i was thinking to jump down and i woked mom said i woked up saying ammaah……….please tell me the meaning of this dream please.thank you

    Allah Hafiz

  443. aslam o alikum, yesterday i had dream about my grandmother, she died before 11 years almost. i dream that i am in her house in pak. and on bed in her room, my brother is also on the same bed on opposite side of me. and i see her in sehen of the house coming in the room, i say to my brother to close our eyes, as we are sleeping. later i see her as she is angry with me, and she is saying some thing about me with bad temper. i ask her what you are saying… she look angerly…….. i think why she is doing so, wat i have done…..
    in reality i always pray for her after each namaz…

    2. today i dream that i go to my brother shop, not same as he has another business, the shop is unknown for me, and there are some tables, 2 beds there… i think, here clients come to sleep, etc. and there is dust on all furniture, i say to my cousin who also work there (also in reality) that why you dont clean all of this, you are sitting there doing nothing,and i start managing furniture and setting all and say my cousin to help me to arrange all. later there enter some boys (clients) as they want to use phone service. one of them disturb me with bad intention, and i angry on him pushing him, etc, and call police to take all of them………. later i dont remember what happend, but i remember on 2 beds which are in the shop are white bed sheets. as in hotels……..
    please tell me what will be the meaning

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      (1) “You are not doing enough for your deceased grandmother. You are trying to avoid her in some means, (which you should know better)”. Are you planning any trip anywhere.
      Please see what deeds can be done infavour of your grandmother. Like giving qurbani to her name or alms or food to the poor, the benefit of which goes to her name.

      (2) This dream is a mixture of saitan and daily activities from real life. So, its better that this can be avoided from translation. Next time, you see police in your dreams, please put them out to me. There are some signs turning up.

  444. Asalam
    I saw myself in an event i cant exactly know what kind of even it was, but it looked like a wedding, There was my old working colleagues and classmate, but in that dream all of them was ignoring me and i was feeling very sad.
    2ndly my financier who is in another country dreamt that he came to my place and we were together and we had a baby I was giving him the baby to carry then we were standing infront a big house and i was our house. Then we enter the house but the baby was not with us.

    If you could please tell me the meaning of both dreams please. thank you
    Allah hafiz

    • Vaalikum Salaam Nasrine,
      (1) Dream is trying to indicate, although dream signs are not in full, that “your advises will not be given importance”.

      (2) If the baby is a girl, “You are sharing your enjoyment/happiness with your financier. That enjoyment/happiness could be some small victory you achieved”. If the baby is a boy, “You are sharing your worries/troubles with your financier and then passing down the issues to him”.
      Then, “both of you are freed from some kind of mind disturbing trouble and that trouble is sort of, no more”. You can relax for 2nd dream.

  445. Assalamualaikum
    i dreamt that indian tennis star sania mirza took bath and got ready in our home and i saw sania’s sister waiting for her and i saw my father.sania wore a saree and then i saw sania was in other saree and i was in her 1st saree.we were walking on an unknown road,sania was telling me that she is not happy with her life,she got engaged to her fiance because she got many rejetions before and her parents want her to get engaged to her fiance and then we were in her home in kitchen room i saw her mother there and many eggs in her refrigrator one of those eggs were cracked and i broked that cracked egg in a container as if i was going to cook it………………please please tell me the meaning of this dream please.
    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      Normally, seeing a famous personality but in reality don’t know each other, has a different meaning. In the sense that all the meanings will stand only for you and nothing to do with that famous personality. Because you have stated her mother, her house, I will assume that both of you know each other, inorder to relate a proper meaning and it goes as, “You will like to fulfill some of Sania’s wishes. Both of you have some kind of direction to clear life problems. Both of you are having some kind of worries. Some little loss (wastage) of good money in Sania’s property or Sania’s mother’s property is expected to happen soon, if left unattended. You are trying to convert that wastage/loss into useful earning”.

  446. aslam o alikum, i want to know meaning of 2 dreams
    1- i have dream that my daughter is eating in kitchen, when i go in kitchen, and i see some fire on the frig, main aag bujane ki try karti hoon, aur buja deti hoon, and i say to my daughter,, why you dont take care with kitchen work….
    both of us offer our prayers, and my daughter also support us economically.
    2- i dream mostly about kids, of less than 1 year, of of month, week, etc. i did 2 abortion, now i am 56 years old, i have heard, that the kids aborted have their souls, and may be so they come in my dream, the kids are healthy, beautifull, and i see more baby girls than boys……… what does it means, i also did toba for my acts……….

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      (1) “Your daughter is involved with some troubles and you want her to handle it, probably it is money related”.
      (2) If you have seen girl babies beautiful, it would indicate that you are in for some enjoyment soon, at that period of dream. If you have seen boy babies, it would indicate that you are in for some troubles soon, at that period of dream. Provided, you are not pregnant at the time of dream.

      Please try to state only in English language as I am unable to get hold of what is being stated in your own language.

    • Salaam Sister ,

      Cleaning teeths in dream means you should correct your relationships with your relatives and family members .

      Teeths in dreams Represents relatives and family members .

      This is the right interpretation – Almighty and glorious Allah knows best.



  447. i had dream where i was climbing the steps along with my cousin’s wife they were many steps comeing. while climbing i looked down steps i saw dirty steps and then i dont remember what happend then i saw we were comeing down(only few steps down) and then we were in street asking the cost of bangles there my mom with us first i saw some bagles from far and i liked those but after going near i did not like those bangles.the vendor showed me some other bangles i liked those i wanted to purchase but my mom dosent want me to purchase those bangles pls tell me what is the meaning of this dream.
    thank you shaffiq bhai

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      This dream is same as one of the above, but now with more detail. Hence, an update in meaning is necessary.
      “You were increasing your alms giving activities or helping those in need. A noble deed. Then, you have reduced it slightly for gain in worldly pleasures. You dont sort of like to have this reduction in such activities”.

  448. yesterday i had a dream of a little boy with white clothes in my mum house, he hurt himself and was crying and i picked him up, the other day i dreamt that a little boy got ran over on the road and was hurt and i went over to him and then he became ok and instead of a boy he had a girl’s clothing on and was healthy. shafiq brother i am worried becoz i have read that seeing little boys in dreams is a bad sign.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Sadia,
      Dreams dont contain a single meaning. Its based upon the whole dream shown in full and to be related accordingly. One sign in one dream will have a complete different meaning when compared to same sign in another dream. So, no need to concern yourself too much like seeing a little boy is not good always. If you have a little son and if dream wants to indicate something regarding that son, then, they have to show that little son in your dream. But, it will carry someother signs along with it. So, this does not mean that because of seeing your own little son in dream, it means a bad sign. No, its not to be looked at that way.
      Dreams are a whole new hidden world and have to think too deep for translation. It has its root in hidden world characteristics which has to be translated first, then, that hidden characteristics have to be applied to the present dreamt situation and 2 and 2 should link to get the start and finish complete. Many people will not even know when their dream has been realized. They will think it is something big around the corner but actually, it will be happening right in front of them, missing its realization completely and the remedial action that they are warned in dream and which has to be taken when it happens.
      Now, for this dream you have stated, you saw this little boy in white clothes isn’t it. There, the meaning has to be viewed in another direction. But, before that, is this little boy’s face familiar or unknown. If it is known, then link its meaning to that little boy, it means that little boy will be likeable/famous for his actions/character. And if you known him before, you may have to face little troubles caused due to this little boy and you may have to see that this little boy gets over his fear of something. If these incidents are going to happen, it will be just at a spot of minute and it will get over, you may not even realize it.


  449. aslam o alikum, this is my mother´s dream, i write as she is stated it to me.
    today i dream almost at 05:30 of morning that i am in my very big house (in reality our house is not that, nor so big) and it looks like that we are renewing our house and my daughter is my daughter is with me, some one knock on door, and my daughter say me , may be they are women who wanted to come to learn how to prepare jam(which we eat with bread), and than my daughter open the door, and there come one woman of fair colour and her daughter with not fair colour and two little children of about 3 or 4 years. and than my daughter say me that i have given them 100 €, and she say very normally, than i think its ok, if she has given it does not matter, but i think i also have some money i should take care as these guests may steal my money.
    than i see a little car of red colour of 1.5 feet, i drive it with button easily and i see my daughter very little, than i go bathroom to search my daughter that where is she, and there i say the same woman guest, walking why is walking around all the house. than i feel as my son said me to buy sweet for him, than i go to sweet shop, i climb stairs to enter shop and ask for 250 grams sweet, and i think i will bought the same sweet which my daughter also like, and both of them may eat it, the man say me to take the machine of juice, i answer him, i dont need machine i want sweet, than he is preparing to give me sweet….

    plz tell me wats its meaning

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      Please link this ‘you’ in the translation to the person who saw the actual dream.
      Your activities/deeds will get better in terms of good and corrections will be made in your activities to make it more beneficial. Your daughter has also been given the oppurtunity to improve/increase her deeds and she does so too.Your fame is much more compared to that of your daughters. (If you have seen as your daughter is taking bath in bathroom, then your daughter will get relief from some of her worries. If just see her in bathroom, she has some worries which she wants to be cleared). You have increased your deed that helps the needy and you are preparing for your related children to have enjoyment with peace of mind.

  450. my mother in dream when searching me, was thinking that my daughter is not little she is big now, she saw me in both little and elder age.
    i am 27 years

  451. aslam o alikum!
    how are you?. today i had a dream, that i am in my old shop of about 15 years ago, now i live in euorope, i see that i am sitting ouside of my shop with a sugar bundle to sell it and i see little rainig, i dont care, than my father is passing from the way of my shop and i see him looking at my shop, than i think i should safe the sugar, i see and it it some wet, when i touch it to move the sugar, it turns dry, and than come a customer and i sell it,
    in reality , when i had shop, it was normal there in market to have put some things outside the shop to sell them.
    please tell me its meaning.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Javaid,
      We are fine by the grace of Allah who Himself knows from what tragedies and troubles He has saved us from, at this moment and made life peaceful. All praises go to Him. Sole Protector.
      You may expect some God’s blessing with well wishes and requested to be in true state to fit the event.

  452. aslam o alikum, shafiq bhai, thanks to help all of us, you are realy helping us, in my dream about my grand mother you asked, if i am plznning a trip, i wanted to go to pakistan to see my husband, but i have changed mind, and now i am not going…..
    in meaning of my other dream about my husband, you wrote to recite surah yaseen, i already recite it daily 2 times, after fajr and isha. but now as you said, i will do it for that aim, to avoid him to change.
    also you wrote some good things, which i could not understand clearly, as you worte the deeply, plz can you write in some easy words: u wrote:
    Tell me the day when you find atleast once in your prayer, you can only sense Allah above you and you feel like you are floating in the air from concentrating only on His Kursi above you. Then, you have captured your mind and concentration. That’s the beginning…
    ¿was you asking me or advising me to do so.
    from my childhood, i never had any friend i shared all with my Allah, and when married thinking i will get husband also as a friend, but i disappointed and turned back to my Allah to share all with Him. and He always helped me in every thing. i thank Allah he given me a religious man. but i want he not be greedy. your words that you wrote are very nice. they give me energy to keep asking Allah. and i will keep it doing, InshaAllah.
    other thing. i have dream many times about Prophet (pbuh). last year at day of prophet´s birth i dream that a girl give me 3 teeth of Prophet (pbuh), 2 are safe in a crystal type cover and very brightening, one is without any cover, this one is not so brightening i mean not so white. i feel as this one is not covered so this is not so white. she put these three on the palm of my right hand. and she tell me to give them to some person i dont remember to whom, and i am seeing them, and thinking wow, these are Prophet´s teeth. i dont remember if i have given them to anybody.
    teeth are of the uper front side of mouth.
    plz tell me its meaning. than i would also ask my other dreams i had….

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      Please say all of your Prophet (saw) dreams. Normally, there will be a secret in those dreams and only if you have actually seen him in those dreams.
      You often have your fingers counting, saying some recitings. For you, is yaseen sura to get things done. For others, it may be different kind of suras or other ayaths. God has created people with different abilities and these yaseen suras are for you. You will make use of it most of your life.
      There are some other kind of believers, for whom, to just see the sky and think in heart and they wil get what they had requested. Their request will not have money or wealth in it.
      This is a general statement. In order to get victory, a fat person should not be asked to run in a running race. He will never make it. He has to be asked to participate in sit and win activities to see his face glow and both hands raise up in victory.

  453. Assalamu Alaikum Rehman,
    Saw that you had given two translation of dreams yesterday to this site visitors’ old dreams. Would you like to step forward further.
    I am not this site owner or an authorized personnel to translate. I am just one, who spotted this web page by accident and quite recently too. And now, I have many new muslims as brothers and sisters and am one among them.

  454. Assalamualaikum
    i think about an month ago i had dream in which Prophet(saw) was telling me to keepon receting darood.Prophet(saw) was wearing lalchi paijama(common indian muslim’s dress esspecailly on fridays)with topi(hat) and black beard………………..i think i remember this much of the dream or may be i dreamt only this much.i dont remember exactly…………….
    (Not in dream but in real life some one told me if we keep on receiting darood our wish will be fullfilled i was receting darood since the month of ramzan.i thought i will receit darood 1lakh 25 thousand times even if my wish is fullfilled before completeing 1 lakh 25 thousand darood.some times i used fall asleep receting doarood at that time when i dreamt about prophet(saw). )

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      You heard Prophet(saw)’s voice, seen his beard and dress but could you see his face. There is something contradicting in this dream. Sorry to state that, it kind of, does not look like seeing original Prophet (saw). If original, and seen only a month ago, your dream will be very clear to you even now. If you have seen his face, can you let me know how was his nose, his eyes, his forehead or anything shown from his face. Either way, nothing wrong in continuing to recite darood, may be is it, daroode thaj.

  455. in reply to your translation shafiq brother, the boy that i saw in my dream was unknown, i didn’t know who he was and i have no children in real life.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Sadia,
      In this case, some minor problems that have to be faced among your authoritative area. And fear over some worry.
      Anyway, no need to worry much, as all these will not be lasting long.

  456. Assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai last night i dream i was standing in my kitchen room i cut a bunch of coriender leafs and i saw a bowl of water i think i kept those coriender leafs in that water to wash them.and i saw i was sitting on the bed in our bed room with my mom and that bed was nice and unknown(not similar to my bed) i saw two men talking to my mom standing near the room’s door i dont remember exactly but i think i know those men.and i saw we all were going in two cars my parents were in first car and myself and those two men were in next car i was sitting in the middle and those two men were sitting on my two sides.and i was thinking it would be better if my mom was in our car because i was affraid that my father may misunderstand me.our car was behind my parents car. after going to some place we all got down from our cars and i think someone was asking us something or may be someone stopped us and i think my father was answering them or talking to them.and then after getting down,myself and those two men were walking on an unknown road…….and i was not affaried of them and talking nicely.i think my mom was behind us.
    shaffiq bhai u told i am under the attack of jinn who looked between the age of 20 to 35.are these two men jinn.what these jinn want from me and why they want to trouble me.
    shaffiq bhai i think the way to get away of jinn is receting surah fatehah with bismillah hirrahaman nirraheem in the beging,ayat ul kursi,surah falak,surah naas and repeat this process thrice and darood thrice in the beging and at the end as well,after fajr salaah,isha salaah and before going to sleep and what ever we receit shoul be blown in to the water and should drink it every morning before doing anything else…………… this correct way.
    please correct me if i am wrong.
    please reply me shaffiq bhai.thank you
    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      If you know those two men, then they are no more an identification of jinns. This type of men in dream and trying to think always as they are saitans(jinns) is not advisable. Even angels will come in the form of young men in dreams. Sometimes, seeing some unknown men will be a common indication of new enemies created. Only the full dream and other identification signs and the nature of how the dream is proceeding, will give out the identity of the men.
      This above dream of yours, does not contain much information to translate. There are identification signs that you are trying to plan for some travel.
      As for other old dream which showed you are troubled by saitan(jinn), actually, it shows those are also weak but you are weaker than them. Continue for now to recite and later when I get to know through some other dreams of yours, let me see how those are. Recite ayathul kursi, sura feel, sura falak, sura naas 3times after each 5 time prayer and blow it in your palms after each 3 times and then wipe it over all over your body from head to toe. Drinking of water that was blown with all this, may not be necessary. No harm in doing so also. And that statement, should drink it ‘before doing anything’ is not a requirement. This is for now, lets wait and see, you could get further dreams soon on this.

  457. Assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai thank you for ur repy about seeing famouse personality in my dream.shaffiq bhai u said i want to help sania but i real life i know her as tennis star but not personally.
    thank u
    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      Then in this case, please let those meaning translated last time, stand only for you, all in them and now, add extra meaning that, you will be getting to be known by others whom you have not seen also.

  458. Assalumualaikum
    sorry shaffiq bhai i did not tell about this dream while asking about my recent dream about Prophet (saw).but i read u asked someone else to tells all her dreams about Prophet(saw).really sorry……
    even i remember i had dream about Prophet (saw) few years ago as well.where i went to meet Prophet (saw) and i was waiting Prophet(saw) to come….Prophet(saw) came and i dont remember whether i saw Prophet or not but i think i saw Prophet’s(saw) shadow(i dont remember exactly) and i woked up..
    thank you
    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      This dream also does not sound to be original true Prophet(saw) dream. Its a gift in this world, if you can see Prophet (saw) in his original form in dreams.

  459. Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
    Sorry to say that for this dream also, it does not sound to be original Prophet (saw) dream. Original true dream will not be like this.

  460. assalamualaikum brother shaffick,
    i want to start a business
    and till we have decided about it
    i just dreaming about it
    cn you tell what can i do
    to see if am on the right track
    plz tell me something in which i could see
    if my decision is good in doing that business
    please help me

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Wijdan,
      Earning source and marrying spouse are difficult uncertainties which many in this world suffer from. If you are regularly praying and reciting Quran often, free from any haram earnings, your parents have done a lot of good deeds to their name, then your dua is enough and Insha Allah, it will direct you to the clear decision on what type is to be started. In addition, if you still feel not confirmed on selection, duas can be made after praying thahajjat for directing you to what is good, profitable and peaceful.
      Next in future, how to let a business stay good, whenever you step in and enter into your business establishment, please recite, “Masha Allah, la kuvvwatha illahbillah”. It is a statement meant to thank God for making your business run prosperously and its purely from God’s mercy that you are earning profitably. Proper zakaath for your business is necessary to be given. If no zakaath is given, its a major sin and safety cannot be assured. Please give alms/food to the poor using your business money quite often and help by giving alms to those needy. This deed, for keeping them away from hunger/difficulties has its power. And never hurt them by words/action when you give them alms/food.

    • Assalamu Alaikkum Nadia,
      Please recite sura Nasr (sura no.110) often and when mind is too much upset, recite it ’21 times’. If you know its arabic translation, good, orelse, please find out its translation and understand that first. It will help you to recite with more strong belief during any troubles.
      Whenever you find time in a day/night, one day, once pray nafil 2 rakaaths and after this prayer recite “al-latheef” 100 times and then ask for what work you want. When any work opportunity comes, before you step out of your house, recite “al-ahadhu” 11 times and proceed. Just proceed.
      If you can pray thahajjat prayer, even 2 rakaaths, is very powerful to make your requests get passed by Allah.
      He is there and He wants you all to ask and He is listening to what you are asking. You are asking only Him. You are praying extra for this request. Then, did you think that He will not give you….

  461. Assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai thank you for ur reply.but shaffiq bhai,some web sites are stating that shaitan can not copy prophet(saw), mosque, and quran.The web site is also stating that in which ever condition or dressing we dream of prophet(saw), is prophet(saw) and what ever prophet(saw) may be telling is prophet(saw).And also at the same time many people can dream of prophet(saw) in different dressings.In order to explain this,the web site gave example that millions of people can see the sun at the same time in different color because of the color of the glasses they are wearing….the web site is also stating that even if prophet(saw) is telling to do anything agaist islam it does not meaning actual to go againest islam but Prophet(saw) is telling it in opposite sence out of anger of the unislamic things we are doing….

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      Yes, saitan cannot take our Prophet (saw) shape. If our Prophet (saw) is seen in his younger age, its also considered to be as true dream. I have not heard of any dream in which Prophet (saw) has spoken to do things that are against Islam. There may be signs shown in terms of action. But, seeing Prophet (saw) in a dream which is dazed and not clear and seeing Prophet (saw) in forms other than his original, will possibly indicate some kind of difficulties currently facing or to be faced in their lifetime. But, Insha Allah, may get out of it later, after being subjected to its difficulties for a certain period.

  462. aslam o alikum, shaffiq bhai. thanks you to tell the meaning. u wrote that i have often my fingers counting, reciting. ¿is this the meaning of my dream about Prophet (pbuh) teeth???? if this is than u are right, i do much tasbeeh.
    i wrote i have seen Prophet (pbuh) many times. i lnow this is a blessing and we should not tell this to others, but i want to ask just the meaning.
    1- almost before 5 or 6t years i see that i am in a open place, there are some persons back doing as kind of majlis they look as some scholars. and i am in open place i see that some one i dont know who try to hit the Prophet (pbuh) and i try to protect him with my arms and hand and i am doing as infronting my body in order to protect Him. and i recieve that hitting but i dont feel them, no pain, nothing. and i am saying that dont you know He is Prophet Muhammad, why are you doing so, dont do this. later i seen some children in a cage, anybody has put them and with dangerous animals.
    2- this dream is of about almost 5 years ago. that i am in a class room, ther i am sotting with a girl covered in black, also on her face, and as i see her i think i should also cover my head i cover mine with white dupatta. and waiting some one, than i say to all, that he is coming, i dont know who??. when that person enters with a sky colour turban on his head and i recite some surah of Quran, its words are like chain, not words in arabic, that this chain conduct me to that person, who is standing i class as a teacher. when i close to him, i see the words now are in arabic forms, and when i finsh reading, there are 4 lines as number 1. i dont know how to read it, than he say me to read and say me read it in english or spanish, (as i live in spain). than i see his face he was smiling i smile too and read it in spanish, as four. About this dream i am nothing clear who was that person.
    3- this dream is of abour 1.5 years ago, i see i am in my house of pakistan, and i see above my head Prophet (pbuh) as there is some way and he is crossing it with some his companions, i dont know about with whom Prophet (pbuh) was, and i say Aslam o alikum to HIM, and i clearly heard, HE said Walikum salam. than my mother who is also with me, i say to her, that u know i did salam this becoz when He will answer my salam and He will say walikum salaam, so it means blessings will be upen me. than i see Prophet (pbuh) sitting on a corner of the same house, i go there and try to embrace him. i feel Him some ill, and i kiss His hand. than i see Prophet (pbuh) as a kid, i have Him in my arms, i perfectly looked the face He was very very beautiful, first with closed eyes, i feel He is dying, but later open the eyes, i have never ever seen such beautifull eyes, i think He has so much beautifull eyes, but i am still feeling that he has alive for few time and H

  463. aslam o alikum, shaffiq bhai. thanks you to tell the meaning. u wrote that i have often my fingers counting, reciting. ¿is this the meaning of my dream about Prophet (pbuh) teeth???? if this is than u are right, i do much tasbeeh.
    i wrote i have seen Prophet (pbuh) many times. i l know this is a blessing and we should not tell this to others, but i want to ask just the meaning.

    1- almost before 5 or 6 years i see that i am in a open place, there are some persons back doing as kind of majlis they look as some scholars. and i am in open place i see that some one i dont know who try to hit the Prophet (pbuh) and i try to protect him with my arms and hand and i am doing as infronting my body in order to protect Him. and i recieve that hitting but i dont feel them, no pain, nothing. and i am saying that dont you know He is Prophet Muhammad, why are you doing so, dont do this. later i seen some children in a cage, anybody has put them and with dangerous animals.

    2- this dream is of about almost 5 years ago. that i am in a class room, there i am sitting with a girl covered in black, also on her face, and as i see her i think i should also cover my head i cover mine with white dupatta. and waiting some one, than i say to all, that he is coming, i dont know who??. when that person enters with a sky colour turban on his head and i recite some surah of Quran, its words are like chain, not words in arabic, that this chain conduct me to that person, who is standing i class as a teacher. when i close to him, i see the words now are in arabic forms, and when i finsh reading, there are 4 lines as number 1. i dont know how to read it, than he say me to read and say me read it in english or spanish, (as i live in spain). than i see his face he was smiling i smile too and read it in spanish, as four. About this dream i am nothing clear who was that person.

    3-this dream is of about 1.5 years ago, I see I am in my Pakistan house and there on my head I feel Pophet (PBUH) as He is crossing a way with His companions, I don’t know, about companions, I have seen Him, but not clearly, I say Him, Aslam o alikum, and I clearly heard, He said Walaikum salaam, than I say my mother, who is also there, that you know, I did this becoz when He will say Walikum salaam it will mean blessings upon me. than I see Prophet (pbuh) sitting in same house in a corner, and I go their, want to embrace him, I feel as He is some ill, I kiss his Hand, as its visaal time, and than I see him in childhood, a baby and I have Him in my arms, and looking His face, very beautifull, but I am feeling He has to go, Than He open his eyes, very beutifull eyes, which I have never ever seen, with brighteness, and I kiss him, and feel love for Him, I think I don’t want you to go. But He open and shut his eyes. I have him in my arms.

    after this dream I see His teeth, as I related your in my dream already.
    Plz tell the meaning of each dream separately, I pray to see Prophet in my dream happy.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      Please dont take the meaning of seeing Prophet (saw) teeth as, ‘you often have your fingers counting, reciting’. This reciting often is from evaluation of your various dreams. There are different categories of believer and you belong to this category. Good dreams can be told to others with whom you normally share your feelings. For the meaning of your dreams in order.

      (1) You have immense regard for Prophet (saw). You will attain good status in terms of holy activities. You are suggested to inform other muslims to do good deed and stop them from bad deed. During your life time, you will have to face various inappropriate remarks and policies that are not welcome by islam and Prophet (saw)’s sunnath and are meant to defame Prophet (saw)’s preachings. Your mind will not accept these events and you will voice out against it and face difficulties during these times. But with the grace of God, these will be made to be of lesser impact to you. You will get comfort and support from some and your mind will be tuned to take up these difficulties with ease. During any stage of your life, please watch out for a period when you will be responsible for growing children. See that these children are not let to be free on their own regard, away and out of your islamic control. These children need to be preached properly, as they will be subjected to live among a surrounding, mixed with non-islamic practices. This is a life time dream and not just occur for a short period.

      (2) This dream could have happened long before. Anyway, its meaning is simple and straight forward; you will attain a respectable authoritative position and you are requested to understand the meaning of what you are reading through. And it can be even in your own translated language. Dreams like this will come when there are certain things going on in your life and you are repeatedly suffering from issues and doing the same mistake without knowing it and praying often to God to clear that issue.

      (3) What a good dream this is. To get replied for salaam by Prophet (saw) himself. You will have a strong belief in islam. You will be tested during your life time and subjected to difficult situations that may push you to go against islam principles, but you will still hold strong to this faith.

      (4) Your old dream on teeth indicates that you will have a very good respect for Prophet (saw), his principles and his companions. You are also requested to preach other muslims on following Prophet (saw) activities.

      If you can, please include me in your prayers to get Allah’s blessings. And you can pray for those muslims you know are in difficulty, as almost all of your requests put forward to god, Insha Allah, will be accepted. So, normally, you are a calm walker and secretly always pray that your family, including your children, to be good for your view. Now and then, you also ask good for general muslims, whom you dont even know, in your requests to Allah.

  464. Assalam olaykum wa Rahmathullah

    Can some one tell me the meaning of the dream as mentioned below:

    I was on the terrace of my house and it was evening. I looked at the sky and there ware stars all over. Then I saw a shooting star. After some time I saw many shooting stars (Meteoroids Thousands of them) The evening looked very strange. I ran down and switched on the T.V to see the news. I saw that the earth was bombarded by the Meteoroids. The earth was coming to an end. I ran outside and saw people crying screaming and running. Then I saw balls of fire falling on the ground and the earth was cracking every where. Then I also saw that Masjid ul Haram ( Holy Kabba) was submerged in the water. The people were floating like ants. There was a lot of pain and the world was like coming to an end. It was all like the movie 2012.

    Can some one please tell me whatis the meaning of this dream. I pray to Allah (SWT) to forgive all our sins and bistow his blessing upon the Ummah. May Peace Be Upon Our beloved Prophet Mohammed Sallallaho Alayhiwosallam. Ameen

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Sadath,
      “Allah’s test on pain will land on the area where you saw the shooting star fall down. If you know Prophet Luth history of happenings to his place and the anger of Allah and His punishment on his people, which is now near the dead sea, you will be able to understand the meteorite falling down in dream refers to what in real life meaning. First, pain (some kind of tragic event) will begin with a little intensity and then it will increase extensively. Because you saw kaabah being hidden from sight, it would mean that you will lose your peace, as in reality life, and as stated in Quran, those who go to kabaah feel a kind of peace engulfing them. In dream, that is being hidden from you. and several troubles and confusion will start to come one after another destroying your peace.”
      But the world will not come to a destruction now. There are still many more events to happen. Mahadi Imam to come, Dajjal to come, Prophet Isa to come, Yahjooj Mahjooj to come,……….
      Please immediately start to give poor people good food, almost if possible try to give everyday, until a few weeks. To either save yourself from the whole intensity or to reduce the intensity of that event affecting you. It some where around, tentatively, around this end of this year or beginning of new year close to it. Provided you have not seen this dream before 12:00 midnight and not after fajr and not in the morning before 11:00am


  465. salam. what if one sees a dead parent in a dream. but in the dream the parent wakes up from death.. very weird indeed .

    but she was very happy though wearing white during the wole dream. so what does it mean.

    also iv seen her happy in my other dreams and my sister has seen her wearing white

    • Assalamu Alaikum Besi,
      Its a good dream and no need to feel surprised about it. Rather, you shouId be happy that this kind was shown to you. It means that your expired parent is in good state after his/her death. After death, a person reaches the other true world. Normally, dead persons will come in white dress which is good. But, if they are seen in other dirty clothes, then there state is not good.

  466. Assalamu Alaikum,
    Others please excuse me for giving reply to some dream alone, as I am not free enough now, but Insha Allah shall hopefully, reply around weekend. For this dream to interpret chosen out of others waiting, the intensity is very high and requires action.

  467. Assalaamu Alaikum,

    I don’t know whether I should be actually asking for an interpretation of my dream since I feel assured of its meaning and that it’s from Allah, but sometimes I feel doubtful, perhaps it’s the Shaytan trying to confuse. I pray to Allah (SWT) that if you are indeed good at interpreting dreams, as you seem to be from all these requests you get, you will be able to help me.

    I had two dreams about a year and a half ago about someone. Prior to meeting this person, I had made to a dua to Allah (SWT) to guide me to someone who would be the best for me, in the matrimonal sense. Alhamdulillah, Allah (SWT) answered my dua. Since we are both in college, I never spoke to him, but only saw him in passing. Before speaking to him, I had a very distinct dream. In my dream, he and I were in some sort of office/governmental building where he was getting some work done (in real life he’s a foreign student) and I was waiting for him. At some point I visit the ladies’ room where I hide some medicine into a soap dispenser. Afterwards, once he’s done, he says to me, “Let’s go home.” So we start to walk down a corridor. Somehow we get separated and I’m in ladies’s room, though now its an office as well, where a government official tells me that he (the man I’m with) needs to take some tests before he can do anything or going anywhere. I say to her, “Okay, fine” but then she keeps on naming things he has to do as if she was trying to make it difficult for him. I say to her, “No, I’ll take the tests for him” but she keeps on naming these obstacles. The woman is really fat, by the way (don’t know if that’s important to know). Although now I’m saying I’m willing to take the tests for him, she continues to be obstinate. I get really irritated at her, I feel like she’s trying to take him away from me, so I pull the medicine out that I had hidden in the soap dispenser, and I force it down her throat.

    The second dream I had was after speaking to him for the first time. In my dream, I’m lying down on a couch in the rec area at my work place. I’m actually sleeping on the couch, but I wake up to find that someone has put a pillow behind my back. I see him sitting on the floor. I ask him if he put the pillow behind my back, and he answers yes. I feel like I’m smiling, rather touched by his gesture. I then hear him reciting Ayatul Kursi. I soon get up and begin to walk down the hall with my sister, who has suddenly appeared. He then gives me salaam and I see a woman (who I take as his mother) standing near him. She is wearing a bright green scarf, but I don’t see her face. He gives me salaam a couple of times and then I begin to walk away. When I woke up from this dream, I felt so happy, I’ve never felt this happy before in my whole life really. This was the first time I ever had Ayatul Kursi being recited in my dream.

    Insh’Allah, akhi, whenever you get the time, please give me your thoughts on these two dreams. If you like, please email me. I had to give my email here in order to post, so you might have it. Please, akhi, I would really appreciate an honest interpretation (not that I would suggest any dishonesty), it’s just that I haven’t seen him in awhile and I sometimes get doubtful if my dream was ever true. On good days, I feel for certain that it must be, as I consider all the signs Allah (SWT) has given me, but I would really appreciate any good insight you can provide. May Allah (SWT) give you ‘ajr, Insh’Allah Taa’la.

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

    • Assalamu Alaikum Halime,
      Indeed, there are some signs shown directly without requiring a translation in your first dream. You have a liking for him and there are several obstacles that needs to be crossed before reaching a particular target.
      Your second dream, shows that he will support / provide assistance to fulfill your needs. There is a clear sign in this dream, that you will, at some period in your life, make a very long distance trip and this trip shall give you fame and speciality when compared to others. He has put forward directly or indicated by other means, his idea of having you as his life partner. But, there is no indication of you, giving your acceptance to his proposal in this dream. In your view, his mother is a religious person. Hearing ayathul kursi being recited is good. I think you may get this ayathul kursi recited again in any another new dream later. Then, you can also add that your religious activities will be from your heart and not done just for other’s compulsion.
      Just an advise, I find that you, either out of your shyness or your inability to get back to him immediately (may be the decision to unite cannot come from you alone and have others to be consulted upon), have not acknowledged him clearly. You need to renew your acknowledgement for realization. Insha Allah, rest is in god’s hands.
      And by the way, I am not the owner of this web page. I am sort of providing a hand, for unknown to be made known.

      • Assalaamu alaikum Brother Shaffiq,

        JazakAllahu khair for responding, but wallahi! I’m surprised of how you know these things. I actually did have a dream with Ayatul Kursi after that dream. In that dream. In that dream I was saying Ayatul Kursi out of protection. I’m a bit embrassed to relate that dream, so please excuse me if it’s bad Islamic etiquette for me to relate it, but in my dream I was in a bed with a man unknown to me (not the man I like, whenever he’s in my dreams, he is distinct to me). We were not engaged in any intimate act, but it seemed that it could have become that, however, suddenly I (and the man as well I think) am thrown into a twisting vortex of colors that kept on changing. I get scared and begin to recite Ayatul Kursi. In real life, I struggle with observing what Allah (SWT) has ordered for both believing men in women as stated in Surah Nur. I feel that I’ve gotten alot better since after meeting the man I like, but I haven’t seen him in awhile due to the summer break and because I don’t know when he has classes, so it’s becoming difficult again though not so much as before. But I have a question for your, Brother Shaffiq, what do you mean by “renew your acknowledgement for realization”? Do you mean that I need to consciously take the necessary steps towards doing whatever I have to do before being able to be with him?

        In regard to what you said about me having to take a long journey, I had a dream about a year or so (not too many months after meeting this man) that I was in a house that wasn’t my own but situtated close to the top of a valley. In the valley lies the city and as you go farther from the center of the valley, the land gets higher, there are less houses and more greenery. It’s a rather pretty looking place. Anyways, I’m sitting on the floor in this house (which is two-storied and I’m sitting on the second story) and I’m praying. As I am praying there is this huge gigantic brown creature in the city causing great mayhem and chaos—everyone is screaming and running trying to get away. Yet in the midst of all this tumult, I’m praying to Allah. People are running towards my house, trying to get it. The creature climbs up the valley towards my house, but I continue my praying. The creature then abruptly changes his direction and moves away from my house.

        I also had another dream where I was in a sort of auditorium room, it felt like my school, but it didn’t look like it. Anyways in my dream, the lights keep going off and on, and that is scaring the people who are in the auditorium. I think there is water running somewhere, but I don’t quite remember now. All I dod know that the lights were flickering. People are screaming because of this and I tell the people to stop screaming and start praying to Allah. The auditorum is dark and I’m leading everyone in a dua. In my own heart I’m praying to Allah to please answer my dua, please turn the lights back on. I have a feeling that I want to show the people that Allah’s Promise is true and I don’t want Allah (SWT) to let me down, especially when I’m putting my trust in Him. The lights do turn back on and everyone is rejoicing. I also feel my sister is also standing near me during this episode in my dream.

        I don’t really need an interpretation, but I wouldn’t mind if you did give me one. I just related these dreams as what you have told me correlates with messages I sense from my dreams. Insh’Allah, may Allah (SWT) reward you for your help and advice. May He always help you intepret the best meanings for everyone, Insh’Allah Taa’la!

        Assalaamu alaikum!

      • Vaalaikum Salaam Halime,
        Your second dream on ayathul kursi sounds to be recited for protection against saitan activity and the following next dream on valley also the same. How many dreams have you had so far, that made you get frightened about ‘some unknown male/creature’. This is required to conclude on that male saitan and its time to crush it down.
        Your dream on valley, indicates that your becoming more noble and reaching higher status in terms of holy activities. There is some saitanic activity from whose harm you are being protected by your own holy deeds. I need to state that this dream does not symbolize long distance trip.
        The lights dream also symbolizes your trust and faith in God, indirectly showing that you are also guiding some others in their activity and will clear their confusion.

  468. Today i dream that i am in room of my house in pakistan, and my mother is pressing the cloths, and still have many more to press, it seems that next day is my wedding, and she go to other room, and i hear some thing like tic-tic, and i see at wall clock, it was coming some smoke out from the clock, i climb on some thing to see it, andi t was burning, i get affraid, as it increase and also some fire, i think i should throw it out of the wall, otherwise it may cause fire in house, i am so affraid that i shout mama, mama, i think i have to do it now, and i throw it it falls on bed down, i awoke and it was 04:15 of morning, i slept again and see:
    later i see i go to bathroom to take a bath, and their the switches of Light also turn soft, as they are going to burn, again i try and during this father of my husband come and do some thing to repair them. I want to take bath, but every time some one enter and i can´t take bath, i go in my drying room to take bath, but their also my aunti and others enter, i try to say them go out from here, but i cannot speak i speak a little, and loss my voice again and again. I angry on them, that its my wedding next day and they dont let me to take bath. Later i see that i am in kitchen of my home here, and the gas pipe is also near to burn. I think my brother did this, gas pipe converted in Black and big.
    Plz tell me wats the meaning.

    • Assalamu Alaikum,
      Please give some food/alms to poor, to stop this dream from realization, along with your request to Allah to stop bad problems from turning up. There is some trouble brewing up and plans to give you stress repeatedly. You may find it uncomfortable to handle it. All the different signs in this dream only point to trouble but the good thing is, it is not left like that to turn into a major issue.

  469. shaffiq bhai, in meanings of my other dreams, u said surah yaseen is for me, for others may be any other surah, but for me this one.. just to ask you, how you know this?. it is very interesting, becoz i found a job, which was very difficult to get, but some one said me to do a special wazeefa of surah yaseen, when their come lists of admitted, my name was almost at last, i think i will not get this job. as their are many others, i thought, it will be a miracle from Allah if i got this job, and i go to pakistan, but they call me their and every thing happened in a strange way, thanks to Allah, and all becoz of blessings of Surah Yaseen. but answer me how you know this.
    thanks alot

    • Assalamu Alaikum,
      You have two eyes. There is also one more sight. Open it. Sense things. Everything is in front of you but is being missed. Start with Quran, its meaning, carefully, line by line. Think deep and further beyond for each line. Pray thahajjat consistently. Get that wall in front of your sight broken and see further more from what is in front of you. You will find hidden knowledge.

  470. Aslam O Alaikum,

    I had this dream:
    – one of my front (bottom) teeth suddenly becomes loose, without any pain i remove it (In the dreamI think to myself whether another one will grow or not).


    • Vaalaikum Salaam Afzal,
      Either one of your house article that you make use of almost everyday / often, like your bed, is near wear out and requires to be changed.

  471. salam..
    i dream 2 snake in my house. 1 black in colour, and another 1 is colourful.. i pull the colourful snake tail and its want to bite me. but i stay away from it. the black snake just stay there…
    then, the colouful snake go to the kitchen. i run to get it. but i can’t see,its dark.. and i saw my mom cooking in the dark.. and i’m looking for the snake.. but i can’t find it. please tell me….

    • Vaalaikum Salaam MirMardhiah,
      Snakes in real life are those that are always hidden and suddenly comes out of hiding very quickly to attack.
      Same is the case for you, there are two hidden enemies of yours. One of them is trying to cause trouble to you. You are getting into stress due to this enemy. You are not in a clear state of mind to solve the trouble being caused and have no proper direction on what to do next for this problem.
      You can try to recite sura Nooh for some days.

  472. Assalamualaikum
    last night i pyared to Allah to show if i will marry to the man i like and i slept.i saw some function was going on in our home,someone asked me that when is ur engagement ( generally asked,not with that particul one ) i think i smiled and said very soon( i think i just smiled but did not replied.i dont know why i dont remember all my dreams and some times i remember only some part of my dream).i was thinking i will tell my father to search match for me and if Allah wills,his proposal will come and i will get married to the one i like….
    shaffiq bhai u said i am under the attack of jinn is this all because of that jinn.can u suggest me some wazaif to get married to the person i like.i know him since two and half yrs now.Alhamdulillah,we never never met eachother but only once after deciding we want to get married we have seen eachother from distance,he was standing on oneside of the road i was on other side,we talk on massege and sometimes on phone. (myself and the person i like).we both liked eachother and i thought my father will enquire about him.he is religious and every thing was fine initially with our parents as well(our parents talked to each other on phone).initially we thought we will get engaged now and after he finds a suitable job we will get married.but dont know where and what went wrong,he dont have job and his father said if get job only then he will call my father to get myself engaged to the person i like… father is very understanding person but he is worried,everyone is asking when is my marriage…i would appreciate if can suggest me a suitable wazaif.please………
    thank you
    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      This dream looks like its from daily thinking over this topic. Not much to go for meaning.
      This marriage obstacle cannot be linked to jinns right now, without more new dreams to find it out. Jinns can also reside in a house and cause problems to someone living there. Please dont get into thinking that this obstacle is from you. Both of your father’s thinking is right, in terms of their view point. As stated in Quran, for those who are not able to get married, please keep patient. Please wait for yours. It also recommends to keep fasting during this patient period.
      Is it possible for you to keep nafil fasting at times, and with the aim that you would like to get married. There are some recitings that can also be used for getting married. Do you know ‘bujrukwaar’. If you can recite this everyday, keep fasting often and request to Allah by prayers, then Insha Allah, you will get it.

  473. Assalamu alykum,

    Last night I had a dream where I saw I am crying and every one around me(mostly my family members) were criticizing me.No one is favoring me.I was jobless and feeling so bad.At this backdrop I was remembering my late father and crying.what’s the meaning of this??

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Wahid Syed Moonazir,
      Indication of problems and worries. I think in reality you are also without a job and getting upset from others pointing fingers at you. Why not try to keep reciting often sura nasr (sura no.110), knowing its meaning (if you dont know arabic). It will lead you to get what is wanted.

      • Assalamu Alaikum Moonazir,
        I can understand your feelings. You have also stated as ‘late’ father, which makes your situation more worse. Can sense something else also. I want you to ask ‘usthahufirullah’ (forgiveness) often and then recite sura nasr. I never leave any muslims who are in a bad troubled situation. I shall pray for your forgiveness and to get one good job soon. Allah is there, who never sleeps and who always listens.
        I want you to ask after each 5 times prayers, the verse in Quran sura no.2, verse no. 286. It will be in the form of a request to Allah. You can translate its meaning and ask in same form of translated meaning in your own language. Please ask this, its very powerful, if you know what it means..

  474. my khalid,i hav seen ALLAH swt,angels,rain, my dream i knew it was a glad tiding,i got its meaning nd i was happy but nowadays whenever i dream i fordet it.i do not know the reason.just recently i dreamt seeing rassuuluLLAH. please someone should help me i know something may be wrong.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Khalid Gariba,
      Good to know that you have had such nice dreams. You say that recently you also saw Rasoolullah (saw) but could not remember it properly. And previously you have had all those good dreams. So, when you start to go to bed, you feel like it takes long time to get sleep. You have been talking less these few months or last few years compared to what you were before. You stopped mingling with others happily compared to what you were before several months/years. Did you notice this difference in yourself. Think nicely and then realize what’s in it.

      • Asslaamu alaikum. Shaffiq.thank very much for answering ,may ALLAH swt bless u with perfect riches and guidance and may ALLAH bless anyone who will say amen.i have notice that diffrence in myself and everything u said was perfectly the truth.but u said i should think nicely and realise what’s in it.i did but still i do not understand.Just recently i had a dream that i was leading salat in a mosque,whiles leading i made sure i had perfect niyyah.After the prayers someone praised me upon the way i lead the prayers.please interpretate it for me.Nowadays i always strive and struggle for my niyyah.i don want to commit shrik

  475. salaam..
    i prayed istikhara for my brother’s wedding to this one family last night.. and i don’t know if its related or not but i had a dream last night that i’m trying to comb/brush my hair, and there are white lice, or white worms at the very bottom (not at the top) and they’re in a knot. i’m taking them out. does this mean anything Shaffiq Bhai?

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Sehyr,
      Its not related to istikhara wedding request. It shows that you are trying to set properly your money, like say, savings, income and expenses, but there are some unwanted money within you. Does not specifically mean as haram money but something is not okay for a little bit of money mixed. May be, you should be able to know better on what it is, as in dream you are separating that from proper one.

  476. Assalamualaykum Brother Shaffiq,

    You are doing an excellent job here.May Allah give you the best reward.Anyway,few days ago I saw a funny dream.I saw my friends were getting married.One of my good friend got married and I saw an unknown girl as her wife.In my dream I felt so happy to see their marital affairs.what could be the explanation of it?

    Warm Regards,

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Moonazir,
      Two meanings for this. One for you and one for your friend. Some pleasant little event that will cool your mind. It will happen just for a short while only. Your friend that got married in dream, whether in reality he his already married or not yet, either way, he is in higher mood thinking of marriage affairs. Better ask him to lower down his sight. Watch his sight, you will know.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Moonazir,
      Sura bakarath, under this verse no.286, it will have a prayer like request inside this verse, after first few words, this request will start and it will go until the end of verse. All that, are for own mankind’s good. It has tremendous meaning in it. Its life in few words, very important. Allah has kept everything here and there in Quran. Read it. Find it. Then, Think.

  477. aslam o alikum, shaffiq bhai, thanks a lot, u gave me the interpretation of all my dreams, Allah has blessed you to help others, and give you this precious knowledge, i was worried about my that dream in which i saw Prophet (pbuh), at visaal time, as He has to die. Very often, i have been shedding tears and thinking may be Prophet (pbuh) is annoyed with me, that i have seen Him ill. becoz i read this is not good to see in this form (ill). but knowing the meaning of my whole dream i am satisfied. u are absolutely right, i have being facing many dificulties, as i live in a european country. and to live, work with hijab.
    shaffiq bhai, plz tell me some wazifa for one thing. i love my husband very much. i want He come here soon. but it is getting so late embassy is not giving visa. and i need him becoz i have to go work alone i need his protection. u understand dificulties a girl has to face………..
    I started offering my tahajjud prayer from 1st day i married as i saw my husband doing so, and this thing of him impressed me very much………..
    plz do also a special pray for me….i wwill also do …

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      In all of your dreams stated, there is no reference to Prophet (saw) getting annoyed with you. On the otherhand, he is trying to pin point to you through other visual depicts in dream, that during your lifetime, you will be subjected to difficult tests in life. But after one stage, final victory will begin to start for you. That day, you will remember this statement your eyes are going through right now.
      As meant in Quran, ‘Did you think heaven is so easy to get without you even being subjected to difficulties in this world’.
      You want to know some wazifa for getting what you want. Here it is. “Your two hands up and request to God”. Followed by Yaseen for your peace after reciting it.

  478. Asslamualaykum Brother Shafiq,

    I am reciting sura nasr everyday but how many times I have to recite it?I mean 10 or 20 times and I am reciting it after every fard prayer.Is it ok?

    My mother recites a dua from holy Quran that is “kulillah humma”.She recites this verse with odu everyday.What is the meaning of this verse?Many people around me recite this verse to get money,assets I mean all worldly affairs.What would you say about it?

    From now on I am trying to lead my life in a Islamic way.Please pray for me so that I can lead my life according to Islam.Thanks for the explanations and dua’s.

    Warm Regard’s

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Waheed,
      Hold on to the rope of islam strongly. It will pull you up all the way to the sky. You will start to see what others below on earth cannot even see. Saitan will wake up once you catch this rope, and start to give disturbances and lazyness. Remember, on Quran statement means like this, ‘They well know saitan’s tricks’. Meaning to say that, for one category of believers, saitan’s tricks cannot succeed. Do you want to be one of them.
      Sura Nasr ’21 times’ is whenever you feel upset about a failure caused for a good aspect. Other than that, it can be recited anytime, any number of times. The benefit of reciting goes to whom anyway, to you isn’t it.
      As for your mother’s reciting, I am unable to get hold of which is being referred to.
      Humans are of various kinds. Orelse, there would not be a judgement day to deal with. And heaven and hell. You want which, choose…

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Waheed,
      For all the suras in Quran, there is an identification title and for this second sura it is ‘cow’. It does not mean that it is a sura dealing only about cow. Instead, it is just used purely for identification purpose only. This word cow can be found somewhere inside this sura, that’s it. So, one way it is good you have put out this question.

  479. Assalamalakum,

    Last night, I had a dream that I received an email which says – “Congratulation, you are pregnant with a baby girl”. In fact, we am trying for a baby for the last couple of months.

    Could you please interpret this dream?

    Jazakallah Khair

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Meher,
      Dream is sort of too short and direct to translate. It could be from mind thinking about prenancy too often. If assumed to be a true dream, indicates some arrival of welcome news, provided in dream you were in joy after reading that mail.

  480. i keep having a reacuring dream the there is water leaking from the ceiling of my house or hat it is sold to someone else and i am crying saying everything i worked for is gone ,what does that mean?

    • Salaam Rima,
      Better check out on your money expenses. Someone in your house is using money on wasteful issues. They are wasting money on purposes that is not required or over-spending when cheaper products are available and good enough.

  481. i also had a beaautiful dream when i was 17.I saw he prophet Jesus coming down he sky on a clowd.all the chrisians started chearing.When he decended he told them ”i never told you that i am God,i never told you to worship me” .At that moment all he muslims started to say “”Ahlah hoakbar” and put this black liner in their eyes.I crawlled towards him,i had to crawl under the ground with other muslims to get to him,but i finally did.I woke up so happy.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Rima,
      Very good dream. You will be given prosperity and you will be useful to many people and shows your adherance to faith. You may also be given goodness in health. You will put effort to achieve your religious goals. Good dream. Its a life time dream.

  482. Assalamualaikum
    i dont remeber begning of my dream but i am sure i visisted hospital for someone else.i was sitting on the bed with white bedsheet on the bed, with my legs stright on the bed.i was resting my back to a window i have seen a hanging on the wall on which hajj was written in arabic and the picture of kaba was also there on that hanging…i was thinking to change the position of my legs as my legs were straight to that hanging…..suddenly two black cats entered the room thru window….and i woked up from dream and i was shiwering very badly all over that in dream as well( i was still sleeping in real but i woked up in dream this is also in dream and my mom visited my relatives so i was alone in the room)so now in dream i was reciting darood shareef very fastly and thinking my prophet (saw) will save me from you(jinns).i was so scared i was going up stairs to my fathers room my head was heavy my hair was tied with towel and while going to my father i was unable to open my eyes and i dont want to go to my father because i was thinking my father is sleeping alone and dont know in what position he will be but i was so scared i was still going .my 2nd elder brother was teasing me you got scared of dream(not in hard words) while i was going upstairs but i did not replied.there after going up my 2nd elder brother was there with me and it was dark and i told my brother to switchon the light and he did that,there i have seen it was heavily raining i can see few drops of water falling down from edge of my roof.and my brother was takeing me to edge and scaring me he will throw me down (not in actual sence just to scar me)and my brother was standing behind me and he kept his both hands on my both sholders and pushing me( just lightly not forcefully) as he said he will throw me down,(i was thinking may be he is not my brother may be he is jinn but i was not that scared of my brother) to stop him doing this i kept my hands on his stomuch and moving my fingures to make him laugh and feel my brother was thin campared in real and then i can see large blue sky from my i did not see rain it was a nice wether and i have seen an other guy standing over there and we three started runing and playing happily.(but in real life if we have to go out side on the floor from inside of house we have to go thru my fathers room but in dream i was on the floor and if we stand on our 1st floor we can see many houses but in dream only sky was seen) now i really woked up……
    shaffiq bhai now i understand,about my dream of prophet(saw) u thought i just dream of some strenger and i thought he is prophet (saw).no shaffiq bhai i know i wrose lie is lieing about i dream and its cosiderded as equalent to lieing about prophet(saw).even i fear of telling my complete dream if i am not 100% sure.i f i feel dazed dream then i tell i think i did this i think that had happend…etc…..,
    please reply me.thank you.
    Allah hafiz

    • Assalamu Alaikum Salma,
      You’ve had another saitan dream. And it also shows that you have improved in terms of helping the needy and have also been blessed for it. Either way, based on your previous dreams, you are weak in terms of holy activities. Please try to strengthen yourself by performing more prayers, more recitals of Quran and others, and by giving alms/food to the poor and needy.
      For that Prophet (saw) dream, I did not had as you were lying. And its not a stranger that was reported as Prophet (saw). Dont worry. You have stated what you have seen. Its that kind of dream, you will have if you are being troubled by these saitans. It also indicates indirectly on jinn troubling you.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Salma,
      You can tackle them by holy deeds. If you are powerful in deeds, your dreams on bad jinns will be shown in a different way. Dont forget, jinns are not super creatures. They did not even know when Prophet Sulaimaan (sa-slm) had died, they just continued to do their ordered job and only knew after the termites ate Prophet Sulaiman’s (sa-slm) hand stick and he shifted down. Bad jinns should run away from you and not you get frightened by them. Dont let your good deeds decrease. Increase it. One day, bad jiins cannot trouble you.

  483. and also after i went up my head was not heavy and i was able to open my eyes and now i can i told u before i was unable to see while climbing steps was because i was unable to open my eyes.their i slitely opened my eyes and i have seen my 2nd elder brother……and i think i was shiwering in real and in dream as well and i think i wokeup for a oment and then again slept……..

    shafiq bhai, i have asked you many dreams, which i wanted to know the meaning from long period of time. here is another dream, which whenever i think i ask myself what will be the meaning:
    before some months of my wedding, i dream:
    1) i enter in a room, where is a bed, a big bed with new white bed sheet and 2 pillows also with white cover … i lay down on left side of the bed, i dont remember if i slept on the bed or not, but when i raise from the bed and i find a white cap under pillow, (same as man put on their head when offer prayer) the cap has four sides and on these four side there were written the 4 Qul (last surahs of Quran), and than i see under the other pillow and also find other cap with 4 Qul. than i put one cap on my head (i dont remember which cap, that i found first or the other from pillow of right side of bed) i put one cap on my head thinking, i will use this one first, i had in my mind as this is some defective or old or some thing, i wanted to conserve other for future….. after this i saw 2 small beds also with new white sheets, these 2 i did not see before when entered in room, and i feel happy.
    shaffiq bhai, i want to know what will be the mean of what i think in my dream that to use first the cap which had something wrong and to keep safe other one…..
    2) wat will be the meaning of dream reading LAST PART of namaz, attahyat, and finishing attahyat with darood sharif… while finshing i awoke and completed darood and ended namaz with salaam on bed while awoking …(i was in condition in which woman cannot offer prayer) i dont know which namaz i performed…..thia dream is of today,

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      For the first dream, it indicates that you may make a travel. There will be two people who will help you in your needs. This two people are good dignified respectable persons. Most probably, after a certain kind of trip, there are saitanic troubles awaiting you. These two people are playing a part in helping you get protection against such saitanic ativities. You yourself later, try to protect yourself from such saitanic troubles. One of your helping supportive person has lesser holy activity know-how compared to the other. You will or may plan for further short trips.
      For the second dream, it indicates you will attain peace from something that was troubling you recently.

  485. asalamu calykum
    i am in a relationship with this one brother(who is married) but the thing is tht we were together before him and his wife anyways i always have dreams about his wife tht i dont like one of the recent dreams is that my friends and i and him and his friends are preparing for a war( he is in the jihad in somalia) and they are telling us to get ready anyways as we are getting ready the dream changes and two of ma friends and i are in a room and ma lil niece comes into ma dream
    we are eating food and i am eating food with ma niece and my “man’s” wife’s brother or uncle dont kno which one but ma friends are sitting behind me and eating rice. the room is packed with people and my ” man” and his friend are in the room next door but they can hear everything tht is going on in the other room. anyways as we are eatin my lil niece says my aunty hates so and so( the wife’s name) and ma heart just stops and i look around and everyone hears this i turned around and looked at ma friends and asked them who told her to say tht but they were like we dont know.. the boys heard it from the next door and my man came into the room lookin really angry i was standing by the door thinking oh my god he is going to hate you. when he came into the room the wife’s brother or uncle(dnt know which one he is) said that i was talkin badly abt the wife. and i started to cry and said i didnt do it and my friends were like she would never do that. he (ma man) looked really mad and asked where his keys with the heart was and asked for his wife. he went into the room where is wife was and i started to cry badly thinkin tht he was goin to hate me. when he came out of the room he had a key with a heart in it and he gave it to me and told me not to worry everything will be ok.
    could you please interpret this dream for me please to the best of your ability may ALLAH bless you ALL and every muslim! please answer as sooon as possible
    by the way i dont hate the wife

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      This dream is direct and is as per your view.
      You are in actual having trouble with someone from your side (friends / relatives). This someone does not have a good opinion about that wife. Your man will come to know about this. He does not like any wrong remarks from others about his wife. He likes his wife all along. But, he now likes you also and will provide you in some authoritative way, an indication of his liking for you. It may be, by means of a present/gift or by talking in depth of his liking for you.
      Dont worry, this dream does not show that you hate his wife. Prepare yourself, you are going to go more deeper into islamic law / rules.

  486. Assalamualykum Shaffiq Bhai,

    Just few months ago I had a dream.I saw my friend standing in-front of a building wearing lungi and t-shirt.He was smiling at me.When I approached towards him he ran away.I followed him and thus I went to the 2nd floor of the building.There I saw my friend giving iron to his wife blouse.When I enter the room he was frightened.Because he thought that it was his wife.After seeing all this I was making fun with him.Lastly,when I was leaving his place there was a bull standing in-front me.I pushed it with my hand then left the place.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Hossain,
      Some of your suggestions does not seem to be acceptable for your friend. You may have to face a supporter of your friend. Supporter can be his wife also. But nothing much of a worry. No harm is expected from this supporter.

  487. Assalamulaikum
    thanks for ur reply.shaffiq bhai why these jinns selected me to trouble.and shaffiq bhai few days back i think i dream of many sheeps in which one of them were cut on its neck(dead) half of the neck was cut and i can see the blood near its neck.i was thinking may be someone had cut it.(i dont remember actual word in english but related to halaal or zuba,ususally people cut sheep islamic way to eat it)
    and also last night i dream many people(i think strangers) viisted us just to visit the places and also i have seen many goats.
    please reply.thank u.

  488. assalamualaikum shafick,
    i wanted to know what this dream means please help me…
    I always dream of forest….
    i dream that i am running in the forest finding a way to come out of the forest…..
    i was with my fiancer me n him had lost our way in the forest i thnk…….
    while walking we find a house in the other side of the house it was a wooden house…….
    when we went there we find some people that we know
    they wer washing their hand
    as if there was a wedding and after eating every1 went to wash their hand……….
    what does this dream means………..
    plz help me………

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Wijdan,
      This sounds like you are trying to lessen your holy activities. You are not completely aware or are doubtful of what is to be done/performed in holy activities. There are some others who may tend to pull you out of the holy activities.

  489. am a married woman
    but before my wedding
    i use to dream that i am having sex with my uncle
    i had dream of that many times
    in real life we are just uncle n niece
    that all
    and i always dream the house of my grand mother
    i dont know y
    i only dream the front house n never the back of the house
    when i dream of that house the dream always scarely or am having sex with some1
    i dont only dream that i am having sex with my uncle but 3 times i dream that i am having sex with an old man which i do not even know………..
    and every relationship i was in never suceed
    either they left me or i left them
    i was not in love with my husband also at first
    but i dont know how we have sex in real life
    then i married him if i had not sleep with him i would have never marry him
    please tell me what happening to me
    why all such things happen only with me
    but when i got married i have not seen any dream related to sex with other man
    please interprete that for me………….

    • Assalamu Alaikum Ruheen,
      These dreams can be classified into two types. Normal dream on sensual relationship, where you will never have a fear during the dream but it will be kind of happy. Other is saitanic activity where you will feel a fear. Normal dream will mean, you may use your uncle to get some things done for you, it may even be some thing concerning wealth. Or your uncle may use your assistance to get his things done through you. Regarding the unknown old man, normal dream type will mean that you may get some money/wealth. Other type is saitanic dream, where you will get frightened in your dream. In this second type, you will be forcing that old man to prevent him from having any sensual relationship activity with you. If it is this type, then it has to be decided whether such dreams only come when you sleep at a particular house, a particluar room in a house where you get disturbed often in fearful dreams. Or anywhere else also. It is not to be considered as only you have this kind of dreams. Requires classification based on how was the physical force of that person seen in your dream. After marriage, you did not dream, does not mean that you will not see it again. After marriage you would have probably gone to stay in your husband’s house. If you go back to your old house before marriage where such dreams frequented, do you have it. How many years has passed since your marriage. Did you actually feel in your dream that some force was applied on your body, especially your shoulders. This does not seem to be normal dream from young age eagerness. I dont have much more of your dreams to confirm. For now, nothing much further can be concluded from this same kind of few dreams alone. If these kind of fearful dreams are not seen, but your mind does not accept having intimate relationship even from husband, then it is more of medical fault, concerning hormones. But, with these kind of fearful dreams, more signs are showing that its not concerning medical faults.

        thnk for your prompt reply
        i dont no how to thnk you……….

        now i am happily married, i love my husband and my mariage is of 8 months…….

        i am 22 years…..
        i thnk its the room that made me scare
        because after mariage when i went to stay at my parents house i had a very scarely dream………but i could not remember it now…..

        about the old man i didnt get any fear but i was enjoying it…
        he didnt force me in it……..
        in all the sensual relationship i had get i didnt get any fear..
        but was rather enjoying it……….

        once i had a dream that i give birth to a very beautiful baby girl……… she was so beautiful that i could not keep my eyes off her………but in the dream i wanted to have a baby boy not girl……….
        but even i like the baby girl…….i was very seeing that i give birth to a very beautiful girl……..

        i had also dream that i was talkimg to some1 invisible and he was answering me back……..and my aunty husband was there with me

        now in my new house i do not have dream of any sensual relationship or any scarely dreamzzzz……

        but the fact in that i always dream of my grnd mother house only the part where my aunty stay…….i never dream of my aunty but rather i dream of his husband

        and when i was in form 5 there was dry chilli in my jacket pocket… school when i put my hand there i saw that. i was so scarely that i throw them on the floor….when i went home i told my mum the whole she was shocked…..plz reply me as soon as possible thnx so much

  490. can any1 tel me da meaning of my dream please, i had dream i got text of one of my girl mate and then i see police looking for me, i see or have so much money they are all in notes. what does this mean can anyone tell me.

  491. Assalam Alayikum.

    I had a dream that there are twins BABY ELEPHANTS who are physically attached to each other.
    A truck was coming on their way and because being physically attached to each other… one elephant saves another. The mother elephant is not much bothered about both and walks ahead.
    I dont remember much because i woke up.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Marie,
      Seems like, there are two authorities who are lesser in command, and whose work/status are inter linked with each other. These two may avoid themselves from getting caught into some trouble with the help of one among them.

  492. Asalaam alikom,

    I have seen a dream were i picked up an large white egg in my hand from a bird nest and it was warm as well(the egg) and had a good feeling then i woke up shortly after that.

    can anyone who hase knowledge tell me the meaning of this dream please

    jazakaallah ahsan al jazaa

    Brother in islam

    thnk for your prompt reply
    i dont no how to thnk you……….

    now i am happily married, i love my husband and my mariage is of 8 months…….

    i am 22 years…..
    i thnk its the room that made me scare
    because after mariage when i went to stay at my parents house i had a very scarely dream………but i could not remember it now…..

    about the old man i didnt get any fear but i was enjoying it…
    he didnt force me in it……..
    in all the sensual relationship i had get i didnt get any fear..
    but was rather enjoying it……….

    once i had a dream that i give birth to a very beautiful baby girl……… she was so beautiful that i could not keep my eyes off her………but in the dream i wanted to have a baby boy not girl……….
    but even i like the baby girl…….i was very seeing that i give birth to a very beautiful girl……..

    i had also dream that i was talkimg to some1 invisible and he was answering me back……..and my aunty husband was there with me

    now in my new house i do not have dream of any sensual relationship or any scarely dreamzzzz……

    but the fact in that i always dream of my grnd mother house only the part where my aunty stay…….i never dream of my aunty but rather i dream of his husband

    and when i was in form 5 there was dry chilli in my jacket pocket… school when i put my hand there i saw that. i was so scarely that i throw them on the floor….when i went home i told my mum the whole she was shocked…..plz reply me as soon as possible thnx so much

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Ruheen,
      Thank God, that’s good news to know that you are happy with your husband and those dreams did not actually frighten on those old man.
      There are some signs in this list of periodic dreams on a certain place. But, no fast conclusion can be arrived at based on this few dreams. Other personal problems and links are to be established to correlate one fact with another dream and then arrive at the conclusion.
      Its good to see a girl baby born. This dream would have relaized long ago and you would have already felt some kind of happiness and joy.
      Continue to have a peaceful life with your husband and others. Life is just a test field only and excuse and forgive others if you are being hurt and try to maintain calm when you are dealing with people who are less matured, less wiser than you. Pray and do holy deeds, help poor/needy in terms of food/alms. Be relaxed with peace. I feel relaxed to know that you are happy. As for chilli incident, nothing much can be said on it.

  494. aslam o alikum shafiq bhai,
    thanks u did meaning of my dream about cap and 4 Qul. i want to ask you that this dream is of about 2.5 years ago, after my wedding i did some short trips also. but plz tell me is my dream meaning taken place, or it start when we get dream meaning……because i dont know about 2 persons who helped me…. may be they any husband wife??????
    also want to ask you another dream, which i dont know if have some meaning or not. i never tell anybody about this dream becoz i was confuse and by myself i think it is not for a person. in my dream i receive a mail, very short mail and it was written that WE ARE WHO SEND THE WAHI (REVELATION) AND WE WILL SOON SEND IT TO YOU… and after this line it was written name WAHHAB .
    mail was in urdu (my native language), i have translated it to you. whenever i think about this dream, always think that may be saitan want to mislead me becoz as revelation is just for PROPHETS.
    plz tell me what is meaning…

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      Those dreams would have taken place long before. Helpers/supporters were surely there at that time. May be, by meaning helper/supporter you may think it is someone very big. It could even be a normal maid/friend.
      In dreams you can see anything tremendously big like heaven itself or Allah’s kursi, it does not mean that it is only for Prophets. In this short mail dream, it means that, you will, in future be provided to some knowledge that was not known to you before and is of significance.

  495. ok let me see if i can tell you anythink else in about the dream,
    i had a dream that the police came looking for me and it was something to do with this girl mate of mines. they were like look at the text messages on the phone. then all i know ive got so much money they are all in notes and i am running away with it maybe frm the police

    • This dream can have two meanings. One is: There seems to be some kind of an inferior feeling among yourself that you feel like you could have committed some mistake. In reality, if there are any such mistakes been committed, then you should know better. It can very well be in terms of money itself.
      Other meaning for this dream is, there are some religiously powerful person(s) trying to give you some kind of a protection from harm.

  496. Asalaam alikom,

    I have seen a dream were i picked up an large white egg in my hand from a bird nest and it was warm as well(the egg) and had a good feeling then i woke up shortly after that.

    can anyone who hase knowledge tell me the meaning of this dream please

    jazakaallah ahsan al jazaa

    Brother in islam

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Brother-in-islam,
      This can have two meanings. One is as stated above in your previous same statement on this dream. Please take which ever is suitable for you. One is that you will get to meet some new girl whom you will have a liking.
      Other meaning is, you will be given with a new oppurtunity towards getting/earning money.

  497. Asalaam alikom borthers and sisters,

    I had a dream when i was in younger age around10 11 years. no i am 20 years old.
    I was runnig away from a men who was all made of gold later i stopped and he aswell i try to move but i cant move and i felt scared.

    please tell me the meaning

    • Vaalaikum Salaam,
      At that age when you saw this dream and you can still remember it, which indicates that you were much affected on this dream. This dream seen at such young age would have already happened. If this is seen by a girl, this meaning will not fit.
      For meaning, your were trying to get yourself away from involvement with a troubling person who is angry at you. But, you will have to face certain kind of fear, from such troubling person, even if you try to get away from involving with that person.

  498. SALAAM to everyone

    I have to following dream:

    The day before i had an practical test for my car i dreamted that i saw a small human i think jump around my face in my bed and everytime he jumped the bed shaked and a sound plus i went through a kind of picture what you see on tv, cartoons were they repaly a thing in the past th epicture becums blury and circles effect and it had a bit of nature around it
    an i felt that my eyes has been changed.

    i think this is because i have a bad vision in reality and i was scared that i would not pass the test of the sight test they give you for practical.
    please you can interpet this dream sal alkom

    • Vaalaikum Salaam brother-in-islam,
      Means that there is some person not of good character and whose actions/behaviour will make you feel that he/she is of such indecent character, not cultured.

      • Vaalaikum Salaam brother-in-islam,
        Further details are not much that can be provided as the dream is just with that. Only that it will happen just for a short minute and then this impact of feeling would be felt and then its over. These are all short term realization dreams. Infact, nothing much to be worried about.

    • Assalaamu Alaikum Abdul Salam,
      You will have to lose your earned name to other. He will make use of your work/thinking to get benefit to his/her name.

  499. Assalam-o-alaikum Mr Shafiq,

    My Alah bless you for all the good you are doing. Pls interpret this dream for me. Allah aap ko es ka ajar de . ameen

    I saw a dream few months back, very clear, I am a best friend of a lady who is looking very cunning from her heart but I am very sincer to her and maybe she is the best friend of mine( while I dont have any friend at present as I am newly married), she takes me to a place where she plans and succeeds that I am biten by a very horrible snake on my leg, ambulance takes me to hospital where my wound is stitched by my one of my senior professor of surgery ( I am a doctor)and I was so afraid but he said nothing to worry and stitched my wound without causing even any pain, I was so satisfied and looked at the wound and fel relieed that I survived.During this time, I have seen my husband as well sitting beside me in a supporting way.

    Waiting for your reply,
    Allah hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Kiran Muzaffer,
      This lady seen in dream is planning to get you into trouble with some of your hidden enemy. Hidden enemy will mean that those who dont show it outside but suddenly cause trouble/harm to you. You may have to feel the impact of trouble. Some other person including your husband will prove to be comforting in reducing the impact of trouble.

  500. salam aleykoum.
    I had a dream about me and my husband and the we had a child.
    this child was so beautiful machallah, his name was mohamed.
    we were all so happy together, and couldn’t stop laughing and smiling. it was the best feeling subhan allah.

    My other dream was that i was pregnant and did not want my husband to find out at all..
    i got into a fight with my sister in law because she wanted to tell her brother (my husband).
    pease explain these dreams to me.
    Thank You.
    Salam aleykoum.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Ines,
      For first one, you have felt happiness in your dream itself. It means that in reality also, there will occur some events from which, you will feel happiness and joy that will please you. Good, even though it is a boy child in dream.
      Second dream looks like it is from daily incidents coming out as dream. Suppose, if it is a true dream, it will mean that you dont want to expose some religious deeds that you have been doing to be known to your husband.

  501. to the comment above could you please give me an explanation and if these dreams have any interpretations or meanings.
    Thank you!

  502. recently past few days i hv dreams that am driving my car and then something goes wrong with the car and tonight i had dream that i parked my car and then it goes missing and then i find it parked somewhere else and i was thinking how did it get there.

    • Very few people in this world are given a dream that which will show the actual of what is going to happen. if I am to take you as under one such kind, then please try to give alms/food to poor to get some forthcoming trouble regarding your car.
      If otherwise as a normal person, it would only mean that some stress is to turn up in your worldly pleasures.

  503. assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai i dream that myself,my mom and dad were sitting on iron chairs in front of our maindoor but inside the main gate,but that house was our very old house we used to live in it many yrs myself and my father were standing i think my mother was also standing,i think some thing we were purchesing i have seen my father was holding a long cloth with a wooden scale at the end of the cloth.the cloth was very large may many miters of cloth.a little girl and boy was sitting near us then suddenly their mom came to check are they safe(all these three were unknown), my father was checking the cloth near the main gate then those childern’s mom was entering in but i saw the cloth came in between,as the cloth was moved aside now i have seen that boy was entering in who was with us but now he was not sitting but he was entering in to check whether his sister is safe or not.then he started climbing the steps to go up i know that he was going up do something wrong or to distrub the things kept on terres so i went near that boy took him in my hands and i told him if he does anything wrong i will throw him down in the open place besides the steps..
    please reply.thank you.
    Allah Hafiz

  504. Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
    Indicates that you are given an increase in your life living time and also along with better food. And your holy deeds seem to have shown an increase. You are protected from minor troubles in life.

    • Dremas should not be translated that way. Please state dream in full inorder to arrive at a proper meaning to it. If you have recited quran suras, then please also state those quran sura or verses. Each can have its own meaning to an incident. If you have seen with kids, then please also state kids gender, their cloth colours, and so on. If you were frightened in a dream, that information is also needed. Insha Allah, translation can be provided.


    • Assalamu Alaikum Farida Shaukat,
      I am not this web page owner. I am only a visitor who just came to know this page recently and was surprised to see many were stating dreams in a forum and were worried about its meaning.
      I will not be knowing your mail id. Please state your mail id, if you are comfortable enough to let it be posted in public.

  506. asalamu calykum
    thanks for the reply wallahi alhamdulillah it did make me understand i little bit
    before i went to sleep i was talkin to ma friends and i was telling them tht i was going to broke up with ma man(the one with the wife) and wen i was abt to fall asleep i was thinking of a way to break up wit him…so i went to sleep and i had a dream
    and in ma dream i was at my house but at the same time i was at his moms house where in the house his whole family was there( i am very close with the family if that helps) and i was cleaning the bathroom which was located at ma current room…and wen i was done cleaning his wife appears in the dream and she messes up the cleaning i did and thn i redid it but thn she messes it up and i finally gave up…anyways i was sitting with his mother and sister in the living room wen the wifey turned into a baby and he appeared in the room and was playing with the baby…(oh i forgot to mention one this…this is sooo cheesy but i had magical powers and they were down for the time being) anyways as he was playing wit the baby i guess i was the only one who thought tht it was weird that his wifey was a baby and everyone else seemed to be doing their own lil thing not paying attention…he was ignoring my question wen i asked him where his wife was cuz i knew the baby wasnt his wife…i told him i talked to your wifey and i know she is not a baby so tell me the truth…he took the baby with him and was goin into the room wen i went after him and was about to tell him tht we should break up but the thing is before i said break up..he said please dont break up wit me…that he loves me and he started to cry and me being a girl cried wit him he wanted to hug me and i kept on telling him leave me alone.(like we should be done) but he kept on crying finally at the end i told him i wont break up wit you and he told me that we should talk so he took me into the room…and inside the room was my brother and his lil daughter who was about to leave…he was getting her ready and thn i pointed ma finger to the closet and magical light came out of it and my brother and ma man noticed it…and thn i thought of tellin him tht i had magical powers but i didnt want to do it infront of my brother so my brother and his daughter exited out of the window instead of the door which i thought was weird…anyways finally it was just me and my man and was abt to tell him abt the magical powers wen my other brother came into the room and told him to treat me better and thn i woke up…
    please interpret this dream for me
    and i have one more question
    isnt there something abt if you kiss some one in a dream thn you will not be with them in this world?

    • Vaalaikum Salaam sister in confusion,
      Before this dream gets it meaning, please review whether your activities are fitting to islamic law / culture. Please consult with any islamic scholar you can talk directly and then you will know the right path away from wrong.
      Your other question on kiss, it does not mean that you will not be with them in this world.

  507. assalamualaikum,
    thanks for ur reply.shaffiq bhai yesterday night i was falling asleep(not comletely felt asleep) i see moon from window the window was unknown( i felt that as i was in my home i mean i did not feel the place was new to me),in the beging it was not clear to me but i tried to see clearly then the full bright moon was seen from the window very clearly and i also see some wire (may be electric wire).shaffiq bhai is this considered as dream.if it is a dream please interpret it for me.
    thank you.

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      It may be a false or true dream. If assumed to be a true dream, then you will receive some kind of clarity over some matters in your life, through one prominent person.

  508. Salam,in my dream i was on some kind journey,at first i am in a field with beautiful tall bright green grass and then i find myselk in a cave underground it had ice everywere and a river with the clearest water and it feel cool but a beautiful cold feeling,and i am on something floating down the that point i had a strong feeling that i was going to meet the prophet Mhamad9peace be apun him) finaly i stop on the side and step on to an icey floor were there is an icey bench like at a bus stop.i sit on the bench waiting so excited and along comes a black man wearing a white 3abayee,he had watch on his wrist and he so sweetly looked at it and shook his head and looked at me and said ”no,not now,next time”.what does that mean,thank you .

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Rima,
      Interesting dream. Shows that you will, to a very good extent, increase your good holy activities in islam. There are some things being done, which will be of not much benefit to you and there are some worries within yourself. You will gain proper direction on what is to be done. Confusions will become lesser. You will enjoy the result of your holy activities / deeds. Like, after you prayer finish a special prayer or reciting, your mind will feel some kind of a peace and happiness. Then, again, confusion comes. There is some goal in your holy activities for which you are doing these special prayers / deeds. The result of that goal will be later and not so soon. That goal seems to be kind of a good goal. Your direction to go now is ‘Please be patient’.

  509. assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai u said i will gain some speciality and importance i happend but shaffiq bhai for how much period of time will the importance given to me.i realy want to know please replt me shaffiq bhai
    And shaffiq bhai what u said was all true.u said i decreased my good deeds it was true then i increased my good deds u said and also u said i still need to increase my holy deeds then i increased my holy deeds and u said i increased.its like really amazing.
    please reply.
    Allah Hafiz

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Salma,
      That dream on speciality increase is only for a short period, may be for a few days or weeks. Do good and pray, Allah is there for what you need.

  510. Salam

    LAst Month when i was shopping for my wedding with my mother in Law, i found 20 Dirhams just below my feets.. i took and i kept it. later my mother in law was in need of some change, and i gave that 20 dirhams to her. while comin back home she returned it to me.

    the same night i dreamt the same incident, the way i found the money and everything the same.. i saw someone saying me not to waste or misuse and to go and buy a praying mat “Jai-namaz” out of that money. the he says me to keep it bcoz in future, there will come a day in which my brothers will b in hard tym or they will b in trouble.. then give them that prayer mat and say them to pray on it. as they finish the prayer, a cloud like thing will form above them and all their difficulties will b solved!
    well i dont have that money with me but this dream is really disturbin me alot.! i pls need to know the meanin of this dream.! i will really b thank full if someone really helps me in knowin what this dream meant..?

    Jazak Allah khair
    Thanks & Regards
    Ur Sister

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Sister,
      In actual, per islamic law, when any unknown misplaced money/article is found on a street, an announcement is to be made regarding the discovery of money/article and then have to see if anyone claims for it. As for your case, having found the money, you have taken it. I am not sure whether it was possible then, at that time, to give it to some authority for taking responsibility of it.
      Now, linking it with that dream. Meaning is, “you are not requested to use it for your own expense like buying some article/food or anything that goes for your own usage. You are to hand over this money to some common usage by public people like say to a mosque for buying something for public usage of praying”. It is in no way logical to keep that money with you to buy some prayer mat for your brothers to use in future. Do not get disturbed by this brother information. Just give that money to some mosque for use in public fund. Why do you say that you dont have that money now. You have your own money equivalent to that amount isn’t it. It is not that “that same 20 dirhams” should be given. That equivalent amount is enough. Just take a 20 dirhams from your own money and give it to mosque and before you give, just think in your mind that whoever lost this money, the benefit of the 20 dirhams to mosque fund shall go to that person also. That’s it. Its all over. Sleep in peace. You will also earn a benefit for it. Dream is only to indicate to you to spend it for public fund used in a prayer. That’s it.

  511. a.oa
    i have seen in the dream that i am with a kid in a ground (age3 or 4 year old, boy) i donot remeber his clothes etc colours… i see his shoes(brown colour) i rt to close the shoes of his…so can now tell me meaning of it .i will be v.thankful of u…
    2nd dream is about i told early …some eveil type things like man come forwards me i start recite ..i dont kone existy sorat names may be doruad sharif…
    ur sister
    note(can i write my dream in urdu language ?)

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Abida,
      Boy kid dream is too short. If that kid is known face, it means that you are trying to join him with some companion of his. If kid is unknown, then some minor troubles which you will try to fix it through someone.
      2nd dream, if such fearful dreams are being seen by you often, then please state them. Need to find out the source of that frigtening element. For this dream, it is a saitan (jinn) that is trying to disturb you.
      Sorry for urdu langauge. I dont know it. Please state in English only. If you state a few more frightening dreams of yours, I can know how powerful are your holy deeds and you may need to make it more powerful by doing more good deeds/ prayers.

  512. Assalaamoalaikum!
    i would appreciate it if i get some help with my queries. and by the way i love this forum! 🙂

    The background to my situation is that me and a friend of mine are in love with each other and want to marry each other and id on’t want to indulge in anything wrong. i have known him for years but only recently i have also confessed my feelings for him. the problem is that there are a few flaws with his character but i know they can be changed and he does love me a lot. someone religious has told me that he is getting either magic or some negative aamaal done on me through someone. my friend wants to propose in the coming few months. so i took out 2 istikharas myself and got them taken out to rule out any chance of bias.
    i first saw a brown wooden door against a dull green wall and the keyhole had a bunch of golden keys in it and i felt as though i was about to open it.
    second time in the istikhara i saw a door opening on its own but revealed darkness, as in i couldn’t see anything. i also saw someone or myself holding a baby boy in bright yellow clothes n there was a green wall behind it.
    the religious person who was taking it out for the marriage of me and my friend did not see anything for one whole week but when he took it out the second time he saw blood and dead bodies on the first day. he is saying that my friend is getting something done on me but i am really confused!!! i don’t want to doubt my friend for no reason.
    then just a few days back i took out an istikhara asking Allah if my friend is getting something done on me and i saw very clearly a man”s arm stretched out and in his palm is a bunch of silver keys.
    i usually do have a lot of visions i saw a glowing moon twice but then the third time i saw clouds slowly revealing a moon that is actually dark orange in color..and i am going through a bit of a difficult phase. i do recite the manzil n Surah Falaq n Nas regularly and even recited Ya-Saburu and other tasbees. The religious person i know claims that my istikharas and visions are being influenced also.
    Please, sister i would love to have a full analysis of my istikharas.
    Awaiting ur reply…thank you!

    • Vaalaikum Salaam Anonymous14,
      First of all, please note that love marriages are not allowed in islam. Have to go through proper channel to arrange / engage yourself to marry.
      Your 1st dream, you seem to be trying to make use of some girl/woman who supports you in religious activity and you are trying to reach a certain upper status / position which has worries mixed in it.
      Your 2nd, you are welcomed / requested for a better status/authority but there is only confusion awaiting if you accept such a request. If you accept, you will be subjected to poor health and troubles and you will get to do more holy activities when such troubles start to come in.
      3rd on blood and dead bodies is not a completely stated full dream. Need more details to come out with a translation.
      4th on man’s stretched hand, you are welcomed/requested for an upper status/position showing that there is happiness in it.
      5th on moon, there are two prominent personalities who may guide you but there are troubles awaiting you.
      If you want to find out whether anything is being done to you, then just state some/all those frightening dreams your able to recollect. All the above dreams does not show a good sign for a certain upper position/status. But, it refers to what position/status, you should know better. Careful, if you are infected with something done to you, most of your dreams will also be fabricated to confuse you. One will show good. Next will show bad. Your mind will just turn right and then turn left. Your legs will go forward, then next day, your legs will go backwards. Next go forward. You will get what I say if you are infected.

    • Salam Sister,
      I just recently visited this website and read your post. I feel that I do connect to you. I had a friend whom I have been just friends with for years. I truly believe that we are soul mates. He does have little flaws that I believe can change. Story is same as yours, but nothing about anyone doing any magic on him or me. Point of my story is that in the end, you will wake up one day and realize that the love both of you share does not matter one bit compared to the love that Allah (SWT) has for you. This is why we should all really just end anything that has to do with love with men and vise versa.. Because we should have enough trust in Allah that he has plans for us. If you are meant to be with him, then it will be, if not, then you will not be with him. Just have enough faith in Allah and what he has in store for you in order for you to end any love connections with anyone, even if you are not doing anything haram with them. Because technically, in Islam, we are not even supposed to be in any types of relationships. I have to admit, it took me a while to fully realize that, but ALHAMDULILAH I realized it now and I ended everything with him out of no where even though everything was going perfect and we were planning to get married. We told each other that we will not be sad, even though that it hurts a lot a lot, because we have enough trust in Allah and if we do things the right way, then Allah will reward us. How do WE humans know what’s best for us? I know your post was approximately a year and a half ago, I was just wondering what happened with that and like to give a little word of advice for you, myself, and everyone on this site. Just go the right way of Allah no matter how hard it is (and it WILL be hard because this life is very tempting), and Allah will reward you in the end.. if not in this life, then in the next. JazakAllah Khairan.

  513. Salaam alikome
    i am a muslim man and i stil remmeber years ago that i have seen myself in a dream jumping/flying from building to another building building on the top of each building high and low.
    can you tell me the meaning please
    ill wait for anwser
    W.A.S everyone

    • sorry spelling mistake
      i meant that i was jumping/flying from building to another building and they were tall and short buildings


      • Vaalaikum Salaam ‘Muslim’,
        Think nicely what happened in those ‘years ago’ days, you will remember that you were spending and giving to poor / needy people and helping them with lots of money/wealth/food that were to a very significant amount when compared to your wealth position. You had given to many people, not just one, to some in higher amounts/extent, to some less than that but all were of good significant extent. Think and see, you will get it. And those people who received your benefit have really welcomed your help with much gratitude.

  514. i had a very strange dream

    me and my sister are heavily pregnant and my baby dies. the midwife takes the baby out but it comes out in small pieces, of puss, and vomit, yet no blood? and there is a needle like sharp object in there too.
    i am crying , but there are no tears.

    In reality i am not married, and my sister is married, and has one daughter.
    pls can any one help me with the meaning of this.

    many thanks

    • Assalamu Alaikum Zahara,
      At that time of dream, you would have felt some loss in wealth/money, and its a considerable amount. There is somebody who would have given you support inspite of all this.

  515. The most vivid dream that has stayed with me for a while was, i dreamt i was in a beautiful garden with nicely cut hedges which were lush green, thick leaves, a round pond.

    then i was a given a job to clean it, with gloves, as i looked closer i saw a dead animal, goat /dog unsure. it has a white puss spot on its head.

    any ideas what this could mean.

    • Assalamu Alaikum Zahara,
      You were enjoying yourself with your religious activities being done with true faith. You are refining your holy activities/behaviour by removing unacceptable / haram from the good.

  516. Aoa!
    apart from my istikharas mentioned above, i want to know the meaning of a dream i have only recently had.

    i saw myself in a park like those abroad…i was all alone and i knew that the place is all empty. there were a lot of trees but their tree trunks were bare and leaf-less and i saw faces in the trunks kind of warning me or signalling me…there were lush green leaves but they were NOT on the trees…they were lying on the ground randomly.
    then i go further n i see birds mainly pigeons and eagles on one of the trees ahead.
    then i see myself going uphill and i know it is the same park but i feel as though i am almost trapped and then i see a very huge flock of eagles and pigeons flying over my head….they were very close to my head n i think to myself…that they are about to get me but they slightly touch my head and fly away….
    and at a safe distance i see my sister standing with someone else
    and just to let u know my sister guides me very much in a lot of things….she is helping me with my current situation also.

    secondly…i was praying a tasbeeh and i slept while praying it…i remember seeing a small golden pouch and even though i didn’t see gold in it but i somehow know that there is gold in it and the background was all white and i knew there were more pouches also.

    thirdly what do seeing spiders in my dream mean?
    and also if u see a big spider forming a web…what does this mean?

    thank you!!!

    • Vaalaikum Salaam ‘anonymous14’,
      1st one, indicates some difficulty in your prosperity, may be you may get into sufferings from shortage of money. Then, prosperity is seen with better status than before. There are some persons who are in high authority and some who are in good profitable income/earning who are trying to create link with you.
      2nd one, you will get mind happiness/comfort from your religious deeds.
      3rd, in Quran it states as the weakest of the houses are those of spiders. So, for your dream, you are planning something that will be very weak in performance.

  517. What is the meaning of this dream please,
    if you have seen like insects krawl underneath your skin and you are pushing them outside from a hole some where on your skin
    this is what i have seen in my dream.

    I heard that it means that some one has a bad eye on you(hased)
    can you please explain jazzak allah insallah

    • Assalamu Alaikum ‘muslim’,
      Check what troubles are being caused in your wealth. And what you are doing to yourself to destroy your own peace attained from your wealth. Please stop that.

  518. Dear brother and sisters
    Remember that even though there are people interpre your dream or trying( alhamdulaallah) , you still need to put your trust in allah. this can also be a test for you, for allah to see if you believe in the people who write you back on this blog or that you believe in the qadir of allah and that allah has written for you things to happen.

    If you firstly believe in allah that he can do whatever he wants ( BE and it is ) then allah will grant you good live if he wants.

    this is just an reminder for the believer
    ( Fa daker ina dikra tenfah al momienoen)

    Salaam alikom wa rahmatallhie wa barakatoe

    • Assalamu Alaikum ‘Remember’,
      You have not yet attained a certain maturity in your islam. You have stated as ‘this can also be a test for you, for Allah to see if you believe in people who write you back on this blog or that you believe in the Qadir of Allah’. You have the answer to your own question to others in your own statement.
      Please remember, you have to go through a lot of hadiths and events that happened during Prophet’s time or see in the Quran itself for Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Yacoob, and our Prophet (saw) on dreams. What is it and what it is?
      I am in no way a owner of this blog or so. I am not authorized for this interpretation.
      And you have no basis to state whether people should believe or not on what is being interpreted.
      Do you know what made me to translate for them, first of all. Do you know it or how can you know? When I first saw this web page, there was one dream that directly fell on my eyes. It was stated as Allah was seen in his dream as being very angry and the person who dreamt it had put his dream in this web page requesting for translation from anyone. When I saw it, I immediately knew its meaning and later my heart itched me. What if in next world Allah called me and asked, ‘Did I not give you the knowledge to translate that dream of that person. Why have you not translated it’. That person may state that, ‘I did not know the meaning of that dream and I had gone in search of it. If I had known its meaning, I would have done its remedial actions to stop myself from your punishment’. This is one, very first one that made me open this web page to reply.
      Second, there were some dreams which were shown to them to let them know what secret destructions are going on behind them and what they are supposed to do to prevent it. Even those they were not aware and that was another one that pulled me into this.
      What have you known about me to judge me as okay or not okay. I am not supporting your statement as you are still not matured or looked further into islam. But, I am not interested in proceeding further in this web either. I have many people beside me and many others far away from me who are getting to do more and more holy activities, and there are other religion people beside me, who have thrown away their idols to understand islam. Did you not see what I am stating. Did you not see that most of my request to them was to do good deeds, give poor people alms, give poor people food. Did you not read the translation of Quran if you cannot understand arabic. See what is stated in it first. See and think, that’s what Quran always states, Think. Did you see anywhere any statement of mine asking them to kill or cheat somebody or do haram earnings or do bad to others. Did you not realize the difference. Did you think first before writing your statement. There are many who are suffering without knowing.
      But, where is all the people’s knowledge that they are supposed to have known and they have sought to get that knowledge. Is that wrong of others?
      I am providing what has been given to me and the people who are beside me is enough and no need for me to get all these accusations for nothing.
      Let Allah be the judge beside us when we shall meet in next world.
      To others who are eagerly waiting. I am extremely sorry. I am leaving you but hope some day someone will be there to guide you and hope people like this who dont realize what is life and principle of life foundation, just dont create further confusion.
      I have all of those who are suffering, in my prayers and I shall always ask for your well being life and let your troubles fade away. Allah is there. Sole Protector.


      • Assalamulaikum
        shaffiq bhai you please dont leave interpreting on this web page.u cant do this to all of us who realy need ur help because of only one person.shaffiq bhai trust me after i read ur interpretation on my dream i realised that i reduced my good deeds and helping needy which i really reduced.but now Mashahallah thanks to you i started reciting more verses of quran more often even while walking and while working in kitchen.i reduced watching television…….
        the people who hurt you may be they want u to do this and leave this web page…….
        i know i am not that big personality to tell you but u know ALLAH is seeing how you are bringing us all towards islam… me……..
        i dont know how to tell you but please shaffiq bhai dont leave guiding us and bringing us to islam……..
        trust me,since i visited this web page my heart and mind became soft towards needy….and i reduced my unislamic things……..
        please dont leave guiding us all only for that one person…..
        i dont know how to tell u……..please dont leave this web page shaffiq bhai……please
        hope u understand u r realy helping us think we have to face Allah on the day of judgement………
        please dont leave………
        waiting for ur reply shaffiq bhai………..its a requist please.

  519. assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai last night i had very confusing dream.i saw myself,my mom and dad went to see something like a stage show.there i dnt remember what happend may be my father went out or may b we did not had change so we boroad money from a small girl who was with us(but in real life unknown).i think some of our relatives also came with was completed and we was leaving and that girl was also comeing with us but worried if we will return her money or not.then my father gave her 500 hundred rupees note……dnt know what happend but i remember i was going back to my parents to the hall where show was father was also seen there and there i saw a small boy i dont remember if he is an actor or not (but he is an actor in real life) was died and i was remembering the way he talks and smiles and i started crying.then i saw my self my mother and father was in our house and my father’s caligue with his wife and son visisted us to have food.we were offering them food and my mom told me to bring water i went to kitchen (it was unknown)it was dark i saw very less water in that pot the water was drinking water but not tiedy as usually as it happens in real life.i was thinking my mom will come and change the water and from the same pot i tried to take some clean water in a glass and i dont remember wether i drank water or not(i think i drank the water).and also i remember when they visited us to have food i saw many people standing in our home.and now i saw i was again watching some kind of show where the young man was going to perform a show using many knifes attached to each other but those knifes were not shorp i thought anyone can do this then i dont remember who did my self or someone else but was copying the show as that young man who was performing was doing with the other similar pice of many kinfes which that young man was using(two similar pieces one was with the main performer and the other was with the one who was copying the main performer)i think i was copying him and again i feel i was standing and watching the other one also was copying the act then in the middle the one who was copying the act stoped the act and that the main performer exchange his piece of knifes with the knife of that one who was cpying him(the main performer) and he again started i saw i was walking near my home but inside our gate and boundry wall around our house (as usually i walk in my real life also but i walk only one side) but in dream i was walking around my home and i was not completely making rounds around my house but walking some distance and again comeing back and again walking on the other side of house.then i saw my father brought some men to our house to do some repairing i think( i think repairing wires may b)frm other side of our house but in real life we dont have way to comein from that side
    shaffiq bhai i am really worried.please reply me
    Allah Hafiz

  520. Assalamualikum
    shaffiq bhai,what if one sees his father is dead in dream but he is alive in real life and the person is worried abt his life and he is thinking that his father always wanted him to get settled in life.And what does it mean if his both the parents are dead but both of them are alive.
    please reply
    thank u
    Allah Hafiz

  521. asalamu calykum akhi
    wat do u mean by my activities?
    please be more specific and could you at least interpret the dream for me to the best of your ability?
    jazzakallahu khayrn

  522. Assalamu Alaikum to those who have given me support,
    To those who are eagerly waiting. I am extremely sorry. I am leaving you but hope some day someone will be there to guide you and hope people like this ‘remember’ who dont realize what is life and principle of life foundation, just dont create further confusion.
    I have all of those who are suffering, in my prayers and I shall always ask for your well being life and let your troubles fade away. Allah is there. Sole Protector.

    Assalamu Alaikum ‘Remember’,
    You have not yet attained a certain maturity in your islam. You have stated as ‘this can also be a test for you, for Allah to see if you believe in people who write you back on this blog or that you believe in the Qadir of Allah’. You have the answer to your own question to others in your own statement.
    Please remember, you have to go through a lot of hadiths and events that happened during Prophet’s time or see in the Quran itself for Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Yacoob, and our Prophet (saw) on dreams. What is it and what it is?
    I am in no way a owner of this blog or so. I am not authorized for this interpretation.
    And you have no basis to state whether people should believe or not on what is being interpreted.
    Do you know what made me to translate for them, first of all. Do you know it or how can you know? When I first saw this web page, there was one dream that directly fell on my eyes. It was stated as Allah was seen in his dream as being very angry and the person who dreamt it had put his dream in this web page requesting for translation from anyone. When I saw it, I immediately knew its meaning and later my heart itched me. What if in next world Allah called me and asked, ‘Did I not give you the knowledge to translate that dream of that person. Why have you not translated it’. That person may state that, ‘I did not know the meaning of that dream and I had gone in search of it. If I had known its meaning, I would have done its remedial actions to stop myself from your punishment’. This is one, very first one that made me open this web page to reply.
    Second, there were some dreams which were shown to them to let them know what secret destructions are going on behind them and what they are supposed to do to prevent it. Even those they were not aware and that was another one that pulled me into this.
    What have you known about me to judge me as okay or not okay. I am not supporting your statement as you are still not matured or looked further into islam. But, I am not interested in proceeding further in this web either. I have many people beside me and many others far away from me who are getting to do more and more holy activities, and there are other religion people beside me, who have thrown away their idols to understand islam. Did you not see what I am stating. Did you not see that most of my request to them was to do good deeds, give poor people alms, give poor people food. Did you not read the translation of Quran if you cannot understand arabic. See what is stated in it first. See and think, that’s what Quran always states, Think. Did you see anywhere any statement of mine asking them to kill or cheat somebody or do haram earnings or do bad to others. Did you not realize the difference. Did you think first before writing your statement. There are many who are suffering without knowing.
    But, where is all the people’s knowledge that they are supposed to have known and they have sought to get that knowledge. Is that wrong of others?
    I am providing what has been given to me and the people who are beside me is enough and no need for me to get all these accusations for nothing.
    Let Allah be the judge beside us when we shall meet in next world.


    • Assalamulaikum
      shaffiq bhai you please dont leave interpreting on this web page.u cant do this to all of us who realy need ur help because of only one person.shaffiq bhai trust me after i read ur interpretation on my dream i realised that i reduced my good deeds and helping needy which i really reduced.but now Mashahallah thanks to you i started reciting more verses of quran more often even while walking and while working in kitchen.i reduced watching television…….
      the people who hurt you may be they want u to do this and leave this web page…….
      i know i am not that big personality to tell you but u know ALLAH is seeing how you are bringing us all towards islam… me……..
      i dont know how to tell you but please shaffiq bhai dont leave guiding us and bringing us to islam……..
      trust me,since i visited this web page my heart and mind became soft towards needy….and i reduced my unislamic things……..
      please dont leave guiding us all only for that one person…..
      i dont know how to tell u……..please dont leave this web page shaffiq bhai……please
      hope u understand u r realy helping us think we have to face Allah on the day of judgement………
      please dont leave………
      waiting for ur reply shaffiq bhai………….please reply

    • salaam alikm Brother shafiq,

      I am only adressing the people on this blog to not be headless and wait for dreams to change there life but instead ask about it and analys it and be happy and also mainly understand that shaitan can be everywhere and can make an dilusion for us humans.

      I do believe in the ahadits and the prophits ability to make Ta’bir etc etc no problem

      Let me give you brothers and sisters an example that realy hapend recently :

      One day i was listening to quran on my laptop and the surah i was listening was surah muminnun.
      It came to the ayet ( 33 to 38 please read it ) when that was finished suddenly the sound was gone and a voice came up inside the surah ( must be a virus or some stupid kafir put that voice inside) this is waht i heard: “why would you believe in this quran this is only a sound and this is just a men who invented this riligion.”
      the voice was very scary , my hair stud up i got very scared and turned off the laptop.

      I am telling you guys this because as you just have read shaitan entered even in the quran to take me away from the ISLAM. this is a big fitnah.

      so thats why i wanted to give a little reminder to all the muslim brother and ssiters. I have not adressed the comment to any person who is interpretating dreams, espesially not brother shafiqq.

      Inshallah i hope that you wont feel disappointed in ur self or that you feel sad and if you want keep doing this but please give the people you anwser a reminder that in allah is the power even thoug we know the meaning of the dream .. i only wanted to warn and give a reminder, because that is the responsiblity of each muslim.

      further more i would like to thank all the brother and sisters that have done there all best to find information and interp. dreams of muslims in need of anwsers.
      especially want to tell that i apriciate the brother effort shafiqq who felt that i was talking about him.

      salaam alikom .


  523. Assalamulaikum
    shaffiq bhai you please dont leave interpreting on this web page.u cant do this to all of us who realy need ur help because of only one person.shaffiq bhai trust me after i read ur interpretation on my dream i realised that i reduced my good deeds and helping needy which i really reduced.but now Mashahallah thanks to you i started reciting more verses of quran more often even while walking and while working in kitchen.i reduced watching television…….
    the people who hurt you may be they want u to do this and leave this web page…….
    i know i am not that big personality to tell you but u know ALLAH is seeing how you are bringing us all towards islam… me……..
    i dont know how to tell you but please shaffiq bhai dont leave guiding us and bringing us to islam……..
    trust me,since i visited this web page my heart and mind became soft towards needy….and i reduced my unislamic things……..
    please dont leave guiding us all only for that one person…..
    i dont know how to tell u……..please dont leave this web page shaffiq bhai……please
    hope u understand u r realy helping us think we have to face Allah on the day of judgement………
    please dont leave………
    waiting for ur reply shaffiq bhai………….

  524. Sallam, please dont stop interpreting, what does it mean to see a new beautiful white dress that someone has made and asking about it and wanting the same to be made for yourself. Shafiq brother carry on interpreting the dreams

  525. salaam alikome

    I am only adressing the people on this blog to not be headless and wait for dreams to change there life but instead ask about it and analys it and be happy and also mainly understand that shaitan can be everywhere and can make an dilusion for us humans.

    I do believe in the ahadits and the prophits ability to make Ta’bir etc etc no problem

    Let me give you brothers and sisters an example that realy hapend recently :

    One day i was listening to quran on my laptop and the surah i was listening was surah muminnun.
    It came to the ayet ( 33 to 38 please read it ) when that was finished suddenly the sound was gone and a voice came up inside the surah ( must be a virus or some stupid kafir put that voice inside) this is waht i heard: “why would you believe in this quran this is only a sound and this is just a men who invented this riligion.”
    the voice was very scary , my hair stud up i got very scared and turned off the laptop.

    I am telling you guys this because as you just have read shaitan entered even in the quran to take me away from the ISLAM. this is a big fitnah.

    so thats why i wanted to give a little reminder to all the muslim brother and ssiters. I have not adressed the comment to any person who is interpretating dreams, espesially not brother shafiqq.

    Inshallah i hope that you wont feel disappointed in ur self or that you feel sad and if you want keep doing this but please give the people you anwser a reminder that in allah is the power even thoug we know the meaning of the dream .. i only wanted to warn and give a reminder, because that is the responsiblity of each muslim.

    further more i would like to thank all the brother and sisters that have done there all best to find information and interp. dreams of muslims in need of anwsers.
    especially want to tell that i apriciate the brother effort shafiqq who felt that i was talking about him.

    salaam alikom .

  526. Aoa!!
    Thank you so muchhh Shafiq bhai..
    but please do not stop guiding everyone the way u have been…because there are very few genuine and knowledgable people like you…who we can contact and enlighten ourselves from…
    i am sure that including me there are many people awaiting your response.

  527. Aoa shafiq bha!
    when the religious person took out the istikhara for me he saw blood, darkness, dead people and people killing people.
    but i was wondering that what if it is too soon to take out an istikhara? should i wait 2 or 3 months n then get it taken out…?
    may be Allah wants to test me and wants me to wait…
    and can istikharas change after sometime depending on our decision?

  528. Salam sister,

    i had a dream that my husband got a job where he required to work in the sea i saw that i have a house with the sea and my husband is swimming and i also saw my brother is swimming in sea to just to ask if we got home safe and sound.

    i saw my mom cutting non cooked chicken / meat.

    i saw my phupho fighting with me for the money she wants to borrow from my dad and my whole family and relative is there. plz answer all of them . thank u sister

  529. assalamualaikum
    shaffiq bhai i am really worried mail me on my e-mail ID is please
    shaffiq bhai last night i had very confusing dream.i saw myself,my mom and dad went to see something like a stage show.there i dnt remember what happend may be my father went out or may b we did not had change so we boroad money from a small girl who was with us(but in real life unknown).i think some of our relatives also came with was completed and we was leaving and that girl was also comeing with us but worried if we will return her money or not.then my father gave her 500 hundred rupees note……dnt know what happend but i remember i was going back to my parents to the hall where show was father was also seen there and there i saw a small boy i dont remember if he is an actor or not (but he is an actor in real life) was died and i was remembering the way he talks and smiles and i started crying.then i saw my self my mother and father was in our house and my father’s caligue with his wife and son visisted us to have food.we were offering them food and my mom told me to bring water i went to kitchen (it was unknown)it was dark i saw very less water in that pot the water was drinking water but not tiedy as usually as it happens in real life.i was thinking my mom will come and change the water and from the same pot i tried to take some clean water in a glass and i dont remember wether i drank water or not(i think i drank the water).and also i remember when they visited us to have food i saw many people standing in our home.and now i saw i was again watching some kind of show where the young man was going to perform a show using many knifes attached to each other but those knifes were not shorp i thought anyone can do this then i dont remember who did my self or someone else but was copying the show as that young man who was performing was doing with the other similar pice of many kinfes which that young man was using(two similar pieces one was with the main performer and the other was with the one who was copying the main performer)i think i was copying him and again i feel i was standing and watching the other one also was copying the act then in the middle the one who was copying the act stoped the act and that the main performer exchange his piece of knifes with the knife of that one who was cpying him(the main performer) and he again started i saw i was walking near my home but inside our gate and boundry wall around our house (as usually i walk in my real life also but i walk only one side) but in dream i was walking around my home and i was not completely making rounds around my house but walking some distance and again comeing back and again walking on the other side of house.then i saw my father brought some men to our house to do some repairing i think( i think repairing wires may b)frm other side of our house but in real life we dont have way to comein from that side
    shaffiq bhai i am really worried.please reply me

  530. Assalamo-alaikum

    I saw a dream about 2-3 days ago and it was around 4:00 am or just before fajr or around this time. I live in Jeddah, KSA. I saw myself taking off my pajamas and my brother (Zeeshan Khan) urinating on me, starting from my vaginal area and then going upwards on my torso and then on my husband. At this time My brothers wife (Urooj Naz) and my brother is quarreling with us and then his wife hides and my brother continues the quarrel. Then suddenly he hugs my elder sister and he cries saying “What have I done!!…What have I done!!”…It was really complicated but I surely remember this part 100%..

    Kindly tell me hwat does this mean!!

    Jazamullah khair!!

  531. SALMA, I think you are too worried about your dreams. i have been reading this forum from a while and you seem to worry about every single dream and every detail in every dream so much. If you worry so much it will drive you crazy. You are too dependant on shafiq an his interpretations so much that if you dont get an interpretation you seem to go insane. i think you should start concentrating on your REAL life events.

    • assalamulaikum
      really thanks for ur advice waterfall……hahaha……. u are one among many people who told me this……….i experienced what shaffiq bhai told me is to be true and u might have also noticed that shaffiq bhai always told me to do good,prayer and receit the way i message u may think i am too worried but the thruth is it that its my way of talking and expressing what i feel even while talking to my family.frnds and all.i know i have to face Allah on the day of judgement i konw what advice to be taken and what advice not to be taken but thank u for ur nice advice.i will try to follow what u said……….i mean i will try to change the way i express what i feel…….
      thank you
      Allah Hafiz

  532. Salaam
    I had a dream a week ago… The content of the dream doesn’t matter, but what i saw in my dream involves a friend of mine and when i mentioned it to her she became very angry at me… What i had seen in my dream and the details i described to her was a dramatic incident that had happened to her 4 years ago. I never heard about the situation and she had kept it a secret from everyone except for her family.
    My question is what it means for me to dream about an incident that happened in the past to someone else with such exact detail… I could recall clothing being warn, places, physical activities… It was as if I was there in person. If my friend were to tell me about the incident they wouldn’t have given me such details…
    I talked to a couple knowledgeable people in the deen and they didn’t have any idea about one seeing a dream that involved someone else past…

  533. Salaam, can you please tell me the meaning (if any) of the following dream that i had.

    I was in pakistan in my house with all my family and i cant quite remember why, but my dad and i had to both sacrifice our lives, and all our family were in support of this action. Everyone said that it had to be done, my father was first to do it, he cut his throat, but put a small bottle to save some blood in. And then that was it. And then it was my turn to sacrifice myself. I was too afraid to do so, and then I woke up.

    Can you please tell me if this has a meaning, it really freaked me out and made me think and perhaps there was a meaning to it.


  534. sallam alaikum can you please tell me hat my dream means?
    i was in masjid with my mum and an quite an old lady she told my mum she wants me to get married to her son. i went outside and saw her son.. he was wearing white long cloak and had beard and moustache. i then went inside the masjid and touched teh quran.

  535. i saw a snake carrying in a bag on my travel……when i landed i had to open the bag and leave it myself…all of us sudden a bird caught and eat it….what does it mean

  536. Does anyone care that random people online are interpreting their dreams?
    There is an authentic hadith that states that however a dream is interpreted that will be the outcome, thus dreams should only be told to your loved ones (in the hope they will say something good and then good will happen)
    Also, if you feel if you have a visionary dream (ro’ya) then you speak with a SCHOLAR..not resort to online babble.

    The people ”interpretating” should fear God.

    • AM, AND NAZ, you said that it is enough to spit three times and seek Allah´s refuge, you are right, but still a dream should be interpreted.
      a dream remains in air until it is not interpreted, if a good dream is interpreted and its meaning happen in real life. it is a good thing. you have little knowledge about dreams this does not mean other people are not granted by this knowledge…….
      Prophets has also interpreted dreams, even asked people, if some one has gt some dream to interprete it………….


  537. AM, I absolutely agree with you 100% on that. You just opened my eyes. We speaking of myself in that as well dont realize what is from shaytan and we still want that interperted and not realizing that , thats what shaytan wants is for that dream to take effect. I have been a victim of that . Instead of getting it interperted just spit three times on your left and recite audobillahi minash shaytanir rajeem. And then recite ayatal kursi and three times kulhu allahu ahad sura and take even 10c if that is all you have for zakat to protect you from the bad effects of that dream. And if you can offer two rakats prayer and believe me shaytan will loose. When now I realize of these people who open up sites like this it should honestly be shut down because there are many innocent muslims who don’t know these things and dont realize what effects these dreams being interperted can have on their lives.

  538. Assalam u alaikum brothers and sisters,

    I think the time has come for us muslims to unite and prepare for a bigger problem which is far more superior to our domestic issues. We were sent to this world with a mission and seriously we are not even acknowledging it.

    The shaitan keeps us mingled in small problems so that we muslims are not able to prepare or fight against our biggest test that is present right in front of us!

    There is one thing in common though. We all undeniably believe that the signs for the last hour are showing up one after another! What are we doing about it. Nothing.

    Its time to wake up and free your minds to prepare ourselves for the final battle.

    We watch movies and videos all the time. Why not view a series that will open your eyes. Lets give it a chance! Here is the link.

    The final choice is yours. We have been a given a chance to play our roles by ALLAH. Many have changed their lives after viewing the series “The Arrivals” .Take this chance before its too late. InshALLAH!

    Wassalam u alaikum

  539. salam

    can anyone tell me the meaning of the following dream:

    Im going away abroad alone, packing my suitcase, arrived at airport, had forgotten my passport so had to reurn to get it, on the plane for a bit, till something happened to plane and had to land till i tried to fly off again…

    2. dreaming of snow falling?

  540. Salam
    I had a dream i was back in time and with the Prophet Jesus (as). The place was all grass with tents very olden days a bit like bedawyes but grass instead of sand. He was running away from the Jews and we were both trying to escape together and im not sure but one of us was tied up i think Jesus (as) and i untied him and he replaced himself and made straw in the form of him, the Jews took the straw thinkin it was Jesus (as) as we hid and ran away on a horse. Can you please explain this dream to me.
    Thank You

  541. Salam brothers and sisters,

    Do you want to see what effect eminem’s song “here comes satan, i am the antichrist” had on an innocent family.


    at 1:36.

    ALLAH forgive us all and bring us to the right path.

  542. hello………..
    my sis dream that me n my wife are starting a business
    and in real life its the very true as we are really planning to start our business

    so plz tell me why had my sis dream of such a dream
    is there any bad things gona happen………..
    plz help me
    thnx a lot

  543. I am having a hard time in my life. I am on study abroad but have financial worries as how would I bear my expenses as I am running out of money. Also despite working hard to learn the job which is easy I am finding very hard to work on job and concentrate on it. there is a proposal for me at my home country and it seems I woudnt b able to avail that in this situation even I dont want to waste it. After seeing a dream I am very depressed. and the dreams goes like this:
    I find myself in rocks with my cousin and then see a river deep below the rocks with blue water followed by a huge stormy water flowing in the river and I see it with scare standing on the rocks. and then another river came in my sight with calm water and a white boat over which an unknown girl stands at its edge and then i feel little relaxed.
    Kindly intrepret my dream.

  544. Sallam Abdul Hafeez, dont be upset by the dream, it sounds like a very nice dream, and don’t worry, everyone struggles in life but you just have to be patient and hang in there, trust Allah and he will help you. just have faith, after every hardship Allah provides ease.

  545. in a dream, I see myself in mountaneous region and deep in the rocks see a river of blue water flowing in a stormy fashion just like a smoke after explosions.and I see it little scare standing on the edge of rock and then another view of another peaceful river comes.And I see a white small ship and an unknown girl standing on its front edge enjoying the journey and I feel little relaxed. And then another view of the river comes in which a boat runs in a storm and I feel neither scared nor relaxed.
    kindly intrpret my dream

  546. assalamu alaikum sister in islam…

    may Allah Bless you greatly for helping interpret so many peoples’ dreams…and give you baraka in this ability He has Given you…

    id be grateful if you could interpret one of mine too please…i had it after i did salat ul istikharah prayer for someone i wanted to marry…i dreamt of two white tea cups in a dark background…not sure if they were on a table…they had some liquid in them…either clear or white…they rose up together then joined to become one and the liquids mixed and then they turned upside down and then came back down again…the liquid did not fall out of the cups…

    i took this to be a good dream although i couldnt understand why the cups came down…and told my parents about my decision but he had so many family problems and other things that my parents didnt agree…i just want someone to explain the dream because i know him to be a good and honest muslim…he has had dreams of giving adhan, looking for an imam who sells milk and other nice dreams…i dont know if this means i am the defective person…

    please help…thank you so much…

  547. I drempt round worms were coming out of my mouth…from my stomach up my throat..i would gag on them..they were even coming out of my rectum..this dream is bothering me..i usually dont ask for someone to interpet but i cant figure this one out..can you?

  548. i had a dream dat my wedding was fixed wid 1 of my friends but i didnt want 2 get married 2 him later me and my friend went into a room and started talking, i asked him u really want 2 marry me he replied i dnt mind then i said 2 him but u hav a girlfriend then he finally replied i dnt care. plz tel me d meanin of dis ever since i had dis dream i been worried cnt seem 2 understand wat dis dream means. thank you

  549. i had a weird dream about 1 month ago, in my dream it was supposed to be 10 in the morning but somehow it was still dark and my sister and cousins where going 2 school and i said to them dont go 2 school its still dark also in this dream i dreamt that i went to the neighbours house 2 see wot she was doing and i told her husband if he can take me overseas and marry me off to the person i love and his wife got angry at me for saying that i got upset and left and as i went outside the light was abit out and it was lightly raining i seen my mother holding my baby sister and then it become night time again and it was supposed to be 1 of my friends weddings but it was not him it was another guy also there was these 2 guys that where wearing black and somehow knew everything about every1 and i was scared of them can sum1 plz tell me wot this means????

  550. I dream at night with my wife,,,
    I dream of my canine teeth right off the top,
    while my wife dreamed that a molar on the left below also sank.
    what does the dream …???


  551. i had a dream that i was flying over the kaaba and this is when i was like 5 or 6 and i said allah please wake me up and that moment i woke up…..anyone please translate this please-i was flying over in when all i saw was clouds then the clouds came in a circle form and formed aroudn the kaaba and then i saw people walking around it

  552. salaam,
    ive had 2 dreams recently
    1st that my teeth breaks in little pieces and falls out
    2nd dream was that my ex boyfriend was looking at me and then some woman rang him he was asking her to do something for her and then he goes thank you sobia(my name) and then she was like thats not my name and then i went to the toilets and my girl mates where there already and for some reason it seemed as it was gents washroom dont know why and then i leave the wash room laughing and happy and my ex boyfriend was looking at me when i left the washroom, what does this mean can someone please tell me and also my friend has had 2 dreams can you please tell me what these dreams mean,
    1st- her husband came and hugged her and then said make some tea and then she went to make tea in the kitchen. 2nd dream- she saw a black cat just sitting down but with her husbands watch on and gold necklace with her husbands name on it. what does this mean

  553. hi my friend had a dream of me about 2 nights ago i was dancing in this dream she doesnt kno if i was wearing a singlet or jumper but i was in a black g-string and she seen it. can any1 tell me wot this dream means?

  554. salaam.
    i had a dream recently n i looked up the interpretation online n i got 2 diff things. the first interpretation was i was gonna die soon n the second was im gonna get wealthy. here is my dream.
    i was riding a bike in the night (unknown location) n to avoid a accident with a truck i took a right turn to a place where a building was buing build. it was all muddy n a bad road, it was more like a someone’s driveway thn a road. i made a U turn n the driveway was real bad n my i bike fell in a muddy water. enough water to get drown. i woke up right away. can u please tell me the interpretation so i dont have to browse bunch of websites n get more different interpretations. jazakallah

  555. aslam o alikum shaffiq bhai.
    i had some dreams in these days, plz tell me there meanings.
    1- i dream i go to a mosque, when enter there and want to offer my prayer, i remember that i have to offer also my dhuhr and asr qaza, and it was maghrib time. i thinf now after this i will offer my maghrib prayer.
    2- i am in pakistan, and i have to go from my house to our shop (which my father had before 12 years). i start going and i am barefooted, in the way to shop i think i should take my shoes, but i think as i have to return before it is dark and if i return to home to take shoes it will be late. so i go without shoes and i get hurt with a little thorn than i see my feet and take it out, i go to shop, there i see my grand father with very good mood. in reality He is not so. than he give me some money and i come back to my home, when i reach on door. as my aunti house was also with our, i see a note of 100 R (money) down on her door, and more notes on the other door of another house, i feel strange why this money is here. i dont take it, and enter my house.
    3- i am before a white new building in an unknown area, there are some other people too. and a man there see me in a strange way and say me, come here and follow me, i think why i have to follow him if i dont know who is He. than he go on a path, i think may be he is thinking i am following him. than i enter in that building with a girl, who seems an important personlality and there we go up by stairs, and on a sofa she sit there, i am also with her and cameras and fotografers are taking her fotos, i am with her also as some important person and when sit with her i take my night suit top off, and i see my self in almost white long dress which is sleeveless. there is very light there. than some thing strange happen. i see a woman and some people with her coming up by stairs and she has flowers in rope (as it is tradition in pakistan to put them as a symbol of honour) which she has to put in the neck of girl who is with me, i feel there is a bomb in that flowers, i go away from there in the terrace or balcon of that building saying there is a bomb in it. i am so terrified that i try to safe myself behind a big white pillar. all the building is white and new and big. i think that the potential of bomb will not reach here. there is another girl try to fall from building to avoid bomb,. i am seeing that the girl which was with me has accepted that flowers, i think why she did so knowing there is bomb there. but still bomb is not exploted. than i awoke up with fear. and it was 04:30 of morning.

  556. this is my mother dream i write in her words:
    i have seen i am in my big house not same as i have in reality, and i am preparing as some guests have to come to see my son for there daughter. when they come, they dislike him. the guests are a woman, her son and her daughter. that woman say i dont like ur son, i like your daughter for my son. my mom think i dont want this, i want my son marry. and even my mom dont like her son for me, even he is good looking but dont have work. and the daughter of that woman is also not looking so intelligent.
    when they are going than that woman put her hand on my head saying i like ur daughter for my son.
    in reality i am married and my brother is not married , my mom want that he marry soon. what will be the meaning.

  557. assalamalakum
    as i saw in my dream that tere was to black head of two sheep it was black in colour and it was cut from its body and kept on table and two legs of sheep
    pleass replay me fast iam in tooomuch afraid
    thank u

  558. Salam,
    I had a dream that I was in a fancy restaurant, I ordered water and the waiter laughed at me implying how i’d think of ordering water and that they don’t serve water here, I went to the back kitchen and they also said they dont have water.. i waited and found a woman who worked there and asked her for water..she then took me to a place close by that looked like a grocerry store and gave me grapes, I told her no I want water! I started explaining what water is, She then smiled and said “the whole time I thought you meant grapes,you can have water over there “she pointed somewhere else..I realized that everyone thought i meant grapes which is odd ,I still had the grape she gave me which Looked very big and purple.. I went to the area where there was water which was in a corner..instead of taking water..i stood in the corner as if I was hiding,and started eating the grape!
    Can anyone tell me what this means??

  559. yesterday i had dream,
    1) i saw two silk sarees both were green color but different was thicker green and other was light green with different shade.light green saree was mine which i really have with me and the other was someone else’s.i have to exchange my cloths with one of those sister in law told me to wear thick green saree so i thought the lighter one which was mine i will keep it with me so that i can wear it some other time so i choose to wear thick green saree which had golden border…
    2) in my dream i got a mrriage proposal.the guy was unknown to me and he who was not rich but very handsome i did not get ready nicely but he saw me and he liked me.i was happy with this.he was standing on an unknown road with his friends and i was passing by……….

  560. My husband had a dream that he was molested by a married woman who was trying to take sexual advantage of him. During the same sleep session, he was fighting several men who were definitely trying to kill him. He stabbed two of them, threw six men from a bridge and when confronted by the last two, he asked them, “Didn’t you see what I just did to them?” At this point her remembered that he was very tired but willed himself to keep fighting.

    I ask the reason and the meaning behind this dream, although we are not supposed to tell our bad dreams, because I do not want any harm to come to my husband, even if it is in his sleep.


    • salaam
      i had a dream that i was on a plane, at first i thought it was nothing but then i started to dream more about me being on aeroplane or boarding a plane and i also had a dream that i found lots of gold bars dont know about that either . can you please help me by telling me the meaning of these dreams

  561. Salam

    Can you please interpret two dreams for me which were seen by two different people within the family. Currently were in a position of grief my mother in law had recently had a heart attack and shes in the hospital in a coma and the doctors believe she will never recover.

    The first dream was seen by my brother inlaw, he was carrying a baby and that baby was his mum and her face was bright.

    The second dream was seen by my wife, she was getting married to a different person not me and she was crying and upset, later on she was in the hospital with a friend and she was telling her friend that her mother is dead and she was in denail she didnt want to face it but she did not see her mum. Then she was sitting on a table eating with family and her mum was there and she saw her aunty with a new born baby boy.

    Can you please help me by telling me the meaning of these dreams.

    Thank you

  562. Aoa, In my dream i see may self, a girl and a white and very beautiful horse. The rein was in the hand of the girl. . . . Please tell me the meaning of this dream???

    NOTE: in real am in love with that girl n want to marry her but she is not interested or may be confused. . .so right now there is no scene of marriage

  563. Salam

    I am asking regarding dream that my father in law saw regarding his wife. Currently my mother inlaw is in intensive care she had severe heart attack and the doctors are giving her no hope and saying to us that they want to pull the plug. We have hope and faith in Allah.

    My father in law had this dream before fajr prayer, he saw his wife at home with him she was fine and she said to him “don’t let them” “don’t leave me” she was in fear!

    Can you please define this dream for me as is this directly related to what is happening?

  564. I always and constantly dream of either putting a baby to sleep, breastfeeding it, or simply taking care of them. Once I had a dream I was bathing myself and a baby in my arms. Is there any meaning to this dream? If there is, can someone please tell me the interpertation? Thank you very much 🙂

  565. Assalamu Alaikum,
    I saw a dream last night,,I was flying a went very well.It went so high and finally came down while I was leaving the thread to go high.can you interpret this to me please

  566. dear remmeber, you should leave this web site, we dont support you, why you are doing so. plz if you dont like dreams and their meanings, leave this web site, but dont disturb others, who believe in dreams and their meanings.
    plz shaffiqq bhai, keep doing your good work, dont take serious this people like,,, remember

  567. salaam

    i have had a dream of my son losing all his teeth and coughing them up into my hand and my wife having problems with her pregnancy..does this mean anything?

  568. shaffiq bhai, plz can you send my dreams interpretations on this email address:

    my dreams are these ones:
    aslam o alikum shaffiq bhai.
    i had some dreams in these days, plz tell me there meanings.

    1- i dream i go to a mosque, when enter there and want to offer my prayer, i remember that i have to offer also my dhuhr and asr qaza, and it was maghrib time. i thinf now after this i will offer my maghrib prayer.

    2- i am in pakistan, and i have to go from my house to our shop (which my father had before 12 years). i start going and i am barefooted, in the way to shop i think i should take my shoes, but i think as i have to return before it is dark and if i return to home to take shoes it will be late. so i go without shoes and i get hurt with a little thorn than i see my feet and take it out, i go to shop, there i see my grand father with very good mood. in reality He is not so. than he give me some money and i come back to my home, when i reach on door. as my aunti house was also with our, i see a note of 100 R (money) down on her door, and more notes on the other door of another house, i feel strange why this money is here. i dont take it, and enter my house.
    3- i am before a white new building in an unknown area, there are some other people too. and a man there see me in a strange way and say me, come here and follow me, i think why i have to follow him if i dont know who is He. than he go on a path, i think may be he is thinking i am following him. than i enter in that building with a girl, who seems an important personlality and there we go up by stairs, and on a sofa she sit there, i am also with her and cameras and fotografers are taking her fotos, i am with her also as some important person and when sit with her i take my night suit top off, and i see my self in almost white long dress which is sleeveless. there is very light there. than some thing strange happen. i see a woman and some people with her coming up by stairs and she has flowers in rope (as it is tradition in pakistan to put them as a symbol of honour) which she has to put in the neck of girl who is with me, i feel there is a bomb in that flowers, i go away from there in the terrace or balcon of that building saying there is a bomb in it. i am so terrified that i try to safe myself behind a big white pillar. all the building is white and new and big. i think that the potential of bomb will not reach here. there is another girl try to fall from building to avoid bomb,. i am seeing that the girl which was with me has accepted that flowers, i think why she did so knowing there is bomb there. but still bomb is not exploted. than i awoke up with fear. and it was 04:30 of morning.

    this is my mother dream i write in her words:
    i have seen i am in my big house not same as i have in reality, and i am preparing as some guests have to come to see my son for there daughter. when they come, they dislike him. the guests are a woman, her son and her daughter. that woman say i dont like ur son, i like your daughter for my son. my mom think i dont want this, i want my son marry. and even my mom dont like her son for me, even he is good looking but dont have work. and the daughter of that woman is also not looking so intelligent.
    when they are going than that woman put her hand on my head saying i like ur daughter for my son.
    in reality i am married and my brother is not married , my mom want that he marry soon. what will be the meaning.

    This one is another dream of my mother, which she has seen this night at aprox 23.00 … as she sleep soon, so she had this dream at 23:00 pm. I write in her words as she said me…
    I (my mom) am in my pakistan house and takeing rest, when i sit and eat some fruit, when i feel some one is coming i cover that fruit, the fruit is dry fruit or other. Than come a man and say to me. Look what you have done…. My mom thinks i have done nothing, if i was taking rest in my house. Than she go to my aunti (my father´s sister) house, which is with our house, also in reality. When she go there, all the house is fallen, destroyed, and a lot of mud there, as it has rain, and walls are down, she is amazed, than she see than my aunti´s daughter is on bed and her throat is cut, her neck is bleeding. My mom shocked and than i reach home from collage and do wudu and also g oto my aunti´s house to see wat has happened. Than my mom see that my aunti´s daughter of whom my mom thought may be has died, she start moving and fall from bed, my mom say she is alive. And ask them what has happened to her, my aunti dont say anything but than my grand mother (who has died before almost 11 years ago) say to my mother, i tell you what has happened to her, she was involved with some boy, that boy send a Knight (which children fly on sky) to her grand father house griten on that Knight about her, and that boy also came in this area before, when we traed to caught him, she supported him saying us to leave him, and my grand mother also said, that boy was saying that he will kill either to her (daughter of my aunti) or to his fiance(as in reality she is engaged to her cousin). So he has done it- it should be happen, than my mom say she seen, i say toa ll, plz take her to hospital, we can save her life. Than come father of my cousin ( my auntis daughter) and he is very angry, and i again say them, but he say me, you dont know, and than her father take him on bicycle to some where, not to hospital, and my mom afraid that may be he has taken her to kill her, than my aunti say, we were going to set her marriage date, but look wat has happened. In reality her fiance live here , abroad in country where we live. And his parents want him marry. Too..
    Plz shaffiz bhai, tell me meanings of all my dreams , i will be very grate full to you.
    My address is:


  570. AM, AND NAZ, you said that it is enough to spit three times and seek Allah´s refuge, you are right, but still a dream should be interpreted.
    a dream remains in air until it is not interpreted, if a good dream is interpreted and its meaning happen in real life. it is a good thing. you have little knowledge about dreams this does not mean other people are not granted by this knowledge…….
    Prophets has also interpreted dreams, even asked people, if some one has gt some dream to interprete it………….

  571. Salam Shafiq Bro…

    hope u doin good bro..!!
    well bro i was dreaming that am lukin out for knife, then i find but nt the goood one which works.. then i ask for scissor, woh bhi mujhe nahi milta.. am then lukin out for glass, woh bhi nahi milta.. i remember my dreams and i dream abt sumthing or the other daily, but i never had this kidda dream ever before.. and the most of all, i always see my teeth in my dreams. most of the tym, am complainin abt it or i see them broken.. this is somethin common i usually dream abt.. but i really dont know what scissor and knife mean..? and am lukin out for them to cut a piece of my clothe!
    pls help me anyone who knowz the meanin of this dream..!!
    thanks alot…
    JazakAllah Khair..

  572. Salam,

    I want to know the meaning of my dream,
    Today I saw a dream early morning , I saw many 5 to 7 janasa of shia momien they carrying them to graveyard for final ceremony , than I saw my self running on horse back , saving my self from some one , I m talking to my sis run & save yourself , I saw riots taking place between shia people & some one

    Please let me know the meaning of my dream ,,,,,since morning I m feeling very uncomfortable

    Allah hafiz

  573. assalavalekum,
    Khir rul anna Shi rul liya dana

    i hear azhaan words (allahu akber allahu akber) then i thought call for pray . after i saw my brother and a police man who have (shaak) . on my brother )
    then he told me show the proof . then i went a place where is a hole to the till the pound and a pounde water is like sea water . the ship came out of the hole and fell in the pound(sea water) the police told to take out the legs of the shiep or full ship but i just cut (zuba) and bring the head of a ship . then the police told take this hier of ship and put on my brother bed.
    please reply me soon.
    allah hafiz

  574. Salaam ailaikom,

    you can buy a book about dream interpertation by ibin sireen. you will find the history and all the types of dreams the book will explain everything. i myself have bought the book to have a beter understandiung of dreams.
    the interpretation of dreams by ib sirin

    check it on google or go to simplyislam or some islamic library.

    if my advice is not good throw it away
    insahallah take my advice if this will help people
    salaam alikom brother and sisters

  575. Salam,

    i had a dream that my dad had really short hair and his beard was quite short, but in real life he has puffy hair and a big beard, what does that mean??


  577. Salam,

    I dreampt that i went underground and i am walking threw it almost like a war zone area. Then i pass a sign that says war 8. And I am walking with some people dont know who they are and then we get a point where we pick swords or some type of weapons and start fight against a group. But the battle was not one that was feirce or bloody but i was in some fear. Cant you pls tell me what it means?


  578. hi,i have seen that i have given birth to a baby girl and my husband is very exited to see her and take her away from me into his lap and said she is more beautiful then my elder daughter (named mishal)..

  579. Assalam o alaikum w r b.
    I saw a dream, i was standing beside to a big well with good clean water. I had applied soap to my entire body & was planning to jump-into center of the well. My younger sister(whom i don’t like & i have faced lot of financial & family problem because of her) was beside to me standing. I was thinking whether i can swim or float after jumping into well until she saves my life & was in confused state. Then i saw my beloved father beside me telling me to first clean the soap(pour water on body) before i jump into well so that WELL WATER doesn’t get dirty. I wokeup with this thought but didnot jump into well.

    I did some istiqaara last night. Is there any indication on this !!!

    Thanks in Advance for your reply.

  580. Dear Sister in Islam,

    I have recently had two dreams about bathing.
    in the first dream, i was taking a shower in a big bathroom or room, where other ppl (men) where watching me… They seemed to find it normal, and I didnt mind that much either.

    In my second dream, I dreamt that i was bathing in the bathroom in our house and, i was being watched agian by men through the window. this time, i did try to hide myself a little bt from them. howver, they found it normal.

    Since i have had this dream twice after each other, i would like to know the meaning of it. Could u plz reply me. May Allah bless u and ur family. Thanks

  581. Dear sister in islam,

    what do spiders and horses represent in dreams?

    I have dreams once that i spider came into my hand, and i got scared and took it off.

    i have seen horse twice in my dream. once it was standing in our kitchen. and doing no harm, while i was watchin the horse.
    in the second dream, the horse was running around the streets, either after me, or i was watchin it..

    • ur dream have significance, u should try to know its meaning. i dont know dream meanings but i recommend all of you a web site of dream interpretation in islam. there you may find some, but a dream meaning depends on whole dream, time of dream personality of dreamer, if a poius person dream it has another meaning. each and every thing in dream may cause a difference from others. the link is

      as now shaffiq brother is not here. so we feel helpless about our dream meanings, becoz yes a dream need its interpretation. and some persons like remember, naz have caused him to go from here. but i have experienced about my dreams, of which he told me meanings. these dreams were of about years ago, and the meaning he told me exactly resembled which happened me in last years.

      hope he come back here, i feel sad.

  582. I always and constantly dream of either putting a baby to sleep, breastfeeding it, or simply taking care of them. Once I had a dream I was bathing myself and a baby in my arms. Is there any meaning to this dream? My e-mail is if Shafiq bhai or sister in islam can reply … i really trust ur interpretation so please do me a favour and reply 🙂

    • Hope you are well. I came across your post, and I just wanted to ask whether you ever were able to get that dream interpreted by a scholar, and if so what did they say.


  583. Salam alykum

    I had a dream that it was raining and i was praying i did not understand if any 1 can explain

    2nd dream i m just 18 i m continously having this dream iam gatting married and even my sister saw im getting married

    im doing MBBS and hv no plans
    Allah knows best

    jazakAllah khair

  584. assalamualaikum
    please shaffiq bhai come back to interpret our dreams.we realy need ur help.waiting for ur reply shaffiq bhai

  585. salam alaikum… i have dreamt of giving qharbani to a cow many times,mashallah…and dreams where i read namaz,oceans and dolphind….and a dream of someone talking to my parents regarding my marriage…..what do they mean…can you please reply my mail……and something very personal. since my child hood, i have always known that, i’ll be getting married to someone who will get converted into islam…and my belief is so strong that i’m not able decide anything….so can you please answer me….shall wait for a mail inshallah… allahafiz

  586. Aslam Alikum

    In a d ream i so, some one is runing after me so i was afraid and i went some dark place to hide. When i came out nobiday was there but still i run to hide the same person and i try to claim up frm wall them i so buried again a got afraid and didn’t claimed and othert 2 girls came after me they claim from some other place. i started to walk forward and i met starnger he told me one of my husband cousin brother is coming so i wait for a min.after that i no i went some where but can’t remember coz my younger daughter wake up me. pls pls bro tell me what was the real msg of this dream……………..

  587. As salamwalay kum
    I want to know about dream what i saw
    for whole night till morning 5.30 i saw in my dream Makka Sarif Full velvet black cloth with golden work cloth cover one corner is open where the door is there and in side makka safi i and my husband sitting i am too much happy and i an telling to my husband that wait it is our turn allah will give us.
    so please tell me what this dream means i am happy that in dream i sae makka sarif but eager to know that it means
    ple replay soon

  588. As Salamu Alaikum… Last Night I had a dream.. I am touching my Head and Hair coming to my Hands.. Hair Fall not plucking ….. Please if there any significant meaning … please describe

  589. i saw a dream : A saint is giving me soup, sour soup to drink. when i drink … its very bitter and sour, but i keep drinking… in the mean time i heard a crow chirping, shirling, and crying in his ugly voice…the saint tells me that the soup i am drinking is crow soup, but i still keep drinking, since i believe in the saint so much… and than he tells me to eat sand i eat sand.

    Please interpret the dream for me.

  590. salaam alykium before i came to islam i had a dream in the dream i was in the desert and a man came to me we talked and he gave me somthing i couldnt see his face and their was light surronding him there was a feeling of peace and love it was so moving even now its powerful to me i hope you can help

  591. Salaam alukium,
    I had a dream that someone gave me telling me (that I am the one) a beautiful long white pearl necklace with red diamonds as a pendant in the middle.
    Thank you

  592. Slaam alukium,
    i had a dream last night that someone i knew was killed and they died in their lovers arm, i dont know what this means
    but please could someone help me
    thank you

  593. Assalamualikum
    I would be most grateful if you could shed some light to some dreams my mother has been having very frequently. Her dreams include going on a journey, she is able to get from home to the destination without any difficulty, however when she wants to return home she forgets the way & becomes distressed as a result.
    I look forward to your reply. JazakAllah!!

  594. AOA my fellow Muslims,

    My father told me of his dream where he was near the Ka’abah and he heard a voice telling him he would soon die. Will it come true? What are the possibilities of this coming true? I fear for his life as he also away from us in Bahrain and well things have not been very good for us for a long time. What can I do to change this if it is predestined? Make DUA?

    • assalamulaikum
      dont worry neha…..yours father’s dream what you said will not come true

      actually i dont know its meaning but somewhere i heard,, when bad dream is said to someone if that person who listens tells you, it will not harm you then that drean will not harm you.

  595. My father just passed away, a lot of our relatives dreamed of of the dreams they had was seeing my dad hungry and sad, and picking food from the ground, we gave sadqa for the past days,but why people still seeing my dad UNHAPPY?c

    • See hungry and sad in dream to those who have passed away, it means they are not happy in their next life(after death), but those who are alive can help them, by reciting Quran, and praying for them, recite quran and say, OH ALLAH, GIVE THE SAWAB OF THIS TO MY FATHER,
      Prophet (PBUH), once passsing through graveyard, and put branch of a tree on a grave,His companiion asked the reason He answered , that the person of grave was suffering, and any thing which have life (for example plants, petals of flower, anything which contain water in its composition, recite and pray Allah, so its good to do this too. also every thing in world call Allah, but we can not listen or understand.

      hope this satisfy you.
      aslam o alaikum

  596. w3s…Thank you so much for the prompt response!yes I am very much satisfied and lost my confusion in this and Inshallah My Faith To my God will be stronger more!

  597. Assalamu alaikum,
    I have a very disturbing dream that i need to consult about.
    I’m unmarried and my family is seekign a life partner for me. Before any proposal could take place( it could be before meeting the person, after meeting etc) i.e to be precise before the other part gives a repy I dream of shoes!!! or lovely pairs or dirty pairs of shoes!!. If I dream these the proposal will NEVER work out!!!.

    recently I DREAMT teh pair of the shoes and it happend to be the precise pair which that person wore!!! The dream was my brother wore a T-shirt and pants and asked whetehr a perticuler pair would match!!! I said YES. This happend to be teh very pair that person wore when he came to see me!!!

    Please Help me…Please tel em what it means in teh persepective of Islam.
    Please tell me why I dream such…Please this is bothering me terribly.


    • KIAZ, i dont have so many knowledge about dreams, just want to help. u have not explained clearly ur dream, or i am not able to understand. i dont understand ifyou said :
      before the other part gives a repy I dream of shoes!!! or lovely pairs or dirty pairs of shoes!!. If I dream these the proposal will NEVER work out!!!.
      what does it means. write only ur dreams, actually i think you have written your thoughts and dream mixing. so its not clear,
      but if you dream shoes and they fit you (dont harm you) and are also beautiful, than i think it means that your partner is suitable for you . shoes represent the partneer. Allah knows best.
      aslam o alikum

      • my dream was as follows:
        My brother came to me wearing a T-shirt and pants with a pair of shoes asked whether shoes matched his outfit. It did and I said YES. Although I was wondering in the dream as to he never had such a pair.
        2 days After a Guy came to see me ( a proposal) and he was wearing the exact pair I dreamt my brother wearing.

        What does this mean????

        further before meeting the Guy or their parents of most proposals I get I often dream Pairs of shoes. Be it nice one’s or dirty pairs.

        I have realized that if I dream such That proposal does not come through. It doesn’t work out.

        So what does this mean??

        As per the outcomes of the dream can it be correct that the prospective partner matches me like the way you said before???

        please send in a reply.

  598. Assalamu Alaikum,

    I had a dream that I was told if i go to a sea i can get money from the sea. So i saw myself carrying a white pillowcase and heading to the sea to collect the money. While in the water i was collecting 20 dollar bills and 100 dollar bills while everyone else had only single dollar bills. In the sea i found and picked up golden charms that had quranic verses on it. When i was done collecting a lady told me I had more money than her and was jealous of what i had and as i reached the car to leave i figure out i lose my keys and maybe dropped them in the sea. In the dream i thought to myself it was because of her envy that this happened. Can you please tell me what all this means?
    Thank You!

  599. First in my life I had Dream n i want to share this 2all of U,that dream i had last nite,that I get massege from(ALLAH)jan,That Read Surah 8,(Quran)n Whatever is going on in the world like War, earthqts,n Disasterin Hiati.Those are Already mentioned In (Quran Shrif)..N also I Had dream (Hasral Emam ALI’s)B.Day..n I dont know wat 2Do???I’m already Working 2 ORG a Charrity show 4 my AFG,wat else Should I Do?Need Advise4

  600. i want to know about the dream I had. I had this dream approx two times. I saw that my husband has other children. We only have one daughter and in my dream I had the feeling as if he had another relationship as the other kids were not mine in the dream but his.

  601. I dreamt of attending a fuenral ( a non muslim death), at the place I saw my ex-husband (we are divorced now) looking at the funeral too..please comprehend this dream for me.

  602. i saw a dream that 3 dogs barking at me they are black ugly and try to bite me and all they chase me where ever i go and one succeed in biting me any one know whats that meaning

  603. AOA

    Well i am having a hard time trying to figure out this dream please help!

    My father in law ( who is in pakistan and i am in america) Is writing on a white piece of paper… not sure what he writes but something that started with the word SHY.. He tells me to read ATUL KURSI and sleep on the floor… I think I asked him on advise on how to help me conceive ( I am having a hard time getting pregnant)..

    I am lost on what this dream could mean….

    someone help pls heres my email just in case

    thank you


    khuada hafiz

  604. Assalamualaikum
    i had a dream last night that i was seeing 7 moons in the sky 2 of them were half n the rest of the 5 were full appearing one by one
    would anyone please be kind and tell me the meaning..

  605. Assalamualaikum
    I keep having dreams of eyes.
    However the eyes look at me in anger as though I am an enemy.
    In addition, the eyes are filled with darkness it has no pupil its just pure black.
    Sometimes I see one eye (either the right or left) sometimes I see both eyes.
    Recently I have seen eyes which are swollen.
    Can somebody interpret these dreams for me??
    I would appreciate it if somebody could interpret my dream.

    • dream of shaitan, renpent, say audhu billahi minal shaitan irajim, when you have those kinds of dreams, get up and pray two rakkat sunnah, spit/blow to your left three times, inshallah Allah (SWA) will keep you safe from any harm.

  606. salaam, i have recently had a friend who has passed away i had a dream that he was reading namaaz and i was there watching him i knew that he had passed away and i was crying after he red namaz he started to hug me and started saying “whats wrong why are you crying its alright” what does this meen can you please get back to me.

  607. sir, i saw a dream that i am going to my native town. I reached at the railway station. I asked a man that is train ready to travel. He says that go hurry up, may be you have missed your train, hurry up. When i reached inside railway station i looked that train is going with ringing whistle. I cannot reached to catch the train. I think that the man who was telling me that train is ready to travel has wasted my time. If i donot ask him about train then i can reach to catch train in time. But i have missed my train.

  608. i have many times dreamed of my teath are falling out or poled out and its somthing idontlike and scary maybe painful and i find them in my hand all in my sleep its vary clear dream and i had it more then one time
    shukraan and alsalam aleekum

  609. i saw dream of two graves one of prophet s.a w n other one some other prophet they both r near n i seatint near to prophet s a w roza (grave) but they r present at my home i m seeing both of them in my home wat it mean plzzzzz tell me soon

    • Asalamu Alaykum

      If one sees himself or herself in the janazah(funeral) of Prophet muhammad(SAW) then this means that I are involved in Bid’a(Innovation) and they have buried the Sunnah.
      Seeing the prophets’ grave in your home could mean that your household is involved in Bid’a


  610. um….i dont know how old this website is, but i was wondering what the meaning of feeling ‘love’ or a strong attraction towards someone is? does it matter if you know this person or not? pls reply….thanks

  611. Assalam alakium wr wb

    Me and the guy i would like to marry recently paryed Salatual Istikahara- our dreams after parying each time have been positive. However he prayed 2 days ago and had a dream that he would be involved in an accident- his car would continously tumble down a mountain. What does this mean?

  612. Sallam mu alai kom…Last two nite i dream, i send for wash 2 pieses sarong pelikat and gived me back 3 pieces washed sarong pelikat.

    pls. translate my dream. TQ

  613. AoA,
    I had a dream day b4 yesterday that i see a lot of turtles.. probably 15 or more.. and they’re all coming towards me. I also saw that a bird is having my right hand in its big beak..although the bird is small… I try to push it off.. it goes off and then comes again. I push it off again and it doesn’t come back again.
    Could you plz interpret this dream for me.

  614. Aslamulaikum,
    I would really desperately like to know about a dream I had last night. I dreamt someone was trying to stab my father with a jagged knife, one of those movie type of knives. In my dream I was desperately trying to save my father, I was in panic and I was on top of my father so I can save him from being stabbed, I remember having a bullet proof vest (sounds stupids but true) and I was trying really really hard to get it off so I can put it on my father, I eventually got it off after struggling and placed it on my fathers chest. Even after that I was still huddled over my father trying to protect him so he doesnt get hurt or stabbed. I remember being stabbed several times in my back and I could see the blood and my insides of my body andripped flesh. I cant remember the ending of what happened to my father apart from when I was stabbed several times I was still hurdled over him protecting him from being hurt. I awoke after this. Please I love my father a lot, someone please translate this dream for me. Thank you

  615. AOA

    i wanted to ask about my dreams. lately me and my husband are seeing some dreams that scared us both.. plz help…

    i saw 2 dreams. my first dreams was that i saw a scary and a vicious looking dog is after me. he try to bite me but he could when i was out side. when i came home after a while my husband open the door and a same dog came inside and bit me on my left arm..
    i was horrified because of this dream.

    my second dream is that i saw that we are living next to slaughter house.. i saw goats were being slaughter after every minutes.. a couple of while later.. i saw that human are being slaughter.. and at the same time, one of my guest came in as well.. i went to the kitchen to get some drinks for them and telling my self that what if this men who is about to be slaughter, try not to kill my son(he is 3 yr old).. by the time i came back to the room, the same men was holding a knife and about to kill my son…

    i am very terrified of my dreams … plz helppppppp

    also my husband saw 3 baby snacks ( red, black, white)..these snacks were out side of his house. my husband told his older brother to kill them but he told my you saw them, y don’t u kill them… but in a mean time snacks went inside the whole…
    after this dream.. my husband are having a severer pain in his back to all the way to lower back….

    plz any body help usssss

    • Salams Sumera,
      Hope u’re in good health. What i know for sure is that snakes are enemies. black and red shows they are terrible enemies.

      I don’t know the rest of the interpretation.plz recite the 3 Quls and recite ayat al kursi every night b4 going to sleep. Also, don’t share this dream with many ppl. It is possible that those jealous of u might want this all to happen to u. If possible, i think you should go to a religious person who can tell if someone’s trying to do black magic on you guys. Just to be on the safe side, and he will give you both ayaat from the Quran that you should recite. you can also contact and they might help you out in this.


    • aslam o alikum sumera!!
      First of all, i am not a dream expert. i will only tell you the meaning which i know, if here is anybody else, they are welcome, i also need some body for my dreams meanings. but which i have learned about dreams i will try to guide you.
      1) about ur 1st dream, one thing should be clear, if the dog bite you outside the house than there is some enemy out of the family and if dog has bitten you inside the house than there is some body of your family who may harm you seriously. give sadqa (charity) very soon and think in mind that you are giving this sadqa to avoid probloms from your bad dreams.
      if the dog cannot bite you outside the home than this may also mean, that your enemy was trying first to harm you by other means (other people out of family) but as he/she could not get the goal he/she is using ur family members to do so.

      2) do you know that man who is slaughting others and try to do with your son????? this may mean that there is some person causing stress to you to gain his goal. it is good to see slaughtering halal animal, you should improve in giving charity to muslims, sadqa etc. do you offer all your prayers, if not than start it now, your dream are indicating you are about to have probloms, so plz try to improve you holy activities, do recite SURAH FALQ AND SURA ANNAS, 20 TIMES AFTER EVERY NAMAZ.
      most important,. give sadqa. recite to Allah to overcome your coming probloms.

      3) ABOUT Snake, did your husband promised about some goal, mannat or some thing like this, that if he get that thing he will do that, i mean mannat, that if he get this, he will give chrity to poors or he will perform some nawafil, etc. and he has forgotton that, ask him and write me back. than i will answer you,

    • Asalamo alaikom,
      Hadith – Bukhari 9:168, Narrated Abu Salama
      I heard the Prophet saying, “A good dream is from Allah, so if anyone of you saw a dream which he liked, he should not tell it to anybody except to the one whom he loves, and if he saw a dream which he disliked, then he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil and from the evil of Satan, and spit three times (on his left) and should not tell it to anybody, for it will not harm him.”

      • HELLO NO NAME!
        i agree we should not tell bad and good dreams, butttttttttttttttttttttttttt buttttttttttttt it is necessary to ask dream meanings, Prophet (pbuh) also asked his companions if anybody of you have some dream to interprate it.
        i dont understand why people are against to know dream meanings, same people coming on this page hve annoyed brother shaffiq with their ignorant comments, he gave very good meanings of dreams and giving advice, no body can know future but a dream may be a warning and if we know its meaning we can avoid the incoming problom. i give you an example.
        i had a dream in which i saw my ear bleeding, i ask its meaning and a person who interprete well, he said me, in your work or where you work their is some thing haram mixed, i could not imagine, but later i thought and i got it, it was that sometimes the women workers bring their lunch at work although it does NOT CONTAIN sme haram thing in it, e.g. pig meat or alcohol, so i checked some times, but i didnot liked to check, i manytimes thought to not go with them on lunch, but when that person gave me interpretation, i promised myself to never ever eat anything which they bring…… and from them i never had such kind of dream………….

        so dear. as i avoid haram in my life by knowing my dream meaning, its good to know the meaning. as Allah warn us from some things. but just for knowing meaning it does not matter, it is other thing that if somebody had a dream about Prophet PBUH (e.g) and he say this to all so that people think about him, that he is a poius man, this is not good


  616. Please may you e-mail me back my dream meaning, Jazaaku Allah Khayr,
    I’ve had a dream that I, for some reason, hated my friend so much.
    Could this mean something or could it be a sign? SubhaanaAllah, I’m really curious.
    I pray and give du’aa for anybody who gives me the correct reason. May you all be rewarded In Shaa Allah 🙂
    Thank you

  617. Asalamo alaikom wr wb

    Gold in dream indicates liar, there is a hadith related to this,
    once again Gold in dream indicates liar person

  618. I had a dream of my right side teeth falling off, and one on the bottom front, But then it was like i could put all the teeth back together it was on a table all glued together?? Please explain this thank you.

  619. I did an istikhara about a guy if i should marry him…I heard sometimes if the dream is bad like if i think its bad it can still be something good. Ive done an istikhara alot about him… sometimes i wake up and relaxed sometimes upset….i finally had a dream. i dont remember it all but these are the stuff that stuck with me. He is overseas.

    I would open my email from what i remember and I keep seeing emails, id open the email, (not able to see from who) and its like of naked girls dancing around and like id close delete then go back to my inbox and the email is back. I set it to junk. GO back to my email and it keeps coming back and different disturbing emails of girls naked doing different stuff like dancing or just standing with a smile. Over and over again. Then i woke up.

    when i woke up i was wondering why i was having those dreams and woke up so upest. I forgot that i did an istikhara the day before, then first thing that came to my head was his name. and ive been bothered all day not knowing why.

  620. I hardly remember to have had any dreams in my life yet recently for almost a month i am having dreams with the same basic theme of escaping.Can you please email me the interpretation on my email address as i dont want to make them public. thanks

  621. I had a dream when I slept in the morning today that it was raining heavily. The rain was on me and my hair were opened and I was enjoying it a lot and I asked my husband too, to come and enjoy rain. He came. Then I saw that there was sun and it was still raining in the sun. I mention this point (in dream) to my husband to notice it that it is raining in the sun.. What does it mean? Can anybody interpret it?

  622. Assalam o alaikum

    I had a strange dream, it was like i m with sum1 in bed kissing n stuffs then suddenly i feel disturbed & i get up & go to the washroom. There i see in that my teeths have cum out completelythe upper ones in my hand & then the lower ones also ….its like i had artificial teeth fully out in my hands. i was like an old lady who has no teeth. I try to fix them it get stuck but was really painful n care taking that any time they can come out & i cant eat anything with the fear of the teeth coming out. What does this mean ??? before also i had a dream about my teeths all cuming out but that was one by one in my hands …this time its the full upper teeths n lower ones together.

    Can sum1 help me out ???

  623. Also i had one more dream….it was the person i love the most he is hurting me like anything….by his actions…he behaves as if he is my enemy & doesnt care watever happens to me …..i m crying alott in the dream but it doesnt affects him at all. He is my cousin & in the dream he is accompanied by one of our common cousins tooo who was accompanying with him in all these actions.

    I will be really be grateful if sum1 cud help me out plzzz ????

  624. i alway have a dreams seein a man everyday ,he come like different kind of man, some times he is nice with me sometimes he is very angry with me, yesterday, i have a dreams he is sharpin a knife to kill me and the man who wants to marriage me.

  625. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

    I had a dream of a girl i love. We are not together anymore and havent been for about 2 months. In my dream i was at her parents house yet it wasnt their ordinary house. The house was elevated onto an approx. 10 storey building and right next door there was another tall building just abit more taller than the one i was in.

    Her mum was on top of the building next door looking into the building that i was in (her own house) and she had such evil eyes, so much so that i was hiding my face behind a wall so that my eyes do not come in contact with her eyes. She was screaming out “This family ruined because of you, You ruined my family”!

    Infront of me (in the same house as i was in) was her dad, her brother and the girl i love was standing right next to me holding her daughter. Her dad was comforting me telling me about his wife, “Dont worry about her my boy”, and soon after he reached his hand out and i held and kissed his hand.

    Then his son (the brother) came close to me and hugged me tight, a warm loving hug. And just before i woke up i had turned to the girl i love and i was shaking my head at her infront of her father and brother (because she really hurt me 2 times in my life, 7 years ago and 7 years later).

    It would be a great comfort to find out what my dream may mean.

    Jazak Allah.

    Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu


    • Walkuim Asalaam.

      Somebody’s eyes symbolizes their baseera (insight) and their religion. It may be that her mother has an unpleasant insight. She did not harm you, and your fright in the dream symbolizes your security in life.

      As for the shaking hands with the father, and kissing his hand, it symbolizes good. Shaking someone’s hand means associating with them. And in my experience holding someone’s hand means in-trusting them. (It may be he entrusts you, as you kissed his hand).

      The brother’s hug symbolizes an association with him, a friendship or partnership.

      And Allah knows best.

      • thanks for replying…but thats not what i meant…i posted a dream on this page and i want to take it out now because i realised we’re not supposed to be saying our important dreams out in public like this…we’re supposed to narrate it only to people who love us…

        so i want to remove my post from this page…

  626. assalamualaikum
    i had a dream in which i saw a lovely shoe (only single shoe not in pair) which was my shoe,which was kept in front of the main door of my cousin’s house (where they leave their shoes stand over there in real life) and in my dream i was thinking my other shoe is in my home.(the other single shoe, its pair)
    please let me know its meaning

  627. ( once i recited one of ALLAH’S name and prayed to show me in dream, do the person who keep on telling me he love me but have some very serious problem and he wants me to wait for him really wants to marry me or not )
    and i had dream where i was sitting on plastic carpet and my father was sitting on a chair with a stool in front and there was rice and idly in dishes on carpet and i asked my father what he wants to eat and father replied he want idly……..and i woked up and i did not understand the dream again i receited the same name of ALLAH and asked him to show me clearly because i did not understand the dream and i felt asleep and i had dream he was sitting in my home on the plastic carpet in the same place where i was sitting in my previous dream and i was shouting at him do u realy like me or not to which he replied i like you but i have some problem in very cool voice ( i dont remember exactly but in dream i think i served him food and may be he was having food (rice) )………..some where i read rice in dream represents the money after which the dreamer is, will get it after toiling very hard and dough means will be the father of many children…….. and also i did istekhara about him few months ago to which i had dream i saw a papaya tree which was very small which was growing in my home
    please someone tell me its meaning

  628. i had a dream that my bedroom wall had a cupboard looking door that leads to the attic. my younger brother opened the door slightly and a red spider came racing out, down the wall and eventually on the ground and it just past me. would relly appreciate a reply.

  629. Salaam,

    About a year ago I stopped responding to any emails sent to my email address regarding dream interpretations. I commented once on this blog and many have assumed it be, but this is not my blog. I would kindly let you know that this is the blog of a very sincere person, but I have no connection to it.

    In the past I advised (not interpreted) people on how to deal with their dreams and how to help themselves learn how to understand their dream. And, I hope all will understand that no dream can be interpreted unless the interpreter and the one seeking interpretation have an understanding of each others situations. This requires face to face communication and a lot of sincerity.

    Walaikum assalaam wa rahmatullah.

  630. aslam o alikum
    plz let us know, have you being interpreting dreams, u know many people need help about their dreams, me too. as i have written many times on this page, a dream must be interpreted, otherwise it may occur and we dont know how to avoid, ofcourso if it is a bad dream, no body know why we get dreams, but one thing is clear, that Allah (subhan wa taala) show us dream to let us know what can happen with us,
    any person who dont pray, dont complete obligation of religion will not have dreams which aware him of or warn him/her.

    so please i think its no need to ask dream meaning face to face, just by knowing in detail the person characteristics and dream, you can do meaning

    if you have this knowledge, let others to get benefit from it.

  631. Assalamu Alaikkum,
    Dear All, My name is Ali and i’m from India. Now a days am much indulged in Prayers and spend more of my time in Reading and Understanding Qur’an. Since am not been guided by any one but its all of my own “Intention” … the Guidance of “Allah”. Am trying to avoid all unwanted things from my life and strictly do righteous deeds, and I wish to dedicate my life towards Deen and Dawath.

    Recently am having Dreams which are disturbing me, and request you to help me out to know the exact meaning of it.

    1. (Day 1)
    I saw a naked women in a plain land in knee deep water, and Hundreds of wild buffalos / Bulls running through her… but they didn’t harmed her, am watching this from a Land which is little far…!!!!!!!! ????

    2. (Day 2… I brought a new Qur’an this day)
    I saw a “Dargah” (tomb of the Sufi saint …. since i never go to any Dargha ???) and went inside it, i saw a big WELL in which a “HUGE ‘MALE’ PIG along with its puppies ” was swimming and eating all the “plants and Leafs” which were floating on the water surface “… later it became into normal size and the water become “CLEAN AND CLEAR”… then i came out from this and saw some LABOURS taking rest next to the “WELL”… when i came out from this i recognized that the place was familiar to me and it was near to my House at my native place…Then suddenly “VEINS “of my “Right hand Index finger” started swelling but did not caused any Pain.
    Then i went to home and met my FATHER, SISTER and my YOUNGER BROTHER…!!!!!???

    Dear brothers & sisters Pls help me out… am very much confused… pls somebody explain me what does it means… Am keenly waiting for you reply… Pls Help Me.
    (Sorry for my poor English)

    • Dear brother ali.
      i have read your dreams, i have not much knowledge about dreams, but i want to just welcome to the right path, u are lucky to choose this way of islam. one thing is clear, when we go or try to go towards Allah, the shaitan comes from all sides to misguide us, even shaitan is as with us as blood in veins, and he tries most to misguide to pious persons, if he cannot do this when we are awoken, he try to do it through dreams. i dont know if your dreams are good or bad, but when you awoke spit three times on your left side and say astaghfar, and give some sadqa to poor, even 10 rupees, but take it as a habit to give sadqa.
      i give you an advise about sadqa, put a box in your house, and put daily even 1 rupee with niyaat of sadqa, and this will avoid you from having all probloms, later when it is collected some money give it to poors, relative, or neighbours, etc.

      related with your dreams, about 2nd one, plz tell when you see that pig in normal size and water clean, was the pig still inside the water or not?????

      other thing what is your job, is it all HALAL, may be it is some mixed haram in it…….do you have any problem in your job, money problom….
      are you facing some problem about religion???
      it is necesary that you give some sadqa,
      dont worry , every thing will be right.
      waiting your answer
      Allah knows best

      • Assalamu Alaikkum Dear Brother,
        Thank you so much for your reply; I am very much grateful for your help. Brother, I do give “sadqa” but from now onwards, Insha Allah, I’ll make a habit of giving “sadqa” every day and follow the way you have suggested me.

        Brother, Honestly… I don’t hurt any body’s heart and try to be Good & Kind to everybody. I am very much concern about my Parents and Family and want to serve them and make them happy in all ways.

        I’ve no wishes for “Posh and Luxurious Life style” but pray for a simple life with full of IBADATH. I’ve made an ultimate decision few days back and have decided to “Dedicate my Entire Life in Studying and Understanding Qur’an & Islamic rules and wish to teach the same to People who are in need of Knowledge … As Myself.

        The strange Dreams which I explained you have disturbed me a lot and I want to know its exact meaning because I fell that there is some message for me in those Dreams, since I had never felt such thing before.

        Brother, I’ve mentioned all the answers for your questions.

        1. When the Pig became into normal size i saw it standing alone in a corner of the Well, but its legs were into water, but I didn’t concentrated on the Pig as my full focus was in seeing the Bottom of the well though the water was very clear and I could see the Rocks underneath.
        2. Brother, Of course my JOB is HALAL, but I am unhappy with my Boss’s behavior in the matter of Money and the way he treats all employees.
        3. Brother, I don’t Drink or Smoke, and don’t have any fantasy in which I spend my money. But I often get unexpected expenses. If ever I see any needy people, or if any one approaches me for help I never say NO, and I give them the maximum what I can afford. Even though I am earning sufficient Money but Still I am unable to save money and always suffer from “Shortage of Money”.
        4. Yes Brother. I am facing problems about religion. I’ve clearly mentioned the details below read the full details.

        I am working in a small scale industry for the last 10 months as an Admin supervisor which is into “Corporate gifting & trading”. I left my previous Jobs which were related to banking and loan process because I started feeling it was HARAM and I start praying to get a Job which would be HALAL and where I could be permitted to go for my daily “PRAYERS” (Namaaz).

        Alhamdulillah. I got this job and I was very much Happy as it belongs to a MUSLIM and I was been permitted to go for my PRAYERS. But, day by day everything started changing.
        My Boss doesn’t goes for “Namaaz” and he says it’s not mentioned in Quran that one should perform prayers in the way how we are performing… the real meaning of “SALAAT” is “DAILY WORKS AND TASKS” which we do on daily basics…!!!!

        I didn’t agreed with him and asked him to stop the “DISCUSSION” and I am not interested in his “OPENION” … Later I came to know that he has a “COMMUNITY” in which his WIFE, BROTHER IN LAWS AND SOME OF HIS FRIENDS… follow these things.

        Once he said that “OUR WORK IS GOD FOR US”… I strictly objected this. Once his wife saw me reading Qur’an and started suggesting me “Not to read Qur’an as the translators have made lots of mistakes in understanding the real meaning of some words … so one should learn the Arabic language first and then should try to read and understand the Quran…

        I’ve been noticing that my boss tries to dominate me and ignores when I try to say something to him. Sometimes he deliberately makes me to wait late night unnecessarily since he knows that I come from very far. I am watching him being very MEAN with all staffs and all he does is “JUST PRETEND TO BE GOOD WITH ME AND OTHERS”…

        Brother, No one can change my Mind as I strongly believe that “My Lord is very Close to my Heart and he is watching all my deeds and would save me from bad things and would take me in the Path of Victory”. Still, I am really unhappy with this situation but have hope and pray Allah to help me to get rid of this situation. This is what I can do for Time being as I can’t suddenly take any situation because I play a main role in the office and I am responsible for most of the works (Since am been doing works which is not my concern, but still I don’t complain and do it with Heart)…

        Brother Please suggest … What should I do?

  632. Assalamualykum brother,
    Last night I had a dream where I saw mayself went through a beautiful place.I saw many nice looking buildings and structures in that place.It was so amaizing.I never saw such a nice buildings and structures in my life.It was the place for rich people,no doubt.Anyways when I reached at the end of that area I looked above and saw a beautiful glass covered some portion of that area.I can’t express anymore in word how rich was that place.After that I saw myself in a house(our own house but an unknown house).I looked at my elder brothers room and got amazed. Becouse It was well decorated.When I entered the room I saw my bhabi was sitting infront of a dressing table(she was actualy giving her hair a style).I was telling my brother about that beautful place.
    what’s the meaning of this dream?

  633. Asalamu Alaykum

    I my mother dreamned of me having big muscles and flexing my muscles( NOTE in real life I am a skinny person). What does that dream mean plz?.

  634. I saw eid-ul-fitr moon single as well as in a row of six and the similar kind of scene on my right. they went in two opposite directions.

  635. i often dream of pigs or piglets in my dreams.. n saddest part is that im pregnant,, sumbody plzz tell me what the dream means

  636. selamz

    i am repeatingly having the same dream atleast once a week and it is really troubling my dream all my teeth are falling out and a whole lot of blood aswell i see in my dream.the pain is not a good feeling because when i do wake up it feels as if it did happen.
    i am very concerned and will really appreaciate an answer

  637. Salaam brother

    i have dreamed that the girl im going to marry has been given another rishta and her family agree to this. in my dream the girl is not clear but her family are. what does this dream mean please becasue i have had this dream on numerous occasions


  638. Assalami alaikum , can u tell me the meaning of my dreasm
    i saw a dream that i am sick my granfather who was died and he came to see me. actually the dream was saying that i was admitted for treatment like surgery and a i saw masjid and my mother and siater are waiting with me in hospital

  639. Today I saw a dream at 6:20 am ( almost fajar time in canada )

    Please interpret this dream.

    I saw that it was Ramada month and people sitting to me
    went to get rice ..

    Please explain me what does it mean.
    Thanks you
    Haris k.

  640. Hi,
    I’m VERY curious to know is someone can help me out, plz!! my friend had a dream about me and saw that I was sitting a corner in a room and was really upset, when he asked me wht happened I started pointing at a different corner at some guy, who my brother was hitting. All of a sudden I turn around and have a baby in my arms, when he asked me whats going on I tell him that this is my baby (I’m not married yet) and point to the guy n say that he’s going to kill my baby. The whole picture changes n my friend sees me drowning and pulls me out but he can’t find the baby…the dream ends there and my friend woke up all sweaty..plzz someone help me out I’m sooo worrried, I can not even sleeep, plzz anyone??

  641. Asslam o alaikum.i would like to know what if some one sees a broken tooth of his own in a dream what does that signifies or means?

  642. this dream is very important for me
    plz some1 interprete it for me i will be
    grateful………plz help me

    i am 2 months pregnant and am not keeping in good health either
    on the first month of pregnancy my husband dream that i gave birth to a baby girl,
    on the second months i had a dream that i gave birth to a baby but it had been two days i have not see my baby
    on the third day thay show me the baby it was a very handsome baby boy but when i see him he was completely naked on bed…………

    plz tell me what does this means, is it somethng serious as my husb dream i gave birth to a baby girl while i have dream i gave birth to a baby boy

    plz interprete it for me as soon as possible as am very much worried abt this dream?
    thnk a lot

  643. Asalam o Alikum

    i saw that sunami(HUGE waves of water) is comming towards me and i m sure that this wave will kill me, so i recite kalma-e-tayaba(la ilaha illalah Mohammad ur rasulallah)

    i saw this dream many times some times i saw that i m with my mom in home and now n saw that my son n husband is with me at the beach.

    plz reply
    thank you
    Allah Hafiz

  644. Salam,
    In a dream that I had 3 times I saw a blinding light, and there were tears running down my face because of the bright light. I was intensely scared because I thought I had turned blind. I saw this dreams about 3 times, and each time it was the same thing. I saw a bright light that scared me into thinking that I had gone blind. I suffer from a degenerative eye disease and the doctors say that I may eventually lose my vision. Does the dream have something to do with that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank You.

  645. assalamu alaikum
    i dreamt of some men attacking my hostel , they were around us every were and we r tenced not knowing what to do ?
    i don kno wat this dream meant. i saw this dream 2 times in morning . i m confused about it . could u please interpret it

  646. salam, I
    I had a dream of graduation day. My class and I arrived ar our seat from the air down to our seats. What does this dream mean?

  647. i was just wondering, i had a dream once that this man with the most beautiful voice i have ever heard was reciting quran im not sure if it was to me, everything was pure white but i couldnt see him the weird thing was i could feel that he was right next to me, i tried to turn to see but i couldnt its like i felt his s…mile this joyful feeling i really can not explain, the peaceful feeling was just so beautiful but it was one of the best most precious dreams i have every had, plus in my dream i feel asleep to him reciting quran in the same position as i woke up on my back,, i just wanted to no what it ment and i also wanted to no who was it that was reciting the quran??….. thank you so much salam wah laykum

  648. Salam,
    I had a dream after Asr time as i am sleeping daily in the morning time till Asr due to my night job.In my dream I saw my deceased father who was living among us happily giving me a visa to a country which I donot rmember.The visa was coloured black paper with a shine on it.I am confused why I dreamt of something like this.Kindly give me response.

  649. salam 🙂

    someone close to me had a dream that i was pregnant and the baby’s father is my x-fiance. Actually am not married and am worried about what could be this dream’s meaning. plz help with the interpretation. thanks lot…

  650. Salam

    I had this dream where i collect a full hand of dates from Muhammad PBUH tree (plam)…..someone in dream saying is prophet Muhammad PBUH tree.
    I then eat the dates and say that is one of the best dates ever that i have tasted …”truly tastes like heaven fruit”….i remember i said that in my dream.
    im not married yet and i also saw this guy (who i might get married if my parents accept him) in this dream too.

  651. AOA, i saw that dream few months ago that some one gave me so much fruits and halal meat as a gift that i can;t load it in the truck ,its so much in quantity,my sick mother and her sick sister is in that truck sitting too , i sat with them and thanked that person who gave me such a huge quantity of fruit and halal meat. After a month of this dream i found out i am in real pregnant with twins,so what do u think it means? do u think this dream tells the sex of the babies?
    thanks alot

  652. I had a dream of my younger brother and nephew in a dream my brother didn’t look so good in the dream his face had looked as if you just got out of an oven and the mouth looked like smoke could of come out of it and his right cheek looked as if someone had hooked it by the mouth and tore it back as for my nephew real simple and very quiet.There was nothing noticible about him not really in a confused state? Jazzak Allah Khyran

  653. salam.
    i keep having this dream that i am near seaside n the water is bule n bueatfull….but all of the sudden a big tidle wave comes n tht is enen i wake up cuz i got afraid. i use to have same dream around 3 years back but at that time the water use to be dirty….but now itz clean water….last dream i had…when the wave was abt to come i could hear some one reading quran…the voice was coming frm the sky…and then the wave came n n dad interperts the last verse sayin tht it means tht a wave will come n drown everone. and then the wave comes and i get really very afraid…n then i hear Allah talking to me tht i need not worry….n tht my dad interpreted the verse worng…Allah say to me tht i need not worry, the bigger people will be saved.
    can any one please please interpret it for me….i have been having this dream for so many years…tht i am drowning in the water….n it stoped…n now it has started coming again…only with the difference thts its clean water. and now when i had this dream where Allah is talking to me m really worried…please help me
    thank you

  654. Asalamu a3laykum,

    Im a muslim born and raised male, I used to be bad, and do alot of harom. Im currently 21 years old, at the age of 20 i slowly stated to practise Islam more deeply&started to pray 5 times a day ALHUMDULILAH.

    One night after i prayed the fajr, i sat on my bed and read abit of quran. After reading the quran and fell asleep, i had a dream.

    The dream was: That i sat up on my bed and i was stretching, my door was open and instead of seeing 2 hand shadow (for my hands) i saw 4 hand shadows. i then look closely at the 2nd pair of hands and they spoke to me and said in arabic “We are the hands of the Raslullah (PBUH)…” and then they started reading dua to me. I started to say AMEEN after every dua and then tried to scream out to my father to tell him that the RASULALLAH (PBUH) was at our house but my voice didnt come out. So i laid back down and start to say the SHAHADA repeatedly until a man walked into my room and sat on the floor smiling at me. The man look at me and said to me in Arabic: “Asalamu a3laykum, im am a friend of the PROPHET MOHAMMED (PBUH), alhumdulilah we are all muslims, but we must spread the word of islam because the akhirah is near”

    and that is when i woke up. i felt very happy but at the same time scared. Can some one please tell me what this dream means,

    My email address is

    Asalamu A3laykum.

    • very lucky to have this dream, in reality also you should spread islam, follow sunnah of Prophet (pbuh). very good dream. you are said to spread religion of islam and follow teachings of RASULLALAH(pbuh)

  655. What If some see standing on a sand mountian in a desert and trying to save someone standing on a far away mountain of sand on the desert who is just dying.

  656. hi its been almost 2 to 3 months iam having a dream of getting hair cut again and again it happend lots of times can u plz tell me what does that mean? thanks!!

  657. my father saw a dream in which he saw his late uncle who was caught in a debt trap…
    my father repaid d debt of 50 thousand some more was remaining…..
    n gave some food to him…
    bt he put a condition of 2 dishes. daily..

    bt in actual life there was no debt on him.
    plz reply me on my email

  658. Wow Mohammed (halabi), mashAllah what a beautiful dream you have had, you are so lucky, when i read about it, it sent shivers down my spine and gave me goosebumps from amazement.

    It is Alhamdulilah great that you have left your old ways and Allah has guided you onto the straight path, you are very blessed, never forget this and always thank Allah for this.

  659. Maryam, you stated that you dreamt about spirits, i do not interpret dreams but i think it’s important that you should inshaAllah recite Surah Naas and Surah Falak on daily basis. these surah’s are for protection from jinns, black magic etc and are very important. Also recite ayat ul kursi. I also have had similar dreams like yours.

  660. selam alejkum

    i saw in a dream an oak tree full of grapes and no one could eat from them as a result of a snake protecting it.

    thank you

  661. i wrote on this website in jan to know what my dream means but didnt get reply. just wanted to know is anyone even replyin back to these dreams if yes then could somepne please interprete mt dream.
    ive had another dream, i saw these two girls i know they were in my house near the bathroom i think, and me and my mum was there and they said some woman we know is wishing bad for me and then i asked her what about my mum and she said no nothing like that with your mum just you and to be careful. what does this mean

  662. Hello,what does it mean when you and your best friend are standing in front of each other and both of us are taking out our wisdom teeth that are falling out,only our back teeth.thank you.

    • i know when teeth fall out in a dream means that you will hear of a death about someone you know, dunno if that helps, not sure about wisdom teeth.

  663. Thank you very much for replying to me Shaffiq,
    I dreamed that I put henna on my head for my hair then the henna on my head melt down to my eyebrows, then when it been washed off I looked at myself in the mirror and I found myself became very very beautiful and my features are a bit different from who I am and my skin colour became like a white skin girl, my cheeks became more fuller, my eyebrows colour is changed and my hair’s colour became red, styled with two short ponytails then I found myself infront of a lecture room at my present university. A note: I am a university student.

  664. AsalaamuAlaikum,

    Since January… i have been dreaming about my teeth falling off. the first time im lookin at myself in the mirror and see my teeth fall off. Other times i dream i just see my teeth falling off.. not all of it…just 3or 4 of them.

    Since January, i have dream this dream about 4 to 5 times until today. Today i dream that my canine tooth from the top teeth was paining before it fell off… and in this dream i am kind of sad because apparently I am missing a tooth from my bottom teeth already which fell out before.

    Can you please help explain this dream to me.

    Thank You for your time and hope you get back to me soon.

  665. Assalaamu Alaikum waragmatulaahi wabarakaatu
    I hope this post finds all in good health inshAllah. I am writing this just moments after waking from a very strange dream. I am not someone who dreams much or maybe remember after waking but this dream felt so real and I remember it so clearly.
    First, I seem to be on a very beautiful campus/school grounds of some kind. Then im in an indoor pool area and water,lots of water seems to be coming in and the pool over flows. eventually the water is up to my neck and im struggling towards the exits but im not afraid…just confused. In the dream,i close my eyes for a moment then to find im in a huge room or hall/white with windows. The whole dreamtakes place in daylight ok. suddenly,i have my two kids( I really have 2 lil ones) with me…the place id getting full and im afraid i might loose them…so i take my scarve(i have nothing else) and tie them both around me…I see some family members..but not my husband..i look around and see only muslims(id hate to say but like a concentration camp) there are some men in front adressing the crowd..saying things like we need to get ready and its the ned of mankind….in my so suspicious….where are all the non-muslims.Now I get afraid and start looking for other family members,my husband…to say goodbye…im happy that my kids are with me, sad that its the end, afraid for my kids…hold them tightly..but at the same time accepting that if it is the end..we will be ok…then …..I wake up with a heavy heart.
    Could you please help…shukran
    Walaikumsalaam waragmatulaahi wabarakaatu

  666. I am a practicing muslim women ,i have taken khula from my exhusband after 2yrs of marriage due to his impotency ,one night i was so
    depressed n cried alot n ask Allah for help ,as i always want to marry a person who is very religious n do islamic dawah work,
    but couldnt get any proposel from thz family,, despite of all problems still i was trying to set with
    my husband but unfortunately things doestn’t work out n marriage resulted into devorce due to his incurable impotency,
    so that night i ask Allah to help me out by showing dream what is store in my future(as my dreams are always nearly true),n in that nigth i got a dream ,i saw

    myself clad in long cover(shawl) n a person with beard whom i know in real also was clad in long cover as like me ,,,,
    it was a night with shine (as if like getting blessings from Allah) we both were walkin on road he was holding my hand n
    he was showing the way of deen to people…n i woke up while still holding his hand ,i was glad to get dream like these,the time was nearly
    fajr time so i finished my salah n did dua if ur wish is that i should get marry to him then i will surely marry him , plz make arrangment easy for us for marriage n thnxd to Allah for everythig,but now what i am getting problem is that the person
    whom i saw in my dream is already married,n he does islamic dawah work n he is interested to marry me if his firstwife’s
    permits him to marry me otherwise he will not ,he says if
    Allah really want this thing to be happen then wait for the right time ,i too agree on these n would like to marry him if
    only his wife accept me,but now i am really not understanding what to do as my age is getting older,
    i feel like if i dont marry him n marry other person then i will get devorce again,,,like i have seen that person in my dream
    My dream may indicates according to islamic dream interpretation
    clad in covers n holding my hand which may indicates-
    CLOTHING/COVER: Seeing clothing or a cover in a dream may refer to a husband or wife according to the metaphor ‘libaas’ (meaning: clothing/cover). [Sharh as Sunnah vol 12 p 221]

    Based on: “They (wives) are a cover for you and you are a cover for them” [Surah al Baqara (2): 187]
    HAND-HOLD: Grasping a hand-hold in a dream indicates that one will continue to hold firmly to Islam.

    Based on: Abdullah bin Salaam said: (In a dream) I saw myself in a garden, and there was a pillar in the middle of the
    garden, and there was a handhold at the top of the pillar. I was asked to climb it. I said, “I cannot.” Then a servant
    came and lifted up my clothes and I climbed (the pillar), and then got hold of the handhold, and I woke up while still
    holding it. I narrated that to the Prophet who said, “The garden symbolizes the garden of Islam, and the handhold is the
    firm Islamic handhold which indicates that you will be adhering firmly to Islam until you die.” [Sahih of Bukhari, vol 9 p 11
    7 no 142]

    in other dream i also saw his wife giving me a gift which may indicates-
    GIFT: Recieving a gift in a dream may indicate a blessing of happiness. [Sharh as Sunnah, vol 12 p 221]

    Based on: “Indeed you are happy with your gift” [Surah an Naml (27): 36]

    Now i am very much confuse n dont want to marry other person ,please tell me that i should wait for him for somemore time or i should accept other proposels n get marry, plz i dont want devorce to be happen again in my life

  667. in my dream i saw a friend of mine in a jungle alongside me and a police officer. my friend was lost in a jungle and me and the police were finding him. we walked down a massaive hill and we saw my friend there near a snake but he was not aware of the snake there. the police officer told my friend to watch out and when my friend moved bakc the snake bit him. (the snake was yellowish)

  668. As salaam hu alaikom warag matu lahi wabarakatu.

    I have two dreams that i would like translated. I dreamt I found 3 pigs in the back yard of the home were i used to live. The one pink pig had elepahnt ears and was chained, the second pink pig had a black spot and a unicorn and was chained too, and the third was black and was roaming free. A sorcerer then came out from hut in the back yard and fed them. And apparently my car was parcked at this house and the owners didnt want to give it to me.

    Second dream: Im swimming in this lake or river, and then these snakes start chasing me but i keep out swimming it or killing them.

  669. Assalaamu Alaikum
    can you please advise on whatthe meaniing a big bright yellow snake means?ive had this dream twice. once i had it the snake was small and it bit me but i didnt feel anything. then a little girl bit the head off the snake and all its blood drained out
    then i had a dream that this snake is now a rattle snake and is very big and heavy. its bright yellow and again it bites me but i dont feel anything. then it stars to follow. someone in my dream says ‘it like your perfume’ through both dreams i dont feel scared and feel no pain. i know snakes mean enemy but does the colour of the snake mean anything?

    • walikum aslam

      I could be wrong but a golden or yellow snake symbolises a strong jinn. Do you wear perfume outside the house? he may be attracted to your perfume. You need to cover fully according to shariah, this means hijab and abaya and do all your prayers on time. Try to get ruqya from a good masjid.

  670. Salam!
    i had many werid dreams and i really want someone to interperate them. here it goes:
    One of my family members, My second youngest Sister, was all pale fair skined white. she was wearing all white and looked completely like an angel mashallah i couldnt beleive my eyes, she just looked gorgeous!! Her hair was longer than her real-life hair. After that, she said to me, ” come on, im ready” and smiled. Honestly i dont noe what that means and many people dont noe what it means either. everything was white, her skin, the background, her clothing .. Everything!
    please help me, i want to noe what that means.
    thanks you
    Waslam 🙂

  671. salam brother/sister,
    i am in nikkah with some one and my husband is in pakistan.rukhsati is due till august. i had a dream 2 weeks ago that i am pragnant with a boy. then today again i had a dream that i m pragnant with another second boy and its light raining.i would like to know the meaning of this dream and please send it to my email address.

  672. i had a dream that i was married and i had a child.And there was this woman who was jealuse of the way me and my husband lived so she sent people to attack usand every time we got attacked new people also came to attack us they use stuff like guns.
    am scared cause about 7 months ago my dad boke up with his gf and recently my dad had an operation on hid leg.Now my mum complains of waist pain eachday
    pls does my dream mean something

  673. assalamualikum warah matulla hi wa bara ka tuhu,

    my younger brother had a dream today evening,this dream is of serious communities around the globe.
    He saw that DAJJAL WAS BORN.,The child with single eye was born.he saw tht my sister was on net and saw the head lines on the BBC “first baby on planet with single eye”along with the elder brother say it and asked to get the newspaper and it had the same thing whle my brother(who had the dream) had gone for a haircut in his dream.there he saw in television news channel that president Obama was being interviewed and his wife was holding the child,and them he woke up.
    Later after that he slept again and the same dream continued,president Obama was killed by this one eye kid and he was the commander,or the king.

    desparate or replys ,pls its really of serious concern to all of us,we know the situations of todays world,

    thank you

  674. i dreamed, i spit out a tooth followed by the rest of my tooth all at the same time. does it mean anything? just curious.

  675. Salam. I know this is really bad and I don’t know what to do about it. But I have been having dreams about sexual thoughts. I don’t mean to, but I do. What does this mean?

  676. Asalamu a3laykum,

    Just recently i’ve been reading on the signs of the akhira and about the dajjal and al mahdi. i really get goosebumps when reading and learning about it.

    One night i dreamt that i was at work and all the workers were standing outside looking up at the sky with fear, i went outside and as i looked up in the sky i saw the moon really close to earth as if it was at the height of the clouds. the clouds were black and stormy looking. i then looked over to the left side of the sky and saw the sun heading towards the earth, everyone was running around screaming except for me. for some reason i was actually felt happy and excited and i started screaming out repeatedly: ” SUBHANALLAH” and “ALLAHU AKHBAR”! The sun started to hit the earth as i walked inside my work. When i walked in i saw 1000’s of muslims waiting to pray. I stood in line to pray and a guy next to me said to me “Mohammed, What are u doing? Ur the IMAM…” as i stood as imam and i was reading the FATIHA and surat AL ZILZAL my voice came out so beautifully, a voice i’ve never heard before, after the first RAKA3 i then woke up.

    I woke up feeling as if the akhira was going to happen that day.

    Can anyone PLEASEEE and i BEG OF YOU tell me what this dream means.

    Thank you and Asalamu A3laykum!

    • Walaikum Assalam Mohammed Halabi,
      May Allah the Almighty have mercy on you and Bless you in this life as well as the next.
      As for the meaning of your dream – my request to you is to research on Ahmadiyyat and learn about its founder and history.


  677. I saw a dream that me, my sisters and brother are afraid of being killed by some spiritual horror. My sister tells me that she has been told by someone that our family has been ”’FASQ”’, i dont know what does that means in reality but in dreams I knew that fasq means being haunted and destined to be dead soon by evil. I read out darood sharif x 2 and reassure my isster that dont worry, Allah will save us and fas does not kill this way.

    Pls interpret this dream for me

  678. MY very close cousin sister had a dream about me.
    She dreamt that i went for a swim and she stayed back to watch. As son as i saw my dad i was trying to hide from him so he cudnt see me in the water. But this has lead me to bein in the hospital for 100days which i was very ill.
    Please could you kindly interpret this dream if there is any significant meaning to this. I am just worried and curious.
    She had this dream before fajr and then woke up to do fajf namaaz and went back to sleep and saw the rest of the dream where they said i would in hospital for 100days.

  679. salam alkakum id like to know the meaning of my dream
    i was raising my hands towards the sky as if i was making dua as i put down my hands i find 3 pink fresh flowers in my hand the pink camelia flower is the name of the flower.

  680. As-salam Alkakum, I had a dream of my uncle who has passed away. He is not muslim but he was cremated. And in this dream he told me he didnt want his body to be burned. He was running around and around, and the people sprayed him with water and he laid back down in a casket. I prayed that Allah grant him peace. Can you tell me what this means.

  681. Selam alejkum to all does anybody know what does it mean to see the qyamah in a dream i saw it twice and it happend like it says in quran

  682. Asalaamu Alayum,

    i have been having alot of dreams involving Tsunamis or big waves, however in my dreams i am running from them and i always manage to get away. can you tell me what this means? i.e water is always present, whether a big wave, tsunami or just sea water.


    • Selam No in my dreams happens like it says in quran the rise on the west a tremendeous earthquake and a big horn that goes like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and im paralized and everything went black tha slowly to white what does that mean anyone thank you

  683. salam

    I dreamt of so many lizards in a room on the walls beacuse of which i am unable to enter it…in reality i am very much scared of them…what is the meaning of seeing sch thngs

  684. This wasnt a dream bt if you could help… i was at my mums friends house, and we were just leaving to go home,it was night time.. we were in the hallway going towards the front door..and my mums friend askd me 2 turn the hallway light on..i remember it was really dark outside, and as soon as i switched the light on i seen daylight through the window…i dont understand how and why this happened? i remember i vaguely mentioned it to my gran..and she said the same had happened to her once when she was in pakistan….can anyone help me as to what it means???? thanks

  685. Assalam-o-laikum sister, My mum had a dream about my little sister. She sad that they were in a place where there was grass and tress and hills, a bit like pakistan. Then, she said that my little sister got lost in those hills. She searched for her everywhere and couldn’t find her. She gave up and went back home and a woman told her not to worry as she will be back. (she doesn’t know which woman it was). Then, later on my mum sees my little sister walking down from the hills and returning home.

    She really wants to know what this dream means and it is upsetting her. Please can you reply asap! Thank you!

  686. AOA,
    Last night i had a dream about a lobster like crustacean that slowly crept on the seat i was sitting on, it was orange colored and it slowly started to creep up towards me, until i got up and tried to steer it’s towards the toilet so i could flush it, and it wouldnt flush no matter how hard i tried, it stared at me and tried to come after me viciously. I awoke with such fear…what does this dream mean?
    Thank you! awaiting reply.

  687. Respected Helper,AssalamAlaikum.
    I have been proposed for marriage by one guy. I did istikhara for 5 days and just saw his face.This was about 4 months ago. Now I am doing istikhara again but can just see face of that person and nothing else. I am confused. Please interpret this for me.Jazzakallah

  688. salam bro/sis i had a dream that i had a deaf ear but i cnt remember how i had this dream and also i dreamt that i had a green dress/punjabi with a veil on my head i looked reallli nicee can u please interepret this dream please thank you

    your sister zhala.shams

  689. Assalam-Wa_Alikum, I Had A Dream That My NewBorn Son Was Crying “Allah” And When He Got Quiet He started Saying It Calmly. Please I Would Love It You Told Me The Meaning Of This. Jazakhallah ~Sister Fajr~

  690. Sir,
    Last night i dreamt of Ghous e Paak.The dream begin as follows,me and my wife we both went to his darga shareef,after the ziyarat i saw Ghous e paak and his wife wake up from his qabr.While seeing Him and His wife i said to my wife “Look there this is Ghou E Paak”but she was not able to saw Him.Then i shouted but no one could see Him.Then Later Ghous E Paak came to me and he wrote something in a peice of paper,i even told Him that he has a very nice,sweet and beautiful handwriting,then he gave me the peice of paper and said keep this well.Afterwards he went away with His wife waving their hands at me,i also wave my hands at them.

    Sir,i would like to know the meaning of that dream.Please help me coz not more than 4 to 5 months ago i dreamt of IMAAM AHMAD RAZA KHAN,he also gave me something in my hand saying”your mother ask me to gave you this so keep it well”what he gave me was a dua which i forgot when i wake up,And not earlier than 9 years ago i dreamt of Hazrat Umar,i`m very sad coz this dream i have forgot.

    Please do the necessary to interpret the meaning of this dream for me.Hope to hear from you soon.

  691. Salam alaykum,

    My family and I are getting to know a potential husband (for me) and I prayed salat al istikhara three times. The first night I had a dream of him smiling. The second night I had a dream of him playing with my two younger brothers (joyfully) and the third time I had a dream that everyone who was present during the first gathering (in real life) was sitting together in a happy and joyful state. My father also prayed salat al istikhara and he had a dream that there were two gold statues and they got stolen. My mom did not pray salat al istikhara but she told me she had a dream that she saw sunflower seeds scattered in front of our house. I’m not sure if her dream is relevant to the situation because she didn’t pray salat al istikhara so it may have been a random dream.

    I really appreciate your thoughts on these dreams. Thanks so much!

  692. Salam alaykum,

    I am 6 Months pregnant …..and it is very usual that you may dream ur baby….i saw me and my maid is carrying him ……….
    ..after that i saw a Pleasant sea people are enjoying ,its a bright day ,and the sea seems at very low where i was standing..any how i entered into the sea….after some time i saw myself playing in the water with my two kids….the total atmosphere was very joyful.
    Please do the necessary to interpret the meaning of this dream for me.Hope to hear from you soon.

  693. Salam….
    My uncle had a dream of me, that I was getting married and I was wearing a white wedding dress. I am engaged, to be married in a few months. Could you please help by giving me an idea of what his dream could mean?
    Thank you

  694. I had a dream that I have arranged to marry my husband. we are both at present already married. My mother in law did not know about this in the dream. Please help me and tell me this is a good dream. I am very worried.

  695. Salaams.

    I dreamt, i was in a vast space (could have been space)
    I could see white pillars as far as the eye could see. I approach a pillar and decide to climb it, were at the top i find a fine spun web.. i take a look inside and see a gold coin floating and spinning.

  696. i had a dream all my teeth were loose my husband felt them than one fell in to my hand it was a tooth from the bak not all the way back between front teeth and back no visible if i smile my we were walking to the car he just stared at me and said nothing than i woke up

  697. asalamualikum brother and sisters
    I wonder if someone could interprete this dream for me. I’m in a theater and next to me is a muslim woman in hijab, i do not know her or she knows me. We are sitting a seat apart and watching the screen. On the theater screen is a very healthy cow running up a hill and with its udders coming closer to the viewers and closer until the cow tumbles into us people of the audience, before the climax of the incident i look to the muslim woman and say to her don’t you think shethe ‘cow’ is getting clolser to us. then the dream ends.. please help a fellow muslim make sense of this dream.
    Jazaah allah khieran for any one who can explain.

  698. Assalaamu’alaikum
    I once had a dream in which the night stars all keep falling towards the horizon. They fall like shooting stars. And some things from the sky come and move around in the atmosphere at high speed. Then the stars stops and I saw millions of stars forming many constellations. More stars than i ever imagined in the sky. Then i was in my school and the stars kept falling again and then it stops suddenly and on the sky is left with; more stars than normal, and two moons one blue and one reddish and both full.
    Again i saw myself with my best friend on a balcony then the stars started falling again and then it stops suddenly and on the sky is left with; more stars than normal,TWO LIGHTS (ONE GREEN AND ONE RED), and two moons, both full( one blue and one reddish).
    Again i saw my self in my school in the afternoon and the sun was covering a good part of the sky and the moon was in front of the sun. and i thought to myself “When did the earth started seeing two MOONS?”
    Please let me know the interpretation of these dreams.
    Thank you.

  699. Salaam,

    I had this dream where i could not breath and like my nose was blocked and then it started bleeding.
    I was trying to breath but blood was rushing out of my nose then my whole hands were filled with blood and it started spilling on the floor….it was really scary and i just cant get it out of my mind…!!!

  700. assalam alikum,

    I have been very scared of lizards all my life and I would often dream of them too when I used to live in pakistan. now i have been here in canada for almost 10 years and ive almost never dreamt of them, neither seen them live all these yrs obv, but of recent I am always dreaming of seeing these iguana like, large bright colored lizards. i scream when i see them in my dream and that wakes me up and im obv very scared. my husband and i are masha’Allah very happily married and we also have a child. What do you interpret of these?

    Also, other times I always (regularly) see all weird scenarios in my dreams but i am ALWAYS up high in them. Like I am at the top of a huge building, or I have to climb down from a staricase which has now railings but it is very high in the sky, or im driving on a road which is very high.

    I would really appreciate if you could tell me more on these. I am masha’Allah pretty regular on my prayers and I also read the Quran alhamdullilah if not everyday, every other day atleast.


  701. Salaamu Alaikum,

    Can you please tell me the possible meaning (s) of reciting sura Shams in a dream from beginning to end.

  702. Assalamu Alaikkum,

    My name is Fatma Baig, 22 years Unmarried Female. A week before i had a dream in which i saw my self Practicing Namaaz (Prayer) with a Male Person. I saw we both were in “Sajda” position. I know this person but dont have any releation between us.

    I saw the same Dream again also. I’m confused and want to know the meaning of this dream as i believe that there is some message for me in this dream.

    Can you pls help me…?

    • Salam!
      I know holding a star in your dream means the birth of a noble child , the moon represents a wife or an unborn child.
      But ALLAH 9SWT) knows best.

  703. Assalamlaikum,

    My friend had set up that this young man sees my daughter for the possibility that see each other and hopefully decide marriage after seeing oneanther a couple of time.
    The morning of the day that was planned to see this young man and his family which we had never seen before that evening.

    I dreamt that my daughter and this young man were sitting on a balcony with white railings and a green garden below them. They were sitting apart at the bebinning of the dream then tea was served,but by the end of my dream they were sitting on the same table together.
    The decription of my friends place is the same as what was in the dream.
    It has been seeral weeks since they have meet,but nothing has come of the situation.

    I have never seen these people before that evening but for some strange reason i am still making duaa that he will come and ask for my daughters hand in marriage.
    Other people have asked for my daughter and i did not have two thoughts or regret that it did not work out.
    For some reason my heart keeps praying that he will propose.

  704. I want to join as appointed for new job in new department, while i was working in Radio Pakistan, so did Isthakhara and saw in dream that i was in shalimar bagh and people were very happy there with good enthusiasm ,as i was watching there in water ,the photos of green trees, suddenly the trees becam yellow and everything in my surrounding became yellow, i looked upper side that sun came near earh and went up, the all surrounding with greenry, became yellow due ti sun schorch, and i was not schorched , niether my eyes disturbed due to sun schrch, please now propse that what it means. i join new depatment or not.

  705. Asalam-u -Alikum,
    I want to know about my dream that my whole family we went to umrah and come back. every body is watching us and they are very happy to see us and we are going strait to my younger Aunt and she is happy to see us. i did’t see that i am in makkah just show me that we came back from umrah. i don’t know may be happiness or sadness i am worried plz plz help me. i will be thankful to u.

  706. aslamouailaikoum..i’v gone through this page,machallah its wonderful.may Allah bless you for that,ameen.
    yesterday i dreamt that a close friend of mine has die,and i was crying,non stop! it was very scary. what does this mean?

  707. I had A dream that me and one of my best friends were on a mountain going somewhere and we were really happy but the part of the mountain we were on fell , then we found our way back up again what does that mean?.

  708. assalamu husband is being forced by my inlaws to remarry for a better dowry.i dreamt twice that we were having sex and once there was a strange woman who looked almost like me.i feel very ashamed when i wake up.i pray until i fall my heart i know my husband must be missing me and our three has been a year since we are apart.i dream frequently of my husband and me having sex ,us talking,him sleeping and not waking up even as hard as i try to wake him up.i love him too much.please somebody ,i am desperate for some hope.if these dreams mean something bad ,please dont tell me.khuda hafiz.

  709. often i dream of snakes attacking me in or near my home. in the most recent dream i was almost swept away with the tide at the beach & the blanket used to sit on near the shore was pulled away with the current. suddenly there was a rise in the water level.

  710. Salam Brother,

    In my dream i saw i am sitting on the bed with my relatives.those relatives are very modern in reality and i am trying to tell them about Islam and to fear Allah, day of judgement but they are not listening. i am trying hard in my dream but its not working. can you please let me know the meaning.

  711. Salamo alaikom

    I saw a dream a snake was in my house and was chasing me and my younger brother around the house. My sister kept rescuing us from the snake as the snake was trying to bite us. Following from this I saw my sister went outside and she had a big black bird (possible a crow) sitting on her shoulder. Again she was abe to control the crow from hurting us.

    I have read in islamic dream interpretation book that the snake entering house represents enemy, and the black bird represents evil, decietful man, who is a liar. But please could you interpret who is the harm to based on my dream??

    the night I saw the dream and the night before I was thinking about a particular man who I know as he was asking what I thought of him as potenital marriage partner. Since I known him he seems very religious and active in muslim community…. Im not sure if this dream relates to him but my gut feeling was him only. .. Appreciate your help INSHALLAH

  712. I dreamt of a koffin with a dead body cut into half. the first half was there and the second half from the stomach was missing. i was so scared that i couldnt even shut my eyes. what can the dream mean?

    I am a muslim and would appriciate an islamic interpretation of this dream.


  713. Thank you very much for replying to me Shaffiq,

    Well I dreamed that I put henna on my head for my hair then the henna on my head melt down to my shoulders. My mother said also to me when the henna is on my head watch out fot je close before the get dirty, but i said the don’t get dirty
    In the evening I went to sleep with still the henna on my head. The day after i take a shower and wash my hair. and all the henna is dripping all over my body.

    Thank you

  714. salam,
    i had a dream that a black dog was chasing me i was running as fast as possible, when i ran a long distance i arrive in the middle of my yard a white dog just come across and it start chasing me also. but as i was running very fast both dogs could not reach me. i ran to my husband.
    am pregnant for 4 months does this have to do anythng with my pregnancy. plz interprete it for me…….

  715. salam walikum
    i had a dream one of my friends were feeding my aunty but cant seem to understand what this means, please tell me the meaning of this dream plz
    thank you

  716. salam, i had a dream of a really big spider web and a small spider on it, and i try to break the web but the it is so strong i cannot break it.

  717. salaamijust wanted to know i had dream about that i have murderd someone and i am running away and hiding from every one.thankyou can you please tell me the meaning.

  718. salam,

    I just had a very elaborate dream, i was on some sandy beach and it had trees in it very high and long trees with ropes hanging down from it. i saw some guy who was hanging from it who had commited sucide and someone was telling me how can u save a guy from commiting sucide. then i saw my cousin in the dream he climbed the tree and showed me how to untie the knot on a rope if someone is commiting sucide from it. after that i saw people people i know teaching me how to climb the tree and they themselves were climbing it aswell. rite after that i saw myself in a sandy beach …white sand and a clif at the end of it..and a very huge ladder i climbed that ladder and was happy then i started getting scared and started to tremble as the fall down was very huge. eventualy i fell but to my surprise i fell in the sand which was very soft and din break anything infact it felt as if i was playing and it was nothing i also saw my mother in this dream she was telling me everything will be okay. after that i saw myself in the sand running and doing olympic style jumps also competing against someone who was telling me he is not as good as me, and i was making jumps larger than him. then rite after that i saw my fiance holding my hand from behind and leaning up to me saying something which i forgot and i was telling her i will be taking part in olympics. and then i woke up.

    lately whatever i dream of the opposite happens, for instance i dreamt of getting this job i wanted and idin get it. i am scared does this mean bad things are comming to me ? ….i recently had a fight with my fiance too. does this mean i will loose her ? can anyone please interpret it?

  719. assalamu alaikum

    My sister had a dream and i would like to know it’s possible meaning, it goes like this: she was taking care of two kids, a girl and a boy, she took them to the beach, and the tides were getting really high, the girl was getting close to the tides and my sister kept calling her but she wouldn’t listen, then there was the voice of Athan ( the call of prayer ) as soon as she heard it the tides got low and she woke up.

  720. There was this old man and he said the world hated him so i held his face in my hand and told him he was beautiful then he raped me and tried to kill me, I kept running but couldn’t run fast enough!

  721. assalamu alaikum,,

    It been a while now but i have dreams about a mosque teacher and she is the same woman who helped me to get rid of the jinn in my room. she comes into my dreams alot of the time and its always in a mosque, she talks to me and my older sister. i would like to find out what it means?

  722. i almost forget to ask you another thing, what does it mean if you get an invitation in your dreams by a jinn ( i know its a jinn, its in the family for generations) i know who the jinn is but i don’t understand what the invitation was. iv been given it 4 times, i took the invitation!
    please let me know

  723. I had dream that my two teeth was in my hand and my eyes also what it does mean. please reply and I saw one pregnant lady(my sister)

  724. i have many dreams tht need to be solved but hers 1 of thm its been nearly 7months of ths dream but i remember many becaus mashallah my memory is good but things are f wht i remember abt ths dream is tht someone 1 was after me and i went flying up and landed into a skip and tht skip is on my road and i know the matey after tht i remember my parents and other people tht i dnt know were screwing and shouting at this guy i am muslim and so is the guy whos skip i landed in im nt lying but i wana smash ths guy for many reason can someone tell me the meaning to ths

  725. hi, i am realy confused please help me
    i am 15 years old and my dad passed away 4 months and 12 days ago…
    this morning i saw a dream…
    me , my mother and my khala were in some function.. when we got out there was a black car standing there, it was ours, i said how r we going to go back because none of us knew how to drive a car, my khala (aunt) said dat we’d take a cab but then i said what about the car?
    mean while my dad arrived in a car, a neice of mine (who is 1 yr old right now) was sitting at the back. we sat inside the car. the whole way we were talking n laughing normaly but to me it all seemed weird, maybe because i felt like he had died and then returned, i was shock how my mum was normal. my dad kept saying i have 2 hours left den a bit later again , i have only 2 hours. i cried silently wen i heard this. but evry1 else was normal. he den stopped at a shop. my mum was buying sum stuff , i took a biscuit and asked him if i could take it. but he refused. i made a sad face but then wen he was paying for mum’s stuff, he said dat i cud take it.

    then i woke up
    this is d first time i’ve seen dis. i donot know why but i’m not happy after seeing this dream, although i pray for him to come in a dreams almost evryday..
    please help me…
    i would be happy if u cud sent me ur reply at my email…
    anxiously waiting for your reply

  726. Salam u Alaikum
    I had a dream my cousin who is like my best friend is telling me not to worry and he will persuade his mother in to out marriage … he then says that he likes me and tells me that everything is going to work out.
    Wat does this dream mean?

  727. aslam walaykum
    i had a dream im seeing in sky a pink shiny flower and inside there is a brown coloured baby snake what is meaning of this dream anybody know thankyou


  728. Assalam Alaikom,

    My mother passed away in Ramadan last year and i have been seeing her in my dreams, alhamdulillah. However, there’s about a couple of times that i see her really weak and even one time i woke up crying because in my dream, she was really weak and crying and as far i remember (wallahu a3lam) she was telling me ” that’s all there is” 2x. She was a very pious woman, mashallah…but i would like to know what this could mean.

  729. i need ur help, the other day i dream about this person, this person is a relative to my granfather, my dream was that person was giving me money, i have ocasion talks with that person but not much. but then two or three days later i found out that he pass away a few weeks ago. can u help me interpret my dream, but it means when a death person is giving u money.

    • if a dead person gives u anything it means something good, i’m not sure what, but its a good thing. But if u give him anything ex. money or something else, it means someone will die.

  730. assalam ailaykum wa rahmat allah wa barakatu….,
    i would like for someone to interpret this dream for me..this is how it starts..
    It was a dark night and me and my friend were wailking on the sidewalk of a strip mall,there were alot of people out and then all of a sudden the moon wwas very wierd, it was shaking and it started getting closer, everyone then started screaming and saying the world is going to end, then me and my friend put our heads down because we were afraid if the moon was going to fall on us, then it gets closer and closer. all of a sudden im in this weird place by myself and the moon starts talkin to me, it said that the world is going to end and that i am one of the “chosen ones”. then it looked like the world has shifted out,not like it was the end but it looked like something different….
    that is my whole dream…can anyone tell me what it means and why i was the chosen one and for what…?

    thankx for all that can help?

  731. please can you interpret my dream. I had a dream that i was wearing garments drenched in urine… a little distastful I know but quite a perculiar dream nevertheless.

    never been on this site so please could u email the response to me, thanks.

  732. salaam, can u plz interpret my dream. I’ve been dreaming about my current bf every other day,nuthing bad i jus see him and sumtimes my family and all.iam vrey confused i dnt understand the meaning of why i see him in my dreams almost everyday..i’d aprrecaite if u can help me jazakala khair

  733. Salam

    Hi. I had a dream that I was in old prophetic times, just the scenery around me imposed that. such as in the desert and the fashion of the people. and I was in line with lots of ppl. and then the Prophet (saw) told me to slaughter the sheep next to me. and I said I did not know how. So he called me up to his throne. it was like a stone throne on top of a couple of stairs. He picked up a knife he peeled the fur off a sheep and slit it rlly fast. and he told me to do exactly the same, fast and precise. (he was very kind to me. I didnt see his face, but I saw his clothing which was a white dress kind of garment and he has some cream colored like long vest too, I couldnt see his face but I knew it was him, he was so sweet and patient, father-like. mashAllah.) so I was like okay I can do it I went down to my sheep and I just couldnt do it, I imagined killing it and the blood and I couldnt bare myself to take its life away. so the Prophet (saw) kept telling to kill it, but I kept saying I couldnt do it. and at the end he was like ok then come with me. so I followed him and he was like you couldnt kill a sheep, kill this man ( the man looked poor, black and like a slave wearing torn dirty clothes) So I looked at the man and was like no Im sorry I cant kill this man. and so the Prophet(saw) gave me another slave, but this one looked cleaner. and the Prophet told me you cant kill that man kill this one. and again I couldnt do it. then after that he stopped telling me to kill. and that was it. I dont remember the Prophet giving me anything else after that. But ever since I dreamed of him, I couldnt shake the dream off. Can you please please please help me by telling me what it means. To see the Prophet (saw) in my dream. it just makes me so flattered and I just cant express my words. so if you can please help me, I would greatly appreciate it. thanks. jazakala khair. (:

    • Salaam alaikum. I’m a little confused whether one person is supposed to answer these posts or if anyone can. Insha’allah, I will tell you what I think your dream means. You should make dua if you are not sure about the answer.

      Insha’allah, if you truly saw the Prophet (saw), this is a very good dream, Mashaallah. Please see the earlier description someone posted about the hadith related to this, and about how to recognize if it was truly the Prophet (saw.) If you can not recognize him based on those specifics, don’t worry, just make dua for Jannah and the love of Allah.

      I think your dream is about your path in the world. It is pointing out to you your obstacles/sacrifices, represented by the sheep and the men. You are resistant to killing the sheep and doubt your ability. The answer is to follow the example of the Prophet (the sunnah), which will ease your way. This may be something you are dealing with now and it is inshaallah within your ability to handle it.

      The other two sacrifices may go against your basic nature and you are more resistant or unable to do them at this time. Allah does not try a soul with what is beyond ones ability. These are, I think, two other struggles that you are being made aware are in the future, and that they are being made apparent means that you will need to do your best when they arise (something you will eventually be tried with).

      I don’t remember the exact hadith, but there is a hadith that people try to take on too much for what they can bear at one time in the religion to the result that they will be unable. I think because of this concept, you are not given your two other challenges at this time and you are under the mercy of Allah regarding them. When they arise, you will do the same thing: follow the example of the Prophet.

      Until they arise, you must concentrate on the first challenge, that you’re ready to handle now. Through the whole process, you must be sweet and patient with yourself, like the Prophet in your dream, and not harsh.

      Do not give up. May Allah give you Jannah and bless you with your heart’s best desires.

  734. ASSLAMUALAIKUM…… well couple of days back i sawa dream dat d guy whom i love a lot came to ma home to visit me n he too got sum work in our town… i later den served him n introduced him to ma parents he talkked wid dem…..n later he talked with me….after dat he seems to b ingnoring me n dont even want to talk to me…i called 1 of his frnd and asked him..but he refused to talk to me…..i cried a lot n asked him to talk to me for once but he dint….n later i dont remember…..n again after few days i saw dat he died….n i was shocked after listening to dat…..i saw dat i went to his place n saw dat d place was very dry….n his family members were very sad..wen i asked bout him….his mother told me dat he died……wots d meaning of dis..?/ plzzz mail me d meaning of disss……

  735. Asslamualaikum….well 2 days back…i saw m holding to twins baby in ma hand and den i saw dat i went to attend a school function at night n it started raining while i was going to the function….wot d meaning of dat.. plzz reply soon..khuda hafizz!!

  736. i dream that a particular friend of mine misses me and had texted me expressing her feelings. . i have been quite cold to her lately and im just wondering what is the meaning of the dream. is it true that she miss me or is it another indication?

  737. I had a dream where i found out at a doctor’s office that I was 40 days pregnant and the doctor even showed me the sac with the embrio. My mother was also there with me. What does this mean, I am currently married for almost 8 months ?

  738. I had a dream where i found out at a doctor’s office that I was 40 days pregnant and the doctor even showed me the sac with the embrio. My mother was also there with me. It felt soo real, that i woke up the next morning having stomach cramping.What does this mean, I am currently married for almost 8 months ? Please help.

  739. im married and having trouble in geting baby .give me some opinions for this dream. i saw a dream having a beautiful girl baby. Usually i have this dream

  740. i am pregnant of 5 months
    when i find out that i am pregnant, my husband dreams that i gives birth to a baby girl. we were so happy.

    since i found out i am pregnant i keep dreaming that i gives birth to a baby boy everytime.

    but recently i dream that i give birth to twins(girls)
    we went to the doctor to find out the sex of our baby but the doctor could not figure it out saying he could not see properly.

    so in my dream i see that the doctor show us the baby in the scan, it was a very big baby and the doctor say it a girl. plz help me y me n my husband are having such dreams…plz interprete it for me

  741. Asalamu3alaikom everyone:) i have a question that i hope someone will be able to help me with. So now me and my husband are pregnant with our first child al7amdulillah and ive been having dreams of what my child will be in terms of boy or girl. i know that when a pregnant woman dreams she will have a boy it will be a girl and vice versa. However, im a little confused now…i remember my first two dreams i remember having were of a boy. Then i had a dream that i had twins of a boy and a girl. And just the other night i had a drieam that i had a little girl. At first i thought i was going to have a girl from those two dreams of having a boy, but now i have no idea. My next doctors appointment isnt till 6 weeks from now but im just very curious as to what those dreams mean??? Plzzz help anyone, i would appreciate it much, jazakumallahukhair.

    • i also i am having the same dream as yours
      but no one is replying.
      i thnk we are just excited to know the sex of the baby
      that y we r having this kind of dream…..
      if ever u did get the answer to these dream plz let me know
      may god bless you

  742. Assalamu alaikum,
    i saw in my dream that i was sleeping and when i wake up a snake on top of my blanket but my feet or naked, first snake touch his mouth to my feet then he move his face towards the floor but his remaing body is still on my body and my body is under blanket except my feet. my sister was there i suddenly caught the snake just near his mouth and i shout my sister to give me a cloth (which color is white) to put in the mouth of the snake and get rid of it as he can’t bite the cloth so i can save. the snake try to bite my hands and he success very little my be not….. m not sure… but after that i wake up in reality…..
    This is really really shoking for me.. could you please help me regarding to this matter.
    the dreams time i don’t know…..but in the night….do not know exact time.

    your co operation for thsi matter will be highly appreciatable.
    thanks a lot in advance.



    • As salaam alaikum.
      Inshaallah, I will try to interpret your dream. You should make dua if you’re not sure about the interpretation.

      Sleeping can be a sign of impiety.
      A snake can be a sign of an enemy.
      Cloth is a sign of Islam and white is a symbol of purification.

      I think the dream is either a warning or an illustration of something you are currently dealing with. I am not trying to judge you, so please don’t take this the wrong way – we all struggle.
      It sounds like you either are unaware or have just become aware of a bad situation you are in (waking up with the snake already on your bed).
      The snake is Shaitan, your enemy. He is trying to tempt you. Your most vulnerable part, or the way in, is your feet (trying to tempt you to go where it’s not good for you to go). He is trying to bite your hands – which represents tempting you to do actions that are good. Most of your body is covered, so you are succeeding in general over temptation. He is tempting you with whispering (your sister helps you put a cloth in his mouth ) so read Surah Falaq for protection (whispering into the hearts). The cloth is Islam. Shaitan can not hurt you if you cling to Islam. White is purification, so you are being reminded that you can always return to Allah in repentance, or seek His refuge when feeling tempted. Your sister is also your helper to protect yourself by supporting you in Islam. May Allah bless you and protect you. Don’t worry, just depend on Allah’s love and mercy for you, and pay attention to Shaitan’s tricks.

      • Sorry, that should say “He is trying to bite your hands – which represents tempting you to do actions that are NOT good.” (The reason I think this about the hands and feet is because of how some of the ulema describe wudu as removing certain types of sins from hands and feet )

  743. asalam alaikum, please help me i dont know wr else to go. i am having the same dream since almost one year ‘i dream about cyclone some times very heavy winds and some times not so very heavy but every time before coming to me it vanishes or unable to hurt me’ please do reply i am very upset with this. jazak allah

  744. assalamu alaykum,

    i dreamed once i was chased by lots of snakes. i ran and seeked refuge in my old room i closed the door and when i was about to close the windows they jumped at me. i opened the door and started to run out of the house. i remember getting half away. i dont think any of the snakes touched me or harmed me.

  745. Salaam,

    I would just like to know if these dreams mean anything.

    About 20 years ago, I had a dream: I was told my father had died, and that he was buried in our backyard. I never saw his body, only the tombstone. I woke up crying. He is still alive today.

    I had another dream last night, that he passed away soon after receiving good news that my sister had given birth to a baby girl. (my sister is not pregnant at all).
    I found myself in disbelief, feeling so sad for mother, but at the same time my siblings and I were busy planning for an overseas trip. I then tried to plan for the funeral – just before I woke up.

    My father is celebrating his 65th birthday tomorrow.

    Can somebody tell me what these dreams meant?


  746. Assalamu Alaikkum,

    My name is Fatma Baig, 22 years Unmarried Female. Yesterday i had a dream in which i saw my self Practicing Namaaz (Prayer) along with a Male Person. I saw we both were in “Sajda” position. I know this person but dont have any releation between us.

    I have seen the same Dream atleast 4-5 times till now. I strongly believe that there is some message for me trough this Dream but I’m confused and want to know the meaning of it.

    pls help me…?

  747. AOA everyone….
    i had this strange dream today about snakes….
    it goes like this that me and my whole family (6 members)
    were going for a vacation i think and we went to a place there was a waterfall green grass and before the lake above which the waterfall was we sat there through some distance…..the place was very beautiful and then me and my family were going forward to see the lake BUT as we were walking my father saw a dead black snake….none of us were scared at that time just when a herd of black snakes appeared with a black cat leading them…they all were hissing and then we stepped backward. the black cat then jumped on us and just on that time my father kicked the black cat and the color of the cat changed from black to brown……then i screamed my mom scolded us to not to cuz she was holding my little brother and she was scared that the snakes might come after us…..they really did! first another black cat jumped on us and a snake too the snake bit my mom then my father caught the cat and the snake (i think they were 3 snakes and my father caught all of them at once) and threw them away…..this happened continuously until another snake bit mom i told her for going to a doctor and then i dont kno wt happened that i grabbed some tools and started curing mom after that i dont kno wt happened but

    my cousins came and there were alot of people walking back from the place and in the crowd,snakes were also there
    and then the dream finished

    i think this was due to my feelings as someone here on this page said and the feelings crossed the limit….

    please im looking forward to the answer of anyone!!!
    im really really scared and i will pray before the time of fajar for ALLAH to guide me


  748. I keep having dreams about my mother in law, in one dream she pushes me down the stairs and am pregnant, in 2 other dreams she is chasing me in a car, can you tell me what these mean ?

  749. I has a dream of my dead brother who died in November 3rd 1993, in this dream he came back from the dead in the form my mum describe hime at the mortery. In this dream we were at a muslim wedding and he sat by me, i asked him if was being punished, in his reply he said yeah a little bit, at the end of the wedding we had to go to Morocco, where he pretended to be dead again, and placed back in his cofin, during this time peace be upon him he said he did not have much time and then i woke up

  750. i was in a supermarket wearing a long coat, and inside my coat a had a shotgun, i started to shoot people doing their shopping, and when i shot them dead they back back alive to take their revenge, i ran up the stairs shooting at them again and this time they stayed dead. i was still running up the stairs as one was still after me for revenage as i reached the last step i turned round to shoot him but i ran out od bullets, so i said to myself what the hell i turned the gun on myself and pulled the trigger the gun went off and i felt the most horiffic pain, then i started to fall into darkness, i sensed the angle of death coming towards me and i felt fear like never before, i knew the face that i would see would the most horiffice face i had ever seen in my life, as the face was only a few inches aways i woke up with my heart pounding and scared please explain this dream to me as since i have had this dream years ago it has been with me ever since

  751. Assalamu Alaikkum,

    i dont remember in detail my dream, but i had a dream that there was a rat, or a mouse sitting ontop of my cousin sisters bed, this was when her room was pink, half a yar back, and its sitting there and i open the door, and i see it ontop her neare her pink pillows, then i be like to my self shall i tell her that there was an rat on her bed or not, then the rat dissappea under the covers i dont no buh then its gone i dont see it after that

  752. i had a dream recently that i am sat with my father and sister and im told i am going to die that night, i don’t particularly feel upset but i do cry a little in my dream. Then my father just says to me our companionship was only up to this point.

  753. AOA to all of you, can u plz help me to findout abt my this weird dream that i am having from few days.

    frm few days, i am just having constant dreams that sm one just took ma soul frm me n after tht i can’t remeber n all of sudden when everything is ended , the soul just cm bk into ma body with full bang and i just woke UP instantly all of a sudden n i can feel it as well.

    n last night i had a same dream but this time i don;t know but some one was just saying tht u r selected as an angel and n u hv few things to do. after tht i just woke up due to nervousness n fear. i don;t know whtz the meaning of all dis series of dream.. ^_^ .. plz help me to interpreate.. dis dream..



  754. Asalamun alaikum.
    I dreamt that i was on my way to the cemetary with some people i see in a movie. Upon reaching the cemetary gate, i heard strange thin voice which went straight to my head. I then say a guy i didn’t know coming from the cemetary. I had no veil on and my dressing was not very decent. What does that mean?
    And most of the time i dream that a big fat cow is chasing me. Mostly black or brown coloured. What does that mean? Salam!

  755. i had a dream where i sat beside Next to Nabi Moghammad (SAW) we wer both sitting againts the kaaba and he was speaking to me about nabi esa peace be upon him, what does this mean?

    • salam ,
      u had a nice dream seeing of prophets is very holy and good so dont worry be happy
      it symbolises richness in islam

  756. As salaam alaikum.
    Could you please advise on two dreams:

    1. I dreamt I was taken to a home. It was warm and beautiful and glorious. I said, “This is beautiful. Why was I brought here?” I was told, “The Master had you brought here.” I asked why. I was told, “You are free to enjoy what is here, but you must remember that you are a servant. You have been brought here as a servant.” I was told that I would be a wet nurse, “to give nourishment.” I think this dream is about learning Islamic knowledge and telling people. I feel I have the ability to understand the subtlety and see the beauty in Islam, but I am incredibly lacking in stamina to be a scholar, and I only started learning about Islam as an adult.

    2. I had a dream I was in the desert. I was traveling on foot with a Somali man and a Somali women, but it was not a hardship. Both the woman and I were pregnant. The woman was either the man’s sister or his wife. She was sweet and we didn’t have any conflict. I think I was his wife. He was telling us, “There is a place where we can stop and stay with some people from the family.” We arrived and he told them, “They need a place where they can rest.” He had a polite tone of voice. We were shown a small room with simple beds where we could stay.
    I am not Somali or African. I have always wondered what this dream meant. My guess is the desert means this life. Jazakallah khair.

    • Salaam Habbhabb, this is my reading of your dream as you had asked.

      Dream 1) You are taken to see, enjoy and benefit from the unique gift within you. However you are being asked not to be egotistical about it but rather simply serve the uniqueness of your soul’s gifts; to be an imaginative carer (‘wet nurse’) to your soul and feed it the nourishing imaginative food it needs.

      Dream 2) You are on a long and perhaps lonely journey on bare feet seemingly not too hard for you. You are getting guidance from your guiding male spirit (the dream-Somali man). There is hope that you may be resolving some conflict with your shadow (the Somali woman) and accompanying her in a fruitful creative tension, pregnant with a hidden possibility inside of you. You are taken into the community (some people from the family) of the other characters of your soul.

  757. Assalamu Alaikum,

    Can someone help me interprete my dream. I am in my forties and my health is not very good. I prayed before going to bed to have good perfect health. I dream I went to the toilet to clear my bowel and the excrement was very clean white.

    Anyone has got a explanation for me please.

  758. salam,
    i saw last night in my dream that i m celerating my birthday in hostel and my parents are also there and loads of people are there.( in reallity i dont like celebrating birthdays).

  759. Salam,
    what does it mean when you dream that you took someone by their hand to go and show them a sanke but when you got to the snake you saw many big fat snakes moving about slowly and then you and this person ran back out form a door and closed it in fear??

    • lara,
      it means that u will be sble to escspe calamity or a potent enimy as the snakes seen in dreams classify as enimies.
      so you had a nice dream and dont worry be thankful to GOD

      • Alhamdulilah,

        thats is very good to hear, i thought that would be it, but just needed the reassurance!

        Jazkum Allah kuli Kheir!

  760. hello…

    I had a dream last night… I don’t know if its good or bad.. When I wake up I kinda have mix emotion of fear and happiness. The same night

    1. First.. I’m with my 2 girl friends(which i cant recall or don’t know who they are) climbing up in a stairway..I was ahead of them and I noticed that they were not behind me. I go down and When I got back I saw my friend holding my other friend body lying dead(I think this one was a celebrity star. -_-‘ ).. we agreed to hid the fact that she’s died and hide it in my bag (don’t know why it fits.My bag is small there) but I don’t know what is the cause of my friend’s death. When we were outside I had another friend trying to look at our bag trying to find something and we tried to hide it but I couldn’t take much longer and I cried and confessed about it.(still dont know the cause..) My friend told me it’s alright. Then I was at the church I think.. Some parts of the building was wooden. I saw wooden chairs, floors.. and someone told me that if I get three things (like gifts or souveniers) I would live. My friends and I saw my other friends (particularly all girls) giving away some free things in the box and offer us. The things are wrapped in a plastic. I got 4 different wooden things from different persons. One of them is an angel with wooden wings. I saw my friend and she has 5 and one of them is small white bell (i don’t know if its ivory cause it;s light). Then I saw my friend’s sister and telling us to bring bells on her birthday and I said I had no bells.. What do I do? and she said she wants it for her birthday gift and went away.

    2. Then I saw myself in our old house I saw my grandmother coming down the stairs and I saw my grandfather who recently passed away looking at us outside and I was happy to see him and I said “goodbye grandfather. We will miss you. I love you” while waving at him. He smiles and wave at me while disappearing from the sky.

    What could that dream mean? could you pls interpret it.. Thanks ^_^

  761. There is a female teacher, from my child’s school, i give her food to eat, not sure what.
    Then the scenery changes (I’m still in England) I see that there is a massive well in it there are leaves and its very muddy and the water you can see the water it s shiny but there is more mud and leaves.
    Then I see two or three houses and then I see another well, which is smaller and is close from the top with cement and I think it has a tap on it.
    Then the scenery switches and I’m in Pakistan and I’m in the barn. I put down a sack and put some dye on to my mother in-laws hair (she has passed away). After I finish putting the dye in her hair she says “your stupid”.

  762. I have a recurring dream tht i am running down a huge flihght of stairs n I slip n fall… or i am driving and hv an accident and I feel the i am slamming thebrakes real hard.. what wud this mean ?

    • As salaam alaikum,
      I think your dream is telling you to slow down and be patient. Do not act impulsively. It’s a way to call your attention to something that you are overlooking.
      Be patient with the qadr of Allah, and be patient when making decisions so you consider all the important pieces. Be patient with people so you don’t destroy relationships that you can’t repair or hurt people unintentionally.

      “Oh you who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy. Vie in such perseverance, strengthen each other, and be pious, that you may prosper.” (3:200)

      “And be steadfast in patience, for verily Allah will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish.” (11:115)

      “Be patient, for your patience is with the help of Allah.” (16:127)

      “No one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but persons of the greatest good fortune.” (41:35)

      Insha’allah, Allah is giving you information that will lead to great blessings and peace of mind for you.
      And Allah knows best.

  763. asalamwalaikum
    how are you? i have a question to ask you. my husband saw a dream that his grandmother (who has passed away) came to him and is taking him somewhere with her on a train. i live in newyork and the train in his dream was from pakistan. my husband told his grandmother that this trains not from here and his grandmother said i know i brought it from pakistan. in the dream i am telling my husband to come back soon and his grand mother said let him go first and my husband left with her. after that his eyes opened and it was around fajar time. what is this supposed to mean? i think there is more in the dream but he didnt tell me because upon hearinmg this i was getting worried. please tell me as soon as possible. i am waiting for your reply. jazakallah.

  764. salam…
    can i know how did u know about the dreams meaning or translation? which book do u take from?? sorry for asking….

  765. salam alikum

    I saw in a dream that my grandfather was a half body rushing out and calling out for something ,he came out from what looked like a big house that had been reiuned, it was all silent ,plus i didnt see anyone else apart from him,,,

    if someone have the knowledge of interpretation about it ,please let me know

  766. Hello all my frnds I saw MOHAMMAD (PBUH) turbar in my dream and said fatiah on OUR PROPHET’s Pak grave,

    To be honest i amn’t a good person i had problems with my parents even no body likes me even my Girl frnd she don’t has parents and i always fight with her make her cry don’t know why I saw (PBUH) in my dream after all this sinss, the day I saw ( SAWS) in my dream i fought with my girlfrnd and my parents too.

    COUld any one tell me whats that mean please reply me soon my email address is

    • I forgot to post the dream,

      I saw MOHAMMAD(PBUH) green turban in a grave in my home town and one of my frnd told me, That’s our PAK PROPHET’s grave and we said the fatiah on the grave and after that we went from the graveyard saying KALMA Pak in a loud voice

    • As salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.

      My dear brother, Allah sent us the prophets to show us how to purify our hearts and to lead us to peace of mind. This includes you.

      Inshallah, I will try to give some insight to your dream. You should make dua to Allah also. Regardless of the meaning of the dream, I hope this advice will help you.

      A grave in your home town may be a warning/reminder that death is close. Life is much shorter than it appears at times. You have a choice – live “La ilaha il Allah” (worship only Allah) “Muhammadan Rasullulah” (live your life according to the Quran and sunnah), or encounter difficulty and earn the displeasure of Allah.

      Allah does not need our worship, it’s us who need Him. He has sent his messengers to help us.
      Seeing Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in a dream can mean you will be in the Jannah, may Allah make it so. It sounds like you are thinking about this choice. I beg you to give yourself a chance and pursue the right way.

      Here’s what I think might help, inshallah, and if people see your post, I hope they will make dua for you.

      1. Read surah fatihah and think about it’s message. Notice how merciful Allah is and how He reminds us to ask him for help to follow the right way.

      2. Be sure you are praying your 5 prayers. These sustain you and make it easier to avoid what’s haram.
      3. Avoid putting anything haram in your body: bad food, alcohol, drugs. They can cause imbalances that lead to the type of trouble you describe.

      4. Keep good company – make friends with good muslims (online if you have to) and find a sheikh or some sheikhs you can talk to.

      5. Ramadan is coming. Ask a sheikh or knowledgeable person to help you make a plan to turn things around. It should not be super-demanding. Ask them what you can do to take a vacation from haram (corny, I know, but still…) and how you can make lasting changes. Maybe they will explain things in a different light so that you can really feel able to make a change.

      6. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Even Hind who ate the heart of Hamza (hopefully you have not done anything that extreme) was given the ability to turn her life around and become a sweet person. Never never never give up on yourself. I see you are “invisible boy” in your email address, but you are not invisible to Allah or out of the reach of his mercy.

      7. Think about this relationship with the girl. If she doesn’t have parents, she is an orphan. She deserves special concern and for the Muslims to uphold her diginity. This situation is degrading to you and it makes you feel bad. I’m sure she is lonely. I think it would be best to break things off, but do what you can to try to get some girls or women to support her. And say you’re sorry. I know you probably don’t want to hear that. Inshallah, Allah will help you with everything, step by step.

      8. Try to make things better with your parents and anyone else you have hurt. The Sunnah recommends giving gifts as a way to mend relationships. Also, a sheikh would probably have good advice in this respect. If you are growing up in a different culture than where your folks are from, try not to put any shame feelings you may have about being “different” growing up onto your parents. This happens a lot for immigrant’s kids. Also if you have some major concerns with cultural issues, try to get as one of your sheikhs someone who really understands American culture, and does not expect you to “do Islam” the back home way.

      9. If you can’t say you are sorry right away for people you have hurt, at least tell Allah you are sorry. Then make a lot of duas for those people – anything good for them, and also try to do anonymous things to help them.

      10. Even if you have to make tawba (try to do better) 100 times, keep trying!

      Inshallah, I hope you will find good people who can help you and that you will take this seriously. Remember any time you repent you have the support of Allah. I hope you have a good Ramadan and that things get better for you.

      • Sura 11 – Hud (MAKKA) : Verse 90
        “But ask forgiveness of you Lord and turn unto Him (in repentance): for my Lord is indeed Full of mercy and loving-kindness.”

        Sura 3 – Al-E-Imran (MADINA) : Verse 31
        Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

        Sura 10 – Yunus (MAKKA) : Verse 62
        No doubt! Verily, the Auliyâ’ of Allâh [i.e. those who believe in the Oneness of Allâh and fear Allâh much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which he has forbidden), and love Allâh much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)], no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve[], –

        Sura 19 – Maryam (MAKKA) : Verse 96
        Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW)] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Gracious (Allâh) will bestow love for them[] (in the hearts of the believers).

  767. salam,
    Recently i had a dream were im getting engaged to a practising person, and i was a school kid and i am very curiouse to know what it meant so if anyone could interpret this for me i would be very grateful.

  768. Salam, i have this recurring dream that i have again and again over time. i have this dream were im loosing my teeth like theyre just falling out so easily. Any idea what that could mean. Jazakallah

    • @Aneesa, Subhan Allah. I read your dream and thought to myself did I write this? I have the the same dreams. I hope you get a response as I had this dream last week and was hoping to seek it’s understanding Insha’Allah.

  769. i saw 2 very small snakes (Like you see in the cartoons) running towards me and went inside my shirt and started to scrach my back, somebody came running after me and asked me not to move and started to hit my back with a rod to kill the snake but instead the sankes started to scrach and bit me more & more. i woke up the same time and felt a slight pain on my back.

    • Salaam alaikum.
      Wow, it looks like a lot of people are dreaming about snakes.
      In some cases they can mean enemies. Remember that shaitan is our biggest enemy, so be careful of suspecting other people before you consider that.
      A snake can also mean a secret.

  770. i had a dream about ma fiancee sitting with his family and he got up and i followed, he was listening to ipod and he wouldnt listen to me.i was puting ma shoes on and my dad came and told me he cant do everything for you and ma fiance came and laughed at me and left.can u please interppret this?

  771. salams shaffiq,
    i had this dream twice…i had a dream that my sister was getting married to her husband who she is already married to she also has been married to him for 11 years now and they have 3 kids…in one of the dreams i was accusing a lady (my sisters mother-in-law) for performing black magic on my sister as my sister was talking weirdly before her wedding started (this was alll in my dream)
    asalamu alaykum wa jazakulllah

  772. Hi, two years ago I had a dream that all my teeth fall quickly in my lab,
    I stil think about this dream which make me worried.

    What could that dream mean? could you please interpret

  773. salam alaykoum

    today i had a dream that i had two extra toes behind my toes so i decided to pull both of them out it would really be helpul if i could get an interpretation


  774. salam alykum,

    i had a dream when i was about 9 years old , that i was in a desert we were taking stone one by one and building the Kaba (allahs house) with the prophet ibrahim and his son ismail and my whole family were there helping out. It would really help me to find out what this means , im 22 now and always had it on my mind.

  775. salaam

    i need some advise and on the meaning of the dream i had last night, it has freaked me out. last few nights i have been having bad nights and have not been sleeping well, it has been freaking me out…well it has been going on for a while, but half of the time i can’t remember it. however last nights dream i remember it clearly.
    the dream was i was pregnant (which i ain’t) and there was a friend of a friend in the dream, and i was seeing things, shadows and then there was a jinn that was trying to take me over, was trying to take the unborn child away.
    i really want to understand what this means, and whats the interpretation of this meaning and is it bad?
    can someone please help me.
    thank you


  776. Asalaam alaykum,

    I had a strange dream where my ex-husband brings me something (I don’t know what) I had sent him for and when he gives it to me he tells me that the object comes with a free pair of shoes. I feel happy and see that the shoes are white. I try one and it fits me perfectly. Then I say to him that I like them and will surely use them well. Jazakallah khayrun, I have been through a lot of troubles with my ex husband and he has not officially divorced me in court therefore I am hanging. Please tell me what this dream could mean, Inshallah kher.

  777. This is a very interesting dream, sister. Shoes are a symbol of our approach in life, our role. White is a symbol for purity, honour or spirituality. You may be starting in new role or a new approach in your life with your white shoes in the dream and you seem to like it… Pay good attention to your dreams : ) Please remember that a dream doesn’t only have one meaning. It has other meanings too. I can interpret dreams for you if you ever want.

    • Jazaakallah Khayrun Ahmed, Here is another dream I had recently: I am in my room watching my mother lying on my bed playing with a baby (it’s mine though my children are grown Alhamdulillah). Then my mother sweetly tells the baby “say Bismillah, say Bismillah”, and the baby says “Bismillah” and my mother and I both seem pleased Subhaanallahi Ta’ala. (if a baby that small talked in real life I would probably faint….)

      • Dear sister Fatma, your ‘dream-mother’ (the nourishing spirit of your life appearing as your actual mother in your dream) may be trying to raise or educate a new idea, a new way, a new birth, in your life; spiritualizing it in the intimate part of your soul which is the bed in your dream.

        • Jazaakallah khayrun brother Ahmed, I am starting to see a theme in my dreams, a new beginning, new idea/ approach. Inshallah Kher ya Rabb-il-aalameen.

  778. Alaikumo Salaam dear sister. Certainly. I shall read your dreams carefully and give you my interpretation. Please check back soon.

  779. Salaam,

    I recently had a miscarriage and a few days after my miscarriage I dreamt 3 babies dressed in WHITE trying to take me somewhere… does anybody know what this means? I am dying to have a baby but does this mean i will have 3 miscarriages??

    • Alaikum salaam wa rahmatulla wa barakatu. Sister, I am so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. May Allah give you peace.
      I’m not sure exactly what your dream means, but it has good symbols. Allah knows best. White clothes can represent purity and improvement. Babies represent a good omen. Travel (they are trying to take you somewhere in your dream) can represent a sign of change. So I think your dream is a good dream of hope for the future, to address your miscarriage concerns and loss. I don’t know if the babies are 3 healthy babies, but Insha’allah I do not think it means 3 miscarriages. 3 blessings of some type, Insha’allah. May Allah bless you and give you hope and better times.

  780. Is there someones email I can leave my dreams to privately? I understand that one should be careful to whom they share their dreams to. I need someone who can interpret dreams in the islamic method.

  781. my mum had a dream of me having a girl

    I had adream that my husband and i were at work and while i was taking seving a customer he was watching me and taking tomy brother inlaw then he started yellingat me

  782. last night i had a dream that in our living room, i live with only my mom and i, there were snake cases, 6 of them, if i recall correctly. and my mom ate one i think and then one got away and was trying to go into my closet in my room, and then she cooked the others and tried to make me eat it and her ex boyfriend called and she tried to make me talk to him but i didnt want to, eventually i decided to talk to him telling him i dont wanna eat the snakes and i dont wanna go with my mom apparently we were going out somewhere. he said he’ll come get me and i said no its okay. after that my mom continued trying to make me eat the cooked snake….

    by the way, i remember having anotherdream a long time ago with the same thing about my mom cooking snakes.. but in was outside, not in our kitchen. but in that dream she was just cleaning the snake taking off the skin and what not and then kindof bbq-ing it..

    just thought i should add that as a side note because its on the same subject of my mom cooking a snake.

  783. Assalamu Alaikum!
    I dreamt after the birth my 1st baby (Boy) in the next day of his born, that he has 3 lens in his left eye and 1 lens in his right eye and the colour of all the lens were brown. Please explain

  784. salam,
    i want to know interpretation of two dreams,

    1- my friend sees my other friend die in his dream, he dreams that my friend is ill and he dies. i want to know waht does taht mean.

    2. i dream about my teeth falling off, like all of them at once but my front teeth and bottom teeth don’t fall out but all the others fall like all togther. i had similar dream before as well.

    can you please help me regards taht.

  785. Asalamualaikum,

    I broke up with my girlfriend 2 years back. we still meet up after the break up. then after that… i want her back to be with me.
    so i consult with every believer of islam, and they instructed me to pray istikharah. and so i did.

    i dreamt of us being happy together and laughing happily with no worries. and i dreamt this for 2-3 nights.
    the problem is… i do not practice much of my daily prayers and and the dreams i had… would be the prank of a shaitan or just plainly subconcious? cos every dream given by allah swt would have a nice and worry free feeling.


    Mohd Yunos

    • Salaam alaikum brother. Dreams can come from Allah, from the self, or from the shaitan. For regular people (not prophets), you can’t be sure the source of a dream 100%. Dreams after fajr are supposed to be generally shaitanic. Your dream may have a different meaning than you think. Maybe your ex-girlfriend represents a quality that you need in your life and that will bring you happiness. You didn’t say if you had the dream close to the time you made istaquara or much later. But regarding that situation, if you made istaqara, you can be confident that things will work out for the best.
      If you are meant for her, you need to keep up your prayers because believing women need praying men. Non-believing women need dawa from people who pray. I think sometimes you can meet your soulmate and things don’t work out at first because you aren’t ready. Maybe not praying is part of what needs to be resolved, but try your best to do it only for Allah. You will not lose anything by praying, it can only benefit you.
      May Allah give you blessings of love and happiness.

  786. Hey,

    I had just fallen asleep when I heard a very loud bark literally a feet away from me, I awoke and looked, and I saw a black dog, but only for a moment. I know sometimes when waking up from dream state, you may experience a mix of reality and dreams. The thing is, the dog was so real, and the barks were very loud and clear. Almost as if it was happening in reality.

    Does this mean anything?

    • Yousef, a black dog symoblises the devil. you may well have had a shayteen in your room. seek refuge from Allah. Have trust in Allah, Insha Allah Allah there will be nothing harm to you. Read your Qul’s, Ikhlas, Falak, Nas and Ayat Al Kursi, cup your hands together and blow into it an rub your whole body Sahih al-Bukhari – Volume 7, Book 71, Number 648

  787. hi……
    i hav had this dream serval times and i dream about a snake that tries to bite me…..
    nd i hav heard people saying that it means i hav an enemy…..
    is that true??
    its kinda worryin me…..:(

    • SALAM,

      My name is ABDULRAZAK i dream of falling into a deep and that contains water and was struggling to get out,but i couldn’t.

      Secondly i was climbing a tall ladder on getting to the top,i fell down from it….

      please interprete and give me prayer point

  788. Dear Sir

    I want to know interpration of my dream , I have dreamt that I kept snake in my house as pet animal , I kept two Python /Anaconda in a big transparent container , one is black & other is silver both are very dangerous & the container was full with water & water was boiling . and in the second container there is cobra & other snake , pls let me know what does it mean , kindly help me in this regards

    thanks in advance !


  789. I had a dream that I looked outside of my window and saw a small fire, but big black flames where spreading in the sky

  790. Please can you tell me, what does this dream means?….Basically, the girl saw this dream after ISTIKHARAN….And she expressed her dream like this, “There were lots of ppl for a dinner i think n asked is this my nikah? n some1 replied no this is just to celebrate n i replied gud cuz i dnt want to do my nikah wit out my parents.”

  791. Please tell me the meaning of this dream and this dream came to the girl after ISTIKHARA…She expressed her dream, “lots of ppl for a dinner i think n asked is this my nikah? n some1 replied no this is just to celebrate n i replied gud cuz i dnt want to do my nikah wit out my parents.” JAZAKALLAH FIRDOS

    Please tell me the meaning of this dream and this dream came to the girl after ISTIKHARA…She expressed her dream in a way that she saw many people on a dinner and she asked , is it for her NIKKAH?, the people told her that, no it’s just a celebration and she answered back that it’s good because she want her parents to be there on her NIKKAH. JAZAKALLAH FIRDOS.
    May ALLAH SUBHANAWTA’ALA bless us all with HIDAYA…AMEEN.

  793. Asalamualaikum,

    i had a dream that my mum dad nan and lil brother and sister were at a mosque praying salah we was all on umrah and once we finishd salaah we went out somewhere i do not remember were we went but we went back in the moske were i found my dad reading quran so i joined him and i also asked my mum if we was going to do thwarpe she was like yeah we will.

    what does it mean ?

  794. Asalam Alaikum, Im a practicing muslim brother that stays on his prayers, i known this muslim sister that i like for a year and we recently started going out 4 months ago, it is like a match made in heaven too good to be true mashallah and im willing to propose to her soon, i have had my doubts recently due to the fact that she is very private about some things and chooses not to tell me some so i started getting suspicious, she always assures me that she will never do me wrong yet i find it hard to believe that she has 0 male friends like she says when i ask her and i find her a very friendly free spirit that does alot of the things she says she wouldn’t at times. Recently I have had 3 dreams of her involved with some other guys that are mutual friends, and she keeps acting suspicious, the calls are less, whenever she talks she tries to sweet talk me so i can forget about her not calling, i see her less, she never stresses or gets bothered by any issues that are on the table, she shows less concern, she is always busy with so called family, she ignores my calls and dosent seem to care if we argue and she claims that she cares but just dosent want to argue wether its serious or not. All am asking is what does those dreams mean? Could they be true? Could she be seeing somebody else or what? Because they are heavy on my mind and I just had one last night when I slept and it was definitely after dawn

    • Salaam alaikum wa rahmatulla wa barakatu.
      Brother – dreams can come from three sources, from Allah, from yourself, or from the shaitan.
      Except for the dreams of the prophets, people can not know the source of our dreams. This COULD be a true dream. To me, the way you describe it, it most likely is coming from your anxiety. But I really have to tell you brother, from reading your email, I feel concerned. There are signs that either the sister has some issues or she is just reacting defensively to how you are relating to her. It seems like you are extremely jealous when you’re not even sure what’s going on. The sister has a right to some privacy and some boundaries, even if you get married. She has the right to be her own person, not part of you. With the male friends, it could be something inappropriate is happing, or she may be simply afraid to tell you whether she has male friends or not (even if it’s just friends) because of how you are approaching the issue. Doing a lot of things she says she won’t do can be a sign of dishonesty or of fear of doing things that she thinks are morally okay but that she thinks you will get upset about. Calling less can mean that she is overwhelmed by how you are relating to her or that you are not respecting her boundaries about how often you should call. Trying to be sweet can be a means to appease you. Why is it that you want her to be upset by issues on the table instead of just solving the problem? Why do you resent her time with her family? Brother, seriously. I am not trying to accuse you, but you are so suspicious and much of what is her is not conclusive. You are making yourself crazy over things that may not be happening. I can see why you MIGHT jump to certain conclusions, but some suspicion is sin. You should not marry this girl if you don’t trust her. Even if she is not doing anything, you can not have a marriage where you relate to her with suspicion and she either relates to you with disregard or is shutting down because she is totally overwhelmed. Much of the behavior you describe can look like an unfaithful woman’s behavior, but it also very much along the lines of how I have seen women react to emotional abuse and men who do not respect them but instead have to see them as bad people regardless of the evidence. Not wanting to argue no matter what can be the sign of someone who is non-confrontational by nature, fearful, or feels they do not have the means to protect themselves from angry attacks. By Allah, I am trying to give you helpful advice, not trying to use your situation to embarrasss you. Please please please DO NOT MARRY this girl while the two of you have this dynamic going on. Make Istaqara to Allah about what to do.

  795. isalamu 3alaykum please someone help me interpitate this dream, i dreamt that i was crying alot and that my tears were rice thank you !

    • As salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.
      Insha’allah, I think that this dream means that if you are going something difficult or painful for you now, it will ultimately pass, you will be successful, and your efforts will be of benefit for you.

      May Allah bless you in this life and the next.

  796. I dreamt that crows came into my house and i tried shooing them away . they bcame aggressive and wanted to attack me . i went into my room and hid . then when i open the door , i had a feeling of closing it back and something good happen . 3 or 4 of the crows went dead as they were stuck in between the door and lack of oxygen . then i told my mum about it and she told my dad but later said to me my dad doesnt believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes . but the dead crows were just infront of my room and i didnt understand why they couldnt see before i told them . one of the crows which escaped came back to save the crows . i heard my niece shouting and screeming and went to check it out . i saw it and tried to cover it with the bed but it was strong . i took a plastic taupauwe and cover and kill it .
    I would like to know whats the meaning of my dream . Thanks

  797. Asalamualaikum,

    i had converted to islam recently the day before i convert to islam i had a dream in that i saw a word (IQBAL) later when i went to mosque and i meet imam to complete process of converting they were thinking for a name same i remembered my dream i asked the meaning they it is a name there after it became my name it was on black background with white letter it was very bright this image i cannot forget in my lifetime.
    plz some one help me in this

    • Walaykum Salaam,
      Congrats on your conversion brother…may make us all good practicing muslims…

      REgarding your dream im no scholar but in many cases I have these dreams were i see something and in the next few coming days that thing actually happens in reality. I don’t think there is anything to worrry about but Allah’s mercy he shown you your name before hand..

      Apologies for any errors… WaSalaam

  798. salam w alacum

    Ramadon kareem everyone, I had a dream that i was sleeping and i had my bluetooth in my ear and my husband calles me to wake me up to pray el fajir it became very hard for me to open my eyes when i tried to open them when i did open them i could see a black figure in front of me almost sucking the life out of me and i could hear a lot of wind in my ears, i couldnt move and tried saying awzoo bilah min el shaton el rajeem bit it wouldnt come out then i finally was able to say it, then i was able get out of bed to see a child sitting in a chair i pionted a gun at him please i am very frightened about this dream and wanting to know what this mean thank you salam

  799. asalamu alaikum
    can you plz interpetate my dream
    i had a dream that mohamad(saw) tells me to cover myselff my mother and one of my uncles is there to my mum is trying to cover me i have a clothing on which is sort of an abaya my mum has a scarf in her hands and she is puting it on my head i tell mohamad(saw) i am ready plz look at me and i keep on repeating it but he says no you are still not ready whenever you are ready i will look at you, when i woke up i told my mum the dream and that time i was around 11 or 12 years old.
    plz plz! reply back jazakullah khair.

  800. i had a dream that i went to makkah and i cud c the khana kabba…thn our leaders tel us to go to our rooms and wen we go our room is reali smal wiv 2 single beds and thers four of us it is so suffocating thn thers a door in the room wch leads to bathroom my sister opens door and i cud breathe easily cuz the bathroom window is open and cool window comes in…..i jus want to know what it means???

  801. hi i saw a dream that i have triplet boys, then my mum saw the same dream that triplets hav been born in our house , n then a few days later my best friend saw that i had triplet boys but we did not tell this dream to each other untill my friend mentioned it to me.

  802. asalaam alaykum everyone,

    my freind recently had a dream, the dream went like this:

    she went to her grandmas house and had found out that her grandma died in a car accident ( her grandma is currently alive )
    everyone was there and every one was crying, then she looked at her mum and her mum said to her “its all your fault”.

    can sumone pls help inturpratate ths as she is very worried that something might happen to her grandma !!

    thankyou very much and asalaam alaykum

  803. salaam everyone,

    I recently had a dream of waking up before my husband went to work and catching a very beautiful butterfly. so i put it in a jar and i was showing it to my husband. all this time the wings of the butterfly were closed but while me and my husband were looking it suddenly opened its wings and we were amazed by the beauty of it…

    can someone pls interpret this dream..

    thankyou very much and salaam

  804. Salam all,

    I dreamed several times standing and praying reciting Al-Fateha, once in a mosque (I was taking ablution and then went in to pray in congregation), another at home where I usually pray facing qibla. Another dream I dreamed I was seeing many pilgrimages in Masjidil Haram in Mecca wearing white clothings, all clean and so white..just like most ppl do when they are in Mecca..and in my dream I said Subhanallah..and theres 2 ppl wearing black and looking quite scary..and I remembered feeling afraid looking at them, then my mum came to me saying Dont be afraid, believe in Allah and tawakalallah (trust in Allah).. I repeated saying Tawakalallah..and I woke up from my dream. In all these dreams..when I woke up, few seconds later I heard azan fajr. Could someone tell me what it means most importantly abt prayers and taking ablution. Shookran jazillan..

  805. salaam…few days ago, i dream of death,shot by a gun, my breathing had stop for awhile and i really felt it…and it is so “mahirap” but then after i think 45 seconds, my breathing has returned but then when i stood up i saw a person and ask of what had happened then he answered then i left. but what bad is i felt something like no one seen me or in other word i stood up as a soul only…someone could reflect…email me at…i wishes to hear something from anyone.thank you.alhamdulilla

  806. i had dream i met this girl wear she lives whom i like for marry but she didnt have her hijab on oddly then soon she was gone the dream was over

  807. i want to elaborate in my last note just that i was praying istikhara to findout if this was the best choice in girl and then i had a dream i met her but i met her like not expecting it and she wasnt wearing hijab and we were sitting on a high place like a tree house then she went and the dream was over then i was praying istikhara more and 6months later i had a dream with her again i spoke to her in a call which i have never done in real life and when we were both talking in this dream all was good and we were making future plans
    can u please tell me what this could mean?

  808. Salaam Anlaykum!
    I just had a dream that left me thinking can someone please interpret it for me?
    I saw my self in a young student dormroom and i was picking up a lot of raw meat from her bed, i stepped a little further and did the same thing in her bathroom on the corner.She was with a room mate that left and forget her cell phone.

  809. salam alakum
    i had the weirds dream ever.
    i was sitting in a friends house and that friend of mine a (guy) told me am gona give you a present but with me i didnt really care i was like yea, yea, i looked and saw this beautiful horse it was grey it came running from the ocean, i looked at my friend and his like thats for you. they took the horse and put it in a small cage. and i wake up, can you pleas tell me the meaning.

  810. Salamou Alaykom!

    JazakumAllah Kulli knier, this is such a nice forum!

    I would like to ask about a recurring dream, where i am driving my car in a very big car park with no other cars driving except me however the car park had some cars parked but is not full nor empty. Also i try to look around but find my vision is a little blurry but i keep driving and making alot of turns…???
    I have seen this dream 3 times over the past couple of months?

    Thanks Again!

  811. Hello, I had a dream that I am getting a new birth certificate and shows place of my birth (AQuaba) a place in jordan and my Aunt her name (Inaam) is a wittness. Please help.

    Aquaba means obstical. Inaam means goods

  812. Hello, I had a dream that I am getting a new birth certificate and shows place of my birth (AQuaba) a place in jordan and my Aunt her name (Inaam) is a wittness. Please help.

    Aquaba means obstical. Inaam means goods.

  813. asalamalakom all,
    i had a dream last night, and it really worried me, can anyone help me?
    -1st dream, that i had bugs in my hair, but not lice, it was a weird kind of bug.

    -2nd dream,me and my dad went to a supermarket ansd bought snacks, and they all added up to be 5 jds and 20 cents. and so my dad put his head on hte table, as if he could not afford it.

    anyone have meanings? if you do, plz email me at

  814. Assalam aalikum
    I had a dream during the month of Ramadan and my husband away in a Religious journey (jamaat) that he is having sexual intercourse with several women can u please interpret my dreams

    • Dear Zainab, Salam aleykum sister,
      Your dream’s islamic interpretation could mean the paying off of debts that are owed. You husband may be sorting out what is owed by him. I can do psychological/spiritual dream interpretation. If you want you can email me with your dreams in private.

  815. last nite i had a dream that i recieved a gift from the Prophet (SAW). i was in this castle or som place, i think i was living was a dirty place. the servant came to get me, and told me that i recieved a gift from the Prophet (SAW). i went to the hall, and it was a winged horse. it was the most beautiful creature you ever saw. i asked where the Prophet (SAW) was. the servant said he left and disappeared in the mud. then, the kind and the servant said they will take care of the horse, and began covering it with a glass cover. i said no, its my gift. they were making excuses that no, they hav to take care of it. they were trying to take it away from me.

    later my mom heard about it, and said to say hi to the Prophet for her. i said ok, even though i didnt c him myself.

    the second part of the dream, was that i had this animal pelt, the skin and fur of some animal, i dnt no wat. but anyways, somehow it was very precious to me. my stepfather took it, drove around the block, and threw it over a house. (in reality, i have a very bad relationship with my stepfather. he cheated on my mom and is a hypocrite and liar.) i found my pelt with the help of som frinds.

    it was so vivid, i rememer the details clearly.

    i told my husband, and he saw it as a good omen for our interest in australia. we r in pakistan, and trying to get visa for him to u.s., but recently, we started gettin interested in australia.

    wat does this mean? plz interpret my dream.

  816. aoa all
    i saw dream in which i was in makah and standind out of a home protecting NABI SAWW
    i killed many people in tha just for HIS protetion.NABI SAWW was inside the house and there wa heavy rain in my dream. plx reply what dox it mean
    in other dream i was also protecting NABI SAWW from people but in both dreams i cudnt see da face
    pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse help


  818. i had a dream (even though it feels like a memory) i don’t know when i had it, it feels like something that i always remember. It was before i was born. It felt like i was just a soul and there was other souls around talking and I was shown my parents and and i knew i would be a female and i told Allah ta’ala (even though i couldn’t see Him) I promised Him that i would never forget him. Can you help me to understand this.

  819. I have been having this dream for quite sometime….every time i see a child in the dream….n the child is sick..either autistic or cancer….this is kind of making me upset….my husband n I r trying for kids….n dont know if its related to this….i see my father too who died 5 months back..but that’s ok because i think of him a lot…but this dream is bothering me a lot..can someone help me to interpret this dream…?…thanku.

  820. If you can remember all or most of your dream, you can email it to me Annette and I’ll give you an interpretation.
    My email address is written above.

  821. salams i had a dream i had a baby boy after 9 years of my marriage i have no other children but in my dream i was so happy and joy ful

  822. assalamu alaikum, I had a dream that my husband went into a room and when I went to go see him My father in law told me that he was gone, as in he died. And I was really upset and trying to get into the room to see him because I didnt believe him. I can not really remember the rest. What does this mean? I think when i got into the room i still could not find him, but i cant remember if I found him later in the dream or not. Please let me know!

  823. assalamu alaikum, i just woke up from a very bad dream that scared me quite a bit. in my dream i was with a group of people and my younger brothers had stitches running towards the middle of his head from the front of his to the back and i had placed my hand around the stitches on his head and pulling on them to pull him to where i needed to take him and the whole time he was crying and asking me please and some of the other people around were begging also. i didnt care in the dream though and wanted to make an example of him for the other people even though he was my brother and my own blood. and after he begged and i didnt listen and kept pulling him by the stitches in his head he just became lifeless as if he actually died and i felt so awful about what i had done to him and i blamed myself for him dying or being lifeless. i woke up very very scared and worried. can you please explain my dream to me.

  824. i also want to add that in my dream i was very determined to make an example of him and i was heartless and did not care that he was begging me for his life. it was almost like i was going to take his life away and he was begging me not to and just before i could to that he became lifeless in my hand after i was pulling on him by the stitches in him head.

    Please tell me waht you think of my dream because it really scared me.

  825. Assalamualaykum..

    Someone proposed me, we met online & at the moment we both decided to perform istikhara before making final decision & so far we have not got any sign yet (2 weeks now) but we had a dream but not sure if it is related to our istikhara

    My dream;
    He sent me an email of his decision. the 1st thing he wrote was few dua’s & the dua’s was for a specific prayer (taubah) then when I scroll to read further (decision he made), I was awoke. so I dont know exactly his decision.
    I woke up from,showered & performed taubah prayer right away

    His dream;
    me & him were asking questions (don’t remember which questions they were specifically) but there still seemed to be some kind of a barrier between us.
    He was smoking marijuana and also that he was somewhere like gathering but in his mind was the idea of marriage.

    Pls help us to interpret our dream. Thank u in advance

  826. sallam walle kum,

    i had consulted a scholar who is the imam in the masjid in our area and also a scholar came from up who is a teacher in a sunni madarasa in uttar pradesh (state) . he TOLD ME THAT SOMETHING EVIL IS OUR HOUSE gave me told me to four nails with the ayat of quarans written on it and nail it on the four corners of your house and also gave me ayat written on piece of a paper with musk and saffron told me that each member should tie it on the neck (like a tawis). so we all the members of the house wore tawis in the neck.

    after we did that day all was fine later next day after me and my wife finish suhoor. after fajr she got dream that we had some visitors in our house and my son is playing the room the visitors were laughing looking at the tawis .My wife and my son is quite….



  827. salam a family member of mine had a dream that me and my brother liked each other and we wanted to get married. she also said that we got intmate with each other infront of people and we thought what we were doing is right and my mum approved of it. ever since she told me about this dream ive been really lik to know what this means.

  828. i am given full athaan (azaan) in my dreams in a mosque where lots of men and women are there.
    pls explain and interprete its meaning.

    as salam valekum

  829. salam,

    i dreamt of watching my newborn baby son sucking on a small pool of milk with such intelligence and myself at peace and smiling, just split seconds before that an image of that same son (now around 4-6 yrs) as a musical genius playing the piano. was told by an expert in my dream that my son suffered from a disease/condition as a baby but later as a “genius”. and praises/compliments from friends on how happy they were about my son.

    i woke up with a smile on my face as i was so happy.

    pls interpret its meaning, thank you

  830. Assalamualaikum,
    I dreamt of dying while I was in Aeroplane. I was reciting Kalima while my Aeroplane was about to crash. What could be the meaning of my dream ?



  832. salaam, i had a dream i was in a big palace it was very bright and next to me was a young women who was fully coverd she said she wants to marry me i ask her age she said 14 i said thats to young but she was commited to marry me and said what about 16 and i replied i am not sure

    the second dream was i walked into a room and saw a women who my father wants me to marry i didnt kno what i was doin in that room i walkt past her and seen her mother who looked unhappy i smiled and went into a diffrent room and it was all black then i heard a young boy say its your wedding you need to get out and i am trying to get out but i cant

    3rd dream i saw the same girl my father wants me to marry standing infront of me smilling

    thx for your help take care

  833. Salam,

    I had a dream that a crow was chasing me, i was hiding and running away and there was even a man helping me get away, but this crow would stick to me, my clothes, fly after me and even tried to bite me with its beack. I was very confused and afraid.

  834. salaams.. i had a dream that i was in a milad (maulud / Prayer) wid my aunty and we were really close to each other and smiling. wereas my ex mother in law was there aswell and she was just sat there staring at the two of s. ive just recently broke up with my fiance and it was his mum that was staring at us both, she ignores me till towards the end when everyone has left she comes to see me.

    can any1 help me with this?

  835. Al Salamu alaykom
    I prayed Eid prayers in the mosque, and prayed a lot fr my daughter because we are wondering about this guy who might want to propose and slept.
    in the dream it was daylight, I have dreamt that my daughter (18 years old) and her friend Maryam received a gift of three very big natural leather bags and inside were half full of beautiful clean milk and the covers of the bags were all open.
    Maryam my daughter”s friend took her bag and left and i stood there knowing the 2 bags left were my daugher’s but i was thinking how i will carry them, then and i woke up!
    please someone explain my dream!!!

  836. i had this dream today that i was in my bro’s room and then something happened to was like a jinn or any spirit captures my body and then i unintentionally recited sura-e-falak or sura-e-nas (from Qura’an), i don’t remember well due to which that spirit or what ever it was,left my body.and then there was this not so good looking man with a mustache whom i got married to(in real life, i haven’t seen him) and i wanted to stay away from this man because he was ugly(that’s what i thought in my dream)…and there was a date “29”i don’t know what 29 but i just remember that there was something about 29..does anyone know or can tell what does this dream mean??
    p.s.i was very happy yesterday due to Eid so,don’t say that it was because of stress or depression.

    thank you.

  837. Hello my name is siddra and i am a female aged 17…..i wanted to ask about a dream that i had after Fagr namaz…. basically i saw a young girl about 17 like my age… but she had long blond hair and she was sitting on a beautiful white/brownish horse and she was riding the horse and when i saw her i was smiling and i was proud it was like i was sitting on the horse and then she was climbing a beautiful fertile mountain and i and some other people could see a beautiful green fertile foreign land and we all were smiling proudly… can someone please tell me what this dream means?

  838. salamaleikum..
    i have a dream tat i need to noe the meaning if u may have the answer.. i dream of someone i love & he was looking at me & smiling.. can i noe what does it indicate in Islam..
    thank you for yr kindness., Allah be with u.. amin ya rab alamin..

    with love., simah (=

  839. aslam o alikum, plz i need this dream meaning, today at tahajuth time 30 minutes before fajr, i dream long but i just remember this part, that i have three birds (like small australian parrots, which are available in diferent colours also in pakistan) which are very small, and i found them they are almost near to die. i think ohh, i forgotton to give them food and water, they are not in specific cage than i put in there pot some water and food, i full the pot with water and inmediately they become big not too much but to their normal size. but still they are some weak. i think they need time to recover. two of them are little green and the one is so young that its not have still any colour, but it seems to have blue colour.
    plz tell me its meaning, a day before i also see a dream in which i go a place where their is no water and people thirsty, a woman digging with her finger the earth and i have a glass of fresh water which i give to a thirsty man to drink.
    please please give me its interpretation.


  840. Asalam O Aliakum,
    I was wondering if someone could help interpret this deram I had about 2 weeks ago. I saw someone referring to a man as Prophet Mohammad ( PBUH), and Also Hazrath Essa Ale Salam and another Male figure who informs me in the dream that the DAJAAL is here. I woke up after that moment. I dont remember any images, neither do I remember any details. I also saw someone telling me that its going to be alright. I dont remember the dream vividly. Please Help.

    Second dream I had the other night was about bunch of ants, and I was trying to kill them. I dont once again remember the whole dream. Can you please tell me the significance of seeing ants in your dreams? I would truly appreciate your help.
    Jazak Allah,

  841. My uncle passed away 4 months ago and a friend of mine passed away in a plane crash 2 months ago. A few days ago i dreamt that they has passed away and everyone has gathered at for the funeral. My uncle’s body was wrapped in a white cloth all ready for burial while my friend’s body was next to him in a coffin in a very bad condition. One of his eye had popped out and his face was all burnt and bloody. I’m standing right next to my uncle’s body when he starts telling me something but he is speaking so softly that i couldn’t understand him. I try really hard and he keeps saying something. Then all of a sudden all the relatives came and started taking the bodies away for burial i start screaming that my uncle wants to say something let me hear but everyone ignores and take them away. Please interpret this dream for me. JazakAllah.

  842. Salaam,
    please please help me with my dream. I have just had a dream that my mother who is very ill gave birth to a baby. But this wasn’t just a baby it was evil and its size filled the whole room. and did not have the color of a baby, more of a green or brown. I got my dad and told him its the devils child and I kept trying to read the Kul but it was as though my tongue did not work, that tjis evil was stopping me. my cousin then came and was reading aswel and he lit candles but they kept going out. I just tried to keep reading but i couldn’t. what does this dream mean? please help .

  843. asalam alıykum.ı am a müslim turkısh girl.before ı sleep.ı dıd duwa to ALLAH to show me a sign of rıght way to me then ı saw in my dreams that am reading al fatiha really in great needing of to learn ıts meanıng..ı ll be glad ıf can get ıt via mail

    • All the way to Allah is Alfatiha, it shown from its meaning, Subhanallah (Greatest Holy to Allah). when we know from its meaning of Af fatiha, we know that what is the great of the creator (Allah). Be recitate alfatiha 41 times a day and continue to 41days. InsyaAllah you would get the Rahmat (Gift) from Allah that you never known.

    • Walaikum Salam,

      Menstruation means healing from a sickness and an argument means reconciliation or love and kindness among people who are fighting.

  844. Assalam Alekum

    last night i had a dream of killing white lice from my head. i killed 2 or 3 which only i could see. i tried to show my mom but she could’nt.

    what is it all about, is a gud or a bad dream?

  845. AA,

    I have many dreams, not different from anyone else. I have ones where I am standing on a big red mountain in a simple white cotton sheet, with others standing the same behind me. The sun is high and I call out “it is almost time! It is almost time” I look to my left and those to my left are swimming in an inflatable pool and I am calling to them “please come now! Please! It is almost time! You must come” and they do not come. But I can feel a great presence a very great presence.

    What is the meaning behind this dream?

    I am also very troubled by another series of dreams. I dream of intimate relations with other men. But these relations never reach intercourse, in fact they don’t get very far, but the understanding is that it was the initial intention. What does this mean?

    And one more dream that troubles me. It is about a man that I once deeply loved, and still do but not in a romantic way, who loved me, but we were both too stubborn to pursue the matter any further. In fact we never told each other we loved each other. We haven’t really spoken in nearly 10 months and he is possibly going to be getting engaged to another girl he is interested in. When we see one another at gatherings we look at each other and stare for a second and then look in opposite directions. In my dream we are friends…not like in the past but there is warmth between us. I dream of him in this way often. Why? What is the meaning?

  846. Dear Sabah,
    I may be able to help you with the interpretation of your dreams. I approach dreams with a psychological/spiritual attitude.
    You may email me a detailed description of your dreams. Please don’t omit anything from your dreams and describe them as openly as possible. Say a bit about yourself and in due time I will give you their interpretations.

  847. i have freckles in real life im just down because someone read it and said it means sinfull deeds and im really down ireally try tobe agood muslim and hope to know to better my eman inshALLAH

  848. i had a dream last nite. i saw red crab and it was comin towards me n attackin me….n i used to see lotsa lizards in ma dream. n once i saw snake aswell.pls do interprate it

  849. Dear Expert Analyser

    My great grandfather fifth predecessor to me was a well known Muslim carpet seller in Kashmir , in the darbar of Dogra Sikh rulers.

    His carpet selling earned him a great fame and name in his court and that DograRaja used to pay him well

    When my great great great great great grandfather had enough money on his hands, he decided to participate and help and assist the depressed, oppressed, mutilating Muslims both under Sikh Dogra raj and British empire.

    In those days the Mughal Empire was in its decline and it is known that IN THE FALL OF MUGHALS , HINDU MAGIC AND WITCHCRAFT AND SATANIC RITUALS upon Muslims played a great part which caused their breakdown and downfall,

    So my great great great great great grandfather was also struck with severe magic and it is told to us that hindus made sure that the magic they did on him would last to 7 generations

    I am the 5th in generation and I am the only male heir from the fifth generation

    I am sufferring from BLACK MAJIC FROM HINDUS AND CHRISTIAN CHURCH because my uncle was attacked by severe christian magic in UK in 1970s

    Our neighbours back home want us to drive out from our rightful property and they have cast great majic spells on us.

    I suffer magic from all 3 sources maybe 4 and I suffer spiritually, mentally, educationally, emotionally, lifewise and in every part facett department of my social life


    subhanALLAH walhamdulillah

    illa mashALLAH


  850. Salaam Alaykium,

    Are shoes in a dream considered to be in the clothing catergory? I have made dua to allah and i see two dreams in the same night first one was a thin long stream was in my backyard and went through to the neighbours yard and it was getting longer then i woke up i contiuned my dua then the same night i see a pair of shoes and i picked them up & realised that they were mine and i really liked them & i took them back & put them in my room. Please reply.

    Jazakhallahu Khair

  851. Salaam Alaykium
    i have dream that some where ( i don’t know how to describe that place) the place was v hot n one by one has to jump there.i was also one of them.and they are saying that next one is you, at that time i feel v afraid n was thinking this is because i was wearing tight dress..when i awake i feel v hot n feeling burning sensation on my body….pls do interprate it

  852. Assalamalaikum
    Could u plz interpret this dream for me… few days back (after fajr) i had a dream that i m breast feeding a baby who is mine ( only in dream…i am married but dont have kids right now but have a strong urge for them).i see my family members and my friends n show my baby to them….all seem to be vary happy and I myself was vary happy in that dream and had a very satisfactory feeling….does it indicate some sort happiness/sadness that may come or is it a clear indication that ill have a baby….(even my husband saw me lactating in one of his dreams while my sister saw me with two babies in the near past)…..
    plz plz plzz interpret this dream…waiting for a reply soon

    • Hello Rushda,

      If you are able to recall your dream with more detail perhaps, which helps, then please email me, say a little about yourself and I will do a reading (interpretation) of your dream, dear sister.

  853. asslamualaikum, i made a dream that i am marrying the boy to whom i love dearly what surprising is that when the nikah was processing my groom said ameen three times but he hadnt say (kubul) (accepted) can anyone please help me ..what should i do..and also my fiancer had propose me for marriage .. can anyone please help me thukran…

  854. m a muslim girl.since a few days m seeing a lot of dreams because of which m not able to sleep although they are not danger!i saw a one of my relative man (unmarried)giving a red rose to me!i disscussed it with him!and i saw many shooting stars in my dream!

  855. Ive been seeing a guy in secret, he is also a muslim as i am. we have been talking about marriage but nothing was said to the family yet. my mom passed away three months ago. last night i dreamed that she had told me the guy im seeing came to ask her for my hand in marriage, she suprised me and bought my wedding dress for me. it was so beautiful bright colours and mostly gold. it looked more like a saari. she was happy and excited and so was the rest of my family. Does this mean she i have her blessing or is she trying to tell me something else.?

  856. Slm, i had the strangest dream last night and was hoping that someone could help me to interpret it. I dreamt that my female cousin passed away (i dont know how) and i was at her funeral. I could though see her like a ghost looking very confused. only i could see her ghostly image. I then went to her to say my goodbyes and hugged her, and then my dream ended. The cousin that i am refering to is still alive though, but the dream is bothering me, so i figured that it must be important. Please help if you can

  857. What does my dream mean? I drempt that I was holding Quran in my right hand on like something of a table but there was no table and looked down to see the Bible in the middle and the Torah on the left.

  858. one dream i had there was a large long snake trying to jump up and bite me as i was sitting on a kitchen counter top. finally the snake bit me on my hand and i felt the poision go in me and i was was thinking if i dont go to to the hospital im going to die.

  859. the second dream i had i was in college in my clinic room where a classmate just fininshed giving birth to the most beautiful baby boy. than it was my turn to have a baby as i was going in to labour and excited about having a baby. before i was going into labour i had to go to the washroom for a bowel movement as that is a natural part of labour.i was happy in my dream and than woke up. i woke up just before fujar.

    • Salam, its been a while and i am still thinking about this dream! can someone please help me to find a possible meaning to this dream inshallah and maybe the one about as well!
      thank you
      Allah Hafiz

  860. I had a dream that my older brother who has been mentally ill for many years was lying dead [on a non Muslim style funeral] he was wearing a black suit and everyone was in their suits standing around, no one was crying or saying anything, but i acknowledged the fact that he was dead….and the next scene of my dream he was in his bed in the morning and he woke up normal and cured of his illness, as if nothing has happened.
    could you please tell me what this dream means?

  861. I had a very strange dream.. i dreamt it was judgement day, and i think it was god.. (astagfirullah) nt reli sure.. bt a giant crushing the land.. i remeber being really scared.. he was destroying everything.. it was judgement day.. bt when he came to my house.. i tried to run.. and i dreamt god.. if he was that (astagfirullah) saying to me.. i have 20 days.. to get 2 thousand believers.. and he left..

    what does that mean? anyone?

  862. Zahra, sister, it means that your dream is trying to say you must find belief and confidence in the foundation of your house – the place you rest, meditate and live from in your heart. You may be a person in life that that lacks solid action. The power you fear from in your dream is giving you time to sort things out or else it may sink you into a deep dark night of the soul (destruction of your house).

  863. asalamalikum can any1 help me i am a married woman and i had a dream of another man and him being in love with me and me fulling in love with him in the dream i am single and its really beautiful everything in my dream is please help as i have had this dream quite a few times before marriage an after marriage i love my husband dearly but this dream stresses me as i am doing something wrong…please someone help me and email me on my add thankyou.

  864. I had a dream where some called out the name of the station I wanted to go to in the train. So I ran and fell in the tracks and as I was laying there I kept on telling myself to say the shahada which I did but my lips did not move (probably out of fear) I said it loud enough for myself to hear but my mouth did not move. Then I find myself awake on the top of a building and I ask a girl shouldn’t I be dead. She said you are dead but you have super human power and she said that the person who told me it was my station was lying and that it was an international train and I wanted the domestic one. The voice of that girl was the same one that screamed out the name of my station at the beginning of the dream.

    and after I woke up today, I didnt think much of the dream until I was almost hit by a car which very narrowly escaped me. And I remember getting a mental image a second before the car stopped right infront of me. Oh my god im going to die thank God I prayed Al Zuhr.

    Please help I’m a little worried.

    • I just had a train crash dream a couple nights ago. In my case, I was travelling peacefully until the train suddenly stopped and the floor fell from underneath me and I was trapped under the train, then trapped in a rut in the ground under train and nobody/nothing helped me. I should also like to know what this means? Oh, and my dream occurred around Zuhr prayer time.

  865. Hello Brothers and Sisters,
    I had recently had a dream about being attacked by snakes around my household.This is bothering very much since i am facing alot of issues in my life and i am continuously trying to fix them but things end up falling apart.

    In my dream i see 1 large snake then i see another big one i get really scared and go to find something to kill them. I manage to get a broom but all of the sudden i see a small black snake with 3 heads.
    I try to kill it nothing seems to happen and then i try to walk away while hitting it (it still follows me) .I run away as fast as i can it is still able to reach me and i cant manage to kill it.
    Plz somebody tell me what this means and what i can do in response .

  866. salam alkum everyone i had a dream recently where i received a gift from my cousin and it was an old tshirt
    can someone please tell me the meaning to this.

  867. I’m not going to email anyone asking for a dream interp, so kindly give me a good dream interp here on this site? I dreamt I was travelling peacefully on a train (no other passengers, just me) when suddenly the trash crashed and the floor fell out from under me and I was trapped underneath the train and I know it will crush me and kill me if it moves again. Somehow I become trapped under the Earth then (in a shallow sort of hole or rut or ditch so the train can’t crush em when it starts moving) and I see a dead cat fall out of the train and land next to me. I shout and scream and beg for help but no one helps me….in fact, some people who know I’m trapped just smile evily and continue on their journey. This dream occurred around zuhr time. Someone help interpret please?

  868. hello iam married b4 2.5yrs i idnt have kids am undergoing treatment for this i recently saw dream that i have girl baby very beautiful i dreamd that it expired we are arranging for her funeral my husband was in casual mood i was crying very badly my aunty was having biryani… can u interpreat my dream it will b very useful 2 me am really worried for that dream

    allah hafiz

    • Al Salam Alykoum,

      I dreamt that my ex boyfriend was keeping on calling my mum on her cellphone in order to talk to me. By mistake i answered her phone and he was the one who was calling but i acted as if i dont know him neither recognise his voice. He sounded sad that i cant remember him, but i hanged up the phone. i asked my mum if he usually calls, and she said yeah as he was telling her, he would be having a job interview on the 11th of November. ( In reality when i left him he didnt have a job and he was so careless in searching for any).

      P.S. I am engaged now and i have taken the right choices in leaving my ex and i never think of getting back to him under any circumstances. I love my fiance and i am certian he is the right one for me.

      Any interpretation for that dream plz, i feel a bit anxious.



  869. I’m not going to email anyone asking for a dream interp, so kindly give me a good dream interp here on this site? I dreamt I was travelling peacefully on a train (no other passengers, just me) when suddenly the trash crashed and the floor fell out from under me and I was trapped underneath the train and I know it will crush me and kill me if it moves again. Somehow I become trapped under the Earth then (in a shallow sort of hole or rut or ditch so the train can’t crush em when it starts moving) and I see a dead cat fall out of the train and land next to me. I shout and scream and beg for help but no one helps me….in fact, some people who know I’m trapped just smile evily and continue on their journey. This dream occurred around zuhr time. Someone help interpret please?

  870. Dear Blank,

    Your self-reliant life’s movement – your moving engine which carries you – is breaking down in spite of however peaceful or calm it may seem to you. You are protecting yourself from being crushed by it and in the hope that someone will help you and pull you out, but it will only be your consciousness of the situation and the added effort than can get you out. Your dream’s dead cat is your much needed instinctive, intuitive animal nature that you are neglecting.

    • Thank you Mystic Mu’abbir, for your help, but I’m still not really getting it….could you shed any mroe light on this? I mean, are you saying my dream implies I need to depend on myself and fight&struggle to save myself rather than depending on others to pull me out?

  871. I saw a dark big lion in dream.. it didn’t harm me or any one. but I was little scared . I want to know why I saw huge lion …plz let me know. jazakAllah

  872. Mystic Mu’abbir,

    i can not email you for some reason i have tryed all the detail i remaber is that what i have written please help as i keep on haveing same kind of dream…give me my answer on here that will be fine….

    • Nisba ghaffar,

      In life your attitude may be that of a ‘very married woman” and your dream may be trying to compensate and balance that by using its particular type of imagery. It Does Not mean that you will cheat on your husband or betray him, however, the dream could be trying to open your eyes to the possibility of making space and time for yourself by hinting at the ‘single life’ in the dream. You may have always had a married attitude even before your actual marriage. If you pay close attention to the dream’s hidden intention and take its meaning to heart, it will gradually stop. Dream language is not literal. It uses images to hint at something invisible in the dream. Something else.

  873. Thank you Mystic Mu’abbir, for your help, but I’m still not really getting it….could you shed any more light on this? What do you mean by my “Self-reliant life’s movement breaking down?” What situation is it I need to put effort^consciousness into? I mean, are you saying my dream implies I need to depend on myself and fight&struggle to save myself rather than depending on others to pull me out? Sorry for all the questions, but pls do clarify? And thank you again!

    • Blank,

      You’re welcome.. I meant that the dream may be implying you have a fear somewhere in you that the relative peace and calm you have will suddenly crash and fall out from under you as you go about your life.. And then a fall to the depths with the other neglected parts of you (symbolized by the earth below the train that you fall into and the cat that is your animal instinctive side)… Your awareness (opening of your inner eye) would make it clear for you how best to deal with it. Others would know that you are stuck but they would not be able to help because it is a situation unique to you.. A dream can have several interpretations. It may be saying also that you are alone on your life journey and that it has to crash and come to a halt to drop you to the depth so that you can spring back up again and renew your attitude

  874. Salaam! Can anyone pls give me an interp to this dream: I dreamt a very close friend of mine is being trapped&killed by someone he knows in real life. The strange thing is, i have not met those persons in life yet the way I saw them in my dream is exactly how they look in real life. Also, my friend is facing strange problems and unhappiness due to these same people (the ones killing him in my dream) in real life. In my dream I saw how they plotted and planned and tricked him, then killed him and even covered up the crime. Please, what does this mean?

  875. salaam, can someone give me a meaning to this dream. My husband is in the army and i dreamt that he was getting deployed. i was carrying the baby which the dream showed as mine. (dont have a baby in real life)he came to tell me that he have to leave to go to the war. so he left. i actually was in the war too..i saw rockets and bullets passing by and over me. there i saw my husband died. i woke up very scared at 04.40am which was the time for the fajr prayer. can someone give me an interpretation.

  876. aoa!i huv seen two lizards one of then iz small n other 1 iz large i was talking 2 my mom that look at big 1 n i huv counted scales on its tail then suddenly it shrinks n ma dream ended plz do reply me

  877. I see this dream multiple times
    I see that some thiefs enter into my home; am too much scared to see them. The thiefs are different all the times but they are always the one who i know; sometimes they are my collegues; sometimes any of my relative; but all of them are men(no ladies)

    they enter into my home; and they are trying to snatch something; but they are unable to. At the end am always successful in getting rid of them. please tell me the meaning of this dream.


  878. assalamalaikum..
    I have had this dream a few days back which really makes me a little concerned … it was a very confusing dream with unrelated thing things happening simultaneously….

    i dreamt of myself being seated in on of my family friends’ house, most probably being there on an invitation for a get- to-gether, there i could see none of the hosts all people being there were strangers& only women, after a moment i saw a few ladies preparing a divan with neat sheets, when i enquired them about the purpose of it they informed me rather quesioned if i was unaware of the death of the younger son of the eldest daughter of the house, (the strange thing about it was the said lady has no sons, & the name they gave of the child was female. also all the women in there were dressed well) the cause of death they said was a dogs bite. after hearing this i started wailinng but none others showed any sign of grief, rather 4 off the large number of women present started eating the feast. shocked at it i walked to the main entrance of the house to see outside, there a saw a vieled women in red attire singing to a full audience, then i saw i janaza being carried across, all of a sudden the people carrying janaza make way for a marriage party lead by the groom dressed in white, & riding a horse…..
    then i woke up, & found myself sleeping on my left….

    does this dream mean anything …or is it just a confused mind playing games…
    i am worried

  879. assalamualaikum all brothers and sisters

    i have been looking for interpretations of what i dreamt..but couldnt find anything..can anyone of you please help? i dreamt that i was talking to my khala, she said to me,” beti wafa, come here, i will show you something.” and when i went near her, she said,”look, this is your qabr”
    when i looked at it, it was a very very beautiful gold…and there was a minaret on top of it…in gold too.
    can someone tel me what it means

  880. Asalaam Alaikum,

    I just had a dream which I remember but dont remember every detail from.
    It would be helpful if someone can tell me what my dream means.
    In my dream I am in a house with my family members and I cant really tell if its all of them or not but after my house starts to break down and everyone gets scared and run to the place in the house where all the Qurans are placed. Either me or one of my family members start passing a Quran to each of the family members. While this was happening I kept thinking “God I hope I can live longer to read more Salaat and Quran,I hope we dont die,Please God I hope we go to heaven”, so pretty much I was really scared and I held the Quran while reading the duaa asking for forgiveness. Later a piece of the house breaks and starts floating carrying us (i dont remember who exactly was on or how many ppl were on it) it floated and I kept asking for forgiveness. Then after a while I end up at a family friends house and everyone is dressing up I dress up then we all go in one car to I think a mosque. I actually live in Canada and the house that was breaking is also in Canada but when we reach the mosque it doesnt seem as if im in Canada. The mosque is in a small village, I dont kno which country,… maybe Pakistan.. and the rest I dont kno if its related because then we randomly start doing some petition about something I dont remember.. i dont kno if i actually prayed at the mosque or if the place of the petition was a mosque or not… This dream is in my head right now and I dreamt about it this morning…
    Can someone plz tell me what this dream means Islamically..

  881. Assalam Aylaikum,
    sum nights ago one my family members saw me in a dream ,wearing ornaments and jewlery in a wedding at my uncles house,so can some one tel me what dose that ,mean….
    P.S… 2 years ago my brother died so i heavent been to any weddings sine then,thank u

  882. I have been dreaming snakes since very long…recently i saw a dream that I married a green colored snake…I dont remember all the dreams with snakes…one was i fell in a pit of snakes…and other time I sawa dream snakes are entering our house…from every possible entrance…and the list goes on!

  883. hello, i dreamed diamond necklace,earings and gold earings which were given by a jewellery seller. I took it and wore it and the seller said that my cousin bought gold jewellery from there,too. After a while my diamonds jewellery melted and i wanted to give it back but the jewellery seller was busy with their guest. Their guest in their house were my cousine wife and their children. I couldnt give it back and i didnt even buy it and the seller didnt even care about it.
    Please can you interpret it for me?

  884. hello who can tell d meaning of my dream? i saw me climbing on a stair with my family. the stair ended no where very high above. while climbing i was much ahead of all. some people resembling beggars were sitting aside throwing coins on us. i remember 20 paise meant bad luck but no one gave it to me. my sister got it only. they gave me all good coins. they praised all the time for me. they said “kitna bhola hai, kitna pyaara hai. bahut aagey jayega. bada nek ladka hai. ” no one except me reached the top even the beggars. i just passed smiles on the way. on reaching top i turned back. i was sad and soon i came back. no one was behind me on the stairs.

  885. hello who can tell d meaning of my dream? i saw me climbing on a stair with my family. the stair ended no where very high above. while climbing i was much ahead of all. some people resembling beggars were sitting aside throwing coins on us. i remember 20 paise meant bad luck but no one gave it to me. my sister got it only. they gave me all good coins. they praised all the time for me. they said “kitna bhola hai, kitna pyaara hai. bahut aagey jayega. bada nek ladka hai. ” no one except me reached the top even the beggars. i just passed smiles on the way. on reaching top i turned back. i was sad and soon i came back. no one was behind me on the stairs. plz tell if anyone knows

  886. as-salam mu alaikum

    i had several dreams that i wish answers for as i am rather confused.

    1. i had a dream that i had a very cute baby girl and was very happy however the placenta did not yet come out. i didnt seem too concerned in my dream about it however i checked once and noticed i bled a little. i didnt think much of it in my dream and thought it was normal. (im currently married and my sister in law had a baby boy which i helped deliver as the paramedics did not turn up on time!. i had this dream few weeks after the my sister in laws baby was born)

    2. i dreamt my father died and i cried SO much.

    3. what does it mean to dream about three mangos. 2 being very beautiful and one having marks. the marked ones was later cut off by the person who dreamt it so the third mango then looked beautiful like the other two.

    can someone be kind enough to tell me the interpretation?

  887. Hi,i have frequent dreams of the sea engulfing the world,like it’s the end of the world.
    and i also have dreams where i am shot or wounded somewhat,it’s kinda worrying coz sometimes i feel the pain when i wake up.
    and lastly,i have dreams of carrying a baby or a little girl.
    I’ve been having this dreams for a long time,as well as dreamed of the moon and the stars came downl from the sky and i’m able to touch them.
    PLeae interprete these for me. thank you!

  888. salaam
    i had a dream i was married to my ex fiance and i had a baby girl from him. what does this mean?

    my cousin also had a dream i was pregnant with my ex fiances baby but we werent married, and in the dream i was afraid becuz i wasnt married but my ex fiance says for us both to just get married in mosque.

  889. i also keep having dreams of me talking to my ex fiance and were always telling each other things that express love or were toughing or hugging. i keep sayin to him in the dream that wat were doing isnt real and its just a dream and were gonna wake up from it…what does this mean?

    as much as i have dreams i never tell myself or someone in my dream that were both dreaming

  890. i had a dream last night i had a dream that i was looking at this house at nightand went and looked inside to see how it is coz im getting married soon now im looking at this house and then next thing you no i look outside the window n i see bout 20 ghosts walking through trees through houses i walk outside n i can see them walkin inside the house i was looking at what does thid mean???

  891. Assalam o alaikum,

    I have basically black spot in the middle of my two front upper sided teeth.

    I dreamt that one of my front upper middle left teeth has no connection to the root.. it is surviving just because it is sticked to its neighbouring teeth. I could see a gap between tooth and root of it(skin actually).

    Please if anyone can tell me dream interpretation?

    • Salaam Sister ,

      Teeths in dreams Represents relatives and family members .

      Anything good or bad u c in dreams with your teeths is in connection with your relatives and family members .

      Different sections of teeths refer to different relatives and family members .

      Almighty and glorious Allah knows best.
      May glorious Allah forgive me if interpretation is wrong.

      1) you should pray Namaaz Five times and recite holy quran everyday .
      2) Recite ” Astaghfirul la rabbi min kuli zambiv va aatu bu elai hi ” atleast 100 times

      and pray for well being of your relatives and family members .


      Allah hafiz

  892. :(when i was pregrent , i had a really hard time , at that time a had a dream abt Allah talked to me and asked me to climbe stairs … i am not surebut i have never heard someone seeing Allah in dream so kindly help me with this one

    secondly i had a dream of water coming from 4 sides and turns black and scary i started gathering my things but my sis said that dun bother Allah will make sure u receive all things at the other end
    and i drawned in it and comes out on an island .with all my stuff already over there

    thirdly i had a dream of water from all side but this time water was clear and transparent

    fourth time recently i saw that all my teeth r crumbling and falling apart in to bits mostly molaers upper and lower one by one …

    i am so scared buz of all this plz help me ..

  893. i had a dream of my lil daughters hair falling out while i was giving her a bath i was pulling lil bits of hairs from her head and i could see the skin showing from her head and i started to cry while telling my mum. i had been doing salat al istikhara before i had this dream because i was told to do this prayer due to having anxiety and that this prayer would help me get better.

    plz send any replies to my email it would be greatly aprreciated.

  894. asalamalikum
    can you please help me with this dream please i had a dream that my baby nappy is really dirty and theres poo on the floor and all over her back i now disgusting dream but i wanted to know what it means…………

    and my sister had a dream i wanted to know the meaning of that my mum is gone to hajj mashallah and my sister had this dream yesterday that my mum comes back with out completing her hajj and were really worried….

    please answer as soon as possible thankyou……..

  895. Assalam’u’alikum.
    I dream that we are on a trip with friend’s and we went to some where near Water suddenly a Crocodile attacked on us.We just shouted at every one and escaped from it without any harm.
    In same dream I saw an Egg which is Broken(Spoiled)..

    please answer me as soon as possible.

  896. aslm, i always dream about marrige till when i’m young. i always dream that when i’m maried with some1 but i’m never happy to whom i’m i’m maried with the bride, so i fall in love with 2 girl and i dream that i’m happy when i maried with her, but when i asked thier hAND THEY REFUSE. I DO NAMAZ ISTIKARAH I GOT GOOD ANSWER BUT THEY REFUSE TO MARIED WITH ME. can u give me any idea about that please,,

    • Salaam ,
      This dream seems to be a Nafsaani dream .

      Dear Brother

      1) you should pray Namaaz Five times and recite holy quran everyday .
      2) Stop looking and thinking about females .
      3) Get Married if u r not … if u can .

      Allah hafiz.


      Glorious and Almighty Allah knows best

  897. As Salaam mu alai kum ,

    I saw this type of dream twice in few days .

    The Dream is that i see myself trying to pass stools .. i try hard but i am not able to pass any stools .

    I know stools in dreams represents wealth / haram wealth / wealth v might lose .

    Since in my dreams i am not able to pass any stools i can’t get the interpretation.

    Kindly interpret the dream.

    As Salaam mu alai kum

  898. I was at some institute, that is unknown to me in reality, but in dream it seems the place is neither unknown nor known to me. I was trying to find my shoes by going in different rooms & places of the institute but couldn’t find them.

    • Salaam ,

      The dream points to Aakhirah ….. Life after Death …… It points out that one should know that eventually one has to die someday , so don’t ignore the call of Almighty keep Offering Namaaz and Reciting the Holy Quran and feeding the poor .

      The fact that u have lost the shoes interprets to journey …The journey could be worldly or otherwise .

      The dream could be a warning for u to mend your ways and do good deeds for your Akhirah .

      First of all

      1) you should pray Namaaz Five times and recite holy quran everyday .

      2) Durood Shareef – 100 times

      3) Recite ” Astaghfirul la rabbi min kuli zambiv va aatu bu elai hi ” atleast 100 times

      and pray for well being

      Almighty and glorious Allah knows best.
      I AM HERE

      Allah hafiz.

  899. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullah,

    I’m New Here, My Girl Friend Seen a Dream, But I Think It Should Be a nafsaani Dream, Anyway It’s Better to hav an advice,

    this is the dream – I’m Sitting in a chair beside her

    that’s all

    hope You’ll Soon Give a Interpretation

    • Salaam ,
      This dream may be a Nafsaani dream .

      But let me tell u dreaming about sitting on a chair is good according to my knowledge , Maybe it suggest to her that u r going to be loyal . She might be having some thoughts about u and hence she got a dream ….

      Dear Brother

      1) you should pray Namaaz Five times and recite holy quran everyday .
      2) u should Stop interaction with your gf untill u get Married because what u r doing is against islamic belief….

      Approach her family and get married .

      Allah hafiz.
      I AM HERE

      Glorious and Almighty Allah knows best

  900. Hi,

    In my dreams my mother and I often argue with each other on some trivial issue which ultimately lead to a fight (verbal) . we both are on good terms with each other and I wonder why I always see this dream.
    When i was a kid i dreamt once that my mother had a knife in her hand and she was going to stab me …

    i dont know why i see this kind of silly dream …

    looking forward to hear ur interpretation


    • Salaam Sister ,

      First of all

      1) you should pray Namaaz Five times and recite holy quran everyday .

      2) Recite ” Astaghfirul la rabbi min kuli zambiv va aatu bu elai hi ” atleast 100 times

      and pray for well being of your family .

      Remember Islam teaches u to respect your parents… …. those who don’t respect their parents they r cursed .

      By Mistreating your parents your world n Aakhirah wud b over for ever.

      Though the dream points to few things which u don’t have to know.

      Almighty and glorious Allah knows best.
      I AM HERE

      Allah hafiz

  901. Salam
    I always used to dream that i am running on a busy road at night time but this time i saw that i was in a car going through a very rough garden there was a lot of bumper the i came out through a big gate and saw somebody shot dead someone and the car proceeded after sometime i was going through a very beautiful road which was very smooth and wide and it was an Autumn season and it was a very beautiful picture
    Will be highly thankful if you could help me out to know what it meant.

  902. I want to know of a two dreams one I kinda think I know but its two lions each biting me on each arm and Im trying to shake them off but they keep coming back and slowing me down while walking, the 2nd dream is probablly the worst dream I ever had, my wife is possessed by a jin and I read Quran on her while my bros and sis help me ofr support me and I read the sura alfath7a as I reached ‘hidana surata almustukeen’ she shouts back la mustukeen I fear and I wake up very shook ? ! ?

  903. I happened to dream on Tuesday that I visited a mosque and while praying somebody touched me when I was reaping the Quranic verse ” Laa ubsiroon ” many times.

    In the morning, I could remember that the part of this verse that I know well, is really from Surathul Yasheen.

    Please kindly let me know the meaning in the way of ISLAM.

  904. I had a dream of 2 tigers. one tiger was chasing me and it was HUGE! i had a really strong desire tog et away from it. I was running on a beach, and the sun was shining HUGE in the background. The tiger was about 10 times my size. It pounced on me and i fell on my back with the tiger on top of my chest and it was smiling and purring and growling. Then another part of the dream was of a smaller tiger then the one before. it was growling and purring and stalking toward me. my back was against the wall, and it came close to me, and i petted it’s mouth. In the dream i was scared of this tiger.

    • Jaabir reported that a bedouin came to Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) and said, “Messenger of Allah, while sleeping, I saw my head cut off and I saw myself running after it.” Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said to him, “Don’t tell people about the games Satan plays with you in your sleep.”

  905. I also had a dream about a rabbit. It was big and white, i beleive. It told me a storm was coming and it needed a place to stay, a place to sleep, and i said ok, in an attempt to hide this from my mother i hid it in the basement where we had all the extra cushions, pillows, and blankets. I just held up an opening in all the blanket and stuff and it went in. It snowed the next day, a HUGE snowstorm. There was no snow prior to this dream.

  906. i liked this site but i”ll be glad if you tell me that does mean to see chicks entering in your house and watching a huge bird ,first kind a look like pigeon then i started realising that it it a vulture in my house.

  907. asalam alaikum

    i had a dream of my mom and aunt going on haj. there were many pilgrims along with them and all were dressed in white. also i saw myself and my brother seeing them off. we all walked together through some greenery and finally we see them off in a very modern building (perhaps airport). please tell me the interpretation for this.
    Jazak Allah

    • InshALLAH your mom and aunt will go on haj or umra. You and your brother walking through greenery is a very good sign. You both have a tendency to go ahead in religion. InshALLAH.

  908. AsalaamuAlaikum.

    I have been having very disturbing drreams about my step mother. We are either fighting physically, cursing, and recently I dreamt that in the dream I discovered she put sihir(black magic) on my father and I. In the drem I felt so weary and out of focus, and I kept asking her why, but she had an evil presence. Please help, I cannot find any interpretations of this.

    • Walaikum Salam,

      Mona, the shaitan can take any form in your dream except Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It usually takes forms of relatives to create suspicion. Just ignore this dream.

  909. assalamu 3alaikum,
    i had a dream of me bein in a crystal clear water about up to my knees .. where i found pearls inside the water . evrytime id put my hand in the water id find more pearls. but the people who were trying to find some int he water couldnt only i could where evr id put my hand in the water id find another white pearl.. a guy asked me for one but he had a black dog with him and i wouldnt give him one. and then a guy i know gave me pearl and smiled . what does that mean?.

  910. asalam walikum

    i had a dream in which i saw tht the sun was setting in the east……………..[as we all knw tht the sun rises in the east and sets in the west]………and the people around me were trying to prove me wrong……

    plszz do tell me the meaning of this dream…..:)

  911. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. I dreamt of my mother (who is alive) and my grandmother (who passed away many years ago when she was about 70). In the dream my grandmother’s husband had died and my mother was begging me to please find a husband for my grandmother so she wont be lonely. it seemed absurd but perhaps there is a meaning attached. Allahu a’alam. please let me know what you think. Jazakumullahu Khairan.

  912. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatuallah wa barakatuhu

    I had a dream last night, that I was at the ocean. The water was beautiful and kept wanting to go back in and out of the water. There was people there, but I failed to recognize anyone. Then all of a sudden, I got out of the water and went into a house were I was eager to find a scuba set to go underneath the water and discover whatever was in there. Then suddenly I found some laying there that had belong to my sister and I asked it from her and took it.

    When I came back outside, it seemed that the day got a bit darker, and there were more and more people in the water, mostly men. But I ignored it, and just went into the water and started to swim around, and wanted to go underneath. When I found myself going deep into the water, I go frightened and quickly tried to come back up, but it was difficult. But some how I came back up, and noticed that more people were there. (I do not remember who offered to play games with the people in the pool subhanallah), but I remember the men were all lined up single file, and for every man their was another man facing towards him. There were woman there, but I failed to recognize them, but I do remember my older sister being there. The game wasn’t working out the way we wanted it to work, so I found myself trying to assemble everyone. But the same time I was concerted about how I look to the man, and if they found me attractive, so I would swim between them, then I finally just gave up and walked out of the water.

    Subhanallah I had a lot of dream but this one is a bit weird and awkward, I made dua’a before I slept last night, read qur’an and slept. I don’t know what this meant. And alhamdullah I just started wearing hijab last night, I finally made up my mind to cover up for myself and learn more and more about the deen. Could this dream mean anything, that I’m still doing wrong? but I never enjoyed swimming the way it was interpreted in my dream. I would really like to know what it means, or a little at least. Please let me know what you think.

    Jazakumullahu Khairan

    • Walaikum Salam,

      Congratulations sister on wearing your hijab!! You did exactly what you should have done after seeing this dream. Today in this world men and women are mingling together everywhere. Please avoid such places in real life.

      Real beauty does not lie in physical appearance. You have been warned to stay away from places where men and women mingle together. Pious woman should wear their hijabs and try their level best to avoid such places.

  913. Assalamualikum,
    I would be highly grateful if anyone tells me what these dreams may mean, and if they are related,
    My mother recently dreamt that one of her dead uncle had taken her to a place from where she couldn’t return ( ie. she was being held there) although she wanted to come.
    Then my aunt dreams that we (our family) were in a Mosquito net (which is hung by four sides in our country , in which ppl sleep) and one of the sides were open,
    Yesterday my mother dreamt that she was buying a new dress..

    My mother thinks that these are very bad omens ,, and we are all worried ,,
    I’d be highly grateful if anyone helps

    • hey shadman sakib dont believe in omens they are not true I dont beleive in them and dont beleive in spells either, I dont .

      Just beleive and trust ALLAH

    • Walaikum Salam,

      You and members of your family should start praying regularly, recite ayat ul kursi, surah falaq and surah naas as much as you can. If any one of you is doing a wazeefa that is not in accordance with our Prophets(peace be upon him) ways, things will just get worse.

      Your mother should pray 2 nafl and ask ALLAH to protect her and her family from the sharr of these dreams. This is the masnoon way.

      Give sadqa as soon as possible. But it should be in a masnoon way. It would be good if you feed the poor people. The sooner you start, the better.

      ALLAH protect you and your family.

  914. I saw in my dream that, I have lost 2 teeth’s, i am holding it and i said to my friends that these are my milk tooth’s i was happy that i loose my teeth i am 23 yrs old i want the meaning of my dream JazakAllah.

  915. mostly i saw in my dream bufflo (animal). today i saw that i fly to a bufflo and i tell that bufflo everyday to drop me.
    please reply to my email id. thanking you.

  916. asalaamualkum
    i just would like you to interpret my dream for me
    i have lost my dad in 1995 and i had a dream of him recently that he passed away but at the grave the grave wasnt big enough for him so his feet werent covered with any sand….onlonly his face and body was covered with sand…..plz help me i really would like to knw what my dream meant

  917. asalaamualkum
    i just would like you to interpret my dream for me
    i have lost my dad in 1995 and i had a dream of him recently that he passed away but at the grave the grave wasnt big enough for him so his feet werent covered with any sand….only his face and body was covered with sand…..plz help me i really would like to knw what my dream meant

  918. hey ..i just had a question..i start having these nightmares in which i a getting harmed by someone or mostly there are bad spirits out to get me and i start repeating verses from the qur’ an and i wake up and there have been times that i tried waking up, but i couldnt and when i woke up i was breathless..and the most bazare dream was when my dream kepti on repeating ..the same night like without me waking ..there was no spirit involved, but it was me laying on my bed trying to get out of my room..and it just kept on repeating again and again until i woke up…if anyone knows let e know thanks

    • Assalam u alaikum,

      Syeda Riaz. No need to worry. Many people these days are having these problems. The only cure for this situation is to read ayat ul kursi alot when you are awake. Your recitation is the only way you can fight this off.

      Try to sleep in wudu. Recite surah ikhlas, falaq and naas and blow into your hands and rub your hands all over your body. Repeat this three times. Then go to sleep. Also recite the last ruku of surah baqarah. These surah and ayat are the most powerful weapons against bad spirits. Increase your good deeds and be regular in prayers. After a while you will notice that such dreams will tend to decrease and inshALLAH they will be finished.

      Be very careful in sharing dreams with people, because there are chances that you might by wrongly guided and your suffering will increase.

  919. Dear Syeda Riaz,
    You could write down your dream in detail in an email to me and I will give you my interpretation.
    I am a man that looks at the dreamworld from the viewpoint of the soul – listening to what it says about where you are in your life.

  920. i was in a mosque prayed my salah, went out as soon asi went out i seen the kabah , realized that why didnt i pray at the kabah , my mum was there and my exgirlfriend was next to me i held her hand and took her towards the kabah to pray.

  921. I saw, I was playing cricket and I got out because of running , then I went into the crowed of people who were talking and enjoying. Suddenly people around me see that many people on the side are running. we also join them to see wat’s happening and we find that a swarm of bees have attacked. soon i m also stung in my head by them. then i woke up from the dream. kindly interpret it

  922. As salam alekum, I had a dream the other week. That my sister and I were pregnant. I had just found out, and she was already expecting. We went out ot buy baby bottles, that didnt work too well, and then showed them to our mother. Neither of us are married at the moment, but I am engaged alhemdulilah. But our husands did not appear anywhere in the dream. As salam alekum

  923. Aslamualaykum,

    I was talking to my fiancee the other day and she said she had a dream me and her were separated by a river. She would talk to me but I would just walk away.
    Can someone please tell me what that means.
    Jazakum Allah Khier

  924. i saw me n my sister was staring outside to clouds .. may be rain with blue clouds.. have to come but suddenly that cloud drown on earth ////day of resurrection come n i was saying this is last day… n water was so raised n our home was floating in water n even i can see very small distance left that i can touch cloud… n there i saw my another sister in water tried to put her out… scary dream pls reply me

  925. Salaam,

    i have recently had quite a few dreams of my teeth falling out mainly my front top two, 2 years ago my niece had quite a similar dream and my dad passed away. Please could someone interprete this dream for me as i am scared it has a very bad meaning


    • Walaikum Salam,

      Falling teeth do not always mean death, sometimes it only indicates sickness of a family member. Give sadqa and pray to ALLAH.

  926. Salaam
    I am a married woman who is currently living away from her husband due to immigration issues. I have not been married for long. My question is the following: I have been having occasional dreams about having a baby and either the baby is taken away or it I have a miscarriage in my dream. I know that I have been living in frustration wanting to reunite with my husband and start a normal married life. What could the reoccurring baby dream mean or signify?
    I also wanted to add that sometimes I have a deep desire to become a mother seeing my close relatives having babies.

  927. i had a dream in which i see ma cousin who is wraped by a aunt says it can be poisonous so i throw it out of the house.then i see my little sister playing computer and a ig snake is on her chair so i grab the snake and throw it out 2.would u please help me understand this dream as snake means hidden enemy so does it affect my little sister and cousin.

  928. I dreamed of my Grand Mother or my mother mom whom been died for 20 years. However,in my dream there was talking between Grand Mother and me. We was walking near my old house when a woman ran to us saying my Grand Father was sick and need going to hospital. I said to Grand Mother, I will jump over Gate in back of my yard & while running toward my house my front door was open. Then, I decided to drive my car to Grand Father house, however grand mother open car door to enter and I walked toward my car leaving my door to house open. I awake from this dream, so what does seeing, talking & walking with my Grand Mother mean in dream?

  929. I dreamed of my Grand Mother or my mother mom whom death happen 20 years age. In my dream there was talking between Grand Mother and me. We were walking & talking near my old house when a woman ran to us saying my Grand Father was sick and need going to hospital. I said to Grand Mother, I will jump over Gate in back of my house & yard,& while running toward my house my front door was open. So then, I decided to drive my car to Grand Father house, however grand mother open car door to enter and I walked toward my car leaving my door to house open. I awake from this dream, so what is the meaning of seeing, talking & walking with my Grand Mother mean?

  930. salaam,

    i had a dream last night that i would like to know its the dream, i was standing on the street in front of my house, suddenly i saw 3 giant millipedes in different sizes on the other side of the road…curious, i approached them…

    as i got closer, i found out that they weren’t millipedes but snakes…black snakes….they started chasing after me..i ran..they were gaining speed and realizing that they would soon catch me i stopped n grabbed those snakes with my hands…

    i pressed their heads between my finger as they were trying hard to bite me…then the dream was over so i could not tell whether i killed the snakes or not…

    i know that snakes means enemies and black snake is the worst kind of enemy or even black magic…but i do not think i have enemies…i mean i don’t hate anyone and can’t think of anybody who hates me enough to use black magic on me…

    does anyone have any interpretations on this dream? please, do tell..

    • Walalikum Salam,

      InshALLAH you will have a long life but do start praying regularly and read quran and implement it in your life to avoid spiritual death.

  931. i had a dream
    i saw crystal clear blue water and there was a bridge i was walking on. I also saw a guy i fell in love with on the deep blue sea.. :S and i walked on the bridge to walk on to him but i walked back.. because i thought i was going to drown
    and in between the dream i really cant remember i saw worms on me.. please tell me what this means.

  932. Hello,

    I had a dream that i went out for in the middle of the ocean and my left leg was eaten by a fish or alagater (cant remember) and in my dream i was very sad and crying that i had lost my entire leg.when i woke up i was scared and would like to know the answer about this very scary dream.

  933. i ve a dream twice. its that i m marrying again but in dream i used to think that i m marrying with my husband but when nikah nama comes and i see the name its not of my husbsnd and i leave my wedding to search my husband. i asked my sister to help me in finding him so she told me that my husband has divorced me. i said i didnt get divorce how and y he did so.she says now get marry with that new person… i was sitting too upset and sad just at that time my husband came and i hugged him and got happy to see him.. in reality i m married and ve daughter also

  934. I had a dream of visiting an old coworker name Glory at her old house. She was looking very young and she treated me normal. She offered me a bed to lay and sleep, she went to her other home. I jumped up and could not locate my clothing and I was feeling sexual then her daughter age 25 and two other young beautiful women came into house while I was searching for clothing. We spoke and had some talk about her boyfriend coming home 4 times to visit her from jail. I was still in my long winter underwear and notice a wet spot from feeling sexual and I was hiding it from those young women as they came closer to me talking. What does this dream mean? I then awaken out of sleep…

  935. i ve dreamt twice that i m remarraying,i thought in dream that i m remarrying again with my husband but when i see nikahnama the name of my husband is i left marrige and got out to find where is my husband.i search him alot but all ways and bound then my sister says that he has divorced u and i was shocked that y and how he has divorced me.she said now marry that person as u ve no other option… i was sitting sad and suddenly saw my husband. i didnt care of anyone and just hugged him and thanked ALLAH that i found him.

  936. i ve dreamt twice that i m remarraying,i thought in dream that i m remarrying with my husband but when i see nikahnama the name of my husband is i left marrige and got out to find where is my husband.i search him alot but all ways and bound then my sister says that he has divorced u and i was shocked that y and how he has divorced me.she said now marry that person as u ve no other option… i was sitting sad and suddenly saw my husband. i didnt care of anyone and just hugged him and thanked ALLAH that i found him.

  937. Salaamualaikum

    I’ve been struggling a lot lately with my decision to go back to school. This is for a few reasons such as paying interest (though i have not paid any nor do i intend on ever repaying my student loan), freemixed environment which alters my islamic mindstate and sometimes makes me gravitate towards fitna (at least in my thoughts, which is a starting point), missing my salaat often times thus making it difficult to remain steadfast and because of the general nature of the dishonest school system out here in the west, which pinballs students from one dept to another when help is needed. My main reason for attending was to please my father, who is almost entirely about the dunya and attaining status therein and less about the akhira. Long story short I’ve had recurring nightmares taunting my decision to go back, one of which occurred last night where I had stolen 1,000 dollars in cash from some department in the school and had voluntarily offered myself up for a search when I was singled out by one of the staff. I was caught by a male onlooker when i tried sliding the money under a desk cabinet and from there I do not recall the rest of the dream for it was rather obscure. Would appreciate some help, it is understood that there is not always a meaning to these dreams however mine seem to be repetitive and Allah swt knows best. JazakAllah wa khairun.

  938. Assalamoualaikoum. Recently all our family members are making strange dreams. My daughter aged 5 dreams about dogs biting her. My sister dreamt about small snake on bed and like a scorpion stick to her feet. Can anyone advise – thx

    • Hi, first of all please don’t discuss bad dreams with anyone. You can discuss good dreams but only with people you trust.
      “Dog biting” means someone of lower class may dishonour or harm you. “Snakes and scorpions” represent enemies.

      It’s important for me to know the details of the entire dream in order to interpret it properly.

  939. i usually have nights without dreams ..but afew months back i saw in my dreams that a group of our friends decides to visit some places.(we are getting of a bus and a man (i did not see his face).a friend of mine keeps on saying i want to see the (muun-e-mubarak: prophet mohammad’s hair) again and again the man hears her and says oh it is this way ! and then he takes us to a gate which is old and has a board on we enter i see that it is a huge garden bu tit isnt green like we expect .dried rustled leaves lay there is a grave there which is full of bouquets..soeone says this is the muun-e mubark but i ask around and say this is His(prophet p.b.u.h) grave!!and doesnt muun-e mubarak mean his hair ?but noone agrees with me and so we keep looking at his grave.Then i think of the turkish leaader Ataturk ..he was just a leader and loook at the huge tomb they built for him…thisis the prophet (p.b.u.h)and look where we he is buried.(referring to the dried garden)

  940. and i also had this dream a few days back..we are in syria and everyone comes to visit us sister is sitting there and she is crying..i ask her whts wrong to which she replies nothing i miss my family(she,her daughter and her husband live in canada)..i walk away and after sometime when i come back, an aunt of mine says go ask your sister whts wrong why is she crying so hard, i ask my sister and she says my mother in law has kicked me out of her house she wont give me my daughter…after sometime i did see her daughter in the dream…i also saw that my oldest sister (who also lives in Canada) tells me that there is this beautiful unstitched dress in this particular shop(she names the shop)and she says if you go by that shop have a look at it..i then saw that im on my way to someplace and i visit that shop i see those clothes and im astonished..its beautiful.a silky material and it has red emroidery on it ,..i then make up my mind that ill buy it or ill tell my sister to buy it…then i saw that i am on my way home and i see a man making ice cream..the icecream is not the ususal type..the scoops are floating on a tub of water..i ask the man who is selling it..can u make one for me..he says ok! ..and then i say him performing wuzu in the same tub and the water becomes slightly muddy and i say i will not eat tht ice cream because it isnt clean ..he says no look i stealthily manages to seperate your ice cream whn you werent looking.and then i seee that my ice cream is clean and beautiful.and he offers it to me and i take it.(i love ice cream)

  941. salam,

    recently i saw in my dreams that im swimming in crystal clear water with beautiful fishes flowing bvy..i see the small ones and one a little big but not that big..its purple in colour…i asked somebody if its dangerous and she told me to swim without worry as it does no harm and she just told me to stay away from pink bigfish if i see any..buit i didnt see any pink colored fish..

    please tell me what does this dream mean


  942. I had a dream in which I was having food (simple lunch at my aunts house where I stayed for few days recently
    ) and the person sitting next to me was the one whom I disliked most (a person from the office, dark in color) after some time I had seen a dog’s paw (black dog probably, with 2-3 yellow spots. I was reading a book in Jinns and I think it could be the effect but my father too had a bad dream). Please clarify.

  943. hello..i had a dream in which i visited to my auntys house and i was praying namaaz….. in wrong direction and i was not knowing abt it and i completed my pray (farz namaaz)and my aunty said u prayed in wrong direction …. pray in correct direction…plz tell me abt my dream

  944. I dreamt that i was in my school and suddenly there was an earthquake and everything came down but I was alive with my friend and woke up. I even dreamt that i couldnt see well and i couldnt walk good. Please can u tell me the meaning of both dreams

    • Scorpion
      It symbolises a wicked, cunning and deceitful person who harms a friend and enemy alike. Such a person is very dangerous in that he employs his tongue artfully in causing disharmony amongst people. He has no religion nor is he a man who honours his word.

  945. i had a dream that i gave brith to triplets, 2 girls and 1 boy and im not married in the dream and the apparent father to the kids is not muslim, and i dont recognise him from real life.. ??

    Another dream i had recently was that i was at my uncles wedding (he recently got married with his wife in the dream.. before my dream) and there was this man (late 30’s) shaved and wearing a suit-black.. and he didnt like the boys dancing in the dancefloor with the girls and somehow i get to my room and the lights are off but the door is opened and im talking to that man and then he goes to me i need to say something and i was like go on.. and he goes ive got a prophecy and then keeps on throwing a green brush at me .. i try to shout for my mum but for some reason i cant.. and thats mans face kept on coming infront of my eyes each time i closed my eyes for like 2-3 days after .. i do not recognise this man at all.. and it really freaks me out..

    could you please interpret these dreams for me = ) ..

  946. Salam, I have a few dreams that I am wondering if i could get the meaning of,.
    1) This is a very old dream but i seem to always think about it, My niece was sleeping next to me and she was still a baby only a few months old, and i had a dream that Imam Al Madhi 3s came to me and i was awake but i was asleep and i couldnt move or speak, and he covered me with my blanket because my hjab wasnt on and he informed it that it was haram for him to see me, then he picked up my niece and began to rock her in his arms and read Quran to her and put her to sleep.
    2) A close male friend of mine had a dream that he was sitting across from me at my house and we were talking to each other then my mother came into the room and began to yell and ask me why i was going to leave her and he got scared and ran out of the house adn forgot his car infront of my house
    3) I had a dream right around fajr prayer that a man in very dark clothing was chasing me and trying to kill me and the only thing that was saving me from him getting close to me was when i was reciting Surit Al Fatiha nd i woke up to my self screaming the Soura aloud.
    4) the last dream i had is, I had a dream that i was in a hair salon with my close friend but the salon allowed animals it was like a salon were they tested new hair products on people and these dogs and cats kept chasing me andthis one black dog kept following me and i tried to get away from it buy jumping on the counter but the dog jumped up there right after me and it bite me, and i ran away to my job but kept passing by the fridge with chesse in it idk the dream was kindof confusing, i would highly appriciate anyone translating it for me thank you very much! Jazajallah khayr

    • salam alaikoum
      1) good dream I think
      2)I have no idea
      3)I heard that and Allah knows best that when you dream of someone trying to harm you in dream it just means it’s shaitan and good thing you were reading surah fatiha hamdullah your iman seems strong
      4) I think you should try reciting ruqyah shariah inshallah I hope no one is trying to harm you with black magic. please read sura fatiha ayat kursi surah ikhlah, surah nas, and surah falaq for protection from any black magic or harm anyone is trying to inflict on you. also eating 7 ajwa dates first thing in the morning is protection from sihr.

      but keep reading quran inchallah May Allah protect us all from wicked people Ameen.

      • I had one more dream and i was wondering what it meant if you would be able to help me, i had a dream that one of my teeth on the left side of my mouth in the back fell out but it was so weird cuz the whole dream was about teeth

  947. Salam, I hope anyone can help me with this.

    I’ve been reading Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams book. In this book, it states that when you dream of getting married that means your time is nearing

    But the post above states differently. Can someone help me with this? Thank you in advance.

  948. Salaamu’alaikum. can anyone please tell me what does this dream means: I had a dream last night im wearing nice green colour clothes. jaza’allah

  949. Alikum al salam waa rahmat ul lahi waa barakatu Sister,
    Green in a dream means good.
    It means something good is coming for you inshallah.

  950. thanks you, but in my dream i go to this boy house that i really like and want to marry him. hes mum is there and three of us are really happy and im wearing green clothes trousers and the kamiz is in front of me and the boy that i like. and once in my dream i saw the moon drops into the water? and what does that means? thank you

  951. Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu.
    My dreams have been troubling me since before and after I visited Bangladesh..About 7 months ago. I dreamt that someone told me to drink some black syrup, which I did. And then woke up choking in the morning,This was during Ramadan. I also can’t get this particular dream out of my head- Me and my bangladeshi cousin were married, we had 4 children. The first child was a Hafiz and was 6 years old. The other 3 were triplets about 3/4 years old and were Shaytan.Our Hafiz child came into our room and started reading the tasbeeh when he saw us. Then the triplets came charging in our room chasing us with daggers,and weapons to kill us!! They looked so scary. Not of human form.I screamed for my mother in my sleep, but no-one could hear me. I didnt have a voice….
    About a week later, that dream contiued. But this time me,my cousin and our children were in Bangladesh. The chhildren were playing on the wall. The triplets jumped from the wall onto the roof and they managed to do so safely. But when our Hafiz child did so, he tripped over and died! :O But then strangely, My cousins mum (our childrens grandma) was handing over a child to me!! I’m really scared. Please can someone advise me what to do. Or tell me what my dreams mean. Jazakallah khair.

  952. Salaamu’alaikum, can someone please tell me if in your dream you are losing your hair what does it means?? because i asked my mum and she said its not good and im really scared now that if something bad happens.


  953. Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu.

    Can someone please explain the meaning of my dream.

    I had a proposal from this guy I meet thru family and friends couple months ago, and we both like each other, but we dont like to date cuz of our religion. I was worried how things were going to work out between us and our family, and i had a dream that

    ” it was a dark night and it was rainging really bad and i saw red appls and oranges falling from the table with had brigh white cloth on top, i went to grap them but next thing you know i was drowned in dark water and helping my 3 younger brothers to get out of the water. when i came out few seconds after i saw blue skies and i was very relaxed. after few minuts i was in a desert or near grave yards where i was planing to build house and i found few pairs of black pants which belonged to my co-worker and i gave it to her”

    Apparently it was mixed and weird dream. does this have anything to do with the proposal because i have not even done Istikara yet. I just said I will leave everything upto Allah Tala whatever he knows is best for me.

    Please help me with this as I am very worried.

  954. could you please tell me what my dream means?

    A tiger was chasing me and i was running as fast as i could, i then froze on the undergrowth hoping it wouldn’t see me but then i accidently moved and it start chasing me again. As i was running away again a blinked and when i opened my eyes i found myself in ice cold water. I looked up and i saw a dead body, i swam upwards towards the body and it was my mother. She was naked wrapped in branches in the water, as i looked at her i saw her give an evil grin and then her finger touched my chest and i felt a lot of pain in my heart.
    i woke up at 4.30am this morning with heart pain.

  955. ASA
    I had a dream last night that i was holding on to this big eagle and we were flying and swooping in the air and i was laughing then I said to the bird lets see if we can get that thing and the bird flew fast and swooped down over the water (big ocean) and we were far from the shore when I slipped off the eagle and fell into the water when i went under i was scared and i said let me hold my breath so i can get back to the surface fast and maybe the eagle will pick me back up once i broke the surface of the water i woke up

  956. my father told me he had a dream of him holding me when i was a baby up towards the ceiling n laughing n playing with me …what does this mean thank u

  957. i had a very bad dream ,i saw a female lion trying to attack me while i was on the top of a very tall beautiful tree, that tree was in a beautiful garden like place, a friend of mine chased the lion and then i saw again i was nude and running around on the side of the beach. the sea was very calm and blue crystal like, there were some guests looking at me then i woke up. can any one pls explain me this dream

  958. Salaamu’alaikum, I had a dream lastnight that me and the boy that i want to marry we walking and there was a big black gate which was locked and the boy that i was with he opens the gate and we go inside and its like a big green park. and we both were so happy in it aswell. what does this dream means can someone please tell me a.s.a.p

  959. Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu.

    I dreamt about moon and sun together in my old house. The moon is in the left. And the sun is on the right side. The moon was full. Both of their color were dark yellow pastel. Most of the time, the moon is together with the sun. Sometimes its only either the moon or the sun , to indicate which one is night and which one is the day. It seems something wrong with the earth rotation?

    The weird thing is, once the sun changed its color. Its not the pastel yellow anymore, but it is ivory with some red lining.

    What does this dream interpretation?

  960. Ass Wr Wb..

    Right now, I’ve a probelm. I’m pragnant, but my boyfriends never want to responsibility..I’ll trying Munajah to Allah SWT My Lord God. And He’s gave me a dream. Fisrt dream, no one helping me when I want check up my pragnant at hospital. They’re all refuse me cause I don’t have enough money for check up. But sundenly, one man was coming, and helping me. He’s take something from my vagina, and then I saw him naked and get shower. a few second later, I’m naked 2, and get closer with him, we’re kissing.

    And last night, before and after I prayer to Allah via Shalat Hajat, I saw a white rabbit. And after I prayer in Dzuhur, I saw my child (a boy). He’s very handsome with his dress. He’s make a white Baju Koko, a at his head make “Peci”. He’s smiling to me, and I put him at my hugh..

    What the meaning about my dream, Sir..?? Good or bad..?? tengkyu..

  961. RABBIT – denotes physical or sexual obsessive preoccupation which leaves no room for spiritual development. You need to pray that Allah will free you from this hold that shaytan has upon you. Please pray the prayer at and you will receive a blessing and reply for your life solutions.

  962. my younger sister just got her nikah done recently, i saw a dream that my brother in law is carrying lots of bags, and i say to him wow who is all that suff for….he tells me that some is for my sister and some for this second wife…..i got really worrried after seeing that dream….what does it mean?

  963. Salam e lakam. i had this dream 15/2/11 morning. i am buying realy big dates. thay are realy realy long e.g start from my hand til my elbow. i buy about three and i then put them in bag. and than n same trolly i see fresh dates long as fingers.
    ate same night i see plums.

  964. i had a dream on feb 20 2011 n in that dream i saw a guy whom i know is a good boy. He in the dream holds my hand and kisses me on my cheek though i don’t have any such thinking for him n then comes closer to me and smooches me i am very much worried as to what is the interpretation of this dream and i want to know whether i should do anything not to see such kind of dreams. Please help me of not having these dreams
    barak’illahu feekum

  965. AS Salaam i had a dream i told my mom and sister today is last day for sunrise there will be no sunlight from tomorrow in the world only night and darkness.

    • It means that you unconsciously desire to run away and hide from waking up to life’s responsibilities that ‘a new day’ brings.

  966. asalaamu alikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
    i had a dream on feb 20 2011 n in that dream i saw a guy whom i know is a good boy. He in the dream holds my hand and kisses me on my cheek though i don’t have any such thinking for him n then comes closer to me and smooches me i am very much worried as to what is the interpretation of this dream and i want to know whether i should do anything not to see such kind of dreams. Please help me of not having these dreams
    barak’illahu feekum

  967. asalamu alaikum

    i have been having a number of different dreams that i am worried about.
    1. i had dreams more than once that i was stealing money and gold… what could that mean? anything dangerous?
    2. what is the meaning of a hurricane in a dream? i was caught in a hurricane driving to safety.
    3.what does seeing money mean in a dream? does it have a diffeerentmeaning if it is paper money or coins?
    4. i heard that wearing shoes in you dream indicates a man/ a husband or a relationship. is this true?
    5. If i am holding hands with a man i know does thatmean that there is going to be a relationship between us?
    6.i am not married and i had a dream that i was pregnant many many times and in one dream my fetus died.

    If someone can please answer my concerns as soon as possible to relieve my stressi have been having for a while.
    jazakum allahu khairan


  968. I haven’t read the Quraan in 3 days and last night before I went to bed I read the Quraan . I dreamed that me and my mother were in the park ,and i saw some people hiding in bushes with guns. suddenly i heard shooting lots of people got shot, then my mother got shot. I jumped of the ride dragged my mother ,next to the park was a house the house was opened so i went in opened the window dragged my mother out, l went to a nearby petrol station saw my headteacher told him and i woke up.

  969. i’m pregnant right now and i have a dream that i’m having a very cute baby..then i have dream every night that my husband is going to marry again…can you reply me what the meaning of my dream………………

    • It means that you are to sincerely repent in your heart for any sin or wrong-doing you have done. The woman in your dream reading Ikhlaas is your Shadow. You will know your Shadow through repentance and acceptance of her. Not denial.

      • JazakhAllah for your helpful response, I looked in Ibn Sireens dream interpretation book and it said that it means that no child of mine will live because the Surah says that Allah begots not, nor was He begotton. May I ask how you found out the meaning of my dream?

        JazakhAllah once again

        • Thank you sister. I found out because I interpret dreams. Do remember that a dream doesn’t only have one single meaning and that it has several meanings. It is your depth, your soul speaking to you. It can provide you with information that you may not be consciously aware of or unwilling to admit to yourself. This is the art of the dream. A person of the same sex and age as yourself in a dream is usually a shadow figure, as for example for me it would be a male figure. It is worth noting the actions of the Shadow in our dream scenario without judging. Ikhlaas means sincerity, purity 🙂
          If you should have a dream that you want to send privately only, I will have a look at it for you.

  970. assalaamu alaikum,
    Can anyone answer some of these dreams i had?
    1) I dont remember what dream i had,but when i got up,i was reciting the salaam and i jus felt i musth’ve seen Huzoor S.A.W. does this mean i really did dream abt him?
    2) I’ve been seeing a lot of water recently,sometimes a lake,sometimes pond,sometimes an ocean
    3) I have been asking Allah for this one dua a lot,n on Milad-un-nabi,i saw in my dream tht my dua is accepted. and later,we had asaare-mubarak,i prayed whole-heartedly for it,n by the time it was completed,i had a firm feeling that it really was accepted. could it be?
    4)I saw my grandmother dying. when u see people dying,it means they hav long umr right?
    5) seeing a snake.
    Jazakallah khair.

  971. Hi, from last few days i’ve continuously suffer from bad dreams. its like, many people are trying to kill me, my house get burned. i was trying to ok with that. bt last night when i’ve seen a snake and it bite my leg.when it bite i woke up and i feel pain on my leg.

    i have a stable job and family. but from last 20-25days im not feeling good physically.

    • According to ‘Ibn Seerin’s dictionary of dreams’ – compiled by Muhhammad M. Ali-Akili. p.412 QUOTE

      ‘The sting of a scorpion or the bite of a snake in a dream means falling into sin or committing a wrong action.’

      May Allah forgive us all and guide us all. Ameen

    i saw in my dream that two lawyers wearing their uniform black coat with white shirt and a white tie.
    i want to know its meaning.

  973. Aoa
    kindly interpret my dream
    i saw that police is arresting one of my very close relative and also beating her n i am saying that dnt worry i ll save u.

  974. AOA,
    i saw a dream that all the muslims in the world were on the beach. then when the athaan sounds some people were running to the shore where they would pray, facing each others backs. the people who didnt go, the shore would go to them. in the end the shore line was not straight and it was going curvy. then everyone would pray. i also saw the water of the beach. please interpret………..jazakumallhukhair

  975. Assalamualaikum, I had a dream where I saw moon and many stars on dark sky (glittering and shining) that I have never seen before then when I approach to take some pictures, the moon get full phase and on 4 corners (left,right, up and down) I saw Allah’s name in arabic on moon. I hurried up toke picture but after a while I saw myselg in a mosque doing sajda(prayer).

  976. Salaamu’alaikum, I had a dream lastnight that me and the boy that i want to marry we walking and there was a big black gate which was locked and the boy that i was with he opens the gate and we go inside and its like a big green park. and we both were so happy in it aswell. what does this dream means can someone please interprete me about this dream.

  977. Assalamualaikum,

    My mother last night saw a dream that she is breast feeding a baby. She’s is really anxious about the whole thing and wants to know what it means. It would be great if anyone could help.
    Also some websites say that it means something bad is to come, i just want to know that it does not means something bad.

  978. Assalamualaikum, I had a dream where I saw moon and many stars on dark sky (glittering and shining) that I have never seen before then when I approach to take some pictures, the moon gets full phase and on 4 corners (left,right, up and down) I saw Allah’s name in arabic on moon. I hurried up to take picture but after a while I saw myself in a mosque doing sajda(prayer). Please reply if you know the meaning of this dream.

  979. Assalamalaykum

    Some days back I had a dreaded dream..that I see one unknown girl with red hair and European like features lying down perhaps unconscious…then a stranger passes by and looks at her and starts smelling her..and all of a sudden he starts eating her from her rib side and all the way up to head…like some professional butcher..i was just looking at him and in shocked way… he ddint know I was around..and I was like paralyzed and shocked in my dream… I just woke up and said Astagh Firullah and spat three times left hand side…everytime I think about this dream I get too scared…plz anyone can interpret this dream of mine..
    Jazakhullah Khair..

  980. assalamalaykum
    i had a dream that i was looking for water lemon and when i found it someone broke it and it shattered in to peices i just want to know if the melon had any meaning. please can you interpret this dream
    jazakaullah khair

  981. salaam,

    i wanted to know what these 2 dreams i had means. they are really bothering me right now because ive been wanting to know for a long time what they meant hopefully someone can help and if you can send me your reply to my email that would be much easier. my email is

    my first dream i had was that i was in the bathroom and i was throwing up alot of blood and i struggling to get it out of my mouth at the same time and i even threw up some sort of white meat.

    my second dream was that i was in some place i dont remember and i went to the bathroom because my teeth were hurting and they fell out. To be more specific my top front teeth and my bottom front teeth came out..before i had this dream my brother had the same dream but all of his teeth fell out.

    If someone could please interpret these dreams for me i would be very happy.

    May Allah (swt) bring peace and blessings to you all.

  982. dear sir

    i had this dream where i’ve met satan and talked to him/it regarding his work and intention. he answered that he was merely doing his job to show a point that us (humans) is deeply flawed in spite what allah had gave us. he was pretty arrogant and defiant. a jerk in short. what does this dream means?

  983. my mother had a dream she was in a sea of milk what does that mean?
    shye also dreamt she was walking on a bridge of glass what does that mean??

  984. aslama-le-kum
    actually i had dis dream servel times as I’m pregnant in my dream and have a wounderfull baby all the doctor n nurses were looking at my baby ans said they never had seen such a beautyfull baby in their life then my husband came in and took the baby in his arms the baby smiled at him and later my husband put the baby in his bed after a moment the baby was not in his bed he was down walking on the floor n held my husband(his dad) pants n said papa everybody was so surprise how could the baby talk me and my husband took the baby in our arms n hug him it was like a complete family in my dream actually i have been having different kind of babies dream even my friends my family my husband sees me in dream i’m pregnant or walking with my kids sometime twins they all are having dreams about me being a pregnant what is these dreams about why everyone sees me being or having a bay in dreams but which in reality i don’t have kids but i really want to have it me and my husband are waiting for ALLAH signs when will he give us a child we are only praying at the moment and inshallah soon ALLAH will grant us a beautyfull children

  985. salaam,
    I dreamt black colour in my hands and then i saw myself rubbing out tat black colour from my hands and cleaning my hands and the colour did come out. Also 2 days back i saw myself in full white colothing and also its raining. Please help me to understand these 2 dreams.

    • Assalam u alaikum,

      Both dreams are very good. White color denotes respect, purity and honesty. Rain denotes ALLAH’s blessing.

      Thank ALLAH for the dreams. According to me you will be washing away your sins by following ALLAH’s path. ALLAH’s path will surely bring blessings. inshALLAH.

  986. I had a dream of a “Skinless Cow” still alive and ready to be slaughtered, looked bloody. But to the right up me was a little boy with a Jewish cap on, implying that it was going to be a “jewish”‘ slaughter of the skinless cow.

    Around that cow to the right was other healthy cows, I dont remember the amount. It was something about milking them.

    Then I was going up the stairs, and I think either all cows or cattle was going down the stairs following me, but before they could reach me, they split up and one side went to the right and the other side went to the left of some entrance to the right of the “Middle” of the stairs. So they never reached me.

  987. A/A .. I had a strange dream last night.

    We have graveyard next to jamia mosque. and people usually pray for dear ones when they come out of mosque . i saw people comming out of mosque and then going to grave yard to pray for dear ones.. i too went inside. i saw small tombs of marbel on some graves. i stood near a grave and started praying fateha. suddenly i noticed there are some crackes and after some time i saw big openings and some graves caved in. some openings were covred with white pillows. i noticed a big gap in the grave where i was standing and one guy came with a pillow to cover it up. but pillow fall down inside the grave and i saw it is grave of a cow. the cow is alive it got frightned by the falling pillow so it came out of grave… her legs were coverd with fresh dung. when the cow came out and saw too many people there and it went back inside the grave. can some one please tell me the interpretation of this dream….. plz mail me I am from Kashmir – Indian controlled kashmir.

  988. i’ve always had a dream of shopping, looking down from the roof top of buildings or houses, and swimming pools or beaches (sometimes i swim in, sometimes i don’t).

    i also dreamed of the end of the world by a tsunami or a big flood.

    and these dreams keep recurring, maybe more than 5 times already. i really need help.

  989. Salaam

    Can I please have the following interpretion for the following dream.

    Basicallay although im seeing this dream and im thinking its me, but i don’t feel/think it’s me because the woman in the dream looks unfamiliar. Ok i notice that there are around 9 children scattered around. There is a man sitting on the end sofa (I can’t see the face, but I do see a really big nose) there are afew words being exchanged between the woman and man but I don’t know what is being said.

  990. HI, hav to ask that i often see in my dream that i have a baby boy (im an unmarried girl) and i care for him so much and feel like his mom. please guide me that what does it means..waitnig anxiously for reply.


  991. As salaam mu alaikum

    my grandfather passed away almost a year ago. on his last friday he asked me to convey a message to a Soofie Imaam, i felt it was my duty to convey this message. exactly a week ago on the following friday i met this great imaam’s son. its almost a year and i still havnt been able to meet with imaam as he has a busy life.
    last night i had a dream that the soofie family wanted their son to marry me. what does this mean???

    my grandfather told me out of every1 about this family that i searched for and today a friend of mine offered to take me for a visit to their house next week yet i didnt mention anything to her about my dream. please help interpreting this dream.

  992. As SalamuAlaikum Brother. Last night during Suve sadik I saw a dream about swimming in a pond. and many others are looking at me. dose it have any meaning. then I got up And said my Fazar prayer. please let me know if any. Thanks

  993. Asalaam waliakum ,
    As i layed on my bed i felt something came out of my body and taking up to the skys,as i closed and fell asleep i seen my soul in the sky..It was a nice sunny day with white clouds and my soul was in the middle..At first it was white ,then i looked more closer and the top part was green and bottom half was white…i felt so scared that i woked up..

    please could you tell me this interaperation

    jazahkallah khair

  994. asalam alikum…….a friend of mine said that he dreamed that i was a jew and that i was talking to him about the Torah and the jewish religion what can that mean?……

  995. Lastnight i had a dream that im really stress and i see this big house but i don’t go inside and then suddently it starts to rain and i get so happy. what does this dream means?

    let me know a.s.a.p please

  996. I also had a dream, that im giving bath to this boy i know and i also like him and also with him theres a little baby boy, i don’t see anything of hes just hes back while giving him bath, then suddently im naked aswell.

    can someone please interprete this dream for me soon inshallah.
    thank you

  997. Marzia,
    You may send your 2 dreams in an email to me and I will read them for you and give you their interpretations. I interpret dreams from a mixture of psychological and Islamic view.

  998. salaam.
    i keep dreaming about being in hell fire, my mother dreams i am naked and running towards hellfire.
    also continuous dreas some isthahaaray dreams of me being pregnant, once two babies inside struggling to get out, hurting me
    once my grandmother who passed away 16 years ago paints my newborn in white paint.
    these are ongoing and starting to scare me
    what do they mean???74

  999. asalamualykum sisters and brothers in islam,

    I am 15 years old girl, i wanted to know about my dream what it means the dream was: i was telling this person if their teeth would come out, then i said i think my teeth will come out when i pulled it it just came out with out no pain.
    please i really want too know its freaking me out.


  1000. salaam, i had a dream that i and my mom were reciting the quran as i started reading the quran, the thoughts coming to my mind that in what position i m i will b paralyzed in dat position i.e. sitting on the chair n than the words of the quran page went disappearing….. than later whole page went blank……. than i gave the quran to my mom to read she was able to read properly. i m scared … what does this mean……..

  1001. Salaam,
    I had a detailed dream today that i’m getting married to a cousin whom i really like. He was getting married to someone else,but in turn marries me. I got tons of gifts from his family,I also inherit many family jewelery items. Most of them are made of gold and pearls. Even though I was a little sad that since i got married in such a haste and the wedding was not how i planned my wedding to be,as i replaced the bride on the wedding day,I’m very happy about the wedding and that i married him. He proposes to me in the reception,saying there’s no point in proposing after marriage,but he jus wanted to make me happy.
    I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my marriage even though i have no intension of marrying anytime soon as i’m very young. Kindly Interpret for me.

  1002. Aslaam o Alaikum 🙂

    2 weeks ago my friend had a dream of me and she didn’t want 2 tell me until the time was right…\
    then jus a couple of days ago this boy had started 2 stare and show signs that he’s interested in me… when i told her what was happening she said thats wot came in her dream!!.. butt duz that mean watever happened in her dream will come true??.. wot did it mean??

  1003. Salam.. I had a dream about my 4 teeth from the rear was falling without any blood but then in real life I am pregnant and due in less than one month. Kindly translate… thank you very much

  1004. After work yesterdayday, i was exhausted and fell asleep at an odd time. Maybe right before magrib prayer. I drempt my father was in the hospital in a coma. He was wearing the white ahram. (My father passed away many years ago while i was a little girl.My last vision of him is in his coffin wearing the white ahram) I continued to dream that he some how awoke from the coma, and told us he did not want to die in the hospital. He wanted to die in his bed. We drove him home at his request. I helped him into his bed, where he passed away shortly still in his white ahram. This was a especially strange dream , because i did not cry that he was dying. Also, it was very clear , nothing about this dream was blurry. I remember him from head to toe, and he seemed like he was in a state of peace. Please someone interpret this dream for me.

  1005. assalamualaikum
    I had a dream of a woman breast feeding a child and that child’s mouth is filled with milk….i think that woman who was feeding is me….

    • Salaam Sabiha,
      If you can remember more from this dream you may email it to me and write something about yourself as well. I will read it and get back to you with my interpretation.

  1006. I saw a dream in which a tiger jumped on me to kill me ,, there was a person sitting on a bench he was so relax like nothing was happening , i was trying to survive and that person said ” say ALLAH ” , When i said the tiger was in my hands trying to kill me but he stoped using his power ,,
    i said ALLAH in his ears again ,,
    the tiger said what else ,,
    I said YA ALLAH ,,
    He also said YA ALLAH in his roaring voice,,
    Then i read the qalimah ” LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASOOL ALLAH (SAW) ” The tiger also read the Qalimah with me , then he went away without harming me ,, i ran away then there was a door when i opened the to go away he shouted he stop but i ran away ,,
    please tell me meaning , i am worried ,, please

  1007. i want to share this dream…because i want to have a peace of mind if some one can give me a reaction of such a dream..i dreamed not only once..that our neighbor was telling that i am not my parents daughter, she says i am daughter of celine …she named the person..and my mother was asking sori…and saying my mother left in our place when there was a war there….kindly any one can give me a reaction..

  1008. I saw the recently fallen president of Egypt in his night clothes trying to choose a can of coffee from a display of cans setting on a stand in an ally-way. I was on a bike coming into the ally and he was blocking my way. His wife looked at me and I understood from the look that she was asking me to wait and be patient until he moves out of the way. The president was rambling about how he lost his presidency but yet there are ones who are worse than him that remain in power. After few minutes I saw an opportunity to squeeze through and I took it and said hello Mr. President while riding away. what does it mean?

  1009. salaam aleykoum,

    i had a dream that i was swing on a swing and reciting al-fatiha and surah al-nas in the dream i felt so light happy. what does this mean?

  1010. i saw in my dream, that i was cutting a lots of ginger, and was offering that cutted ginger to my male friend.

    and i also saw red lentil.
    plz interpret these things.

  1011. Assala’mualaikum, i’m a girl. months ago i dreamed about something,like as if I was in haraam shareef with many men wearing long white jubba. they were reciting it was so real that i was reciting it in my sleep and when i woke up i could still hear these words clearly in my mind.
    The second part of it was that my mom and I were watching some mem reciting the above duah in haram shareef on TV and I was telling her that nabeel (a friend of mine) is so lucky to be among them(the men).
    what does it mean?

  1012. the dua:Labbaika Allahomma Labbaik. Labbaik La Shareeka Laka Labbaik. Innal-Hamdah, Wan-Nematah, Laka wal Mulk, La Shareeka Laka.

  1013. i had a dream where my mom was talking to someone and it felt like she was talking to a voice because u cant hear the other person and the voice asked her 3 questions. the first question was if she wanted to go to hell and she said no the second question was do u want to go to jennah the third question was if you want to go to jennaj come with me and she went exept i was sad because she was gone

  1014. Assalamualaikum,
    Last night I had a dream in which I ask my husband to look out from a window in a high rise building which has a clear view of the ocean and to my surprise I see the ocean is very agitated and the waves are moving fast towards us.
    Please help me interpret this dream.

    I wanted to kno the meaning of my dream very would be soloo help full to me if any1 would understand the meaning..
    i saw a couple days ago in my dream that iam in some kind of trees somewhat like a lilttle forest an i kno that somthing strange is comming for me .(like in my dream i feel aware) an then iam running so fast beacuse all of a sudden i see a huge hugeee man eating snake coming after me reallly quickly an i runn an i hide in a pile of green the snake doesnt see me hiding,then it notices me but i hold some dirt upto it an it doesnt say anything to me.then in that same dream i see again that iam in my house an iam running again from that same snake an this time iam not running alone(the boy i love in real life) is also running with me from the snake.then we jump iin 2 washers wich we have at my house in real life an we are safe ther.we did not get bit by that snake…and a couple days latter i saw in my dream also that some hafiz women(wich i kno in real life an are like friend)are by me an iam reciting surat nuhh wichis in seeparah 29….plz tell me bout this dream i really need to kno if any1 with the knowledge can tell me,thank you may allah bless you..~ameenn

  1016. masha Allah. thank you for this beautiful help u r rendering to muslims. i had a confusing dream last night. before the dream, i woke up around 4 am in the moring n did 10 raka’at nafilah. in the nafilat irecited part of Al-Baqarah. i saw my self with two ex-class mates. i held th hands of one n we where chatting n i told her she can never leave the house she is in while she kept saying she will definately leave the house ( pls take note that she is not married). while we were going n arguing on that issue,i saw another friend in the state of praying in a jam’i. she was fully covered from her head to toe exceot for her face and instead of facing the qibla like the others that she is praying with, she turned n was looking at the people performing the jam’i. its like they are praying for her…..what kind of dream is this….pls help i hope it is good.

  1017. salaamz
    few years back i dream some people all tied turbans slaughtering cows reciting some Arabic prayers, i felt like d cows are slaughtered in the name of Almighty Allah. Last night i dream my father slaughtering a deer in the name of Almighty but once its slaughtered he has seen some red spots in his body and i saw my dad carrying the deer to bury it extremely disturbed about these dreams where i see animals slaughtered in Allah’s name. can you please tell me what it means in islam

  1018. Salam,
    My mum had the following dream, I would be grateful for an interpretation.

    I see my husband’s jeans pocket, it s very small, I pull out a really old 50p and then pull out a whole lot of 5p and put them on the a table, in a heap. Then I see that I have made eggs without salt, does have spices in it. My brother in law and sister say to me throw them away, and I say no they look beautiful just because there is no salt we can’t throw them away. Don’t know what happens to the eggs but then, I go ahead and a guy is fixing a car, I go to say to him that he should turn around the car here, so that it will work but he tries to run me over so I put my foot there and the car brakes fail and stops, he goes to me how did you do that and I say I have the strength to that’s how. Then the scene switches again and I’m getting told that my big sister and her friend have run away, do not where.

  1019. Asslamoualaikum,
    i had a dream. i saw me, my mother my 2 nephew and my mothers sister going in a forest.there we saw 2 woman in hijab, they hung themselves. they were suspended in the tree. they were speaking and did the salaam.i didnt reply.i said to them they went against islam they suicide themselves and i dnt wnt to know the reason. then magrib time was nearing and we were surrounded by many ghosts troubling us. i was reciting ayatul kursi in dream so that they go away and we go to the main road. they were troubling my brother and mother and i saved them by reading ayatul kursi whole way.finally we reached it without harm. i wanted to know what it meant

  1020. Salam,
    i saw a dream in which me and my cousin ( male ) were in some kind of wedding and then we star to see the sky. it was night time. then we saw the stars moving very fast and the disappearing and then we saw the same thing and we were like, whats going on. then the fire crackers started and then the sky went light brownish in color, and the dream ended.

  1021. salam,
    i saw solar eclipse in my dream,and read about it as its not nice to see that…i was not sad in my dream i was happy i saw both of my elder brothers with me….i tried to ignore it…but could not until i sreached it over the net…it was bothering me….

    what does it mean? and how can i prevent anything bad from happening in light of islam please…

  1022. I have a couple of dreams that i need help with. First of all i would like to say that im not a very pious person, but do think of God and Islam alot. I do pray sometimes but its a rare occurence.

    Firstly, in one dream I saw Hazrat Esa. In that dream i had various superpowers. Like turning things and people into stone. Then these weird creatures come and my powers cant stop them. Then i see Hazrat esa again giving me advice but i dont remember what it was.

    Then as hard as it is to believe, i’ve seen Hazrat Esa in dreams about 3-4 times. What does this mean?

    Now on to the dream last night. I saw that im in Makkah for Hajj. I saw the Kaaba in vivid detail.. every inch of it.. I performed all Hajj duties and then even saw the area of Makkah around the Kaaba. I have NEVER been there or seen Makkah in pictures. I’ve only seen the Kaaba a few times in pictures.

    Thank you.

  1023. dear sis, salam. once when i was 10 or 11 years i had a dream which almost came true the next day. after i grew big, when i was 19 i had a dream which became true the next day immediately and after one week, i dreamt another dream which came true too the next day. i don wanna tell ya the dreams coz they’re long but i can conclude that they be true. obviously, there are changes between my dreams and the true things but they are very trivial. for e.x. i once dreamt that i am in a war but the war occcured in another city after a week and i am not involved at all. can ya plz tell me my dream interpretation. may allah bless you.

  1024. Assalamu alaikum

    i hav seen myself getting married many tyms, i am committed with someone, i am going to marry but what does my dream interpret, plz help me out.
    not only me my cousins, relavites, many people had seen my marriage, what does that indicate. please tell me the meaning of both dreams. i will be very thankful to u. Plz help me. ZAKALLAH..

  1025. Assalamu alaikum

    i hav seen myself getting married many tyms, i am committed with someone, i am going to marry but what does my dream interpret, plz help me out.
    not only me my cousins, relavites, many people had seen my marriage, what does that indicate. please tell me the meaning of both dreams. i will be very thankful to u. Plz help me. JAZAKALLAH.

  1026. Assalamu-allaikum,

    This website give a good knowledge about the dreams. Thank you everybody. I just happens to see two dreams. 1. I saw baby lion talking to me and saying Allah Akbar, not to clear about the dream. And second dreams was i happened to visit Muslim graveyard. Please tell me the meaning of both dreams, I will be very thankful to u. Jazakallah. Help me.

  1027. salam,
    Actually i am waiting for marriage in my dream and my lover marry other girl and my lover parents are said to me “to get out from my son’s life”.what is the meaning for this dream..

  1028. salam,
    today morning i dreamt an unusual dream, it goes lyk dis…i was revealed sum revelation from Allah dat today early morning there would be a huge fish infront of my house..and when i go at the balcony..i indeed see a very huge fish (on ground) just below my balcony…and then i see someone ascending from the skies..i thought it might be Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) but he takes some one’s face..and i am a lilttle confused…and then i realise that i have to spread the word that the Day of Judgement has arrived… to make people aware…
    Can some one please tell me what does this signify?

  1029. what is the meaning of the dream seeing my father is sleeping with my dead mother, I saw this dream in two nights in a role

  1030. Salaams

    I had a dream this morning where i was fishing on the river side with a rod. Instead of the fishing line and hook being in the river it was in the sky, very high up. As i reeled in the line from the sky, a ball of sparks came (instead of a fish) . The ball of sparks ( swirling shiny electrons the size of a soccer ball ) was violent and started rolling along the land. As it was rolling it caused huge trenches into the earth swallowing people and causing destruction along the path. People were scared and i remember telling a non-muslims person not to be scared because the ball of fire can not harm you if you read “laa ilaaha il-lal-lahu muhammadur rasulullah” to believe in Allah and the prophet muhammad SAW.

    I am presently going through the most difficult time im my entire life but i am very calm and not worried because i tell myself it is Allah’s descision.
    I want to know if the dream means something ?


  1031. Salaam, I dreamt that i was wearing braces on my teeth and my front tooth broke i can feel pain in the dream and i want to rip off the braces. i used to have braces a long time ago but they have been removed for many years now.. I have had this dream many times what is the meaning of it.

  1032. I dreamt about passing a very small bridge which i have to face with a big flood. And the second night i dreamt again and watching the heavy rain pouring until became flooded.

  1033. Salaam

    I have a dream that I was sitting beside Muhammad salah ale wasalim’s Grave in Medineh. The grave was made up of matti and had a green charder on it. I was sitting right next the grave. There were other women there but there were standing a distant away.

  1034. I have a dream that I was sitting beside Muhammad salah ale wasalim’s Grave in Medineh. The grave was made up of matti and had a green charder on it. I was sitting right next the grave. There were other women there but there were standing a distant away.

  1035. hi i had a dream one of my cousion was died 3 years ago , i saw her in dream i was scared from her i start runing she star chasing me then she and she said i m here to taking to u with me
    please answer me of my dream

  1036. In my dream I saw my uncle who was hurt after falling down the stairs and was bleeding,i was really scarred when i woke up, my Grandmother died after a few days (maybe 10) , she had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital, then they brought her back home, she slipped and fell on a table and was hurt in the exact same place as my uncle had been and died, my uncle was her daughters husband , is there any relation between my dream and what happened to my Grandmother.

  1037. please can you interprete my dream, i use to see my dead grand mother in my dreams. and recently my uncle led me through a strange bush and i saw myself picking up snails in my dream

  1038. i had a dream 2 days ago. i was queing to take my order for my food. when i got the bag of food i was walking to this table and the girl i like was sitting there. so i sat down on the same table then there were more people coming sitting down eating with us people who i know. there was a maulvi who was sitting opposite me on the same table that is close to my family. he was taking pictures we were all happy. then i got up to get more food i think, and i ended up at this small stall and i asked for fries, then the guy merchant gave me a packet of pens. what does this mean.

  1039. Assalamalaikum Sister in Islam
    I really appreciate the way you are interpreting dreams in the light of Quraan and Hadith
    My grandfather passed away two weeks ago
    I couldn’t attend his funeral and since then I see the aftermath of his funeral almost every night in my dream
    yester night i saw the same scene his house all my aunts cousins mourning his death but this time I was able to see him(and other relatives were not able to see him) and he came near me sat beside me and wept and wept he kept crying he wanted to say something but he couldn’t and he kept crying keeping his head on my laps I’m worried about him please try to interpret this dream ASAP JazakAllah

    • And I woke up after that dream and slept again
      and I saw my friend’s mother (she passed away 13 ago) she was advising my friend
      I couldn’t hear her but my friend could
      what does this dream mean?

  1040. i seen im going on umara with mom and younger sister for the purpose of nikha of mine but abi mara liya koi larka ni pasand kiya .. rasty ma aik larki humin roook k kehti ha mujhy bht khushi hoi tm wahn ja ri ho.

  1041. mri bri behan koi parchyan (pice of paper) lai hian jis ma sa mane aik kholi ha us ma likha ta mujhy ab kuch parhie krny ki zarort nahi ha (wazeefa) coz wo maqsad pura ho gaya ha nechy likha ta subhaanillah parhy….phr koi stiker jasi cheez ha jo ma apni mom ki right arm pey lagti hn wahn Allah k 99 naam likhy nazer aty hian .phr ma apni right arm pey lagti hn wahn phla Kalma ore surat rehmaan k words likhy hoye nazer aty hian ,mari choti sister b kehti ha mujhy b lagao…. phr neend khul jati ha yea mane fajer ki namz k baaad dakha ta..

  1042. Assalam-alaikum brother n sisters. Recently, my dad saw a dream that his grandson which is 6th month old is lying in the lawn n my father is doing namaz suddenly lions came n starting biting the child n he is seriously injured. Can anyone know wat does that mean? v r seriously worried.Allahhafiz.

  1043. Hello,
    this is my first comment to this site.
    I had a very beautiful dream last night. I saw a big garden…….like paradise and I saw a tree from which one or two tomotoes fall…if its all grown and no more wants to be on tree. Then I go to wards tree and i see a basket and from the basket I pick one pomegranate very beautiful and fresh, and one pomegranate which is peeled only ..I can see its white skin and red seeds showing beneath the skin,,but the upper red skin was not there. and I collect both pomegranates, two tomatoes and I think one cabbage, white one. The garden was very green like paradise and I was very happy. I dont know what it indicates. can you please guide me ? thank you

  1044. Assalam Alikum, I had a dream two nights ago that I turn around and look at someone wearing a ring. I look closely and it was blue diamond. 5 large stone of blue diamond shining in the sun. I was wowed but i didnt get or receive the ring so am wondering if it has any significance for me. Then in the same dream I saw two big healthy cows running in a track and pushing people out of its way. I jump in on one of the cow pet him with my right hand and ask it to calm down and I tame him by reading 3 quls and fatiha on it. And the cow becomes obediant and listens and I still remember the look on the cows face. it was beautiful. I wonder if this dream has any significance to me. Regards MK

  1045. Sir,

    i have seen a dream in which i get up early in the morning and see 3 moons and a planet in the sky. can you interpret it for me. thanks

  1046. i had a dream my fiancee, gave me milk in a blue bottle and i took it and drank alot of it.. i know milk represents some thing goood,, i want to know if the blue bottle represents anything at all. i kno blue represents poison so i jus want 2 make it clear if the blue bottle has any relevance at all.. ….so if any one could pleasee help me and let know any information at all ill b really thankful some one who is knowledgeable in Islam and interpretation of dreams thank u very much..

  1047. I had a dream where my family and i were out. My little sister and brothers and i were sitting or laying down on something and 3 tornadoes came. I told them to cover themeselves and not look at it, and covered them with my body. We were all fine in the end, I just found it weird and wanted to knw if there was meaning to it. Any answers??

  1048. I am not currently married. but in my dream, i just got married. I went with my husband inside the room, and we had sexual intercourse(I never had erotic dreams before). Right after, I had a baby, I did not suffer. the baby was about 2-3 months old. i got up from the bed and there was blood everywhere. then I met my mother, and I had another baby, then a third one. They all looked alike. I concluded they were triplets(boys). All of them looked a little like old people; they had wrinkles on their left sides. Then I returned back to my newly wedded husband.I then realized I just got married and never did i look pregnant or nothing.
    I am really worried about this. My husband was the guy I want to marry,I am ashamed of him now.but the faces(old part of their face) of the naked babies worries me a lot.

  1049. AoA.
    I had a dream 2 days before, I saw a man who was one of our relatives, he lived in a foreign country, he was like a terrorist. He came back to our village after a long time and people gathered to see him, every body was too much afraid of him as he used to kill any body any time and without any valid reason. So we heard of him coming to our village and we went out to see him. He came and started his visit of the area, all of us were blindly walking after him although we knew that he will kill us but we did not care about it. After a while he started killing people and killed hundreds in a while, I heard a terrible noise of firing, it was too much frightening. I also did not want to go out but as the whole village was out to see him so I followed them. I saw that guy he was quite tall with very healthy physic and very close relative of me. I was too much fear wen I saw him in my dream. Every body was so miserable before him that no one could even forbid him and couldnt dare to speak against his will.

  1050. I had a two very vivid dreams the past two weeks. so vivid it feels like it really happened. I dreamt my brother got eaten by a shark, trying to save a child. His legs and head was bitten off but was trying to survive in hospital. The second dream was last night: i gave birth to a baby and i had no breast milk to feed the child. I am actually trying for a baby, is this an insecurity or does it mean something? Both dreams are quite traumatizing.

  1051. Salaam,
    I am a 19 year old girl, currently studying at uni. I had a dream that i got married, and it was to the guy who i would love to get married to. I’m not in no relationship with him or anything, he a distant relative, we hardly ever talk but he seems like such a decent guy and he is the only one in my khandaan who i would ever say yes to as he is a good muslim, educated etc. what does it mean to see yourself getting married? 🙂

  1052. last night i saw in my dream that by mistake my husband puts his shoe on my left foot and i got a fracture in my thumb toe,but my husband doesnt beleives that the bone is broken and i kept on convincing him that it is has broken he gets me some medicines thought but still doesnt beleives and the other thing that then i see my self in a very big house and to get some releif frm the pain of my toe i start swimming and was hocked bcz i knew that i didnt knew how to swimm but i jumped in the pol and started swimming perfectly,then he(husband) takes out the water and i request to fill it again that i was having releif frm pain,and he fills it up again
    plz reply me soon,bcz it may link to something that i am deciding to do in my future

  1053. assalamu alaikum
    every last 4th week of the month, 4times i get a whit dream without dreaming anything bad or satan and sometimes every week twice…im losin weight can anyone tell me the meanin behind please ….

  1054. assalam o aliakum…i wana ask abt my dream …i saw dat i was getting marry to my boy friend….my nikkah cermony was taking place….i was wearing sky blue colour clothes n jwelery made of pearl…my bf was wearing a white shlwar kameez……….now i wana ask da wat would b the intrpetation of dat dream…

  1055. I had a dream that im sleeping in my room and when i wake up i see the seiling and it is all like clouds which are turned into water .. (white freash spring-like) and i know in my dreams that if i stand on my bed and try to touch that water i will be able to touch it. please can you help me and tell me what this dream means?

  1056. I had a dream that two pigs entered my Aunt’s house, which happens to be huge in the dream, and I remember it having a green furnishing etc The hall was huge. Me and my Aunt went into her bedroom, to which she had to en-suites, again it was green but we left the door open, and I was thinking to myself that the two big brown pigs may enter into her room, since they were already inside. One of them came running into the room and bumped into her hard and bit her and then it turned to me and bit me but wasn’t as rough, by that time my brother and his friend came and it went away. I was hoping you could give me an insight to whether this dream has any relevance /meaning. Obviously Allah knows Best.

    • See i dont know exactly but
      The Pig reprents a huge man, rich, and irreligious, with dubious sources of income, a dirty person with long hands, and a mean and stinking atheist

      1.Pigs in d dreams represents enemies( ur friends or relatives or somebody who are actually ur enemies from their hearts who lies and tricks people)

      2. just seeing in d sense
      It could mean evil happenings or earning illegal money

      3. If a pig causes harm to someone in a dream, it represents the perfidy of one’s rival

      So this could mean that be secure from those people and pray to allah…..
      Allah Knows Better……

  1057. Hi people my Subject is Snakes and no progress in life,, what does it mean? I keep seeing snakes in my dream, last night I saw them in water and one big drake green angry one, I am not stressed.. and i Dont fear. So Please explain in the light of holly Quran. Because in the light of Quran my good dreams come true and I believe in the light of Quran because who ever reads it loves it, Not a single word has changed 1400year in quran holly book suban allah I cant read arabic, though i know quran little bit… I saw angel in my dream once can never 4get it never and thats the day that morning i chose to be muslim because that night my friend was talking about noor SAW mohammad phm, just for listening i guess i saw that angel with honey eyes he huged me and i felt so good didn’t wanted to wake up i was smileing.. next morning i called my friend and read kaalmah and no im not gay… I used to do zikr and get beautiful dreams positive vibe.. is there anyone out there in the light of quran whom can explain what snakes mean and how to get ride of these bad vibes. I cannot follow five time prayer coz of my work and somtimes i miss jummah too 😦 I have change.. it take me back to time when everyone used to be muslim the time when mohammad (SAW) said quran is completed and 1240000 sahabas left to spread the word of islam and only 100 came back to arab after so many years.. in my eyes were all brothers europe spain italy USA china Uk everyone understand what islam was thats the history 1000s years ago.. then Satan started doing his thing again misleading people.. Anyway muslims i see nowadays are not proud to say that there muslims just a label.. lolez and i was catholic before calling myself muslim today im proud to say i am one.. I was sitting in the house of god and i had a thought while the priest was giving lecture i dont follow priest lecture allah is in heart.. So had a thought if SAW mohammad was to walk into the moske and listen to priest nowadays how would he feel..

  1058. Assalam O Alikum,
    Some days before i saw a dream, in which i was sleeping, and suddenly i wakeup(in dream), and receives a txt on cell phone,(cell was on my rightside near my couch), which says we find u, orlyk we are chasing u(i felt that some is behind me like enemy is is trying to catch me), after that i txts my friend about this text and she told me that i should change something (in my cell) so that they cant trace me, and she gives me number of sm1, i dont knw who cn help..
    When i wokeup after watching this dream, i was sleeping in exact same position as was in dream, and my cell was also on same position as it was in dream..i was feelingg sooo bad after this dream,…
    and was feeling my iman low after watching it…
    i saw myself at mosque where we perform hajj, but at place f kabaa their was no kabba….
    feeling tense abt this, other parts f this dream , are not in my mind clearly
    please if anyone of u can interpret the meaning,

    plzz kindly reply, i often see veryy odd dreams, and they disturb me….

  1059. Hi can you please help me? I have a wife who has left me for the last 3 weeks. and she is asking for divorce. I saw her in my dream that she is getting married with someone else, did actually see her but i heard that its her marriage. and i was standing outside where there was a tiny snow on the floor. and i was without shoes.
    Please, help me out.

    • First of all i dont know exactly but it has diff meanings
      As we all know that
      Dreams are of 3 types
      1. From allah
      2. From Shaitan
      3. From our thoughts
      1. If a person sees his wife getting married to someone else, it means her household will become wealthy and prosperous.
      2. u actually dint see her just heard its her marriage may be its ur feeling as she left you

      may be 3rd one suits U…

      and regarding snow it is stating that snow is melting since it is on floor and its not a winter season too
      so it could probably means that

      1. Melting snow in a dream means dispersal of agony, or it could mean the end of depression
      2. Seeing snow in other than wintertime in a dream means an illness
      3. Snow in a dream means profits, or it could mean a cure for an illness
      Here may be 1 and 3 suits you…

      “Allah Reham kare har Musalmaan par….”

      • Thank you ever so much for your reply.
        you must be right, as i am keep thinking about my wife who has left me.
        a few other times i also had a dream that a guy coming to me that telling me that i should leave her alone. that she is in love with them, and dont want to live with me any more. what that means?
        I am praying to Allah, so he could give her back to me again. as i know i wasnt a good husband for her. but deep in heart i always loved her and love her. i just annoyed her with my attitude, and i really didnt understand it. and now i am looking for forgiveness, both from Allah and her. but she doesnt want to give me another chance. i am really vulnerable and i dont know what to do.!!!!

        • I can understand your feelings..
          But See i would only say one thing these are of your thoughts may be she also dreaming the same thing about u that u dont love her etcc cant say
          “Sirf Dua karna hamare haat hai baaki sab Allah ke haat”……
          so dont worry and dont think about your dreams pray to Allah and do tauba as much as u can and am sure if she is in ur faith then defnetly she will be back Insha Allah
          N regarding ur dream i dont know/…..
          take care
          Allah knows Better…

  1060. Assalam-o-alaikum……..
    can u pls help me? i have these kind of dreams and am not understanding what it means…(am unmarried)
    1. I saw myself being nude in betwn lot of people and no 1 is caring that but am feeling myself ashamed
    2. I saw again myself nude but this time i was in home and when i saw outside there were big buildings and tress all over and as i felt ashamed i just hide myself near a small wall which fully covered me
    3. Last 9t i saw that it was a dinner time and my mom n dad are eating but My upper right canine was disturbing me so much it was like moving in circle itself so i just removed it and it felt on ground where my parents are eating and later i seen in mirror that my canine was lost n it was looking so bad without that
    Can any1 pls interpret this in islamic way…..
    thanks in advance…

  1061. Plz someone interpret dream for me,4 years back i saw a dream in which i was attending a marriage.marriage was taking place in her house.i was there.marriage was of the gal, i was really in love with.what is meaning of it?
    someone told me that if you see ur loved one being married to some other person its not good dream.what is its interpretation.i’d say again that in the dream i saw myself in her marriage ceremony.

  1062. Plz someone interpret dream for me,4 years back i saw a dream in which i was attending a marriage.marriage was taking place in her house.i was there.marriage was of the gal, i was really in love with.what is meaning of it?
    someone told me that if you see ur loved one being married to some other person its not good dream.what is its interpretation.i’d say again that in the dream i saw myself in her marriage ceremony.

  1063. slms

    Plz can someone interpret a dream for me. I had a dream that I was changing a baby girls nappy. My husband was with me.I think the baby was mine.

    I have been trying to fall pregnant for 5 years now, so I am hoping that the dream means that I will fall pregnant very soon.


  1064. salaam everyone i hope u doing well. mashallah i saw prophet muhammad(p.u. b.h) i saw his beautiful feet and he wear kind of grey colour shoe.each month i have seeing allah subhan tallah name and prophet muhammad (p.u.b.h) name. also quran verse as well mashallah i have seen lot of beautiful dreams and i have got allah name on my hand as well mashllah . but i dont understand the meaning of these beautiful dreams.can you please help me to intrepret those dreams please and aslo i seening many more nice dreams like that thank you salaam alikum

  1065. salaam alaikum,
    Can someone please please help me, recently a very close friend of mine had a dream that she was having intercourse with a dead person, she knew they were dead and she went ahead with it ( i don’t know wheather she has the choice in the dream or not) but she described it as being a dark place, the body being really stiff hard and she knew she will not become pregnant ….. please can someone give any advise on this as its really disturbed her. thank you very much

  1066. Any help on understanding this dream, i saw a white man in my house, my sister was in the bathroom and i was waiting for her to get out so i could do wudhu. However the white man also wanted to do wudhu and pray.
    The issue here was that he was not muslim, he said he wanted to pray as he enjoyed praying.
    Then i went into my room and we were talking, and I had thoughts of giving dawah to him to accept islam, then after that the dream ended.

    The day after the following day i had a dream where people were tidying up around me, and after they were done i went and sat down and someone told me this is all a test, and if we participate then Allah will reward us, however if we dont then we neither will go forward nor backward.
    Thereafter, i went and climbed over a gate, only to bump into a group of 5 lads, shiny faces but they looked Arabian/Egyptian, they were reciting the Quran out loud. I asked them whether they were Hafiz of the Quran, they said umm yeah kinda, smiled and carried on, after which i went to cross a road and subsequently got run over.

  1067. Salam Alaykum,

    Brother, My wife has left me for the last 27 days.
    Last night in my dream i have heard that she was pregnant and she gave birth but somehow i couldnt see our kid (i heard that i had a daughter). plus i was asking my wife to come to me and she was sort of ignoring me.

    please advise me of what dreamed. by the way i had this dream after the fajar prayer time, because after i prayed i went to bed.

    looking forward to hear from you.

    • Ps: In real life my wife wants me to divorce her, and i am not willing to do so. As i am very in love with her.

      • O sister i have done this already. but she is telling me that she has no feeling for me. that her heart is broken, and she doesnt want to be with me any more. and she wants divorce. I cant divorce her. i just need a chance to re-build everything. to show that a person can change for good too. but unfortunately she is not willing to give me that chance. the bad side of the story is that she is leaving the country soon as well. she is going back to her own country. and i really dunno what to do. i have all my hope and faith to Allan to bring her back to me. but she looks like she is very deterrent of her decision. and she is saying that no one is able to change it. but i am sure if Allah command then she will change her decision as well. its all up to Allah to help me to keep our Nikah, doesnt it?

        • Keep praying,do salaat ul hajjat,then Allah willing she will come back to u,if not accept it to be Allah’s will,we dont know what Allah knows,so what seems to be a heart breaking situation now will be a different story 10ys from today.

  1068. I dramt that i was inside a room that has a river in the back of the house ,there were several women in that house with me,and a tornado was blowing outside,I was crying that the tornado will blow me in the river and i will drown as i dont swim.after the tornado passed,we opened the back door and saw the river was covered with huge rocks the tornado blew from the nearby mountain and i was safe.i had the dream after i did the fajr prayer and went to sleep.Please let me know the meaning.

  1069. Can you please help me interpret the meaning of my dreams? I have dreamt of snakes on two occasions this year:

    1st time: I was walking with my mom, dad, brother and husband and a snake fell on my brother’s shoulder from a tree. My husband grabbed and threw it away. Then in the same dream I saw myself sitting on a bed and the same snake came to me, it was just about to strike me when my dad and my brother came into the room, but I didn’t get to the ending (whether the snake was successful in attacking me or my dad and brother killed it) as my dream ended there. The snake was a big and black snake.

    2nd time: We have just purchased a new house and this time I dreamed of snakes on my first night sleeping in the house. I dreamt that I was walking through a tree branch with my brother and there were lots of snakes all around us. But most of them were not aggressive. We were being very careful not to disturb them. Then my brother and I walked back the same branch which lead to the backyard of my new house. The small snakes were still lining our path. But this time when I was trying to get inside the house there was a black snake that tried to attack me, I was running away from it and trying to get inside the house so I can get my husband to come and get rid of all the snakes. I kept circling around the door and the snake kept following me. It then spit its venom on my ankle but it did not bite me and I did not feel any pain.

    Can you please explain to me the meaning of my dreams? I have read other people’s posts and I am very worried what it means. Does it mean there is a danger to my brother or does it mean I am in danger?

  1070. i saw some people grab my lover and tore her clothes and cut her all hairs, during cuttings her hairs i saw her blood coming out from the head cuts of blades theni go to her place and kiss her and say some words then they clothless me also. after that one of them raped her. i want to know what is this. and whts the meaning of it.

  1071. Can you please explain my dream to me. I Constantly get bullied by my dad in my dream and cry though out the whole dream but not lots of crying just tears .Could you please tell me what this means

  1072. Salam, i had a dream twice in the same night, one was that the girl that allah has given me the best of love for, i was at her house there was alot of people and she was in her room and everyone was crying and she was crying and she wouldnt see anyone but me and i came to her and she was saved and happy. i had another dream that same night after praying night prayer, that i saw the same girl in a haram place and she was miserable and i took her away from haram and bad things and made her life happy and better. Could you please explain what this means. I love this girl, but she is going back to her ex-partner for marrigage, that was destroyed becuase of the evils of shaitan?

  1073. Assalaamalaikum,

    my husband had a dream last night, and he saw blood and huge blocks of meat which was half burnt and half fresh,plz help me out in finding what does this indicate? i need an urgent reply for this plzzzzzzzzzz i am very much worried of it. waiting for your reply brother.

  1074. Salaam. Can someone tell me what my dreams mean? I started having these dreams when my boyfriend married someone else. Recently, few minutes after falling asleep, I see myself falling…..I will be walking just fine and just fall for no reason. This brings about a jerk reaction that wakes me up. Once I felt someone put their hands under by belly and left me up in the air over my bed. I could see myself sleeping while I was held up there. Also once while I slept, I felt someone/thing drift in my room through the window. That something sat on my bed and held my hand… in to comfort me. These dreams become more frequent when I am emotionally upset. I still cry over the breakup and nothing seems to console or comfort me. I would love to know why this is happening.


  1075. AlSalam Alaikum

    I had a very sad dream some parts of it are very strange therefore I dont know how to exactly explain them to you but at the end I was crying so hard knowing that I wont be able to have children even though I am only 17 and not married and never thought of this at all So I woke up crying and freaking out by the thought that I wont be able to have kids in the future

  1076. Al Salamo3alikoum,
    i had this really weird dream,
    1: that i was climbing stairs but i at first had little trouble going up but then i made
    2: that i was somewhat naked, only my private parts where covered but my arms and legs were showing (which in real life never happens)
    3: i saw a lady who looks like 40 something in age lying dead in the street surrounded by many babies, one of which i recognized was dead.

  1077. Assalaam Alaikum,
    My father had a mild heart attack last friday,he is recovering now. The day he had an attack,I was mourning somebody’s death in my dream,though that person is alive,and I was still crying when I woke up. Then he was taken to the hospital and I was with him for the four days that he was admitted and I didn’t sleep. But when I got back and slept at my house I was crying in my dream again. The doctor’s said he should have angiography done and there is a tiny chance he might undergo bypass surgery. So that day,I dreamt that my cousin is happily running towards me and telling me that her Nana did Isteqara or something and said the operation is going to be successful.
    Then today,I saw that his health was unstable again and he was taken to the hospital,I went to buy some medicine’s from the pharmacy and I forgot the medicine’s in the house so I called my mamu from the reception to ask him to get it but he happened to be in the hospital and he started crying and told me there was no use now coz he is dead. I ran back to the room. When I went inside,I was mourning over my mother’s death,I was weeping over her body,though she was alive,I felt she died. And the whole time,my dad was nowhere in the room.I’am confused whether I saw my mum die or my dad.
    I’am very stressed out right now because two months back I saw that my grandmother is dead,and within a week,she really died. Three years ago,my uncle was very critical and I saw him die in my dream and now he fine. Can anybody please interpret my dream? I’am very tensed,it will be very kind of you to help me out. May Allah grant all your naek and jayaz wishes. Aameen.

  1078. I have gone through a dream today morning one muslim watch checking me i have stolen a silk sari and other person stole and he also given me the sari but i caught by one muslim fellow meaning please good orbad

  1079. I saw a dream,it is night and I look up at the sky and see many galaxies at different spots on the sky with a group of some 20-25 small stars just on my top and i want to call my son Ali (22 years) to come and see… and just i wake up, Ali has not yet come and i am awake.

  1080. I have seen, i am in a terrece and from sky i am seeing Madinah sharif, the green color rawja sharif of our beloved prophet, i am showing perople around me that” look at there, its madinah sharif” but no one is believing me. i am continuously saying its Madinah Sharif up in their but every one saying no there nothing. and than after certain time, i was saying myself that is that the Rawja Mubara our just a building in green which looks like Rawja mubarak, i get confused that time but i was continuously saying its Rawja Mubarak.

  1081. A/W.

  1082. my brother who had died recently was asking for help. He was crying for the pain in his hands. 2 big men took him to a child’s bed. nailed and tied his hands to the bed. my husband took the nails off his hands and i freed his hands. i asked him to run away. he was in an old building with too many stairs. he said i can’t run any more, i’m tired, help me, help me..

    • ASalaamu’alaikum, I Know The Dream You had About Your brother Is Not Good Because Its Been Said If You See Dead people ANd That They Are Not Happy Then That Means He Is not Happy At All Where He Is Now And He Is Asking For Your Dua’s ANd Prayers..

      Just Make Dua For Him And May Allah’Tala Forgive Him.. Ameen

  1083. Hi everyone,

    Past so many days i am very disturbed, because if i sow any dream ( most of them bad ) it will happen with in 48 hrs . i don’t know what is the meaning of my dreams…. some times i sow old palace, old church in a forest, earthquake , death etc…. if any body know please tell me how to find meaning of dreams ?

    With Sad your friend


  1084. Salam.
    I had a weird dream last night. I’ll just mention the main concern. at a door, there was a dog n the owner whom i don’t think I know, the dogs is brown n furry n he came straight to me and urinate on my head. in the dream I wasn’t sure if I tasted it, but i kept spitting, n i cried with anger saying ‘what was that for?’ in the room was only my older sister and my older brother. And after the dog did that, it went away.
    I know this wont have a good meaning 😦

  1085. hi my name is abdul and dreamed of rabbit barfing and after that i dreamed that i was kissing indian television actor

  1086. Salam,

    I had seen in the dream that my younger sister passed away. Please reply me quick as am worried about it.

  1087. lease read my mail carefully and provide me with any solution that you have. i will be very thankful to you…Its concerning
    my father its not my dream but the reality…i know you interprete dream but please see if you could help me with this one…

    My father owns a business in mauritius which is near the main road as it is accessible for everyone..his neighbour is an hindu man
    and he is very jealous of my father business. so when my father was married i was only one year old…my father went to indian
    regarding machineries he has to buy for his garage…but as is was his first time the neighbour suggest to him that he will accompany
    him as he had gone to india before. so both of them went together…there we dont know what the man had done to my father. when
    returning to mauritius my father started shouting at my mother for nothing. he says he dont want to see the face of my father and none of his relative also. so seeing this sudden change my aunty took him to see a maulana then it was there that we have come to know
    that the hindu had done satanic work on my dad…this story was narrated to me by my mother.

    Secondly my father bought another piece of land to expand his business. the hindu man was very jealous and when my father to to his
    place of work often see lemon at the door steps. its was done so that the business of my father close down…but nothing happen to y father and everything went well

    but now the situation have agraved because the hindu man brother has sold another piece of land to my father. the hindu man become
    angry as his kitchen is in this piece of land. when he had know that my father have buy this land he done something to my father that
    my father is not keeping in good health. he is often sick have have very severe headache. my father health is deterioting completely due to the satanic things that the man had done. my father has also apply a permit for expanding his business and building will be built in the land that the man had his kitchen into it. the hindu man will have to destroyed his kitchen as his kitchen is in our land. The hindu man had thought that his brother will give him the piece of land freely he didnot expect the his brother will sell this land to my father.

    so the hindu man is doing something that my father will not get his permit to expand his business so that he will not have to destroyed
    his kitchen. and he is doing something to my brother also so that he also will not be able to expand the business. everyone who will
    try to expand the business will die. Please help me i dont know what to do. please suggest something that we can do to get the permit
    and stop the health of my father from deterioting because the other day my father told my brother to come to the garage as he may not
    live for long. we went to see a boy for my sister there he told the boy that he want the mariage very soon as he dont know what may happen to him. he also told my mother that its time to be civily married and he will transfer all his property in my mother name so that
    difficulties may not arised…

    please i dont know what to do…
    please help me…

  1088. Hi..
    I had a very strange dream.
    I was in a hospital setting, there was me and a girl in the hospital room.. somehow i have the impression that i knew who the girl was.. we had to separate beds.. the doctor was in the room, and he called me to approach him. When i got close to the doctor, he showed me a film through a TV-like screen, and in that film, i witnessed myself being born.. i saw myself delivered to the nurse and the nurse put me on a little bed..after showing me the film, then the doctor asked me to return to my bed, so i did..

    Can you please tell me what this dream signifies?
    Thanks in advance.

  1089. i saw a dream today,as all of them above said i didnt see my dream at night. today i didnt go to ma school so,i was sleeping contineusly.well i saw my own cousins dying near to me,strange cos,one of my cousin and me didnt dye and we are the only witnessed persons of there deaths,suddenly one of my dead cousin got up and asked us “can you hear the voice of an alarm”we said no then the body replied”that sound is irritating me”we said we coudnt here that.body replied”you cant cos the sound which i heard is my body is pushed by the jebriels and my body get breaking very badly”. after that each of my cousins dead body said one one punishments that they got frm the heLL.,.,please tell me the meaning of my dream please help me i am so sad 😦

  1090. salam … i need this dream i had interpreted but islamically cuz i asked many people but got no good answer..

    i dreamed that i got married to 2 people in 1 dream and in one marriage i was wearing red …people told me that marriage really means death but im not sure …if anyone caan interpret this dream it would be helpful

    thank you

  1091. i need one of my dreams interpreted ..
    i was in my house one time and this guy came and took me 2 school and he wanted 2 touch my hand but there was a man who interupted and then we just sat in the car all the way till i got 2 school and then when i was sitting in class the clock was spinning very fast
    thank you

  1092. I am really confused about a dream that i saw. Kindly help me with its interpretation.
    I saw that my mother and myself were in the kitchen when we saw a new neighbour parking her car in the garage, Next i see that the women comes into our kitchen saying that she saw me from a distance and that she knows me, she advises me to think over my decision of taking a divorce from my husband, and hands me the Quran, saying that it was her copy of the Holy Quran and i shall look for answers in it weather to reconcile with my husband or not.

    Now please help me with this dream, as in reality i have taken divorce from my husband as well.

  1093. yesterday i saw myself with pink long hair ….. n i was trying to make it lightish brown .. the more i tried then the more it turned pink………. please tell me what this dream means.
    -confused girl.

  1094. Asslm

    I had a dream about the coming of the Day of Judgement and one of the major signs had taken palce where the sun rose and set in the west and the doors of forgiveness had been closed. Please help me to interpret my dream.


  1095. Salam,

    I had 3 similar dreams in 2 months period. The first one i saw that i was getting married but i had never seen that guy before in my life. Like not even in my real life and when i woke up i couldnt remember his face but what i remember from the dream was that i was very happy with the proposal. Later that months i got a job and i had a male co-worker. few weeks later i had a dream that i was married to him and last night i again saw that we were together except that in this dream we had some argument sort of thing and i woke up in a very sore mood. At first i thought these dreams were nothing but i was hoping if you can help me.

  1096. slam to everyone here,,i m salma.yesterday i did istakhara for some matter…i dreamed white kheer.i bought it from some shop..what should i is my istakhara positive.plz guide can anyone see the result of istakhra in nxt day thanx

    • Sweets — Seeing or eating sweets in a dream indicates one’s sincerity in his religious attendance, release of a prisoner, arrival of a traveller, recovery of a sick person, marriage of an unwed person, guidance, repentance, learning the Quran, buying new clothing for one’s children, having a loyal servant, or earning blessed monies. Seasonal sweets in a dream represent witnessing an annual festival, or the reinstatement of a just ruler. To feel saturated with sweets in a dream means self-conceit, lies, or it could mean extolment, or speaking nice words. Eating sweets in a dream also means suffering from cold symptoms. Though, eating fermented sweets or preserves in a dream may represent a cure. If a sweet is made from the basic four ingredients (i.e., honey, sugar, flour and manna or dates, or other fillings) in a dream, it means happiness, longevity, or escaping from the consequences of a dangerous business one ventures in with greed. As for a believer, eating sweets in a dream means tasting the blessings of one’s faith, though for a disbeliever, it means indulging in the pleasures of this world. (Also see Pastry; Seasonal sweets; Sweets maker)

  1097. i had a dream that i went to one of sheikhs in my town and after he prays for me, then he said i should go after five months, then i ask him what would happen after five months, then he said that Allah has already answered the prayers. please tell the meaning of this dreams cos am disturb

  1098. pls i had a dream that former president of America that is president Bush gave a letter to my president so that my president will allowed me to escort him to Rwanda. and after a week then i dream that i brought the letter to my president and he approved it, and after a week again a dream of past presidents of my country coming out of a meeting hall. pls help to interpret this dreams via my email

  1099. Asalam-o-alaykom,
    I had a dream in which I am holding a new born kitten which is weak and helpless, wrapped in a white or light blue blanket. Then I feed the kitten with a bottle of milk , then the kitten vomits on the floor and then i clean the vomit up. Then i hear the kitten meowing at me.
    please tell me what the meaning of my dream

  1100. Asalamu Alaikum,
    I had the scariest dream ever. I saw that I was talking to one of my friend and suddenly I saw Azrael and it said “this is your 3rd warning” and I asked “what did I do or what offensive word did I use” but I still could not get any answer, and I cried I kept asking. Gave me a hint but I still could not figure it out.
    It was so scary and when I woke up my body was all warm I was so scared and I still am. Please help me out. What does this dream means? I know it might be a warning from Allah because sometimes i just stop praying but please tell me.

  1101. ASAK,

    I had two dreams back to back. In the first dream, I was driving my car and all of a sudden saw a huge black spider sitting on my front windshield. I tried using the wipers to get it off as it was obstructing my view of the road and then it suddenly appeared inside the car over my head and I’m still driving.
    In the second dream, I am walking down a street and this small black dog keeps following me and is obsessed with my black shoes. It keeps trying to gnaw (gently bite) on my shoes and I can’t get it to go away. In both dreams, it was not scary but annoying. Your interpretation would really be appreciated.

    Hope every thing is well by the grace of Allah, mine question is i saw in mine dream i died after i saw im in khabar after that i got up, so i wan to know wht will be the meaning of this dream,

  1103. Asalamu Alaikum,
    but can you please interpret my dream for me. In my dream me and my family were in a rural area and 5 people were with us. A snake the (red,black,and yellow) kind came and my mom or one of the 5 people gave the snake a mouse, somehow when the snake was swallowing the mouse, the snake changed in to a dark green snake with spikes running down both sides of its head and my mom said to help the snake swallow or its skin would rip.Me ,my brother and my mom were holding onto the snake, the snake was quiet for a while and my brother them believed that the snake was harmless and friendly and he tried to pet the snake countless times on its head, but on the last time my brother put his hand very near the mouth of the snake. I grabbed my brothers hand and while pulling it away one of my fingers were sticking out slightly. That’s when the snake striked it clamped down on the first third of my middle finger. Then I woke up. Once again can you please interpret my dream, I’ve tried my other islamic dream interpretation sites but they didnt have the information I need and thank you for your time.

  1104. Salam.
    I wish to know what is the meaning of period (women) in dreams? What would mean if the person sees her own period starting? What about when there is water in such a dream?
    All answers are appreciated.

  1105. assalamoualicoum

    i had 2 or 3 dreams 2 years ago when i was 13 about my mother (she past away )i know the first one and i am so happy about it ,cause she is so in the Hereafter.but the second one can t really understand and i really appreciate and i really am honored if you help me .

    the dream i saw :one day at the park in a beautiful day ,my sister and father are together and my mother and i are always together so we team up ,we were riding some kinda …flying scouter(new technologies) ….we had to much fun and it was dark so we ,accept my mother(i forgot that she didn’t came) went home ,at night everyone felt asleep and i heard a knock and it was mother (and i am the only one who heard it )”‘Meem open the door ,it s me your mother,open the door “”(Meem my nickname my mom use to call me by that name) i was like ,mom past away could she …but suddenly i could fell that my hearth is beating fast cause i was scared at the time and somehow i woke up and my hearth was still beating .

    i remember when i am sad i always say :i want my mother i want her right now i still do say that but i know she must stay were she is now i would rather see her happy then seeing her with all those pain she had before .

    would someone please help me …what is the meaning of this dream ?

  1106. I saw that i was in the sky or above as i was among stars , i was holding a star in my hand it shone brightly , and i also thew some stars down at some building i could see .
    I have seen starts or something like this dream probably twice .

    Could you please tell me what this is about ? your help will be highly appreciated
    Thank you !

  1107. Every one pls can u stop, i really mean stop telling & asking anyone to explain to u about your dreams this is very dangerous.

    1st Dreams r indication from Allah of good things.
    2nd bad dream r from Devil.
    3rd: only go to those who can explain it to u.
    4rd: most important & this is why its very dangerous, if some explained a dream to u then that will be decreed for u. so if it was good & some one explains it bad for u this could cause very big problems.

    this is why you should only go to right people if its good then they will tell u about it so it can be decreed for u good & if it was bad then they either will give u indication to stay away from such as such thing or will tell u leave the the matter without explaining it so it does not occur.

    please keep this in mind & if Allah wills good then it will happen & if some thing bad is to happen then it will happen will of Allah.
    if u r not sure of the dream & u cannot find some to explain it to u.
    then its right for u turn to Allah pray 2 nafils asking him if this dream is good for me then bestow upon u & if it bad then remove it from u.
    this step would be the best.

  1108. Every one pls can u stop, i really mean stop telling & asking anyone to explain to u about your dreams this is very dangerous.

    1st Dreams r good indication from Allah of good things.
    2nd bad dream r from Devil.
    3rd: only go to those who can explain it to u.
    4rd: most important & this is why its very dangerous, if someone explained a dream to u then that will be decreed for u. so if it was good & someone explains it bad for u this could cause very big problems because tis will be decreed.

    this is why you should only go to right people if its good then they will tell u about it so it can be decreed for u good & if it was bad then they will either give u indication to stay away from such as such thing or will tell u leave the the matter without explaining it so it does not occur or decree for u.

    please keep this in mind & if Allah wills good then it will happen & if something bad is to happen then it will happen due to will of Allah.

    if u r not sure of the dream & u cannot find someone to explain it to u.
    then its right for u to turn to Allah pray 2 nafils asking him if this dream is good for u then bestow upon u & if its bad then remove it from u.
    this step would be the best.

    good dreams have a time when they come & the time of a good dream is before fajar at the time of Tahajjid.
    Bad dreams r before Tahajjid i.e after Isha or after Fajar.

    Dreams r related to the individual so when u have a dream then look around yourself the few days before or may be longer, either you made a dua to Allah asking him of something or some pressure or hardship u was going through that year or May be people around u.
    What is important is its related to ur situation that Allah is either warning u, guiding u, or comforting u.

  1109. salamwalakoom,
    i had a dream the other night that a man come into a home i was in and saw me so he stoot me but i didnt die so he kept shooting me so i pretended to be dead so i really dont die, this is been bugging me and i tried searching the net for the meaning but i couldnt exactly find it and saw this site and wanted to know what he means, so if someone can please help me translate this dream? it would be mucly appreactiated

  1110. Salam,my mom is getting married in less than 9 days.. Yesterday we had an argument. When i came home she’s alrdy asleep. Today before i go to work i ask her for forgiveness and suddenly cry,so did she.. Then she say she have something to shared with me. The night before she dream that she was sitting down doing her things and suddenly she feel like she is going to die few days before her wedding. It wasnt anyone telling her.. She just say she knows.. What is this dream related to? I really hope you can help me.. Inshaallah

  1111. Assalaamalikum, my husband saw the mountain and the big rocks falling down and he is standing beside no happened to him and saw a cow also can u please help us in this matter what does it indicate.

  1112. Asalalamaikum i saw a dream in which tehere were a group of monkeys all jumping and coming towards me but wrer of no harm and they were big please tell me about this dream

  1113. Asalalamaikum brothers and sisters,

    I a couple of weeks ago saw Quranic verses in my dream. 🙂

    I have been lately seeing snakes in my dreams and killer monkeys and bathing and clothing and running and a sinking ship which i saved and driving an RV and medicines and men who are interested in marriage with me (right now i am unmarried). Last nights’ dream wasn’t pleasant either.

    And i happened to tell someone my really NICE and Personal dreams – they weren’t bad or evil in any way, as far as i know – but she interpreted them differently – i think she is a non-Muslim. Do u think i made a mistake? I totally believe and have faith in Allah and no one knows what our dreams actually mean but Him. But i think i need to stop talking to her.I hope Allah does not punish me for this.

    I do get upset but I also know that Allah is with me all the time.

    take care!


  1114. Asalalamaikum brothers and sisters,

    Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), because he said: “Whoever sees me in a dream has really seen me, because Shaytaan cannot appear in my image.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 5729).

    The dreams of people other than the Prophets are to be examined in the light of the clear Wahy [i.e., the Qur’aan and Sunnah]. If they are in accordance with the Qur’aan and Sunnah, all well and good; otherwise, they should not be acted upon. This is a very serious matter indeed, for many of the innovators among the Sufis and others have gone astray because of this.

    The Truth is:

    Dreams are of three types:

    1) rahmaani (those that come from Allaah),
    2) nafsaani (psychological, they come from within a person) and
    3) shaytaani (those that come from the Shaytaan).

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Dreams are of three types: a dream from Allaah, a dream which causes distress and which comes from the Shaytaan, and a dream which comes from what a person thinks about when he is awake, and he sees it when he is asleep.” (al-Bukhaari, 6499; Muslim, 4200


    Most of my dreams that i have posted above are coz i have been thinking about those things. Most of my dreams are those that i have thinking in the morning or have seen a movie of the sort.

    Just remember to recite Aayat al-Kursiy and al-Mu’awwidhaat before going to sleep. InshaAllah Allah will make everything alright, just have faith in Him and Believe that there is no one greater or stronger than Allah. He can make anything possible. And we need not worry about bad dreams or interpretations coz Allah Mian is with us all the time and if u have STRONG faith in Him then no harm will come to u. No matter what. Ameen!


  1115. salaam, i had a dream that i was talking to the a man. which was my beloveds farther, we where talking to each other and he told me to help him to go to someone house. The house we went to the boy living their also looked like my beloved which was strange.The boy i really like i often also have dreams about him but this time it was about his dad! please tell me what this dream means??
    kudafz 🙂

  1116. every night i feel like im being watched in my bedroom … i have had a lot of bad experiences where black magic is concerned … i always get more thoughts then dreams in my head …

    firstly my full family dies in a fire and and i try to save them but i cant this is a thouht that comes into my head

    secondly i see sometimes smoke in my room .. sometimes a cat and i get up and go towards it but it goes to the window .. this happens when my eyes are open i am not dreaming..

    usually i could go speak to my mother about these problems but now im scared … this is because my mother went to pakistan and a peer told her that im gonna cause her a lot of grief

    i cannot go to sleep til 6/7 in the morning sometimes later cos im up all night thinking .. sorry if my comment dosent make sense but does anyone have any advice hey can give me …

    P.s. all you people with problems inshallah they will get better

    • hi. what i understand from your comment is that your not dreaming, your seeing things. if that is the case then i had similar experience, i felt that someone was watching me for 1 year then realised that there was something in my room that dissppeared when i would stare at it. i inform my mother about this and she spoke to an imam who performed an istikara. he confirmed that there was a Jinn in my room that only i could see. If i was you leave the al-Bukara surah running in your room at Magrib and at night. read your prayers, keep clean and read your four kuls and ayut ul kursi before sleeping. it helps and also go and see an imam who can come to your home and perform duas in your home and leave blessed water. just so you know, i dont have this problem anymore.

    • assalam wa alikum brother ali

      i can only advice you before going to sleep read ayat al kursi or put your hands together put it on your mouth and recite 3 times sural al-ahad 3 times surah al-falaq 3 times surah al-nas after reciting wipe it allover your body 3 times i hope it help

      wa alaikum wa salam

  1117. bsmialahi al rahman al rahim
    hey i had a dream i saw my self whith wearing black clothes and i had thre boutle of flowers and i puted them in the earth pleaseeeee what does it mean plzz if u sure then answer ! plz i ned jelp what to do plzzzzzz

  1118. salamailikum all, I been seening thses scary dreams from very long time, i sees a know person in very scary way and when i wake up i have to leave the room as i am very scared i see same dream but just a diffrent person but evrything else is the same and last time i was on holiday and i saw same dream but unkknow woman she was very scary and later i could feel her in my room and her face still scares me pls help me.. why i see the same type of dream? wsalam

  1119. asalam ailakum

    i dreamt of a green pond which was filled with leaves i went near it but didnt ttouch it my cousin in my dream was forcing me to go in the pond with a boat by i denyed it ..then i ssaw the pond turning yellow colour and my nephew is covered in yellow pond water and i suddenly get her and clean her .. i would love to know what my dream meant

    thank you

  1120. slam,
    i really need to know about some symbols i am watching from last few days.
    i saw yesterday i am going somewhere, i entered in a wide street and on one side there are lots of buffaloes big and small.i got very scared even cant move from that place, some buffalo are ready to attack on me and suddenly two men came and softly picked me and placed me outside that street, then i do thanks to them and got satisfied.
    i entered in next wide street, on some height there are many wise and noble people ready for Iftar, when i am passing that circle i heard a voice of woman from that people that come and eat this Iftar cake. i humbly ask her that no thanks i was not fasting then how can i eat..she called me again and said come and eat this then i replied same.. third time she called me again then i went and took a piece of that cake. it was made with sooji.
    after wards i am with my family at my sister’s in laws(currently my sister is with our parents due to her in-laws creating problems for her and her daughter 1 year old) her in-laws are having strange mood specially my brother in law but in the end her mother in law asked my sister to stay with them..then my mother also asked my sister to stay there at her in-laws.
    i am really disturb due to my sister. please reply me via email what would be the meaning of these dreams.
    May God bless You.

  1121. Aoa!
    i had dream that i am in a newly painted house (with white paint) and a saint who is in a white dress, and has a white beard is showing me the rooms of that house, and it seems as if he is flowing in the air and he was on my right side…then he take me to a place in house where there are stairs..and then we go upstair to the roof…then on the roof i saw that it is raining so heavily and its very cloudy..and there werw four graves..the Saint told me that starting from 1st grave, these are the graves of HOLY PROPHET (PBUH), HAZRAT ABU-BAKAR SADEEQ and HAZRAT UMAR (R.A)..But the 4th grave was empty, at this i asked the Saint that whose grave is this 4th one, then he replied that this is the grave of your Murshid (spiritual guide)…??
    After that dream, most of my dreams are about HOLY PROPHET and saints. plz dont show my name!

    • connected to my above mentioned dream there is one more thing that when the saint told me about the Blessed residents of the grave, i sit on the right side of the grave of HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) AND RECIT “ASSLAT O WASLAM O ALAIKA YA RASOOL-ALLAH” aand at this i heard that reply to my Salam is coming from the grave..and water is also coming with that reply from the grave…

  1122. AOA

    I had a dream that i am with my teacher, and we are sitting on top floor. I am requesting my teacher to do some work for me, which he agrees but could not finish it and then through the steps we go to roof top and sit there.

    I usually have these sorts of dream again and again, which i dont understand.

    Kindly someone provide interpretation of this dream.

  1123. Asalamalaikulm,

    I have had a dream that is troubling not to say the least,

    ‘I wake up, and get told that iv had an operation where the front lower 4 teeth have been removed, and the gums stitched, I get up and go to see the dentist and ask, will these teeth grow back, and he answers yes. – all this while, i wipe myself and find excretion on the toilet tissue, but there was no indication that i had done that.’

    Kind Regards

  1124. Assalmualaikum

    I had a dream last night about my cousin whom we were not in good ties before (due to property division), came home to settled things. Everything was ok and the whole family received him properly, as if we forgave him for all the trouble he caused us, till the time for him to leave. I noticed through his shadow that he was putting/removing something on the cupboard in the next room. When I checked it was something evil (satanic). I told every body at home and my dad removed it but despite that some remained which we saw again later. Please note that my dad is dead for nearly 5 years now and he was involved in my dream. Also the dream scene took place at my mum’s place as me being a teenage girl and that in reality i no longer live there and is married. It is very important for me to know the interpretation as in the past my family did suffer from such problem and now we do not even have any support as my dad no longer with us.

  1125. hey can any one tell me the meanng of this dream…i saw i took so many babies from the 22 yrs ..not married….

  1126. salaam,
    I had a wierd dream early hours after praying fajar. My house was attacked by group of Gorillas, i tried to escape them by closing myself into one room. Later when they seemed to be gone i came out of my house and was on street of my house one of the gorilla saw me again and chased me i went to one of my aunts home nearby and locked myself and i woke up suddenly,
    i am going in some difficulties at my home and i am praying Allah subhnawtala before i got this dream.
    Please interpret the dream ASAP.

  1127. salaam,

    I had this beautiful dream. I was walking and on the left and right side i seen two mosques. i was walking with some one and asked i cannot see the mosque in front of me, it was a shadow of a mosque in front. So that person whom i don’t know who it was said that turn around and you’ll see it. so I turned around from my right shoulder and looked and and i seen a glowing moon and inside the moon i seen the kaaba.. Can some please tell me what this dream means.


  1128. Assalamu Allaikum.

    Please I want to know about this.
    Today is my second day fasting 2011. I prayed Thajjath at 5.30 after my shar food.
    kept niyath for fasting and took wuloo and came to pray thajjath. Prayed four rakaths
    and i asked dua in sajada. after that i was siting for a while till fajir azan sound.
    At 5.57 Fajir azan sounded. I prayed sunnath two rakaths and prayed fajir.
    after that asked dua and kept some zikar.

    I use to recite Dhoor Sharif everyday to Prophet (saw). After Zikar I recited Dhoor Sharif for more that 7 time
    attach-stretch. Closing my eyes and remembering Prophets (saw)’s grave at Madian Mosque.

    While im closing my eyes, reciting in medium sound,
    (Al this happened inside my eyes i never and don’t won’t to open my eyes)

    A big door appeared, the door is made of copper and gold mix type. returned Arabic words fully in the whole door. The door started to open slowly. I saw its fully white in colour other side of the door. I never seen a white like that it was white than milk. i couldn’t think of open my eyes and see it, its that much bright. In while a fully white horse head came out from that bright door, the horse was looking at me and slowly slowly the horse is coming out of the door, then the horse neck came out, after that horse half part of the body came out, then a white dressed person was siting over horse and the horse fully body came out of the door. I am now trying to see who is this person, I couldn’t see because i can not think of open my eyes fully due to the brightness of the background. The person was wearing a clean white Talappa on his head with white dress fully. he had a white beautiful beard, His dresses are same brighter as the background. very very clean white dress. Even the Horse was brighter as background.then he was looking at me and im trying to look at him. can not see his face. but i saw horse face very well. the horse eye contact with me is very well. then I was thinking is it may be our Prophet (saw). and i was wondering if it is prophet (saw) he may say Assalamu Alikkum to me. But this person didn’t say to me anything. he was looking at and returned.

    When i saw the horse pop out the face from that bright door. i got goosebumps in my body. when i saw the person seating over the horse my goosebumps got more and more. I started to recite louder.

    Im only 22 years old. But i love prophet (saw) alot and respect alot.

    Please can you say what is this dream about. Is it a dream or any other else.
    Can i say is it a dream because i was not in a sleep. I was siting in the praying mattress and facing to kibla.
    I still can remember everything very well. Specially the Door brightness and the horse face which the eye contact with the. (Subhanallah)

  1129. Assalamu Alaikum,
    Brother I´ve been having a dream for a couple of days now that there is a jinn inside my sister, a very evil one that is taking control of her and makes her do very weird things with her hands and weird sounds. In the dream I remember reciting to her surahs from the Quran, but it doesn´t seem to work. I wake up a couple of times in my sleep and very worried and I keep on reciting until I fall asleep. I´d like to know what is the reason of this dream. God bless you.

  1130. Assalamu Alaikum,
    Today after Sehri n fazr,I slept n saw in my dreams dat um getting married with the person I love..I could clearly see that it was our nikah…Is it true that the dreams we see in the early morning becomes true in our lives..I’d love to knw that….thanx

  1131. i wanted to know what this dream means…
    i went to my room and sprayed perfume on and than had a dream that my fiance called me and told me here listen … it was a girl giving him her number n i sat down n started to cry i was so upset n angry … because (reality we got into a fight) and than i went outside we like walking me and my mom to a clothin store or market n we both sat down n that was it? i serchd online that perfume means something but i want it to be specific ? help

  1132. ssorry… but i also wanted to know about a dream i had of the prophet moosa … he was very angry and i only seen him from a side view! and i had 3 dreams of the prophet mohammad pbuh… where he was removing a big rock infron of me to go to this river blue sparkley river but it was like sandy area all over so shiny

  1133. Assalamu alaikum,

    I had a dream yesterday. I am standing in front of raula shareef and I wanted to see the exact shape of Prophet’s grave. At that time, I saw that few persons entering into a room near to the grave. Later, I realised that It is not the inside part of prophet’s but it is a room contained the gifts received by the Prophet SA. It contained emerald and ruby and other stones in plastic bags. I touched two packets of that gifts. I have also seen some furniture used by the prophet and some modern furniture.

    could anyone pls interpret about this dream.


  1134. Assalam.o.Alaikum
    my father had seen many times he had done murder of tow or three people. and also had seen fight in dream. many times at regularly.
    plz interpret it

    • i think this means your father is subject to his naffs, the best thing for him is to do 2 rakah with the pure intention of forgiveness. thinks should clear up inshallah.

  1135. Hello,I had a dream last night as if my ex was crying over me,what does that mean?
    I really wanted to know your opinion plss interpret it if you can 😀

  1136. i dreamt that i was walkin in thin village and a man came up to me am gave me a cheese sandwich an i was greatful cause i was really hungry and then he told me wen i am done i can get a chicken sandwich also and anything i wanted an i said thank u very much and continued my journey when i passed by a house an it had one if my friends cooking pancakes and frying eggs and she was making continously and not even getting tired could u interprit this dream for me please

  1137. i have my company with my partner for about 1.6 year i have not earn any profit in co and we are sell the co or transfer to another person wheater we can run the alone or we have share with another person

  1138. Salaaam 🙂 Ramadan Kareem. I was hoping you could give me an insight into my dream. I had a dream that I was at my house, but it wasn’t my real home, it was bigger had a balcony on which I was waiting for a known guy friend to arrive. My mum was with me helping me to get ready, I put a scarf on my head loosely and held a cup of milk for him. I hope you can give me an inisght to what this could mean ,thank youu !

  1139. salaam alikum
    i had a dream of my friend..
    that weareabou to have intercourse but it doest happen ad when i look at his penis its hair is raised up like forks.. then i catch him talking to another girl on te mobile and i wal ou on him..
    i would ike to clearone thing here that we were together fo a year butjust like friends.. yea we intendedto marry eac other but it didnt happen however we didnt get involved in any intimate acts..

  1140. Assalamu’alaikum, I had a dream of a black hairy spider hairy with yellow strips on its 8 legs and many coackroaches… a room that was mine in the dream……

  1141. salams

    i hope you can tell me what these dreams mean
    so a couple of days ago i had a dream that my mum ( who is already married) was getting married but she didnt have a man next to her. then yesterday i dremt that my mum was pregnant with a girl and because personally i wouldent want my mum to have another baby so in the dream i started screaming really loudly and saying ” no please no!!”
    and just tonight i had a dream that i was in my bath tub and i was seeing my mum give birth (i didnt actually see her lol )
    but this time the baby was a boy . what confuses me is that i think it was his anus or his penis that was shaped like a hoov of an animal ( not quiet sure what animal , but i think it was a horse ) and i said to my mum ” wow mum look at how clever he is! ” i was saying this beause the baby boy who was going to be my brother was crying and saying ” noo noo” and he was also trying to get out of my hands and run away

    and also a whole different topics is that i had a dream that one of our family friends who is constantly having fights with his innocent wife and children ( and my dad always gets them back together again ) were going on a plane. my dad was driving that plane and the family was sitting there with me .

    thanks so much and im sorry for the long questions but im a bit confused by them . i hope yu can answer thanks


  1142. Asalaam,
    I had a dream about a lot of snakes and big insects in my grandfather’s (mother’s father) house. They were these thin long snakes. A few bite me and my uncle. My uncle, older sister and me tried killing them. All of a sudden they disappeared. My aunt came and informed us that this had happened because someone was reading the Quran in the next room. As I went to check who it was, I saw a small man (say about 2 feet tall) reciting the Quran and he had a lamp like thing in his hand. Then all of a sudden he follows me back to the hall still reciting were the snakes were and started irritating me. He pulled my ears (he had stopped reciting by this time) and I started pushing him away as he looked a little scary and I got scared. That’s when i woke up. Anyone knows what this means?

  1143. Salam
    I had a dream that I went to school, and I couldn’t find my class and no teachers would help me, later finding out school was out and i am actually delusional or something.
    And later today, I saw a dream that my family and I had a jinn around and we had to be careful not to look at it in the eye, but I accidently did and it steals my body and thats when I woke up.

    I get scared easily and I have trouble sleeping, anxiety, and I think I may have a problem with supernatural stuff…

    I would love to know if this means anything I should be worried abt and since its ramadan, im really confused. thanks

  1144. Hi, I had a dream where I saw a young man in a long white dress and a white cap. He did not have a beard but he was really tall. I saw his face and then my dream ended. Can you please let me know who I saw?. I think I saw thw prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

    • That is a good dream, however I doubt it was the Prophet Muhammad PBUH , because he did have a beard and to see him in a dream is to see him as he was. And Allah knows best.

  1145. i had a dream in fajr in which i saw khwaja garibannawaz dargah and also color grean( for if u dont know about khwaja garibannawaz he was a great chisti and haz a vaery sacred mazhar whose ppl visit in large proportions)just want to know wat does this mean? does it mean i hav to visit that mazhar????

  1146. Salaam

    i saw in a dream (a guy that i met for marriage we both liked each other but we dont talk anymore) anyway in my dream he was in my old room in my house and washed his face and came and sat on my bed and was wiping his face with a towel he then looked down the 2nd floor and i was looking at him standing on the 2nd flloor near the foot of the stairs that lead to my old room. he was tryna look but he cudnt see me, like something was blocking him. what does this mean?
    ** oh and i cud see him clerly when he was trying to look at me i was looking and it was clear.

  1147. i saw a dream of a dolphin or a piolet whale .it was injured.i carried it my arms and i was very i peeped out of my balcony of my house and SEA was there so i dropped it! and i was happy that everything was alright.but when i looked down there was a skeleton of the dolphin..What does that mean?ppplease someone tell me what it means.

  1148. Guys can some one tell me why I keep seeing Black dod in my dream earlier i saw a dream that i was working in a kitchen cutting some vegetables and i come out side and see my sister in law is playing with a black dog and suddenly she says its a real pretty dog and i want to eat this dog… some days later today i saw 2 black dogs entering our house and one of them comes straight to the kitichen and bites on a tray of prepared food while other one is entering so i shusshhh them out of the house .. since i dont know as to why i saw these dreams so if some one can tell me why it would be thankful

  1149. hey, i a dream i was at a club with some1 i like he was dancin and kept lookin at me and smilin, then he kinda lost interest and started dancing with some1 and i got up and started flirtin with the guy serving drinks and i woke up,

    i am not that type of person nor do i go clubbin so this dream was wierd, the way the guy i like all ov a sudden stoped payin attention to me and i got up and started flirtin with that other guy made me think maybe its got a deeper meanin then just a dream

    some1 please help mee!!

  1150. i saw a dream of a dolphin or a piolet whale .it was injured.i carried it my arms and i was very i peeped out of my balcony of my house and SEA was there so i dropped it! and i was happy that everything was alright.but when i looked down there was a skeleton of the dolphin..What does that mean?ppplease someone tell me what it means

  1151. Salaam alaaykum. Two nights in row I see the same dream with different scenarios. First night, two nights ago, I see my daughter comming to me and hugging me. She puts her belly against my face and presses so hard that she suffocates me. I cannot breathe and try to wake my wife to help me taking her away, but she is sleeping like dead, I even start to panic and hit her with my knee but she doesn’t wake up. I wake up and realize that I ran out of air. Second dream: Last night, I am playing with my daughter and she catches my clothes and remains haning on my back, my clothes block my airways and I safocate again. I try to ask my wife to help me, same, she is lying down like asleep or dead.
    Two nights same thing, my daughter suffocates me, she is sleeping or dead
    have any idea?

  1152. As salaamu alaikum to all actualy after fajr namaz i went to sleep and at that time i had a dream that me my mum and sister are discusing about something and sudenly my sister got angry and said to mum she wil kil her then i got angry and slaped her and askd you wil kill my mum huh?? il kill u before doing so and my mum stoped me n said look musthafeena she is not saying wrong one day i have to die then i huged her and started to cry can u please tell me what this dream means …………….. Allah hafiz

  1153. I am truly worried about a dream I had. Can someone with the knowledge to do so please help me out. I had the dream after Fajir and I was sleeping on my right hand side so I am not sure whether it was the Shaitan toying with my thoughts or whether the dream actually has a meaning.

    From what I can remember the dream starts with me in a room with my sister’s mother in-law an old lady easily in her early 90’s she is still alive by the way. I start puking things such as metal and allsorts one or two of my sisters are there as well but not her daughter in law from what I can remember. I have a feeling in the dream as though my sister’s mother in-law put the stuff I was puking in my mouth and made me swallow it when I was sleeping so that’s why in the dream I wasn’t worried about it much as in I had an explanation in my head to why it was happening so I didn’t seem worried in the dream. Next I remember my teeth falling out in to my right hand from top and bottom I can’t remember which ones exactly accept for one. A small front bottom tooth I also remember another tooth but it didn’t fall out this one is more to the front of the mouth next to my pointy tooth I think they call the pointy tooth a carnivore, sorry but I’m not sure. I do remember feeling that more from the bottom seemed to fall out into my hand think more of the front bottom ones as though all at once but I also remember a few fell out individually from the top again I think more to the front. The reason why I remember these two teeth well is because when the front bottom small tooth came out into my right hand it had a brown yellowish colour and looked rotten but had no holes in it and it also was the only one that caught my eye although I could feel more fell out into my right hand at the same time. When the teeth fell out I remember a feeling of relief thinking at least I probably lost the bent one and it should grow back straight now and look better. I remember thinking they will grow back because it has happened before and when I started feeling my teeth to remember, which tooth fell out before and grew back is when I felt the bent one still in my mouth, which didn’t seem to bother me. I remember also thinking oh no I got to meet my partner this week and what if he feels my missing teeth with his tongue and then I thought oh well I don’t think I will be meeting him this week any way and my teeth will grow back anyway the bent one did so the others will.

    I don’t remember the dream very clearly I have tried to provide as much detail as possible but at times I have to keep changing things because I remember certain things to be a little different but the gist is my teeth fell out more from the bottom into my right hand and I thought oh well maybe the crooked ones gone it will probably grow back straight now and look better. One of my tooth that fell out into my hand was yellowy brownish as though rotten coloured but no wholes or anything. I was alright about it as I felt they will grow back I felt my bent tooth with my tongue when I was trying to find the one that grew back some time ago when I lost my tooth before and it was still in my mouth, which didn’t seem to bother me. I remembered my partner might feel my teeth and think urgh then I thought well not going to see him soon anyway so felt a little better.

    Please be honest whether bad news or good.

  1154. Assalam-o-Alaikum,
    Last night I dreamed something very disturbing. I saw that I was in court because someone had sexually harassed me and I had hurt him. The judge and took the defendant’s side and started interrogating me about my knowledge of Islam. As I tried to explain to him the importance of women and men being separate but equal, I asked him whether he was a Jew or a Christian so I could give him examples from his holy books. He suddenly turned very old and he showed me in his eye, where we have red veins beneath or skin at the bottom of the eye; his veins were joined together and formed an image of Jesus who was nailed to the cross. What does this mean?

  1155. Hi im 14 now, but when i was around 13 i think i had this very weird bit nice dream. i dreamt of 2 winged white tall kind of like human things were holding my hand, 1 on each hand. and they were holding me infrotn of a door. the room i was in was black, but was proper illuminated because that door infront of me was a bit open. they were gonna take me inside the door, bt then i got woken up :(. anyway the light was goldish/yellowish/white. was this a dream of angels? also the room was very cool, and i felt very light. i pry 5 times a day, n try to avoid sinning as much as possible inshalla. please help what is this dream about? jazakallah!

  1156. Dear bro & sis in Islam,
    i saw 2 pig babes slaughter by meself in order to cook.. i am not so sure abt the dream please help me to find out.. thank.. you.. my email..… send to my personal email dont reply here pls

  1157. I had this dream last night.. I saw that I am holding my daughter in my arms, but along with her I see 2 more daughters (I only have one daughter rigth now, she is almost 1 year old) I see their faces, middle one is little dark skined witgh bright eyes and the last one being very fair and same as my first daughter.. I also see my wife and we all are walking and is raining very hard. I also see that my wifetakes out a blood sucking insect from my back and after removing it she shows it to me….. please let me know what this means.

  1158. hi.i had a dream about my sister in law n mother in law.i saw that my mother in law was wearing one golden shoe n it did not fit her n she was crying n then my sister in law was wearing the other shoe n it fits her n she is happy about it..can someone please tell me what this dream means for my sister in law..thank u

  1159. Assalam-o-Alaikum,

    I had a very strange dream last night and tried to find some islamic meaning behind it but was unable to do so. I dreamt that a man had kidnapped me and my husband. He had tied up my husband and he was sitting on a chair. I was lying down infront of my husband on a table and my arms and legs were tied. The man who kidnapped me then came into the room and cut deep gashes in my thighs. He looked at my husband to see his reaction each time he did. He then raped me infront of him.
    I somehow killed the man and my husband was somehow free, so he came to free me. As we were leaving, another man barged through the door and grabbed me. He held a gun to my head and told my husband that if he moved, he would kill me.
    During that time, the police came. THe man looked at the police, then my husband and then me. He kissed my forehead, threw me towards my husband and shot me. And then I woke up. What could this mean?

  1160. Assalamu a’laikum. I understand that other than dreams out of our thoughts and dreams shown by shaitan, there r dreams with significance, sometimes message from our Rasul(sm.) or Allah or foreshadowing on future. pls explain my dream last night. It’s bothering me so much. No other dream I’ve ever seen had this kind of effect on my mind.
    I’m 18 years old male, not married. In the dream I’ve found myself much older than I am now with a wife pregnant, in the final stage of pregnancy with my first baby. So far as I remember that me and my wife was on our way to a hospital for childbirth but for some reason we were on foot. It was time that her water broke but we had no help, we took shelter in some abandoned building when she started the labor. This part may sound nonsense but for some reason I had a hand-grenade with me (probably I played too much of those fighting video games recently) and thinking that it was no use I threw it away (not sure if the safety pin was there). And then just as the baby comes out or about to come out …I don’t remember clearly, somehow the grenade comes back and explodes. I regain consciousness and find my wife and baby dead and myself injured. I blame myself for their death and felt like killing myself. anyway, inundated in grief, depression and guilt I return home and weep on my parents’ shoulders. I find them much supportive. Finally I manage to pull myself together and move on but I was still feeling that guilt. I thank Allah for saving my life and giving me a second chance. At that point, I receive a confession, more like an acknowledgement from someone I don’t know. That person tells me that I wasn’t responsible for the explosion, it was them (yes, the person speaks in plural, “us”). Apparently these people wanted to eliminate me and then my family as a collateral damage. I seek justice but I find none. I furiously decide to keep trying to end them myself and take avenge. At this point either the dream ends or I don’t remember. Please, I need an explanation.
    As I said, I’m 18 years old male, Muslim, not married, living with my parents, no siblings. I live in Toronto. I understand that this dream could just be a production of my delusional mind asleep. But there has never been a dream that I felt so much happy after I woke up and found out that it was not real, just a dream. I felt what it’s like to be a father and lose a child so much (even though I didn’t see the baby’s face) that I cried (I don’t usually cry). It has left a deep impact on my mind and I’m still feeling it. Please try to explain the dream. Jazakallah

  1161. Salam,
    I am a female, and I had a dream where i was with my mother and brother, and we were standing ontop of a planet, and sorting out where the other planets go, we were in a hurry. and when we finished, we were taken to a place where everybody wore white, and someone led me forward (a man) and said ”He is very pleased that you are here”.
    i had done 3omra a while back, is this a good sign?

  1162. i saw in my dream as i was in one building,i don’t know which one, but i was ready to go in the parking lot to start the driving,and dhe black bird was try to give me a was flying down but i was thinking why this bird trying to give me direction,and i say to myself…. i am not going that way couse i know where i was parked and i was going to my direction.

    • as salaamu alaikum wad i think is somebody is trying to get you in wrong path and wanted to harm you but u know itz wrong and u dont want to go in that way be carefull do offer salah regulrly and nobody can harm you when Allah is with u………….

  1163. Assalam-o-Alakum

    This year I want to attempt CSS exam, to avoid from meaningless struggle my wife did istikhara for me, after instikhara prayer she saw me in dream,
    that I worn only white shalwaar, and putting water on my head, I was enjoying that bath and telling her that it is too much fun (bohat mazza aaaraha hay)

    Please interpret it.

    • Walkuim Asalaam.
      InshAllah this CSS exam is good for you. White cloths symbolize purity. Water- knowledge and your head is your state of being, choice. A bath is washing away of sins. And of course Allah knows best!

  1164. assalamu alaikum…my mom saw a dream in which a spiritual healer was reading quran…we knw this spiritual healer…but we dont go to him…nor do we have any relations wid him…my mom didnt even think of him..plz interpret this..
    and wat does it mean to see a lizard in a dream because i see lizards most of the tme..
    kindly interpret this for us..

    • Walkuim Asalaam,
      Reading Quran is a good sign, I’m not sure what it means or what it tells about a person (although I have a hunch that it’s only good).

      You can look it up in this website:

      A lizard, however is not good. It symbolizes an enemy.

      And Allah knows best.

  1165. i dreamt of shaking hands with the countries passed away president @ he passed away @ few years back, and then went home and my wife told me that she invited the same prsident to our home for a meal , then the bell rang and i went our isa w 2 catering vans for food and one security guy asking one of the vans drivers who lives in this house and what they do and in the abck ground i saw a big trailer like the one super stars have bur i did not see who is inside it , then i woke up

    • walkuim Salaam.

      Lizards symbolize enemies… It may mean something else. However to be on the safe side, read ayat-ul-kursi, and the protection prayers.

      InshAllah khair.

      And Allah knows best.

  1166. My father in law recentley passed away on the 29th day of ramadan.
    My mother in law dreamt of my father in law (her husband) Standing in a garden with the clothes that he was wearing and pregnant women next to him

    Could u please be kind enough to interpert this dream for me.

    Thank you

  1167. Assalamualaikum

    I had a dream over a year ago, in the dream i was in a place close to an ocean, and my dad received a message saying today there will be a tsunami. and few seconds after that, a big wave hits the area, i remember i was swimming looking for my boyfriend and dad. i saw my boyfriend and we swam together to a mosque. we went inside the mosque and i met my dad. not long after that the mosque hit by a big wave of the tsunami. i remember telling my dad to sat on my shoulder because i know he couldn’t swim. so my dad sat on my shoulder so he can breath, we got hit by the big waves several times and i remember i was holding my boyfriend’s hand whilst my dad sitting on my shoulder. i dont remember how the end of the dream. what would the interpretation of this dream? Does anyone know what it means?

    • Wa Alaikum Salam sister,

      I don’t interpret dreams but my mom says water = money, My mom told me this anecdote, my uncle saw a dream about 3 decades ago in which he was stuck in a flood and got carried away and the rest of the family was in the shore unable to save him. Now my uncle is the richest person in the family.

      My rough interpretation is you will become rich and prosperous and your spouse will be in the money but not your dad, May Allah be with you when you get rich so that you can stay away from any sinful activities.

  1168. assalam wa alaikum farheen

    my friend dreamt me a dream about lizard and she interpret it for me she said to me that a girl or boy is talking bad things behind your back while when she/he is front of you is nice kind and humble to you i hope that it help… i dont interpret dreams but we have a similar ones

    wa alaikum wa salam……

  1169. Asalamu Alaikum,

    Hi dreamed about me going to my non-muslim friend’s place and while coming back I stole a pair of his shoes. I felt bad about this and I gave it back to him, Can you please let me know the meaning of this dream.
    I would never steal anything from anyone, Alhamdulillah I have enough income to meet my needs.

  1170. i had a dream whree this guy proposed to me and the ring was big and silver adn after the wedding i was crying alot adn the wedding wasnt a normal wedding no one was there except me adn the groom and it was in a church and the groom is muslim can anyone telll me what the dream mean? and btw i knw the groom

    • i dont know the corect meaning but what i feel is the guy who proposed u is not fit for u and none of ur family members like him so they are not there and inspite of being muslim you are getting married in a church it means u are not marriying according to islam……………………. and the other interpretation is To dream of any unfortunate occurrence in connection with a marriage, is sign foretells distress, sickness, or death in your family.

  1171. asalam wa alaikum brothers and sisters

    would anyone kindly interpret this dreams for me!

    1-i dream that my father is listening Qu’ran then suddenly 2 satans enter his body i start reading for his ayat al kursi surah al-iklas surah al-falaq surah al-nas the satan still in his body and i heard my father said to the satans ”why are you doing this you are making problems between my families” and i still read for him the ayats and the shiekh came read for him the ayats too then the satans go away

    my father didn’t see his 1st family for 12 years and his second family us for 5 years i really want to know what’s the meaning of my dream about

    2-i dream that i was happy in the mosque and i say there is no god but ALLAH and MUHAMMAD is the messanger of ALLAH in arabic and there is one big door opened and burst light i knew if i went in i will die so i said to my self that i will pray Qiam el lail and go in i pray but actually i pray in the sky front of the door while i pray on my knees the burst of light came into me while i am praying then suddenly i was pulled down on the ground while im praying Qiam el lail and i look up the door burst light so strong…

    i dont know what the door is and the light too

    3-i dream that it was night i was naked and they i fly in the sky and there was this light burst out of my body i flew around the house of my grandfather

    wa alaikum wa salam

  1172. assalam wa alaikum brothers and sisters

    can anyone interpret this dream for me

    i dream i was coming home, on the road so few children may be 10 to 11 something like that are waiting for me they start hugging me and there is little girl who embrace me like 11 months so tight and the sun light up so clearly for us and she is so cute!!!

    thanks for advance

    wa alaikum wa salam

    • Walkuim Asalaam,

      To my knowledge little girls are good signs in a dream.

      Light is clarity in terms of religion.

      hugging is also good.

      Your other dreams gave me goosebumps.

      Hope I helped.

      And Allah knows best.

  1173. Hey! I dreamed that I was smoking and I liked the taste of it and I’ve never smoked before or never has come in mind to do so, what does it mean?

  1174. Asalaamalaikum, i saw a dream two days ago, i hear my cousin/ ex sister in law passed away but we don’t want her daugters/ my neices to know yet that their mother is no more, my neices have reached puberty but my daughter whom is the same age has not i’m surprised/glad. then i see my other neice (my sisters daughter) crying saying i now your not telling me but my mum is no more. i see this dream after fajr namaaz.
    my second dream i saw last night which i see before fajr namaaz is i hear that my husband has passed away and i’m speaking to my husbands brother saying “your brother (my husband) was saying a few days ago that you were saying that u feel like ur going to meet your dad soon (who has passed away), mu husband did tell me this in the day that his brother feels like this. i also see that my baby sons arm is close to the fire and later when i look at his arm it looks when plastic has been near fire its not very bad looking.
    i feel scared as something is going to happen can you help me explain my dream why i’m hearing about death and my baby getting hurt. JAZAKALLAH

  1175. hi this is IS i want to share with you my dream and i would like to know the meaning of it.i was in my kitchen and i was cuting white onion to make the soup for my family.i heard the voice go help him because the doctor gone put him to sleep till to death, i didn’t know who was but i stoped and i run out to help and as soon i went out the dirt drown me doun…i was calling help…help but no one show up and the drown come down to my neck,i saw in the sky the hand of GOD to show me dont worry you are in my hand…..

    • . Salaam Alkuim.

      Snakes symbolize enemies. Read ayat-ul-kursi and the protection prayers to keep yourselves safe from harm.

      And Allah knows best.

  1176. Ive had a dream where my grandpa is swaying a red cloth and doing dikhr in his grave. I was sscared n was watching him from behind a tree which is a mtre/2 in distance from the grave.
    by the way he past away 2/3yrs ago

    • To see sand in your dream signifies a shift in perspective or a change in your attitude. Consider the familiar phrase, “the sands of time” in which it may be suggesting that you are wasting your time or letting time pass you by. If the sand is wet, then it indicates that you are lacking a sense of balance in your life

  1177. thrice i had a dream that i was wearing bridal clothes and getting ready for my nikkah. in all of my dreams i was very happy… in one of my dreams i was wearing a red coloured bridal dress. in every dream one thing is common, that is, in all the dreams i saw myself getting ready for nikkah.

    kindly interpret this dream of mine….i would like to mention one thing that I am engaged.

    Yesterday i dreamt that i got married and came to my parents home for few days. my mother told me that my mother-in-law is coming to take me dream i was very happy, wearing beautiful clothes and jewelry. in my dream i was thinking that my husband is abroad.


  1179. A.O.A Dear sister,
    I dreamed last night that i am talking with my mother, she is sitting on the charpai and i am sitting on her pillow side chair, the location was open air, and one of my brother is with me, suddenly i saw a tiny light and then again that light appear on the pillow of my mother, i put my both hands on it and catch it, i told my brother that i caught a jugnu (fire fly), and started running toward a nearby room as to prevent the jugnu for flying away, i asked my brother to bring the other brothers too that they could see this jugnu too, while holding that jugnu in my hand i felt that its becoming bigger and bigger like a big frog, so i dropped it, its tail light was blinking as same but the jugnu has became bigger and then i got up… please let me know what all this means.

  1180. Salaam Alaykoum,

    I had a very disturbing dream. Can someone please explain it to me as fast as possible, seen the fact that I’m about to take a very important dicission im my life. The husband of my niece was performing “rouquia” on me: he surrounded my forehead with a belt and read the Quran, while I was sitting. Then he asked me by my name to what I was seeing. In the dream I felt that I was possessed and the possessor spoke in my place and aswered that I was slaughtring/about to slautghter a woman (Idon’t know who she is). The husband of my niece was shocked and said to me: I know what you have, you are possessed by the satan. At that moment I felt like the satan opened my eyes and heat escaped from my ears.

    Your sister in islam

  1181. I dreamt that an unknown woman and her family came to ask my hand in marriage(im a male). My oldest brother and mom were there. In the dream I didn’t really care and just thought nothing of the girl. The girl was wearing niqab so i have no idea who she was. Can someone interpret this. jazak allah

  1182. Asalam Allikam, My name is Faisal and I am 20years old. On my Hands there is ALLAH written on 4 places n also written on both legs Joints. Plz tell me why it appeared?

  1183. To see a bug in your dream, suggests that you are worried about something. It is symbolic of your anxieties and/or fears. What is literally bugging you? Consider also the popular phrase “bitten by the bug” to imply your strong emotional ties or involvement to some activity/interest/hobby. Alternatively, the bug may be representative of your sexual thoughts.

  1184. salam
    several times i had a dream that i m going to some other country, don’t know where. every time i see that my luggage is ready and i am at the airport meeting with everyone. in all the dreams, i feel myself sitting in the plane. but every time i saw just till here and then i woke up.

    what does these dreams imply?

    • If you are travelling abroad outside the country then this dream is about new experiences, we are moving away from mundane experiences and this dream shows that our mind wants to experience adventure in some way, shape or form.

      If we are unaware of the country then we must recognise a character trait that we need in order to find new ways of approaching our life. There is a need to get away from or leave a negative situation — you may need to recognise what this — in order to address this in our waking lives. The other aspect of this dream is that there is stress in your daily existence. This dream may be a signal that you need a holiday in order to understand what changes you need to make in your waking life.

      The other element of this dream is your right to self-expression and that you may need to expand areas within your life that make you happy. If in your dream you experience being absent and it was not something that you wished for then this indicates that you have been feeling that things are missing in regards to a relationship

  1185. I dreamt that an unknown woman and her family came to ask my hand in marriage(im a male). My oldest brother and mom were there. In the dream I didn’t really care and just thought nothing of the girl. The girl was wearing niqab so i have no idea who she was. Can someone interpret this. jazak allah

  1186. Salams, my relative dreamt of me walking with a younger version of myself and i was happy, it wasnt my child but the child was me as a youngin…and what does eating mint represent thanks so much jazakallahu khairain!!

    • walaikum as salaam ….. first of all say salaam properly dont modernise it and eating mint indicates that you are trying to phrase your thoughts in a way that is going to be presentable or more palatable. Alternatively, a breath mint may mean that you have said something that has offended someone.

  1187. salam

    these days i am trying to get a good job for myself…one reason for the job is to show some people that i have the capability to work in a good institution..

    yesterday night, i had a dream that i got a very good job, that was not expected by my family…in the dream i had a feeling that some invisible power had helped me get that job…i was very much afraid of that supernatural power…in the back of my mind i had a strong belief that all is done by Allah and that powers is the Allah’s power

    the invisible power that i am talking about was not bad or an evil…..but in the dream i had a feeling that that power had helped me alot and i had strong faith in it.


  1188. assalam wa alaikum brothers and sisters

    please interpret this dream for me

    i dream that i was walking with my mom and sister then i guy (i know him but he dont know me) said to me “come to my house you and your family” (and he work in a restaurant in my dream) then he said “wait take this food and i will catch up with u later” i said “ok” and i came to his room and saw this blue shirt and i iron it but the shirt on the armpit is teared up then i arrange everything on his room cause i know he will become tired from work then he came and he came and give me lash’ha or hijab and i have a hijab 2 my mom said we have to go then we go and i said to my mom “wait mom i forgot my hijab i went to his room and like he pushes me as a joke then i got my hijab not the one he gave to me

    please interpret

    jazak allah khier and Allah hafiz

    • wa as salaam sis this is psycological dream you are attracted towards that guy u said u know but he dont know u and may be you keep on thinking of him and your imagination came as dream ok Allah hafiz

      • asalam wa alaikum brother musthafeena

        thank u for interpreting my dream won’t u mind if i ask u a question are u a muslim and do you interpreting dreams? if you don’t want to answer i understand

        Allah hafiz

  1189. my brother often dreams this particular dream; he is in his room 1st floor and he is being chased by someone whom he is not able to recognize as soon as he reached the staircase he fly from top to bottom and lands safely. when he looks back the man is standing above but he does not came down instead returns back .
    please help me out.

    • hey saman what i feel is being chased will tend to link to pressure being placed upon you. It may link to psychological problems and inhibitions. It may represent conflict you cannot get away from. It may suggest people are monitoring or pressurizing you.

  1190. My name z faisal anwar. I often dream that I Had went back to the University from where I had dismissed due to low GPA. What it means?
    And also i dream many time the Unknown Green Garden? Plz answer me.. Jazakallah.

    • salam wa alaikum brother faisal

      i read your post of dreaming unknown green garden which means stands for jannah.entering and touring such a garden suggest that the observer will attain Jannah by a way of making greater progress in matters of deen.

      Allah hafiz

    • seeing unknown garden with its trees unattended and its pasture unkempt in a dream, it means distress and worries and sometimes an unknown garden in a dream also represents the Holy Quran.

  1191. Hi , My name z Faisal ANwar. I dreamed many times that a very Beautiful,Unknown Young girl comes to me. She smiles, sometime talk to me n Touch me. Her face was very white without any makeup. Plz tell me about it. I havenot seen That girls in life who comes in dream. Jazaakallah

  1192. I dreamed many time that See Airplanes and Jet Fighters flying around my home. Also 2 times i seen that Passenger Airplane Lands on our home top. What it means?

  1193. assalamualaikum
    thanks for reply….. there is one more dream that i was scared of….. i saw a building and then saw a women who comes out of the door in the balcony and then she jumps out of it……the same women enters the next attached balcony and there is 1 more person and again she jumps out of it and the other women follows her…… this scene repeats again in another balcony and there are more people but this time the other person tries to save herself by trying to grab the railings but eventually she falls down.
    plz help me out.

    • .walaikum as salaam saman To dream that someone else jumps from a great height suggests that you are learning about and acknowledging aspects of your inner self. This dream may also symbolize your fear of not being able to complete or succeed in a task.

  1194. hi .should you interptet this draem who my dougter saw it last night please if you was dark and me and my husand went owt to the pool.the water was clear,and there come unknown people to kill doughter she saw us and she called the police lady and asked her for help.this lady called the other cop and both of them were bad people and want to hurt us and my dougter was woke up in scarry way

    • the dream refers to drastic changes that you are trying to make. There is a characteristic that you want to get rid of or a habit that you want to end within yourself. Killing represents the killing off of the old parts and old habits pool it represents your emotions

  1195. Asalamoualaikoum, well I’ve been dreaming about marrying my cousin since the last three years. at first i did not believe in it as he is nine years older than me and i was still in for 3. but now i”m nearly eighteen and i think i love him . should i believe in this dream? Is this from Allah.please help me . Jazakallah

    • walaikum as salaam sis to see a marriage in a dream, signifies commitment, harmony or transition. You are undergoing an important developmental phase

      • but what should i do? should i love him ? in fact i love him but I’m undergoing a very important exam. Also i do not want to hurt my dad. Is it forbidden to love in Islam….. Can i really believe in my dream coz it is not just at one go i dream of him every time i forget about him….Jazakallah …. thank you for your advice…

  1196. Asalaam Alaykoum,


    I had a very disturbing dream. Can someone please explain it to me as fast as possible, seen the fact that I’m about to take a very important dicission im my life. The husband of my niece was performing “rouquia” on me: he surrounded my forehead with a belt and read the Quran, while I was sitting. Then he asked me by my name to what I was seeing. In the dream I felt that I was possessed and the possessor spoke in my place and aswered that I was slaughtring/about to slautghter a woman (Idon’t know who she is). The husband of my niece was shocked and said to me: I know what you have, you are possessed by the satan. At that moment I felt like the satan opened my eyes and heat escaped from my ears.

    Your sister in islam

  1197. I forgot to say that I´m a woman. I do pray, do the ramadan and try to avoid tha haram as much as possible. And the husband of my niece a a good muslim. he is also very strict 🙂

  1198. salaam

    my mother-in-law had a dream that she along with her son (whom i am engaged to) had come to my home. i was not at home. my mother-in-law asked my sister about me and my sister told her that i had gone to somewhere to listen to a surat. (the name of the surat is forgrotten). in the same dream my mother-in-law then saw herself in a big and very clean ground. there she saw very beautiful, shiny and big fruits..the fruits were either pears or somewhat like them. the fruits she saw were very clean too.

    one thing is very disturbing that my mother-in-law saw that i went to listen to the surat, and not to recite the surat.

    plz interpret this dream


  1199. asalam wa alaikum brothers and sisters

    my mom dream that there was lady she is dead and unknown is in the box then my mom opened it but she only see a blanket covered on her then a friend of my mom pushed her and then she pushed the box away to a friend say to mom my stay away from her becouse the reason of her death is skin allergy afterwards the lady is moving in the box with still blanket on her my mom was shocked may mom said to the lady ”why are you in the box when you are still alive” she said my relatives and family wants me to die the are only waiting for me to finish my breath so i stay in box”

    and mom dreamed about me is i was with my friend in the mall then my mother calls me but i dont reply her so she pinch my ear then i said to my mom wait i want to take guitar for my friend then i slip my skirt went up like my half of my body showed up then i star to take off my clothes and lie on the streets my mom came to me and said why do you do that” she start put my clothes on and there is 1 guy sees me naked and he feel sorry for me my mom dont know the guy

    shukran and Allah hafiz

  1200. salaam
    my mother-in-law had a dream that she along with her son (whom i am engaged to) had come to my home. i was not at home. my mother-in-law asked my sister about me and my sister told her that i had gone to somewhere to listen to a surat. (the name of the surat is forgrotten). in the same dream my mother-in-law then saw herself in a big and very clean ground. there she saw very beautiful, shiny and big fruits..the fruits were either pears or somewhat like them. the fruits she saw were very clean too.
    one thing is very disturbing that my mother-in-law saw that i went to listen to the surat, and not to recite the surat.
    plz interpret this dream

  1201. loving in the right way in not a sin in islam if u love him really be brave to face ur mum n dad tell them you want to marry him INSHAALLAH il pray for you what ever happens try to be happy even if you get him or not ok

    • well that’s wat i always do .if i get him its a blessing of Allah and if i don’t perhaps Allah wants someone better. thnx dear sis your are truly marvelous.But il pray that he wait a little bit coz i’m undergoing an exam and pray that our love stay like this….I’l also pray for you, for you to get everything good you want… you dont know how hard its being for me.first not knowing why i kept dreaming about him , secondly loving him but not sure about how to tell him… ithank you very much for understanding dear….

      • i told u already sis ur dream is a psycological dream dont keep on thinking deeply and try to talk to that guy i f possible dont delay fine you have exam just tell him about your feelings …… atleast do this dont delay so that you should not regret later ok dear sister take care of you study well concentr8 on your exam

  1202. Asalaam,
    I had a dream about a lot of snakes and big insects in my grandfather’s (mother’s father) house. They were these thin long snakes. A few bite me and my uncle. My uncle, older sister and me tried killing them. All of a sudden they disappeared. My aunt came and informed us that this had happened because someone was reading the Quran in the next room. As I went to check who it was, I saw a small man (say about 2 feet tall) reciting the Quran and he had a lamp like thing in his hand. Then all of a sudden he follows me back to the hall still reciting were the snakes were and started irritating me. He pulled my ears (he had stopped reciting by this time) and I started pushing him away as he looked a little scary and I got scared. That’s when i woke up. Anyone knows what this means?

  1203. Salaam, i saw a dream last night in which i see this old woman with a tasbeeh in her hand. me and my family and that womans children are sat in a circle around her. suddenly she gets angry at her daughter and starts beating her with a metal bar, i come in front of the daughter to stop the woman from beating her and get hit with the metal bar, on seeing all this i tell the daughter to come with me as she is crying and there was a chance that the old woman would kill her. as i take the girl to my house she tells me that her mum is very evil, she luks good but she isnt, whilst she is telling me about her mum this shaytaan with two horns starts to come towards us the girl reads lahow la wa la quwata and the shaytaan runs away and i see some quranic ayats on the sky and see shooting stars. then i hear my mum fighting with my brother really loud and i fear that the shaytaan will go to them so i run to my mum but see footprints of the shaytaan ahead of me as i enter the room i see the shaytaan entering my mums body and my mum goes crazy then the shaytaan eners my body and i try to jump out of the top floor window.. i also see two rats which ive been looking after but one of them is dead and i dont know how it died but i feel as tho my own child has died….
    can you please reply as soon as possible, i have had alot going on in my life and really want to know what this dream means.

  1204. i am having dreams of person & animal waking me up.
    one time i had this dream of Rat jumping on me, & i woke up suddenly making sound. The other night i saw a man in white cloak, the white cloak was covering him from head to ankle & was whispering some thing in to my ears & i woke up. ironically both the night when i woke up, i looked at the clock time was 5 AM. it was Fajr time. i should have offered prayers, but i couldn’t. what does my dream translate into.

  1205. Assalam alikum ,
    I had a dream recently about the day of judgement, We all had to line up and then Allah would tell us to go into groups, One group would go into heaven the other hell, I was the last person to be put into a group, I walked into the heaven group, But then got told that I was going to hell…
    It has kind of scared me a little because I know for a fact that I am not a very good muslim so is that like a warning??
    Please help…..

  1206. I have seen that i m asking to a women about my marriage ..i m still single n always got lots of problem when going to marry n at last i failed…i seen i m asking to a woman about my marriage…she said to me “its all because of ur sins and still u r not getting it, in future in ur life there will a lots of azab”, i love my ALLAH …i am very affraid..i dnt want my ALLAH in anger…plz pray for me….

  1207. As salam o alaikum
    please i want to know the meaning of a dream my friend saw
    He saw that he wux ill and i enetred his room to give him medicine when i sat near to him he saw a christanity cross in my neck he asked me what wus it & rest he forgot my answer or he woke up
    please answer my dream

  1208. As salam o alaikum.
    I dream that in unknown place, 3 Men in Jeans n Shirt came. First they shot n killed 2 Army person. Then they started firing on us. I fall myself on ground to show them that i m dead. But when the came to me. Stood up me and shot me on my forehead by pistle.but the Boolt only touches my forehead, didnot went inside my head n fell on ground. When I wake up at that time, I felt the sensation of touching boolt of pistle on that place. Please tell me about this dream….. Allah Hafiz

  1209. Assallamou alaykoum,

    I’m a woman and I’m divorced since a few monthes. After this my mum had a dream in where a far family memeber ( an old woman)who’s is dead for a long time ago came to her and gave here two shoes while saying these are from the house of my ex. But in the dream mum said it was like the shoes were ours and not of my ex. It was like the woman gave them back to us. And the woman gave them back with a kind of pride and anger. Both shoes were new, one was black and the other kind of beige or gray.

    It would be very nice if I would get a response please. Jazakoum Allah inshaAllah.

  1210. I have a had a dream that I am looking for my car and I can find it and its snow everywhere in the parking lot of some shopping center, I ran and look and I just don’t see it, and its all snow everywhere, then I see my dad shows up and he finds it for me and parks it where I can clearly see my car parked from a distance. Please explain what does this dream means. Thank you!

  1211. please can you interpret my dreams .i saw the dream last night as i was out and i meet the celebrety jenifer aniston.she had a boy and she left with me.i was happy i keept that boy in my hand and when i was taking to her some one come cut the conversation with us seems like my friend from work and she was desepir.i was try to find her and to turn the litlle boy to her but i didn’t find her. that day i was pray to win the lotto couse was my birthday is that funyy

    please interpret this one for me.allways im say e udhu binlahim mine sheitan e raxhine from my family amen

  1212. asalamualikum…..i have seen a dream that thier is a big door made up of gold and when i open it ,inside i saw there was three sections ine one section i saw khanay kaba ,the other section contain madina munnawara and the third one i remember not that much but it was makkah muazama..kindly if you let me know the meaning i’ll be thankful to u…asalamualikum.

  1213. Asalamualikum….. I hve taken the exam of Ca and last i saw in my dream dat alll of my papers i have taken are failed… i saw this dream near the time of Fajr…..Wat does it mean????

  1214. asalamualikum… i had a dream of an angle she was good then turned bad angle, in the dream i prayed to god to get rid of the angle i werent sure weather she was bad or good. i also had a dream of a talking bird i wanted to show this bird off then it turned into a dog trying to bite me.

  1215. Asak my muslim brothers ..My name is Syed owais ali A few days back i encountered a dream in which i see 2 to 3 men very huge n hefty r reading namaaz .. they wr very plumpy n moreover their upper body was bare !!! can any of you my brothers explain me wat does this dream indicate ..

  1216. Assalamu alaikum,

    I frequently use to see dreams of 2 things from a very long time,

    1. I see a big black snake going inside the hospital very fast while i am on the way out

    2. I see that i am standing at some place and i see too many aeroplanes flying over our city

    but the third one i saw was really strange
    I am running behind a vehicle in dark full of some familiar faces (they are calling me to catch the vehicle but not reducing its speed. And behind me there is a full pack of lions and finally i missied the vehicle. After that second i woke up breathing heavily and my heart beats were very fast.

    If anyone can explain me what does these dreams means? please…….

  1217. Assalamu alaikum,

    I saw a man in white cloths holding a candle in his hands and coming towards me as if he was floating from the floor. It was totally dark and only the man could be seen due to the candle light. I woke up as the man came near me.
    I don’t know what it means but i’m feeling scared after this dream. Can anyone please interpret this dream for me?

    Thank you

  1218. Assallamou alaykoum,

    I’m posting this dream for the second time. can you please help me with it? it’s a request from my mother.

    I’m a woman and I’m divorced since a few monthes. After this my mum had a dream in where a far family memeber ( an old woman)who’s is dead for a long time ago came to her and gave here two shoes while saying these are from the house of my ex. But in the dream mum said it was like the shoes were ours and not of my ex. It was like the woman gave them back to us. And the woman gave them back with a kind of pride and anger. Both shoes were new, one was black and the other kind of beige or gray.

    It would be very nice if I would get a response please. Jazakoum Allah inshaAllah.

  1219. i dreamt of going out of a shop like place. and i get on three horses one at a time and keep getting off them and going back to the shop. then i get out again and get on a fourth horse and this time i stay on it. it begins to rain and i ride away on the horse. im a single girl, please respond on my email.

  1220. assalamu aleikom,

    i dreamt of going to a house with my mum. they were her friend’s house it seems. the lady had 1 daughter and 2 sons. the oldest son, then the girl finished high school and a small boy. the lady talks to my mum saying she wants to marry me off to her son. my mum agrees and leaves me there and goes. i stay there. his mum smiles at me and whispers to herself allah be with her. then suddenly the son(my husband) comes in, he’s acting very nice to me but mean to his sister. i stay inside his room. im wearing a yellow short dress pjamas. he came in and he got me a pearl set. necklace earring etc. he’s comes onto the bed and kisses me. his sister comes in and he screams at her to go out. pls tell me what this means. im unmarried. im 22. i hope to get your reply via email

    • HULLO MARWA, it seems you have some enemies around, may u think they are your friends, they shall lead you to zina, again you shall get ill or be admitted and then that guy or any other guy shall help you in recovery

  1221. I am 7 month pregnant at the moment and i had a dream i was making breakfast and when i broke an egg there was 2 yoke in it.

  1222. Assalammualaikum..could someone interpret this…..
    one day i dreamt of me being proposed by man ….a man in white cloth..he is like mualim.he smile at me…however i treated him badly..i insult him….he juz smile at me..he talk nothing and accept anything i did to him…then came another man..a bad guys came to propose me to…i and my sister jus treat him nicely…the good man saw it but he jus smile..then this dream swept away??what was that…please…is that a bad sign?

  1223. wa inyarau sabiilal-ghayi yattakhidhuhu sabila, wainyarau sabilarushdi la yattakhidhuhu sabila. whenever you see a correct way you reject it and when you see the wrong idea you pick. please take heed

  1224. Salamalekum,
    i had a nightmare of killing my daughter. what does this means? im very worried. my hands are not working properly after that dream. the weird thing about that dream was, my daughter’s neck is very thin coz she’s just 2 years old but the neck i was choking was very thick. please guide me.. please help me!

  1225. Salam
    i had a dream a few months ago and i still haven’t been able to find out what it means.
    Basically i was in a kitchen with about 4-5 people and i recognised some of them to be actors/actresses from a show i watch. And i remember there being an oven and the woman took out what looked like the leg of a human all roasted then they ate it and i stood there disgusted then the lady cut her own leg off till the thigh and put it in the oven to be roasted and they all ate it..i cant really remember if i tasted it or not but i remember finding the whole thing disgusting.

    So what can this mean?

  1226. Assalaamalaikum…

    My Dream was…..I see my self and my mum in our home… But not similar to our real home.. I remember like ..My mum said me to do some work. And I said I am not feeling well (or may be I am upset ). So I wanted to rest. I lied on the bed there in that home. It was a old type of bed. The people who were behind black magics on me visited us(my cousin and her mum)… when they visited us I was still lied on bed.. (I remember like they visited to invite us for my cousin’s marriage..The same cousin who is seen in my present dream). After they left I said to my mum thank God I was resting when they visited because I didn’t want to show them that I was suffering because of the wrong done on me by them. But I was actually unwell/upset because of my condition because of black magics on me.. They left I think.
    Now I was about to get married But I was neither happy nor sad to get married. And now I feel Like I got married and I was in my husband’s home but I was not connected (emotionally and physically) with my groom and I was not interested also. There were few girls sitting on floor there. Those girls were my husband’s family or might be his cousins. Not sure. And those girls and I were discussing about a function to attend by us. I had very beautiful lite pink color (My most favorite color) bangles made of white glittering stones. Few bangles were broad and few bangles were thin (as we usual have here in a bangle’s set) I liked those bangles very much. And a girl took those bangles from me, just to see those bangles and said so beautiful those bangles are. I said to those girls over there that I wanted more bangles to wear. I was standing and the girls were sittings on floor.
    My husband came over there. A girl said to my husband that I wanted more bangles(I remember like the girl addressed my husband as brother and me as sister-in-law and here usual we call all the elder cousins as brother and sister ). while she was telling my husband that I wanted more bangles, I slightly touched her hand as a signal to not to say. I said no-no I have bangles to mix with those bangles. And these extra bangles about which I was telling that I have were the bangles which I really have with me in my real life. My husband looked at me and smiled. I saw him from my corner eye. I was blushing and I felt connected with him now.
    And the guy who was my husband was a known guy. He was our house owner’s son in which we lived many years back in the other town (nearly 12-13 years back). He was (may be 8-9 years elder then me or may be more). He is already married in real life now (but in dream i did not feel like he is already married) and we are not in contact with them in real life. BUT WHAT INTERESTING WAS THE NAME OF THAT GUY IS RIZWAN WHICH IS ALSO THE NAME OF THE GUY WHOM I WANTED TO MARRY (But Surnames are different I think I dnt remember exactly ). I remember this much of dream. I think this is all the got in dream.

    Can some please interpret my dream…

  1227. Assalaamalaikum…someone please interpret my dream

    My Dream was…..I see my self and my mum in our home… But not similar to our real home.. I remember like ..My mum said me to do some work. And I said I am not feeling well (or may be I am upset ). So I wanted to rest. I lied on the bed there in that home. It was a old type of bed. The people who were behind black magics on me visited us(my cousin and her mum)… when they visited us I was still lied on bed.. (I remember like they visited to invite us for my cousin’s marriage..The same cousin who is seen in my present dream). After they left I said to my mum thank God I was resting when they visited because I didn’t want to show them that I was suffering because of the wrong done on me by them. But I was actually unwell/upset because of my condition because of black magics on me.. They left I think.
    Now I was about to get married But I was neither happy nor sad to get married. And now I feel Like I got married and I was in my husband’s home but I was not connected (emotionally and physically) with my groom and I was not interested also. There were few girls sitting on floor there. Those girls were my husband’s family or might be his cousins. Not sure. And those girls and I were discussing about a function to attend by us. I had very beautiful lite pink color (My most favorite color) bangles made of white glittering stones. Few bangles were broad and few bangles were thin (as we usual have here in a bangle’s set) I liked those bangles very much. And a girl took those bangles from me, just to see those bangles and said so beautiful those bangles are. I said to those girls over there that I wanted more bangles to wear. I was standing and the girls were sittings on floor.
    My husband came over there. A girl said to my husband that I wanted more bangles(I remember like the girl addressed my husband as brother and me as sister-in-law and here usual we call all the elder cousins as brother and sister ). while she was telling my husband that I wanted more bangles, I slightly touched her hand as a signal to not to say. I said no-no I have bangles to mix with those bangles. And these extra bangles about which I was telling that I have were the bangles which I really have with me in my real life. My husband looked at me and smiled. I saw him from my corner eye. I was blushing and I felt connected with him now.
    And the guy who was my husband was a known guy. He was our house owner’s son in which we lived many years back in the other town (nearly 12-13 years back). He was (may be 8-9 years elder then me or may be more). He is already married in real life now (but in dream i did not feel like he is already married) and we are not in contact with them in real life. BUT WHAT INTERESTING WAS THE NAME OF THAT GUY IS RIZWAN WHICH IS ALSO THE NAME OF THE GUY WHOM I WANTED TO MARRY (But Surnames are different I think I dnt remember exactly ). I remember this much of dream. I think this is all the got in dream.

  1228. Assalaamalaikum…someone please interpret my dream

    My Dream was…..I see my self and my mum in our home… But not similar to our real home.. I remember like ..My mum said me to do some work. And I said I am not feeling well (or may be I am upset ). So I wanted to rest. I lied on the bed there in that home. It was a old type of bed. The people who were behind black magics on me visited us(my cousin and her mum)… when they visited us I was still lied on bed.. (I remember like they visited to invite us for my cousin’s marriage..The same cousin who is seen in my present dream). After they left I said to my mum thank God I was resting when they visited because I didn’t want to show them that I was suffering because of the wrong done on me by them. But I was actually unwell/upset because of my condition because of black magics on me.. They left I think.
    Now I was about to get married But I was neither happy nor sad to get married. And now I feel Like I got married and I was in my husband’s home but I was not connected (emotionally and physically) with my groom and I was not interested also. There were few girls sitting on floor there. Those girls were my husband’s family or might be his cousins. Not sure. And those girls and I were discussing about a function to attend by us. I had very beautiful lite pink color (My most favorite color) bangles made of white glittering stones. Few bangles were broad and few bangles were thin (as we usual have here in a bangle’s set) I liked those bangles very much. And a girl took those bangles from me, just to see those bangles and said so beautiful those bangles are. I said to those girls over there that I wanted more bangles to wear. I was standing and the girls were sittings on floor.
    My husband came over there. A girl said to my husband that I wanted more bangles(I remember like the girl addressed my husband as brother and me as sister-in-law and here usual we call all the elder cousins as brother and sister ). while she was telling my husband that I wanted more bangles, I slightly touched her hand as a signal to not to say. I said no-no I have bangles to mix with those bangles. And these extra bangles about which I was telling that I have were the bangles which I really have with me in my real life. My husband looked at me and smiled. I saw him from my corner eye. I was blushing and I felt connected with him now.
    And the guy who was my husband was a known guy. He was our house owner’s son in which we lived many years back in the other town (nearly 12-13 years back). He was (may be 8-9 years elder then me or may be more). He is already married in real life now (but in dream i did not feel like he is already married) and we are not in contact with them in real life. BUT WHAT INTERESTING WAS THE NAME OF THAT GUY IS ALSO THE NAME OF THE GUY WHOM I WANTED TO MARRY (But Surnames are different I think I dnt remember exactly ). I remember this much of dream. I think this is all the got in dream.

  1229. Please anybody can help me interprete my dream, its…..
    “I was going through the market with my friend, I saw Muhammad PBUH clad in leather shirt jeweled with expensive stones, along with the kings of Iran and Syria who were caring thorn of Prophet on their shoulders. The thorn was similar to Prophet’s shirt and heavily jeweled with colored stones. And both kings were saying “King of Kings has brought His thorn for someone, who is just arriving in this world”. We watched this all for a moment and went ahead. Then I stopped a while and thought to myself, how great that man would be for whom Prophet PBUH has brought his thorn. He must be none other than Jesus. ” Then I awake.

  1230. I had a dream that someone was going to heaven and I wanted to send the prophet something from me but I had nothing aside from a cucumber and I asked the person can you take this for the prophet and tell him its from me and that that is all I have and my eyes opened

  1231. We were really poor living in tents by road side. Then Muhammad PBUH came and constructed a huge double story house color for us. He made every adobe with clay by his own hand. But the finished house was not of clay. It was of glowing light green marble.
    Then Prophet came in the room, I told him, “I’m thinking to make a boundary wall so that nobody may fall from first floor”. He said look it’s already there. Then he went outside and started making adobes for the stairs. I was watching him doing all this. He said, you have to go much higher than this, that’s why I’m making these stairs for you. Then I woke up.

  1232. Asalamou Alaikoum brothers and sisters

    i had a dream a year ago i cant forget , i was walking towards a moutain with my muslim brothers ,when we reached the mountain our jew cousins started taking the same path as us,we climbed the mount and entered a canyon just like in indiana jones,in the canyon we continued to climb stairs , when i reached the top there was a jew climbing the stairs in front of me , he was reaching for the ‘throne’ before he reaches i whiped him with a whip and he fell deep in the deongons we later came back down by taking the same path ,once we came down only the muslims were together this time walking together i saw the hassidic jews looking at us from far under trees,i continued my walk to reach the sea where a huge ark came to pick me up my mom and my sister , before i jump in the ark my girlfriend gave me a newbor baby, then i wake up but i was still dreaming , i was next to my girlfriend in a bed and the house was clean , but she tells me look around you we have to clean up all this mess ,i didnt see nothing dirty until evrything switched into a mess like she said and then i wake up for real.


    Jazakoum Allah inshaAllah

  1233. Since my mother passed away 7 years before, I never seen her in my dreams, yesterday night for the first time I saw her in dream, as there are some domestic clashes being carried out with my younger brother and he continually bothering me and demanding the handover the house where we living with our spouse, in this context, I usually miss my mother. the dream I saw ” I entered to the house and saw that my mother is helping out my wife in kitchen to prepare meals for us and she looks very happy, my brother setting upstairs with his wife, it seems to me that my mother had not had even a single word with both of them, she said to me don’t worry I am here now, I felt prety happy to see my mother back in home, all of a sudden I felt a rate is walking on my hands and i awaken”

    As I never seen my mother in dreams before since after her demise. Kindly comment

  1234. Salam,
    I had a dream in which there was an attack on our country, on the sea and the water came up high and tore everything apart. I was left in my house and some lady started to throw knives at me. Her knives finished so she picked up a sword. After that I woke up. This is after I woke up and prayed Fajr namaz.

    May you please tell me what my dream meant?
    It woke me up breathless.

    • I forgot to add another dream I had couple weeks back. In this dream someone also attacked my country like on a flyover and cars came crashing down and alot of people died .After that, terrorists came into my house. Some lady was torturing my family and I told them to stop, and I was being burned with fire bit by bit.

      It would be very kind of you to reply to this post ASAP!
      I gave sadqah for this dream, not the one I had last night.

  1235. Asalamu alaik, I have Dreamed one night that i have got married to a man although i don’t know who was that man but i was seeing that i got married with a man and i was very happy, i saw this dream after i asked ALLAH in that night before i sleep and i was in my bed, so i was asking ALLAH to give me good husband who will make me happiest and i saw that dream. so would you please interpret that dream. and further more when i was asking ALLAH the good husband i was in love with a man who i have had long relationship but live a way from me and he love me.

  1236. Assalamualikum.last night i dreamt a full moon in the sky and saw moon light in my veranda.what does it mean i donot understand.plesae interprate my dream.

  1237. hey guys i had a dream that my sister and i laid in the bed where my grandfather had died, i heard its not a good thing but no one will tell me what it means. does anyone know? i really appreciate it

  1238. Asalamu A’laykum, Theres this Muslim brother that I see all the time at the college. I started liking him. But I didnt or wont take actions towards that. But I REALLY started falling for him. And started thinking about proposing..but I later found out he was married and had 3 kids. It hurt a little, but I kind of got over him. Not completely though. And one night a had a dream that i was having sexual intercourse with a man. But in the dream it felt like i was married and this man was a husband or something. In the actual dream I didnt know who the guy was but right when i woke up, the brother at school was the first person that came into my mind. He was the first person on my mind. And a few days after that. I had another dream I was at the college and my friends said “Munira you know the brother you where interested in, SubhanAllah he passed away, he had a heart attack”. So I had another dream he died. Can you please help me with these dreams because im really confused, and for some reason I cant get them off my mind.

    • Dont think about this man anymore, it would better, because he have 3 chldren and a wife. Go your way and maybe one day your “dream-man” will come at your way. In this world are many lies and cheat and more……. If its maktub you would come together by no matter what and if not, dont put yourself on the ground and your mind and heart and your feeling. Let your feelings grow somewhere , not because such a man die because of sadness or….. It comes sometimes simple, but when you go in this way of…… you fall and you find there just the hell. Thats just my opinion. Sister take care. Salamu aleikum.

  1239. hi i dreamed that my ex killed my boyfriend. i din see that but after i came to that place i din getto see my boyfriend face. i was screaming n crying n went mad. in between the dream i saw a small 2headed girl was chasing me behind ….. i want to know the reason pls….. m so much disturbed n m not able to do any of my work pls reply the meaning…….

  1240. Hi, if someone could interpret this dream I will really appreciate it as it is a bit scary and I am worried. I saw myself in a function or something and I stepped away to wash my hands, I saw myself open the door of my house and go inside the washroom I opened the tap and the water was flowing clean and then all of a sudden this big window I see it open and it was so low that the window was so big that I just had a feeling someone was in the house and had come through the window . I got scared , I left the tap on and tried to see if anyone was in the house I was so scared that I quickly washed my hands singing out loud so my fear would subside abit and got out of the house. Then I see myself opening this gate to go outside and then I see my little brother and he looked so ugly like his face had gone inside like a skeleton and he was dark and ugly but he was about 6 or 7. Right behind me there was a huge stone and he was standing on top of it and I didn’t want to pick him up but my older brother came and goes why don’t you pick him up and carry him then I had no choice and I did and brought him back where the function was going on. Then just as I put him inside his face started to become beautiful again. The darkness started to dissipate and he started to have noor on his face again. I was shocked. Then I saw myself eating roti and shrimp and I saw my mum the rest is a blur .

  1241. assalamualaykum

    i had a dream in which i was about to clean toilet and have seen toilet on the floor in some unknown place for which i was being paid. i have also my friend doing the same are working with me to clean toilet.

    can u plz tell me wats the meaning of this dream.??
    Is this a bad dream???

  1242. I’m 13.. I can’t remember most bits but I’ll try my best.
    Me and my family are Muslim and my parents
    suddenly tell me I’m pregnant with a hindu baby?
    and then they say I am due in July because my grandmother
    told them.. Kind of confusing. I was in a car when they told me,
    we then went to a shop and I thought to myself, my whole lifes
    going to be ruined, I won’t get into university ect..
    What does this mean? :/

  1243. I saw a snake in m dream..what does that indicate? I had also seen day of judement in my dream ? what do these dreams indicate?

  1244. salam.. i am zoya..
    i daily read suryah yaseen. one day i could’nt read bcz of some reason..
    At night, on that same day, when i was sleeping i saw a dream in which i saw that i m performing a role in some kind of play and something went very wrong and somebody said that since you didn’tread suray yaseen thats why this happened with you..and this dream was followed by another dream in which i saw a deep hole in my left palm below the middle finger and i saw that m talking to someone and i am cleaning the dead skin from that hole.
    what does this dream indicates?

    since i am a converted muslim so i am all confused..

  1245. Assalaamualaikum,

    I offered istekhara before getting married( my family and I) it is going to be an arranged marriage( if it happens). ANyway, so in my dream I saw that my future husband and I are veryyy happy and in a garden full of flowers. And that there are lots of flowers in the air to my right and on top of those flowers is my family and also his family except his mother. My and his family are all very happy and looking at us and praying to Allah to keep us all happy. But then , I asked where is our mamma- as in my Mother in law – And we turn towards our left there she is sitting just staring at us- not smiling just looking. I smile at her but she does not smile back. Then we look straight ahead and start walking that’s when she comes down, separates our hands and stands in the middle. Me and future husband look at each other worried and look at her and she is smiling. thats how my dream ends. After that dream, I prayed to allah to please please stop this marriage. If the guys mother is not happy then I dont not want this or if the guys mother dislikes me then please stop this.

    What does this dream mean?

    Also, now I know from the way she talks to me and other people that she hates me and she wants her son to marry another girl. But, everyone else in the guys family is not convinced with the other girl they think that she and family is very problematic. I dont know what do to .

  1246. As salamwalekum,

    Repected sir,

    I want to known the meaning of my dream that I always see.I was always see that i am flying what does it means.I flys under the bridge, i flys top of water. what does it means.I ask to many peaple they did nt give any reply. pls sir what does it means.I am waiting for your reply.
    Thanking you sir
    Arifkhan Raufkhan

  1247. salaam…. i had a dream that i almost been raped a few nights by my step brother… i m pregnant at the moment….. and i always have a dream of my mom.. kindly interpret my dream .thank u for ur attention.

  1248. Asalamou Alaikoum

    I had a dream that I was with my family with a red car we were driving in a mountain because my sister had 2 rings in her hands and we wanted to throw them somewhere in the mountain,I don’t know the reason why we wanted to do that,but anyway,than, one of the rings was broken .This is all.It was just to interesting and I really want to know what it means .Thanks 🙂

  1249. My mother had a dream. She open the cupboard and a large snake spits its venom all over me.
    Please suggest what it may mean! Very worried!

  1250. I have how i remember dreamed that i saw in a dream the satan with two horns on his head and he were dancing in front of me. His dance were weird he were like happy and laughing. I werent scared. I just gone near to him and did looked at him. How i remember.

  1251. i dreamt of cat. who is calling me in human voice.and scaring me.

    in other dream i saw myself with my friend traveling through a train.we are in very happy mood.

  1252. I saw a dream, but i think its not a ruya from allah, just some….. sometimes comes just pictures from the satan. In this dream there were dinosaur with long necks and they were killed from black afrikans because the dinosaur or other animals alike are like dangerous for them. The human or alike human were more stronger than the dinosours and they just killed them hard. It wasent a ruya, what i know !

  1253. i had a dream about a guy he is my friend ,al though he had a thick hair but i saw him hair loss from the front side of his head and i saw this for two times kindly tell what does that mean??

  1254. Salaam, I once had a dream where I was preparing for my own death. I wore a Hijab, I had myself cleaned and was in the process of cleansing my body. Although my family were sad in the dream, they were also happy. I was very happy. It wasn’t a bad dream at all. What does this mean? Jazakhallah!

    • salam sis,
      the dream is a good one, you r preparing mentally to remove some habit or some sort of stuff which is sinful or either does’nt go with the islamic law.
      think carefully somewhere deep down u r trying to cut down something bad.
      rest Allah knows best
      jazak alkhair

    • salam sis,
      the dream is a good one, you r preparing mentally to remove some habit or some sort of stuff which is sinful or either does’nt go with the islamic law.
      think carefully somewhere deep down u r trying to cut down something bad. and though the path wont be a bed of roses but it will lead u to be at bliss, that u know ur heart is pure and free from malice.
      rest Allah knows best
      jazak alkhair

  1255. salam
    i like someone and wish to get married to him but due to some misunderstandings in our families nothing is happening.
    one of my friend who doesnt knw that i like this person she dreamt that i was at a wedding all dressed up with that person and we looked extremely happy and we were getting our photographs taken and it looked like we were happily married.
    what is it supposed to mean.

  1256. selamun alejkum
    i would be very grateful if you help me with my dream
    i dreamt that i had given birth to a baby but i didnt know if it was a girl or a boy.and i saw myself breastfeeding the baby.and i saw milk pouring from my niples.i remeber that i loved tha baby very much and that baby gave me a very soft feeling.i have two sons and i am divorced .i could hardly wait for your answer



  1258. Assalamalaikum,
    Please help me in interpretation of my dream, i am married and happy with 3 kids. I have repeated dreams that i am getting married, and my husband is not there. my mother is there with me. This seems very strange. please help. I am troubled a lot with this.

    Sister Asma

  1259. I wanted to know i saw a dream where i was buried in kabr with kafan on my body n some small insects r biting me .plz tell me wht wht this dream signify

  1260. Please, help me shed light on those dreams!

    Almost a year ago, I prayed to find a jod and a good man to marry.

    Shortly after my prayers, I found a job.

    At my workplace, there was also a young man who showed a lot of interest in me.

    In the beginning I was a bit afraid to encourage his advances, and then other co-workers got jealous so there all kind of problems had started between him and me until I get fired by him for no apparent reason.

    During the time I spent there, I had a dream telling me if I have faith I will win. Another one, showed me an golden rosary etc.

    DREAM 1

    Many years ago, I had a dream of me in a beautiful and luxurious glass house getting ready on my weeding day.

    My future husband was in that house too… Then 2 girl friends of mine told me that you finally married a billionaire as you wished. He overheard the statement which hurt him a lot since he thought that my love was not sincere. He decided to run away from me.

    I then become desesperate and started running after him to try to explain him that his money meant nothing to me and that I love him from the bottom of my heart.

    When I went outside of the property I saw in the opposite corner of the street a big amount of dirt.

    During the dream I was only able to see his left hand. I knew also that he is shorter than me and his behavior was an important part as well.

    FACT 1

    When I met this young man at my former workplace, I was afraid to look at his hand not wanting to face I dont know why.

    When he started to show obvious interest in me, I realized that he has the same hand, body type and personnality as the young man in my dream. Moreover, someone told me that he was rich.

    When I started having problems with him, I was advised by those friends I mentionned in the dream and their brother.


    After being fired, I indulged myself in prayers and did novenas etc…



    At the second night of a novena to ask God to unite us if it meant to be.

    I dreamed that I was standing somewhere in an empty white space. He appeared walking toward me side by side with an other woman (arranged for him by the other co-workers during the time I was there).

    The woman was looking on her right side and so does him. They seemed to ignore each other and they ignored me as well. There clothes were of dark color. I was standing in a higher position than them and alone. I told him ”Look, she is pregnant” and suddenly, I was able to see her big tommy. He kneeled down at the girl’s feet who looked surprised while saying very happy and proud :”A baby, a baby”.

    I felt betrayed and so jealous.


  1261. Im a kid , and i saw hazrat musa a.s and i was scared of Musa a.s because hazrat musa a.s was staring at me with wide eyes and peeking from the door. My mother says it means your naik.

    • You know, that wrong dreams are very harram.If you tell a lie by a dream or dreams, You will punshed evry hard, maybe and i think “naik” is not so an good word, so dont use it here by…….

    • Hey Kid, Never mind what anyone says. Your dreams are yours. Sometimes asking about them on public blogs just gets ignorant responses.

      Search your dream here :

      And be careful of who you share your dreams with. It’s best to not tell people, even if they wish you the best, because your dreams are personal messages for YOU. They’re for you to ponder over, and look up. Look for symbols, and what they mean to you personally, and if you feel that you should be looking it up, then look it up in a reliable source. Also you can ask someone with knowledge and most importantly who you can trust. All the best.

  1262. Salam Alaikum,
    I had a dream that I went to the cemetery and saw that my friend’s casket (who passed away 2 weeks ago) was open. It was a rainy night. Her grave had her picture on it which I had never seen before. She was looking very healthy and I felt as if she was alive. She was wearing a white dress. She was breathing slowly and came to life. I was carrying her in my arms and she told me “Sara, I always knew you’d be there for me.” She looked very happy and smiled at me. What would this dream mean in Islam? Does anyone know?

    Thank you!

  1263. AOA..I had a dream that some kind of power ,kinda Robotic, is coming to kill me …coz around 3 years back i destroyed it ….when i leave to fight my mom asks me that if the news channels have my picture or not , to which i smile and say that no need for that , they can get it live when the need it ………. any idea what that means?

  1264. I had a dream last night that I was wearing a wedding dress, but I was late to my own wedding and because I was late my future husband didn’t want to wait for me so he just married someone else on the spot. And I don’t get what that means. If you’re wondering if I’m engaged or married now the answer is no I’m not. So my concern is what is the meaning of my dream. Can anyone tell me?

  1265. Asalamualaikum, I had a dream where I was being chased by something. I was running away until I got near a swimming pool. A snake appeared in front of me and tore into my stomach until its mouth was around my heart. A man came to help me but I told him not to since it would rip my heart out with it. Any ideas as to what this means? Thanks


  1266. After Fajr prayers this morning, i saw a dreram in which I was the guest of Sultan Qabboos of Oman. He gave my mother and wife some money and a 4×4 vehicle with a driver to go on a tour of the city while I spent the day with him in his palace. He was humbe. Also a black man extended his arm through a window and asked to be given and he gave him seven single notes of the Ghanaian(Ghana) currency.

  1267. I Had 3 kinds of dream:

    1- I was in a garden, there were 2 crane taps, one contained a paper where was written on: Allah
    The other contained a arm of a statue that was burning.
    So I heard a voice that said: Keep that paper in your pocket, and u are safe. So in that moment there came someone in a black burka or something like in horrormovies, and as he walked circles, there came light from the ground where he walked.. So i was really scared and wanna know what this means :S

    2- I was in a place, where there was green grass, and i was on it. My friend was throwing glass at me.. I was hit by the glass by my feet and knee,and head but i didn’t felt pain.. what does that mean?

    3- I was on a ship, made of the whool from a sheep, and i was sitting in it. That ship was moving in the clouds, and when i had a feeling we were by jannat, or passed jannat by, i heard a voice that said: You reached ur destination. What does that mean?


  1268. salaam

    i had dreams about people close to me, and they were ill for a few day when i had the dream who passed away in my dream?

    1st dream: was about my cousin who is the same age as me n the doctors told him you have cancer you got a few days to live so he told them he wants to go home and spent time with his family so he went home and all the people who were related to him were at his house as he wanted that and he was laughing and talking to us like, and he wasn’t scared to die and then he passed away while crying.

    then a week later i had another dream:
    this time it was my grandmother (dad’s mum), i phoned to see how she and my granddad was and my granddad (dad’s dad) picked it up and he told me my grandmother had passed away.

    then a week later after i had my second dream:
    My granddad had kidney problems and they were going to operate on him and i phoned a day before his operation to talk to him in case he doesn’t make it and when i phoned my uncle picked it up and told me that he had passed away..

    i was scared when i had these dreams as they do sometimes come true but i told my family after 3 days of having them and i am affected by black magic also so i was don’t know if it because of that but i was wondering if someone can interpret these dream for me please.


  1269. Salaam,

    I had this dream the other night and have been looking it up a lot on the internet but everything tells me different things. But here is the dream anyway; I was in my neighbor’s home holding my baby nephew who is 2 months. And there was an orange snack on the floor. And it passed my niece who is a few years older than my nephew but did not harm her. But I was still frightened in my dream and was trying to protect my niece & nephew.

    I also had another dream a few days after this one; when I looked in the mirror, I saw my right eye looked smaller then my left so I started washing my face. My eye ball then started to fall out. I don’t know what this could mean. Any ideas?



  1270. salaam
    i had a dream that one of my aunt is sitting on the chair and i fell on her and then my penis was on her vagina and i ejaculated.. and i woke up ..
    please help me with the interpretation

  1271. salaam
    i had a dream that one of my aunt is sitting on the chair and i fell on her and then my penis was on her vagina and i ejaculated..( it was not intercourse.. i just ejaculated and i woke up ..
    please help me with the interpretation

  1272. I tried once to do istikhara and had a dream one person i try to run away but that person is behind me all the time. I run faster but the distance between that person and me is still same.
    At the end we walk together on a path filled with green trees, and we are smilling??
    What does it mean?? its long time go and i still wonder some time what it might mean, I know that we can’t expect an answer if we perform istikhara but can anyone maybe help me a little??

    • As salaam alaikum.
      I was in a class where the (Sunni) sheikh talked about istakhara.
      He said you make istakhara to get a feeling in your heart about a matter. He said it had no connection to dreams. By that, I’m not sure if he meant dreams are not answered by istakhara or if he overstated it and meant that it’s not like you make istikhara and then you can expect that you will have the answer in the form of a dream. You may want to ask a sheikh about it, because I don’t understand why a dream could not in some cases be a way that the feeling of resolution comes in your heart.
      Anyway, he said you would not make istakhara about something that you know is commanded or prohibited, because you already know the answer. Otherwise you would go through a 3-step decision making process:
      1) Try to figure out through critical thinking – assess your options, need and resources
      2) Consult with someone appropriate for the issue – someone who has knowledge and experience in the area, or cares about you, etc. depending on what the issue is
      3) Make Istakhara to make the final decision

      If you do not get a feeling of knowing what’s best to do, you can repeat the istakhara. So if you don’t have resolution in this issue, I would suggest you repeat the istakhara.
      I heard another sheikh say “up to seven times”, but I don’t know if he had correct knowledge on this issue, so if you find you need to do it more than seven times, check with a sheikh.

      I hope this is helpful.

  1273. Take care,
    Some here on the islamic pages arent muslems. They speak and write any dirt. Just so. They have no life ! (What i know/ think)

  1274. after reading istekhara i dreamed that theres a small silver ball shining as if its shining under the sun in day light. could you please tell me what does this mean?

  1275. assalam-o-alaikum sir i saw a dream in which i saw hajr-e- aswad…i saw i was chatting to my freind and i saw some (jin girl)sitting behind in the room who said come i’ll tell u something and you will get very happy i got scared and went to my brother who was sitting on computer then near computer table there was a window in which i saw hajr-e-aswad i rapidly opend the window and touched it and my brother was also with me but didnt touch it please tell me the meaning of this dream..i’m not a punctual namazi but please reply as soon as possible because past few days my sister told me we will go or umrah i want to know its meaning thanks

  1276. and when i saw hajr-e-aswad that (jinn girl)said i wanted to tell u about this only…plz anyone let me know the meaning of it…i’m sharing my dream for the forst time thaks every1 ALLAH HAFIZ

  1277. I had a dream that really frightened me recently..

    My family and I were in the house I lived in when I was a child.. My father and his wife and my sister and my step sister were all sleeping on the floor in one of the rooms and I was sleeping in the other by myself.. In the dream I dreamt that there was a ghost telling me to stay away from my step sister so that I don’t harm her o hurt her.. so then I woke up in my dream in fear and there was this pressure on my chest and I could not move.. after five minutes I was able to move and I wanted to go to the bathroom to wash up to pray but there was a force that was pulling me back.. I fought the force and went to the bathroom and washed up.. then my father heard me crying and asked me what’s wrong so I told him that I was afraid and he told me to come sleep with the rest of them in the room.. when I went there I layed down on the floor and I saw a black insect crawling on my father’s chest.. after that I remembered that I didn’t pray so I went to the room that I was sleeping in I put the praying carpet (sejada) in the direction of the qibla, but the carpet moved on its own to the right. so I put it in the direction of the qibla again, and it moved to the left.. and everytime I tried to put it in the direction of the qibla it kept moving to a different direction on its own..

    then I woke up and I was sweating and my heart was beating very quickly.. please explain to me what this dream means, becuase since I dreamt it, I haven’t been able to sleep well..

    • There is one or more jinn’s sent over to target you and this black magic is also done to your father. Intention of this is seen as to stop your interference with your step sister. Interference can be like your getting a better name or praise or are seen as a favourite girl when compared to her or you having a command over her or controlling her or asking her to do some activites that she is not willing to. At the time of dream, a jinn was actually pressing itself on your chest. Your religious activities will be subjected to difficulties and you will have to face constraints in performing religious deeds that were able to be performed before so easily. That force which pulled you back is that same jinn only. The black magic done on your father is to confuse his liking for you and change his willing activities shown towards you. You are also targetted to change your path from the righteous path to follow the wrong and commit haram in religious activities. Take note, that jinn is very powerful and will not let even others who know the right path to inform you or alert you on your incorrect path, unless that person who wishes to correct your wrong path has strong religious deeds to his name. Watch what is happening to you this weekend and you will know it. Give alms and see what haram earnings are in your premises. If there are people who confuse you on what is right and what is wrong, recite aayathul kursi at that instant immediately and continue reciting it until you feel that calm come over you. You will get it when that happens.

  1278. Assalam walekum
    I wanted to know about my dream which is.
    I see that my tooth is falling when i just touch my tongue or finger on it & its contain germs.
    please let me know about this i have seen this dream so many time.

    Thank you,


  1279. Assalam walekum
    I tried once to do istikhara and had a dream one person i try to run away but that person is behind me all the time. I run faster but the distance between that person and me is still same.
    At the end we walk together on a path filled with green trees, and we are smilling??
    What does it mean?? its long time go and i still wonder some time what it might mean, I know that we can’t expect an answer if we perform istikhara but can anyone maybe help me a little??
    Will someone please help me, please.

  1280. SA. I am facing some troubling times, I was doing my studies abroad and abruptly ran into some visa issues which made it difficult for me to return to my school. Yesterday, I had a dream in which I saw myself in one of my alma mater (not the current university where I am enrolled). I talked to a faculty member who invited me to join her in some refreshments but I thanked her and not joined her, saying some other time may be. Interestingly, I am wearing some Henna on my hair at the moment and the green paste is dripping from my sideburns which I m cleaning as we speak. I kept smiling in the dream. Please, can someone interpret it for me.

  1281. Al Salam Alikomo Wa-Rahmat Allah Wa-Barakatoh.

    I was walking in the street, then I have seen a shiny rounded whorl (or planet) when I had elevated my head to look at the sky, there was a great whorl exactly above my head, it was larger than the moon, may be in size of the sun, but its colours were mostly white, and little mauve (blue-red). It was not a sun, because it was night, the sky was black.
    I had felt awe, as I thought that it was large because the sky may become nearer from me, then I went to home, and in my room window, I looked and pointed to my mother to see the great shiny whorl, and indeed she saw it.
    Then I found that the whorl was placed over the complete shiny moon, the whorl above and was larger with white and mauve colours, the moon was below the whorl, and was white rounded and in its normal size.

    Kindly let me know your opinion, thanks a lot.

  1282. my wife had a dream that lions are attacking at her bt she fights bravely and they do not hurt plz tell me the tabir of my that dream…………………….GOD bless us all amen


  1284. aslamualaykum
    iv’e had this dream about me leaving home after my mom found out i wanted 2 marry of my own choice & i know my parents wudnt let me marry him enewayz the dream was my Mom found a card from him & was shouting at me so i packet my bags & left Home & went with him later on i returned for my things & my father told me 2 stay but i left agen enewayz

    i had this dream after fajr & i dnt know if it has a meaning or not can ene1 halp me plz

    jazakallah hair ‘

  1285. i had a dream of being pregnant and im only 14
    another one was about the day of qiyamma and i was crossing a bridge.
    can u tell me what this means?
    jazakallah hair ‘



  1286. I was walking in the streat, walking away withbad meat ( I guss) beast bird was sleeping high on the tree branch, I thought he will not see me. I reached a place when shaytan attached me I saw a vwry scary faces in the computer screen, they wanted to spill me. I keept reading Ayat Al-kursi. I felt my head and back was compltly occupied, lots of actions, I was trying to wake up with no use while Im reading ayat Al-kursi over and over trying to get my daughter’s help Alaa who I thought was sleeping next to me. no use then I talked to AllahSWT” oh God you said who ever read this Ayah will be protected, then I felt the things leaving my back body and I woke up, wal-hamdullah.

  1287. By the way I was thinking about unhappy things that happened to me in my life, although I sleeped on my right side and read Ayat Al-Kursi. I also was listening to Surat Al-Baqara while I was sleeping.

  1288. Hey what is going on before the dreams were interperted so quickly Is there no one there who is experienced enough to do it anymore. Plus dont dreams have to be interperted by someone who is so pious literally and never misses a salat and is like a saint who understands sharia and actually goes by it himself or herself. Plus there is so many of these black magic and jinn possessed dreams posted on this site it is so sad to see Muslims affected b these kinds of things . Also there is so many so called mawlanas and molvis out there who pretend to know things and want good for us fellow muslims but instead do the opposite and sit and watch the fun. These people who play with jinns are the ones who lets so many people have these dreams of snakes dogs etc because they have unleashed their evil on them. Fellow Muslim brothers and sisters go to utube and watch these videos on black magic and jinn possessions and you will realize why you are having quiet a bit of these kinds of dreams. May Allah protect us from these kinds of evil ulemas out there lterally flourishing with our sufferings

    • We do have to keep in mind that we are nearing the judgement day, with each new signs of world destruction going on, in one way or the other, obstructions to follow islam preachings, and worldly pleasures overtaking oneself. Most of the problems created for oneself lie within each one/family member itself for going against islam’s preaching. Like in a verse goes as your destiny/fate hangs on your neck only. There are so many self/family related haram activities linked to these happenings on black magics and jinn effects, and not necessarily that only the mawlanas/molvis are involved in it. There may be some/many pious Mawlanas/Molvis whom God only knows, how many are there, and your (Mr./Mrs./Miss Warner) observations may create a bad image on them, by those who are literally weak in islam’s preachings. I am not a Mawlana/Molvi and neither am related to one. As for dream interpretation, one with a better knowledge on it and granted with the knowledge on what it means, can immediately realize what one’s dream is referring to. With the actual male person’s face, character known, it is more easier to testify on a dreamer.

  1289. Further in response to your comments towards what I had posted above you couldnt be more wrong about what you wrote in defense towards these evil ulemas. There are so many out there who put up such a good front and for someone who is neither one nor related to one you seem quiet defensive and protective against these evil jinn playing maulanas. After being inflicted by blackmagic and sahar which involved a evil jinn and seeking help in all the wrong places including ending up at a kafirs and trusting these evil maulanas and movlis my mission in life now is to warn and tell people about my experience and if just by doing that I can prevent one person who is inflicted by these evils from not turning to these evil maulanas and only turning to Allah and the genuine pious ones who only follow quran and sunnah for help and true guidance I will have insha allah done my job. As for how you indicated that destiny/fate hangs on your neck only I would appreciate if you could post that verse that says that. I remember a hadith of the prophet (pbuh) that says nothing changes the course of your destiny except for evil eye. So when you say destiny hangs by your neck this is what these evil jinn playing maulanas say when they try to terorize their poor unsuspecting victims by telling them that they are in control of their destiny just because they have mastered the art of controlling and unleashing their evil hideous jinns or playing and controlling including transferring the ones already on them. These evil jinn playing maulanas even unleash jinns on peoples minds to control them like their puppets astagfirullah. There is one thing however no matter how knowledgeable they might be in playing or doing bandish with jinns and thinking themselves as being appointed by Allah to judge people these very jinn playing maulanas are nothing in the sight of Allah azzawajal for Allah can in a second reverse all their tortures and suffering being inflicted on these people right back at them alhamdulillah. Furthermore for you Further to not either be a maulana /molvi nor related to one knowing how you interpret someones dreams by seeing their face is amazing how you take such interest in reading what type of dreams people have when you could have just posted a note saying in order to get the true meaning of your dreams analyzed you need to go to a pious maulana or person who strictly aders to sharia and show your face because posting them on sites like these and not showing your true character or face is futile. I hope insha allah more and more people are given the courage to post their experiences with nightmares and figuring out what really is going on in their lives so we all can learn from others mistakes and experiences so maybe just maybe insha allah we dont make those types of errors in life

    • Assalamu Alaikum Warner, Time to start with a salaam for you, as you seem to have been severely disturbed by some activity happening in your life. Well, for that verse, please review through either in sura 16 or 17, its a line. I will again state that not all Moulanas/Molvi are evil oriented whatever be your experiences with just a few among them. And dream interpretation is not a knowledge that one attains fully like gaining from education. It is a knowledge that is bestowed on a few in this world and I cannot ask a person who writes in this blog to go and ask a Moulana/Molvi for its interpretation. It is not like any one of that status can interpret it. Its much more than that. And the reason why face and that person’s character play an important role, when a dream is told for interpretation, is realizable by those who can interpret it. That does not mean that these dream interpretation seekers post their face in web pages. Most of them like to keep their identity a secret for they have their own reasons, private dreams, and others. And dreams cannot be interpretated just by looking at a face without asking them what they want to be interpreted. And there is also one more verse that goes as ‘where there is haram interest money, saitan enters that place’. This verse has a lot of meanings in it, including for this topic. And some persons, not necessarily they be a Moulana/Molvi, have the tactic and powers to send a jinn to another person. Yes, I very well know about that. And the purpose of that is to do good or bad, I cannot argue on that, as they are doing it and I have no intention of going further on that. You may warn others on that, but better dont over react to pass the blame on all of them. Your hadith on Prophet (saw) may not be complete, please review it again. Prophet(saw) reply to a question raised by one of the companions on this evil eye can also be found.

      • Further, as per your recommendation I looked up the verses in sura 16/17 and there is no such verse where it says as your destiny/fate hangs on your neck only. I will tell which verse does indicatesomething about neck however. Its in sura Bani Israil and it is verse (14) And every mans works have we fastened to his neck, and on the day of resurrection we shall bring out for him a book which he will find wide open.
        The only other verse in that sura that has neck mentioned is verse (30) And keep not thy hand chained to thy neck, nor stretch it out an entire stretching, lest thou sit down blamed or exhausted.

        I tried to go through my sahial bukhari summary book that I have to review the hadith about destiny being changed only by evil eye but cant seem to find the evil eye section in there but I will find it and let you know . Also I never said for these bloggers to post their face on this site I do have a brain. As for the knowlege being bestowed on a few in this world only to interpret dreams is bogus. Knowledge for anything is for everyone who seeks and tries to learn and understand. The bestowed part is only for those who play with jinns and that Allah doesnt say that you have knowledge of jinns so I have bestowed dream interpretation only on you few. These are things that these jinn playing mawlanas will say . I dont mean to anger you but I think everyone should seek knowledge from the authentic sources and true Islamic teachers who dont play with jinns and strictly aders to sharia with quran and sunna. I think anyone that tries to intimidate another with the knowledge of anything which makes them feel superior over another should be looked into and not feared. No one is beyound Allah azzawajal.

        • Assalamu alaikum Warner, fIne. I appreciate your quest to find out whether the verses are there and to get hold of it. Good, that’s a positive sign for a person. You do write calmly. Is that verse not in sura 17? And you may search for your hadith verses but it is there in one, only that, there are some words or so, left out there in your statements. When you try to find something to prove your point, you will inturn gain more knowledge by going through several other different fields of hadiths and Quran verses. Isn’t that a blessing. Your own prayers (requests) to God can also change your destiny. Your parent’s prayer can change your destiny. One muslim brother praying secretly for another brother’s good can also change his destiny. Praying to God has it itself.
          You are positive oriented towards learning and gaining knowledge, but your ‘bogus’ word, I cannot accept also. I don’t intend to argue it out here any further, as this opinion of yours, seem to be of not point for me to proceed further. Your attitude is positive but needs some fine tuning to realize something. As both of us are in one same following path and inorder not to make this topic escalating and let saitan have its laugh, I shall leave this topic as it is, now.
          Keep reviewing and reading Quran verses with more insight to it and not just to the outer glanced meanings alone, as Quran one sentence, sometimes come with tremendous meanings in it. You may learn over period of time of what I meant, as there are indications of what I meant in Quran also. I have no hard feelings against you and hope that you may get cured of what troubles you are in or were in. Take care and dont forget to pray thahajjat (if you are not performing them), it will make you more wise and give you more capacity to interpret dreams. Pray thahajjat calmly and recite slowly and after 40 days of its continuous praying, you may Insha Allah, know your difference.
          Warner, why not do a favour for passing down some history to others. I see your quest to search to find out something to show what you intend to. Try to get the history of happenings in elephant year just before our Prophet (sal) was born, on those army of elephant’s trying to attack Mecca and what happened to them when they neared the holy place, those birds sent by God. Can you? Seek and you will also gain knowledge. Salaam Warner

        • You know further I feel sorry for you, I dont want to argue with you anymore either. But what you say and what you in reality you do is very contradictory. My struggle and fight at first I thought was with the kafirs only who mislead muslims by putting shaytan on them because I for one and many like me were weak in our man and thought they could remove their evil that was put on me by some very malicious hman beings but now I realize that my struggle and fight is also with the munafiq maulanas and molvis who hurt unsuspecting people by getting all their information and something that belongs to them so they can forever play with them and torture them and who mislead people and think that Allah has give them the authority to punish people because in life they were misguided by people of authority and severley wronged by them. My only comfort comes knowing Allah has included them with the zalimoons. This evil maualana who thought he was beyound Allah and tried to undo what my inlaws did to avoid my husband being maried to someone else and ended up tieing me to his shaytan to make me suffer and for him to be patient . If the parents wanted sometihing else who was this maualana whose intention was never to help us but to make us suffe with each other because I told him off knowing what his true intentions were isnt it Allah that decides in the hearafter and not human beings in duniya.. What does Allah say about one who inflicts torture and pain over another that he himself will suffer that same infliction or worse insha allah. These evil jinn playing maulanas once you open your mouth against them they try to control your brain and thinks that person wont know or if we do we will fear them well guess what try as hard as you can there is no jinn mighter or smarter then Allah who sees what they do. Let this maulana do what he wants , if inflicting more torture on me and bringing me down some more gives you pleasure go on do it I put my trust in Allah alone one day insha allah soon Allah will stop people like this. First he sits and ses how far these zalimoons will go. Kafirs are kafirs their fight and their main goal is to make muslim go astray but muslims its quiet sad that when Allah gives someone something good and these evil maulanas find out they cant have that right its only them and their kids who are allowed to climb high right. This maulana still plays with my brain to control me ad scare me and blocks all my good dreams ou and only allows the dreams he wishes his jinns to let me see but you should know right. Tthis evil maualana wants to make me crawl to him that also I leave to Allah You know what he also told us that he could control both sides of the family like as though he was God himself.. But just remember there will be more and more like me who will speak out against these types of zalimoons insha allah. It is amazing how when I posted my thing you knew it was me and posted yours to contradict me and then decided to become my friend. Well thanks for all your advice and no hard feeling here either. I dont plan to be this evil jinn playing maulanas puppet anymore insha allah. I will no longer argue any more points with you on this site so do what you have to you dont frighten me anymore.. I leave this jinn controlling maulana and everyone along with him who has hurt me and still does to Allah alone..

          • Assalamu Alaikum Warner, My sincere regrets for what you have been going through, after reading what you have put forward on your related issues. Meeting with a wrong person (that person whom you are informing) unknowingly, has landed you in such a difficult situation. Keep giving alms to poor/needy and Insha Allah, you will get relief from what you are suffering from, for a certain period of time, based on your wealth you have given. Well, I never ever had any idea of frightening you, anyway. I can understand somethings of what you may have been experiencing. So, we leave as muslim friends and interestingly, we both seem to have consumed a lot of long writing space here. May fulfilled peace engulf you all around. Salaam.

  1290. assalamu alaikum

    i saw last night my to left central incisor teeth is fall when i jump to a swimming pool , is Islam says anything about this??i am so confuse please help me

  1291. I saw bad dreams four times when i was sleeping as follows:

    1.In my dream,i saw a hug(big) vehicle hitting me and i fell down on the road and i also saw myself bleeding blood

    2.I do not remember the second one.

    3.In my dream,On the bay before my birthday i came back from college and had a good dinner and i went to sleep my parents try to wake me up for wishing me on my birthday but i did not wake up and i was able to see my family members crying.

    4.In my dream,I was driving bike and a car hit me i feel down on the road and i saw the bike over my legs and i was also bleeding blood from my back side of my head.

    i kindly request you to answer my dreams

  1292. assalamu alaikum
    I had a dream when i was in the flying inda air sitting on like a yellow carpet and a baby was with me sitting to. I had long hair and i was holding a object in the air and yellow circle beams were coming to it. Then after the beams stopped i pointed it at a city and the whole city turn kinda bronze goldish color. This reminded me of a picture of Isa on the last judgement as if i took his form. Can you help me firgure this out?

  1293. salam.. i always dream abt i hav daughter(s) but i still not married yet.. n also i dream about snakes coming towards me n try to bite me.. i am cnfuse because i always get this kind of dream.. ppl say that dream abt snake or animals is not good because it symbolise as gene (syaitan).. plis tell me the meaning direct to my email too.. thanks..

    • Dreaming about snakes mean enemies or people trying to do harm to you. If the snake does bite you, it means someone is trying to do bad to you. I hope this has helped.

  1294. salaam
    I had a dream that I saw Muhammad’s salallahu aleyhim wa salaam name in the sky. then it dropped and turned into a key made of gold.
    also one I was dreaming that i was reading the noble quran and praying constantly. another dream that was kind of scary was that I saw the full moon circulating the sky. I’d appreciate it if you would interprete these dreams for me.pls send to this email: jazzakalllahu khayr in advance
    wa salaam 🙂

  1295. Over the course of a week I have dreamt about dolphins on 3 separate occasions. In one of them the dolphin was in a pool of dirty water and when I was going in to swim with it, something happened where I realised there was danger in the water hence I didn’t go in. The second dream I had was where I was stroking the dolphins head and it was really friendly and sociable. I can’t recall the third one. Please could you interprete these dreams for me. Jazakallah

  1296. Further, or should I say shafique /maulana I know who you are , I am for this instance going back on my word as I had said I will not argue anymore points with you on this site anymore but I think that I should warn the poor unsuspecting women sisters out there who post their good dreams on this site . Please sisters in Islam this person who interprets your dreams keeps an eye out for those sisters who have good dreams about the prophet etc. Please only reveal those to someone dear and trustworthy and not for people in general to see as I did exactly what some of you on this site are doing . I would reveal my good dreams to everyone and never realized the extent of jealousy people have inside and what they can do to ruin that so that you don’t have those anymore. Treasure what Allah has granted and be grateful to him as even revealing it on this site these people who interpret it you don’t know who they are and what they are capable of and if they ask for your e-mail address and are maulanas they can put jinns in your e-mails . This is how this Further person knew I had given alms last Friday. He is the person who came to my house from England pretending to help us and took my e-mail under false pretext. In all my postings as Warner I never posted that I had given charity just few days ago. Figure that out people. Please sisters be careful. I would never want any other women to go through what I went through. As shafique interpreting my dreams he got to me last time when I posted my dreams as Naz and after I gave him my e-mail for a private interpretation not knowing who he really was, he asked me which country I was from and figured out it was me as the e-mail address he had taken once a different compared to the one I had posted on this site. So once again please be warned. As for you further you can revive or bring alive your jinn or who evers on both me and my husband you are still nothing in front of Allah azzawajal. And another thing you are not our friend so quit trying to be one you dont fool us anymore.

      See what comes out of advising and helping people!!! Others are all quiet and no one comes out to support, while one goes out saying whatever she wants. Warner, I am unable to forgive you on this. COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR MIND. NEXT WORLD. LET JUDGEMENT BE SETTLED THERE.

    • Salaam, sister you are saying to us that this further person is not who we think he is like he is a bad person and that we should not post our dreams on this site coz of people like him who become jealous??,, true sister we dont know who is behind the screen interpreting out dream,, and well said sister he is nothing in front of Allah. so thank you sister for warning us all, jizakullah khair alot sister..

  1297. salam sis.. lately i always dream abt i hav a baby girl, sometimes she is small (1-2yr old) n smtmes like 5-6 yr old.. so many time like this..
    and before this i always dream abt the end of the day(kiamat), n after so long time, i dreamt again last nite abt the end of the day.. wat does these dreams meant?

  1298. Asalam o Alaikum

    I saw a dream in my dream i was walking on a path and it was a night with a full moon and it was not much dark bcoz of moon light and then on the left along my path i saw a very very huge tree and very green and it had very big leaves and so many leaves on that tree and then at once i saw so many birds coming infront of moon and forms into a kalimah ” la illaha illalah” and then i woke up…

    i saw this one month before but i cant find meaning of this anywhere…
    pls tell me the meaning of this…

  1299. hi this dream is really old i had it when i was about 7 now im 16.

    My mom was in the kitchen and she was made of chocolate but still looked very similar and was minding her business. Therefore i took couple of bites from her. she was crispy and nice.

    • when you have a bad dream it best to wait 3 dayz and then if you want to share it with people you can. as within the 3 dayz you tell the dream it can cum true..

  1300. This is to let people know to be aware of these people whom we went to see after black magic and sahar got done to us . These people whose names I will list here instead of helping us were doing things so hideous and evil that a normal and decent human being couldnt even comprehend or let alone think in our wildest dreams of doing to another human being. In case if anyone ever even hears of these peoples names please re-consider do not make the mistakes I made. I after being tortured by their evil, thinking they were helping me remove the evil that was put on me when actually they were really hurting us beyond comprehension.As I mentioned before we ran from one person to the next as what we and specially me was dealing with was with a evil jinn and sahar which was placed on me by my inlaws and my own family. I am still being tortured by them but you cant really figure out who out of these or is it one after the other that takes turns. Before something really bad happens to me I want people out there to be aware of these people the last one I went to see was the worst and to think he calls himself a herbalist yet deals with jinns and shaytan and rips people off to no end. This person had fed me so many unknown herbal pills which I stupidly took and he did dua on water and all I remember him saying is the last part which is ya ali madad and made us drink it and I ended up in the emergency as I had a major infection in my stomach and my bleeding wouldnt stop and I knew he did something so wrong as after that couldnt read salat like I used to and my eyes for a couple of days went sorta blind and after that my dreams went in darkness he had put something very evil to block my goodness away. The night we came back from him after drinking the water I dreamt of this dark figure snatching my lights or turning it off and I knew what he had done to me was pure evil. Not to make my story any longer here is the list of these peoples names and these are their real names as I dont fear them anymore but dont want them to ever hurt any other unsuspecting human beings again.

    (1) Abdul hamid who lives in surrey British Columbia and is a skinny old man with a white beard whom you would never suspect but he literally deals with the devil.

    (2) Maya and Sharma who are hindus and they say that 90% of their clients astagfirullah is muslims and some of whom they have totally turned into kafirs. They used to live in Surrey but now has moved to Edmonton.

    (3)Further whose name I wont mention just out of respect for his wife she is the most pious and caring women I ever came across .

    (4) Mohamed Zaidi who lives in Vancouver who is a herbalist but also deals with shaytan and jinn and made me end up in emergency. He is the one who literally put me in darkness .
    These people think they are beyond Allah , I guess it was weakness in my iman and fear of what was happening that I turned to evil to fight evil. But alhamdulillah I came across the most genuine and pious Sheiks who helped me with quran and sunna and literally guided me back towards the straight path alhamdulillah.

    Please brothers and sisters save yourselves from these kinds of people and never give out your personal information or let anyone have your pictures , hair or colthes etc. May Allah protect all the muslims out there from this type of hell ameen.

  1301. I knew some what i think they play really with magic and maybe they are infected with magic too. They came too me as what they wanted are just good things and people, i didnt trusted/believed them. They came up at me like they wanted too help me, i didnt wanted to their held. They came at me later like they need my help, when i had compassion with them and gave them feeling like(liking or maybe love or compassion and later hate) they get you in their blackword and when you try to forget them, they dont let you (they sent things, people…..) so you stay thinking or liking….. them and so they control your mind and body. When you are better and they are the bad ones, they try to make it like you are the worst humanbeing and have no good things like (money/job, strong friends……), but they have and are. They let you like in a cage, where you can not speak with them or other with other about that (because its inbelieveable) and you cant take your right, because they have money or fame or friends everywhere (group) and the most people dont think that such people use magic or the bad energie.
    What you must do is believe in yourself and good and try to dont trust their words or….. You must hate them and forget them and dont forget what you have bee throught because of them, so you could learn for the future, from everywhere.
    Those who i spoke about are singer/actress/ even politcian ……
    they have the mind-word. This word is an schock for those who didnt knew it. They could with that read your thought, you could give you some bad thoughts and they could really control your thoughts/body and later heart and at the end your soul is like an slave……
    So take care everyone.
    writer: Ouided Ouakel

  1302. Background: I proposed to one girl, but her mum fell ill and so her family said no, but for me to wait and maybe once she gets better, so I said I will wait, in the meanwhile I met Girl 2 through work.

    Can someone interpret this for me:
    In a dream I am sitting opposite girl 2 I know and my mum is standing behind me, she begins to uncover her hijab and I hear my mum say the time of girl 1 is over, and it is now the time for girl 2….

    I woke up, scared as I had a constant feeling it may have been because I had forgotten to pray a couple of namaz’s the day before….

  1303. i had a dream that my wedding was in a few hours, everyone tells me to get ready and i am just crying and crying i dont wanna get married and then i am sitting on a table with my parents and we r all having food and i am still crying.. the entire background is of my old house, that i haven’t visited for so many years .. wat could this dream possibly mean…







  1304. Assalamu Alaykum,

    I had a dream a couple of nights ago, but can only remember a part of it. I was laying down and turned to my side and saw SOMETHING floating…wasnt a human being….and it said to me, i put sihr on you on this …showing me a folder??… and i remember looking for it in the dream and i couldnt find it …please can you let me know what this might indicate?

    • Walkuim asalaam. It may mean that someone has put sihir on you. It doesn’t matter wither you know who or what it is, it is important to do roqya, and read the Quranic verses that will protect and undo what has been done. (These are the last three ayas of Surah Baqarah, Surah. Al-Hasher.Ayat al-kursi, Surah Al-Ekhlas, Al-Nas, and Al-falaq).
      Wa Allahou Alaim.

  1305. Assalamualaikum.

    My mother has been having the same type of dream the past two days. According to her descriptions, she saw that she was building a home with her parents, who by the way, have passed away. My mother always have been able to say if something terrible is to happen in our family, in other words, she gets hints of death coming. I, too, can sense sometimes of what is to happen – if it is something we will be upset for. She said that when she was a child, she heard from elders that ” Building/Planning a house/home/apartment ” meant to planning their own grave. I greatly doubt what she says and I don’t believe it one bit. If someone would make me sure of what the dream actually meant, I’d be really grateful. Have a great day ahead everyone. Allah Hafez x

    • salaamz,






  1306. assalam wale kum

    I had a dream that i am with some one and than i see a kabar(grave) white in colour quite white and bottom (paitiana) of the grave i dug in the ground than i find two knifes in the ground one big and one small as soon as i took it out there were many people came running towards me n scared to kill than i woke up can any one tell what is the meaning of the dream

  1307. Salam,
    My mother did istakhara for me for my second marriage, and she had two dreams.
    1. She saw my son crying in a ground , while she was standing on a hill looking for me.
    2. My son was standing near a staircase, of our house, and telling my mother that he wished he had a father.

  1308. I am a muslim girl, last night i saw in my dream that i and my husband bought something from a store and then comes the bill.(the bills are always paid by my husband in real life). The bill was just a blank white piece of paper with nothing mentioned over it. I make my usual signature at the bottom of it which when my husband notices and says ” why do u write your name like this? It appears as if its my name written”. (In real life i always make my signature with my maiden name). Then he says that look and starts writing on paper the first letter of my name and explains how it resembles the first letter of his name. When i look closely the first letter of my name that he wrote actually looked like his name’s first letter. Then he wrote my complete first name on the paper in a different and beautiful style and said this is how u should write your name. The ink color was blue. Can u kindly interpret it for me??

  1309. Salam
    Please can someone advice me to what my dreams means….

    Before I got married I dreamt…..

    I dreamt that me and other strangers where in a
    Bus station and we were all lost, it was hectic everyone trying to find there bus. All of a sudden coloured clouds started forming over each bus. Everyone was mesmerised by it. Everyone knew which bus to catch, confusion was over we all got on our buses. Everyone muttering in the bus and looking through the window, there was a lady next to me on the bus, I said to her this is the miracle of our Allah.

    While I was pregnant I dreamt…..

    1. saw 3 snakes
    2. me and my family going on a journey to next town with seven sitter bus, big brother is the driver. Not clear which other family members where there in the bus, but there where some family member in the vehicle. Through the window I can see greenery scenery, all of a sudden we hear adhan, we stop the vehicle middle of no where, every one running towards a construction sight, feels as though it’s a mosque being built, we all make a row to pray. The feeling was positive in the dream.

    Recently I dreamt…..
    My husband come to my mums, I can see him through the upstairs window, he looking at me smiling. I am in a rush gathering stuff, do not know what. All (people) I know we are all meeting up somewhere to pray, it felt as though it’s the end of time, and everything’s seem manic, no ones there. While I was gathering things in a rush, husband following me around, but not saying anything just smiling. Am not saying anything either. That was after fajr prayer and I was sleeping on my right hand side.

    I will appreciate greatly if some someone could translate my dreams for me.
    Jazakallah khair

    • salaam

      when you see a snake in your dream it represents an enemy who hides his hostility. A snake in one’s house represents a Female enemy or a relative.

  1310. Hi,

    I had a dream where I asked my mom for a prayer rug, and she said the only one she had for me was a solid black prayer rug. I feel as if this was a bad sign. Could you tell me what it means?

  1311. What is the meaning of a dream whr i dream I was in my prayers clothes (telekong) and there were others in prayers clothes too. I was about to pray (doa) when I woke up.

  1312. Go to your local masjid and ask your imams for interpretations they are the shields of your community as well as teachers.

  1313. last time I dream that my husband is offering my 2 year son as sacrifice to Allah (s.w.f ) in the same the prophet Ibrahim (a.s) did. My husband missed out baby’s head and cut instead baby’s belly. My son was not suffering. The sacrifice was delayed because my son was aslept and I was crying my soul out. Can you tell me please what this dream means?


      • Hi
        I saw my husband was giving my 2 years son as sacrifice to Allah (s.w.t) in the same that Ibrahim (a.s) did for Ismael (A.s). My son was not suffering. However, in the first attempt instead of cutting his head, my husband started the sacrifice at the level of the waist of my son. My son was not suffering at all! My sisters were at home for the rituals.It looked like normal events for everyone else except for me. I cried a lot in the dream.

        Can you please tell me what this sacrifice of my son means in that dream?

        Thanks for reverting at your earliest.

        • Assalamualikum sister in Islam,

          There are three types of dream,1 good dreams frm Allah(swt), 2 Bad dreams from shytan 3 rumbling of mind .However,the dream you saw alhamdulillah it’s one of the good dream.To offer a sacrifice in a dream means to fulfill one’s promises, relief from difficulty, healing of the sick, or increase in one’s earnings.

      • Salaam Walaikum. . .
        Today i was in majzid hearing to the bayaan of a Amir saab of a zamat.
        I was seating full straight and hearing him attentively. I was saying the kalima “Taiyab” in my mind at the same time. I had a sudden visualisation in which i saw that a “Pagri” or Turban was on my head.
        I was wearing a cap but i saw clearly n my visual that a pagri was placed on my head.Brother please interpret my visual for me. Please send it to me at / . May Allah tallah bless us all. . . . . . .

  1314. Assalamualaikum. I wish to know more. I dreamt about my ex-boyfriend. In the dream, he did not say anything at all. He kept silent. But at the present moment, I’ve been with my current boyfriend for 4 years. Why do I keep dreaming of my ex-boyfriend when I have no feelings for him at all? And I sometimes I dream that I’m pregnant. It’s as though I can really feel my stomach is heavy and pregnant. And another disturbing dream. I don’t know whether is that me or another person. I saw a body covered in a white cloth (laying in a room) with 2 people watching. They are not mourning. When I was observing the body from outside the room, I don’t know why I was overwhelmed with sadness and I cried.

  1315. Asala, I would like to know the meaning of my dream………….Last night I dreamed my toung is full of blood, From the mouth till my shoes,,,,,I scrashed the top skin of my toung by myself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the blood decreased till I woke up ………………..this is my first time i dream this please let me know what it means

  1316. I had a dream in which i saw my ex boyfriend. He was wearing a black suit and over it he was wearing a white gown. Any idea what that signifies? and in my dream the whole time i was trying to get his attention but he was ignoring me.

  1317. Aslam walikum
    i saw a very strange dream last night
    my mother was pregnant and she was carrying my elder brothers child
    in my dreams 8 months passed and then i asked my brother “u have not married someone ?” and then i came to know tht she was carrying my brothers child ..i did know tht she was carrying my brothers child but only at tht time i came to realize tht

    and another dreams i saw was tht at night i was at my grandmothers house and it was around 2 pm ….i was locking up the door of my house then suddenly i saw a spirit or man wearing black blue clothes coming down a building by a rope and then in a second came and stood just infront of my grandmas house …soon i realized tht it was spirit and i started reciting duas and then my mom dad also came and started reciting duas and then tht spirit went away………

    i hope u’ll reply soon

  1318. salaam, i had a dream that me and my mum went to my doctors to check me out and she said to me: ” sorry but you might have cancer, we will make an appointment for you in hospital to make sure” and when she told me i got happy and said ”alhumdullilah” and my mum was looking at me like why she happy then me and mum went home and i go to family ”guest whatt the doctor said i might have cancer” i was happy when i said that.. and i got an appointment this friday with my doctor and am scared as my dream might come true as they have in the past. can anyone tell me the meaning off this pplease before Friday please jizaks salaam

    Last night a saw horrible dream even very night i recite aayatul kursi.i saw different dreams all mixed up.firstly i saw one of my uncle who is not in touch with us came home and going after that and my family members all are crying very badly and he is also.secondly i saw in my room in front of my mother i’ve done potty on the floor with lot of bad smell coming through it.then i saw my self going over a bridge sawed a helicopter over my head then aside river it was interpreting as its is hiding from me…
    then i gone to a market from there a man follwed me i tried to hide but i was unable to hide from him.i asked him why and how u r following me he said a dog bite me,now my nose is very sensitive and i can smell u.then i stayed in unknown building with a small boy i said prepare tea for them the people who wer following me..i said to the b oy wen there would be busy in drinking tea i would ecape and after that u too…..i paid some amount of rupees to that small boy to do my work of preparing tea and and making them fool, so tht i can escape…
    please help me out….
    Shadab Ali

  1320. Its very an intresting writes up on the intepretation of dreams, may Allah add more grace to elbow amin. I had a dream, i saw myself in front of much people and later on i heard a voize saying”habib one day people will come to your back”.

  1321. Aoa,
    I saw my friend in my dream talking to me, but all I could see was his face n no body, shoulder or neck. He spoke negative n kind of fought with me purposely and said bye.When leaving I turned from my right side and as i just moved my head towards my right shoulder to go, somehow i suddenly look back at him and I saw that his face was of human where as his body was of a black python snake, and instead of a tail, I saw another human plus snake face i.e his face with snake features with a blood red mouth and a tongue; that face was talking in a different language and when i payed attention it was the mother tongue of my friend, and he was talking to a female human figure that was opaque and not very visible, my friends face turned towards the face on his tail and there was a grin on both the faces, a suspicious look. where as the whole surrounding was kind of white no floor no sky kinda space or more like a studio picture where the whole back ground is one.This dream has disturbed me as well as my friend and I need the reply asap plz. but I hope it’s not bad 😦 coz he’s someone very close to me.I woke up crying and shivering as all the three faces where looking at me with a grin 😦

  1322. Salaam,
    I had a dream that I had a 2 year old daughter and and she was shouting ‘Mummy’. This dream occurred every night for 5 nights, but then a week later I dreamed the death of her. That she died.
    What does this mean?

  1323. Can you please interpret a dream I had of me being pregnant &in the dream me and my partner that are not yet married found out that I was pregnant so we decided to move the wedding closer in time? Thank you

  1324. Ashlamualaikum…i frequently see in my dream of being flying up without wings and reach to the destinations i wish to get to..pls help me with the interpretation insallah

  1325. i had a dream that i was wearing a necklace.This necklace was made of green diamond and white something(maybe white gold or platinum..something very precious).I was wearing a ORNA and i was hearing noise from my surrounding,maybe many people was sitting around me,they talk with each other about me,and i was feel hesitation,thinking that is it(necklace) not suitable for me??..please tell me the meaning of my dream

  1326. assalamualikum,

    I know it is not possible and I also donot believe on interpretation very much, but I saw ALLAH in my dream..!
    when I was 17 years old. I was soo desperate to see ALLAH..I always pray for that as well..!

    I saw in my dream, that I am on the sky and announced as jannati..and one other family of my fathers friend were also announced as jannati on the sky, by ALLAH .

    The place was soo good, and every one was so happy over there..!
    then I asked where is the family of my father’s friend..
    ALLAH told me: they went to stroll in the spram at dessert..

    Then I said to ALLAH that I am very happy that he grant me jannat and I really want to see you !

    ALLAH said yes I will appear myself infront of you.
    and then he appears and I saw a white lightening infront of me with a blurred picture which I dont actually remember.

    Can you tell me, either it was rahmani, nafsani or shayatani dream?

    I saw this dream before Fajar at the time of tahajjud.
    Kindly tell something with the reference of authentic hadees or ayat.

  1327. Salam, just wanna share about my dream, I had a dream before about me following one Imam walking round a big foot print like a giant. While walking round that footpring that Imam said to me in malay “follow this footstep of Nabi Muhammad”.

    I wonder if anyone have any clue what is the sign of that dream?

    • As salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.
      The imagery in your dream is somewhat similar to a dream I had several years ago in which the Prophet appeared.
      The way you describe it reminds me of a section I read in a biography of one of the ulema. When he died, another scholar had a dream in which he (the first scholar) was following very closely on the footsteps of the Prophet. I can not remember who it was describing, but I’m sure it’s one of the following people: Iman Malik, Iman Hanafi, Iman Hanbal, Iman Shafaai, Imam al Bukhari, Iman Muslim or Imam Ibn Taymiyyah. If you can find the story, it may be that the dream is telling you to follow that person’s guidance. I’m pretty sure it was Malik, Bukhari or Ibn Taymiyyah.

  1328. Assalamu aleykum. In my dream everybody was starving and I had some food which I wanted to give to my parents. I was looking for them to give food and I came acros with my relative who was also starving and she asked me for some food. She asked few but I gave more than she asked and then they decided to show my parents but then I woke up. Can you please interpret my dream?

  1329. I wonder if anyone knows more meanings for this dream I had:

    The dream is regarding someone I met someone who’s name is Tameem Ahmadi (maybe spelled Tamim Ahmedi) at Lowry Mosque / Masjid in (Also known as Islamic Society of East Bay ISEB ). I also saw this person in the Irvington Mosque / Masjid and Masjid Ibrahim Khalilullah in Fremont in the bay area, California. He gives khutba and teaches quran at mosques and my dream is making me now more suspicious about him:

    I had a true dream (Ru’ya / vision) in which I saw tameem ahmadi who has been already cursed, his face appeared deformed and really disgusting that you wouldn’t wanna look at him, and that Allah told Jibreel that he hates tameem and to hate tameem and cause the whole Creation to hate him. I know the meaning and interpretation of this dream means that Allah has cursed him, and that Allah hated him and told Jibreel to hate him and cause the whole Creation to hate him, and that it has another meaning that Allah will hate this person and cause Jibreel to hate him and cause the whole creation to hate him.
    When I woke up I remembered a hadith. I searched and found the hadith in Sahih Muslim [Book 032, Number 6373]. And here is the hadith I found: Prophet Muhammad –saws said: “When Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says: ‘Verily, I love so-and-so; you should also love him.’ Then Gabriel loves him and makes an announcement in the heaven saying: ‘Allah loves so-and-so and you should also love him.’ Then the dwellers of the Heaven (the angels) also love him and he is honored in the earth. And when Allah is angry with a servant He calls Gabriel and says: ‘I am angry with so-and-so; you should also be angry with him.’ Then Gabriel becomes angry and makes an announcement to the dwellers of Heaven: ‘Verily Allah hates with so-and so, so you hate him.’ Thus they also become angry with him and he is hated in the earth.”

    Replies are very welcome

    • As salaam alaikum.
      First, I apologize to the other readers of this site that this is so long, but it is a right of a Muslim to get good advice from the other muslims, so please have patience with me. Jazakum Allahu Khairun.
      There are dreams that come from Allah and other dreams that come from Shaytan. We know this because the Prophet (s.w.s) said, “There are dreams that come from Allah and other dreams that come from Shaytan.”
      Some people say there are dreams that also come from your self, or anxiety, which are usually kind of confused dreams. I’m not 100% sure this is based on something the Prophet said.
      It’s not clear to me which of these is the source of your dream. (I don’t think a good dream necessarily means a dream you like, but instead is one that is of benefit to you.) If it is from Allah, then it may be to highlight the extent of your attentions to this girl, as a warning. If it from Shaytan, it is probably to frighten you in order that you do something without thinking. If it is from your self, it is probably a reaction to the whisperings of the Shaytan into your heart when you are awake.
      In any case, your course of action should be the same.
      First of all, realize that there is only one God, who is in control of everything that happens. Nothing can happen without His permission. Everything that happens in your life and everything that happens in the girl’s life happens only if Allah decrees it. Allah says “Be” and it happens. There is absolutely no way to reverse what he says. He is our Master and we are his slaves. We have no power to force him to do what we want. So realize you are completely at the mercy of Allah in your life. He can do with us whatever he wants. We are his slaves. He can take everything away from us as he did with Nabi Ayub (a.s.) He can throw us in the hellfire if He wants. This is our reality.
      Second, realize that Allah is expansively Merciful and kind. In Surah Fatiha, “Iyaka na’abudu” comes with “wa iyaka nasta’in”. One way to translate this is “To you alone to we enslave ourselves. And to you alone do we call for help.” They come together in the Surah we are constantly reading in our prayers. This reminds us that as we go through every part of our life, trying to do the right thing and worshipping Allah as Muslims should, by enslaving ourselves to what Allah wants at all times, that we can always ask Allah for help. And this was not written by a human. This was written by Allah himself. He wants us to ask for help. In the Quran it says that Allah loves those who call upon Him for help.
      Muslims are taught to make du’a. When you ask Allah for what you need, it is affirming that there is only one God and that you are completely dependent on Him. It is the very essence of worship. Dua is our most potent weapon in all struggles of life. There is a hadith that says, “There is nothing more dear to Allah than a servant making dua to Him.”
      “O mankind! It is you who stand in need of Allah, but Allah is Rich (Free of all wants and needs), Worthy of All Praise.”
      [Qur’an 35:15]
      In Imam Malik’s book, a hadith is reported: Yahya related to me from Malik that Zayd ibn Aslam used to say, “No-one makes a dua without one of three things happening. Either it is answered, or it is stored up for him, or wrong actions are atoned for by it.” So whether your dua is answered as requested or not, every single dua you make as long as it is for something halal and is not about breaking the ties of kinship, should result in benefit to your life, provided you are patient.
      Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH), “The supplication of every one of you will be granted if he does not get impatient and say (for example): `I supplicated my Rubb but my prayer has not been granted’.”
      Third, as a muslim you say “La ilaha il Allah”. This is often translated as “There is no god but Allah” or “There is nothing/no one worthy of worship except Allah.” You may not realize that the word “ilah” refers to something or someone that the heart loves and is attached to with the utmost love, veneration, respect, honor, fear, and hope. (This was written in Ibn Taymiyah’s book “Al-‘Ubudiyyah: Being a True Slave of Allah).
      Fourth, know that Shaytan is your avowed enemy and wants to pull the believers off the straight path to their destruction through sin. The worst sin is shirk, associating partners with Allah, and this is the favorite sin of the Shaytan because it can lead to a person being in hellfire forever. If he can not get a person to commit shirk, he will try with other sins, large and small. Also, he will try to get them occupied with trivial matters so that they neglect the worship of Allah.
      Fifth, Allah is the One who gives us our rizq. You may think of rizq as money, food, wealth, sustenance – things like that. It is actually anything that benefits the human being. So if something is truly good for your heart, that is part of your rizq also. Allah says about rizq: ““And whoever fears Allah, for him Allah brings forth a way out, and gives him provision (rizq) from where he does not even imagine…” (Surah At-Talaq: 2/3)
      Sixth: Allah commands us to trust Him. ”…Certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.” Surah Al-Imran 158-159
      “And whoever places his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him.” (Surah At-Talaq: 3)”

      Seventh: Allah commands us to perservere with patience and have Taqwa. Taqwa is a determining factor in all affairs. “You shall certainly be tried and tested in your wealth and properties and in your personal selves, and you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you (Jews and Christians) and from those who ascribe partners to Allah, but if you persevere patiently, and become Al-Muttaqun (the pious – see V.2:2) then verily, that will be a determining factor in all affairs, and that is from the great matters, [which you must hold on with all your efforts].” Surah Al-Imran 186.
      Having taqwa does not force Allah to do what you want, but if something is in Allah’s wisdom good for you and you have taqwa, why would he hold it back from you except for something better?
      So this is my advice:
      Realize that this situation is completely under Allah’s control and that you are completely dependent on him. Also realize that you can make dua to him and inshallah he will help you. If you are not answered right away, continue making dua constantly and you will be gaining benefit all the time. Even if it appears your opportunity has passed, if you still want something, continue to make dua for it constantly.
      Especially make dua with qiyaam al lail and in the last ten nights of Ramadan.
      Jabir said he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) say: There is an hour during the night in which no Muslim individual will ask Allah for good in this world and the next without His giving it to him; and that applies to every night.
      Learn everything you can about dua.
      Realize that this is potentially a very dangerous situation regarding Shaytan and his plans. This is extremely serious. The Prophet told us that there is no bigger fitna for men than women. This is not because women are evil, just that they are a natural temptation for men and that Shaytan uses this temptation. When you read the description I gave above for what “Ilah”meant, be absolutely sure that you are using it for Allah alone. Shaytan will try to get you to apply what belongs to Allah alone to the creation. The level of love you have for Allah must be above how you feel about creation. Allah turns the hearts, but you need to have control from excess in your devotion to a person. If it becomes shirk, it could take you to the hellfire. I am not saying this to frighten you needlessly or to ruin a beautiful thing, but to try to protect you and help you stay connected to Allah’s mercy and favor.
      Another way Shaytan tries to pull people is to whisper suggestions that can not be verified. If the people are hasty and act without thinking, they might try to get information about the unseen from sooth sayers, etc. This is also committing shirk.
      Another thing he can try to do is make you rush to the girl to get confirmation of her feelings, but you might accidentally overstep the limits of Allah about how to interact with her.
      Shaytan also tries to pull people incrementally towards zina. So even though that may not be on your mind, he will try to pull you step by step. Also, there is no way to know what temptation the girl is subject to so do not approach it in any way. If you are tempted to even approach it, fasting is the cure.
      So be patient and be careful and remember what information Allah wants you to have, you will have. What He decrees is what will happen. You are completely dependent on Him. The very breath of the girl you like is dependent on Allah. There are no loopholes or ways around Allah by bending the rules, so stick to the straight path throughout the process, have taqwa of Allah and you will be okay. If you do what Allah says to do, He is not going to cause that to be a reason for you to miss out. Allah does not oppress people by asking them to do what’s good and then depriving them of what they want because of their obedience.
      Have taqwa – comply with the commands and prohibitions of Allah, and closely follow the sunnah. Insha’llah, Allah will provide you with help from places you are not even expecting. It’s not 100% guaranteed that things will work out with this girl, but it is guaranteed that you can ask Allah and He will either ease the way for you or give you something better.
      May Allah give you patience and hope.

    • Salaam alaikum.
      The answer I posted previously was meant for a different question. Sorry about that.

      It’s unclear what makes you believe this is a true dream. I’m not sure from what you wrote if you were asleep or not, because you say it was a vision, but then talk about when you “woke up”.
      If it was a sleeping dream, no human being other than prophets can know 100% for sure if a dream is true. Shaytan is known to use dreams to deceive people. From the dream you describe,
      it sounds like the kind of thing where you could be deceived into slandering or backbiting someone who is teaching the word of Allah.
      There is a long hadith in sahih al-Bukhari about the punishment for people who spread lies and the lies travel through the whole world. You need to be extremely careful about what you are putting on the internet about people, because the information travels throughout the world.

      If it is a vision you had while awake, there are people who believe these are true dreams, but I can’t find any hadith to back this up – maybe you know more than me.

      If a person is openly calling to disbelief, then warning other people is not backbiting, but IF your dream is true there could be other reasons than that why Allah and his angels could hate a person that do not warrant exposing that person. (In other words, it could be a warning for you, but not intended for everyone.)

      My advise is to go ask a sheikh where you live what to do, without mentioning the name of the person in your dream – just say it was about a sheikh and get their advise. Tell them specifically why you think it was a true dream.

      I’m not saying your dream/vision is untrue. I’m just saying that until you have more solid information and know what the dream actually means and if it is true, you should be careful so that you are not earning Allah’s disfavor.

  1330. assalamuwalaikum, i was hoping i could get some help in interpreting some dreams i recently had. inshallah.

    my husband and i have been having trouble conceiving for 16months, and for some reason i feel these dreams might be connected inshallah

    these are the dreams i need help on,

    1, seeing myself eat a ripe sweet mango and enjoying it (even though i don’t like mango
    2, dreaming my mum is pregnant (my mum is over the menopause period)
    3, losing an gold earring i always wear and then finding it.

    i hope someone can help me with allahs help with these interpretations and put myself at rest, inshallah
    jazzakallah in advance.

  1331. assalamu alikum…I always see tiger in my dream which is cmng n tryng to kill me…And my husband had seen a big snake infront of him and gradually it reduces into small and disappeared.please provide me the meaning…

  1332. I saw a dream in which a man ask me if I wanted to know my future, I did not reply to him, then he said that I will get a baby girl. In the dream as a flash I saw a baby girl will lot of bright light on her face, as if glowing. Whats the meaning of this dream.

  1333. My sister got a dream couple of weeks back that i was coughing and blood started to come out of my mouth….A few weeks later my elder brother got a dream in which i met with an accident(real bad accident)… Could any one of you shed some light on this one. Although I’m a firm believer in Allah that He has better plans for me, do i have something to worry about??
    Also both my sister and brother are abroad, so they called my mom and dad to check on me if i’m doing fine.

  1334. salam ,brothers and sisters,i have a dream i want to share with you all i have no idea what it means so i hope u can help me to find out what is might mean .i had a dream that i when to one a houes near mine which i havent been for years ,i stood inside the houes seeing a tall man dressed in white and being told that its prophet muhammed (pbuh) all the little kids from the area are telling me that its the propet and they are all running around .the prophet stood there stearing at me for a bit but then he slowly faded away befor any of the other people saw him .Then i found myself somwere elce it was like a big sopping center but i was with a friend ,my friend said to me imagine if this was your grave it was a small little space but i was full of light then i replyd i wouldnt like it its too small then my friend said to me no i would say alhamdulilah it maby small but cant you see the light and i was thinking he was right .i woke up in shock when i woke up not knowing what that dream all ment .so if anyone can help me find out what it all means that would be a big help. thank you and may allah bless you all

    • this dream means that you are going to die as a believer i.e a muslim and inshallah allah will accept you in jannaj it is a good sign not alot of people get to see the prophet in their dream mashallah. And i would like to add the satan cannot take the form of the prophet and the one who has a dream of the prophet has no doubts about that.

  1335. Does anyone know more meanings for this dream?
    The dream is regarding someone I met someone who’s name is Tameem Ahmadi (maybe spelled Tamim Ahmedi) at Lowry Mosque / Masjid in (Also known as Islamic Society of East Bay ISEB ). I also saw this person in the Irvington Mosque / Masjid and Masjid Ibrahim Khalilullah in Fremont in the bay area, California. He gives khutba and teaches quran at mosques and my dream is making me now more suspicious about him:

    I had a true dream (Ru’ya / vision) in which I saw tameem ahmadi who has been already cursed, his face appeared deformed and really disgusting that you wouldn’t wanna look at him, and that Allah told Jibreel that he hates tameem and to hate tameem and cause the whole Creation to hate him. I know the meaning and interpretation of this dream means that Allah has cursed him, and that Allah hated him and told Jibreel to hate him and cause the whole Creation to hate him, and that it has another meaning that Allah will hate this person and cause Jibreel to hate him and cause the whole creation to hate him.
    When I woke up I remembered a hadith. I searched and found the hadith in Sahih Muslim [Book 032, Number 6373]. And here is the hadith I found: Prophet Muhammad –saws said: “When Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says: ‘Verily, I love so-and-so; you should also love him.’ Then Gabriel loves him and makes an announcement in the heaven saying: ‘Allah loves so-and-so and you should also love him.’ Then the dwellers of the Heaven (the angels) also love him and he is honored in the earth. And when Allah is angry with a servant He calls Gabriel and says: ‘I am angry with so-and-so; you should also be angry with him.’ Then Gabriel becomes angry and makes an announcement to the dwellers of Heaven: ‘Verily Allah hates with so-and so, so you hate him.’ Thus they also become angry with him and he is hated in the earth.”

  1336. Asalamualiekum …
    I saw a person in my dreams who is giving me a gold necklace and asked to give that necklace to my daughter …what does this mean

  1337. رويا اننا احمل جنازه رسول الله (ص) ومعي ناس كثير بجوانبي يتكلمون وكانهم يقولون لماذا لوحده يحمل نحن نبغي نشارك في ذالك

  1338. i had a dream yesterday……. wherever i m going , i m seeing ”la elaha ellallahu muhammadur rasulullah” and m saying durud again and again!!!

  1339. My husban seen a snake my youngest
    Son and his dead father – it is raining very heavily outside, they r inside home. My husband is trying to catch snake
    Plz can u islamically interpret this dream?

  1340. i saw that i am crossing the path of HAJI ALI’s tomb.and the waves are touching my legs.
    plx interpret this islamically

  1341. i saw a dream that my tooth broke! what does this indicate? two of my siblings saw the same dream on the same night.

  1342. Asalam mulaikum one of my friend dreamt about me last night that I am wearing hijab / niqaab and my face looks so pure and my clothes are silk black can you please say what u think does that mean

  1343. Salaam Alaikum I dreamed that my husband has another pregnant wife and someone comes and tells her that let’s go to do your Neka, It’s also time for her and for me to delivery our babies, I am also pregnant. I don’t know what this mean please can someone tell me the Tabeer of this dream.

  1344. Salaam Walaikum. . .
    Today i was in majzid hearing to the bayaan of a Amir saab of a zamat.
    I was seating full straight and hearing him attentively. I was saying the kalima “Taiyab” in my mind at the same time. I had a sudden visualisation in which i saw that a “Pagri” or Turban was on my head.
    I was wearing a cap but i saw clearly n my visual that a pagri was placed on my head. Can someone please interpret my visual for me. May Allah tallah bless us all. . . . . . .

  1345. i knw dis might seem stupid but my mind keeps talking 2 me ALOT i need it to stop an i hd a dream of me having intercourse with a black guy i dnt knw wht tht means and im only 12

  1346. Assalamualaikum,
    Last day i had a dream where my wife had an affair with her neighbour, this dream is trully annoying me. can someone help me to interpret this dream.. i’m sorry if my english wasn’t good

    • Alaikum salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu brother.
      May Allah comfort your heart.
      Narrated Abu Qatada: I heard the Prophet saying, “A good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan. So if anyone of you sees (in a dream) something he dislikes, when he gets up he should blow thrice (on his left side) and seek refuge with Allah from its evil for then it will not harm him.”
      We know from this hadith that Shaytan at times uses dreams against the Mumineen. Shaytan loves to annoy and worry the muslims. When he stirred up the people to make gossip against our mother Aisha (r.a.), an innocent woman, it was meant to cause Rasululah and his wife extreme pain. Shaytan is your extreme enemy so seek refuge in Allah from his whisperings.
      It is narrated in the Hadith: “Satan places his throne upon water; then sends detachments (for creating dissension); one of them comes and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between him and his father or between him and his mother or his brothers. Then he (Satan) says: you did nothing. They will be made up with one another. Another one comes and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between him and his wife. The Satan goes near him and says: ‘You have done well. And He then embraces him and says: You are so and so.” Satan is pleased with the separation between the spouses. He is pleased with the breaking up of the family and its destruction.
      Sometimes when a seed of suspicion is planted, it can cause a person to worry so much or overreact until it actually puts pressure on the marriage. Shaytan will continue to play with your mind if he sees it has an effect. It is also extremely stressful upon an innocent woman if her husband accuses her or is overly suspicious for no reason.
      So, I think this dream is from Shaytan and that inshallah, it’s not your wife you need to worry about, but Shaytan. Do your best to follow the example of how the Prophet was with his wives and you will be so pleasing inshallah to your wife and so far above most other men that the thought of cheating on you will be the furthest thing from her mind, inshallah. Remember that you can always turn to Allah in any situation and ask Him for help. Ask him to put affection between the hearts of you and your wife and make dua every day for your wife to be one of the people of Jannah al Firdous.
      May Allah fill your heart with peace and love and remove any doubt or anxiety.

      • Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu, @muhaba: many thank’s to your kindnes reply. may Allah bless you.

  1347. Last night I dream that 1 or 2 years old male child enter my home. He had GREEN eyes. And he came to me and start playing with me. He was Healthy and very very beautiful white child.

  1348. Last nite i saw my grandmother in dream. She is sitting in dark on her bed and trying to talk to me about something. She passed away 5 years back. Its the first time i’ve seen her in my dream. Can you kindly interpret this dream.

  1349. My dear muslim Brothers & Sisters if you are reading this make sure it is true before asking help from these people. You never know the authors might be faking and might not even be muslim so follow Allah and not the internet. I fthis is all true you should simply keep your dreams to yourself anyway because it says if you have a bad dream keep it to yourself
    thank you.

  1350. salam, can somebody plz interpret my dream. i saw my self wearing a crown made of red, blue and white diamonds. the crown was way too beautiful and i was very happy .
    plz kindly interpret my dream.
    jazak alkhair

  1351. Can a person reverse the meaning of a dream. I mean like i had a dream that i was attacked by a wild cat. Ibn seren said a bite from a wild cat means a illness that will last 1 full year. Two months after the dream i was diagnosed with arthritis on march 2011 ( i was on cruchs and i was bed bound} .
    On 20 march 2012 i wokeup feeling strong LIKE BULL, i started training again.
    It is 27 april 2012 , i had a dream a kitten bit me on the arm …i is getting ready for another illness.
    Dreams are apart of prophethood.
    can i reverse this prophecy so i dont get ill?
    I want to know from hadith quotes not from personell gues work ,PLEASE .

    • As salaam alaikum. I am glad for your question, because there is a lot of good news for you!
      A dream is basically just a message – it doesn’t have any power on its own. It can be from Allah, from your self or from Shaytan. Dreams from Allah are part of prophecy, but not every dream is a true dream.
      On top of that, the book attributed to Ibn Sirin about dreams was almost definitely not actually written by him – he did not believe in writing books. We have no way of knowing where that book came from or the degree of goodness or knowledge the person had. For all we know, it could have been written by Shaytan, so do not rely too much on that book for application to your life except where there may be parts that correspond with hadith or symbols in the Quran.
      Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.” The creator of disease was Allah. The creator of its cure is also Allah. Your question may really be if a person can reverse disease. No, but Allah can reverse it for you.
      Allah gave us the dua in Surah al Fatiha, Iyaka na’abudu wa Iyaka nastain. You alone do we worship and You alone do we call upon for help. Wherever you are in your life, you can call on Allah for help. Dua is one of the best forms of worship. The Quran says that Allah loves those who call upon Him for help. You see how kind Allah is? (This kindness extends to you personally, truely, masha’Allah!) Allah hears and answers all duas except for duas for something bad like breaking ties of kinship.
      Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Abu Ubayd, the mawla of Ibn Azhar, from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “You will be answered as long as you are not impatient and say, ‘I have made a dua and I have not been answered .’ ”
      Yahya related to me from Malik that Zayd ibn Aslam used to say, “No-one makes a dua without one of three things happening. Either it is answered, or it is stored up for him, or wrong actions are atoned for by it.”
      If Allah holds your reward for you until the next life, and you continue to suffer from arthritis, your suffering will remove some of your sins in this life so that when you go to meet Allah, you will not be punished for them. Either way, He loves dua and inshallah, your dua will make you more beloved to Him. This is because by asking, you are acknowledging that Allah is your Rabb and that you are reliant on Him.
      I would advise you to make dua a lot! Maybe He will save rewards for some of your dua, and expiate your sins for some, and hold your rewards for some. Also, don’t just make dua about arthritis, but about every need you have, and also for the people you know and for Allah to forgive all the Muslims. There is a reward written for you for every time you ask Allah to forgive the Mumineen and Muminat! And I’m sure you would love to see what kind of reward that would be!
      Narrated Abu Qatada: I heard the Prophet saying, “A good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan. So if anyone of you sees (in a dream) something he dislikes, when he gets up he should blow thrice (on his left side) and seek refuge with Allah from its evil for then it will not harm him.” I believe there is also a hadith about making an optional two rakats. You should check with a sheikh on that point.
      Shaytan has no control over how long your illness will last (although he is an expert at worrying people and will try to get you to give up hope in Allah.) The only one who has control over it is Allah. Even if Shaytan had knowledge of the decree of Allah, Allah is free to change it at any time and my understanding is that He does change his decree sometimes because of people’s duas.
      Rasulullah also told us to get medical treatment if we are sick. Obeying this command may make it more likely that Allah will grant your dua.
      So don’t worry. Just have faith and put all your reliance on Allah and there will be a good outcome.

  1352. Salam wealaikom
    What does it mean when I see in my dream, my friend explaining his own dream which was advising me to marry this girl we know

  1353. aoa…..i had a dream that i saw my deceased grandfather….mashAllah he was a very religious and righteous man and he died with noor on his face…….when i saw him in my dream he was working and was digging something and only i could see him noone else….i kept telling my mum look i can see him but she never belived me :S im confused….please help what can this mean??

    • Digging the earth in a dream means profits equal to the measure of earth one piles-up if the dirt is dry.

      from my islamic dream

  1354. somebody reply to me plz

    i had a dream that i was a detective and in a case but i dodnt do the case properly and one of my team mates shot me many times and i was still alive, but i continued to stay with the team after thinkink to quit.
    what does it mean

  1355. Assalamualikum, i frequently dream that i am eating sweets n then i find it a hot dish and i also see am falling from stirs or i’ve slip and fell and then suddenly i wake up..what does it means?

  1356. salaam i had da dream that i am dying unknowns grave what does that mean n i want to know if this is bad for me then what cn i do to make things btr!!!!

    • brother thats garden of islam. i had a similar dream. i was in a garden. there was a white light because of the garden. suddenly im praying with people. i saw one of the persons shoulder. and thats it

  1357. Salam brothers and sister, I had a very weird and scary dream and I don’t know if it good or bad. Here is it..
    Me and my sister Fatima and cousin reem where getting a ride from a guy who was our friend and his little brother was in the car, in order for him to give us a ride we had to give him our shoes so Fatima, and reem did. But I couldn’t because the shoes I was wearing were not mine so I gave him my bag. Then I started to realize something was strange about his brother. He seemed possessed by the devil (shaton). So I told Fatima my sister to play the Quran but she wasn’t listening the little boy jumped up And went into the trunk. I followed him reciting the Quran (Fatiha) but nothing was working and Fatima and reem just sat there not helping. So then I was trying to grab my bag but the little boy had it. Then I woke up.
    Please help me figure out what this means. Thank you

  1358. I once had a dream that the devil was inside a friend of mine who I couldn’t remember which friend, and she went around killing everyone except me. Like it was my friend and didn’t want to hurt me, and I kept yelling to stop and reciting the ( Fatiha) to myself but nothing stopped the shaton.

    Please tell me what this mean…

  1359. can someone help me with my dream ………\
    i sw a dream that i was sleeping a man in pure white dress came to me woke me up and took me to a masjid where some people where al ready praying so he thought me how to pray one by one everything and when i said salam mean finished my prayer i woke up
    what could it be
    please help

  1360. Salam,
    I young muslim women. I had a strange dream that troubles me and I can not find out what it means. Could you help me, please? First, I cross a large garden dressed in a beautiful black dress. At the end of the garden there is a large swimming pool. I then decided to do some work (I am PhD student). At this moment, an unknown young man with a very “olive-dull” skin who was sitting near the pool asks me to join him. So I started yelling at him telling him that I prefered to study. Then he kidnapped me and I find myself a prisoner of this man in a cell that is on a boat. My mother and my older brother came set me free. But I did not wanna go because I knew that on the boat there were other girls that the young man kidnapped and raped. I was not able to find the other girls but I eventually found myself with my mother on the deck of the ship that was sailing at sea. On the deck there were veiled women washing clothes. Throughout the dream I cry.
    Allah bless you

    • As salaam alaikum sister.
      Here’s what I think. Allah knows best.
      You are originally alone.
      The garden is a symbol of honor and goodness. The black dress is a symbol of your inner beauty but also recognition. The black is an indication of something mysterious or unseen. The garden is also excellence in the hereafter while the dress is excellence in the world.
      The pool is leisure. It’s also introspection (reflective) and possibly exposure.
      The man is unknown, (possibly “foreign” depending on whether people where you live have have olive skin), apparently dull and related to the swimming pool. At this stage, you see the swimming pool but it doesn’t engage you. You notice the guy and overreact.
      It turns out he is dangerous and terrifying. He conflicts with your work.

      The deck of the ship is freedom and safety. Your mother is safety, wisdom, and an adult woman. The women washing clothes are doing basic routine maintenance. They are making the clothes fresh. You, interestingly, are not among them. You use the word “veiled” for the women rather than saying they are in hijab. They know their work – it is familiar to them and they are in control of what they are doing. They are in a group – none of them specifically stands out. A veil implies something obscure or hidden, possibly a boundary as well.

      The meaning:
      The first part of the dream is the introduction as if to say, “This dream is about you. It’s about goodness and inner beauty, about honor and recognition. There is a mystery here for you to figure out – something beautiful you aren’t seeing. Something related to your to your future that you aren’t yet aware of.” Note that your work has not entered the “scene” yet.
      You contemplate leisure and time for introspection but it doesn’t compel you. On the surface, it is dull and conflicts with your work. It may be be unknown or foreign to you. But underneath, you are terrified of losing control of yourself and being humiliated and exposed. (This is the kidnapping and rape.)
      This means you are seeking excellence in your work but are afraid if you slow down for a little while to take care of yourself you will not measure up or will lose control of your work. You are worried your beauty and and excellence come from your work and that you are not enough.
      Your mom and brother rescue you. Depending on how you feel when this happens, it either means that they are available to help you in this situation or else you may be embarrassed that they have to help you – or both. That you don’t want to go because of the other girls could mean that you have a strong, legitimate will to use your work to help other people, or it could be that you feel strongly driven to be responsible to other people through your accomplishments in a way that’s more of an internal drive that’s not realistic. You are willing to sacrifice for other people. Either way, it goes to the extent of keeping you in a situation that’s potentially harmful to you. That you decide this for yourself even though your brother and mom have come for you means that you are an independent thinker with a strong inner knowing, but could also mean that you are stubborn and resist help.
      However, you use your wisdom to get free from this situation, because you are a competent adult woman, despite your fears. There is a boundary that you are putting between yourself and doing the necessary routine work to refresh yourself. This is basic, obscure work that doesn’t get honor or glory, but is something that you can do for yourself until it becomes familiar to you. You are in control of it.
      If you look back to the beginning, the garden and the dress symbolize several things each. I get a sense that your inner beauty and goodness power your work, and that your work is important and valid, but that there may be some confusion about earning your worth through your work. The excellence is a product of what’s in your heart that comes into the world, but the heart is essential and you need to take care of it. The crying throughout the dream is pain that you are in. But you will be okay.
      The pool, your Mom and Brother, the laundry and the group of Muslim sisters may also be pointers to things you can focus on to get a break from work.
      Allah knows best. I hope this is helpful. I wish you the best and I apologize if I have made any presumptions that are off base.

  1361. Asalamo Alaikum, Last night, I saw a very big shop in my dream and in the beautiful shelves there are some very small beautiful boxes and some one told me that, It is Fox meat. I didn’t understand this dream completely.Can any one please tell me here what does this dream means?

  1362. assalam o alaikum,,, i wanted to ask about a dream i saw last night,,,i am lying down and have given a metallic cutter to one of my cousins ( female) who is sitting left of me and i have asked her to cut my throat with an intention that i wanted to commit suicide,,,but then i realized that i should not be ending my life with the fear that i will no more remain alive,,,i also had in my mind that perhaps committing suicide was right or legitimate,,,then i realized that i might be doing wrong ,,,this feeling ended my dream,,,i am perplexed about this dream as if the dream is an indication towards something,,,,i am happily married with kids and am temporarily serving in a military setup outside my home country….. ,i shall be grateful if i am given true interpretation to this dream…thanking in anticipation ,, regards

  1363. Salam, I had a dream that I was in a grocery store with the man I am
    planning on getting engaged/married with his sisters. away from
    the dream for a minute, I would like to explain that I very much love this guy as well as he loves me but I have been having doubts due to having diffrant backround we are both muslim just diffrant countries and my brother passed a few years back that I am very close to and I always pray for him to come to my dreams to give me a sign to know if he would have liked him or not. So continuing with my dream, so Khalid (the guy I plan on marrying) and I walk up to the cashier asile and see my brother Husien that passed my brother turned around and Khalid said “what’s up, how are you” Husien seemed a little surprised and upset and dissappointed, Husien said “what’s up” and turned and continue with what he was doing. I went to check with Husien when he got done with the cashier to see if he was okay and help him with his groceries he was holing his keys, I remember see romaine lettuce and then I helped him with the grociers to his car and then the last thing I remember was him saying “he is just so small” which his physiqueis small whick I have an issue with. If you can tell me if the dream is self explained or if there is more to it? I would love to know if my brother really doesnt like this guy and thats my sign or if it means the opposite.
    Thank you.

  1364. As salaam alaikum sister.
    May Allah give you a beautiful marriage and a happy life.
    Forgive me if this sounds stupid, but it’s unclear to me from your description if you are asking your brother directly to come to you in a dream or if you are asking Allah to send him to you in a dream.
    If you are asking your brother, this is not a practice from Islam. In that case, I would say you should completely disregard the dream because Shaytan can take advantage and come to mislead you knowing that you are expecting your brother and putting your trust in him coming to you.
    Otherwise, muslims are advised to marry their daughters to someone whose deen and whose character they approve of, so you should evaluate these traits (as well as having your dad check him out.) Smallness could be literal smallness or I think it might mean stinginess or pettiness, so you might want to watch out for signs of those characteristics.
    Many muslims believe that if you have a dream, it means its opposite, but as far as I know that idea doesn’t come from the Quran or sunnah. If I’m wrong, someone please provide me the ayat or hadith with proper sanad.
    Marriage is a huge undertaking and it’s fundamental to a woman’s happiness that if she’s married, it’s to a good man who’s right for her. With that in mind, I would advise you against staking your future on a dream. It might be helpful, but you should also do the following:
    1) Try to figure out what’s best through critical thinking
    2) Consult with someone knowledgeable
    3) Ask Allah directly for guidance: Make Istakharah. This is a dua you make after a salat of 2 raku made at a permissible time (not when the sun is rising, etc.) Don’t add any bida practices, just make the dua after the raku. Then you should soon come to a feeling of resolution in your heart that one way or the other is the correct course of action. If you don’t feel at peace about the decision, you should repeat the istakhara. You can definitely repeat it, but I’m not sure if you can repeat it more than 7 times, so if it comes to that, ask a sheikh to make sure it’s halal.

    May Allah give you someone who will be an excellent husband when you are ready, make you an excellent wife, and make your decision easy for you.

  1365. Salam alaykom I had a horrible dream that I was vomiting excessively out of my mouth this green horrible gewey stuff which had a really horrible smell. And the vomiting would not stop.


    I had a dream last night and i really need help to understand what it means. I dreamt that i went to the bathroom with my sister and we were chatting when suddenly one of my pimples ( or it might have been a wound but i think it was a pimple, not really sure ) on my head started gushing out pus or something. It would not stop and i started feeling worried so i asked my sister to call my parents. My mom entered the bathroom and i think she popped another pimple on my head. I took a bucket and said if more pus comes out it should come inside this bucket so i can take it to the doctor and find out if something is wrong with me. A lot of pus came out of the pimple or wound and small amount of cube solid things as well.

    • Pimple — (Abscess; Boil; Postulate; Pus; Swelling; Tumor; Ulcer) When one sees that he has contracted pimples that open, and if pus starts running from them in the dream, it means benefits or a booty. In general, open wounds and pimples in a dream represent money and profits, unless if they appear in high concentration or cause sufferings in the dream. Thus, pimples could represent money that keeps coming as long as the pus has not dried in the dream.
      i got this from this website:
      hope it helped 🙂

  1368. I really need help on this dream i had ,
    It was about a girl that i like in school, in the dream im outside and everyone in my class in school is there too along with the girl i like. She is wearing a purple sulwar kameez.Then everyone is calling my name and a hear a cry come from behind me someone shouts the name of the name of the girl i like in a very scared tone. I run over to see whats happening, my friend in the dream says the girl i like has been taken.I run over and my friend follows. Im crying in the dream and am very angry, in frustration looking for her everywhere.Then my mom comes in a car and suddenly im in my local park and im looking for her there. it’s very sunny and i describe the girl i like to my mum and she helps me look for her.Then the sky turns black and the moon comes out dogs come out of no where and i start to kick them out the way.Then im in my own house in my sisters room looking for the girl again and my friend says she’s been taken by another one of my friends i get very angry and start to cry knowing i have lost her.

    • Sorry – I posted this earlier, but attached it to the wrong dream:

      As salaam alaikum.
      First, I apologize to the other readers of this site that this is so long, but it is a right of a Muslim to get good advice from the other muslims, so please have patience with me. Jazakum Allahu Khairun.
      There are dreams that come from Allah and other dreams that come from Shaytan. We know this because the Prophet (s.w.s) said, “There are dreams that come from Allah and other dreams that come from Shaytan.”
      Some people say there are dreams that also come from your self, or anxiety, which are usually kind of confused dreams. I’m not 100% sure this is based on something the Prophet said.
      It’s not clear to me which of these is the source of your dream. (I don’t think a good dream necessarily means a dream you like, but instead is one that is of benefit to you.) If it is from Allah, then it may be to highlight the extent of your attentions to this girl, as a warning. If it from Shaytan, it is probably to frighten you in order that you do something without thinking. If it is from your self, it is probably a reaction to the whisperings of the Shaytan into your heart when you are awake.
      In any case, your course of action should be the same.
      First of all, realize that there is only one God, who is in control of everything that happens. Nothing can happen without His permission. Everything that happens in your life and everything that happens in the girl’s life happens only if Allah decrees it. Allah says “Be” and it happens. There is absolutely no way to reverse what he says. He is our Master and we are his slaves. We have no power to force him to do what we want. So realize you are completely at the mercy of Allah in your life. He can do with us whatever he wants. We are his slaves. He can take everything away from us as he did with Nabi Ayub (a.s.) He can throw us in the hellfire if He wants. This is our reality.
      Second, realize that Allah is expansively Merciful and kind. In Surah Fatiha, “Iyaka na’abudu” comes with “wa iyaka nasta’in”. One way to translate this is “To you alone to we enslave ourselves. And to you alone do we call for help.” They come together in the Surah we are constantly reading in our prayers. This reminds us that as we go through every part of our life, trying to do the right thing and worshipping Allah as Muslims should, by enslaving ourselves to what Allah wants at all times, that we can always ask Allah for help. And this was not written by a human. This was written by Allah himself. He wants us to ask for help. In the Quran it says that Allah loves those who call upon Him for help.
      Muslims are taught to make du’a. When you ask Allah for what you need, it is affirming that there is only one God and that you are completely dependent on Him. It is the very essence of worship. Dua is our most potent weapon in all struggles of life. There is a hadith that says, “There is nothing more dear to Allah than a servant making dua to Him.”
      “O mankind! It is you who stand in need of Allah, but Allah is Rich (Free of all wants and needs), Worthy of All Praise.”
      [Qur’an 35:15]
      In Imam Malik’s book, a hadith is reported: Yahya related to me from Malik that Zayd ibn Aslam used to say, “No-one makes a dua without one of three things happening. Either it is answered, or it is stored up for him, or wrong actions are atoned for by it.” So whether your dua is answered as requested or not, every single dua you make as long as it is for something halal and is not about breaking the ties of kinship, should result in benefit to your life, provided you are patient.
      Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH), “The supplication of every one of you will be granted if he does not get impatient and say (for example): `I supplicated my Rubb but my prayer has not been granted’.”
      Third, as a muslim you say “La ilaha il Allah”. This is often translated as “There is no god but Allah” or “There is nothing/no one worthy of worship except Allah.” You may not realize that the word “ilah” refers to something or someone that the heart loves and is attached to with the utmost love, veneration, respect, honor, fear, and hope. (This was written in Ibn Taymiyah’s book “Al-‘Ubudiyyah: Being a True Slave of Allah).
      Fourth, know that Shaytan is your avowed enemy and wants to pull the believers off the straight path to their destruction through sin. The worst sin is shirk, associating partners with Allah, and this is the favorite sin of the Shaytan because it can lead to a person being in hellfire forever. If he can not get a person to commit shirk, he will try with other sins, large and small. Also, he will try to get them occupied with trivial matters so that they neglect the worship of Allah.
      Fifth, Allah is the One who gives us our rizq. You may think of rizq as money, food, wealth, sustenance – things like that. It is actually anything that benefits the human being. So if something is truly good for your heart, that is part of your rizq also. Allah says about rizq: ““And whoever fears Allah, for him Allah brings forth a way out, and gives him provision (rizq) from where he does not even imagine…” (Surah At-Talaq: 2/3)
      Sixth: Allah commands us to trust Him. ”…Certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.” Surah Al-Imran 158-159
      “And whoever places his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him.” (Surah At-Talaq: 3)”

      Seventh: Allah commands us to perservere with patience and have Taqwa. Taqwa is a determining factor in all affairs. “You shall certainly be tried and tested in your wealth and properties and in your personal selves, and you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you (Jews and Christians) and from those who ascribe partners to Allah, but if you persevere patiently, and become Al-Muttaqun (the pious – see V.2:2) then verily, that will be a determining factor in all affairs, and that is from the great matters, [which you must hold on with all your efforts].” Surah Al-Imran 186.
      Having taqwa does not force Allah to do what you want, but if something is in Allah’s wisdom good for you and you have taqwa, why would he hold it back from you except for something better?
      So this is my advice:
      Realize that this situation is completely under Allah’s control and that you are completely dependent on him. Also realize that you can make dua to him and inshallah he will help you. If you are not answered right away, continue making dua constantly and you will be gaining benefit all the time. Even if it appears your opportunity has passed, if you still want something, continue to make dua for it constantly.
      Especially make dua with qiyaam al lail and in the last ten nights of Ramadan.
      Jabir said he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) say: There is an hour during the night in which no Muslim individual will ask Allah for good in this world and the next without His giving it to him; and that applies to every night.
      Learn everything you can about dua.
      Realize that this is potentially a very dangerous situation regarding Shaytan and his plans. This is extremely serious. The Prophet told us that there is no bigger fitna for men than women. This is not because women are evil, just that they are a natural temptation for men and that Shaytan uses this temptation. When you read the description I gave above for what “Ilah”meant, be absolutely sure that you are using it for Allah alone. Shaytan will try to get you to apply what belongs to Allah alone to the creation. The level of love you have for Allah must be above how you feel about creation. Allah turns the hearts, but you need to have control from excess in your devotion to a person. If it becomes shirk, it could take you to the hellfire. I am not saying this to frighten you needlessly or to ruin a beautiful thing, but to try to protect you and help you stay connected to Allah’s mercy and favor.
      Another way Shaytan thabbhabb@yahoo.comies to pull people is to whisper suggestions that can not be verified. If the people are hasty and act without thinkinMuhabbag, they might try to get information about the unseen from sooth sayers, etc. This is also committing shirk.
      Another thing he can try to do is make you rush to the girl to get confirmation of her feelings, but you might accidentally overstep the limits of Allah about how to interact with her.
      Shaytan also tries to pull people incrementally towards zina. So even though that may not be on your mind, he will try to pull you step by step. Also, there is no way to know what temptation the girl is subject to so do not approach it in any way. If you are tempted to even approach it, fasting is the cure.
      So be patient and be careful and remember what information Allah wants you to have, you will have. What He decrees is what will happen. You are completely dependent on Him. The very breath of the girl you like is dependent on Allah. There are no loopholes or ways around Allah by bending the rules, so stick to the straight path throughout the process, have taqwa of Allah and you will be okay. If you do what Allah says to do, He is not going to cause that to be a reason for you to miss out. Allah does not oppress people by asking them to do what’s good and then depriving them of what they want because of their obedience.
      Have taqwa – comply with the commands and prohibitions of Allah, and closely follow the sunnah. Insha’llah, Allah will provide you with help from places you are not even expecting. It’s not 100% guaranteed that things will work out with this girl, but it is guaranteed that you can ask Allah and He will either ease the way for you or give you something better.
      May Allah give you patience and hope.


  1369. so like my dad wants me to become a doctor and i want to do interior designing…..after a lot of hassle i agreed to become a doctor…..but then i did istikhara on whether i should become a doctor or not and i saw strawberries in my dream….i heard that if u see red or black u should not continue with the decision? if this is true how do i tell my dad this…..and when i told my mum she told me to istikhara again….so confused…what should i do? should i do istikhara again?

  1370. hello,
    yesterday i had seen that my ancesters comes in my dream those ancesters who were died and they are very happy ti seen me please tell me whts the meaning of this dream,

    • Assalamualikum my sister in Islam,

      when ancestors,who died,appear in dream with good mood it means the dua you are making for them they are happy with that,so,keep on praying for them or another meaning could be they are happy with your good work in this dunia(world),therefore,keep up good work.


  1371. Hello Sir,
    Last night i dreamt about my face have a wierd growth on its right cheek and some dirt inside the growth and im trying to hide it from people.Pls tell me what it interprets to.
    Thank you in advance

  1372. Assalamo alekum!
    I have been going through some troubled times and I have been sharing them with my friend. She dreamed that we all friends were sitting in a room and I was talking to them but all my clothes were torn. I gave sadqa etc but I was very disturbed by this dream. Kindly, inform me in the light of your knowledge what it could mean? And, how can I avoid anything bad from happening.

  1373. A salaam alaikum,

    I recently saw a dream, the only thing I remember is me and my father were coming towards death. And I was reciting the kalimah, the third time I recited it I thought I’m going to die but no problem I’m going straight into paradise inshallah. Lol. Then I woke up. But when I recited the kalimah the third time my breathing became so restricted I literally thought this was my last breath. I don’t understand this dream can you please enlighten me.


    • As salaam alaikum.
      There are two parts to the kalimah.
      La illaha il Allah is a statement that there are things that are for Allah alone and that towards no one or nothing else can we direct them in the same form. They include worship, love, devotion, obedience, humility and submission. Basically worship in Arabic is tied to the concept of enslavement. So your objective is to willingly enslave yourself exclusively to Allah out of love.
      Anything that stands in the way of this (any reservations a muslilm may have or anything that he/she holds in equal or greater importance to your enslavement to Allah) is a defect in their practice.

      For example, if you love money, fashion, entertainment, winning, your own status or reputation more than you love Allah, or with the devotion that is supposed to be reserved for Allah, then the kalimah you state with your tongue is not matching what’s in your heart.

      People sometimes commit shirk in this way without realizing it.
      Ahmad and Tabari, narrated from Abu Musa al-Ashari (radiyallahu anh) that he said: “One day Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) delivered a sermon saying: O people fear Shirk for it is more hidden/inconspicuous than the creeping of an ant. Those whom Allah wished asked: And how do we avoid it when it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant, O Rasulullah? He (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: Say: Allahumma Innaa na’udhu bika an nushrika bika shay’an na’lamuh, wa nastaghfiruka limaa laa na’lamuh (O Allah, we seek refuge in you from knowingly committing Shirk with you and we ask your forgiveness for what we do not know about).” (Ahmad; Tabari; at-Targhib wa’t-Tarhib)

      The second part of the kalimah is Muhammadan Rasoolullah (Muhammad sws is the messenger of Allah.) The messengers (as) were sent to
      1. deliver the message which is binding on us with consequences if we don’t follow it and
      2. be examples for us about what the message means as well as how to live our lives and have good character.

      So the second part of the kalimah means it is not enough to believe in Allah, and to “worship” Him the way we want but that muslims need to follow Allah’s guidelines for how HE says He must be worshipped, which was revealed through the Quran and Sunnah. By worship I don’t just mean ritual worship like salat and fasting, but everything from how you spend your time and money, to how you treat your parents and neighbors, to how you relate to others based on the rights they have been given in the shariah, etc. Without this, the second part of the kalimah with the tongue is lacking sincerity.
      For an action to be accepted by Allah, it should have the right action (following the Quran and what the Prophet told us to do) and also have the right intention – for Allah alone and not to show off or for other reasons.
      So I think the dream indicates there is some correctable misunderstanding you may be having in one of these areas and the dream is a mercy from Allah to help you.
      And Allah knows best.

      Some things you can try:
      Say the dua about shirk mentioned in the hadith above.
      Ask Allah for help to identify any problems in your deen and for His mercy and help to overcome them. May Allah remove any difficulties and admit you to Jannah al Firdous!
      Be humble with Allah.
      Question your heart for anything that is holding you back from entering into islam (submission to the will of Allah) completely.
      Follow the requirements and prohibitions of Allah as completely as you can, but without becoming extreme in any one area at the expense of others, (like don’t spend all your time in the masjid while you have a family at home who never sees you.)
      Question your intentions. It’s better to do less with pure intentions than to do more with corrupt intentions that bring about Allah’s anger.
      Seek more knowledge about correct practices and learn about the Prophet’s example.
      Seek forgiveness if you make a mistake and try again to do better.

      Do the best you can and remember that Allah loves those who call upon Him for helpfrequently.

  1374. Salam alaikum…My auntie recently wanted to link me up with a certain guy but i am strongly against the idea and do not think it will be a good match.
    Last night i dreamt that i was in the guys house and he stole and hid my belongings (Clothes, bedsheets, phones)…I retrieved my stuff and packed out of the house. what can this dream possibly mean?

  1375. salaam , i had a dream that my dad had found the person that was responsible for doing blackmagic on our family and the people that were involved were in the same room the person that was responsible told my brother were he threw the dirty tafeez my brother then went it was as if it were a dark jungle with trees and it was there he came back my dada opened it and the tafeez had my dads name my mums name and my baby sisters name could you please tell me the meaning of this .
    jazaak ula ho khayr

  1376. i have three dreams n series which i think are connected mentioning here
    1 once i saw that a women ,whom i donot know offers me sweets …i asked her reason that are those for newborn of my brother she neglected.and said that its for something else.
    2nd i was in shop and searching for shoes ….i found one which is silver and blue and little torn but i liked them and bought them…..
    3rd i and my friends Are shoping in a mall and its raining outside we ate icecream and we enjoyed that rain drop also fall on us and we enjoyed them…
    here i need to mentioned that during all these dreams ,marriage propsals

  1377. Asslmkm,i was woundering if someone could help me with the interpretation of this dream this i used to have while i was on a journey.while i was in a land thousands of miles from my country,going through hardshp and disappointment.i used to have this constant dream.i used to see myself returning back home and still returning back to that same land.pls someone help me.

  1378. I had a dream while on a journey of thousand miles away from my home.that i returned back home and later i embarked on that same journey again.pls what those this means?

  1379. I am not sure whether dreams are something to be taken seriously or not and am not sure whether my dreams are genuine dreams from Allah or they are from the shaytaan who is trying to play with my head but I was told that they should be kept to your self or someone close to you so I have ignored them for a long time but I was told you should try to get an interpretation for dreams that confuse you from someone qualified to interpret them. I have tried to send an email to the people who seem to interpret dreams on this page but have had nothing back so if there is someone qualified to interpret dreams can you please leave me an email address that I may email my queries to?

  1380. Guys i need the meaning of the dream am going to explain,
    I dreamt someone knocking my door, he was an old guy with shaved beards (some of the beards were greyish) that i saw through the window,so i went to open for him, but when i opened the door, i only felt wind entering but no one, so i look around but when i tried to open the door to the bathroom, it was like someone on the other side is resisting, so i pushed harder and all i saw was a zombie.Then i woke up.
    Thats all for me. Please help me one the interpretation.
    Thank you

  1381. Jeg drømte inatt at jeg drepte min kjære som jeg elsker. Jeg hadde ingen intensjoner om å drepe henne i drømmen, men skjedde ved et uhell. Jeg var meget lei meg etter det skjedde i drømmen. Hva skal drømmen bety?

  1382. I dreamed last night that I killed my loved one I love. I had no intentions to kill her in the dream, but happened by accident. I was very sorry for what happened in the dream. What will the dream mean?

  1383. Dear Brother in Islam,

    Assalamualikum,Recently I had a dream where I saw an accident take
    place.I saw my mother falling down from the roof top and I was trying
    to protect her but all my effort went in vain as she fell down on a
    elderly women.After falling down she went senseless and i was dropping
    water on her face to get her back.

    Please Put some light on this dream.


  1384. I had a dream that i’m confused about.
    I dont remember alll the details but I remember a snake. i dont recall feeling any threat from it but it was there. a big green one. and then when i saw it clearly, it had shrunk in size like a pencil, and had been covered in batter and fried. and some person in my dream was about to eat it. Now, i dont know how, but i know this dream is important. Ive been feeling very ill at ease nowadays and i am also going through a bad time.

  1385. Could someone please decifer this dream, I was looking at myself as if watching a movie sitting on a horse, on a hill looking down at an army that carried on further than I could see (as if when one looks out at the ocean and you can see the water goes on beyond your sight) we all had black and red armour on and I thought I was among the army but there was no one else on the hill that I was on, and then towards the end of the dream someone came up to me on a horse and told me there was a problem with the back of the army (as if an attack had started from the back) speaking to me as if I was responsible for the army, and I had turned round to address the problem when I woke up. Before the person came to speak to me, after looking at the army I looked ahead (the soldiers in the army were already watching ahead) as if we were waiting for something but there wasn’t a worry/nervousness as there would be if we were going to war but rather a sense of calm and I had a smile on my face. Personally I don’t get this I thought it meant perhaps my religion was weakening at the base/back as I hope I would never be in a position where I have a responsibility like that that was in the dream and I could never imagine I would be that calm about a war like setting in which a fellow child of Adam would be dying at my hands, I don’t get it at all Ibn Sireen says something about an army general (for someone who could not be in that situation) as possibly meaning the death of the person or a disturbance? Could anyone please help me understand this? This dream came about after I had accidentally fallen asleep waiting for Fajr at a time when I wondered if Allah had written humiliation for me and had wanted me to climb about a figurative mountain to push me off close to the top, I know this isn’t the attributes linked to Allah and I pray Allah guides and forgives me and us all hopefully but it was a low point

  1386. Assalamualaikum. can anyone pls help me with a dream that i recently saw? I saw my husband getting married to another beautiful woman and he looked very happy. i did not see myself and knew I was not dead either. what does this mean? I need to know if it means I should let him marry another for happiness. I love him but he only married me cause he could not refuse me and I know he likes me a lot but does not love me. is there any indication in the dream that suggests I should do anything ? Pls help me.

    • As salaam alaikum dear sister.
      It seems from how you wrote your question that you have a
      generosity towards your husband and courage that it really beautiful. Mashallah.
      I’m not sure what the exact meaning of your dream is, but here are some things to consider.
      Dreams can come from Allah or from Shaytan. Some people say they can also come from your nafs and don’t really mean
      anything – basically from anxiety. I’m not sure if this is based in authentic hadith, but it may just be another way
      of looking at dreams from the shaytan – that he is whispering in hearts to arouse anxiety that he will try to use
      against people.
      Your dream COULD mean what you suggest in your question, but a lot of times dreams are not so literal. You mention
      that you feel your husband does not love you. Nobody can see into another person’s heart, we can only see their
      actions. Some people have a hard time feeling loved – this can be either from people or from Allah or both.
      Also, some men, especially early in marriage do not show with their actions love in a way that really communicates
      it to their wives – they just don’t know women’s “language” and expectations in the regard.
      I don’t know you or your situation but I am advising you to consider the possibility that your husband secretly
      does love you.
      The Prophet (s.w.s.) warned us that one of the tactics of the shaytan is to try to separate between husband and
      wife. He is probably more likely to do that when a couple is really good for each other or has the potential to be,
      so be on guard against him stirring up anxiety in you about your marriage that will cause you to act or feel in
      ways that are damaging to your relationship.
      You do not mention how you would feel about your husband remarrying. I imagine that it would trouble you very much,
      which is natural. Even the wives of the Prophets felt this way. Remember that Allah is the Most Merciful, the Always
      Ultimately Merciful and The Kind, and the Loving. These are not aspects of Allah that only apply to how he relates to
      other people, my sister. They are also his attitude toward you. Remember that you can always ask Allah for help
      and bring your concerns to Him.
      Now, here is something really great. Allah is the turner of hearts. Even if it is the case that your husband, as you
      say, likes you, but does not love you, Allah can change that. In my opinion, that’s what your dream is about –
      the second woman in your dream is also you – the beauty and happiness you see are an example of what Allah can do
      for you!
      So my advice to you is to try not to listen to anxiety, but to make dua all the time to Allah that He will show
      His love to you in a way that will make you better understand His attributes, and to give you a beautiful marriage
      with your husband full of love and beauty.
      Also, try to use your courage and generosity in a way that will benefit your marriage.
      Beautiful, amazing things come from Allah answering duas, and He hears every dua you make. EVERY dua you make is
      responded to by Allah in some way that benefits you in this life and the hereafter! Unlike people, Allah loves to be
      asked repeatedly and it makes Him love you more! Allahu Akbar! Really, this is true!
      Also, whenever you have a hard choice to make, I would advise you not to depend on dreams alone, since as I mentioned,
      they can come from Shaytan. Instead, make istaqara. I’ve described how to do it in some of my other posts. Once you
      make istiqara, you should wait for a feeling of certainty in your heart rather than a dream in response.
      I really recommend it using the steps from my other posts. I am new to it, but Allah has graciously helped me in
      amazing ways, and inshallah, He will help you to. May Allah bless you and your husband and your marriage.

  1387. Assalamu Alaikum. A few nights ago i saw a dream in which i was in a jungle in the company of another person. We walked along and there was a sea. On the sands i found large chunks of gold and i started collecting them. At this point i saw the face of the guy who was in my company. It was a young man i did not recognize. Soon i started finding large keys one after the other so i began collecting them. My dad came and started collecting gold and when he was leaving he asked me to bring the nickels too.
    Can you please interpret the dream for me? I’m very curios. Allahe ‘Aafeek:) Ramadhan Kareem

  1388. Salam

    I had a dream of someone I love so much and hope one day to marry, inshallah, when the time is right. We were in the masjid nd he was far from me, but close enough for me to see that he was praying. Then my vision changed to my best friends and she was also praying nd when she finished she looked up at me and smiled. That’s all I remeber. My friend is also related to him. What does this mean? Is it good or bad?

  1389. Assalamualikum, Plz tell me whats the meaning of making tea in a dream.
    I feel Allah is forbiding me to get involved in any kind of tea process. But i dont know whats its meaning.
    Help me.

  1390. salam alikum sir my name is faisal and i am from pakistan. back i year ago i had a dream that i am in maidan e hashar the place (where all people will gather on dooms day) there is a man around whom people had gathered around to see a glimpse of him. i am sitting near him and beside there is another man.i asked that man that why the people had gathered around him he told me that he used to send 512 salutation( durood shareef) on hazrat muhammad saw daily.i replied to that man but i send 712 salutation on hazrat Muhammad saw daily.after that i dont know what happened

    in those day i used to send 712 salutation on hazrat Muhammad saw.hope you will interpret my dream.i will be waiting for your reply.salam alikum

  1391. As Salam Alaykum can you interpret my dream please! I dreamt about a pregnant woman I was touching her huge tummy and saying its twin it’s so big and she reply just one! Lol
    And twice the same days I dreamt about lossing some teeth first the one from front who help anyone to eat meat ( in French the says la dent canin ) and followed buy some from my back the 4 last one! I saw it twice today! Following after I woke up and fall asleep again and dreamt about the pregnancy dream! Can you interpret please! JazakAllah khair.

  1392. I had a dream that i was in a familiar room and i guess we had some party there, but it was over everyone was suppose to take their leftover food at take it with them. I was stealing their food. i couldn’t help it. when no one was looking, or someone wouldn’t pick something up for a while I took it and put it in my bag. i wanted to take all this food to my family. I was thinking how happy they would be when I bring them all this food. But there was this lunch bag that i really liked and the room was almost empty. I took it even though somebody can come back looking for it. By the time I got out , the guilt started to get to mem and i started asking myself why did i take the lunchbag? Out on the street I could here everyone talking about how rich they were, and I just kept on walking. Before I crossed the road to get to my house, I woke up.

    I’m afraid that this might mean that I’m going to have to steal something for my family and then steal something that’s not necessary that I only want. Will that happen in real life?

  1393. As-salam alajkum, I had a dream in the early morning (just before the morning salah). In the dream I was sitting on my father’s bed when I begin reciting the begining of Surah Masad( Tabat jada Ebi Lehebee wa taba. Ma agna anhu maluhu wa ma kasab.) What does it mean? Plz help me with this! Thank you! May All-llah reward you!

  1394. asalam alaikum,
    i would like somebody to intrepret the two dreams that i had,
    that i am in a desert area im walking on a road,there a man with dark brownish skin with grey curly hair it felt as he was a sorcerrer, he looks at me then the walks away.then a weak lion with lion comes on the path im traveling, he has black fur on his stomach area,he starts to roar at me at then walks away. then a wolf looking dog comes up and starts barking at me he had the same black fur on his stomach as the lion, he also leaves like the other.then an owl flies past me it had the same traits as the other animals. i kept on walking until i reached a town as those like in the old times found in arabia made of mud and bricks. i kept walking in the town when i came across 2 deers covered with flies one crying out for help while the other is dead.i ignore the one thats crying out and go towards the one thats dead and sit near it and after a while i went inside an old building in which i went upstairs was a bazaar and i looked at one stall which was selling blue amulets with an eye on them then i walk forward and gaze at a shining bulb and my dreams fades.
    the second dream i had also my brother had a similar dream in which we pet a white tiger but in my dream the tiger starts fighting a lion.

  1395. i had a dream where my brother is getting married to the same girl he got married to in pakistan but as i did not attend the wediing and neither did my dad or my 2 brothers and 2 sisters.
    …………In the dream we decided to have a ceremony in the uk. But at the wedding ther’s only my dad,mum and brother thats getting mariied and my two other brothers… of my sister is at home sleeping and forgets to attend the wedding and my dad is holding a flower in his hand…then im standing on a stage.that’s where the dream ends…..what could it mean?

  1396. I have seen the dream early morning that my wife has given the birth to baby boy, actually my wife is preganant know, please reply what it means.

  1397. Aslm.
    I had a dream recently which has been bothering me:
    I dreamt I was looking at a tree filled with yellow fruits and waiting for one of the fruit to get ripe. There were also insects at the foot of the tree, changing into larger insects. When I looked at the fruit again it had already turned bad, then the tree disappeared altogether and a swarm of bees from a tree nearby started attacking me.

  1398. I saw blood coming out like menstrual blood.i was worried that my periods are over then why its few drops f blood n suddenly more blood n flesh started coming out n after a while blood n flesh started flowing from my was in huge quantity.i was trying to hide but people arround got to know that its me throwing blood n flesh. it was about 6am n i was sleeping on right side. m very much worried abut this dream.

  1399. salam.
    i saw that i was traveling by a train and that was almost open, i and my elder brother were standing in front of the train, and that was changing the tracks that i can see how it was changing tracks. and i was asking my brother to sit down and others as well…….then i find myself in a museum type place with my elder sisters, someone hand me over the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)’s knife, i hold that and then excitedly gave it to my sisters as well that watch it, its Muhammad’s knife…..then a saw his arrows ( of different sizes ) ans his bow…..then i move ahead and saw some bells hanging in one cube type thing…..and they ( bells ) were many…..i rang some of them……then i woke up……….what could be the meaning of it?

  1400. Assalam alikum all
    i had 2 dreams today…
    No.1–> i was nearer to my grave standing.
    No.2–> i was reciting darood sharif..
    plz if anyon1 knows the real interpretation..kindly lemme know..

  1401. There is an independent guide being assembled on dream interpretation from various Sufi sources. Its a work-in-progress. Please see it, as it may be useful for you to get ideas on concepts in your dreams.

    The guide is just an additional feature on the website of our lifestyle brand family, OutsiDreams. The first brand we plan to release will be Outsi (copyright © 2012 OutsiDreams) . Outsi (au̇t-sē, out-see) is a play on the word “outsider”.

    Please visit.

  1402. Assalamualikum,

    Dream 1 – I saw that i am in a unknown big garden/field with green grass, trees and bushes with bright day light in the sky. And i am watching/following this grey coloured pigeon silently just sitting on the grass. then i came by the wall and it herd or seen me then it flew away. then i go the other way and i think my mum , auntie and sisters was in this field aswell then a herd of white sheep and white goats come running towards me and around me.


  1403. assalam alaikum
    in my dream i saw my mom saying my grandmom had called and was asking for me, she was talking abouth other members also but she was specially asking for me. in reality i have never seen my grandmom as she died some 15-10 years before i was born. kindly plz interpret my dream as m kinda worried after seeing this dream

    jazak alkhair
    ps; you can send me the interpretation on my mail;

  1404. ASSALAM-ALEIKUM…Hi i had a dream i was married to my current partner in islamic law only, then i also got married to another man through american law but this man ended up being controlling and abusive, what could this dream mean? i am not married to my current partner but have been planning to get married through islam only, but it has been put off and on because of mis planning? what could this mean??

  1405. I dreamt that I have failed my exam. there are 2 others who have also failed the exam and those two havent been academically very sound. i have always done very well. please tell me the interpretation.

  1406. Assalamualaikum
    i had a dream that i am dressed as a bride & i am happy & m seeing many people as a guest then after all the guest left .myself (in a same dress of bride),my mother & 1 of my aunt went to some other place where police brought a covered unknown dead body in there jeep later when the jeep left with the dead body, there was dead rats lying on the ground (my aunt was saying to the police to handle the dead body gently)
    plz tell me what does my dream means
    Allah hafiz

  1407. assalamalaykum, i need an interpretation of my dream i had last night… in my dream my grandfather gets shot and dies in my arms and i get angry and go after the people. but i dont know if he dies right after because i remember being in the building with family and waiting. i was also crying a lot when he died…also i talked to him the day before i had the dream

  1408. Assalamualikum, I also need an interpretation of my dream i had some days back. In the dream i was in Jeddah(I am in US right now), at my friend’s house. i sort of got up from sleep or just got up, i dont remember, and i saw his mom and i went outside. I came downstairs and saw my friend on the stairs with the haaris (sort of like a janitor). I went to someplace near my house and i saw my cousin’s car(which i was driving in my last visit to Jeddah) and i saw a man stepping out of it.i rushed up there and told him to step away from the car, but i could tell he wasn’t there to steal anything, maybe he was there to guard it. I sat in the car and looked behind and i saw the car filled with suitcases. I had just found my luggage. I was happy to have found my luggage.

  1409. I had one more dream that i was very curious about. I had this dream when i was in Jeddah. In the dream i was in a mall and the mall was over run by zombies. They were everywhere. I also saw my father and one of the zombies was about to get close to touching him but i pulled it back towards the ground and smashed his head with my own two hands.the same with my sister, but she wasn’t that closed to being touched. Please tell me the interpretation of any of these dreams.


  1410. I had a dream.. I was in a flat in a balcony sitting on the floor during night, while my mum was sitting on a chair right in front of me.. while we were talking i look up to the sky and see bright lit clustered stars in the sky.. and in midst of the brightly lit stars..i see a shooting star and i tell mum to look up to the shooting star.. but she doesn’t see it.. as it was for a fraction of second.. then we continue with our talks.. and i see some kinda papers and covers circling on my right side.. like a slow pace cyclone.. and i get scared so i go to my mum and right in front of her legs facing front.. As i had an uneasiness or more like scared sort of, mum distracts me to look up to the sky and tells shooting stars! and I look up and see bright lit stars again, but this time i see a lot of shooting stars a midst of the brightly lit stars, unlike only one shooting star before.

    Please tell me the interpretation of my dream..

    I usually have dreams which seems to happen in few days or months.. more likely..

    jA khair!

  1411. i saw in dream that my parrot does not want to come to me and i saw that i washed my hair and when i combed at once my all hair fall from the right side of my head

  1412. isalam in my dream i was wondering if you saw a basket full of meat by a sea what does this mean and seeing yellow clothes that you recognise plz could you telll me what this means thank u

  1413. Salam,

    My mother made istikhara, She see a dream that I am lying in a hospital and blood is injected in my veins. another time she performed istikhara and she see two glasses half filled with black Pepsi, Please help me what it means, I am going to propose a girl for marriage but she think that this dream is strange and I should ignore her. Please explain.

    Best regards

  1414. i had a dream that i met with an old friend and we talked and stuff then i left her but was still in the building–i dont know what i was doing but i touched this bag and i saw that it was full of bugs–a type of small beetle i took it and ran outside to throw it but the bag was empty–(oh and while i was running i got stung twice i think)–they were all over the building and i came back and saw a long line close to my friend so i went up to it and started stepping on the line and where ever i saw them–what does this mean???

  1415. as salaam walaikum,
    i usually dream of many snakes chasing me .it is usually cobra and i am usually stuck in the same house running around.but they dont bite they only chase me and i get frightened and remain with lots of palpitations the entire day.sometimes i feel unenergetic after such dreams. plz reply why do i see snakes so often. is there any enemy behind me.

    • walaikum assalaam
      In dream chasing of snake specially big snakes like cobra means jinn is trying to enter in you, either by his(jinn) own wish or by some others wish by magic (i hope u believe that magic exist as magic was also done on our prophet mohammed s.a.w)
      jinn always look for the chance to enter in the human body of which they want to enter,if the person always be in wadu & always do good deeds it becomes harder to the jinn to enter into that human body But if the person do even small bad deeds like telling small lie or listening music etc it becomes easy for the jinn to enter
      And please don’t get frighten by the word jinn . jinn in ones body doesn’t mean that person do things like mad’s, open their hair and dance that is different thing,so plz don’t get frighten
      usually jinn enter in ones body by magic for some purpose it might be small purpose or big like, if you are good in studies and any one is jealous of you they may ask the magician to do something that you don’t get interest in studies and u get fail ,so the jinn will be in body till the time of exam’s and will distract you from studying
      or usually magic is done on Happily married couple some people might be jealous of their happiness so the person will ask magician to do some thing that the couple start disliking each other and when the jinn is entered into the person for that purpose that person start fighting with his/her partner for silly reasons & it goes to that extend that they hate seeing each other’s face and many other magics like if person went to some other country for education or earing well, bringing that person back from that country .so the person will loose his interest in work or fall so ill that he has to come back leaving everything.
      To be protected from these evil things we should be always in wadu always should do good things and should recite all 3 qhul surah’s (surah ikhlas,surah an nas,surah al falaq), ayatul qursi after every salah and also surah khaf and recite holy Quran

  1416. Asslamualikum brother in Islam,

    Today,just after fajr prayer i had a dream.I saw an unknown girl became a family member of us(i got involved in a marital relation with her and i saw her kissing). Suddenly i saw some dog attacked all of us.All my family members escaped in the roof top except me. They were attacked by dogs there.Dogs also came to attack me and i was able to save myself.After a while the dogs left the place and i went to the place where my family members escaped.I found them unhurt except that unknown girl.She was slightly injured but other members of my family were saying that injury was not that serious.By the way,the place where dogs attacked us it was a known place but when i went to check the unknown girl injury it was an unknown place.

    Please tell the meaning of this dream.

    your brother in islam,

  1417. I want to know the meaning of a dream I saw last night:
    What I saw was that I am standing in my house and my brother is trying to adjust a water machine/motor which is kept on a wooden plank/board and as he tries to lift it the wooden piece breaks and a lot of termites flies/splash out of it over my body and i am trying to dust it of me. Also standing there is my (late) sister & (late) father.

    So what does it mean.
    Kindly explain.

    Thanks & regards
    S. Alai

  1418. Pingback: How To Make A Man Fall Hopelessly In Love With You

  1419. Assalam alaykum.

    I need an islamic dream interpretation of this dream:
    I met a mentally ill princess with her royal relatives and they took with them like i was their very close friend and they took me to a rich and very expensive big hotel, to the highest floor of the hotel (number 10), and there was a flat there for me and for the princess and i stayed there two nights with the princess and each night i gave her a pill (one fourth dose of my pills-as i take a medicines) and i was healing her mental illness, she was better, not healthy but better. And she was ready to go to doctor to heal fully. But the doctor was far away from the hotel that is why my pills came in handy at that moment.

    Last night i saw that , i was flying a kite first the kite fly in the sky so speedly and i m happy for that, then i saw that it fall down that time i fell very sad, but suddenly it was flying so smoothly..

  1421. ok i had a dream that someone idk who was getting married/engaged or something and alot of girls were getting ready so everyone was ready except me i was waiting for them to finish cuz there was no room for me to change… so i finally found a place and some girl with dark black hair was messing with me-i finally attacked her and jumped on her and said im already late everyone is ready except me!! then she apologized and i got ready i was wearing a dark purple dress (a bit revealing) and already had my hair in a bun to let loose later, so now i was going to put on makeup but my family called me to come and eat i said ok i didnt finish my makeup i only put barely any eyeshadow on my left eye (but i couldnt find the right color all the colors close to purple were gone–ironic since in real life i dont really put on makeup very much..). then i put the head scarf on my head ((mandeel)) and went to my family i dont remember what was on the table all i know is that it was simple no fancy stuff…but i think i was wearing the best cloths in the room no one was as dressed better than i was–which leads me to believe it was my special occasion..but im not sure oh and there was no music or anything…

  1422. salam bro i had a dream about my friend and me what i saw that we r at school 2 men are sitting under a green tree our teacher came to us and said to my friend go and make that man happy and she went with that man i was really scared and i started runiing in the groud and suddenly the man cought me and i woke up plz if u could tell me wat does it means

  1423. Aslam Waliqum,

    I had a dream once I was flying and I have shoes that have wings attached to it and I`am kept going up, once again few nights ago I had another dream about flying ( I borrowed $600 from some woman while she was in the car, when she was in the car and she actually let me borrow it then she started to chase me around then all of the sudden I started to fly while I`am lean back sitting down and I have some type of fabric in my left hand and I`am flying over green trees, the woman in my dream she kept running after me but she couldn’t catch me tho, this lady seems to be really mean after she let me borrow the money……)

  1424. ok this is weird and embarrassing but i had a dream i married someone(African American and i didn’t see the wedding ceremony) but he already seemed wrong for me. Before i got married he was trying so hard to make me fall for him but i thwarted him..eventually i gave in..after the marriage, i found out he was the jealous type who got angry easily (which is what I’m afraid of by the way) after the marriage its like he just kept me as a trophy and didn’t bother caring about me… and i actually saw him run out of our house after some guy that he thought did injustice to me…so later we decided to go on a private getaway and as we’re going i saw another guy i know (I’ll call him Mustafa for simplicity) he said Nora yallah we have class right now and we’re late!! (this actually happened in real life when i had another boy and 2 girls help me with Hebrew- but they left and i was with the boy) my husband got angry and said were going somewhere (exactly how he said it made me feel like a tramp) so i forgot what he said and what my husband said so i ran away because i was so embarrassed- to the bottom of the building behind some stairs because Mustafa doesn’t know i got married so eventually Mustafa finds me-(he thought i ran away because i thought he liked me) so we started talking.. i forgot about what..but it seemed like he really cared about me more than my husband and i think he even liked me-but he didn’t say it… so we both get up and go back to my husband (who was waiting-and didn’t even bother looking for me) and while we were going to him i asked Mustafa how can i contact him…if i ever needed a friend to talk to…

    • As salaam alaikum. No need to feel embarrassed . Dreams can have a lot of personal meaning, so with any interpretation, there is an area of uncertainty, but inshallah, I will give it a try.
      From other dreams I have worked on, it seems to me that sometimes one symbol can represent a couple of different things within the same dream. I think this dream is about marriage in general, but there is another aspect to the marriage and husband symbolism.
      The African American man seems to be someone who is “not like you”. That, as well as his physical darkness, makes me think that he represents an aspect of yourself that’s not in the forefront of your mind. There is a lot of conflict about this man, and I think the role of him as a symbol in your dream is to point out internal conflict so that you can resolve it. Striving for a happy marriage may be a symbol of trying to resolve your basic identity with this aspect, though you seemingly have ongoing or significant issues with it. Nonetheless, you are married – you are committed to the hidden aspect on some level.
      Looking at what the guy is like, he is 1. Jealous of someone else taking the place of importance even though he has a right upon you 2. Angry about it 3. Frightening 4. Demeaning/humiliating 5. Insenstive 6. Uses you as a trophy 7.Thwarted by you for a while 8. Persistent about getting you to come around 9. Protective of you against someone doing you injustice 10. Uncaring 11. Waiting for you 12. Goes away with you for a private getaway.
      1-6 appear to be negative characteristics that you would want to be careful to avoid in a spouse, but I think they are things you are also trying to avoid experiencing. Perhaps you are afraid of your ability to be in a marriage and still be able to be loyal to your own values, beliefs and identity. You may fear of the anger against yourself and humiliation you would feel for putting yourself in that position, as well as fear of living as someone who “doesn’t matter as much” in the marriage as the man. The insensitivity may be about shoving your feelings down because you’re not sure how to resolve them. Using you as a trophy may be something you literally fear in a mate, or it may be about you pursuing things (or choosing a mate) for status reasons rather than based on your true values. Hiding beneath the stairs is about suppressing yourself out of shame.
      Attempts by your inner self to call your attention to the legitimate concerns have been thwarted for a while, but it is persistent because these concerns are important to your happiness. That you eventually relent in your dream means you can find a way to resolve them. The reason for bringing these concerns to your awareness is to protect you from men (potential husbands) who would do you injustice if they could. Your husband seems uncaring and is waiting for you. I think this means that your inner self realizes it will take time to resolve these issues and is unbothered by that (so you can be gentle with yourself.) He also goes away with you privately for a getaway. I think this is about getting in touch with yourself and blocking out what other people think.
      In your post, you called the other guy Mustafa. In your dream, it sounds like he was someone you know who had a different name. Still, since part of you chose that name, it is probably significant that it means “The Chosen One”. So I think it is about making life choices that are true to yourself, as well as choosing wisely when finding a husband. You may also want to look at the real life guy’s name for further symbolism. I don’t know if it is about him per se, but he may have qualities that point to someone who would be compatible with who you want to be, and someone you can count on to be on your side and listen to you.
      I hope this helps. Allah knows best.

  1425. ok now i had another dream concerning snakes…first we were in our house and a huge flesh colored snake(the color of an earthworm but slightly darker) appeared outside in and old pidgen cage of my uncle’s it was moving in itself-i noticed later it had legs and i think it had arms..a member of my family had their back to it but i was afraid to warn them in case the snake would hear and attack one of us later somehow we got away..then i see it high up climbing and we’re at our old house- that’s when i saw its legs and then it was like big snakes were randomly just coming out i only saw maybe just 3 or four large coral snakes-(there poisonous and all over Florida)… i don’t remember if i killed one or maybe it was my mom but i needed to wash my hands and a dead coral snake was nearby but i was scared that it would attack me…(lol there were also zombies in the dream but im sure it was because i played the game diablo which has some:P) later our whole family got on cars and fled…

  1426. Salam

    Please interpret this dream for me…

    I had a dream that i come home and opened my cupboard. My clothes were missing and i started panicking. I then asked my parents where they were and they replied saying they gave them away.

    I then began panicking and cried… i became very distraught but they would not tell me where they were.

    II woke up filling very distraught and scared.

    What does this mean???

    Thank you before hand.

  1427. Assalam u alaikum last night i got a dream like one beautifull white colored spider is biting me 3 r 4 times wen i try to remove that its very sticky and wen i removes it , it become a snake white colored…… plz plz tell me about this dream am sooo much afraid after seeing that dream…

  1428. Asalaam, alaikum..
    I am african, and the lady I am talking to get marry is pakistani even though her parent haven’t accepted me yet. This is what she said.
    I was at my engagement party. I didn’t know who I was trying engaged to. I would ask my Mom little questions to get a better idea of who he was but she didn’t help much. We were trying to do last minute things. We had to run back and forth to complete things. I don’t remember exactly what we had to do. But there were many obstacles in the way. Like for one time when my mom and i were going back to the party, the road was closed and we had to go through construction areas to get there. But it was really hard. we had to walk through the closed area and avoid holes.and stuff.
    Then when it was time for me to get ready, I didn’t know what I was going to wear. My mom bought a.New skirt for me but I didn’t know what hijab and shirt to wear with it. So I left the party building again to look for something to wear. Then later, at the party everyone is gathered in a big room. I still don’t know who I’m getting engaged to. An African man comes out and I’m not sure if he is the entertainment guy or if he is the guy I’m going to marry. It was really weird. I don’t remember how it ended. but the last thing I remember it that guy and how confused.I was.

  1429. i had a dream that i am looking for a place for sinking a tubewell……what is the meaning of this dream?

  1430. Assalamualaikum,

    Please interpret this dream for me. A wild elephant was chasing people, me and my brother ran to a nearby field and got under a table. The elephant entered the field my brother and others ran away. I was sitting tight under the table, elephant found me and tried to pull me from behind I kept on saying ‘la ilaha il Allah’ and kept on saying ‘Power is for Allah’. The maximum it did was to lift my leg with pressure and then left and went. Please tell me what could this dream mean .

    Jazakhallah khairun.

  1431. Assalamualikum,

    I was wondering whether anyone of you can help interpret my dream? I tried searching it online but I could find anything similar. I am curios because I saw the same dream about 3 time on the same night.
    I live in USA now.
    My dream is: I was back in my country(not in USA) with my family and I was trying to come to USA. The 1st dream was while I was coming to airport I figured out I forgot the passport and missed the flight i guess. Second dream was the same situation going to airport and I figured out the name in my flight ticket is wrong and I missed the flight, and the third is also the same scenario but a different reason which I cant remember.
    I am so curious to know about what does that implies.

    Thank you

  1432. As’salamuaAlaikum,

    I had a dream a few days ago which i am concerned about. I saw the Muslim girl who I use to like years ago but we never met. In the dream she was in my house in the living room sitting next to me on the sofa with my mum sitting next to me on the sofa as well. The girl smiled and said to me “you said you wanted to marry me, don’t you remember”. I said “I don’t remember”. Then she said “I want kids with you”. Then she put her foot on top of my feet, then I said “No my feet”, then she put her head on my leg.

  1433. i need to know dream interpration of my dream… i saw that my mother told me that my marriage is fix with someone i said ok and the thought come to my mind that i should offer shukarana nafal(prayer of thanks) .when i was about to start wazu i realize that i am having periods…and cant offer prayer please tell me what is its interpration

  1434. ASA,

    Im a 21 year old girl. im single and not in a relationship. just last night in the early hours of the morning i had a dream in which i had a baby girl and her name was Ayat. I have never heard of ‘Ayat’ as a name for any person i know. the baby was beautiful and smiling at me. I have no idea why i had this dream, can anyone help me interpret this?

    Many thanks in advanced.


  1435. In 1996 I went to Jeddah to work….Three consecutive nights I dream a Holy Spirit calling my name with a very bright light which i could not see Him well beacuse He is wearing in white clothes…..The second night a bright light apprears with bright light call my name to receive a gift but I didnt respond. On the third night He appeared with very bright light but this time He said to me…..Come and get this book as my gift to you…But I answered no thanks,,,,,so He replied again if you dont take this book ill drop it in the water and when you need it take it here where i stand then he dis apprear. When I arrived early in my office in Jeddah a mutawa knock on my door and he said he waits to make a xerox copy,,,,so i let him in….He ask if my boss is in and who is ma companion and he even so many times if I took a bath before i go to office and I said yes,,,,then after he received the xerox copy he again ask if i took a bath because he has a gift to me,,,,So i told him really ,,,,,the gave me a book the same color which the spirit in my dream is offering me, I realte the story about my dreams to him and he knelt down to me and said you are a prophet…. I thank him because it was my birthday and I receive a very precious gift the HOLY QUORAN,WHICH I NEVER EXPECT, I read the book and after 6 months I ask one for our janitors to accompny me to be converted to slam and finally I proud being a mustim,,,,,, Years has pass because Im very busy in my business I dream about the black stone and I was able to find same stone in mecca, I find it in the sea when I visit Quezon and a miracle stone…..again I dream a paradise so I went to visit a place here which they call a jerusalem too, II tried to look The book which was placed in big box and when i open it ,,,,you dont believe a sack of small pieces of papers eaten by rats and crocrats,,,,,The rats destroyed all my books turning it to small pieces but the only book left un touched is the Holy Qouran,,,,,On the side it was so dirty coz of croacrats feces,,,,but inside the book is very clean and not a single page or letter has been destroyed. When I went To banahaw there is a flowing water which the folks belief a Holy and for washing your body so you will rinse your sins away and bad spiritrs,,,,So I drop the book in the water and floating submerge completely while Im praying the slam prayers, 45mintes later i took the book and cover it with my black shirt,,,,water was dripping from the book and even my shirts was too much wet but when I arrived Immediately get tHe book,MAYBE YOU DONT BELIEVED ALL MY COMPANIONS WHERE AMAZE WHEN WE SAW THE BOOK WAS NOT WET NOR WATER DAMAGE,,,, TODAY YOU CAN STILL SEE THE MARK OF THE WATER ITS ONLY 1MM WET ON THE SIDE,,




  1436. I have scene a bare foot of girl whom I love (I did not know her actually its only in dream) We were on a bus, I went back to other seats to find her shoes a girl help me to find her shoes. When I return I gave shoes to her she wears, Now I see my I have lost my own shoes during getting her. Can someone help me figure it out?

  1437. Salam , I saw my deceased father comforting me in my dream, I was very upset and crying and he was there telling me it’s all going to be ok and if that’s what I want he will sort it out for me? I want to understand what the dream means.

  1438. salam… i saw in a dream that i was wearing the Palestinian traditional dress—thob and the chicha—(the thing they put on their head that has gold coins on it)…and i was looking into a mirror but it was like foggy/had steam on it so i could not see myself it was blurry…then also in the same dream a sac of gold..i cant really remember much about the gold except that i think it was my dads and i was wanting to take some or something…

  1439. Hi, I know that no one interprets dreams best other than our beloved prophets (pbu them) but I came across here and I had this dream thay has been bugging me because googling online tells me horrible things.
    I was in an apartment complex parking lot and notice a black and white calf lost. As I followed it, a brown and white cow appears and follows me up the stairs as I was scared of him. He bites on my long shirt/dress and was pulling me with him downstairs but not hurting me at all. My sister her husband and mother were down stairs smiling and saying just cut ur shirt so he’d fall here. But didnt want to because id show my body to everyone. Then I did cut it & covered up quickly. I run into my mothers apartment door & my sister her husband and mother were escorting the cow. I was the only one who was scared in my dream. Everyone else was normal and smiling at the situation.

  1440. Aslamulaikum,
    I usually dream of many things. and i try to look up online for those dreams interpretation in Islamic views,
    my concerned is i am sometime confused with those dream are they good or bad.
    last night or early morning i dream of crossing very high concrete bridge over a long river, at first i was very scared but i managed to reach safely on the other side.

    then the other dream is a baby girl or boy am not sure who was born in real life to two of my relatives one relative had a boy and another had a girl but after bath they died in real life may Allah keep them in peace, but i have never seen them in real life other than in my dream, in the dream one of that boy or girl was very good looking with beautiful eyes they are not black or blue maybe brown or hazel or grey !! but it was beautiful cute looking baby. and then i saw my aunt and my young girl cousin who’s age maybe around 10 or less in real life.

    can you please help !!! thank you

  1441. I see water many times in my dream jst like an ocean water

    but this time i had seen water coming towards me and a huge creature devil taking away a person with him and wen water approach me i saw a door on right side.i entered door and closed it and i escaped.plz tell me meaning of it.and after three days i saw a dream of going baghdad.plz reply on my email

  1442. Salaam-o-Alaikam,

    I have a few dreams that I would be grateful if you provide me some interpretation. They are as following:

    Dream no1.

    I was living in a foreign country and I wanted to return for good to my home country.. I was confused with my decision and I offered Istekharaah prayer asking Allah for guidance.

    The very first night I saw the following dream: I am having a gun and fighting enemies from behind fortress. I feel like I use the gun with great skills and shoot a number of enemies. After waiting for sometime, I realize that enemies are gone and I can see civilians, then I stop shooting. At the same place that I am standing, I see a herd of sheep and hens around me. Then I see that enemies come and they slaughter some of the sheep few meters away from me. I can see them, but they do not see me. I also have a partner with me, but I don’t know who he is. After seeing enemies slaughtering sheep, I ask my partner that it is time that we should leave the place. when I try to get out of that place, there are lots of flies over my head and my shirt’s collar gets stuck in a tree and I cannot leave that place. This part of dream stops here and after sometime at the same night I see another dream that I am in a foreign country which I suppose is the United States. I see myself in a hotel which is big and extremely beautiful. I feel like I am in the best place in the world. Then I see there is a wedding in that hotel. I can see a beautiful Arab bride and an Arab Sheikh getting married.

    After seeing this dream, I decided that I would leave Sweden and now I am back home. However, I am still trying to understand the essence of this dream.

    Dream no. 2:
    Few years ago, I had dreamed Jesus who is wearing white clothes and giving me some money to bring food. the sky looks extraordinary beautiful, full of lights and colors. I was too much scared and woke up from sleep. this dream is still a question for me. I hope if you provide some interpretation about this too.

    Dream no.3:

    I had a dream that i was reciting holy quran sura no. 2 (baqarah). I read the surah till end and when I finish it, my uncle is standing there and he makes duwa and in a way tells me that it is enough reciting for now.

  1443. Please reply me the meaning of my dream.
    I m married & I have 2 kids.
    A boy of 2 years & a girl of 9 months.

    I saw that my wife is running with my daughter in a wooden house and i m running behind her shouting & trying to stop her suddenly at a few distance she turns then i saw her face is changed like a witch & fire blows around both of us.

    Please reply me.
    I saw this dream twice at same night today.
    Hope to hear soon.

  1444. Please kindly tell me what this dream means. I dreamed that my upper right molar tooth fell out and when I woke up after the dream my tooth was really gone. My husband and I separated some months back and it broke my heart. I have lot of hurt and anger. Not sure if this has anything to do with my dream.

  1445. i had a dream like maybe three years ago and i really want to know what it means… I was sleeping in my dream and i woke up with a black writing written on my right hand. It was in arabic and it would fade away if water wasn’t poured over it so whenever i poured water on it, it would appear. I got scared and showed it to people and they said that it translates to “you are going to heaven” Please translate this for me.

  1446. Assalam-u-alai-kum
    I had a dream after praying a lot last night (Shab-e-bara’at).
    After i prayed, I slept and had a ram, In which i was in my house. A black small snake followed me everywhere i went (It said it wanted to be my friend, and constantly asked me to come down and it won’t do anything to me). And i dogded it by some times climbing on the table and climbing on the Sofa’s. After which i blocked it path by placing things in it’s way (I don’t know why i didn’t kill it) But it got through and followed me After that i ran out of the main door. And saw a river of extremely clear water with green trees standing in the water. I jumped in the water and when i looked back, I saw a cat instead of the snake. I clearly saw the cat’s eyes, One like a humans (Round eyes) and one like the cat’s (Typical cat like eyes). I stayed in the water, looked down in the depths of the river and i could see the beautiful surface of the ground beneath the river. After this i woke up. Please interpret it for me. Because i had prayed a lot before i slept. And i think Allah (s.w.t) has given me a message.

  1447. I had a dream wherein I saw a Nun with dark green skin and trying to revive a green skin fetus and when I tried to help the Nun she pushed me away and don’t want me to get near the green skin dying fetus/baby. Can someone help me interpret my dream?

  1448. Mai ne ek khwab dekha hai jisme tapeworms mere body ke alag alag jaga se nikal rahe hai ek shoulder me se ek wrist ke niche ek haat pe aise hi bas nikalte jaare iski tabeer bataye please

  1449. Asalam alaykum, pls i will like to know what it means by eating food in dream. also if some one is been given money in dream, And if the person dreams oppositely?

  1450. 4 years ago in Ramadan month, on Friday after offering salah of fajr, i was lying on bed on my right side,,,,i suddenly starts feeling enormous amount of pressure on my whole body,,just like a giant elephant has put on my whole a awaken state, i became afraid and astonish also why till now the bed was not broken by this huge pressure from above me,,,,i thought i am going to die and this is the process of fetching rooh( (spirit) from body, because it was first time i gone through such unusual experience ,,then the pressure becomes constant and i saw somebody was standing in front of me wearing a black shawl and heard a voice ( tumhara ek darja buland kar diya gya he) means ( your position/class is upgraded) then suddenly pressure is lifted slowly and then i became to move. in a awaken state.
    it certainly not a sleeping paralysis because it happen in sleeping neither person feels pressure , which i usually have in generally.
    i became so confused over this sudden pressure of unseen mass and which up gradation of class/status/position is told about ,,,because their many positions in jannat also and jehnnam also,,,
    pl help me to understand my experience because it was not a dream it was felt in awaken state.
    pl interpret it and help me.

  1451. i had a dream like a person was standing turning was a darker area..but the place where that person stands..there was a special kind of light..and i felt like it was prophet muhammed (saw) and i was going near to him..but i suddenly woke up before reaching there..i don’t know what is the meaning of this dream..somebody please help me to know the meaning of this..

  1452. I had a dream that my brother in law’s marriage proposal was accepted and sweets were given to people to celebrate.
    Please could you interpret this dream.

  1453. I had a same dream twice, once i saw im moping on the floor in front of Kaabah n my parents are standing beside me n again i saw im standing in front of kaabah with my mother we both are wearing ehraam and im praying for forgiveness and peace.

    could some one with true knowledge plz tell me the meaning of this dream

  1454. i saw a dream in which i had a fight with some unknown girls. we were in a que and i was in front.i wanted to go up to the stairs but some how these girls hold my body sooooo tightly dat i became powerless. plz tel me what is interuption of my dream

  1455. i had a dream in the noon, i saw i was going to one of my closest friend’s wedding party, who was married just few days ago. i saw her n i congratulated her on the wedding day and i met some of my old best friends and friends. i saw lot of decorations though i did not see anything to eat their. then i saw i was going home with a red color car and since in real life i do not own, i only just managed to rode by a lot of pressure and concentration.the path was not easy and on the way i took a wrong route from where i still see the wedding, but later we came back to the house safely. please tell me what might be interpreted from this dream.

  1456. HI can you please interpret some dreams for me? I keep
    Having similar dreams about marrying this man I am very interested in. I do make a lot of dua for
    Us to get married. One time I dreamt that two men were asking for my hand in marriage to my father n all of a sudden I was in a masjid and I was trying to hide from the men and I kept hoping the man I really wanted to marry would come and ask for my hand and then I saw him with me in the masjid. I also had a dream of seeing 7 cats on my bed they weren’t harming me or anything they kept wanting to cuddle with me and then I saw the same man ( the one I am very untreated in appear) he came to
    My house and he was asking for my hand in marriage to my father but he was scared and nervous and he kept on hesitating to ask for my hand in marriage. He was with other men his brothers I assume n either his father or
    His uncle. At one point his brother told him to call his father and he did so. His father gave him advice and told him I am a good Muslima and that he should Mary me. That’s all I remember of that dream. Another time I dreamt I was at a henna party and There was henna on my hand but I remember just looking at my left hand mainly and one of my friends asked me why I wanted her to make dua for me and I told her why and she said don’t worry that man you really want will marry you. ( I prayed istikhra that night then had that dream) Most of my dreams are very similar to these.

  1457. salaam could you please intrpret this dream for me
    i prayed fajr salah and i fell asleep after and had a dream that i was in a big room by myself im standing there and these two bees come (im not sure what they are called in english but it is called tomooriya in urdu) and one goes in the middle finger of one hand and the other goes in the other hand on the middle fingert
    im trying to take them off but i cant because they are stinging me
    please tell me

  1458. I dreamt that a small dog was talking to me and he told me that Allah loves me but I will not go to heaven the dog was inside the new house which we just entered and thought was ours ( in my dream) the dog told me I’ll never go to heaven and in this era there is only place for 1

  1459. Salam! could your please interpret my dream last night.

    First, i had a dream that lined ants are following me until such a point that i was already running to my house so that they could not follow me. But before that, my sisters and i were eating in a resto, there were ants coming into our food. One of my sisters told me that we could not get over the ants because if they already smelled our scents, they could follow us wherever we go. Then we went out of the resto and run into our house so that they could not follow us. But the setting of the dreams was very unfamiliar to me, the road was full of wet soil, as if it was just after a rain. And in my peripheral, most of the buildings were color in green.

    After that dream, consecutively, I found myself in a nipa hut, it was very calm and i guess there was a beach outside. Honestly, i do not know what i was doing there. But all i know was i was there fora n important matter and i will also leave soon. But then a soldier came to me, he was in uniform. I don’t know him and his face was unfamiliar. We just talked and chit chat for a couple of minutes and he also lend me his cellphone. I observed that he was very happy and always smiling at me. The next day, i was still in that nipa hut, from the window i could see him from afar and he smiled and waved at me. I saw that he gave something to a man (money and the cellphone that i saw when we talked) and requesting that to give it to me. Then the man came to me and gave the money and the cellphone saying it came from that soldier. I looked at the soldier and he was smiling and waving at me again as if he will go. And then he disappeared already going to his other co-soldiers.

    I looked at the money and the cellphone, i have the feeling that he was telling me that he shall return and i have to wait for him. I suddenly felt very sad as if someone leave me. But i do not have intimate relationship with that man, we just got know each other the other day but i felt that way. And i have to leave sooner in that place. I though to myself in that dream that i will return back his money and cellphone.

    As soon as i got awake, i felt the same feeling i felt in the dream, ..i feel very sad and at the same time very confused.

    Please help me interpret this and what does this means to me.

  1460. Hi i dreamnt of my 7year old granson he went fr both his eye operation an he came back with a white cloth wrapped around his eyes wht does dat mean

  1461. I have had 2 similar dreams and I’m abit worried because I have searched online and it said I will become very ill, I’m not sure if this is true.

    First dream:
    Me and my friends all tried to steal from a shop and as soon as we were about to their was these women that were very fast and they looked like ninjas chased us the ninjas hurt everyone except for me as I watched my friend suffer and than the dream ended.
    Second dream:
    me and some guy was in my aliway and me and him seen something and it was a small box thing that had a camera and alot of photos of hardcore evidence of crimes committed by people in my area and I wanted to steal it and throw it away and suddenly some nuns found me and him and wanted the box because they said it was there’s and I gave it them but then some bad guy came he was scary and I grabbed the box back and ran in my garden and then I was like to him go in side and then I went inside with him and locked the door and the bad guy was trying to push it and basically the person I was with was just silent sat there and didn’t help me close the door but I locked it and then he was saying that he used to have a jinn inside of him and then I whispered to the guy I was with saying go out from the front window and take the box far and that was the end.

    I want to know what this means because both dreams are similar as I steal in both and are about to get caught in both.

  1462. I had a dream that my front two teeth fell out and i was trying to put them back in. I dont understand what that would symbolise.

    Btw i laughed really loud at the Canada thing.


  1463. Assalaamu Alaikum. I often used to dream about snakes but recently I have started dreaming about lizard falling down in front of me. Please tell me its interpretation according to hadeeth if any.
    Jazakallah Khair

  1464. I saw in my dream, an old Islamic teacher who is dead, approach me with smile trying to talk to me about wearing trousers, this man was in a pure dress. Pls what is the meaning of my dream. Pls reply

  1465. hi, i saw my recently deceased grandmother in my dream and she was taking mithai (sweets) from me and she was in my parents home, especially in my dads room (its his mother). and she seemed happy and told me i was her favourite. can you please tell me what that means. Thanks!

  1466. Assalamualaikom Wa Rahmatullah!

    My wife had a dream and saw big black elephants in the street and then saw a red horse.

    I know black is never a good sign, although I did not say anything to her. Then yesterday she explained that she saw a dream where the angel (Israil / the angel of death) gives her a red rose.

    I am kind of worried about this dream. could you please explain this? I am not worrying her, but I need to know the actual Islamic meaning of these two dreams.

    Wassalamu Alaikom Warahmatullah

  1467. Assalamu alaikum, in my dream I saw that my cousin sister have converted to angle! Yes angle. (But she still looked like human) And she herself chosen to be an angel. (she meets me after conversion). Actually two person conversion happened , my cousin and her boyfriend. That’s funny. She was in the sky while conversion with her boyfriend. My sister called me out to see in the sky to see them. My cousin meets me the very next day she was normal but she got some natural ability/power, I asked her to show me something to have got. Then she asked a bucket of water she placed her feet into it and water started boiling. But I was worried about her.
    That’s all. Few things I didn’t mentioned.

  1468. Assalamu alaikum, in my dream I saw that Prophet Muhammad is standing with shahabah when i interred in to room he come forward to me and he hand shake with me and asking me that Allah is very happy from you so ask what u want, then i asked a particular girl then he told ok Allah is promising to give you what u asked. this dream i saw after asar prayer and after completing tahajjud for 40 days.

  1469. Assalamu alaikum, in my dream I saw that i am talking to Allah and he gives me one very big white horse then i affried of it then the horse comes to its normal size and he also give me a white bird but that bird is like angle and that angle bird is tie up with a rope and that rope is in my command in my hand and all the the other birds are very happy to see that flying angle bird.

    • mashallah this dream is so beautiful 🙂 it probably means allah is very pleased with you keep doing what you are doing! a great gift will come to you and there is a chance you may go to jannah fardaus.

  1470. hi i just had a very weirrd dream and what to know what it means. what actually happened was i see woman being raped by two men, they carry knives and force woman to submit to them. As they were doing there business, I grab a knife and slit the throat of one man. Then i nearly decapitate the other one what does this mean???

  1471. Assalamualaikum
    My father died few months ago.
    Today i had a dream where i see my father is alone in a room beside our residence.
    He wore Panjabi, i go to him and try to hug him but he replied you cannot touch me. However I hug him and asked him not to leave us. He replied he will never leave us.
    And at the same time I see a huge wave water as if the world starts from there and many mosques were floating in the water.
    What does it mean? Can someone explain about the dream?


    • aoa
      i saw a dream that my cousin and brother were in the mosque and that mosque was attaked by terrrorists and they were under themosque .. but after a time we resuced them from the other door tell me interpratetion

  1472. i had dream of walking into a twin dargah serene. while walking in the premises hit by an insect on my hand which made hole from where i could see pens flowing out in a lot. i could get any thing i wish for from it.

  1473. I had a dream that there was a weird makeup trend that i decided to do. My neck then had a big hole in it and blood was gushing out. i put my hand on it to stop the bleeding i also couldn’t breathe. I was running to my relatives and reading quran. just the fathia over and over again. i also didn’t feel any pain. Then, allah had healed me here was no more blood and i could breathe again. i was so surprised by this dream! i don’t know what it means 😦 please let me know

  1474. Pingback: dream meaning black cat drinking milk | best hotel Delhi Hotels holiday tours homestay booking pool party

  1475. I saw a dream of white rat after reciting Dua of istikahra din’t remember the whole dream anyone help me in this

  1476. Assalam alleikum. I dreamed my mom inlaw telling hubby to go makkah n get my baby’s umblicol cord while she cried. N next day hubby called me telling me he dreamt of me serving tea to his dead uncle and aunt n then he swam in jabal uhu n found himself in makkah. What could this dream mean

  1477. i have a baby girl of 5 years,after that my one baby girl and one baby boy died within 3 months after birth, and one baby girl died in my belly. i dreamed of 4 folded clothes beside me of different colours including dull purple, grey, and one red dupatta

  1478. I saw a dream in which i was waking down from a mountain with my mother and paternal ant , and my ant warned me not to go from a side of cliff but i didn’t remember that and accidently fell off from the cliff. While i was falling i first yelled and then i thought i am about to die so i recited shada with all my voice i fell down and survived. And i saw alot of gold jewellery there i began to collect that and thought its not mine so its haram and decided to donte max amount of gold and keep some for myself also

  1479. I saw a dream where I saw a very tall man in white cloths and a white turban , his face I could not see because of the light and the location was a beautiful mosque with a green upper part of the mosque and I was wearing a scarf covering my head and my face was visible, he hugged me and consoled me but I could not hear anything what he said to me , he smelled soo nice I could even imagine his smell even being awake . I was there with my brother and cousin but I was the only one hugging the tall man . Its been a very long time but I could not know who was he so can you pls help ..

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